How to remove varnish from a wooden surface? How to remove old varnish Remove varnish from a wooden surface with your own hands.

In this master class I want to talk about how to make a new one from an old beech bureau, pay attention to special attention to the nail polish removal process and how to do it in hard-to-reach places.

First, let's disassemble the bureau down to the last screw. If you are afraid of not remembering which part was attached where
- mark the fastening points with a pencil in Latin letters or numbers.

After disassembly, you can remove the varnish from each part separately. Which will subsequently improve the quality of painting.

To remove paint I use BOSNY remover. It penetrates into the varnish faster and has less consumption per m2.

Apply the remover composition with a brush, in a layer of up to 5-7 mm. After application, wait 15-20 minutes (depending on the thickness of the varnish layer). During this time, the remover penetrates into the composition of the varnish, as if “liquefing” it. It is convenient to remove with a spatula. As you can see in the photo, the old varnish comes off easily, evenly peeling off the wood in a uniform film.

If the varnish does not come off completely, the procedure can be repeated.

This is what the surface looks like after washing. When there are minor stains of remover and varnish residue on the surface of the wood, acetone comes into play.

Apply acetone to a rag (I use pieces of terry towel) and remove unnecessary residue from the wood, wiping the surface lengthwise and crosswise.

The clean and smooth surface is ready for painting.

How to clean varnish from a carved baluster if you don’t have a lathe?

We place the baluster on a cotton fabric (I have an old sheet), pour it generously with acetone, and wrap it in this fabric. Wet it again with acetone so that the entire fabric is wet. Then wrap it in cellophane and leave it for 20 minutes.

Next you will need a bolt with the same diameter as the baluster fastening to the base of the table. A nut is screwed into the bolt so that it does not go deeper than necessary into the base of the baluster. The head of the bolt is pre-sawed off for attaching the bolt to the drill chuck.

We also need a metal sponge for washing dishes.

Screw the nut into the baluster. In this case, a low-power cordless drill and screwdriver will not work; there is a chance that it will burn out. Take a regular corded drill that is more powerful. While turning the baluster, grab the baluster with a metal sponge with your other hand and remove the varnish soaked in acetone. Next, remove the baluster from the drill and sand it by hand with 320 sandpaper.

This is how the uncleaned one differs from the purified one. The balusters are ready for painting, without streaks or scratches from sandpaper.

After this procedure, the balusters will make you smile.

The bureau is cleaned and ready for painting. Let's start painting. Apply candle wax to the places where you want to make abrasions. After painting, the paint will be easily removed from these areas.
We paint with acrylic paint in several stages. The paint is diluted with water and applied in 3 layers. Each layer dries in 1 - 1.5 hours. After drying, each layer is sanded with 320 sandpaper.

The parts are ready for assembly. Everything is simple here, we insert the dowels into the grooves, having previously coated them with glue. We fasten with clamps.

We wait.

While the glue dries, we can decorate the handles for the drawers. You will need glue for gold leaf, gold leaf and a little patience. Apply glue to the handle and wait 20 minutes. Apply gold leaf carefully and smooth with a dry brush. Remove the remaining gold leaf and the handle is ready.

Creative success!

Wooden floors are often coated with special protective agents (most often polyurethane or acrylic varnishes), which form a beautiful matte or glossy film. The surface of such a floor becomes elastic, durable, resistant to abrasion and scratches. However, sometimes it is worth updating the coating so that it enhances the performance characteristics of the wood. Moreover, the varnish dries quite quickly, no matter how many layers you apply (1-2 hours). And to do this you will have to remove (wash off) the protective layer of varnish from the floor.

We will discuss below how the acrylic product is applied and what is the technology for removing it before the next coating.

Important: it is necessary to wash off the acrylic varnish from the wooden surface before applying a new layer of coating. Otherwise, too many layers of protective material, which dries quickly, will simply swell over time and peel off in unsightly pieces.

Removing varnish: methods

The newest and easiest way to remove varnish is to wash it off. Moreover, the price of the product starts from $3 per 1 kg. The technology for removing acrylic coating involves applying a special chemical to the wooden surface, which corrodes the varnish and lifts it from the wood.

In modern stores you can purchase chemical removers in the form of powder, creamy paste or ready-made liquid, the use of which is quite common today. In the first case (powder remover), it is necessary to mix the components of the product in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package. In other options (cream or liquid composition), the removers are already ready for use.

Nail polish removal technology, or how to wash off old coating:

  • We prepare the chemical remover by thoroughly mixing;
  • We remove all pieces of furniture from the room;
  • Apply the chemical composition with a convenient brush or floor roller;
  • Cover the treated coating with film and wait 1-2 hours;
  • Now you can carefully remove the old acrylic varnish coating with a spatula, without touching the wood. If there are still areas of varnish that have not peeled off on the floor, you can treat the floor again with remover.
  • When working with a brush or roller, it is important that the tools move in the same direction and do not treat the same area of ​​the floor twice.

Important: one application of chemical nail polish remover can remove 2-3 layers of paint. In this case, powder preparations overcome up to 10 layers of acrylic varnish at once. The consumption of powder chemical remover is equal to 1 to 10 when mixed. Which is very beneficial.

  • When the old coating layer is removed, the floor must be washed with water and detergent and the wood must be thoroughly dried.
  • Before applying a new varnish, the floor should be coated with a layer of antiseptic primer. How many layers of antiseptic to apply is up to you. But it’s better to do it at least 2 times. Applied with a brush or roller, the primer will subsequently protect the wood from rot, mold and bugs.

Some tips:

  • When working with and using a chemical remover to remove paintwork, use spatula with rounded edges. This way you will reduce the risk of damage to the parquet boards. You can purchase such a tool in a specialized store (its price is $0.3 per piece).
  • Don't forget about protective equipment- mask and gloves. Their price is also available in specialized stores. Therefore, you should not save on your health.
  • Ventilate the room more often so as not to be poisoned by volatile chemical vapors.

Mechanical nail polish removal

  • You can also remove acrylic varnish from the floor by primitive scraping. To do this, you can use either a grinding machine or a professional unit. In the first case, you can do the work yourself, but be sure to use safety glasses, a respirator and headphones. The grinder should be moved along the floor from the walls to the center of the room and closer to the exit. We subsequently remove all wood-varnish dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  • In the second case, it is better to invite specialists. Because handling a heavy scraping machine requires skill. The price of floor treatment will depend on the square footage, but on average it ranges from $5/m2.

If you decide to handle the scraping machine yourself, then consider some features:

  • When turning on the unit, it is better to raise it, since the grinding elements can go deeper into the floor boards and unsightly deform it;
  • When turning the machine indoors, it is also recommended to slightly lift the unit towards you;
  • It is better to move around the perimeter first diagonally and only so that the grinding unit slightly overlaps the already processed strip. Afterwards, it is worth changing the direction of the unit in the diagonally opposite direction.
  • Removing nail polish in this way can be done both in large and small rooms.

Important: after treating the floor with a scraping machine, it is necessary to remove any remaining dust (no matter how much there is) and, if necessary, repair damaged floor elements. You need to cover the wood with new layers of paint using a brush or roller, moving along the grain of the wood.

Thermal method

Here, the technology for removing acrylic varnish is to strongly heat the floor. Under the local influence of high temperatures, the paintwork will begin to swell and move away from the wood.

You can use either a blowtorch or a hair dryer for this work. In the first case, the work will progress a little slower.

Important: to perform this technology, you need to stock up on safety glasses, gloves, a respirator and a rounded spatula. Don't forget to ventilate the room well.

Work technology:

  • The varnished floor is completely cleared of all pieces of furniture;
  • Using a heating device, we locally increase the floor temperature;
  • We immediately remove the lagging varnish using a spatula, moving further around the room.

Important: if the varnish becomes charred during heating, this indicates that its composition requires the intervention of a chemical remover for removal. Therefore, heat treatment is not your case here.

New floor varnishing

  • New coats of varnish should only be applied to the prepared floor. Therefore, you will first have to dry the boards well and clean them of dust.
  • Before applying varnish with a brush or roller, treat the wood with an antiseptic. In this case, you need to ensure that the wood is well saturated.
  • After the antiseptic has completely dried, you can begin to varnish the floor. Decide for yourself how many layers of coating to apply, but always at least 2.
  • Since the acrylic product dries from 2 to 4 hours, it is worth pausing between stages of applying varnish. As soon as the previous layer has dried, you can apply a new one.

The consumption of acrylic varnish for wooden floors is generally 100-120 ml/m2. Therefore, it is important to carefully calculate the amount of product needed and buy it at a favorable price. At the same time, we note that the price of acrylic varnish at points of sale starts from $50 per 5 liter canister.

It is worth remembering that on average, varnish consumption during the first application is about 1 liter per 8-10 m2. When applying the product again, its consumption is significantly reduced and is already about 1 liter per 12-15 m2.

Important: Reviews of nail polish removal work from many users are still in favor of chemical removers.

Heat treatment is often used to remove varnish from the surface of wood. They can also use a mechanical method, washing. To apply a new varnish coating to a wooden surface, you need to remove the old layer. If several old layers are applied, they will be more difficult to remove than one layer.

To remove old varnish from furniture, you can use a remover or products with chemical elements.

The varnish is removed due to the appearance of defects, chips, microcracks. They certainly form on the old coating. If you try to apply new varnish on old varnish, this will ruin the appearance of the product, which will lead to the fact that the varnish will very soon begin to peel off.

The most famous method of removing nail polish is the use of chemicals. This method is advisable to remove furniture varnish. For this purpose, a solvent, various gels, powders, and liquids are used.

If up to three layers are applied, it is advisable to use liquid. It disappears quickly and is not absorbed very deeply.

To remove more layers, it is preferable to use gels and paste-like materials.

Attention! If you want to use powder, it must be diluted with water before use. This allows you to make the mass thick, it will resemble a paste. Dry powder is easy to transport and store, which is an advantage of this substance.

We use chemical compounds for processing

A chemical is applied to the wooden surface. This allows the old layer to begin to separate from the wood. This method is not suitable for removing varnish from chipboard panels and furniture. It removes decorative film, and it provides a beautiful appearance. It is best to use this method to remove varnish exclusively from an object made of natural wood.

To the question: how to remove varnish from wood? We can say that acetone, powders, liquids, gels, and universal solvents are suitable.

Modern furniture is treated with quick-drying varnishes. To remove the coating from such furniture, you will need a solvent. This will help not spoil the wood and achieve results.

Antique furniture was treated with natural resin (shellac) and alcohol compounds. To remove shellac, use denatured alcohol. It will quickly and effectively remove the old layer.

If you need to remove a layer from old chipboard furniture, then this is a painstaking job. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can ruin the product.

It is advisable to place the surface vertically to remove the coating. This will make it easier to clean and much more convenient to work with. If you need to remove up to ten layers of coating, then gels are suitable.

We use mechanical cleaning

You can take a wire brush or sandpaper and remove the old layer with smooth circular movements. This will allow the protective layer to be erased down to the wood.

Use a putty knife to work in areas where the coating has begun to deteriorate. This method is good for working on small surfaces. If you need to remove old coating from large surfaces, then you should choose a different method.

If you have a wood sander (eccentric), you can significantly speed up the processing process. First, you should treat the wood with coarse-grained sandpaper, and then with fine-grained sandpaper.

When working with a grinding machine, you should wear a respirator and goggles. This method creates a lot of dust. To reduce it, the following conditions must be met:

  • Before cleaning, moisten the surface with water;
  • use sandpaper for processing;
  • while the treated area is wet, the coating will begin to resemble liquid porridge - you need to use this time period and remove the old coating;
  • When the surface of the product is dry, it is worth additionally treating it with fine-grained sandpaper.

Now you know how to remove old paintwork from a product.

Heat treatment

To remove old varnish, it is advisable to use a hair dryer; you can also use a gas or gasoline burner. The advantage of this method is its high speed. The operating principle of a construction hair dryer is the same as a regular one, however, it can heat up to a maximum of 600°C.

When working with a gas (gasoline) burner, you should adhere to safety precautions. Since the work will be done with an open flame, it is necessary to perform the work outside, away from flammable objects. Keep in mind that if the wood overheats, it may catch fire, so working with the burner requires maximum caution. This method is toxic. If you notice the appearance of bubbles or smoke, stop working.

We use a remover to remove

To remove varnish from furniture, you can use a remover. Moisten the brush in the remover and apply it to the product with a thick stroke. It is important to apply the brush in one stroke and try not to touch the treated surface again.

To enhance the result, try hiding the surface under a polyethylene film to create a compress. How long you will need to wait depends on the number of old layers: usually from forty minutes if there is one old layer, and up to four hours if there are many old layers. If the old layer began to swell or the color of the old varnish changed, then the remover worked.

A spatula is required to remove softened varnish. To work safely with wood, it is better to use an old spatula (it is not so sharp) or, using a whetstone, round off the sharp edges of a new tool.

Press gently on the surface to be treated. You won't be able to delete everything right away. Try again. There are often cases when it is enough to treat the surface with sandpaper to remove film residues.

Different methods for removing old varnish are suitable for different types of wood. If we are talking about products made of natural wood, then it is better to use various solvents.

A larger number of layers of old varnish coating complicates the removal process, however, they can be removed using a sander, torch, or remover.

Modern technologies allow old furniture to be given a second life. Craftsmen manage to completely repaint it. But to do this, it is necessary to prepare pieces of furniture for this process by removing the previous coating. This is a time consuming process that needs to be done correctly. Otherwise, the material can be irrevocably damaged. How to remove old varnish from a wooden surface is the main question that we will try to answer in this article.

There are several ways to remove the old layer of varnish from wood: mechanical, thermal and chemical. They should be used depending on personal preferences and the condition of the material itself.

Mechanical method

The most common method of removing varnish from furniture or other objects is mechanical. It consists in performing scraping, that is, mechanical removal of the old coating using various tools. These include:

  • a slightly sharpened metal plate;

  • sandpaper with varying degrees of grain;

  • grinding machine;

  • grinder with a special attachment.

All of the above methods are used to treat surfaces on which a small layer of varnish or paint has been applied. When using electrical appliances, care must be taken not to overdo it and damage the structure of the wood.

The positive characteristics of mechanical processing include the complete absence of chemical compounds that adversely affect the human body. The structure of the material itself is also preserved. All you have to do is polish it thoroughly, and you get an almost brand new piece of furniture. The disadvantages are that this is a rather long and grueling process that requires considerable effort and patience. Especially if you don’t use technology, but do everything manually.

It is worth considering that when scraping or grinding a lot of fine dust is generated. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out work wearing a mask and safety glasses.

Execution technology

Let's take a closer look at how to remove varnish from wood mechanically. So, first, let's stock up on materials:

  • wooden block;
  • sandpaper of varying degrees of abrasiveness;
  • brush with metal bristles.

The process should begin with preparing the product. If this is a piece of furniture, then you should first disassemble it into separate elements for ease of work. Then we carry out the work according to the following instructions:

  • rough the old varnish on the surface with a wire brush;
  • then take coarse-grained sandpaper, having previously secured it to a wooden block, and gradually remove the old layer with longitudinal movements over the area of ​​the product;
  • after the varnish is completely removed, change the sandpaper to another with fine abrasiveness, and carefully sand the surface to a perfectly smooth state;
  • Finally, we thoroughly clean the wooden object from fine dust and proceed to other types of work.

Please note that when processing surfaces with a large area, for example, parquet boards, it is better to use scraping machines.

Heat treatment

You can also remove varnish from a wooden surface using a thermal method. The process is performed by heating the varnish layer. As a result of an increase in temperature, the paint and varnish material melts, and its adhesion to the wooden surface decreases. This method has several important nuances:

  • The work must be done carefully. It is necessary to use special gloves that will protect the skin of your hands. The room must be ventilated to prevent the accumulation of toxic and carbon monoxide gases during processing. You should also consider wearing eye protection, as removing polish with a spatula can create shards that can accidentally damage your vision.
  • Sometimes during heat treatment the coating does not melt, but begins to char. In this case, it is better to choose another method for removing varnish from wood. This varnish coating is best removed using a chemical remover.

Important! Be sure to adhere to all necessary fire safety regulations.

On video: removing factory varnish.

Related article: Impregnation of plywood for moisture resistance: 4 proven methods

Heat treatment instructions

Before removing varnish from a wooden door, for example, by heat treatment, you should decide on the tools that are used in this process. Experts advise paying attention to two of them:

1. At home, a gas or gasoline burner is very often used. This is the best option, it is affordable, its price is not high and refueling costs also do not cause difficulties. The disadvantage of this method is the increased degree of fire and burns. That is, work with a burner if you have at least a little experience.

2. A more modern way is to use a hair dryer. Working with it is quite simple. The temperature that a hair dryer can generate reaches 600 C.

The heat treatment process is very simple. To begin with, a certain part of the surface is heated until bubbles appear, and then carefully lifted and removed using a metal spatula. The advantage of this method is its high processing speed, but it requires some skill.

After the removal of the coating by heat treatment is completed, the surface must be sanded using sandpaper. We pay special attention to the end parts of objects.

Chemical method

Let's talk about how to remove old varnish from wooden surfaces using chemical treatment. This method is often used when removing varnish from wooden objects that have an uneven texture. To implement this process, different chemical compositions are used: powder, gel, liquid and solvent.

It is advisable to use a product for removing old coating in the form of a liquid if up to three layers of paint and varnish have been applied to wooden objects. This is justified by the fact that wood varnish remover has a high degree of volatility, and it is not able to quickly and deeply absorb into layers of paint.

Related article: How to protect wood with natural drying oil

The best wash option for items that have a multi-layer old coating are gels and varnishes. But it is better to use powders when performing work with a large area of ​​​​processed surfaces.

Advice! Powdered remover will work more effectively if you add a small amount of water to it and make it into a paste. Gel and powder removers can remove up to ten layers of paint in one use.

Washing technology

Now we will tell you in detail how to remove varnish using chemicals. We note that it consists of four stages. And with any of them, you should adhere to a high degree of protection for the skin, eyes and respiratory organs. Here's an example of how you can remove varnish from a wooden door:

  1. Using regular paint brushes, apply the wash evenly to the surface of the door. Application should be done so that the product is applied to the surface in only one layer.
  2. Work is carried out to enhance the effect of varnish dissolution and prevent evaporation of the composition. To do this, experts recommend “wrapping” the door with plastic film. The time for which the door must be left in this state is about 3 hours. If the number of layers is large, then exposure to the solvent can be extended up to 4 hours.
  3. It is necessary to remove the dissolved layers of varnish using a metal spatula. In order not to damage the structure of the wood and not leave a large number of dents, a spatula should be prepared for such work. Its edges need to be sharpened a little to round them. You don't need to press the spatula too hard.
  4. It is necessary to wash off any remaining chemical solvents from the surface of the door. Use ordinary water for this. For the best effect, rinse off the compositions using a vinegar solution in the ratio: 5 parts water to 1 part vinegar. The work should be carried out carefully, but in a short time, after which the product is covered with a new varnish.

Related article: Changing the interior by patination of wooden furniture

Most often, it is not possible to achieve the desired result in one go. In this case, the process must be repeated. If after the first treatment there are small areas of varnish left, they can be removed with sandpaper.

This method of removing varnish from a wooden surface can be used for both large and small elements. For example, you can wash off acrylic varnish from decorative interior items or remove varnish from lining in a bathhouse. It is not recommended to wash off chipboard varnish with chemical compounds, as chemical elements can ruin its structure. Only products made from natural wood are suitable for this process.

In all of the above technologies for removing old varnish from wood, there are no particular difficulties, which allows you to do the process yourself. But the work must be carried out with all necessary precautions. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, then it’s better to entrust this matter to professionals.

Removing old varnish using a torch (1 video)

Removers for paint and varnish coatings (21 photos)

Not every professional can cope with the task of restoring furniture. To solve this issue, you can use several methods at once. It becomes important to completely remove the old coating. But, before embarking on such a procedure, you need to understand how to properly remove varnish from furniture and what methods exist for this.

To remove nail polish you need the following tools:

  • polyethylene film;
  • hair dryer, which is used specifically in the construction industry;
  • blowtorch;
  • hard metal brush;
  • soft sponge;
  • brush;
  • respirator along with a mask for protection;
  • a special chemical composition that washes away everything;
  • glasses;
  • rubber gloves;
  • sandpaper;
  • sanding paper.

Existing removal methods

Regardless of the method chosen, it is important that the work is completed quickly but carefully.

Here are some of the most common options for those who want to understand how to remove varnish from furniture:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • water.


This is an effective solution for carrying out the procedure at home.

It is important not to forget about a cotton suit, which will protect the outer layers of the skin from the penetration of active substances. A mask, goggles, and rubber gloves are also mandatory requirements for those who plan to remove old material.

The furniture complex itself for chemically removing varnish is called a remover. It is usually produced in the form of a special powder or mixture that corrodes paint coatings of ten or more layers. Varnish remover is easily purchased in specialized stores.

The stages of removing varnish from furniture can be described as follows.

  1. The first is preparation. He assumes that, according to the instructions, the powders are diluted with a certain amount of water. To obtain a thick and uniform consistency, all components included in the composition are diluted with each other. Gel compositions adhere easily to surfaces, even vertical ones. By removing it, you also don’t have to worry about the result.
  2. Wash. A paste-like substance is applied to the furniture. A key step in the process. For application it is recommended to use a regular brush. The surface is treated in thick layers. The movements are carried out in one direction, then there is no need to re-process the surface.
  3. Next comes the application of special films. This step is necessary to enhance the effect of the wash. To do this, take a polyethylene film and cover the treated surface with it. The film should be left in this place for no more than 1 hour. But it is better to leave the entire structure for 3-4 hours. The quality of the varnish itself and the thickness of the coating from it determine exactly how much time needs to be spent in a particular case. The film is removed when the stage is completed. We get a perfect polished surface. You need to remove the film after a dark brown tint appears. The paintwork itself swells at this moment.
  4. Next we move on to removing the varnish. If the previous steps were done correctly, then this moment will not cause any trouble. Just take a spatula and get rid of the remaining particles of material. Next, take sandpaper and pass it over the wood base several times. This allows you to remove parts of the material that remain after previous processing. Removing polish from furniture is not that difficult.

It is advisable to use a spatula that does not have sharp edges. If the instrument is new, it is recommended to sharpen it. Otherwise, the furniture itself will be damaged and require cleaning. Plastic tools are best suited for this job.

Finally, all that remains is to eliminate the wash. In this case, we will need at least 0.5 liters of ordinary water. Dissolve vinegar in it, in an amount of 100-150 milliliters. Dip the sponge into the resulting solution, and then rinse the entire surface. Wipe everything dry with a flannel rag. When the furniture is thoroughly cleaned, it is exposed to fresh air. We have already figured out how to remove residues.

Related article: What varnish should I use on a wooden table?

In the video: using a remover to remove varnish.


There are several options for so-called mechanical processing. It is up to the buyer to decide what is appropriate.

Option #1

It is suitable if detachment occurs in fragments. The main tools are fine sandpaper or a steel brush. They perform circular movements: this is how old varnish comes off from furniture without any problems at all.

Screwdrivers or spatulas help get into hard-to-reach places.

Option No. 2

How to remove polishing if previous methods did not help? In this case, you cannot do without an eccentric grinding tool and hard sandpaper.

Before you begin, it is important to use gloves and goggles for added protection. The following diagram will help you understand how to remove unnecessary parts.

  1. We fill a special machine with sandpaper with grit from 80 to 120.
  2. The surface is thoroughly processed as a whole.
  3. The sandpaper is replaced with a grit of up to 180 grit.

The varnished wooden surface is processed using the same tool. The main thing is to make sure at the end that there are no particles of varnish left and that the removal is complete.


A hair dryer or blowtorch is required when implementing this method.

The solution has two important advantages:

  1. High quality cleaning.
  2. Fast completion of all stages.

You just need to follow the rules so that the varnish comes off easily from a wooden surface.

During the first stage, one of the fragments of the wooden base is heated. For this, a blowtorch or hair dryer is used. Using a construction knife or spatula, you need to clean the base from the paint coating that has been melted.

If you don't work fast enough, the varnish will have time to dry again. After one fragment they move on to the next. Gradually the varnish is removed from the entire surface.

When using the thermal technique, you must be especially careful. When firing, be sure to maintain a certain distance. Temperature violations are also unacceptable. Otherwise, the color of the wood will not change as needed, and removal will not be successful.

Related article: Technology of painting wooden stairs and choice of materials


Refers to the simple and safe options that are assumed in this case. The main tool is a sponge, which is properly soaked in water. Then the surface to be cleaned is thoroughly wiped. Gradually, under the influence of moisture, the coating is cleaned.

Purchased processing products

We need to figure out how severe the initial destruction of the material is and what tools will be easier to do the job.

Powder materials in this regard are considered the most professional solution, although paste is also pleasing with the result. They are the ones who can easily remove up to ten layers of varnish. It will be enough to dilute the composition with water until a paste-like substance is formed. It is simply applied with a brush to the surface where the old varnish was. The work of removing old varnish from old furniture should be done evenly, without repetition.

Ready-made liquids or gels do not require dilution with water. Such compositions are immediately ready for application using a brush. But these products only remove up to three layers.

The most convenient means for old varnish is a spray, but in terms of effectiveness it will lose to its analogues.

After applying any of the products, the surface is covered with a film. Then they leave it like that for a while. The coating material is removed when the color becomes dark and the varnish itself becomes viscous. The old coating is simply removed from the wood with a spatula. The main thing is to remember that varnished surfaces require special care in the future.

How best to remove old varnish (2 videos)

Nail polish removal methods (22 photos)