How to crochet a mobile for a crib. Mobile for baby crib

DIY crib mobile

Today in a children's specialty store you will find a wide variety of mobiles for a baby's crib, in different colors, with music or even light. However, there is nothing more wonderful than the full participation of parents in preparing for the birth of a child, so today I suggest you make a mobile for the crib with your own hands. They say that the soul lives in homemade toys and what you think and feel at the moment of their creation will fill your child’s world, so give him the love and warmth of your heart.

Mobiles can be made of different materials and depend on our imagination or goals. A simple mobile can be made using just colored paperand glue. Cut out the shapes you like best, such as butterflies or droplets, connect them with thread, and you will have a very simple handmade mobile just for your child.

In my opinion, the most interesting mobile phones made byThey are made from felt by hand and children really like them, because then they can play with these toys.

To create you will need: pieces of felt, textile glue, threads, a hanger and any additional details of your choice (for example, buttons or buttons for animal eyes).

First you need to come up with and draw what you want to do, animal figures, an elephant, a giraffe or planets, the sun, the moon, etc. Then we cut out the parts, sew the eyes and nose to the front side of the animals and sew the two parts together, don’t forget to leave a hole for filling with cotton wool. When your toy has acquired volume, sew up the remaining hole and tie a thread; you can use thick yarn to match. When all the toys are ready, we connect them to the hanger base (you can ask dad to make it in advance). There you go! Now your child will happily admire and develop his mother’s handmade mobile.

Toys can be attached so that they look at the child and he sees their faces. Attach additional loops so that as the baby ages, he can reach out and grab them. And the best music will be singing lullabies.

Every mother always wants the best, natural and safe for her baby.

In modern times, crocheting is gaining increasing popularity among young mothers.

Crochet toys for newborns can embody the expression of the most interesting fantasies, and for this you do not need to have all kinds of knitting techniques.

There is no baby who doesn’t like soft toys, especially if they are knitted with love by their mother. Very often, it is precisely these toys that children are inseparable from.

When a mother has a minute of free time, she thinks about how else she could express her love for the baby. Usually at such moments mothers begin to do needlework. It is knitting that has a beneficial effect and calms the mother, who in turn:

  • expresses himself and sees the wonderful results of his creativity;
  • achieves specific skills and experience;
  • decorates her interior with a new toy;
  • realizes creative potential;
  • gives the child pleasure with a new toy;
  • influences the physical and emotional development of the baby;
  • shows his love and care for the child.

To master simple crochet skills, you need to have the desire and time. The corresponding material is sold in every specialized store or haberdashery.

Having mastered the basic skills, a mother can easily knit any character for her baby.

Benefits for the child

Thanks to their textured surface, knitted toys are very useful for kids, they contribute to:

  • development of fine motor skills;
  • studying colors;
  • mastering the form;
  • perception of size.

Ideas for making toys

Quite a lot of techniques are used for knitting toys: from the simplest to complex combined techniques. To make a small toy, simple crochet methods and patterns are usually used. The most difficult thing in this process:

  • read the diagram correctly;
  • give your creation the desired shape.

Knitted rattles

Crocheted toys with descriptions and corresponding patterns will help mom develop her imagination and surprise her baby and family with a new creative masterpiece.


Rattle is a favorite game for newborns. The texture of the threads, bright colors, sound effects - these characteristics will attract the attention of any child. To make a rattle, you can use any item that can be placed in:

  • buttons;
  • cereal;
  • beads;
  • metal ball.

Homemade rattle

The elements that create the sound effect are placed in a small volumetric container, which is then crocheted and then decorated. Additional decoration details may include:

  • parts of the face decorated on the toy;
  • auxiliary details (bows, hearts, stars, etc.);
  • shreds;
  • large beads on a string;
  • bell.

For a child, such a toy will become a source of unique tactile sensations, sounds, and entertaining images that will influence his perception of the world around him. Moreover, when a mother, having knitted a toy “friend”, puts all her love and warmth of her heart into it, it turns out to be especially dear and sunny.

If the rattle is small, it can be sewn onto the baby’s socks. When he moves his legs, the rattles will make a noise effect, which will help develop motor skills and hearing in the child.


A newborn baby constantly needs its mother. There is especially a need to feel it at night, during rest. Babies' sleep is not very restful, and mothers also need rest. A way out of this situation could be a crocheted comforter. This is a cozy, practical, soft and original “hug cloth”.

To provide your baby with a complete sense of comfort, you need to:

  • hold the toy near mom for a while;
  • put in the crib with the baby;
  • thanks to this knitted toy, the baby's sleep will be calm and healthy;
  • when he wakes up and sees his favorite toy, he can immediately play with it.

Crochet Comfort

There are detailed free master classes on the Internet with clarifications and ready-made diagrams of toys for newborns. To make it easier to understand the knitting of individual elements, their connection and decoration, video tutorials are offered where you can gain the necessary knowledge.

A toy knitted for a baby must perform a number of functions:

  • be useful;
  • safe;
  • develop hearing, vision and tactile senses;
  • soft and warm to the touch;
  • accessible for the child to bite.

Knitted toy

They must also meet the following characteristics:

  • consist of soft materials - threads, shreds;
  • washes well;
  • be light;
  • do not have an elongated flat shape so that when putting them in the mouth, the child cannot choke;
  • have a bright color;
  • It would be desirable if they had sound.

Secrets of successful knitting

An experienced mother who has already made more than one toy knows approximately how many loops need to be added or reduced to create the desired configuration. Any yarn is individual in its structure.

Different types of material can project different textures:

  • with the help of shaggy threads you can create the effect of wool, mane, hair;
  • glossy viscose will visually highlight the weaves, their surface will be shiny and grainy;
  • yarn with protruding threads will give a volume effect, such a product can be combed;
  • an unusual visualization is created by yarn, which turns into a new color every 10-30 cm;
  • an interesting effect will be obtained from the use of beads in knitting;
  • toys knitted from linen and viscose are very environmentally friendly, this combination is durable.

Crocheting patterns for toys must certainly include the hook number and type of yarn that the toy creator offers. It is better not to consider small products for children without a diagram at all as an option for work.

Caring for Crochet Toys

Children are fidgety, so toys and everything around them often get dirty. Children can get them dirty with food and drinks. To ensure that they always remain neat and clean, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The toy must be washed exclusively by hand;
  • squeeze water out of the toy using your hands and very carefully;
  • do not soak the product;
  • no need to wash the craft in hot water;
  • for washing you must use baby shampoo or bubble bath;
  • If there is a need to iron the product, it is better to moisten it and wrap it in a dry towel, and let it dry in this position.

The popularity of knitted toys has always been relevant. Previously, mothers looked for patterns in various magazines; today, many ideas and detailed descriptions can be easily found on the Internet.

Perhaps at first the process will seem complicated, but if you carefully follow the descriptions, everything will definitely work out. And when the baby takes the beautiful creation of his mother’s hands, both will receive the best impressions.

Mice size: The height of each mouse is 17 cm.

For knitting you will need: medium-thick cotton yarn - gray, pink, dark blue, blue, light green, dark green, yellow, red and white. Hook No. 2.5. Cotton wool for stuffing. For each mouse - 2 white round buttons with a diameter of 10 mm on legs, 1 metal ring with diameters of 20 and 30 cm, 6 round wooden sticks with a length of 12 and a diameter of 8 mm. 12 wooden balls with a diameter of 2 cm. Red and black varnish, a brush, a gimlet with a diameter of 8 mm, wood glue, red school chalk.

Description of knitting.

Basic knitting pattern: chain stitches (v.p.), connecting stitches (joint stitch) and single crochet stitches (c.c.). Unless otherwise indicated, Art. The double yarn over is performed in a spiral and knitted using both threads of the loop of the base of the double crochet column of the previous row. Mark the beginning of the row; in rows that are not mentioned in the description of the work, the number of uncapped columns remains unchanged.

Knitting a head.
For the nose, crochet a chain of 4 sts with pink thread. p. and close it in a circle with a connecting st.

1st row: knit 6 tbsp into a ring. double yarn over
2nd row: in each st. b\n 2 tbsp. b\n = 12 tbsp. b\n,
4th row: st. b\n, close the row with a connecting st. in the 1st art. b\n, cut the thread and fasten, then continue knitting with gray thread,
5th row: attach the thread using the connector. Art. to the 1st art. double yarn over, 1 tbsp. b\n, in every second st. b\n 2 tbsp. b\n = 18 tbsp. b\n.
6th row: in every 3rd column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 24 tbsp. b\n,
8th row: in every 4th column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 30 tbsp. b\n,
11th row: in every 5th column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 36 tbsp. b\n,
14th row: in every 6th column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 42 tbsp. b\nakidov,
17th row: in every 7th column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 48 tbsp. b\n,
19th row: in every 8th st. b\n 2 tbsp. b\n = 54 columns b\n,
25th row: every 8th and 9th st. b\n knit together = 48 stitches b\n,
27th row: knit every 7th and 8th stitch together = 42 stitches,
29th row: every 6th and 7th stitch. b\n knit together = 36 tbsp. double yarn over
31st row: every 5th and 6th st. b\n knit together = 30 tbsp. b\nakida. Stuff part of the head with cotton wool and then continue knitting.
32nd row: every 4th and 5th st. knit yarn over together = 24 stitches,
33rd row: knit every 3rd and 4th stitch together = 18 sts. b\n. Stuff your head a little more with cotton wool.
34th row: knit every 2nd and 3rd stitch together = 12 stitches. Stuff the head with more cotton wool, then knit every 2 stitches together until the hole is closed.

Knitting the body.
Crochet with a thread of the desired color until the 2nd row, as described for the head.

3rd row: in every 2nd column b\n 2 columns b\n = 18 columns b\n.
4th row: in every 3rd column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 24 columns b\n,
6th row: in every 4th column without 2 tbsp. double yarn over = 30 tbsp. double yarn over
7th row: in every 5th st. b\n 2 tbsp. b\n = 36 tbsp. double yarn over
9th row: in every 6th column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 42 columns b\n,
10th row: in every 7th column, double crochet 2 tbsp. b\n = 48 tbsp. double yarn over
11th row: in every 8th st. b\n 2 tbsp. b\n = 54 tbsp. double yarn over
17th row: *1 tbsp. b\n, 2 tbsp. b\n knit together, from * repeat 5 more times, finish row with st. double crochet = 48 double crochet stitches. Mark the loop after the 3rd place of decrease = middle of the back.
19th row: knit every 7th and 8th double crochet stitch together = 42 double crochet stitches,
21st row: knit every 6th and 7th double crochet stitch together = 36 sts. double yarn over
23rd row: knit every 5th and 6th double crochet stitch together = 3 tbsp. b\n,
26th row: knit every 9th and 10th stitch together = 27 sts. b\nakida. After the 28th row, leave the end of the thread about 25 cm long for stitching.

Knitting feet. Crochet a chain of 4 stitches with a gray thread and close it in a circle with a connecting stitch.

1st row: knit 6 single stitches into a ring,
2nd row: in each column there are 2 tbsp. b\n = 12 tbsp. double yarn over
3rd row: in every 4th column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 15 tbsp. b\nakida.
After the 18th row, stuff the foot with cotton wool. Then continue knitting.
19th row: knit every 2nd and 3rd stitch together = 10 sts. Use the yarn over and stuff the foot with cotton wool.
20th row: knit 2 stitches together until the hole is closed. Knit the second foot in the same way.

Knitting the hind leg. Tie a chain of 15 stitches with a thread of the same color as the color of the body and close it in a circle. column.

1st row: crochet st. double crochet = 15 double crochets.
2nd row: in every 5th column without 2 tbsp. b\n = 18 columns b\n. Leave the end of the thread about 20 cm long for stitching. Knit the second paw in the same way.

Knitting the front paw. Crochet rows 1 - 6 with gray thread, as described for the foot.

6th row: complete the connection. Art. in the 1st art. b\nakida. Cut the thread and fasten, then continue with a thread of the same color as the color of the body.
7th row: attach the thread using the connector. column to the 1st art. double yarn over, then knit st. b\n.
9th row: in every 5th st. double yarn over 2 tbsp. double yarn over = 18 tbsp. b\nakida.
11th row: in every 6th st. b\n 2 tbsp. double yarn over = 21 tbsp. b\nakida. After the 20th row, fill the brush tightly with cotton wool, and fill the paw less tightly. Then continue knitting.
21st row: every 2nd and 3rd stitch. b\yarn over knit together = 12 tbsp. b\nakida. Stuff the paw with more cotton wool, then 2 tbsp. knit the yarn over together until the hole is closed. Knit the second paw in the same way.

Knitting an ear. Crochet a chain of 4 chain loops with gray thread and close the connection in a circle. column.

1st row: knit 6 tbsp into a ring. b\nakida.
2nd row: in each st. double yarn over 2 tbsp. b\n = 12 tbsp. b\nakida.
3rd row: in every 2nd st. double yarn over 2 tbsp. b\n = 18 tbsp. b\nakida.
5th row: in every 3rd st. double yarn over 2 tbsp. double yarn over = 24 tbsp. b\n,
6th row: in every 4th st. double yarn over 2 tbsp. double yarn over = 30 tbsp. b\nakida.
11th row: every 2nd and 3rd stitch. knit yarn over together = 20 tbsp. b\nakida. Leave the end of the thread about 20 cm long for stitching, knit the second ear in the same way.

Knitting a tail. Crochet a chain of 8 stitches with gray thread. Close the connection in a circle. column.

1st row: knit 1 tbsp in each st. double yarn over = 8 tbsp. double yarn over
8th row: 1st and 2nd st. knit yarn over together, then knit st. double yarn over = 7 tbsp. double yarn over
12th row: same as 8th row = 6 sts. double yarn over
16th row: same as 8th row = 5 sts. double yarn over
19th row: same as 8th row = 4 stitches. double yarn over
23rd row: knit together 2 tbsp. b\nakida.

Knitting a collar. Start crocheting with white thread from a chain of 30 stitches and knit st. Yarn over in forward and reverse directions. At the beginning of each row, knit 1 instep stitch.

1st row: knit 1 tbsp in each st. b\n = 30 tbsp. double yarn over
2nd row: st. b\n, in every 2nd st. double yarn over 2 tbsp. b\n = 45 tbsp. double yarn over
3rd row: * 9 tbsp. double yarn over, turn, 2 tbsp. b\n knit together, 5 tbsp. b\n, 2 tbsp. knit yarn over together, turn, 7 tbsp. double yarn over, turn, 2 tbsp. b\n knit together, 3 tbsp. double yarn over, 2 tbsp. knit yarn over together, turn, 5 tbsp. double yarn over, turn, 2 tbsp. knit yarn over together, 1 tbsp. double yarn over, 2 tbsp. knit yarn over together, turn, 3 tbsp. b\nakida. Turn, 3 tbsp. knit the yarn over together, cut the thread and fasten *. On the next 9 st. Yarn over the 2nd row and repeat the 3rd row from * to *. Similarly, on the 2nd row, knit 5 teeth. After the last tooth, perform 1 more row of stitches on all teeth. double yarn over, knit 9 tbsp on each side of the tooth. double yarn over, at the top - 3 tbsp. Yarn over one loop of the base. Tie the collar with 1 more stitch next to it. b\n with a thread of a contrasting color, while knitting 3 tbsp at the top of the teeth. Yarn over one loop of the base. Knit the indentation together in 3 tbsp. b\nakida.

In total, knit 6 mice. Stuff each body with cotton wool and sew it to the head, without tucking the edges; the heads of the mice should be turned in different directions. Sew the front legs on both sides of the body. Their location is different for all mice. The hind legs are sewn in the starting row, without tucking, to the feet between the 4th and 9th rows from the back of the foot and then to the body. All little mice have different placements of their hind legs. Fold each ear in half. Sew open edge. Sew the ears to the head between 18 and 19 next to the nose. The distance between the ears is 10 st. b\nakida. Lightly stuff the tail with cotton wool and sew it to the body. Place collars on the mouse's neck and sew them at the beginning row. Use black paint to make pupils on the white eye buttons. Then sew the eyes to the head between 10 and 11 rows from the nose. The distance between the eyes is 10 tbsp. used yarn over. Use a double gray thread to make a mustache: pierce the needle horizontally between 5 and 6 rows from the nose and cut the threads to 2 cm on each side. Use red chalk to brown your cheeks.

Drill a hole 1 cm deep in each ball. Glue 2 balls to round sticks and cover everything with a double layer of red varnish, make a chain of air loops 150 cm long from white yarn and tie it with 1 row of single crochets. Tie the second side of the chain with a row of single crochets with red thread, cut the thread and fasten. Wrap the resulting strip around a large ring in a spiral, sewing the beginning and end of the strip. For a small ring, knit a strip 100 cm long and twist it in the same way; to hang a mobile, weave 3 cords from red yarn. For each, take 4 threads 190 cm long and twist them until they begin to curl, then thread a small ring into the cord to the middle and weave it to the end. Attach 3 cords at equal intervals to the ring. Then, at a distance of 28 cm from the small ring, tie them around the large ring and at a distance of 30 cm from it, tie all 3 cords together, cut off the free ends. To hang trapezoids from blue yarn, tie cords in 4 threads. 6 cords of 15 cm each, 2 cords of length 8, 23 and 40 cm (the length of the cords is given in finished form). Attach 2 cords 15 cm long to the large ring between the red cords, attach the rest to the small ring. Attach the trapezoids to the cords. To do this, unwind the cords a little and thread the trapezoid balls into the holes. Then the mice are sewn to the cords with their front or hind legs, as in the photo.

We offer you creative ideas for inspiration to make a crib mobile with your own hands. In the article you will find interesting solutions for creating hanging toys, a list of necessary materials and options for attaching the mobile to the bed.

The child will be interested in the mobile already in the first months of life. You can purchase toys for hanging above a crib in an online store (,) or make them yourself from paper, sew them from fabric or felt, or crochet them.

The benefits of a mobile

The mobile helps a newborn:

  • Develop vision: the child estimates the distance to an object by eye and correlates his actions with this information.
  • Concentrate on the subject.
  • Focus your gaze.
  • Distinguish and recognize objects (shape, colors).
  • Train the skill of tracking moving objects.
  • Calm down: smooth movement and gentle sounds (the ringing of bells or the rustling of paper) evoke positive emotions in the child.

Be sure that all mobile mounts must be strong, and hanging toys must be safe and bright.

Options for attaching a mobile to a crib

You can purchase a ready-made (or) one for hanging homemade toys on Aliexpress and easily attach it to the crib.

You can use a canopy bracket () as a stand for attaching the mobile, or make it yourself from a metal-plastic water pipe, giving it the desired shape.

A round wooden embroidery hoop () can serve as a frame for attaching homemade toys. Decorate with fabric and the mobile holder is ready!

You can purchase a wooden set (), which consists of balls for hanging, sticks for assembling the mobile structure and a hook for fastening. The kit will allow you to create an original mobile for a baby crib.

In order to get a full-fledged mobile and the carousel with toys can rotate to the music, purchase a special music module for the mobile ().

Ideas for creating a mobile

Look at the photo and get inspired by ideas for making a crib mobile with your own hands.

1. A children's mobile made of artificial flowers will become a beautiful decorative element in a child's room.

To make it you will need a foam wreath base () and decorative flowers (). Using hot glue, glue the flowers to the base and your flower mobile is ready!

2. Awesome mobile made from a bicycle wheel and paper airplanes made from comic book pages.

3. Paper mobile made using the quilling technique.

If you are not familiar with this type of creativity, then you can master the art of making three-dimensional compositions from strips of paper twisted into spirals by reading books on quilling for beginners (in the Labyrinth). You will find materials for quilling in.

4. Eco-friendly children's mobile made of wooden elements.

You will find wooden blanks at, in

5. Homemade mobile with balls of thread

Take a round balloon, grease it with a thin layer of Vaseline and randomly wind it with cotton thread moistened with PVA glue. When the glue dries, puncture and remove the ball. The mobile pendant is ready! Make several balls of different colors and sizes.

6. Mobile over the changing table made of paper lanterns

Paper lanterns can be purchased at.

If you have an older child in your family, offer a creative kit for creating a kusudama ball (Labyrinth,). Kusudama is a ball of paper flowers gathered together. The process of creating kusudama is simple and exciting; it will bring a lot of pleasure to the child, and a hand-made flower ball will decorate the room of a newborn brother or sister.

7. Mobile made from ribbons and pieces of colorful fabric.

9. Mobile for the crib made of paper pendants, made using the origami technique.

10. An idea for those who know how to crochet.

Tie mobile pendants - miniature amigurumi toys in the form of animals with bright characters and cute faces.

11. Children's mobile made of felt

To make toys you will need sheet felt ( ) and patterns of figures.
We recommend: a creative kit for making a felt mobile and ready-made felt figures ().

12. Colored mobile for a newborn with pom-poms made of woolen threads.

Using a special device for making pompoms (,), you can easily make pompoms from yarn or create a children's mobile from ready-made decorative pompoms (,).