How to make butter at home? Cooking method. How to make butter at home Can butter be made from liquid cream?

How to do butter at home and be confident in the quality of the product, because oil is an essential part of the daily diet of many people?

We use it for sandwiches, add it to sauces,...

Alas, even expensive oils often contain dyes, flavors, stabilizers...

Not the most attractive components, right?

A 100% quality guarantee can only be obtained by preparing the oil. with my own hands from proven homemade (farm) milk.

Do you think this is very difficult? In fact, the process of making oil is very simple. Read on and see for yourself.

What are the benefits of butter?

It would seem that butter is pure fat. What benefit could it possibly have? Only, and even cholesterol.

But let's not forget that the notorious cholesterol, which some are so afraid of, is synthesized by our own body.

And if it is so harmful, why does our body produce it?

Research has shown that cholesterol is necessary for the synthesis of certain hormones.

In addition, without cholesterol, the body cannot normally absorb serotonin, the absence of which causes depressed mood and even depression.

High-quality oil is quite easy to prepare at home

And you probably knew from school that some vitamins are fat-soluble and are absorbed only in combination with vegetable or animal fats.

If you already have quality butter, you can make an even better product - ghee (commonly known as ghee).

The point of cooking it is to simmer for a long time over medium heat, as a result of which moisture and protein are removed from the oil, leaving only pure fat.

Ghee, unlike regular butter, can be stored without refrigeration for years, and its healing qualities only improve.

But it’s still better to keep it in a dark and cool place in a tightly sealed container - this way the oil will oxidize less.

Both regular butter and ghee can be used both internally and externally - for massage, as a nourishing cream for the face and body.

It is believed that ghee enriches the body with solar energy, so it is useful for colds, joint and back pain, migraines, etc.

Why not try making butter at home?

Butter (and ghee even more) enhances the effect of other medicinal substances, so it is useful to mix it with spices, dried fruits and nuts.

How to make butter from sour cream at home?

The answer to the question: how to make butter at home in 5 minutes is simple - in a butter churn.

Special devices allow you to whip sour cream or milk-cream mixture to the state of butter in a matter of minutes. The fattier the starting product, the faster you will get the oil.

If you don’t have a butter churn, you’ll have to make do with improvised means: a blender or mixer.

If you don’t have this technique either, don’t be upset - you can beat the butter even in a regular jar, but you’ll have to work hard for this.


Homemade sour cream (sour cream)

Take 2 liters of good homemade thick sour cream (you can use thick homemade cream - the fattier the better) and pour it into a saucepan or wide bowl.

It is better that the surface of the dish is not completely smooth, but a little “velvety”, rough - this will make it easier for us to collect pieces of butter into one lump.

Beat the sour cream with a mixer or blender at maximum speed for 15-20 minutes, until it begins to form “grains”.

At first, the sour cream will begin to liquefy, then turn into fluffy foam (you can stop at this stage if you are cooking sour cream for cake or pastries, and for butter we continue to work).

And only after this you will notice the separation of the product and the formation of small yellowish lumps.

The process is labor-intensive, the blender and mixer will get very hot, and a low-power device may even burn out.

If you are not sure about the reliability of your household appliances, it is better to beat the butter by hand - with a fork, whisk or spoon.

To diversify the taste of the product, you can add spices and herbs to it.

Gradually, the oil will begin to separate from the liquid, rising to the top.

The sour cream will begin to separate - small grains of butter gradually merge into large lumps.

The liquid that forms during the process is poured into a separate container. You won't need it for butter, but you shouldn't throw it away - it's buttermilk, a very tasty and valuable dairy product.

If you like whey remaining after separating the curd, you will probably like buttermilk - it is even tastier and healthier.

When the oil is already clearly visible, stop whipping it and begin to gently knead it with clean hands washed in cold water.

Turn over and press the oil lump to squeeze out all the liquid from it.

If you plan to store the butter for a long time, you can run it with cold water several times to remove as much buttermilk as possible.

You also need to rinse the oil if you are going to heat it later - unwashed oil will produce a lot of foam and sediment after heating.

Be sure to rinse the butter if you want to add chocolate, herbs, or other flavorings to it.

Buttermilk, which is released when whipped, will appeal to whey lovers

If you need regular sandwich butter with a bright, characteristic creamy aroma, you don’t have to bother with rinsing - squeeze out the buttermilk better and collect the finished butter in a storage tray.

If desired, you can add a little salt to the butter, but this is also not necessary.

This method is better suited for beginners, as sour cream blends into butter easier than fresh cream.

Tip: to give the butter a beautiful oval shape, place the finished piece into a wide bowl and start tossing it so that the butter hits the bottom and sides of the bowl. Toss and roll the oil for a few minutes, which will release the oil. excess liquid and will take on a neat rounded shape.

How to make butter from cream (milk) at home?

Many people are interested in how to make butter at home from store-bought cream, because it is not always possible to buy high-quality farm milk, and especially homemade cream.

Homemade butter will taste better

Luckily, store-bought cream can also be used to create butter. To do this, you will need to take a product with the highest fat content you can find (at least 30%).

To learn how to make butter from goat milk at home, learn the basic technology for making oil.

Regardless of which animal’s milk you use as a basis, the order of preparation will be the same.

The result will depend primarily on the fat content. The higher the fat content of the milk-cream mixture, the faster the butter will separate from the whey.

Sweet cream homemade butter

To get butter from sweet cream rather than sour cream, take fresh milk and put it in the refrigerator overnight to let the cream settle.

Or, if you already have ready-made ones, collected from fresh (not sour) milk, use them.

Depending on the fat content of the milk, the layer of resulting cream can be different - from a couple of centimeters to a third, or even half a can.

Unlike sour cream, sweet cream whips worse (longer). But believe me, the result is worth the effort.

Even store-bought cream is suitable for making homemade butter.

Make sweet cream butter in the same way as sour cream - pour it into a bowl and beat thoroughly.

I prefer to whip the butter by hand - I pour the cream into a jar and close it with a regular jar. plastic cover and start shaking the jar.

In order not to waste time, during the cooking process you can watch a movie or entertain yourself with a conversation with household members - like this time will pass faster, and you won’t get bored while you’re pounding the treasured jar.

Tip: Cold cream takes longer to whip, but butter made from warm milk may be too thin. Look for the “golden mean” where the butter will whip quickly enough and still hold its shape.

It is important to understand that the jar should not be full - do not fill more than two-thirds of the container, otherwise you will not be able to “shake” the cream properly and it will not curl into butter flakes.

It would be nice if there were helpers to shake the jar of cream one at a time; after all, your hands get tired in the process.

After 20-30 minutes (if the cream is very thick, then faster), you will notice that the butter has begun to separate. From now on the process will become more fun.

The butter will clump together into larger and larger clumps, and you will only need to pour off the resulting buttermilk from time to time.

Homemade butter

Due to impacts against the walls of the jar, the oil will curl into a tight ball on its own.

To make the ball denser, after each draining of the buttermilk, add one or two tablespoons very much. cold water. This way you will wash and cool the oil at the same time.

A video on how to make butter from milk at home will help you see that it is really simple and anyone can do it.

Original homemade butter recipes

To make a delicious sandwich butter, the finished product can be flavored with additives.

Onion-pepper oil

Ingredients: half a sweet red pepper, a few stalks of green onions and 100 grams of butter.

Onion-pepper oil

Bake the pepper in the oven and grind in a blender or food processor along with the onion. Mix thoroughly with oil and place on film in an even layer.

Carefully lifting the film by the edge, form a butter “sausage” of a thickness convenient for you (so that it can be easily cut with a knife), roll it tightly and pack it in the same cling film on which you wrapped the butter.

Store tightly packed in the freezer so that it does not absorb the odors of foods stored nearby and does not “share” the aroma with other foods.

Garlic oil with dill

Garlic oil can be an ideal addition to boiled potatoes.

To prepare it, mix 100 grams of butter with a pinch of ground nutmeg, chopped garlic clove and a couple of sprigs of finely chopped dill.

Garlic oil

Spicy oil

Mix 100 grams of butter, 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar and a teaspoon each of oregano, rosemary, parsley and sea salt.

Pack carefully and store in the freezer. This oil is suitable not only for sandwiches, but also as a base for sauces or as an addition to baked vegetables.

Cheese butter

Mix 100 grams of butter and 3 tablespoons of grated cheese of several types: Parmesan and mozzarella.

You can add emmental, gorgonzola, dor blue, cheddar - at your discretion.

Add chopped sun-dried tomatoes and a little basil there. Pack in film or foil and store like other types of oil - in the freezer.

Cheese butter

Herring oil with mustard

To prepare this oil, take 100 grams of oil, 100 grams of salted herring fillet, a teaspoon of mustard, a little fresh dill and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Beat everything thoroughly in a blender until smooth.

Mushroom oil

Fry 100-150 grams of mushrooms along with one onion in butter, add salt and add a pinch of fenugreek.

Transfer to, add 100 grams of butter there and beat everything together well.

Mushroom oil

Cranberry oil

Mix 100 grams of butter with two tablespoons of cranberry puree, a tablespoon of maple syrup and a teaspoon of grated lemon zest.

Spicy oil with horseradish

100 grams of oil, 4 tablespoons of chopped horseradish root, 1 teaspoon of ground hot pepper, half a red or yellow sweet pepper, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, salt.

Blend in a blender until smooth and freeze, tightly packed in film or foil.

You can experiment endlessly with the flavors of homemade butter.

Distrust in the quality of store-bought products pushes many enthusiasts to set up their own mini-production at home. Some bake bread, others make sausage, mayonnaise, and sweets. We decided to find out whether it is possible to make other fermented milk products, such as butter and cottage cheese, from store-bought milk and sour cream.

How long should I wait for oil?

The “test” turned out to be sour cream with 30 percent fat content from one of the local producers. You don’t need any special kitchen equipment for the experiment; improvised means will suffice. Pour the product into a glass jar (or into another container, most importantly, not wide), take it in your hands with a wooden stirring stick (you can use a “slingshot” for jelly, if you know what that is) and start whipping the sour cream. The rustic product loses its sour cream appearance after just a few minutes of active stirring. The appearance of dents (the villagers call the whey from the oil) is a sure sign that the job is nearing completion. I had to fight with the product from the store for more than four hours. In the end, nothing worked out anyway - there was not even a hint of oil. Perhaps only at the top of the neck, but, as they say, almost - it doesn’t count. Maybe they are fooling our brother, the consumer? We decided to ask this question to various dairy production specialists.

“I don’t have a personal cow, so I can’t answer anything,” Lidia Avdeeva, quality director of Velikoluksky Dairy Plant CJSC, said bluntly. - We work at an industrial enterprise, we are able to make dairy products. There are GOST standards that specify the features of all technological processes. I will not talk to you about this topic.

Of course, we cannot “count” such an answer, so we turned to other specialists for help. It turned out that store-bought sour cream is made from homogenized cream, that is, in such a product the fats are crushed into very small particles. This is done in order to achieve a uniform consistency. Tiny fat globules do not stick together, which is why all attempts to make butter from store-bought sour cream will be in vain.

The homogenization process does not in any way affect the quality of the product, notes the deputy general director on quality of Pskov Dairy Plant OJSC Nadezhda Petrova. - Anything made from natural milk cannot be called bad products. In addition, the smaller the fat globule, the better product is assimilated. Store-bought sour cream is healthier than homemade sour cream, because special lactic acid bacteria, that is, cultural microflora, are used in its production. The main thing is that the production is clean and without sanitary violations.

Experts believe that it is better and more reliable to buy sour cream exclusively in the store. True, only from real homemade sour cream can you get delicious butter. If you like what they sell in the store now, then you have never tried real country butter - tasty and aromatic, which smells like cream, and not some kind of synthetic.

According to standard

Now butter must be produced in accordance with GOST R 52969-2008. According to this standard, in terms of color, taste and smell, consistency and appearance Butter is divided into the highest grade and the first. According to chemical indicators, the oil can be traditional (82.5% fat content), amateur (80%), peasant (72.5%), sandwich (61.5%), tea (50%). Depending on the mass fraction of fat for traditional, amateur and peasant production, it is allowed to use table salt, food coloring carotene, bacterial preparations and concentrates of lactic acid microorganisms, for sandwich and tea - food coloring carotene, flavorings that enhance the sweet-creamy or sour-milk taste, vitamins A, D, E, preservatives, consistency stabilizers and emulsifiers, bacterial preparations and concentrates of lactic acid organisms.

There is an opinion among buyers that only the oil with the highest fat content is real. However, one cannot assert unfoundedly that butter with a fat content of 72.5% will be of poor quality or even counterfeit. It turns out that quite often unfortunate producers dilute oil with a fat content of 82.5%. And store-bought butter becomes soft because, according to experts, it was also passed through a homogenizer.

Store-bought sour cream will never make butter, says another competent expert who asked not to be named. - Homogenized cream is used to make sour cream. Liquid consistency is not an indicator of lack of quality. In production, all raw materials are subjected to heat treatment, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of purchased milk. Of course, country food can also be good, but there the quality is up to the owner. But cottage cheese made at home can turn out much better and tastier than the one made on a production scale.

By the way, about the “curd” part of the experiment. We carried out the experiment on Belarusian milk with a fat content of 3.2 percent. After a couple of days, the result was good yogurt - with a pleasant smell and taste (however, sometimes a sour product smells disgusting). The curdled milk was poured into a saucepan and placed on low heat. After a few minutes it turned out to be cottage cheese. By the way, the homemade product turned out to be quite tasty and more pleasant than the store-bought one. By the way, if you pour store-bought milk into a jar and leave it for a day or two, you will not see cream on top, as happens in village milk. The reason for this is the same homogenization. Fat globules simply cannot stick to each other.

Plus water

We hope that local businesses technological processes are carried out in compliance with the necessary rules, and manufacturers are truly responsible for the quality of the product. True, I heard that at one of the already closed dairy plants, producers mixed milk of varying degrees of freshness or even diluted it with water. In this case, the required fat content was achieved by adding vegetable fats.

By the way, in the fifth issue of the newspaper “Petersburg Quality” for the current year you can find information that JSC “ Velikolusky Dairy Plant» uses admixtures of fats of non-dairy origin, that is, vegetable fat, in the production of sour cream. It turns out that such a product has no right to be called sour cream, and it should be sold at a lower price. The VMC assured us that such an additive is not used in the production of sour cream, and the publication in the above-mentioned newspaper is slander. According to quality director Lidiya Avdeeva, the company has all the necessary documents on hand that confirm that Velikiye Luki sour cream is not counterfeit.

IN Soviet years more attention was paid to the work of dairies, says the former chairman of the Committee on agriculture And natural resources Pskov district Nikolai Makarov. - We always knew what dairies do. There was an inspection on the procurement and quality of agricultural products. Now on farms it’s unlikely that they will cheat in any way, but previously milkmaids could dilute milk with water. True, they were punished and even fired for such violations.

Although even after such dilution, the fat content of that milk more than exceeded 3 percent, and sometimes approached 4 percent. We managed to meet one of the milkmaids, who used to work on one of the former collective farms in the Ostrovsky district. Ekaterina Grigorieva said that in old times Milkmaids really sinned in that they could add water to milk. A standard 38-liter can was filled with only 33 liters of milk, the remaining 5 were filled with water. “And at the plant they will add more water,” laughs Ekaterina Grigorievna. - If even in the Soviet years milk was diluted, then what now? " Apparently, all the secrets of the “dairy yard” can only be learned if you get a job at such an enterprise. But it’s unlikely that we will be welcome there.


This material published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!
Rostelecom in the Pskov region has fully completed the work under the federal project “Eliminating the Digital Divide” (EDD).
27.01.2020 On January 29 at 15:00 in the project office of “Team 2018” on Nekrasova Street, 19, the “Direct Speech” library will hold the literary and artistic program “Anton Chekhov.
26.01.2020 In Pskov, on Victory Square, on January 24 at 7:50, a Lifan car, driven by a 59-year-old local resident, hit an 18-year-old young man and a four-year-old child.

Pskov-Chudskoye Lake was not covered with ice for the first time in 76 years. This was stated by the head of the Pskov Regional Center for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring environment Tala Neshchadimova at a press conference on January 22,
22.01.2020 The Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which became the 16th for Vladimir Putin, focuses on improving the standard of living of the population.
Pskov Province

Personally, I associate the phrase “homemade butter” with early childhood. I remember being little, sitting with my grandmother in a cozy entryway behind a wooden tub of sour cream. We often made butter with her at home, quietly singing old favorite songs.

For a number of my friends, this same phrase evokes completely different associations. Hearing it, they imagine a simple useful product, while they compare preparing butter at home with a huge headache. Yes, not everyone understands that making homemade oil is quite easy.

Why make homemade butter?

Making homemade oil should be done by those people who love themselves and natural products. Of course, if you eat high-quality store-bought butter, nothing terrible will happen. But you should be aware that this product, unlike homemade butter, is not made from cream alone.

Oil producers are allowed to add dyes, bacterial preparations, preservatives, flavors, emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc. to their products. Do you want to eat fresh bread in the morning, spread with stabilizers and preservatives? No? Same thing. And it is not a fact that the oil you purchased contains only what we have listed. It may consist of more unexpected and dangerous components. Do you still think that preparing butter at home is a whim or stupidity? Hardly. Well, then let's learn how to make healthy butter.

Homemade butter from collected cream in a jar in 15 minutes

To prepare about 80 g of amazingly tasty and healthy homemade butter, you will need about 300-330 ml of cream. You can collect them from homemade fat milk. Just take a small ladle or mini ladle and skim off the cream that is on top of the milk. Of course, you can select them with a spoon, but this will drag out the collection process, and our task is to make homemade butter as quickly as possible.

Pour the collected cream into a half-liter jar. If you want to whip butter at home using a jar, you need the cream to occupy no more than two-thirds of the container. So if you have approximately 330ml of cream, a 500ml jar is the ideal vessel for whipping your homemade butter. Beat one at a time large quantity butter, taking a lot of cream and using a larger jar will make it a little more difficult and longer. It is better to choose a container with some kind of corrugated areas or notches, because when using a jar with smooth walls, you risk breaking the vessel with unformed oil. A jar with a hermetically sealed lid is especially good.

So, pour the selected cream into the jar and close it with a lid. Take a glass container and start shaking the cream so that it hits either the bottom of the jar or the lid with which it is closed. After 5-10 minutes, you will notice that small particles of oil begin to form on the glass. Shake the jar for another four minutes. If you open the lid and see an already formed piece of homemade butter, you can stop shaking and start washing the creamy product.

First, drain the cloudy liquid (buttermilk) from the jar, then rinse the oil under running cold water. You can rinse homemade oil directly in the jar until clear water runs out of the container. In this simple way you can prepare butter at home in 15 minutes.

Attention: The milk from which you remove the cream should be at room temperature. If you whip the cream too warm, the butter may turn out runny. But working with a cold product will take much longer. Then whipping can take 20-25 minutes.

To keep homemade butter longer, it needs to be lightly salted. After this, the butter should be wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator.

Butter in a jar from store-bought warm cream in 4 minutes

You can whip butter in a jar of cream in five minutes or even a little faster. But for this you better buy heavy cream. Of course, even very fatty, but cold cream will need to be whipped for at least 15 minutes.

Before you start making homemade butter, chilled cream should be kept out of the refrigerator for about 10 hours so that it warms up evenly and well. After this, you will have to shake the jar for about four minutes. When the oil is clogged, you need to carry out all the steps mentioned above (drain the buttermilk, rinse, add salt, etc.).

Homemade butter in a modern manual butter churn in 3 minutes

Not everyone wants to shake a jar that is not suitable for churning homemade butter, even for those very 5-15 minutes. Many simply consider it undignified to cook a product in a vessel not intended for this purpose. If you are also not interested in this process, then you can buy a modern manual mini-churn. To be honest, it also resembles a jar. This type of butter churn is closed with lids on both sides. The cream is poured from the side where the silicone gasket with holes is located.

To prepare 125 g of butter you will need 220 ml of farm cream. You simply slowly pour in the cream that seeps into the jar through the holes mentioned above and let it settle. It’s good if the air temperature in the house where the cream is stored reaches 25°C. The cream should sit in the churn for about 8 hours. After this, you just need to shake the churn for about three minutes.

Now open the lid on the side of the churn that is intended for pouring in the cream. Squeeze a few tablespoons of the remaining liquid through the holes. After this, pour a little water into the churn and rinse the oil. After draining the water, open the churn from the back. Take a spoon and remove the oil.

Salt the prepared homemade butter and place it in the refrigerator to cool. Having such a special device, you can make not ordinary homemade butter, but with the addition of various ingredients. For example, girls can beat butter with honey. But men will like homemade garlic oil.

Let's go back in time or cook in a wooden churn

You can also look for a wooden churn. Not only does such a butter churn look quite colorful, it will also give you the opportunity to remember how you used to make homemade butter with your grandmother (well, of course, if such a thing happened in your life).

A wooden butter dish usually consists of a mortar into which sour cream is poured, a lid that prevents the whipping product from splashing, a pusher, and some kind of stick (which is used for whipping). This stick, at the end of which there is a round piece with holes or another figure, is inserted into the hole on the lid. After you pour the sour cream into the mortar, put on the lid with a stick inserted into the hole and begin to beat the butter.

Remember that you cannot fill the churn to the top with sour cream, otherwise it will come out and splash. It is better if you fill the mortar by a third with sour cream. Beat homemade butter in a mortar for 15-20 minutes.

If some of the sour cream still comes out, you can collect it and, opening the butter can slightly, return the escaped product to its place. When the sour cream stops jumping out and you hear squelching sounds, this can only mean one thing - the butter has been whipped to such an extent that the buttermilk has already separated. Work a few more minutes and you can pull out the oil.

Food processor instead of butter churn

If you urgently need to get about 250 g of butter, for example for baking a cake, and you don’t have time to heat the cream, you can use a food processor. It will quickly liquefy even chilled cream into butter. Many food processors come with a special blade for whipping butter.

To make butter in a food processor, simply pour the cream into the bowl of the machine and begin beating it until the buttermilk comes out. Almost 250 g of homemade butter is obtained from 400 ml of market heavy cream. When the oil is ready, pour it into a colander and rinse. If you didn’t use all the butter when preparing your baked goods, you can wrap the remainder in parchment paper and put the natural product you made yourself in the refrigerator.

Making butter at home with a mixer

To prepare 450 g of butter, you will need about a liter of not too thick sour cream. From fattier sour cream you can get about 600 g of homemade butter. This method is good because using a mixer, as well as a food processor, you can quickly make butter from a chilled dairy product.

Before putting medium-thick sour cream in the refrigerator, it is better to pour it into a bowl in which you will then beat the butter. At first, the speed of the mixer can be set higher, but after a few minutes, when the sour cream turns into buttery crumbs, reduce the speed of your hand-held machine. Otherwise, everything will start to fly apart in different directions.

Beat the butter until the crumbs begin to float in the whitish water. After this, drain the oil in a colander to get rid of the liquid, but do not rush to crush it into a solid lump. Only after thoroughly washing the butter crumbs under cold water can you begin to form balls from homemade butter. Wrap the pieces of butter in cling film and place in the freezer.

Prepare butter in a saucepan from frozen cream (waste-free production)

There is no special need to whip frozen cream in a food processor or mixer. Yes, and whipping completely thickened cream using technology is a little problematic. This can be done with a regular tablespoon.

To get 400 g of homemade fatty butter, you will need half a liter of thick store-bought cream, a saucepan, a spoon and a little time. Pour the cream into the saucepan and start stirring it. After a few minutes, the cream will set even more and the stirring process will become more intense. You basically just have to carefully squash the cream against the side of the saucepan.

This task seems a little tedious at first, because you don’t know how much longer you will have to knead the thick cream. But when you see how the buttermilk begins to stand out, you realize that there are only 5-6 minutes left before the process is completed. You need to get rid of this escaping water, as in previous methods of preparing oil at home. Don’t rush to pour it into the sink, because you can collect the buttermilk in a bowl and, replacing milk with it, cook delicious pastries. It turns out that 500 ml of heavy cream, if handled correctly, will provide you not only with 400 g of butter, but also with 100 ml of buttermilk for charlotte.

To quickly get rid of the released liquid, tilt the container slightly while kneading the cream near one side of the saucepan. This will allow the buttermilk to run to the opposite side of the pan without mixing with the butter. You can get homemade oil using this method, without haste, in 10 minutes. Since you are unlikely to eat 400g of fatty butter quickly, it would be wise to freeze some of it.

How to shape homemade butter

If you want to get a perfectly smooth piece of butter with a beautiful shape, then you will need a plate and sleight of hand. Place the butter, separated from the buttermilk, washed and squeezed out of water, into a deep plate. The piece should be of such a size that it can roll slightly across your dish. Now start tossing the oil a little. This will knock out excess water and make the surface of the product smoother. The oil must not only be tossed, but also rolled over the plate. Using a plate, you will get a piece of butter, free of residual water, with a smooth surface and a regular oval shape.

Recipes for making original homemade butter

It has already been mentioned that you can make homemade butter with garlic or honey. But these are not all products that go perfectly with butter. Let's do something unusual and make delicious homemade butter with peppers and onions for men, with orange zest and cranberries for women, etc.

Homemade Butter with Peppers and Onions

Cut half a red bell pepper into pieces and fry in a frying pan until soft. After this, put the pepper in a food processor, add 100 g of homemade butter and a few stalks of green onions. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Place the thoroughly ground mass on parchment paper or foil and roll into a small sausage. Now our original oil needs to be cooled in the freezer.

Homemade butter with cranberries and zest

To prepare sweet homemade butter, in addition to 100 g of the freshest butter, you will need two tablespoons of cranberries, the same amount of maple syrup, and a large spoon of orange zest.

Place butter and cranberries in a food processor. Wash the orange and finely grate its skin. Pour the syrup over the butter and strawberries, add a spoonful of zest and chop all the ingredients well. The resulting mass, just like the previous one, is placed in foil (baking paper), rolled into a sausage and frozen.

Homemade oil for gourmets

Both boys and girls will definitely like this homemade oil. First of all, you need to get the same 100 g of homemade butter. You can get it using any of the methods mentioned (using a food processor, mixer, hand churns, jars, spoons with saucepans, etc.).

So, for a gourmet snack, in addition to butter, you need to have Parmesan. To prepare the original sandwich butter, four tablespoons of grated Parmesan is enough. Place the butter and parmesan in a food processor and add sun-dried tomatoes (two tablespoons). The finishing touch is basil leaves. Take no more than five leaves. That's it, our ingredients are ready for grinding.

The resulting gourmet snack also needs to be wrapped in paper or foil, just like sweet butter with syrup or savory with pepper.

Homemade herb butter for meat and potatoes

I don't know about you, but some people love to eat steak fries with herb butter. To prepare this creamy masterpiece, you need to mix 100 g of butter with a spoon of lemon juice, two pinches of salt, rosemary, parsley and oregano (1 tbsp each). The butter is served chilled.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 50 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Butter homemade It tastes noticeably better than commercially produced butter, and it only takes 20 minutes of work to make. To give the butter a special flavor, which it does not naturally acquire in all regions, add fermented milk bacterial cultures to the cream to make it more sour.


  • Heavy cream

  • Bacteria for buttermilk extraction, yoghurt or mesophilic cultures (optional)

  • Salt (optional)

  • Finely chopped herbs, garlic or honey (optional)


Part 1

Preparing the cream

    Start by getting fresh heavy cream. Heavy whipping cream has the most high percentage fat content, which simplifies the task of successfully converting them into butter. For homemade butter to acquire unique taste, which store-bought butter doesn't have, try buying fresh raw cream at your local farmers market. If this is not possible, among the remaining options, the best taste will be butter from long-term pasteurization cream (for 30 minutes at a temperature of 63-65 ° C), followed by butter from short-term pasteurization cream (for 15-20 seconds at a temperature of 72-75 °C) and the last one will be butter made from ultra-pasteurized cream (instant heating to 85-90°C without holding).

    • Do not use cream with added sugar.
    • The cream's fat percentage will tell you how much butter you can get from it. It is recommended to take cream with at least 35% fat content.
    • To find local sellers of fresh natural cream, you can try looking for advertisements in local newspapers and notice boards.
  1. If you will be using an electric mixer, chill the large mixing bowl as well as the container of water. A cold bowl will keep the butter from melting. A second cool container of water may also be helpful. at this stage, especially if tap water flows from the tap warm.

    Pour the cream into a bowl. Do not fill the bowl to the brim as the cream will expand to include air bubbles before it turns into butter.

    Add bacterial cultures to the cream to enhance the flavor and make the butter easier to whip (optional). If you skip this step, you will end up with “sweet butter,” which is sold in the vast majority of cases in stores. If you want to give the butter a more pronounced taste, which it has in continental Europe, add some lactic acid bacteria to the cream to create "sour butter". Lactic acid bacteria accelerate the breakdown of fat and liquid, which reduces the time of churning the butter.

    Let the bacteria-inoculated cream sit at room temperature. If you have added fermented milk cultures to the cream, leave it at room temperature for 12-72 hours, checking its condition every few hours. Cream that has begun to sour will become a little thicker, foamier, and acquire a sour or pungent odor.

    Part 2

    Extracting butter from cream
    1. Whip the cream. If you have a butter churn, rotate the crank for about 5-10 minutes. A high-quality butter churn quite easily and effectively whips cream into butter. If you have an electric mixer, use the whisk attachment and run the mixer on low to prevent splattering. Otherwise, seal the cream in a glass jar and shake it. If a mixer usually whips cream in 3-10 minutes, then shaking in a jar produces butter in about 10-20 minutes.

      • To speed up the extraction of oil by shaking, first add a small clean glass ball to the jar.
      • If your mixer only has one speed, cover the bowl of cream with cling film to prevent splatters from flying around.
    2. Watch how the cream changes consistency. During the whipping process, the cream will go through several stages.

      • At first they will become foamy or slightly thicker.
      • Then the cream will begin to hold its soft peak shape. When you remove the cream from the mixer, there will be a slight rise on its surface with a sloping top. It is at this moment that you can increase the rotation speed of the mixer.
      • The whipped cream will then form an elastic texture.
      • Next, the cream will become grainy and take on a very pale yellowish tint. Reduce the speed of the appliance before the cream starts to separate to prevent splashing.
      • Eventually, there will be a sudden splitting of the cream into butter and buttermilk.
    3. Drain the resulting buttermilk into a separate container and save it for use in other recipes. Continue to knead the butter and drain the liquid as it appears. Stop creaming the butter when the mixture looks and tastes like butter, or when the liquid stops coming out of it.

Homemade butter recipe

The search for high-quality butter sometimes drags on so much that people sometimes doubt whether it is even possible to find real butter on sale, and not a mixture with an incomprehensible chemical composition. There is no need to study the composition of butter in the store - apart from cream and water, there should be nothing else there.

Butter, properly prepared at home, has a special, unique taste and aroma. It can be made from sour cream or cream.

How to make butter from cream

The butter made from market separator cream is especially tasty. This kind of cream has a very high fat content, it’s worth a spoonful. Accordingly, butter from such cream is obtained with the highest percentage of fat content, and the yield of finished butter is very high. From 0.5 liters of separating cream, an average of 350 grams of delicious butter is obtained.

How to make butter from sour cream

If you need to make your own butter at home, then fresh separating sour cream is best. When whipping sour cream with a mixer, liquid will separate, especially if it is low-fat. The water will need ice, so you need to send it to the freezer in advance so that it has time to cool.

Homemade butter tolerates freezing well, so it can be prepared “in reserve,” packaged in portions and frozen. And then use it as needed, removing the oil from the freezer in advance.