How to make a homemade gas torch for soldering. DIY flame soldering burner How to make a gas burner

Propane-butane mixture, which is used to fill cylinders for household gas stoves, under optimal conditions, burns in air with a flame temperature of up to 1200 ° C. It is sufficient for working with “hard” (medium-melting) solders: copper-zinc (brass), silver. But to obtain such a flame, the burner must ensure good mixing of gas with air, that is, supplying them in a strictly defined ratio - no more and no less! For ease of working with small parts, the torch must be thin, but at the same time stable and hot enough.

The gas pressure in the cylinder is 16 atm, it is too high for such a task, so it is necessary to limit the pressure supplied to the burner to 1.5-3 atm, using a welding reducer or a valve from a set for pitching skis. In this case, the nozzle nozzle should have a diameter of not more than 0.1 mm. To protect it from accidental clogging at the outlet of the cylinder, a filter element is needed, for example a ceramic one - from the fine fuel filter of the ZIL-130 engine, or a homemade one - from a small ceramic grinding head.

Since the burning rate of the gas-air mixture is relatively low, with a rapid flow out of the nozzle, the mixture may not have time to ignite - the flame will break off and the burner will go out. To avoid this, the divider must be made in such a way that through its peripheral holes part of the gas flows out at a low speed and forms around the main flow gas ignition "corona".

All this was achieved in a simple, easily repeatable design. The burner consists of only five parts: handle, supply tube, body, nozzle and divider.

The wooden handle was used from a burnt-out soldering iron.

The supply steel tube has an outer diameter of 10 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. At one end there are three conical belts machined for a tight connection of the hose, and at the other there is an M10 thread. Having slightly bent the tube on this side, we inserted it into the hole in the handle and fixed it there with glue.

Fig.1 Gas burner for flame soldering:

1 - gas supply tube with a diameter of 10x2 (steel); 2 - handle (wood); 3 - nozzle (steel); 4 - body (brass); 5 - brass divider)

The body and divider are machined from a brass rod with a diameter of 20 mm. Two radial holes with a diameter of 5 mm are carefully drilled into the body for air supply. Four radial holes with a diameter of 1 mm in the divider rod provide gas supply to a group of pilot holes in the front flange of this part.

During assembly, the divider was pressed into the body with a slight interference fit. The internal flange of the divider, on the contrary, was installed in the housing with a guaranteed gap: its diameter was machined 0.6 mm less than the internal diameter of the housing. This gap is necessary for throttling (braking) the gas flow supplied to the igniter holes.

The nozzle blank is machined from a steel rod. And its thin hole was made as follows. A blind central hole was made with a drill with a diameter of 2 mm, not reaching the exit of 1.5 mm, and the jumper was drilled with a drill with a diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm. Then, with light blows of a hammer, this hole was completely caulked. Next, gradually sharpening the end with a file or sanding paper, we found a section where the outlet hole had the required size. This place was defined as follows. Screw the nozzle onto the threaded tip of the burner tube. We put the supply rubber-fabric hose from the cylinder reducer onto the shank of the supply tube and secured it with a clamp. Having set the operating pressure, applied gas and, after waiting for it to displace the air from the hose, introduced the nozzle (without housing and divider) into the flame of the gas burner. By grinding the end, we achieved a burner flame length of 5-6 cm. Then we screwed the housing assembly with the divider onto the external thread of the nozzle.

The burner flame should be smooth and free of soot. Otherwise, adjust the amount of ejected air by turning the housing on the nozzle thread. If the threaded connection is very loose, it is sealed with FUM tape.

Make gas burner You can do it yourself for soldering. The design has different configurations. Often dimensions do not exceed length ballpoint pen. It is used to heat metal for the purpose of subsequent hardening or welding work. In some cases, a burner is made to heat the bitumen on the roof. Homemade devices are much cheaper than purchased analogues.

Description of the operating principle

The operating principle of a gas burner is based on the directed supply of a mixture of gas and oxygen. At the same time, the feed torch maintains a constant shape and temperature. As a result, after heating the 2 surfaces, a hermetically sealed connection is formed using molten solder. This material must have sufficient adhesion and adhere well to hot surfaces and have strength after cooling. The gas burner provides the temperature of the solder so that it becomes viscous. In this case, the total heating should not exceed the melting point of the base material.

In some cases, slight heat is applied. This is required when you need to dismantle a part that is press-fitted. For example, a bushing or a bearing. This is especially applicable to cases where parts have different expansion coefficients. Heating is also used in work when welding cannot be used.

DIY process

To make homemade equipment, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • The device output temperature is 1000 degrees. Therefore, refractory metals are used in manufacturing.
  • An important condition for safe work is a reliable crane. In the event of an accident, it should quickly shut off the air flow.
  • Reliability of the gas connection.

You can make a manual gas torch for soldering with your own hands in the form of a miniature device. For the manufacture of such mini-equipment materials needed:

  • brass or copper tubes;
  • block of wood;
  • silicone or fluoroplastic as a sealing material.

The drawing of the device consists of a body in the form of a pipe ending with a nozzle. On the other side, a gas supply hose is installed. The nozzle is equipped with a divider to adjust the flame.

A do-it-yourself gas burner for soldering is made in the following order:

  • A tap is attached to the tube using silicone.
  • On the other side, the tube is plugged and a 0.2-0.3 mm hole is made in it. For this, a special drill and chuck are used.
  • After this, the burner is clamped in a vice and the hole is flattened to 0.1 mm using a hammer.
  • All burrs are removed with sandpaper.

The divider can be made from brass tube, which is larger than the burner diameter. The fastening is parallel to the body. The system will operate on the principle of a tourist stove. In the place where the gas leaves the nozzle, a vacuum is formed and air is sucked in.

Device using two needles

A miniature propane torch is made by hand from 2 needles. One needle can be taken from the pump and the other from the syringe. You will also need two droppers and a compressor from the aquarium. The device is connected to the canister for charging lighters. You will also need copper wire.

The temperature in such a burner reaches 1000 degrees. It is made in the following order:

The gas coming from the can is mixed in a thick needle with air coming from the compressor. The composition of the mixture is changed by regulators.

If there is no compressor, you can replace it with a plastic bottle:

The burner is ready for use.

A homemade gas burner is a device that has a number of advantages compared to its other analogs that run on gasoline and other types of fuel. The main advantages of gas burners are as follows: they are easy to use, do not emit harmful or unpleasant odors during use and do not smoke, like gasoline burners. In addition, it is very compact, which means it can be used in almost any sector of the economy. What are its features and how to make it yourself?

Gas burner device

The design of this tool assumes the presence of the following main parts:

  1. Gearbox.
  2. Injectors.
  3. Fuel supply regulator (in this case gas).
  4. Heads.
  5. The node where it is fixed

What does it work on?

As for fuel, a gas burner often runs on propane (or a propane-butane mixture). It fills a separate container (cylinder), which, as we noted above, is attached to a special unit.

Is it difficult to make it yourself?

It is worth noting that this device does not have any complex elements or parts in its design. Therefore, it is done with your own hands very quickly (as practice shows, the work takes no more than 30-40 minutes), and even a novice master can understand its design. In the case of gasoline devices, things will not be so positive.

Scope of application and design elements

It is used mainly for heating and drying materials, for cutting metal products, including pipes, and burning old paint. The design of the burner includes a metal body (it also includes a special glass that prevents the wind from blowing out the flame), a nozzle (for igniting fuel), a handle that is attached to the body (by the way, its length should be no more than 100 centimeters), a holder ( mounted on the handle and made of wood or heat-resistant plastic), as well as a gas hose. In addition, there is a gearbox and a supply pipe with a valve. The latter regulates the gas supply level and, accordingly, the flame length too.

How to make a mini gas burner with your own hands?

You can start with the simplest thing - with the handle. It can be made from wood, but it is best to take a ready-made one from a burnt-out soldering iron. The supply tube should be made of steel. Pay special attention to the sizes. The optimal diameter of the tube should be approximately 1 centimeter. Moreover, the thickness is no more than 2-2.5 millimeters. This tube must be inserted into the handle and secured. This can be done using regular glue.


We also make it from steel, namely from a brass rod 2 centimeters wide. A divider can also be made from it. Next you need to make several holes. This is necessary in order to ensure a normal supply of oxygen. Otherwise, at the slightest draft, the burner flame will go out or the gas from the nozzle simply will not ignite. How many holes should I make? There are 4 of them in total, each of which has a diameter of 1 millimeter. These holes must be made in the divider rod. In addition, drill 2 radical holes of 5 millimeters each directly in the body. All this will contribute to the normal combustion of fuel in the device, which will have a positive effect on the speed and quality of work performed.

How to make a homemade gas burner next? Next, you will need to press the divider into the body. In this case, the internal flange should be installed with a small gap (at least 0.6 millimeters). This gap will serve to slow down the flow of gas supplied to the igniter hole.

How to make a nozzle?

It will be machined from a metal rod. To make a hole in the nozzle, you will need to use a 2mm drill bit and make a blind hole with it. In this case, the distance to the exit should be at least one and a half millimeters. For the jumper we try on a drill with a diameter of 4 mm. The hole made is caulked with a hammer, then the end of the device is sharpened with sandpaper. It needs to be processed until the moment when the nozzle can be screwed onto the threaded tip of the tube.

Now a hose (it comes from the cylinder) made of a special rubber-fabric material is put on the end of the tube. It is secured with a regular clamp using a Phillips or minus screwdriver. When the operating pressure is set, supply gas and place the nozzle into the flame of the gas burner. This should be done only after the substance has completely displaced the air from the hose. Upper part parts should be sanded. It needs to be processed until the length of the burner torch is about 50 millimeters.

How to bring all these elements together?

The body together with the divider should be screwed onto the external thread of the nozzle. At the same time, a gas burner, made with your own hands, taking into account all the recommendations, should supply an even flame. It is important to ensure that the fuel does not emit soot during combustion.

What to do if the burner smokes and produces an uneven flame? In this case, you need to gradually turn the body on the nozzle thread. This must be done until the gas produces such characteristic smoke. If it is very loose, compact it All on at this stage a do-it-yourself gas burner has been successfully constructed. Now you can safely use it on the farm.

A few words about how to use the tool

To ensure that a self-made gas burner is safe to use, before the first start-up, be sure to check its parts for leaks, namely solder joints, joints of connectors and sleeves. After this, open the valve half a turn and wait until the device produces a flame. Here the ignition process occurs automatically, so no further action should be taken. Now adjust the level and length of the supplied flame (this is done using a reducer or the same valve) and get to work.

So, we found out how to make a gas burner with our own hands, learned its design and the rules for using this device.

For people actively working in a workshop or country house Often there is a need to heat a part or perform soldering. These problems can be solved with a high-temperature gas burner, which you can make yourself. With its help, you can heat parts for subsequent processing or welding, harden parts, and carry out roof repairs. This list can be continued.

All these problems can be solved using a gas burner. Such devices include devices that provide mixing, preheating, and supply of the required volume of gas and oxygen. It creates conditions to ensure the required combustion rate of the resulting mixture and create the required heating temperature.

There are a large number of such devices on the market, from specialized professional ones (for heating boilers and welding work) to universal household propane burners.

Gas burners manufactured on an industrial scale are considered solely from the point of view of reliability and safety during operation. However, very often, according to the “efficiency - cost” criterion, industrial gas burners do not stand up to criticism. In addition, you can purchase a product of questionable quality or made in friendly China.

Having examined in detail the design options for such burners, an unambiguous conclusion arises. There is nothing complicated about these gas units. Therefore, many try to make such a device at home. It turns out to be a convenient and cheap DIY gas burner.

Burner classification

The device of a gas burner is quite simple. Modern gas burners are divided as follows:

  • Pre-mix. Education takes place gas mixture immediately before entering the outlet.
  • Injection burners. The air required for combustion is spontaneously sucked in (as they say, injected) by the gas jet itself.
  • Regenerative. The essence of their work lies in the preheating of gas and air. This happens before mixing. The heating itself is carried out by a special device - a recuperator.
  • Regenerative. Preheating in burners of this type is carried out in a regenerator.
  • Pressurized (supercharged gas burners). In them, air is forced into the firebox by a special fan. This happens after mixing the combustible mixture.
  • Diffusion. By design, these are the simplest burners. They consist of a regular tube with holes drilled in it. Gas is supplied through these holes. To ensure constant and reliable combustion, the necessary air comes from the environment.
  • Gas atmospheric burners for boilers. The principle of their operation is very similar to the principle of injection burners. The main difference is that oxygen enrichment is not carried out completely, but partially.
  • Gas burners for stoves, fireplaces, heating systems.

The power of any gas burner is determined by the volume of gas consumed per unit of time. It can differ quite significantly for different burners.

Burner design

A standard homemade burner functions this way. Gas is supplied under pressure through a special hose from the cylinder. Most often, propane is used as such gas. The volume of supplied gas is changed by a control valve located on the cylinder. Therefore, installation of an additional reduction gearbox is not required.

The shut-off valve is located behind the main valve and is mounted on the gas cylinder. It is used to open or close the gas supply. All other adjustments (length and intensity of the flame) of the burner itself are carried out using the so-called working tap. The gas supply hose through which gas is supplied is connected to a special nozzle. It ends with a nipple. It allows you to set the size (length) and intensity (speed) of the flame. The nipple together with the tube is placed in a special liner (metal cup). It is in it that the creation of a combustible mixture occurs, that is, the enrichment of propane with oxygen atmospheric air. The created combustible mixture under pressure flows through the nozzle into the combustion area. To ensure a continuous combustion process, special holes are structurally provided in the nozzle. They perform the function of additional ventilation.

The design of such gas devices is developed taking into account ease of operation, prevention, and repair. Therefore, they must be easily disassembled. This simplifies the maintenance and repair process.

Based on this standard scheme You can develop your own design. It will consist of the following elements:

  • housing (usually made of metal);
  • a reducer, which is attached to the cylinder (use a ready-made device);
  • nozzles (made independently);
  • fuel supply regulator (optional);
  • head (the shape is selected based on the tasks being solved).

The burner body is made in the shape of a glass. The material used is ordinary steel. This shape allows for reliable protection against possible blowing out of the working flame. A handle is attached to the body. It can be made from different material. The most important thing is that it provides convenience when working. Previous experience shows that the most optimal length of such a handle is in the range from 70 to 80 centimeters.

A wooden holder is attached to the top. A gas supply hose is placed in its body. This allows you to give the structure a certain strength. The flame length can be adjusted in two ways. Using a reducer located on the gas cylinder and a valve installed on the tube. The gas mixture is ignited using a special nozzle.

Making a gas burner

Getting started self-production device, you need to prepare tools for work and select the required material. First of all, choose the material for the handle. There are no strict requirements, so everyone can use their imagination and capabilities. The main requirements for the handle are: its ease of use, so that it does not overheat during operation. Experience shows that it is advisable to use a ready-made handle. For example, a handle from a broken soldering iron, boiler or other household appliance.

Steel is used to make the supply tube. Choose a steel tube with a diameter of no more than 1 cm and a wall thickness of 2.5 mm. The prepared cutting is inserted into the prepared handle. It needs to be securely fastened there. The mounting method is selected in accordance with your capabilities.

The burner body is made of steel. The divider is made of brass rod. Several holes (usually more than four) are drilled in the divider body. This will allow for good oxygen circulation at the burner outlet.

After this, the divider is securely fixed in the housing. A small clearance should be provided for the inner flange. The recommended gap should be approximately 5mm. This gap will provide the necessary slowdown in the speed of gas flow that flows to the igniter. Slowing down will allow you to ignite the burner more reliably.

The nozzle is made of a metal rod. It will provide gas supply to the combustion area. It is made as follows. Using a drill with a diameter of 2 mm, carefully make a blind hole in the nozzle body. Then drill a hole with a 4mm drill. It is necessary to create a jumper. They are carefully riveted and polished.

The end of the manufactured tube is connected to the outlet of the gearbox. A flexible hose is used for connection. The material is selected from the list of approved materials for household gas systems. This may be special rubber or special fabric material. To ensure reliability and fire safety, it is more advisable to use certified material. The hose is put on the tube and secured with a standard clamp.

After completing the assembly of the entire device, you need to set the optimal pressure in the cylinder. Before igniting the burner, you should carefully check the entire gas supply system mixing with air for possible leaks. If they appear, they must be eliminated. Only after all checks can the burner be lit. The burner must provide a burning jet length of up to 50 mm.

A properly assembled burner will last reliable assistant in long term business. It will be a tool that will help solve many everyday problems without resorting to the use of expensive tools.

In this article I will tell you how I managed to assemble a gas burner with my own hands from water fittings, which are available in any hardware department. Finding the regulator was not so easy. You can use a 5-10 psi (0.34-0.68 atmospheres) gas reducer, but in this case you will not be able to regulate the burner flame.

The main purpose I had in building this propane gas torch was to melt metal in a forge, but it can be used for other purposes. For example, it can be used to burn weeds. The burner can be changed to suit your needs, but the basic principles of operation will remain unchanged.

Warning: Propane is an explosive gas and you work with it at your own risk. I do not bear any responsibility for damage caused to your health or property. When propane burns, carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) is released; equipment, including this propane burner, should only be used in well-ventilated areas.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

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Materials for assembling a powerful gas burner:

  • threaded barrel 13 mm (1/2”) (minimum 25 cm).
  • brass coupling 13 mm (1/2”)
  • brass pipe plug with 3.2 mm (1/8”) internal thread
  • threaded brass barrel 3.2 mm (1/8”) x 5.1 cm (2”)
  • brass nipple 13mm (1/2") x 13mm (1/2")
  • brass fitting 6.4 mm (1/4”) x 3.2 mm (1/8”)
  • brass coupling 6.4 mm (1/4”)

Gas fittings:

  • quick coupling for gas equipment low pressure 6.4 mm (1/4”) plug for propane welding
  • Coupler with ball valve 6.4mm (1/4”) socket
  • adjustable propane supply regulator 1-5 psi (0.068-0.34 atmospheres)
  • thread sealant
  • metal sheet
  • self-tapping screws
  • drill 6.4mm (1/4”)
  • 0.8mm (1/32”) drill bit (or smaller depending on how big of a burner flame you want)


  • drill
  • center punch
  • adjustable wrench
  • solder and flux
  • soldering torch/lamp

Step 2: Assembly Video

The video shows in detail the burner assembly process and is a supplement to the article.

Step 3: It's better not to do this

At first I took a threaded barrel that was too short for assembly, because of this the burner got very hot. It's better to use a piece of black steel pipe 20-25 cm long, it will not heat up so much. I couldn't find a piece of steel pipe the length I needed, so instead I took galvanized pipe and used a coupler to extend it to the length I needed.

Galvanized pipe can release toxic zinc fumes when heated; this can be avoided by leaving the pipe in vinegar overnight to allow the coating to come off.

Step 4: Assembling the burner

The video shows more clearly the stages of assembling a homemade gas burner. All connections must be made using thread sealant or sealing thread.

  1. Drill a hole in the brass plug to allow gas to pass through, for this I used a 0.8 mm drill.
  2. On the steel pipe, drill four holes along the end of the thread, for this I used a 3.2 mm drill.
  3. We solder a brass threaded barrel 3.2 mm x 5.1 cm into a brass nipple 13 mm x 13 mm, the centers of the circles of the parts must coincide. The nipple, in turn, is screwed into a 13 mm (1/2”) coupling. Attach the coupling to the end of the steel tip. Let's call this assembled part a "centered nipple assembly."
  4. Screw the 3.2mm brass plug into drilled hole onto a 3.2mm x 5.1cm brass threaded barrel which is part of the "centered nipple assembly". You need to tighten the plug until it rests on the thread of the 13 mm x 13 mm brass nipple, now we will call this part the “nozzle assembly”.
  5. We screw the “nozzle assembly” into a 13 mm brass coupling.
  6. We screw a steel pipe with 3.2 mm holes drilled into a 13 mm brass coupling on the other side.
  7. We tighten the 6.4 mm (1/4”) brass coupling on the other side of the jet assembly.
  8. Screw a 6.4mm (1/4”) x 3.2mm (1/8”) brass fitting into a 6.4mm (1/4”) brass socket.
  9. Screw the 6.4 mm (1/4”) quick connector for low pressure gas equipment into the brass fitting.

Step 5: Burner Nozzle

Form a burner nozzle from a metal sheet. I simply cut a piece of sheet metal and used trial and error to twist the metal into a cone using pliers. Holes are drilled at the base of the cone, and through them, using self-tapping screws, the nozzle is fixed to the end of the steel pipe. To make the nozzle, I would recommend using stainless steel.
The burner is assembled!