How to behave around an unfamiliar dog. Our safety: Behavior with an unfamiliar dog!!! Correct and incorrect approach to an unfamiliar dog

An encounter with an unfamiliar dog can end disastrously if a person cannot “read” the dog’s intentions and correctly signal their own.

Strange dog may show aggression, as a rule, in a situation where a person violates the boundaries (visible or imaginary) of its territory. This could be, for example, in the case when a person enters the territory of a fenced yard of a private house, a parking lot (if its food supply is located there), a construction site, etc. Although quite often in such situations, dogs are loyal to people, since they are accustomed to receiving “bribes” from them, but they are aggressive towards domestic dogs, seeing them as competitors and, accordingly, towards the owners of these dogs. However, dogs defending their territory can also be aggressive towards people without dogs.

Aggression can also manifest itself when protecting members of its pack. This type of aggression can manifest itself independently, but can also be combined with territorial aggression. Since they are gregarious, they can protect members of their pack, including the people they include in their circle. The situation is especially dangerous when the dog is protecting a child. In this case, the child is usually not perceived by the dog as an unconditional leader, so his prohibiting commands may be ignored, and he will not be physically able to restrain the dog.

How can we tell if a dog's behavior is dominant or aggressive?

You need to look at her body, both as a whole and at individual parts. Let's look at it with an example. The pose of a dog that wants to calm down the dog or person it meets demonstrates peaceful intentions: it seems to be trying to visually reduce its size, i.e. lowers the head, retracts and lowers the ears, the fur is not ruffled, the body is not straightened, the tail is lowered, the dog can sit or even lie down, exposing the abdomen and groin area. The lips are relaxed, the corners of the mouth are downturned. The gaze is averted to the side, the puppies can run up to caress and lick the dog they meet.

Not peaceful intentions. If the dog’s body position is confident (such as a show stance), the body is leaned forward, the head is raised, but not raised up, so that the throat is not exposed; the gaze is straight, the ears are raised and directed forward; the tail is raised, then such a dog demonstrates self-confidence. If at the same time the hair on the withers and/or croup stands on end, the dog growls dully, bares its teeth, the lower jaw moves forward, the eyebrows frown, then it warns that it is better not to mess with it, it is confident in itself and without a fight it is interested in the object will not give up. (The object can be anything: a toy, territory, female, food, etc.) A dog that seeks to dominate will also either put its paws on the opponent or mount. The next stage will be a demonstration of intentions: a jerk, clanking of teeth, indicating a bite. Well, then the dogs will fight, or, if the enemy is human, a bite follows. Of course, in some cases, it is possible that the dog skips some stages. This may depend on the individual dog, as well as the breed. Sometimes a confident dog may look away to show that he is ready for a peaceful solution and gives his opponent the opportunity to surrender. For an ignorant person, such behavior is deceptive and easily misleading, the consequences of which are sad.

Important point: when the dog is frightened, it tries to avoid conflict, but at the same time it is ready for a fight. The dog shows signs of aggression and peaceful behavior at the same time: the fur is raised, the teeth seem to be exposed, but the head is raised so much that the throat is exposed and the ears are not directed forward, not fully raised, perhaps even slightly laid back (it all depends on the dog). whether the dog is inclined to peace or to fight). In this case, it is important not to cross the boundaries within which the dog is ready to resolve the issue peacefully. As soon as her boundaries are violated, she will go on the attack.

At the same time, it must be emphasized that the dog that initially demonstrates submission can also attack. Many have heard stories of sudden aggression from a previously seemingly peaceful pet. And rabies, which ordinary people are beginning to suspect, in most cases has nothing to do with it. What happens from the dog's point of view? It demonstrates submission: the gaze is averted, the ears are pressed, the head is lowered, the tail is lowered, in extreme cases of fear it is pressed to the stomach, the dog can lie down, showing the enemy the most vulnerable parts of its body: throat, groin, stomach. In the case when peaceful signs do not work, conflict cannot be avoided, the enemy continues aggressive actions, the dog’s self-preservation instinct begins to work, and it is forced to defend itself. From a human point of view, it suddenly attacks. Although, of course, there was no suddenness, the dog tried in every possible way to warn the person that she agreed to a peaceful solution, but her message was ignored.

Another similar misconception related to dominance aggression can lead to tragedy. The situation usually occurs with an unfamiliar dog, for example, at a party. The dog allows you to touch him, even pet him. At the same time, she is tense, she can lick her lips, calming a stranger, but if he crosses the boundaries, from the dog’s point of view, he begins to more aggressively demonstrate claims to leadership: he no longer strokes his side, but his back, head, hangs over the dog, an attack may follow from the dog .

A similar situation (also while visiting with an unfamiliar dog), described by a visitor to our forum: "Hello. My dog ​​is 6 years old. Male. A cross between a shepherd and a mongrel. One day, when my mother’s friend came to visit us, he put his head on her lap so that she could stroke him. He ended up biting her. What to do? Maybe he really is mad?

From the dog's point of view, what most likely happened was: The dog walked up to the person and laid its head in its lap. Let us recall that a high-ranking individual places his head on the withers of another dog. Accordingly, the male showed that he aspires to the position of leader. It is possible that he was even treated to a meal, which certainly confirmed his claims: the junior in rank gave away the food. Further, when the person began to stroke, i.e. put his hand on the dog’s withers and/or head, the dog decided that his position as a leader was being challenged, which he did not agree with and managed to prove his high position in a dog’s way. Also, in this situation we cannot talk about sudden aggression, only about an incorrect interpretation of the dog’s actions.

The same can happen if a person, unknowingly, takes a chair where a dog usually lies and takes its toy or treat.

It must be emphasized that tail wagging, contrary to popular belief, is not a sign of friendliness. In general, tail wagging is a sign of excitement and a desire to interact. As for what the dog is excited about: the desire to play or eat an approaching object, it’s impossible to say without seeing the situation as a whole, without knowing the dog in advance, you need to look at exactly what position the tail is in. Raised up, as already said, means self-confidence and, as a result, it can be assumed that the dog is ready to stand up for its interests. Lowered down is a sign of submission. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed. In retrievers, for example, the tail can rise to its maximum only slightly above the horizontal level. In terriers it is constantly raised up. And there are also tailless breeds. This creates certain difficulties in communicating with them. It is also difficult with shaggy dogs. If in smooth-haired dogs it is immediately clear that the fur is raised, then in shaggy-haired dogs it is difficult to see not only the withers, but sometimes even the muzzle. Ear placement also matters, but it also differs by breed. In addition, some owners still crop their dogs' ears.

To avoid aggression, you must follow a number of rules. It is especially important to teach them to children, in relation to whom dogs most often display pursuit reactions, prey reactions, dominant aggression and play behavior.

1. Do not enter territory where dogs may be present unless accompanied by persons capable of controlling them. If you need to cross a construction site, parking lot, etc., it is better to wait for fellow travelers.

2. Never tease dogs.

3. Do not touch the dog’s food, bowls, toys, and do not approach its resting place. If you accidentally pick up (step on) a toy or bone, then step aside, leaving the object.

4. Do not disturb the dog when it is sleeping or lying in its place, do not try to stroke it without the owner’s permission, especially on the head and back.

5. When a dog approaches, do not run, stand still, and do not look closely at the dog.

6. Do not try to give the dog commands. The dog may be of high rank or specially trained not to respond to the commands of a stranger, then the command tone may be perceived as a challenge and provoke dominance aggression.

7. If a dog is accompanied by a person, but without a muzzle and a leash, then there is no need to talk to the person, this can provoke defensive aggression.

8. If you accidentally entered the territory of a pack, then most likely the first to bark at the newcomer will be a “bell” - a low-ranking dog that barks a warning to both the person and the pack. The main goal: to expel people from their territory. If you do not continue to move with a decisive step deep into the territory, where there may be females and puppies, feeding and resting places, then a collision can be avoided. You need to try to get around the dog in an arc, or moving sideways. There is no need to turn your back, turn your head away sharply, or look intently at the dog. Movements should be smooth, not sweeping. If a person runs in fear, then the additional motivation of pursuit and prey will be activated. Even if you are surrounded by several dogs, you must, without losing composure, walk away sideways, at a side step. Sharp, unusual sounds can confuse dogs; you can shout to gain time. Of course, you need to call the police.

9. At the same time as you are leaving, it is better to try to protect your hands, just in case, by wrapping your forearms in clothes.

10. You can defend yourself with any object, for example a bag, package, umbrella, movements should be circular or figure eight, aimed not at harming the attacking dog, but simply to screen.

11. You can only lift objects from the ground if you know how to use them correctly. Imitating lifting a stone can work when meeting a lone stray dog ​​that is far from its food supply; accordingly, it is not inclined to defend itself and it is easier for it to leave. When encountering a pack, a dog in its own territory, or a dog that lives in a family and has never been hit by a stone in its life, bending/crouching can provoke dominant aggression, as the person has adopted a posture that reduces its size. Sudden movements are also perceived as a threat and provoke an attack.

12. If a person walking his dog becomes ill, and the dog demonstrates an intention to protect, you should not rely on a mythical understanding of the goodness of your motives, it is better to simply call the police and an ambulance.

13. The dog may not be aggressive, but may pursue, driven by the instinct of prey, runners, cyclists, etc. In this situation, it is better to stop calmly, the dog will lose interest in you, and the owner will be able to take the pet on a leash.

14. Similarly, when a dog exhibits playful behavior that is difficult for an untrained person to distinguish from aggressive. Dogs especially often react this way to children. There is no need to talk to her, the child should stand calmly, not wave his arms, not try to run, and not try to pick up his own toy if the dog has already grabbed it.

It should be noted that feeding dogs in parking lots, construction sites, etc. cannot protect a person from aggressive behavior when a person accidentally violates boundaries by approaching a booth, bowls, or stepping on a bone. Feeding dogs in yards and parks creates a potentially dangerous situation for all city residents, with the possible, but as already mentioned, optional exception of a few people who feed dogs regularly and have influence on them. The best thing is to be consistent and show your care to the end by taking your beloved dog home.

Since ancient times, the dog has served man. A devoted friend, a reliable guard, a faithful companion. A dog never betrays or abandons its owner in trouble. A person cannot explain or predict the behavior of an animal, so he tries to find the hidden meaning in each of its manifestations. Sometimes signs about dogs come true, emphasizing the correctness of the assumption. But more often they are not confirmed by life, remaining just a fiction.

Over time, signs are supplemented with modern attributes: what to do if you hit a dog with a car or bicycle. It turns out that in this case one cannot do without church repentance. Only then can you dare to get behind the wheel again. Otherwise, you can lose your life or lose a close friend or relative.

The sign also says that a dog that has died from injuries will require in return the sacrifice of a person who will soon die under the wheels of a cursed vehicle.

Animals’ inexplicable premonition of natural disasters (earthquake, flood, tsunami) makes people believe in the magical power of their four-legged friends and protect them so as not to give them a reason to take revenge in the future.

What does the color of an animal mean?

The different colors of the four-legged friend raise various assumptions about future events:

  • black dog fur associated with other world. It is believed that the souls of sinners or sorcerers inhabit the image of the dog. Thus, God punishes for witchcraft and gives a chance to improve;
  • People were afraid to offend the black shaggy dog, because they believed it was the black soul of a witch, an evil sorceress who was able to take revenge for pain;
  • A red dog is a harbinger of wealth, a happy occasion, a successful marriage. A joyful bark is considered a sign that favorable news will soon be received;
  • meeting an unfamiliar white dog promises unexpected enrichment;
  • four-eyed (a dog with light eyebrows on a dark background) is considered a protector against witchcraft, the evil eye, and dark forces.

Particular importance is attached appearance met dog. Moreover, it must be someone else’s animal, and not something that lives in a private home or with neighbors. A shabby, skinny, sick dog or puppy foreshadows the onset of a “dark” streak in the life of the family.

To drive away a dog that has wandered into the yard means to make the situation worse. The four-legged alien only symbolizes a change in state, but does not attract evil and misfortune. Therefore, it is considered a good solution to shelter and feed the stray.

A well-groomed and well-fed animal promises prosperity and well-being. A pregnant bitch met along the way brings joy and wealth to a person. If you feed her, you can count on the successful completion of the work started.

If a dog tags a person, what to expect?

It is believed that animals feel bad or good man In front of them. Dogs will not accompany and protect an angry person.

The dark or light color of the fur of the animal following is a sign that the guardian angel is ready to protect a person from negative impact alien forces, evil thoughts.

If a dog suddenly bites, the sign says that the victim will face severe trials that do not promise anything good. Therefore, we must prepare to overcome temporary difficulties.

You should not come up and pet a dog in a cemetery. Popular belief warns that animals can be possessed by the soul of a drowned person or a suicide who has not been buried in the church and has not found peace. It is dangerous to welcome such a dog, so as not to repeat the fate of the unfortunate person who committed suicide. You can protect yourself from trouble by reading the “Our Father” prayer. After this, it is recommended to leave the cemetery without looking back.

A dog located on the threshold of a house means quick news, usually of favorable content. The consequences of the news depend on a person’s behavior: if the attitude towards a stray dog ​​is not characterized by evil and aggressiveness, then life changes are coming in positive side. Hatred and anger attract troubles and losses into people's lives.

  • If an unfamiliar dog came to the house and ran into the room, the sign speaks of an imminent guest. Moreover, among different peoples the event is considered favorable (among the Slavs) and unlucky (English omen).
  • When a dog runs away from home, it is not recommended to search for it. It is believed that the four-legged creature took away all the problems from the home. If the dog returns, you should not drive it away.
  • When a man found a dog, and it began to fawn and obey him, it means he had found a true friend. You should not try to get rid of him - in difficult times the dog will thank the owner for his participation and care.

A dead four-legged animal on the doorstep of a house portends a serious loss, but if a pet dog has died of illness or old age, the omen means nothing. You are allowed to have a new pet after 2 months. A dead friend must be buried far from home.

Is the death of a person related to the howling of a dog?

The chilling, mournful howl of a dog, especially at night, instills mystical fear. This is the basis of the belief that the howl of an animal announces the imminent death of members of the household or the owner himself.

Observant ancestors carefully watched where the dog tilted its head when howling, where to expect trouble.

Various spell words could ward off impending misfortune if said on time in compliance with the ritual.

When a domestic animal howls while lying down, it is believed that the animal senses its imminent death.

The reasons for the howling of a four-legged friend always have an objective explanation that is not related to mysticism:

  • loneliness, fear of a recently adopted dog;
  • unsuitable conditions for keeping the animal: insufficient feeding, life on a chain;
  • a disease that causes pain;
  • the dog howls from boredom.

But, not understanding what the pet wants to say, the person considers his actions from his own side: howling means mourning the pitiful future of the owner and family, predicting a bereavement. A similar explanation is attributed to the behavior of the animal when the dog digs holes in the yard. Here the pit is associated with a dug grave. In fact, following the example of its ancestors, the animal unconsciously digs a hole for itself, a home, even if its hut is nearby.

Predictions about weather conditions

Dogs predict the weather accurately, you just have to carefully observe their behavior:

  • a pet curled up in a ball in a dream indicates an approaching cold snap, and sleeping on its side with outstretched paws indicates continued warm weather;
  • if the animal begins to roll in the grass, holding its paws extended upward, there is a strong wind;
  • unexpected snowstorm with strong wind predicts eating snow cover with whining and howling;
  • all day long a sleeping dog reports bad weather and rain;
  • “swimming” in the snow portends increased frost and prolonged cold weather.

Signs about a barking dog

Dogs communicate with each other and humans by barking, as they cannot talk. Therefore, you should not consider ordinary barking as a sign. It’s another matter if human intuition says that we need to listen to what the animal wants to communicate. Or barking is accompanied by certain actions. For example, a dog can pull the owner by the edge of his clothing, bark invitingly, leading him to the exit from the house.

Animals are able to sense the approach of danger and try to protect their owner and his family members from death.

It is believed that the animal drives away the unclean from the house and owner by barking. A person learns to distinguish the nuances of dog “talk” when keeping and communicating with a pet.

You cannot call an animal by human names; according to legend, a dog will die faster.

When an unfamiliar dog barks on the street, the event may not mean anything, but depend on the mood and aggressiveness of the dog.

It has been observed that small dogs bark aggressively, trying to show their strength and superiority. At the same time, it is not advisable to carefully look into the eyes of the attacker; sensing a challenge, the animal may bite. It’s better not to pay attention to the dog’s attacks, then he will fall behind faster.

Each person decides for himself whether to believe in folk signs about dogs. It is advisable to take into account that the expectation of bad events can come true even if there are no magical signs. People themselves bring positivity or negativity into their lives through their individual attitude to folk signs.

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There are many ways to drive your dog crazy, but you may not even realize that you are doing something wrong.

Dogs try to be ours best friends, but sometimes we make this task extremely difficult for them. This article summarizes some situations that might cause dogs to question whether they still want to be our friends or whether it is worth breaking up with us.

Look where I'm saying, listen where I'm pointing

We are vocalizers. We love to chat, including with our pets, who do not understand anything we are talking about. Dogs can guess what certain words mean—walk, food, toys, leave me alone—and perhaps even learn the meaning of several hundred words, like some border collies. But they cannot understand human speech. To understand us, they rely on our body language. Dogs are masters at reading facial expressions and gestures and know what you're thinking or about to do, often before you even realize it. But the problem is that we almost always send mixed signals: we say one thing and show another. And when communicating, owners often confuse the dog, which is trying hard to understand what they want from it. For example, when you lean forward and extend your hand to your dog, you say “stop!” and your body says “come with me!” The dog follows your body language, and oops - you are unhappy with its behavior. This just makes my head spin!

Try this experiment (and this is probably what will make your dog breathe a sigh of relief): try going an entire day without saying a word to your dog, communicating only through body language. Once you try it, you will understand how clearly you “speak” with body movements without realizing it, and you will also learn how to use your movements and body position to get the response you need from your dog during communication or training, and you will learn how lively a discussion can be, although you say absolutely nothing out loud.

Let's hug! Let's hug! More! More!

While you probably enjoy wrapping your arms around your furry canine friend, most dogs hate hugs. We, like primates, believe that hugs are wonderful and that we use them to express support, love, joy and other positive emotions. It's completely normal for us to hug something and squeeze it, and it's a great way to pass the time. But dogs evolved differently. Canines do not have hands and do not hug in the usual sense. If a dog places a paw on a fellow dog's back, this is considered an act of dominance, not companionship. Regardless of your intentions, your dog likely views your hug as an act of suppression. Some dogs love it—a family photo of a happy child hugging an equally happy retriever immediately comes to mind. But some dogs will feel threatened, afraid, gradually growing disgust - and in fact, a child selflessly hugging a dog is the very reason that the dog may bite him! In addition, a dog that happily cuddles with one family member may behave completely differently with another. A dog that actually enjoys skin-to-skin contact and seeks cuddles is quite difficult to find.

If you can't figure out whether your dog likes cuddling, pay attention to his body language at the moment you are about to give it. Is she tense? Moves his head away? Avoids eye contact? Licking lips or nose? Yawning? Are your lips tense? Does he pull his ears back and press them to his head? These are all signs that the dog is uncomfortable. Yes, if a dog licks itself while someone is hugging it, it is showing that it is uncomfortable, displaying submissive and slightly nervous behavior. So the next time you want to hug your dog, pay close attention to whether he likes the contact at all. After all, it is you who are actually moving your face closer to her sharp teeth.

Rub your face, pat your head

Do you like being patted on the head? I doubt it, to be honest. If someone reaches out and slaps or pats you on the head, regardless of the emotions involved, there is no guarantee that you will like it. At best it's annoying, at worst it can be painful. And you certainly don't want strangers' hands anywhere near your face. How do you react to a hand extended to your face? I bet you move your head to the side? You also become tense because of the invasion of personal space. However, most people think that dogs enjoy being patted on the head. The reality is that while many dogs are okay with it or even enjoy it if they trust you, most dogs are not comfortable with it. Take a closer look. Even an affectionate family dog ​​may pull away a little if you reach your hand toward its muzzle. She will most likely endure it, because who is in charge here? But he is unlikely to enjoy such interaction. Dogs, just like us, have personal space. This is why responsible parents teach their children to gently stroke the dog's back or rump, but never pat or insist on stroking the dog's muzzle. If you really want to reward your dog with skin-to-skin contact, don't pat on the head, but scratch his back where he likes it. You'll see how grateful she will be to you for this!

Do you see an unfamiliar dog? DO NOT TAKE YOUR EYES FROM HER!

We have all felt the power of a gaze at one time or another. While we consider eye-to-eye gaze to be very important and a sign of trust and attention, we should also consider that it can often cause nervousness, discomfort, or an expression of dominance over the other person. Would you like a stranger looking at you intently and at the same time moving in your direction? Obviously the attention is focused on you, but what about the intentions? What are they? We are urgently looking for clues in facial expressions! Direct eye contact is considered an attempt at dominance or aggression in many species. If a person is looking at you, then in order to determine his intentions, you need to analyze his facial expressions - which muscles are tense, which are relaxed, notice the smallest details to understand whether the owner of the gaze is friendly. And even then, such a situation cannot but cause discomfort! It's the same with dogs. When you look straight into the dog's eyes without blinking, you can smile and try to win the dog over, but he will most likely regard this as an attempt to put pressure on him, or even aggression. Dogs may respond with a submissive response—looking away, wagging their tail, showing their belly—or they may begin to back away and bark. In any case, for most dogs, a stranger looking them straight in the eye when approaching them is not a welcome or comfortable situation.

How to greet your dog so that you both feel comfortable? Approach him a little sideways (shoulders NOT turned towards the dog!), with your eyes lowered or to the side, and you can say something quietly in a calm voice. All these friendly signals help your dog understand that you are not scary. The dog may still not want anything to do with you, but at least you're not escalating the situation by approaching him.

Disorder and lack of rules

Dogs want rules, they need rules, they love rules. You may think that strict rules make life boring or your dog unhappy. But in reality, dogs want to know what is what according to the one they consider the leader. And indeed, this is not so difficult to transfer to people. Children thrive when they have a consistent and clear set of rules to follow, but they behave much worse in permissive environments. Think of polite children who are well behaved and well mannered, and others who are not so well behaved - spoiled, with a lack of social skills, children who throw tantrums when they don't get what they really want. Which of them do you think were instilled with the rules of behavior and the concept of boundaries of permissiveness? And which of them are happier? It's almost the same with dogs. Rules make life much more predictable, much less confusing, and much less stressful.

And speaking of confusing, dogs don't understand exceptions to the rules. They don't understand that they're allowed to jump on you if you're in sweatpants, but not if you're in a suit. They don’t understand why they are allowed to climb onto the sofa after a bath, but not after a dirty puddle. In addition, which, in your opinion, she must comply with, you do not change the situation in any way. To establish a rule, you need to offer your dog alternative behavior and reward it. Dogs thrive when they understand boundaries, and when you take the time and treats to explain and enforce them, and have a direct impact on your dog's quality of life.

Go play with the dog. GO PLAY!

Dogs are a social species, and like other social species, they form friendly (or not so friendly) bonds with other creatures. Knowing which other dogs—or people, for that matter—a dog wants to interact with is fairly simple. However, many owners ignore these signals or simply do not know that they are there. It's not uncommon for overenthusiastic owners to push their dog (sometimes literally) to socialize at dog parks or walks when their dog would rather go home. Or they allow strangers to pet the dog even when it shows clear signs of wanting to be left alone.

It is important to note that this must be distinguished from working with shy, fearful or reactive dogs using positive reinforcement. Forcing them to take small steps out of their comfort zone, and rewarding them for any calm, happy social behavior, you help them live a calm and full life. But knowing the difference between encouraging calm interaction and forcing social contact is critical for every owner, and the difference needs to be well understood. Excessive forcing of a dog into social contact will sooner or later force it to show aggression. She warns you, step by step: she ignores, avoids, maybe even growls, and finally she is forced to use her teeth. What's worse is that your credibility as a leader and protector in any situation evaporates, and the association with the park, the dogs, and the particular situation becomes increasingly negative. Gradually, the negativity spreads to all the parks, all the dogs, and the general atmosphere during the walk. So do your dog a favor: learn his body language and how he shows reluctance to interact with anyone and please don't force it.

Near. Close, I said!

There are walks, and there are walks. Of course, any dog ​​needs the ability to walk on a loose leash. However, it is important to give your dog time and opportunity to explore his surroundings, even if he is walking carefully on a leash. Dogs see through their noses, and they place as much importance on their sense of smell as we humans use our vision. It's probably safe to say that dogs appreciate smells in a tree the way we appreciate a beautiful sunset. Dogs hate not being able to smell freely the world at least some of the time during the walk, and we humans too often focus on walking for the sole purpose of exercise or toileting. We follow the same old boring route, often without any variety, and are in too much of a hurry to get home again.

Give your dog a gift and turn one of your daily walks into a “smell walk” - walk slowly and let your dog sniff the world. Change route, explore a different area or path, let your dog sniff the spot until he's had his fill, even if it takes a few minutes, before moving forward. To help your dog learn the difference between a walk where he must be obedient and stay close to you, and a walk where he is free to explore, you can wear a special harness or otherwise indicate your intentions. These walks great opportunity for a reward that makes life interesting for your pet.

Pull the leash tighter

Just as dogs are amazing at reading our body language, they are amazing at reading our tension—even through a leash. By shortening and tightening the leash, you increase the level of stress, frustration and anxiety for your dog and, by extension, for you. I know what you're thinking: “I don't want to pull on the leash, but I have to. My dog ​​is the one doing the pulling here, not me!” But this is why it is so important to teach your dog to walk on a slack leash.

An amazing amount of energy is transferred between you and your dog through this small strip of fabric or skin. By leaving the leash slack, you let your dog know that everything is fine and that there is no reason to worry or tense up. With a slack leash, you are communicating to your dog that you are calm and in control, and signaling to your dog that he should be calm too. On the other hand, by pulling on the leash, you are sending signals of tension, anxiety, alertness and readiness for a fight or flight situation, and of course your dog is in sync with you. Just like you don't like it when your dog constantly pulls you, your dog doesn't really like you pulling it and keeping it on guard. Dogs are well aware that they will not get away from you, even if they really need to. A dog that walks on a tight leash is always more reactive, prone to barking and more reactive even in the most innocuous social situations. A dog trained to walk on a loose leash is more likely to be calm. It may take some effort, and some owners tend to be lazy and waste their time, but it is very important to walk calmly and joyfully with a relaxed dog.


Pulling on the leash is not the only way your dog can understand your condition. You can feel the other person's tension even if you don't realize it. Dogs have the same ability. The more stress and tension you experience, the more stressed your dog will become. And dogs, like us, don't like this feeling. You may roll your eyes, but the next time your dog is upset and stressed, check in with yourself—how have you been feeling over the past few minutes, hours, or days? Your dog most likely mirrored you. If you're looking for a reason to meditate, helping your dog calm down is a pretty good reason to do so.

Mortal boredom

You know the feeling when you have to hang out with someone super boring and you can't escape him? For example, you and your parents went on business, and there were no amusement parks or toy stores there. This itchy feeling when you can’t sit still, and you can barely restrain yourself from being capricious and jumping on the ceiling. You can’t talk to adults, besides, the conversation is boring, and they also told you to sit down and calm down. But my God, how I would like to just take off and run, run, run! Break this monotony! This is exactly how your dog feels when you are busy doing those boring adult things. Dogs hate being bored with us. How else? We come home from work, want to relax, do household chores, cook dinner, collapse on the sofa and just lie around. Just think, the dog was waiting for you from work all day so that he could at least just run after the ball!

If your dog starts acting out - opening cabinets and boxes, chewing shoes or furniture - most likely she is showing you how bored she really is. Luckily, there is a quick and easy solution: . Teaching your dog a new trick, repeating old ones, playing retrieval games with favorite toys, or using a walk as a time to work on handling in the city will stimulate your dog's mind and body. An hour of training is worth a couple of hours of throwing a ball, oddly enough. Of course, walks and exercise are important, but mental stress adds such pleasant fatigue to the dog. Even 15-30 minutes of exercise a day makes a big difference.


This should be obvious and we won't spend much time on it. But it's worth noting that too many people still think it's funny. Don't bark at your dog as you pass it on the street. Do not wave or talk to your dog if it barks at you from a window or from behind a fence. Don't pull the dog's tail. The list goes on and on, but in short, don't do something for fun that you know drives her crazy. It's no fun for the dog and can lead to some serious behavioral problems - and, perhaps deservedly so, you'll get the chance to discover some new dog tooth marks on yourself.

How to behave around an unfamiliar dog

Loving dogs can hurt. A natural kind impulse is to approach an unfamiliar dog and pet it. The result may be a bite. The dog may be hungry, nervous, or afraid of punishment or a kick. Alone, away from her friends, nervous and justifiably suspicious from previous sad experiences, she defends herself by biting. And even at home or at an exhibition you can be bitten out of surprise.

Always approach the dog from the front, let buy propecia she sees you. Talk to her in a kind voice. Once you have gone towards her, do not show your fear. And the most important thing is not to lower your hand from top to bottom, because the dog may perceive this as a desire to harm it. Place your hand near her mouth so she can smell and see it. and then pat her on the back of her neck.
Any stranger's dog on the street can be mastered if you use a commanding tone of voice. buy levitra online Walk on without looking back. Keep talking to her, call her or any name. But he who hesitates can easily be bitten.
If you grab someone else's dog, hold it not by the scruff, not by the body, but by the neck right under the lower jaw, then it will not be able to bite you, or hold its head with both hands on both sides near the ears. Keep talking to your dog. Let her sniff your clothes. If your dog is wearing a collar, hold him by twisting the collar tightly around his neck.

Ramazan Rabadanov, Morning-2, Dagestan

Even if you love dogs, this does not mean that all dogs will love you. As the poet Nikolai Rubtsov said: “A dog is a friend to man. Alone. And the other is an enemy...” Many people love dogs, but a dog living in the city should not cause inconvenience to a person. What to do at the moment when Have you encountered a strange, aggressive dog?

If you see a dog approaching, stop and put your hands down at your sides. Do not shush or wave your arms under any circumstances. The biggest mistake you can make is trying to run away. Even a peaceful animal will have an instinct to chase the elusive prey.

Try to calm down and pull yourself together. In a state of fear, adrenaline is released in your blood, which acts on a dog like a red rag on a bull. “Afraid means guilty. If he’s guilty, that means he needs to be punished and bitten,” that’s what the dog thinks. If he barks at you, there may be various reasons for this: you have entered his territory; Perhaps the animal is simply inviting you to play (in this case, you will notice a joyfully wagging tail), or maybe the dog is an ordinary empty dog. The best way for you to react is to silently pass by, remembering the saying: whoever barks doesn’t bite.

Dogs are usually peaceful animals. But, alas, you may come across a not entirely adequate specimen. Know that clear signs of dog aggression– ears pressed to the head and a quiet growl. When you meet such a “friend” on the street, try to block his attack: throw a bag, an umbrella, a shoe, a brick from the road at the dog - whatever. If a dog knocks you down, roll over onto your stomach, try to cover your most vulnerable places: neck, ears.

But the main rule when meeting an unfamiliar dog is not to provoke the animal. This means not lisping in his direction, “Poor thing, she’s probably frozen...”; do not pull your hands towards the animal and do not try to pet it; do not kick or throw stones. If you are walking with a small dog that is unable to fend for itself, passing by a stray dog, take your pet in your arms - just in case. Teach these rules to your children. A child who tries to pet a “fluffy” or put his fingers in his mouth behaves inappropriately in the eyes of a dog, which means that even a small and peaceful animal like a Pekingese can bite him.

If you come to the apartment of friends who have a dog that you are unfamiliar with, you should not begin communication by patting the animal on the withers. If you want to pet, ask the owners for permission. Slowly bring your hand to your dog's face so that he can smell it and make sure that you do not pose a danger to him. Remember that a dog of any size, even the smallest, can bite your finger. So it's better to take care of your fingers.