How to make him want to get married. Why don't men want to get married? How to make a man marry and want children

The most important thing to remember is don’t nag a man about “when will we?!”, don’t whine, don’t complain about life. Such actions cause a backlash. Well, who would like to get married under a stick?

If you want him to propose to you, analyze yourself. If you don't like yourself, change. You need to take a sober look at yourself from the outside, put yourself in a man’s place and ask “do I want to marry myself?” If the answer turns out to be negative, think about the most interfering factors and eventually get rid of them.

Be sure to communicate with the man, listen to him carefully, and help with advice. Men value attentive listeners; it is very important to become his confidant.

Don't pretend to be something you're not. Don't overdo it with decorative cosmetics, who likes to go to bed with one woman, but wake up with a completely different one? Do not wear provocative clothing, do not use false hair or nails. Men want to see a woman next to them without pretense and camouflage. This doesn't mean you need to stop taking care of yourself.

The main thing is to really want to get married

Men value emotional stability. They prefer adequate women; only a few like emotional roller coasters. If you are prone to hysterical manifestations, react to stress too violently, do not “hold” the psychological stress, seek help from a psychotherapist, do yoga or meditation, calm your emotions. Men really need a source of calm.
Don't forget about your sense of humor. Men highly value this quality. After all, a good joke is sometimes worth a lot.

Be seductive. Demonstrate your sexual interest in a man, try to diversify your sex, be different. Men traditionally look for a wife not only as a friend, but also as a lover.

Be proud of your man, encourage him, praise him. Support. If something doesn’t go at all according to plan, don’t nag, don’t gloat. Support is what men are looking for in a future life partner. You can be whatever bad hostess you want, but don't be a bad support. Eliminate “I knew it” and “I told you so!” from your vocabulary.

Have a romantic dinner. Talk to your man gently and optimistically about your plans. Tell him that you feel very good with him, that you are crazy about him. Communicate your desire to get married in the future. Don't push, don't be too serious.

Be confident. Men cannot take women seriously who consider themselves nothing. A proud, independent woman is an ideal companion.

For example, take a young couple who have been dating for a long time. They live together like a young family. But this is not husband and wife, there was no wedding. The guy is happy with everything, he is in no hurry to take the first step. Therefore, the girl must take the initiative into her own hands.

So, how to get a man to marry?

Firstly, you don’t need to constantly tell him that it’s time to get married. If you put pressure on him, there will be no point. And the phrase “all my friends got married, I’m the only one left” will not help. You need to act cunningly.

You need to think about how to get a guy to marry on his own initiative. The girl must be made to understand that she will be a wonderful wife. To do this, she needs to monitor her appearance constantly, even after the wedding. Otherwise, the guy will regret that he proposed to her. A guy should admire his future bride and wife.

You need to keep the house in order and cook delicious food. Even if the girl does all this, and the guy takes everything for granted, then she just needs to correctly hint that since he doesn’t propose to her, it means he doesn’t have serious intentions. And if so, then further relationships are fruitless. The guy must understand that if the girl leaves, then he will feel empty, the house will not be cleaned, there will be no tasty food, and she will not illuminate his house with her beauty. This thought will frighten the young man, and he will begin to think about proposing marriage.

Also, the girl must learn to cope with her character. If she is constantly nervous and swears at the guy, he is unlikely to want to propose to her. But if she learns to solve all problems calmly, putting everything in order, such a girl will be approved.

Before hinting to a guy about marriage, a girl must clearly understand that this is her choice for life. She will need to realize whether she is ready for this, whether she accepts him for who he is. If you’re not sure, then what’s the point of thinking about how to get a man to marry?

A girl must learn to accept the whole guy, with his shortcomings and hobbies. If he likes football, or sometimes hangs out with friends, his girlfriend should make it clear to him that she is not against it. And after the wedding, he can watch football or meet with friends, just within certain boundaries. Guys think that after marriage their freedom and their joys of life end. A difficult married life ensues. And if the girl can convince him that freedom does not disappear, hobbies remain, then he will definitely take the initiative in holding the wedding.

A girl should always praise her boyfriend, even in small things. She must show him that the head of the family will be the husband, not the wife. This situation will suit the guy, and he will want to start a family, solve all problems, and protect his wife.

Also, the girl should be able to show the guy that she won’t wait long for an invitation. She is attractive and other men like her. And if her boyfriend doesn't want to make her happy, someone else will. Life is too short to sit and wait for a young man to take a desperate step.

It is also quite natural to be happy for those who get married. Admire wedding dresses, shoes, everything related to a wedding, beautiful bouquets. Perhaps a guy, looking at how her girlfriend sincerely rejoices for the happiness of others, will make her happy himself.

Sometimes the situation influences a guy to propose to a girl. A girl can create it herself by setting a beautiful table with delicious food and wonderful wine. By carefully talking about wedding topics, a guy may decide to propose to her.

If a girl feels that she is ready for marriage, but the guy does not take any action, it is recommended to put these tips into practice. These tips + patience + young man = happy and strong family in the future. Don't forget this.

    Let's analyze this phenomenon in detail, why these men don't want to get married...

    1 On material issues - In the event of termination of relations between cohabitants (in a civil marriage) and a conflict arises over common property, it is possible to achieve a fair division of this property using civil law. When registering a marriage, everyone knows the fact of dividing property, also in the presence of children.

    2 Also, if we take the material issue, they do not consider themselves ready to financially support their family.

    3. A sense of freedom, not everyone wants to lose it so irrevocably.

    4 The wedding itself causes rejection for many if we consider it as a ritual, and those who have already been married once are extremely reluctant to go to it

    5 A woman, according to male logic, undergoes a series of “tests” - the test of time. How? A man gives ratings like in figure skating - cooks well +5- is silent +10- walks at night -20- nags that people don’t pay attention - 10- nags “where’s the money” - 10- let’s have a child - 15

    In total, as a result, “at the entrance” having +20 points for 1 day you can get - 20 points and all previous “merits” are reset and the man “escaped” :).

    A little about successful relationships: I would note three basic successful rules for behavior with men:

    1 - Ability to listen (without interrupting) and maintain a conversation

    2 - Praise his achievements (even if there are none, the man will thus be capable of real feats. Not suitable for everyone, you can at least not argue)

    3 - Men are greedy for appearances, but you must match his external image, which he pays attention to and external affections

    Verified! It works But the last point is only suitable for attracting a man, but not keeping him. The first two are suitable for both.

    Of course, you can argue and insist on your own, and also use the “I run away, and you catch up” method, in my opinion, this is suitable for very lethargic men, it’s unlikely that another will run after you, so if you want this , then why not - use “escapes”.

    Formula for a man's love

    1 - ABILITY TO LISTEN TO A MAN (and maintain a conversation) + 2 PRAISE HIS ACHIEVEMENTS (understanding them) + CONFORM TO THAT VISUAL IMAGE that a man likes = MALE LOVE (c) A. Baranov.

    A man and a registry office, a man and the desire to have children

    What to do to push a man towards marriage, as well as to help him develop a desire to have children?

    Usually, a man’s first experience (or first step) in terms of family and children is the man’s mother, so some of the “work” has already been done before you, my dear. They have already told him that he “necessarily” needs to get married and that they say we want grandchildren. Sometimes this is the only reason for looking for a wife, yes, yes, and no other, namely the mother’s desire.

    But despite all of the above, and also if all this is NOT present! That is, either my mother didn’t tell me about the “need” of the family, or she didn’t tell me about the “need” of the family, or the circumstances turned out that way - well, he doesn’t have this desire, let’s say, this man of yours doesn’t. Absolutely no! There is no desire to have a family and children (imagine! This is possible and men DO NOT have a maternal instinct! And children are not at all in the first place in a man’s life....) You will have to do something yourself! Yes, yes, take some actions so that he gets married and wants children (or is absolutely sure that he really needs these children)

    How to do it? How to make a man want to get married and have children? OK OK! I’m not languishing anymore, let’s get down to business. Well, of course, this chosen one of yours should propose marriage himself, that’s what you would like, but he needs to be “gently” reminded of the seriousness of the relationship, and if you’re like very important to him, then you’re only for a serious relationship, you are so serious! You need to instill this image in him, and it’s better to match it, of course. Because if you go from being a person who walks at night, SUDDENLY you suddenly turn into a “cultured” future wife, this is not very likely to be true. As they say, “if you want a prince, live up to it,” it’s better, of course, to raise this “image” of your future wife from childhood, I’ve met such people, I’ve met, of course, not many, but it has happened, but what if you’re not like that? And I would really like to be this very WIFE! Then choose the time for “transformation”, let it be a year, a year and a half, or even two, but let this man understand that it is because of him, of course, that you have transformed so much (and not because the age is right or the conditions suit you, or his gene pool is suitable or the gynecologist is “calling”, or the mother, etc.) So: do not make sudden changes towards “culture”, it looks very unnatural.

    Next, we constantly remind you about the seriousness of the relationship, or better yet, ask directly - do you want a serious relationship? At least you will get an answer and won’t be upset about something he didn’t need to find out later. Many women, in response to my similar proposals - to ask directly, said the following - what if he gets scared? Or will he be offended by this question? Let me tell you this, I personally was not at all scared or offended by such questions. It’s quite normal to “agree on the shore” what and who needs it, because women don’t always need these same “serious relationships”, suddenly everything coincides at once and you just want to spend time and no worries!

    We also remind you that a friend is getting married (even if she doesn’t) or that she got married, we periodically show wedding photos and when driving past someone’s wedding (you can specially on Saturday, for example, go to where the newlyweds are walking after the registry office) roll your eyes and sigh. The methods of “running away” did not work for me personally, that is, “I’m leaving,” well, go away :-). You can try to use them, they definitely work for someone as a push towards marriage, of course.

    Now children - in order to “accustom” a man to children (if the mother did not do this, of course, as I wrote above), he needs to periodically show them and better give them in his hands. This is done in the same way, for guests who have children - we pick them up, lisp them and let them hold them (you can help him lisp, of course). For the record, these same men cannot stand the screams of children, well, they are designed like this, it’s the mother who has her own reaction to the cry of the child. for men, this is a request for help that he cannot fulfill (he is not a mother:) so avoid crying children, I understand that there are no children who are always smiling, well, if only in photographs on Facebook, children never cry on Facebook, yes! But if someone's child you want to tame a man with is too whiny, it's better not to tempt fate

    Once again - to accustom a man to the desire to have children - show them to him more often and make him pick them up and play with them.

    Well, I think I told you everything! As you can see, a man is not able to understand what you are doing and you can easily manipulate his desires in your favor. After all, you want to achieve your goal, with such instructions it is only a matter of your patience and time.

    And "finally".

    Previously, people got married in order to pass on their life experience to the future generation, their business and continue their family line. Life experience is not something like “go to college, graduate, work and get promoted,” but life perception, the ability to make decisions, study, and so on. It’s my own business, I won’t explain what it is, it’s already clear, but to continue the family, in order to continue it, it must exist. How many generations ago do you remember? How knowledgeable are you about the activities of your ancestors and what your great-grandfather passed on to your grandfather and he, in turn, to your father, and he to you? What are your family traditions? How old are they and how do you develop them?

    If all this is not there, then of course you can call yourself a modern person, or not a “hypocrite”, as is now customary to say, and be “in the trend” of modern society, but you do not have a gender as such and you can only prolong yourself. Therefore, perhaps men now do not have such a direct need to get married and have children, as I see from my many acquaintances, and the ability of women to bear children is not something valuable for a man, also because of the above reasons.

How to get him to marry you?

As a man who was not married for a long time, and then finally got married, I will tell you about some details that, I am sure, will allow you not only to stop worrying about “why won’t he marry me?”, but also to achieve what you want. so that he marries you

Why are men “afraid” of marriage?

Alina, remember what the heroine’s mother says in the film “Wedding in Malinovka” when she asks if it’s scary to get married? It's not scary to get married, but marry- yes And there is some truth in this joke. Let's find out why.

No matter how modern times change the places of men and women, the man still remains the breadwinner of the family. If it is the woman who provides for the family, the man most often feels discomfort deep down. In a word, when a man cares, it is he who takes upon himself main responsibility in survival - providing food (money).

Conclusion? When in a small group the decision depends on you, it is you who bears the responsibility, who has it harder: you or other members of the group? Of course, to you. Therefore, any man, as a helmsman or captain of a group, worries: will he be able to cope?

I don’t argue, this is not all, but only one of the reasons, but still one of the most important reasons. Coming out for my husband, and not in some other way, that is, the husband is the first, the main one, it depends on him more, even if in marriage it is men who find it easier in everyday life. This responsibility is inherent at the genetic level, it is instilled in early childhood.

If you want to get married, become a strategist

I would like to remain an idealist, but having decided on the truth, I must admit: in any relationship there is always conflict of interests. And that means... watch their interests. Have you found out that he suits you and you can get married? Do what you need to do will push Your relationship.

Be strategic. That is, do not rush into the assault, snatching your sabers out. This will scare you away! Vice versa never Don’t even stutter that you want to marry him. If he asks, answer, but, by the way, without excessive heat.

You must, day after day, lay new stone in the wall of your relations, which will protect him from other women. But put it so that he doesn't notice

That is, take care of him, but not too much. Say something nice, but not endlessly. He wants to go somewhere alone or with friends - do not be offended or contradict him in any way! Does he suggest you live together first? Great! Consider that you have broken through the defense, and now the main thing is not to make any serious mistakes.

You can admit that you want a child from him, that this is for you important but you don't need it no obligation. True, everything here is individual, you need to study the man, otherwise he will run away. A child without the requirement to get married is a significant fact for many, but not for everyone.

An important point in the fight for a wedding is to think less about it, and just live, enjoy your relationship, be not only his mistress, but also friend. Do everything so that he can be with you easily. So that he can be in the same apartment with you just without even talking about anything. The last one is an important touch!

Don't overdo it

I will say what I have tested from my own experience and the experience of many other people. Selects woman. That is, “your” man will not escape you. Men are electrons that revolve around a female nucleus, and if you dig deep, the result is not what it seems from the outside: a woman attracts the man and forces him to settle down.

Therefore, you should not be too eager for the wedding, because the mistake in choosing will mostly be on your conscience. In the heat of a “fight”, the goal of which is marriage, there is a risk overdo.

Men, despite the fact that they are credited with exceptional logic and the influence of reason, cannot always decide whether they want to connect their fate with a given woman. It's better not to push. You also want him to chose You, how do you like him?

Just as men are “afraid” of getting married, so women are often afraid of “not getting married.” And fear is the first stick in the wheels. Do not be afraid! Remember: it’s better not to do anything than to do something! Learn to enjoy a relationship with a man, and not be tormented by certain fears, which, moreover, will not necessarily be confirmed. And the wedding is guaranteed

Everyone has thought about this since childhood. But time passes, and some girls have never met their prince, while others have been dating their beloved for a long time, and he still doesn’t talk about marriage. How does a man come to the conclusion that a couple is already getting married? What gives rise to such thoughts in his mind? The website Svadbaholik.Ru will tell you several ways to get a man to marry you.

Method number 1. Together forever

This is the most honest way to get married - for love. The classics of the genre require that the initiative in this case come from a man. The girl must prove to her boyfriend that she will be the ideal wife for him. Afterwards, you can discuss the possibility of giving your relationship an official status.

Method number 2. Meeting before entering the registry office

If your loved one is passionate and frivolous, then this method will undoubtedly suit you. Warn your boyfriend a few days in advance that you are going to a party, entry requires passports and dress code. But in order to organize everything at the registry office without a groom, you need friends there.

If you don’t have such acquaintances, then you can accidentally arrange a date at the registry office and, as if by chance, walk into it. And then the girl should invite the young man to surprise his family and friends: submit an application. It is important that you are near the registry office during its opening hours. If you love each other, trust each other, want to be together, then your boyfriend will not hesitate and apply. The main thing is that no one changes their mind later.

Method number 3. We are no worse than others

Everyone around you is already married, but your boyfriend is still hesitant to propose marriage. What to do in this case? How to force a man to marry? A girl should constantly remind her beloved that all his friends are already married, and your girlfriends are married. And why are you worse than others?.. This will force your young man to speed up his decision.

Method number 4. We're having a baby

Girls have been using this method for a long time. If your young man is a playboy type, then this news will more likely upset him than make him happy. Such news immediately obliges you to live together, so this may frighten your loved one.

The behavior of your fiancé after the wedding will be unknown if you made up your pregnancy. In this case, this method will definitely not bring family happiness, so it would be better to choose another way to force a man to marry.

Method No. 5. "Sissy"

In order to marry a “mama’s boy”, one thing is enough: to please his parents. To do this, you need to carefully prepare: find out from your boyfriend what his mother likes, what she is interested in, what interests her. It is necessary to choose the appropriate outfit; it will be better if it matches the taste of the groom’s mother. Behave modestly, not provocatively. You can consider that success has been achieved if the mother begins to tell you about her son, about all his merits. If your loved one’s mother likes you, you will no longer need to think about how to force a man to marry, his mother will do it for you.

Method number 6. If your beloved is a careerist

This method is suitable for men who already hold a high position in a company. The proposal to sign must be constructive and must be clearly thought out. The main thing is that it shows concern for the career of your loved one. Give convincing arguments that you need to sign, say that after giving the relationship an official status, promotion up the career ladder cannot be avoided. If your loved one agrees, then you must find out where and when the registry office works in order to submit an application.

Method No. 7. End of the world

Convince your chosen one that you really believe in the end of the world, so you need to have time to sign before the end of the world. Tell your loved one that you want to live this year to the fullest. If you don’t know how to force a man to marry you, then you can try this method. It is suitable for romantic couples.

But before you use one of the above methods, think about whether you really want to live your life with this person, whether you love him.