How to make magic runes. Making runes with your own hands

How to make runes? We'll tell you! First, choose which material suits you best - wood or stone. And keep in mind that it is better to make the runes that you plan to use for personal purposes yourself. Filled with your energy, they will have the most positive effect.

Wood is a very “warm” material that stores the energy contained in it and multiplies it. It is best to choose the type of wood whose properties are especially close and necessary to you.

Properties and meanings of different types of wood

Different tree species have different meanings. This is important to consider when choosing the right wood for making runes.

For example:

  • Ash is a tree of protection. This is an excellent material for making rune amulets, the action of which will be aimed at protecting a person from any negativity coming from outside
  • The apple tree has the strongest ability to attract love into a person’s life and make him attractive to the opposite sex. Therefore, apple tree amulets are most suitable for making amulets that will help solve all problems related to personal relationships.
  • Oak has powerful healing properties. Amulets made from this type of wood help strengthen and restore health.
  • Choose wood that is available to you. In winter, spruce works well - it is not difficult to find branches in the nearest forest or grove.

It is best to use tree branches to make wooden runes. The easiest way is to cut them into circles, from which you will make runes.

How to make runes from wood: algorithm

The algorithm for making runes at home is as follows:

  1. Cut the branch into thirteen circles. The approximate thickness of each is 3-4 centimeters. It is not necessary to remove the bark, but you can do so if you wish. Advice: if you don’t want to bother with cutting, purchase ready-made wooden blanks in a store with esoteric goods or in a stall with building materials
  2. Take a piece of stiff sandpaper and sand the workpieces to smooth out their surface. Finally, coat the circles with clear varnish and wait until it dries completely.
  3. Using a pencil, draw images of runes on each circle. Then, using a knife, make cuts along the drawn contours. Make the main lines first, the largest ones, and the small ones at the end. Vertical cuts are made from top to bottom, and diagonals are drawn from left to right
  4. After this, you can color the runes in the desired color. Wait for the paint to dry completely and cover the runes again with clear varnish

Ready! You can start using ready-made runes.

Important: Study the meaning and description of each symbol. Each rune has its own color, in which it will need to be painted. Strictly ensure that the design of the rune corresponds to its correct outline. One wrong cut and the rune becomes unusable, turning into a useless piece of wood.

How to make runes at home from stone

To find stones suitable for making runes, go to the shore of a body of water - a river, lake or sea. You need to find small round stones with a smooth, polished surface. They should be flat.

If you remember how in childhood you floated “pancakes” on the water, you will immediately understand which stones are suitable.

Once you have found thirteen stones of the appropriate size and shape, rinse them under running water and put them away to dry. It is best to dry it in the sun - then future runes will be properly charged with positive solar energy.

Equipment for making stone runes

To make runes from stone you will need the following equipment:

  • A small brush with stiff bristles, which will be convenient for applying a rune pattern to a stone
  • Transparent varnish for fixing the image
  • Enamel or any other fast-drying, durable paint. It is desirable that it be waterproof
  • A pen, a toothpick, a small stick with a pointed end - a tool that will be convenient for applying paint to the surface of a stone
  • A cloth or napkin that you will use to remove excess paint

After you have prepared everything you need, you can begin making runes. Watch a video on how to make runes at home:

Algorithm for making runes from stone at home

So, start making runes in this sequence:

  1. Take the prepared stones and carefully coat them with clear varnish using a brush. Wait until the varnish dries and make sure that there are no unpainted areas left
  2. Apply the image of each rune to the stones using a stick and paint. Choose a paint color that matches the meaning of the rune symbols. The lines should be clear, straight, and of equal thickness. Don’t overdo it - it’s better to use less paint so that it doesn’t spread and you don’t have to redo everything again

Tip: before drawing, you can schematically apply the image of the rune to the stone using a simple pencil. Also practice drawing runes on paper so that you don’t have any difficulties when drawing them on a hard surface

Finally, coat the stones with clear varnish again to preserve the image for a long time.

How to properly store runes?

It is important not only to make runes, but also to store them correctly. To do this, you need a bag sewn from dense natural fabric - it was in such bags that ancient shamans carried runes with them. The ideal material is linen. A bag made of genuine leather is also suitable.

It must be tied with a cord. If you want to add decorative notes, you can embroider the bag with colored threads or beads.

Always keep the runes in this bag - they should be inaccessible to prying eyes. Only the owner is allowed to see them.

As you know, handmade magical tools work much better than store-bought ones. How to make runes with your own hands? Much easier than you think. First, decide on the material: a stone or wooden base is best suited for drawing runes.

Is it necessary to make runes yourself? No, but keep in mind an important point: the rune set you make personally will absorb your energy, and this will only improve their impact. This means that your fortune telling will be more truthful and your rituals more effective.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make runes with your own hands from wood or stone

If speed and quality are important to you in production, then choose a wood base: it is quite easy to work with: sawing, cutting, applying marks. When choosing a type of wood for the basis of future runes, pay attention to the properties of a particular tree because they will turn into your runes. Choose the breed whose properties are most desirable at the moment. It is important not to make a mistake when choosing a future base, since the magical properties of different tree species are different from each other. Before making a rune set, let's take a closer look at this issue.

Magical properties of trees

  • Ash: intercession, patronage - perfect for creating amulets. A person will feel protected from unfavorable life circumstances, an invisible support. Since ash is the world tree in Scandinavian mythology, it is the best material for making.
  • Apple tree: has the purest, brightest properties. Apple tree amulets attract the most important thing in our lives - love. These will give you a lot of attention from the opposite sex. If you are interested in any unresolved relationship problems, an apple tree amulet can guide you towards the right solution.
  • Oak: has healing properties; if you need to strengthen or improve your health, amulets with an oak base are perfect for this purpose.

Instructions for making wooden runes

Wood is considered the most suitable material for making a personal runic set. The shape of the blanks can be either round or rectangular; it is believed that this affects the operation of the runes in the future.

Step one: prepare wooden dies

If you want the runic set to serve you for a long time, the thickness of each rune should be about 1-1.5 cm.

Let's talk about making the simplest “round” runes from untreated wood.

  1. Go to the forest and find (cut down) a branch with a diameter of 40-50 mm;
  2. Dry the branch at room temperature for a week;
  3. Next, you need to cut the branch: you should get exactly twenty-four circles. We recommend cutting them a little more into 4-5 pieces and choosing 24 ideal pieces;
  4. For greater convenience and beauty, you can remove the bark, but this is not so important;
  5. When the wooden circles are ready, sand their surface with sandpaper: this will prepare the blanks for further application of runes and varnishing.

Advice: those Those who do not like or do not know how to work with wood themselves can buy ready-made wooden bases (dies) in specialized stores of esoteric goods.

Step two: cut out the runic alphabet

The next step in making runes with your own hands is to apply images to wooden dies.

  1. First, use a simple pencil and a ruler - sketch out the runes on all 24 blanks;
  2. Next, using a chisel, a corner cutter, or just a sharp knife, carefully cut the outline of each sign;
  3. First, it would be better to cut through the main vertical lines, and only after that - the secondary horizontal and oblique ones;
  4. Horizontal cuts must be made clearly from left to right, vertical cuts - from top to bottom;

Important point: After finishing the work, do not forget to coat the runes with transparent varnish and wait for it to dry. This will protect them from moisture and contamination.

Step three: coloring

As for applying color to the carving: it is important to remember that each runic symbol has a meaning and color corresponding to it. All this will need to be studied in detail so as not to make mistakes.

  • There is no consensus on the coloring of already cut runes;
  • The color red is considered universal, although some runologists consider red to be suitable only for a runic set belonging to a man;
  • If you are not sure, then it is better not to paint at all - there will be no mistake;

Instructions for making stone runes

Before you make runes at home from stone, you will have to worry about finding suitable stones. You can go to the nearest seashore, lake or river and look for them there.

  • Try to find round, smooth pebbles with a diameter of approximately 30-40 mm;
  • They must have a flat shape and no irregularities on at least one side;
  • All twenty-four pebbles should be approximately the same size and shape;
  • Before starting production, they need to be prepared: rinsed in clean, running water and dried in the sun;

These actions will enrich the runes with truly natural energy, which will subsequently have a positive effect on their work.

Step one: prepare tools and materials

Before you make runes yourself, prepare the following tools; you will need them:

  1. Small brush: needed for applying runic symbols to the stone. Choose a brush with stiff bristles; it will make the job easier;
  2. Clear varnish: At the end of the work, it will be necessary to apply a varnish coating to the stone to protect the symbol.
  3. Dye: Any paint for working on stone (acrylic, oil, etc.) will suit you. Check before purchasing to make sure the paint is waterproof and quick-drying. Black or dark gray is considered neutral. Men can also use red for their sets.

Advice: If you have small stones, then you can apply paint to the stone surface using a small stick; its tip should be sharp; a toothpick is perfect for this purpose.

In addition, you need to stock up on a small piece of a clean rag; a napkin will also work so that you can remove unnecessary parts of the design.

Step two: apply runes and varnish

Before you start making runes, make sure you have all the necessary tools.

  1. Before applying the symbol, it is necessary to coat the dried stone with colorless varnish. All areas of the workpiece must be well painted.
  2. Be sure to wait until the varnish is completely dry; place the pebbles in the sun to speed up the process.
  3. Next you need to make a sketch - draw the outline of the symbol with a simple pencil. In making runes, the correctness of the design is especially important, so practice on paper before starting work.
  4. Then outline the runes with paint using a prepared stick or brush. Make sure the drawing is correct and the lines are clear.
  5. Next, you have to coat the finished set with colorless varnish.

Important: Keep in mind that all runic symbols have their own meaning and color. Study the shape of the rune in detail before work!

Step three: activate the set

After this, you need to carry out, read this article on how to do this; without activation, the work is not considered completely completed.

  • An unactivated set is not attached to a specific person and can be sold or gifted to another person.
  • The activated set obeys only the person who activated it and is not suitable for use by another runologist

It is very important to follow the rules for storing your set of runes; like any other magical instrument, it requires careful and careful handling.

  • Storage bag. Traditionally, runologists used small bags to store their sets. You can sew or buy such a bag from natural materials to accumulate or enhance the energy coming from the runes. Materials such as leather or linen are ideal. If you make it yourself: you can show your imagination and decorate it with small multi-colored stones, or embroider a beautiful Scandinavian-style ornament on it, for example
  • Storage. The runes should belong only to you - the person who made and activated them. Others should not see them, so keep the pouch in a secret place out of reach of others. When doing fortune telling, do not give the set to the querent to “touch” - runes are not a toy!

Video “How to make runes yourself in pre-existing conditions”

Runic magic today is of increasing interest to novice esotericists, but before purchasing a set for practice, many of them wonder how to make runes with their own hands, and in general, whether it is possible. We have created detailed instructions for you with all the answers to this topic.

Why do homemade runes work better?

Any magical object that an esotericist comes into contact with during work interacts with the energy of its owner, thereby creating a strong energy connection that works in both directions: from the esotericist to the object and vice versa. It is not for nothing that there are special rituals for charging new Tarot decks, amulets, pendulums and other tools of magical work.

When a person makes a magical instrument with his own hands, he transfers much more of his own energy to it, which means that the object, even at the moment of creation, becomes closer to its master. All this is fully applicable to runes.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made set, charge it and successfully use it in practice, but nevertheless, knowing how to make runes with your own hands will still be useful, because after some time you may have a desire to work with your own futhark.

General rules for making runes at home

Before you make runes yourself, you should familiarize yourself with simple but important rules so as not to confuse anything during the manufacturing process and not negate the result of your work.

  1. Ask yourself: are you really ready to create your own set? Remember that these are not toys, so the rule “I’ll try, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll quit” does not apply here. If you start making runes, you must finish them.
  2. Practice drawing runic symbols correctly, since it will be impossible to correct an erroneous marking on a finished object (it doesn’t matter whether it’s stone, wood or paper). In addition, the runes may simply not want to work with such a “careless” master. If you think that instead of a damaged pebble you can simply take another one, then you are mistaken - you should not do this. Some runologists claim that if you don’t get one rune, then the whole set needs to be redone.
  3. Do not start making your own runic set if you are sick or in a bad mood. Remember that creating runes is not so much technical as it is energetic work, so you should feel good and have a decent amount of energy.
  4. Choose the right material for the set: it should be pleasant to you personally. The most popular runes are made of wood and stone, but paper is also quite suitable for the first experiment. There are also craftsmen who make runes from polymer clay, leather, and wax.
  5. Take your time! Do not set yourself the goal of making the entire set in a few hours; it is better to try to make the runes with your own hands step by step, without haste, because only this approach will be the most fruitful. This is a magical work, not a conveyor belt!
  6. Before drawing a rune directly on the material, hold all the blanks in your hands, look at them and try to feel which one is most suitable for this symbol. Do this with each rune.
  7. Remember that all vertical lines of the symbol should be drawn from top to bottom, and not vice versa, and diagonal and oblique lines should be drawn from left to right.
  8. While drawing an image of a rune, think about it, about its meaning, say its name out loud or silently - by doing this you will attract its energy to you and tune in to contact with it.
  9. Don't ask anyone for help! If you cannot make your own runes, then it is better to just buy a ready-made set in the store and charge it. Making your own set is an individual process, not a collective one, so it’s not worth involving an outsider to work on it, even if he is a divine artist or a wood carver.

Wooden runes are considered the most popular, since this material is closest to nature. Those who have chosen wood for work immediately wonder which species is best suited for a runic set. The correct answer is any! Focus on your own feelings, compare several different breeds, touch them, try to feel them. However, some runologists believe that a set made from the tree that originally grows in your area, and not imported from other countries, will work best. For Russia, these are birch, oak, elm, larch, maple, spruce, pine, willow and others.

If you have decided on the material, it’s time to figure out how to make runes from wood with your own hands.

  1. Make wooden blanks. They usually look like rectangular or oval dies of the same size in the amount of 25 pieces (24 Elder Futhark runes and one empty Odin rune). You can make them using a wood cutter.
  2. You can apply images of runes to blanks in several ways: cut them out with a chisel, burn them with a wood burning machine, or simply paint them with paint, or, as some craftsmen advise, with your own blood. Some people combine the two methods, such as cutting and painting.
  3. The finished rune can be sanded with sandpaper and varnished if desired. If you like colored runes, you can paint the wooden blanks before drawing the symbols.

Stone is the second most popular material after wood. Most often, pebbles collected from the shore of a reservoir or natural stones are used to create your own set. If pebbles can be easily selected by size, then with natural stones the situation is more complicated, so you will have to spend a lot of time finding pebbles of the right size.

It is recommended to collect pebbles early in the morning in a secluded place, for example, on a sandbank or in a deserted corner of an old park near a pond. Under no circumstances should you pick up stones near cemeteries, on the ruins of buildings, or on roads - such materials are saturated with negative energy, so they are not suitable for work.

And now about how to properly make runes from stone:

  1. Rinse all stones under running water and let them dry on their own.
  2. Prepare the surface of the stone for drawing. To do this, you need to cover the stones with transparent varnish and let it dry. If you want the runes to be colored, use an oil-based colored varnish.
  3. After the varnish has dried, you can draw a symbol on the stone. It is better to do this with enamel paint - it is more durable.
  4. When the enamel has dried (after about a day), cover each rune with another layer of clear varnish. After the paint has dried, the set can be charged and used!

How to make a runic set from paper

Those who are wondering how to make runes from paper with their own hands are the luckiest, because this method takes a minimum of time. But it is worth considering that a paper or cardboard set will not last you long, so such runes are suitable only as a first experiment and for those who are not sure that they will practice runic magic constantly.

The algorithm for creating paper runes is simple: rectangles are cut out from thick paper or cardboard of the same size, after which runic symbols are applied to them with paint, a marker or your own blood (there are those who prefer this method). The paper set can then be laminated to make it last longer.

If you are thinking about how to make runes at home, but paper, stone and wood do not appeal to you, try turning to other materials. Do not listen to those who claim that only wooden and stone runes will work - all this is nonsense! In fact, your energetic connection with runic symbols is important, and what material they will be made of is the tenth thing. The main thing is that you like them and feel them.

So, if you didn’t go with the classics and decided to choose a different material, pay attention to the following options:

  • bone
  • metal
  • polymer clay
  • salty dough

The technology for making runes from bone, metal and leather is, in principle, similar to wood and stone: first you need to cut out the blanks with a suitable tool, and then apply runic symbols to them. Working with polymer clay and salt dough is generally simple: the blanks are formed by hand, after which they are baked in the oven, then they can be painted with colorless varnish and, after drying, symbols can be applied to the prepared surface.

How to charge homemade runes

In fact, you need to charge a ready-made runic set purchased in a store. Even during the process of creation, homemade runes are saturated with your energy, so all you need is to leave the finished set laid out on a white cloth for literally a day, after which you can start working.

But, if you are the type of person who definitely needs some kind of ritual, you can use. The methods of such activation are different, and each runologist performs this ritual in his own way. The main thing is to use elements that correspond to the elements, for example, an incense stick or incense for air, water for water, a candle for fire, salt for earth. Carry the runes through the smoke from the incense, over a candle, sprinkle with water and hold in salt, while mentally or out loud turning to the desired element and asking it for help. You can come up with your own ritual - this is allowed in runic magic.

You need to store homemade runes in a special bag or box, away from prying eyes, for example, in a closed desk drawer. It is better to make a “house” for runes with your own hands. A beautiful wooden box would also work. After fortune telling, do not forget to remove the runes, do not leave them lying around on the table. And most importantly, do not give your runes into the hands of strangers, even if they are a member of your family, not as a whole set, not just one at a time. Runes react very sensitively to human energy, therefore, for proper operation, only their owner can touch them.

That's all. Now you know how to make runes and activate them. Good luck with your work!

Self-made magical tools are mystically connected to their creator. When doing something with his own hands, a person puts a piece of his soul into it, turning the inanimate into partially spiritual.

By transforming the material, working with it, we understand it better, laying the foundations of those relationships that will allow us to successfully use this magical object in the future.

And the more effort, time and attention we spend on its preparation and production, the stronger and more reliable the connection established with it will be, the more effective the work will be in the future.

If you don't know what runes look like, their images and names are easy to find. There is a lot of high-quality literature devoted to runic magic and fortune telling with runes, and information can also be found on the Internet.

So, the decision has been made - you make the runes yourself. Traditionally, they are made from wood, stone, shells, or, which is much less common, from obsidian (volcanic glass, which is sold both in technical goods stores and in esoteric stores).

Runes made of wood are associated with the element of Air, those of stone - with the element of Earth, those of shells - with the element of Water, and obsidian - with Fire.

You can choose the material that matches your zodiac sign, or simply the one that appeals to you. Both methods have an equal right to exist, but the second is better suited for those who have well-developed intuition, and the first method is more universal, which in no way detracts from its value.

Once you have decided on the choice of material, select or cut (if wood is chosen) 25 pieces, stones or shells of the same shape and size. It is more convenient to apply a design on wood with a burning device or cut it with a knife; on stones and shells - with varnish, permanent marker or permanent paint. The top of the runes can then be varnished for greater durability of the design.

Making runes is a long process; each rune will take a day to work on. But haste, as you know, is only needed when catching fleas. When working on a tool that will serve you for a lifetime, it is completely useless.

It is best to start work on the first day after the new moon. Thus, it turns out that you will start making your runes on the first day of the lunar month, and by the end of it you will already have magnificent fortune-telling tools. On the day of the full moon, it is better to take a break from work, and make the empty Wyrd rune as the last one, on the next new moon.

How to make runes?

1184.jpg Take the first of the blanks and place it in its native element for a few seconds. Place the stone on the ground; let the tree lie in the air, for example, on the windowsill of an open window; place the shells in running water under a tap or in a stream; hold the obsidian over the candle fire for a couple of seconds.

1184.jpg Now you can apply the image of the rune. Do this with clear, but not sharp movements, having previously practiced drawing the image of this symbol so that you get it perfectly every time.

1184.jpg You cannot remake a failed rune. If you still make a mistake when applying the drawing, then you will have to make the entire set of runes again. If you, even after training for a long time, get lost two or three times, it means that for some reason you should not make runes or engage in runic magic in general. Higher powers believe that this is not your path. Listen to them and choose a different fortune telling system for yourself.

1184.jpg The color you use to apply the image also matters. Red is suitable for “fire” obsidian runes; it is also acceptable for stone runes. But on shells associated with the energy of water, it is best to apply an image in blue, blue or violet.

The stone runes should be painted in brown or black (if light stones are used). On wood, runic signs, as already mentioned, are burned, cut out with a knife or applied with black or green paint.

1184.jpg Before applying the drawing in the chosen color, make a neat, clear sketch with a pencil. Draw on it with paint or burn it. After the drawing is completed, dry it; and then varnish and leave until completely dry. Place the finished runes one at a time into a bag, where they will be stored in the future.

How to activate runes?

After the last rune is made, they need to be prepared for work, “activated” (the same, by the way, should be done with ordinary purchased runes). There are two ways to do this.

1184.jpg The first one is faster, for those who need to start working with runes as soon as possible. When the moon is waxing or full, light one or two candles (optional) in the evening. You can also light incense to promote relaxation and meditation.

If one candle is used, place the runes in front of it in a circle of light. If there are two candles, place the runes between them in the illuminated space.

Pick up all the runes one by one. Holding each one, imagine how energy flows from you to the rune and back. This way you will charge the runes with your energy and connect them with you. After that, put them in a bag and extinguish the candles. Go to bed immediately, placing a bag of runes under your pillow. The next day you can work with them.

1184.jpg The second method is longer, gradual, but closer in spirit to the nature of the runes, which do not tolerate fuss and haste. Take new runes out of the bag, hold them in your hands, imagine exchanging heat with them.

Then place one rune under your pillow for 25 days. When you wake up, imagine how you exchange energy with the rune; after that, get up and take the rune from under the pillow and put it in the bag.

Do this procedure with all twenty-five runes. On the 26th day, place a bag with all the runes under your pillow and, falling asleep, imagine a close connection with them, as if many threads going from you to your runes connect you.

Now your runes are ready to go. Good luck with your fortune telling!

edited news Olyana - 5-03-2012, 15:18

If you decide to engage in rune magic or fortune telling with runes, you need at least one set of runes. You can buy a ready-made set in the store, or you can make it yourself.

Moreover, given the low quality of ready-made runes sold in occult stores, I strongly recommend making a set yourself. However, there are some subtleties in making runes at home. We'll talk about them in more detail below. So, how to make runes? Material for runes.

The main rule is that the material for making runes must be of natural origin. Very high-quality runes are obtained when they are made from hard wood. This material is quite widespread and easy to process. If you decide to make runes from wood, then choose the type that suits you. This can be done, for example, using the Druid horoscope. In fact, wood is practically the only “living” material available for processing, not counting skin and bone. However, leather is quite difficult to process, and bone suitable for processing is very difficult to obtain these days. You can also use clay. It is convenient because it easily changes shape, and after final processing it becomes hard as a stone. However, you should remember that after firing the clay becomes fragile and, therefore, your runes can be easily damaged.

Another option for material for runes is stone. Very high-quality runes come out of the stone, but their production requires an extremely long time, since the stone is extremely difficult to process. Instead of carving runes into stone, you can draw them. In this case, paint should be chosen that is resistant to liquids and abrasions. Another natural material for making your runes is metal. However, making runes from metal is still not recommended.

Other materials - paper, plastic, rubber, concrete, synthetic resins, plasticine - are unsuitable for making runes. They are not natural, so working with them will be difficult, inconsistent, and most importantly, ineffective. What paint to use. It is not necessary to paint over the marks obtained on your blanks, but it is advisable. When painted, the symbol of the rune will differ from the material from which it is made, so the image will be clearer and more contrasting. In addition, when coloring a rune symbol, the rune receives a certain energy charge, which is extremely necessary in the process of magical action. Aesthetically colored runes look much more pleasant, and the sensations from the runes during the fortune telling process are not the last component of success.

There is an opinion that the most effective material for coloring runes is your own blood. This is true. By painting rune symbols with your own blood, you seem to give them a part of yourself, a little of your own energy, and therefore your connection with the runes will be much stronger in the future, and the interaction will be effective. If you choose regular paint, use only natural dyes, preferably red.

How to make runes. You have prepared the necessary materials and now you can begin the actual production of runes. I’ll say right away - haste in making runes is unacceptable. No conveyor belt. Each rune must be made separately. First we prepare the rune itself, then we cut out the symbols on it, and finally we color the cut out symbols. You shouldn’t do all the runes in one go, for example overnight, but you shouldn’t stretch the process unnecessarily either. Just find your own rhythm for it process and do it at your convenience. In the process of making each sign, try to “feel” its essence and the material from which it is made. Try to internally merge with him. Imagine that this piece of clay (wood, bone) seems to be a part of yourself. Next, you should begin processing and drawing the rune sign. When drawing a sign, try to think about its meaning and the message contained in these symbols.

Each rune should become for you not just a piece of clay with signs drawn on it, but a meaningful sign, a combination of meanings, certain images and feelings. Then paint the rune, approaching this process in much the same way as the manufacturing process. After you have finished making the rune, look at it carefully. If something doesn’t suit you, some parts you don’t like, then you should immediately get rid of this rune and start the process of making it again. It is important that the runes that you have prepared are ideal for you, that you like them and are close.

Keep your runes away from prying eyes. After all, if strangers look at your runes, or God forbid, take them into their hands, then the runes lose not only their energy that you invested in their manufacture, but also their connection with you, with your inner world, your essence. If someone begins to use your runes for their intended purpose, he will be able to use the energy that you have contained in them. Therefore, try to store your runes in a secluded place. When transporting, keep the runes in a bag, which can be made either from leather or from thick material tied with woolen thread. If you want to maintain the energy potential of your runes at the proper level, I advise you to take them out more often, touch them with your hands, and look at them. These actions will maintain the energy of your runes at the proper level.