How to make delicious peach jam. Pitless peach jam

If you really love aromatic peaches and don’t want to part with them for the winter, then make jam from them. Its unusual taste will make your tea party with friends and family simply a holiday.

In addition, peaches have many beneficial properties. They contain vitamins such as C, B and A. They also contain iron, potassium, calcium and many other substances beneficial to the body.

You can safely call them natural "antidepressant" and a remedy for heart and kidney diseases, poor immunity, constipation and impaired digestion, pain of various origins and rheumatism. In addition to all this, peach is also a dietary product.

Nectarine and peach can be used to make many delicacies. I will write some recipes for winter jam from these healthy fruits below.

Simple peach jam

To prepare this peach delicacy recipe you will need:

  1. 1-1.4 kg of sugar;
  2. 2 kg of peaches (nectarines).

How to cook peach jam according to this recipe? A The cooking method is as follows:

  • Remove the skin from ripe soft peaches (to make peeling easier, pour cold and cold water over the fruit) hot water alternately several times);
  • Cut the fruits into slices and cover with sugar. Leave them for 30 minutes to let them release some juice;
  • Place the peach mixture on the fire and bring this delicacy to a boil;
  • After boiling, turn the heat to low and cook for another hour with constant stirring;
  • After this time, check the readiness of the treat on the drop (if the drop does not flow after it has cooled, then the treat is ready);
  • Place the prepared peach mass into prepared jars and roll up;
  • Turn the jars with the peach delicacy upside down and wrap them in something warm until they cool completely.

Recipe for honey jam from peaches or nectarines

To prepare you will need:

How to make jam from peaches (nectarines) according to this recipe?

  • Take hard, juicy, ripe fruits (unripe and soft ones are not suitable) and cut them into small pieces;
  • Prepare syrup from sugar and water;
  • When the syrup has cooled a little, pour lemon juice into it and wait until the syrup reaches a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • Pour the syrup over the fruits and leave the peach mixture for a day (don’t forget to stir occasionally);
  • After a day, boil and set the mixture aside for another day, covering it (also stirring);
  • Bring the jam to a boil again and reduce heat to low;
  • Cook over low heat for approximately 7 - 10 minutes (until approximately 200 ml of liquid has been reduced);
  • Place the finished peach delicacy into prepared jars and seal them.

Recipe for peach jam with cinnamon and almonds

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  1. Sugar - 0.5 kg;
  2. Peach (nectarine) - 0.5 kg;
  3. Almonds - 0.1 kg;
  4. Cinnamon (ground) - 1 teaspoon.


Jam from unripe peaches - a recipe for the winter

To prepare you will need:

  1. Pitless peaches - 1 kg;
  2. Sugar - 2 kg;
  3. Water - 3 glasses.


  • Use a match to make several punctures;
  • Pour water over the fruit and boil;
  • After boiling, cook for 10 minutes and remove the peaches from the water;
  • Cook the syrup: add sugar to the water. After the syrup is cooked, let it cool;
  • Pour the cooled syrup into the peaches and put them on low heat and cook for another 20 minutes;
  • Don't forget to remove the foam;
  • Wait until the peach mixture cools down and boil it again;
  • Pour the jam into sterile jars and seal.

Five-minute peach jam - recipe

For this amazing jam you will need:

  1. Water - 3 glasses;
  2. Peach (nectarine) pitted - 3 kg;
  3. Sugar - 4.5 kg.

Such a delicacy very easy to prepare. To do this you need:

  • Wash the fruits and cut them into small pieces. Dry the skibs;
  • Cook the syrup: mix water with sugar and boil;
  • Place peaches in hot syrup and boil peach mixture for 5 minutes;
  • Pour the finished jam into prepared jars, roll up and let them cool.

This recipe for peach jam is considered the simplest and most classic. On cold winter evenings, its taste will remind you of hot summer.

To make jam according to this recipe use the following ingredients:

How to make this jam:

  • Wash the peaches under running water and dry them;
  • Separate them from the pit and skin;
  • Place the prepared peaches in the container in which you will cook the delicacy;
  • Prepare the syrup: mix sugar with water, bring the syrup to a boil and simmer for a few more minutes;
  • Pour the freshly boiled syrup over the peach fruits and put this peach mass on the fire;
  • Bring the peach jam to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • After 5 minutes, turn off the heat and set the jam aside to cool for about 6 hours (until it has cooled completely);
  • After this time has passed, put the peach delicacy on the fire again and boil;
  • Cook for 30 minutes with constant stirring (be sure to skim off the foam so that the jam does not sour in the future);
  • When there are 5 minutes left of cooking, add vanillin and citric acid to the jam;
  • put the finished jam into jars (sterilize them in advance) and screw them in;
  • We place the sealed jam under some warm clothing until it cools completely and lower it into the basement.

Recipe for jam from nectarines (peaches) with apples

This jam is very strong its consistency resembles jam. The jam prepared according to this recipe is perfect for any type of dessert. To prepare you will need:

  1. Sugar - 1.5 kg;
  2. Nectarine (peaches) - 1 kg;
  3. Apples - 1 kg.

How to cook such jam? Everything is very simple. Step-by-step preparation is described below:

Sweet, fragrant and very delicious jam made from pitted peaches with whole pieces of this wonderful fruit in a clear, amber syrup. Jam prepared according to a simple recipe for the winter will become a delicious dessert.

Having tea with such a delicious dessert is a pleasure that we can afford ourselves in the winter by preparing peach jam and rolling it into jars.

Time: 15 min + 15 min preparation.

Yield: 1 jar 450 ml.


  • peaches - 400 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • jam.

How to make jam from pitted peaches

To prepare peach jam, take ripe, but not overripe fruits. We choose peaches that are firm enough so that their slices do not fall apart when making the jam. Wash the peaches.

Peaches that are covered in fluff are best peeled to remove the fluffy skin. To do this, lower the fruits into boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then transfer the fruit from boiling water to a deep bowl of cold water.

Now we can easily remove the skins from the peaches.

Cut the peach in half by running a knife along the groove of the fruit. Remove the pit from the peach and discard it. It often happens that a peach seed that has grown into the flesh is difficult to separate from the pulp.

In this case, use a spoon to remove the peach pit. Cut the peach pulp into small cubes.

Pour clean water into the container in which we will cook the jam. After bringing the water to a boil, add the chopped peaches into it. Cook the peach slices at a low simmer for 5 minutes.

Pour granulated sugar into the broth with peaches, measured according to the recipe.

Add jam (the proportions are indicated on the bag), stirring the jam. Citric acid has been added to the confiture, which will give the peach jam the missing sourness.

Cook peach jam for 7-10 minutes. Turn off the fire.
Then transfer the peach jam into a sterilized jar. Having rolled up the jar with a varnished boiled lid, turn the jar over onto its neck. Wrap the jar of jam in a blanket.

Good afternoon dear friends. Peach jam is always very tasty and healthy. Since peaches grow only in purely ecological places. It's summer now, and this is the height of the winter harvesting season. You and I already know quite a few cooking recipes. But there have been no articles about peaches yet. Therefore, I hasten to fill this gap fresh recipes making peach jam.

There are many recipes for making peach jam and each has its own advantages. In addition to jam, you can make confiture, thick jam or jam from peaches. There are a huge variety of recipes for cooking peaches. And I will share several recipes with you today.

Each recipe has its own cooking process. There are recipes where you can leave the pit in the peach, and there are those where you must remove the pit and finely chop the peach itself, but all these recipes are simple and not complicated, and almost everyone can handle them. When preparing jam, preservatives can be added to preserve its taste longer, but there are recipes that do not contain these preservatives. We'll talk about this below, but for now let's move on to the first recipe for making peach jam.

This recipe is considered a classic in preparation. In this recipe you will have to get rid of the seeds and divide the peaches themselves into slices. To make jam, you can choose peaches of various sizes. You can use soft fruits, but only without rot or signs of spoilage.


Peaches, peeled 0.5 kg.
Sugar 0.5 kg.

Cooking process.

And so the first thing you need to do is wash the fruits thoroughly from dust in running water. Then cut each one into two parts first. Carefully remove the pit and then cut each half into two or three more pieces, it all depends on the size of the peach.

Pour all the prepared sugar into the pan, add 1.5 tablespoons of water and place the pan on the stove. Stir the sugar in the water and wait until it is completely dissolved. At this stage you can add vanilla or anise. Then the brew will acquire an unusual aroma, but these additives are not required, so it’s all up to you.

When the sugar is completely dissolved in the water and the mixture in the pan is completely homogeneous, you can add the prepared peaches in parts. After adding, cook the peaches in the syrup for 30-40 minutes over low heat at medium boil.

After 40 minutes of cooking, the jam is ready. Next, it needs to be placed in sterile jars, and the jars sealed with sterile lids. That's the whole process of making peach jam classic recipe. Store jars in a cool place away from direct sun rays. Bon appetit.

A simple recipe for amber peach jam in slices for the winter

Peaches are known to be a very sweet product, which is why the jam often turns out cloying and not everyone likes it. But there is a folk ingenuity in this regard. Some housewives took new recipe peach jam with the addition of lemon, which gives the jam an unusual taste.

There is also another little secret in the preparation. Before slicing, remove the thin skin from the peaches. This gives the finished product more tenderness since the skin is quite rough. But this item is not at all mandatory; it’s all up to you.


1.5 kg. Persikov.
900 grams of sugar.
1.5 tablespoons of natural lemon juice.

Cooking process.

To make it easier for you to remove the skins from the peaches, we will make a sharp temperature difference. First, pour boiling water over it for 2 minutes. Then drain the water and place the peaches in cold, or better yet, ice water. Due to sudden temperature changes, the skin will be easily removed.

After this mode, cut the peach in half and remove the pit. We divide the halves into several more slices.

We weigh the prepared peaches without skins and seeds. This procedure is mandatory since the amount of sugar is determined by the weight of the peaches. If you get 800 grams of peaches, then you need to take 800 grams of sugar.

Next, combine sugar with peaches and leave for 3-5 hours. During this period of time, the peach will begin to secrete a large amount of syrup in which our jam will be cooked in the future.

Place the bowl of peaches on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. After boiling, cook until all the remaining sugar has dissolved. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool to room temperature.

Repeat the cooking process 2 more times. Then, for the third time, before putting the bowl on the stove, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice.

After adding lemon juice, cook the peaches over low heat for 5-6 minutes at a slow, steady boil. Afterwards, the jam is considered completely ready to be placed in sterile jars.

Place jars of jam bottom to top and cover with a warm blanket. We keep the jars wrapped until they cool completely, after which they can be transferred to a cool place for long-term storage. Here is a completely simple recipe for making peach jam in slices for the winter. As you can see, preparing it is not at all difficult. Enjoy your meal.

Recipe for making sliced ​​peach jam

In this recipe, you must remove the skin from the peaches; read the recipe above on how to do this quickly and without any problems.


2.5 kg of sugar.
5 kg of ripe peaches.
1 teaspoon citric acid.

Cooking process.

Peel the peaches and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into small pieces and sprinkle the product with sugar and leave for several hours.

After processing peaches, they need to be weighed. The weight of the peaches will tell you how much sugar you need. The proportions are as follows. For every 2 kg of peach, 1 kg of sugar.

After adding sugar, you need to stir the peaches. To avoid damaging the slices the first time, you can do this by hand.

After a while, when the peaches have released a sufficient amount of syrup, you can put the bowl on the stove and start cooking the dessert.

When cooking jam, foam will always appear, which must be removed. The more thoroughly the foam is removed, the longer the jam will last.

Cook the peaches over low heat. The boil should be medium-medium. The cooking process takes 40-50 minutes. Don't forget to stir it so that it doesn't burn to the sides of the bowl.
3 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid and mix the jam well so that the acid disperses throughout the bowl.

How to make peach jam for the winter in whole slices in your own juice

Five-minute peach jam recipe without water

The jam is cooked without adding water. The only liquid used is the syrup that comes out of the peaches after mixing them with sugar. Most housewives like this recipe for its simplicity and great taste of the finished product.


Lemon juice or half a lemon.

Cooking process.

The ingredients do not indicate the exact amount of peaches and sugar for the reason that you need exactly as much sugar as peaches. However, peaches need to be weighed after processing. That is, after you remove the pit and skin. Proportions 1:1. for 1 kg of peaches 1 kg of granulated sugar.

Like the previous recipes, this one also starts with removing the pits from the peach and cutting the halves into pieces.
You can take lemon juice, or you can cut half a lemon into the same small pieces.

We put all the chopped fruits on a scale and weigh them. Then measure out the same amount of sugar.
Mix sugar with peach and mix gently so that each piece of peach and lemon is covered in sugar on all sides and leave for about an hour. You can, of course, leave the fruit in sugar for a longer period; it won’t do any harm, it will be even better.

After the peaches and lemon have steeped in sugar for 1 to 5 hours, you can put the bowl on the stove.

Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Allow time to cool completely and repeat the cooking process again. Remember that after boiling, cook for no more than 5 minutes.
In order for the jam to cook well, you need to do at least 3 approaches. If you want to make thicker jam, then there may be more approaches until the jam reaches the desired thickness.

Also remember that the jam will become thicker as it cools. And so that you can understand in advance how thick the jam is, drop a little jam on a saucer and let it cool. After the droplet has cooled, you will immediately understand how thick the jam is.

While cooking the jam, foam will be released which must be removed. It will be easier to do this if you use a spoon with holes or a slotted spoon.

Before you put the jam to cook for the third time earlier, prepare sterile jars, since it is after this time that the peaches will need to be placed in the jars and screwed on with their lids.

This completes the recipe for making five-minute peach jam. We leave the twisted jars to cool in the room overnight and in the morning they can be transferred to a cool place for long-term storage. Bon appetit.

Caramel peach and orange jam

Summer is in full swing and you need to stock up on as many vitamins as possible for the winter. I make peach jam every year. And although I don’t have a single peach tree in my garden, there are always a dozen jars of this in my pantry delicious dessert. Yes, I buy peaches at the market. Over the years, I have my own base of trusted sellers on the market. But that’s not what we’re talking about: we once tried to make such jam with the addition of orange and were not disappointed – it was deliciously aromatic. Therefore, I suggest you create some kind of miracle mix of peaches and oranges.


Peaches 1 kg.
Oranges 2-3 pcs.
Sugar 1 kg.

Cooking process.

How to easily remove the skin from peaches, see the recipes above. Remove the pit and cut into small cubes.

Cover the chopped peaches with sugar and leave for a while. I usually leave it overnight. Or if I start cooking in the morning, I leave it until the evening, on average it takes from 6 to 8 hours. But only if I do it in the morning, I try to keep the bowl of peaches in a cool place or even put the bowl in the refrigerator.

In the evening you can start making the jam, but before that you need to peel the oranges and cut the pulp into small cubes. Place the orange cubes in a bowl with the peaches and place on the stove.

Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from the stove. Let the jam sit for 2-3 hours.
Then put the bowl back on the stove, let the mixture boil, stir and cook for about 10 minutes. Then let the mixture brew and cool again.

The third time, cook after boiling for 15-20 minutes. Don't forget to remove any foam that appears.
After the third cooking, the jam is ready and can be easily distributed into sterile jars and sealed with lids.

Bon appetit.

Delicious jam from seedless nectarine halves in amber syrup

Instead of peaches, I often buy nectarines; these are the same peaches only without the hairy skin. Nectarine appeared after crossing crops such as cherry plum and peach or plum and peach. Although Wikipedia says the opposite: a nectarine is an ordinary wild peach. Well, to be honest, it doesn’t matter to me how nectarine appeared, the main thing is that it is very tasty and aromatic and is similar in taste to a peach. I also like nectarines because they come off the pit very easily.


Nectarine 1.5 kg.
Sugar 1 kg.
2 tablespoons lemon juice.
1 cinnamon stick.
Water 250 ml.

Cooking process.

And so we divide the nectarine into two halves, remove the pit, and cut the halves into quarters or small slices. Just don’t make the slices so small, for example, divide half into 3-4 parts, no more.
Next we prepare our amber syrup. Mix sugar with 1 cup of water in a bowl. Yes, the process is not easy. Next, put the bowl on the stove and heat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved.

As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, add peach slices and cinnamon into the resulting syrup. Stir, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave the syrup alone for 2-3 hours. Let the slices soak thoroughly.

After a while, put the bowl of jam back on the stove and bring it to a boil again; as soon as the jam boils, pour the juice from half a lemon into the bowl and stir. Cook the mixture for 40 minutes, stirring.
After 40 minutes of cooking, the jam can be placed in sterile jars and closed tightly with lids.

Before you start putting the jam into jars, you need to remove the cinnamon.

If in your opinion the slices are not soaked enough, repeat the cooking process again and then put the jam into the jars.

The best recipe for peach jam with walnuts

The jam can truly be called royal, since the taste simply cannot be expressed in words, and the nuts in this jam are simply amazing. You can add almonds instead of walnuts. This jam can be considered a kind of sweet delicacy.


1 cup walnut grains.
700 gr. peaches or nectarines.
700 gr. Sahara.

Cooking process.

Sort the nut grains thoroughly. It's better to fill it with water and rinse. When flooded with water, the partitions and small particles of the shell will first float to the surface. It is better to spend more time on this process than to then repair a broken tooth on a piece of shell.

And so dry and chop the sorted nuts.
Wash the peaches and remove the pits. Cut into cubes, add sugar. Let stand for 3-4 hours.

After a while, put the bowl on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
Add nuts, stir and cook for another 15-20 minutes.

The smell will be simply magnificent. In principle, after cooling it can be served.
Well, if you plan to store the jam until winter, then put it in sterile jars and close tightly with sterile lids.

The longer this jam sits, the more the nuts will be saturated with syrups and the peaches with a nutty aroma.
Bon appetit.

Recipe for delicious peach jam

That's all I have for today. This is how you can easily prepare peach jam for the winter without much difficulty. Peach jam always turns out tasty, savory, aromatic and very healthy. I think that in this collection you can find several for yourself healthy recipes preparing peach jam for the winter. And when you open a jar of jam in winter, remember us kind words. That's all until we meet again. Enjoy your meal.

Making homemade jam

Peach jam is very healthy! The recipe for the winter is quite simple, and the result is truly amazing. Try it! You will not regret...

1 b

24 hours

220 kcal

4.5/5 (6)

To preserve fruit in jam beneficial features, and the delicacy turned out delicious, it’s important choose the right peaches:

  • The fruits must be ripe, but not overripe. If, when pressed with a finger, a clear indentation remains on the surface, such a peach is perfect for jam.
  • Damaged fruits with wormholes are not suitable for cooking delicacies.

The best peaches To make jam, they ripen in the second half of August – early September.

What you need for cooking

In addition to the main component of the jam - the fruits of the peach tree, we will need for 1 kg of fruit:

The process of making primary jam for the winter

So let's cook! The process of making jam will seem quick and easy if you do everything step by step:

  1. Sort the peaches thoroughly, remove the stems, and rinse under hot water.
  2. Remove the seeds by making cuts on the fruit and breaking them in half.
  3. Cut the pulp into slices up to 1.5 cm thick.
  4. Place the pieces of fruit in an enamel bowl and add granulated sugar, cover the top and leave in a warm place for half an hour.
  5. When the peaches release their juice, stir them, put on low heat, add water, stir again and cook until boiling.
  6. Five minutes after boiling, turn off the jam, stir, and then bring to a boil four more times at intervals of 5-6 hours.
  7. Pour the finished treat into pre-sterilized jars and roll up. Wrap the jars in a blanket and do not unwrap them until they cool completely.

  • Do not peel the peaches before cooking. The fact is that it is in this part of the fruit that they are found in large quantities nutrients and vitamins. In addition, the peel prevents the pieces from falling apart during cooking.
  • The jam will taste better if you do not remove the foam that forms on the surface during boiling.
  • The peach pit kernels will give the delicacy a special taste and unforgettable aroma. They are added both whole and crushed at the fourth boil.
  • For longer storage, you can add a little citric acid to the jam. This should be done during the fifth boil.
  • The jam will become thicker and tastier after it sits in the refrigerator.

How to store treats

Peach jam can be stored in sealed jars for up to a year. To ensure that the delicacy does not spoil, the containers should be lowered into the cellar, basement or placed in the refrigerator.

The taste of jam in hidden jars lasts for 1-2 months, provided they are stored in a cool place.

The proposed jam recipe cannot be made in an hour. But having worked hard and brought to life an interesting old recipe for homemade peach jam, you will be able to fully appreciate it. In short, be patient and get a delicious homemade treat. And you can boast to your guests that you own antique and simple recipe simultaneously.

How to make peach jam - simple and tasty.

For home harvesting, you will need not the ripest fruits. You need about 400 grams of them.

We take 2 times more sugar and 1 more glass of water.

We pierce the fruits with thin wooden pins and lower them into the water. Now on the fire, let it boil.

After about 10-11 minutes, put the peaches on a sieve, put the water in the cold, and we can rest for a day.

Tomorrow we will repeat everything except the piercing.

Combine water and sugar to make syrup. It boils, the foam is gone, after 5 minutes we submerge the peaches and cook further until tender.

If you think the syrup is runny, drain it and boil it, adding sugar.

Let the finished peach jam cool and carefully place it into jars when cold.

Well, that’s all the intricacies of making whole peach jam. Now you know how easy it is to make delicious jam according to an old recipe from the most common ingredients. Let sweet preparation and it takes 2 whole days to prepare, but in total it will take just a little bit of time from you.