How to become artistic. The meaning of the word artistic in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Is it possible to develop the ability to naturally express emotions, master your voice, facial expressions, gestures, be flexible and better understand your partner? Acting and public speaking teachers answer that the development of artistry in adults is possible, it just takes a little more time and effort. And the main thing is persistence.

What does artistry mean?

In the definition of the concept of “artistry” there is often a short, laconic interpretation: artistic talent, a penchant for art, mastery. When we watch a movie or a play, we pay attention to how sincerely the emotion is conveyed, the atmosphere is created, limited actor with character. Did it work or not? This means that for actors, not everything is determined by natural talent. And how to develop artistry in yourself?

Sometimes it seems that people go to performances because they have forgotten how they played in childhood, they watch someone else’s play in order to feel natural, to receive aesthetic pleasure, to free themselves from emotions. During the action, the viewer becomes a passive participant in everything that happens on stage. What if you try to play? For this purpose, there are exercises that develop the skill of transformation.

Remember what you were like as a child: active, assertive or modest and shy. For ten to fifteen minutes, be your complete opposite. Often opposites are not lovable. The development of artistry helps to get to know the people around you better and establish social connections.

Diction and more

The artist must pronounce the words clearly and distinctly. This needs to be taken into account. Towards the end of the sentence, many people speak muffledly; the interlocutor may not hear the end of the phrase. Some words sound so similar that they can be confusing when lumped together. In such cases, tongue twisters help. A clear separation, “elasticity” of the spoken words is important.

You can take a disc with any work and try to imitate the reader on the recording. Once you enter the role, you will feel a fulcrum, a foundation that allows your voice to flow easily, loudly, freely. The fulcrum is in the stomach, which needs to be picked up, and the shoulders, if possible, relaxed.

Skill training

Voice, intonation, speech - it is necessary to develop people of different professions. To be listened to, it is important to speak not monotonously, but lively. Many works that contain rich dialogue allow you to study different intonations. Introduce the characters, the manner of speech - depict in a short passage.

Imitating children's voices in acting warm-ups is similar to imitating cartoon characters. How does dubbing work? The actor watches the action and pronounces the words one by one. There are always children's books somewhere in the house, for example, about Winnie the Pooh. Try to voice him, Heel and Donkey. For everyone - no more than one minute. This speed of alternation of images has a certain meaning: consciousness does not have time to fetter actions.

For training, it’s good to turn on a cartoon and say phrases after the characters. By playing, you free yourself from negativity. This is where artistry helps tremendously.

In the acting warm-up there is a change of images:

  • Boring Professor;
  • Barker;
  • A grumbling bureaucrat;
  • Disco host.

Staying in each image for no longer than one minute develops the art of transformation. Positive energy is released, developing creativity.

Changing roles: choose one phrase and say it from the positions of different characters (girl, mother, businessman, leader). Add a change of emotions.

Facial expressions and plasticity

Facial expression is the most powerful, eloquent tool for conveying a person’s inner state. A face conveys more than a thousand words. Actors, teachers, businessmen, executives, diplomats, and parents are sometimes forced to restrain the expression of emotions.

But excessive restraint leads to the opposite result: communication is greatly impoverished due to constrained gestures, facial expressions, and intonations.

By a certain age, a person’s character can be read by his frozen facial wrinkles. Therefore, exercises for the face are useful, how to develop artistry exercises:

  • Pronounce drawling sounds: a, o, s;
  • Forcefully raise and lower your eyebrows;
  • Smile widely, then fold and extend your lips forward;
  • Squint your eyes and open your eyes wide.

In front of the mirror, try to portray joy, surprise, sadness, indignation, anger, delight, thoughtfulness.

Plastic surgery develops the ability to relax body tensions. You can relieve excess tension by jumping and dancing. Plasticity is developed with the exercises “wave” - extend your arms to the sides, send a wave over your shoulders, “wall” - move your palms along an invisible wall, “painting a fence” - movements with a brush, “rowing” - imitation of rowing.

New opportunities

Acting teachers recommend doing a tension-relaxation exercise before a scene. Stand up straight, raise your arms, look at them, rise on your toes and stretch upward for ten seconds, and then relax. Exercise relieves stiffness. If the opportunity arises to play a role at a party with friends, do not refuse. You may pleasantly surprise yourself.


ARTISTRY and, f. artistisme m. High craftsmanship; artistry. BAS-2. Such talents, who immediately emerged thanks to one work, sometimes completely absorbing the divine part of their artistry, can either fall silent after the first success or fall. RV 1874 2 748. Artistry was reduced to a petty vanity, carried away à froid, unstable and deceitful acting nature. B. Markevich Abyss. // RV 1884 5 206. - Lex. Ush. 1935: artists/ integrity.

Historical dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .


See what “artistry” is in other dictionaries:

    artistry- skill, virtuosity, class, skill, skill, artistry, art Dictionary of Russian synonyms. artistry see skill 1 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z.E... Synonym dictionary

    ARTISTRY- ARTISTICITY, artistry, pl. no, female distracted noun to artistic; artistry. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    artistry- ARTISTIC, oh, oh; chen, chna. Same as artistic (3 digits). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Artistry- and. 1. High creative skill. 2. Particular elegance of manners, graceful movements. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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This article will help you answer these questions. In most cases, artistry refers to artistic talent, elegance and grace in movement. This trait is simply necessary for those people who want to devote their lives to art. Also, having artistry, you will always find a way out of an ordinary life situation. Below are some tips on how to develop artistry without much effort.

Almost every artist will tell you that facial expressions are fairly developed facial muscles. But it should be taken into account that a lot of effort will have to be made to develop them. Here are examples of some elements of the exercise:

We turn on fairly energetic music and, to its rhythm, we begin to move the jaw alternately, then to the side, then forward;

We train our lips. We alternately pinch the upper and lower lips. Then we fold our lips with a thread and leave them in this position for several minutes. Next, we try several times to reach our nose with our lower lip;

We puff out our cheeks. We do this sequentially, then one, then the second. Afterwards I wrinkle my nose several times. And finally, one by one: raise the nostrils and squeeze the eyelids;

Let's warm up our eyes. We move the eyes up, down, left and right;

Raising eyebrows. We raise them one by one several times.

Developing artistry through play

Many of us have played a game like Mirror. The essence of the game was as follows: one shows something, the other must repeat everything down to the smallest detail. This never caused much difficulty if it was necessary to make any bodily movement. However, you can also complicate the tasks. Add facial expressions to body movement. If you can’t find partners for this game, then to develop artistry, use a proven method - repeating people’s facial expressions and body movements from the TV screen. Adults prefer the game “Associations,” to which facial gestures are often simply added. It should be noted that this should be approached seriously, just like any actor, because no talent comes by itself.

Developing artistry with the help of far-fetched scenarios

It should be noted that in our lives, like theater, we play our roles: discussing something, doing some work, etc. But to develop acting skills, we can independently choose a life scenario for ourselves and perform it with pleasure. For example, you have a very important conversation with your boss. Nobody forbids you to pre-plan it at home and stage a performance where you are both the boss and the subordinate.

Creative people don't just wear fancy clothes and try to stand out from the crowd. There is no doubt that artistic people may look like this, but the essence lies in how they express themselves and perceive the world around them. Creative people always take the time to stop and look around because they strive to understand the deeper essence of things.


Part 1

Develop your creativity

    Lead an active lifestyle. Spend less time in front of TV and on social networks. Go for walks or find other ways to be active. Regular physical activity improves your mood and stimulates creative thinking.

    Start keeping a journal. Write and draw daily, even when you feel like you have nothing to say. A notebook with unlined pages can inspire you to take creative notes.

    Do creative exercises. Daily creative exercises are a great way to develop your creativity. This doesn't take much time. Even 15 minutes a day is enough to fuel your creative thinking.

  1. Constantly strive to learn new things. Read books, go to exhibitions, take classes, ask questions - learn something new every day. This approach will inspire you to creative achievements.

    • Great works of art do not arise from a vacuum, but are a reflection of the creator's world. If you live in an interesting world, then your creativity will also be interesting.
    • The more experience and knowledge, the more sources from which you can draw inspiration.

Artistry is the ability to convey emotional information through movements, facial expressions, eye expression and voice. Moreover, the information can be both true and false. Artistry is the art of transformation, allowing a person to put on a certain “mask”. By getting used to the role, a person temporarily changes his personality without changing his deep personal attitudes.

Artistry is a useful human quality that accompanies us in everyday life and at work. First of all, artistry is necessary for actors, but it is also important in other fields of activity - for example, without it it is difficult for businessmen, teachers, journalists, sales representatives and everyone who deals with people. It is also extremely important in everyday life, because in order to maintain good relationships, it is often more profitable for us to behave not as we want, but as the situation requires.

Artistry is an innate human quality - look how artistic children are, how diligently and without embarrassment they get used to the images of the characters in their games, how they speak in different voices for dolls, how easily they become princesses and evil wizards. But over time, adults eradicate childish spontaneity in them, kids learn to restrain their emotions, submit to the image created by society of a conscious person who should not run around the apartment in an Indian costume and hit imaginary enemies with a toy bow. The ability to restrain emotions is also one of the manifestations of artistry, which we will discuss below.

Women are more artistic than men. Ladies are more open and emotional, they are accustomed to show a wider range of feelings than representatives of the stronger sex, who are taught from childhood that they cannot cry and complain, that “calf tenderness” is the lot of women and children, that open expression of tenderness and delight is not a man’s business. Men have only a narrow range of internal qualities that are allowed to be shown in public - confidence, calmness, courage, strength of character.

Fortunately, man is an obstinate creature and is not always inclined to listen to public opinion, so among men there are many artistic individuals who are capable of playing any role that life or the director of a film requires of them.

What is artistry for us in the first place? This is a tool for managing yourself and people. It sounds strange... But think about it - why do people play certain roles? To evoke a response in the viewer's soul. And having achieved the necessary emotions, it is possible to direct a person along the path of thinking that is beneficial to the artist.

A great example is bluffing in poker. The player pretends that he has good cards, raises bets until his opponents get cold feet and throw their cards on the table. In poker, artistry is the most important quality of a winner - it’s not easy to sit with a calm and confident expression on your face when you don’t have the best hand and large sums of money are at stake.

Bluffing has long migrated from poker to business and other areas of human life, and we know very well that the fate of deals and entire companies often depends on a well-executed “performance.”

Artistry is pretense. When a person demonstrates to others something that is not what he really feels, it is practically the same as lying outright.

This may be the opinion of people who are accustomed to sincerely expressing their emotions and feelings. But if you think about it, even the most truthful person has to put on new masks every day.

For example, someone sees a man with an extremely disfigured face on the street - the natural desire would be to come up and take a closer look. But we know from childhood that people with physical disabilities cannot be openly looked at, it offends and insults them. Therefore, our truthful person will pass by, pretending that he did not notice anything. After a difficult work day, he will go to his old sick mother and will try hard to pretend that everything is fine with him, although problems have arisen in the family and large debts have accumulated. But he can’t upset his mother, who has a bad heart... The next day, meeting with important partners, he will give an incendiary and convincing speech, proving the advisability of continuing cooperation - although in reality he is very tired and only dreams of getting a good night’s sleep.

In addition, artistry is not necessarily a demonstration of non-existent emotions - sometimes it is very important to convey to the opponent your personal attitude towards the situation: concern about the problem, empathy, love, grief. It often happens that the solution to a problem depends precisely on how confident the second party is in the interest of the first. For example, if a husband fails to demonstrate his sincere repentance for an offense or concern for his wife’s health, the wife will think that she is indifferent to him - on this basis the family may even break up. Or maybe he really loves her, but doesn’t know how to express his emotions?

As you can see, artistry is an important component of interacting with people, and its absence makes life much more difficult. Fortunately, it can be developed and trained, and various simple exercises and tasks will help with this.

1. Play games. The article mentioned poker - this is a great game for developing the qualities of an artist. True, this does not mean that you need to go to a casino and spend your entire salary there. It’s better to play with friends for wishes - this will not only save the participants’ budget, but will also serve them well. After all, by fulfilling wishes, the loser continues to develop artistry - usually friends give humorous tasks related to strangers. Confess your love to a passerby, go to your neighbors at midnight and ask them for an ax, shout something stupid out the window. This will make life more fun, and you will be much braver and more confident.

In addition, there are many games for adults and children that will help make a person more artistic. For example, “The sea worries once” or “Princess Nesmeyana”. Such games can be arranged for holidays in a large company or during picnics.

2. Keep up with the times. You know, what is a selfie? Of course you do! Now it is so fashionable that even grandmothers post pictures on the Internet taken in the mirror or from an outstretched arm. Use this modern trend to improve your acting skills. Write down all the emotions you know on a piece of paper and take pictures of yourself, trying to depict them. Look what happens. For greater effect, you can post a photo on a social network so that friends and acquaintances can express their opinions about your talents.

Almost everyone has a video camera built into their camera or phone; you can record videos from a webcam. Record video messages, read poems with expression, tell the camera your thoughts on any issues that concern you. This is liberating and gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside and understand what you need to work on. Maybe your pronunciation is lame, or you rub your nose with your hand all the time, or maybe your eyes wander. Looking at the notes, you can create your own image of communication, more charming and pleasant than now.

3. Learn to experience the right emotions. What makes the best actors successful? They cannot play with them - feigned feelings do not inspire confidence. To portray an emotion, it must be experienced. To do this, you need to remember the events that provoked the feelings that you are going to depict: happy moments from childhood are suitable for joyful experiences, and to evoke grief and melancholy, remember the greatest loss in life - the death of a loved one, a fire in the house, illness. Remember and focus on details and visual images, allow yourself to immerse yourself in the past - and then the necessary emotions will be reflected on your face.

4. Control yourself. The development of artistry involves not only demonstrating the “right” emotions, but also suppressing those that are currently not worth showing. There is, for example, such an expression as “bringing down the price” - this is a technique from the sphere of acting in everyday life. What does a person do to bring down the price? He pretends that he doesn’t really need the desired acquisition - to do this he has to restrain the feeling of desire, impatience, anticipation of the proximity of the desired object. This technique works both in bidding and in relationships between people - when a person sees that his offer is of little interest to the buyer, he reduces the price. For example, this method includes the immutable rule of girls: do not answer the phone right away, so that the guy does not think that she was waiting for a call.

How to learn not to reveal your true feelings in public? About, how to manage emotions, there are many articles on the Internet, so we will focus on only one, the simplest and most effective method. In order for an emotion not to control you, you need to believe that it is not a mental, but a physiological manifestation. This is true: emotions are just chemical reactions of the brain to some events. If you carefully analyze them, it turns out that they are expressed in some kind of physical symptoms - the heart begins to beat intensely, it takes your breath away, you feel hot or cold, your stomach “pulls.” If you treat it as a physical phenomenon, you will be able to perceive the emotion as a mild pain that you can ignore. After all, having cut yourself, you don’t suffer over your wound all week until it heals - you try to forget about the discomfort and work as if nothing had happened. You can also ignore emotions, doing what is necessary: ​​when it’s scary, abstract yourself and call for help to a state of calm through memories of something that brought peace in the past. Well-developed artistry is impossible without the ability to manage emotions, so you will have to work on this.

As with any phenomenon, there are extremes in artistry. There are lively and artistic, but overly sincere individuals who are capable of showing only real emotions, without thinking about the results of their behavior. Such people are usually considered stupid, short-sighted and primitive: “Straight as a table!” or “Simple as five cents!” - they talk about them. This hardly seems like a compliment. The opposite extreme is pathological hypocrisy, in which a person never demonstrates his true intentions.

The other two extremes are a complete lack of artistry and, conversely, pretentiousness, too demonstrative behavior that attracts a lot of attention. A completely unartistic person is more like a robot, programmed for only one emotion - calm, despondency or silent discontent; too artistic - annoying and tiring with its endless outbursts.

Of course, any extremes are bad; you need to find a middle ground in order to achieve your goals using your innate acting abilities. Without self-improvement, artistry resembles a rough diamond - it must be cut and brought to perfection, and then it will become a bright adornment of the individual.

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