How to make a large flower from A4 sheets. How to make flowers from corrugated paper (60 photos)

Making an accent in your home, decorating a souvenir package, or complementing a gift with a unique bouquet - this is now available to everyone. It only takes a little effort to get the desired result.

How to make beautiful flowers from paper? – about this below the article. In it you will find several detailed master classes.

How to make a simple and beautiful paper flower with your own hands?

Recently, floral arrangements made of paper have become an alternative: both in the design of halls and souvenirs.

Try making these simple but beautiful flowers yourself. Detailed instructions and diagram are located below.

To work you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • diagrams and templates for cutting out parts;
  • pencil or pen;
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. From paper you need to cut out the parts for the future flower using templates (for each product you will need: 3 parts in the form of a drop, 1 - four-leaf, 1 - three-leaf, 2 - five-leaf, 3 green parts - leaves).
  2. A pencil (pen, or you can use a brush) will help give the necessary shape to each detail for the future product.
  3. All blanks are glued together. First, you need to glue the larger fragments, and then the small ones. Repeat everything according to the diagram below.

There is another interesting option for simple but lush paper flowers.

They are made using the quilling type.

What you need for work:

  1. Illustrated magazines.
  2. Adhesive tape (green).
  3. Glue.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Barbecue skewers.

Step-by-step instruction:

Here's how to make a bouquet of paper flowers very simply and effectively.

Large paper flowers - master class

Huge buds allow you to create a unique interior for celebrations. Thanks to them, you can accent or highlight a place for a photo shoot.

Large flowers can be grouped into arches, various compositions on the ceiling or wall. Making such a decoration will be quite simple.

Materials for work:

  • patterns (diagrams) of parts;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape;
  • colored paper (both sides);
  • stick or skewer (thicker).

How to make a paper rose?

These roses can be made as a souvenir or decoration for a photo shoot.

DIY crepe paper flowers - diagrams

To make beautiful buds, you can choose one of the instructions presented below. Small or huge flowers can be made in a few hours.

Wonderful lush peonies or a pink bouquet will be a wonderful addition to your interior or souvenir.

These wonderful blue flowers can be made from crepe paper with your own hands if you follow the step-by-step diagram in the picture.

Volumetric flowers made of corrugated paper - step by step photo

You can use crumpled paper to create beautiful bouquets, such as a composition of crocuses.

To work you will need:

  • corrugated paper;
  • glue;
  • toothpicks;
  • scissors;
  • brush.

Composition making process:

  1. The paper must be placed in such a way that the relief is on the short side.
  2. Now you should cut the paper into rectangles measuring 8*4 centimeters.
  3. The blanks need to be crumpled in the form of an accordion.
  4. Now you need to cut out 6 identical petals from these folds, then you need to slightly twist their ends with a toothpick.
  5. Now it's up to the stamens. They are made from the same rectangles as the petals. The blanks are cut with fringe, leaving a narrow strip (see the diagram above).
  6. The fringe (each of its elements) needs to be twisted into a flagellum, and then the future stamen should be rolled into a tube. To do this, wrap the toothpick in a paper blank.
  7. The bottom of each of the stamens is smeared with glue, after which the flower petals begin to be fixed one by one.
  8. The completion of each flower is to wrap the stem in green paper and then attach the leaves to it.

How to make paper flowers for a postcard?

Decorating souvenirs makes every giver think about how to decorate the packaging in an interesting and original way.

A simple ribbon bow is a thing of the past, replaced by paper flower arrangements.

Even handmade flowers from cardboard will allow even a little person to create unique gifts for friends or family.

What is required for labor?

  • colored paper (several colors: pink, red and green, you can choose other colors);
  • a postcard purchased or made independently;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

How to make small decorative flowers?

  1. Round blanks are cut out of thin cardboard or paper. The edges of the circle are made jagged. The more such elements, the more magnificent the bud. You can make flowers of different sizes.
  2. Each blank is folded into 4 or more folds - it depends on what shape you want to give the bud.
  3. Each part is fixed with glue on the postcard.
  4. The stem and leaves will complete the paper plant.

These are the interesting master classes with step-by-step instructions for your attention that were selected and presented in this article. Imagine, create - everything will work out!

It’s hard to find a more exciting activity than making voluminous paper flowers with your own hands. Perhaps someone was lucky enough to get acquainted with this craft back in primary school age during those craft lessons that were devoted to acquiring the skills of drawing patterns, cutting out shapes, painting blanks and gluing paper parts into one elegant design. The experience that could be accumulated during the assembly of cardboard models according to drawings published in the magazines “Small Modeling”, supplements to the magazine “Young Technician”, as well as books whose titles sounded something like “Skillful Hands” and “Create” will also serve as an excellent help. , invent, try!

With all this, even having excellent skills in working with colored paper, those who want to decorate a room with garlands of paper flowers must reject a number of temptations that can change the initial plan beyond recognition and greatly distort it. The fact is that copying plants is not as easy as copying airplanes, trucks, doll outfits and kitchen utensils. The creations of nature are much more complex than the creations of humans, and therefore, following the usual scheme of taking dimensions from the original or reading a drawing, you can end up not so much with flowers, but with paper structures that resemble them, suitable only for decorating a curtain in a school theater.

That is why the first step towards introducing variety into home life in the form of paper bouquets placed everywhere should be a careful study of photographs of real flowers, and, if possible, the originals themselves in their natural form. Of course, it is not always possible to buy on the market the flower that you wanted to sculpt using available materials, but the result of this experiment greatly depends on how much effort and time was spent looking at and feeling the real plant. It is advisable not to limit yourself to this and try, relying only on visual memory, to draw a flower several times, first on paper, and then in a computer graphics editor.

You need to boldly use your own ideas to improve technology

Having made sure that the peduncle, calyx, petals, stamens, anthers and pistil have been remembered in every detail, you can begin making copies of them. Do-it-yourself voluminous paper flowers with step-by-step photo instructions, which are easy to find on increasingly popular sites dedicated to needlework, modeling, cutting, sewing and knitting, will be a good help in this. By acting according to the schemes proposed there, you can introduce rationalization ideas into them, which are born in huge quantities already in the first minutes of the implementation of the plan. It is advisable to subject the selected instructions to light criticism in order to understand at what stage it is better to abandon too primitive solutions in favor of more labor-intensive ones.

For example, you don’t have to limit yourself to cutting out parts from paper of a suitable color. Even a quick glance at a blooming rose is enough to notice the veins running through its petals. This means that the same lines need to be applied to the workpiece, using a felt-tip pen with a thin rod. It is better to make the plant elements themselves not according to a template, but by exactly repeating the outlines of the corresponding components. To do this, carefully separating the petal and pressing it to a sheet of paper, you will need to draw a contour, cut out a part along it, mark lines of folds and breaks, remove excess parts of the pattern with scissors, give the paper petal a natural shape and fix it with glue.

You can twist and secure flower petals using different methods.

The petals located in the center of the rose usually have the shape of a cone or tubes, which makes it possible to make them without glue. To fold corresponding pieces of paper in this way, you can use the so-called tenon joint, widely used in furniture assembly. To do this, you need to cut the petal so that a sharp protruding end appears on one edge. Having made a cut on the other edge of the workpiece, all that remains is to insert a paper spike there and bend it so that the connection obtained in this way is secured. Having collected the required quantity of petals in the center of the paper flower, the most important places for holding the resulting structure can be fixed with two drops of glue.

A short piece of soft insulated wire is also suitable for this purpose, which will then need to be hidden by painting it with gouache. In some cases, the central petals can be rounded and fixed in the inflorescence without using glue, wire, a spike or a cut. To do this, they usually select paper that has increased elasticity, which will itself retain the required shape under the pressure of the elements surrounding it. As a rule, after several trials and errors, an attempt to insert such a petal is crowned with success. In general, the less glue is used when assembling the inflorescence, the more similar the paper rose will be to the original.

In many cases it will be better to use a simpler method

In cases where paper flowers are needed not for interior decoration, but for decorating a children's party or creating a so-called photo zone in a television studio, they can be made using a much simpler scheme. There is no need to draw veins and make a complex pattern of parts, tint the edges and bases of the petals, carefully give them a natural shape, bending and twisting along the edges. Stems and leaves are not needed either, since the only necessary element in this kind of paper flowers is their cups. They are usually attached with needles, tacks or pins to curtains, rugs, bookshelves, bulletin boards and other items for just a few hours or days.

In such cases, petals are made according to a template that is searched on the Internet or copied from the pages of specialized magazines. Most likely, it will be a geometrically correct figure, and therefore it can be cut out very quickly. If the cup elements must be of different sizes, then there should be a separate template for each of them. All that remains is to trace it on a large sheet of colored paper and cut out a petal. If according to the holiday plan or the scheme for filling the photo zone you need a lot of flowers, then you can make several petals at a time by folding sheets of paper in a stack. True, if it turns out to be too thick, then cutting through it with scissors will not be easy.

You can speed up the connection of parts by using hot glue

Considering the fact that the petals may differ in shade, it makes sense to cut them out from sheets of paper of colors close in the spectrum. For example, large parts can be made from purple paper, and smaller ones from lilac paper. To slightly round such petals, they are wound, for example, on a tube of glue stick. Then the bases of the petals are cut and the edges thus obtained are glued, slightly overlapping one another to round the workpiece in the longitudinal direction. To join the edges overlapping, you can use the same glue stick, but some instructions say that hot glue applied to the surfaces to be joined from a hot glue gun is better for this.

The petals treated in this way are combined into a cup, covering their base with glue approximately halfway. As the funnel forms, the petals can be slightly bent in the vertical direction so that the flower gains volume. To make the bases stick together more firmly, you can take a narrow glass and, lowering it to the bottom of the cup, press it onto the adhesive joint. This operation will also give the paper flower an even more voluminous appearance. Having made another cup from smaller templates, you need to cover the bottom with glue, place it inside the first cup, then turn it so that the petals of the top are above the spaces between the petals of the bottom, and again press the junction with a glass.

Stamens are made from scraps of paper turned into a long narrow fringe

The cup, assembled from petals cut out according to the smallest template, is attached in the same way. In this case, it will no longer be possible to squeeze the bases with a glass, so you will have to use a tube of glue stick. To make stamens, you can take scraps of colored paper and turn them into fringe. It will need to be rolled up at the base and glued into a tube, which it is then advisable to wrap with a shorter fringe. All that remains is to bend the resulting stamens in different directions and, smearing them with glue, insert the resulting structure into the center of the cup. You can experiment a little with the arrangement of the stamens, for example, by limiting yourself to one fringe tube or using three or four layers of it.

In cases where purchasing colored paper seems difficult, you can make a flower from ordinary A4 office paper, having previously painted it with gouache. When the paint dries, you will need to perform all the same procedures that are used to obtain petals from factory-made colored paper. In this case, the final result will look somewhat pale, since gouache is unlikely to give the same thick coloring. That is why this solution is more suitable for making white roses, fuchsias, daisies, apple blossoms, petunias, meadow geraniums and white lilies.

Due to the fact that office paper can be somewhat softer than colored paper, this method will allow you to combine more than three funnels of petals into a cup, thereby significantly expanding the freedom of creative exploration. Thin napkins, from which, thanks to their pliability, you can use the method described above to create flower cups that are practically indistinguishable from the originals, and with a much more complex structure, will provide an even greater scope for the embodiment of artistic ideas.

Have a good and bright day everyone! Very soon, in a month, the first flowers will appear, I suggest not to wait for this and make your own flowers from paper. After all, you can give such lovely gifts of nature without a reason, but if you need a reason, then don’t forget to congratulate your mothers and grandmothers on March 8 or Happy Mother’s Day, because it is on these days that such crafts are always given.

Let them be paper, but they can be presented so cool and superbly that they will look even better than alive, and even more so they can stand on a table or shelf for a single year. And this certainly makes me happy. Take a look at this picture, do you like it? If yes, then I showed you step by step how you can do this.

In my opinion, today’s theme will always be popular, because this is the most beautiful and delicate souvenir that you can give for any occasion. So, I suggest you hang out with me for a while))).

Souvenirs that carry something unusual look unrealistically beautiful and original. I suggest starting with the seemingly simplest option, but just look at who. This is a daisy, but not simple and not fabulous, but with wishes, how nice it would be to give one, don’t you think?

Moreover, you can download ready-made templates directly from this site and print them on a printer. This is a very cool souvenir that will hook anyone. You can give it for any occasion, such as a birthday or Teacher's Day.

We will need:

  • office sheets of different colors - 5 pcs.
  • glue stick
  • double sided tape
  • rhinestones
  • templates
  • satin ribbon
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Start by deciding on the shape of the flower. I suggest taking this seven-flowered flower. Print the blanks on the printer. The first template will be like in this picture, I will send all the rest to you by email, just write your comment below (there are 10 in total), or you can come up with your own words or messages.

2. Here they are handsome, now take scissors, or you can use a stationery knife and cut along the contour.

3. These are the cute and funny preparations you will get.

4. Cut out a circle of cardboard with a diameter of 5 cm and place the first flower and a satin ribbon and drop glue into the middle or smear it if you are using a pencil. So gradually glue everything.

5. Now all that remains is to decorate the middle beautifully. To do this, take a square, approximately 3.5x3.5 cm. Bend it like this.

6. Then make a triangle as if you were making a frog.

7. Fold the ends forward.

8. These are the butterflies you will get.

9. Which all that remains is to connect, glue to each other, and cover the middle with something interesting, for example, a bead or rhinestones. The result is a very original and unique craft, the person for whom you made it will definitely like it.

The most common and easy, especially for children, is the figure-of-eight flower using a hole punch and buttons.

Undoubtedly, the king of all flowers are roses, how to make them, to be honest, there are a great many options. I will write about this in more detail someday. Now take this masterpiece as a basis.

Or here’s a sample, you need to draw 5 flowers from largest to smallest, and then arrange this thing in a vase.

I know many of you will be looking for roses, because these are the flowers that are customary to give in most cases. Well, here's your first briefing. Take corrugated paper and make petals out of it. First, cut out the strip, then fold it like an accordion and round the edges. After this, you should twist it onto a stem, which could be a stick or something similar.

Also decorate the stick with green corrugated paper.

You can make such a wonderful creation from plain paper, but it is better to use crepe paper or corrugated paper. Draw a spiral yourself in a circle, cut it with a knife, and then wind it onto a pencil or crochet hook.

Or use this usual scheme, you can do this in 5 minutes.

Their work steps are absolutely simple. Remember how you made bookmarks in childhood, the system is approximately the same))).

The flowers themselves can also be twisted to make them look more interesting, as if they had truly bloomed.

In general, quite a lot of models can be composed and made from paper, the main thing is depending on the shape of the petal.

Notice these features yourself and you can make daisies, chrysanthemums, dahlias, and even carnations, take a look at the following pictures. You can see petal templates for cutting out.

Or do you prefer lilies with peonies?

What kind of flower is this? Did you guess it?

You can make such a charmer in the form of a brooch).

Snowdrops, as we know, are the first to please us. Moreover, you can make the flowers themselves from pumpkin seeds.

And of course, I couldn’t pass by foamiran, use this material too.

Dandelions follow them. Make them from regular napkins using a stapler.

This bright option would also be an excellent solution to surprise everyone.

They remind me of asters.

This view completely captivated me, I fell in love with it at first sight. It really looks like a living or real dahlia.

You can make primrose. You will need squares, from which you need to make figures that look like triangles.

Also roll the other side to form a triangle and a petal for the future bud. Then glue them together. Make the stem and leaves.

The next option looks great, as if it were real.

Making crafts from A4 sheet

Not so often, but you still have to make such products from ordinary large sheets. Of course, you can use such luxurious crafts anywhere; they look especially good if you decorate walls or a hall with them, that is, use them in the interior of premises.

Each leaf is a large petal that you will have to paint in the desired color.

Larger flower options can also be made in the form of a rose. Initially, you will need to use a template.

And then follow all the steps presented step by step.

Video on how to make paper flowers quickly and easily

You won’t believe it, but you can quite simply and in a matter of minutes twist a gorgeous bouquet, watch this video and you will also learn this interesting activity:

Master class on folding paper tulips

At some point in our childhood, we all folded different figures and used origami. I remember during labor lessons I really liked this activity. The tulip is usually done using this technique. It turns out voluminous and looks like the original.

You can also make an open type bud.

Or take another idea from corrugated paper as a basis and hide a candy in a bud. No one will refuse such a gift, that's for sure!

And here’s another great idea with disposable spoons. This gift can be given for a birthday or even a wedding.

Stages of work:

1. Prepare everything you need for work, all components are shown in this picture.

2. Cut scarlet rectangles from corrugated paper and then wrap the spoon in this material, as if slightly twisting it on a stick.

3. What does it look like? Of course, for the petals.

4. Mask the stick with green paper, while stacking the spoons towards each other (4 pieces) to form a stem and a bud. Then cut the leaves into a specific shape.

5. Place the craft in a pot or cup. You can tie a bow or some other pattern.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners on how to make a flower for mom

Now let's learn how to make the simplest option, because for some the previous ones will seem very complicated, then this present will come to your aid.

We will need:

  • square paper - 2 sheets

Stages of work:

1. Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half to form a triangle. Then again.

Then draw semicircular lines like you see in this illustration. Cut out according to the sample and follow further instructions.

2. Unfold, open the workpiece and glue a couple of strips to the middle.

This option is suitable for the youngest, for example preschoolers.

But with schoolchildren you can do something even more difficult. The meaning is the same, just bend the petals and glue them differently.

You can also make a red poppy or take a different color, but for this work you will need more wire.

I am very much in love with asters, do you love them?

Want to know how these can be made?

We will need:

  • old magazine
  • scissors
  • kebab sticks

1. Take the magazine apart into pages, fold each page in half, then again and again.

2. Take scissors and cut with grass. To make a fringe.

3. Afterwards, wrap this beauty on a stick.

4. After this, fluff the product. Cover the stick with green paper.

Something similar can be done to a teacher or, for example, an aunt or grandmother.

1. You will also need napkins and corrugated paper, plus you will also need a disposable glass or a jar of sour cream.

2. Since the flowers will be large, you can make them smaller, take a napkin and fold it in half, then in half again, and again. Secure the middle with thread or a stapler.

Cut the petals with scissors and give them shape.

3. Now prepare a glass, cover it with corrugated paper, push crumpled newspaper or unnecessary paper inside, also cover it with corrugation and let it out as if it were grass.

4. There should be 10-12 pieces, it all depends on your abilities.

5. Using glue, attach the resulting flowers to the base. Quite modest, but at the same time bright and stylish, such a gift will please anyone, especially women or girls.

Learning to make voluminous flowers

What kind of crafts are they made from nowadays? They even adapted egg molds for this work. It’s a shock to me how and when it could have occurred to anyone, but it came and conquered everyone. At first it looks unattractive, but then it turns out amazing masterpieces.

The sample is painted with paint and placed on a wire or stick.

A wonderful souvenir, as they say, made from improvised means, and how beautiful and funny it looks.

You will agree that with such voluminous flowers you can quite easily and quickly decorate any interior of a room or hall, making it irresistible and unforgettable.

You can also use this chic flower garland.

After this, put each workpiece on a fishing line or thread.

You can also make unforgettable creations from paper bags.

Using the origami technique, you can fold and then glue the parts.

And the coolest volumetric look, which I really liked and I advise everyone to do it, is this one:

Do you like calla lilies? Then take note of this master class.

You can even make a masterpiece out of ordinary newspapers.

By the way, you can even make Pansies with your children.

Interesting gift idea Roses with sweets

I once showed you how you can make roses and hide candy in them, remember? Look how gorgeous the bouquet turned out, and we presented it for Valentine’s Day, if you forgot, I’ll remind you.

I also give you this diagram to help you.

You can easily jump in and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Or use this video, you can’t do without roses:

That's all for me, I wish you inspiration and great work. Come visit me more often, join my group in contact, write your reviews and comments. Good luck and see you again! Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Today I would like to show you the idea of ​​​​using large flowers in interiors; such decorations are also called life-size, meaning that their size matches the height of a person. Of course, it is not necessary to make giant roses, but to decorate a large room, small buds will not look as impressive as giants.

This design can liven up the space above a bed, sofa or an ordinary corner. It is also often made for significant events - Birthdays, Valentine's Day or March 8th.

Let's start getting acquainted with this beauty and figure out how to make several popular types of flowers yourself.

We have long known the idea of ​​decorating with volumetric elements; most often shelves perform this function, but sometimes you really want romance and new elements.

More often, a place is allocated in the hall where there is no unnecessary furniture, a composition of buds and leaves is created and guests are invited. After all, you already have a photo zone ready at home. Believe me, smart guests will appreciate your idea.

But in any decor there is always an idea. For example, using monochrome shades of paper, choose different color depths and textures. And if you want to create a stylish composition, then I advise you to look at it and then decide on the color.

Compositions with buds of different sizes look beautiful. This is how completeness appears in the decoration.

Now let's get started on how to make large paper flowers. I suggest starting with such a bright and rainbow composition - a ball, which can easily be hung on the dining table in the living room or in the corner of the hall.

I suggest using double-sided A4 size paper for the flowers. Also make several buds from velvet colored sheets, this will give more realism.

To form a circle, take a large object, you can use a flat dessert plate.

It is more convenient to bend the petals with scissors, just do not press too hard, otherwise you will tear the paper.

And now flowers on a stem are very popular. They are simply huge! The leg is formed by a coil of wire, but I know that some craftsmen have adapted to making it from PVC pipes.

A large composition of buds of different types of flowers will be an alternative to watches or paintings. It’s not yet a very popular phenomenon to decorate walls with such a bouquet, but it looks simply stunning and delicate in the spring.

Another example of home decor, when the screen is decorated with roses of the same shade. Here you can take a selfie and simply isolate yourself from the outside world and dream.

Every craftswoman makes each type of flower in her own way. For example, peonies can be made very simply using thin corrugated paper, as shown in the master class.

And also make an interior rose that looks beautiful in floor vases.

I gave an example of small sizes; the larger the flower you need, the larger the number you multiply each of these values. The main thing is that there is enough paper)))

The entire strip of paper needs to be folded like an accordion, a template attached and cut out. Before cutting, check which part stretches better and place the template so that the stretching side is horizontal to it.

Important! Do not unbutton the bottom folds!

Unfold and admire the resulting garland.

Take a stick or thick wire. Grease the bottom edge of our resulting garland with glue and begin wrapping the paper around the wire.

As shown in the photo.

The bottom needs to be firmly fixed so that the wire does not fall out of the bud and the petals themselves do not unfurl. The edge can also be coated with glue.

I also thought that it would be more convenient for many to simply print out ready-made petal patterns and start creating, so I present three templates for parts of different shapes.

Maybe you will like this type of petals better.

Or you want to try using such an ornament.

Of course, it takes a lot of time to create huge compositions, but this will serve as an unusual replacement for boring balloons and posters.

Giant peony made of corrugated or crepe paper on the wall

Peonies, like roses, are popular. I think this is the king of all flowers because it looks elegant and smells amazing. Craftswomen have different approaches to creating it, but the effect is always beyond praise. I think that not everyone will be able to create such a flower right away, so I put together a short video that tells in great detail how to roll the simplest peony.

It really is done very quickly, and looks no worse than those created using other techniques. I invite you to watch.

I also liked the idea of ​​the foundation used in this video. after all, such a flat circle will attach perfectly to the wall even with double-sided tape.

How to make voluminous paper flowers for beginners?

Those who create giant buds undergo many paid and free master classes, constantly improving their skills. But not everyone immediately becomes a professional; everyone started somewhere. I want to give you step-by-step master classes, where the photo very clearly describes the progress of the work.

For example, the idea to create such a rose. No, it's not difficult, it just requires a lot of material.

We take a roll of paper, you can use designer sheets, but for beginners it is better to take a corrugated roll. It is easier to work with, it takes different shapes well, and the color range of this paper is very diverse.

The cut leaf is in the shape of a drop, stretch it across the width, so the leaf will curl up a little and take on a concave shape.

If you want to make an unopened bud, then take fewer parts; for a blossomed one, you will need more of them.

Make asters from simple colored A4 sheets. This is one of the simplest flower options. Each petal will need to be rolled inward, but if on the contrary you want to turn them out, then use scissors. Running them along the outer edge.

For this aster you need to use layers of petals of different diameters. The top one is the smallest. I would remove about 8mm from each subsequent row.

I present another master class on creating a flower arrangement - a ball. Depending on the selected diameter of each template, the size of the ball will depend. If you want to use it for assembly halls, for a wedding or birthday, then feel free to take the diameter of the plate.

I found the idea of ​​creating fluffy flowers out of toilet paper interesting. This material is easy to work with because it is soft and easy to cut and roll. Modern toilet paper now comes in a variety of colors - from white to blue. Can you imagine what composition you can create?

You need to fold the strip in half and start making a cut towards the middle of the strip. Do not cut to the edge, leave at least two centimeters.

Now begin to roll this blank into a spiral, periodically gluing the spreads so that the flower does not fall apart.

Of course, there are so many ideas for creating these giants that I offer you one more video to watch. I really liked the simplicity and elegance of these crafts.

To make these decorations more like the real thing, look for paper with a gradient, where the sheet has a smooth transition from light to dark. The dark one is usually used at the bottom of the petal, because there is shadow there, and the lighter side goes to the top.

How are large paper flowers used for home decor or photo zone?

Oh, every fashionista dreams of capturing herself next to such a tender photo zone. Giants are used for photo shoots at weddings, anniversaries and other important events. After all, it is important to create a beautiful background. By the way, this composition is also popular for magazines and even clothing collections. I think that such paper florists are in high demand.

See how one of the online stores brought their stand to life. Gentle, original and very feminine, isn’t it? Maybe you have your own business, then this idea can be adopted to create an image.

And our compositions look so easy in the interior of an ordinary apartment. Very unusual and bright.

An unusual idea of ​​using origami techniques to create giants. Look how fabulous it is. The girl seems like just a fairy or an inch against their background.

When you don’t have much time, you can create such fantasy flowers in the shape of the sun yourself. Use a regular landscape sheet for small fragments, and sheets of whatman paper for large ones.

You can make this decor as follows. Fold the sheet lengthwise into an accordion, tie the middle and unfold each side. Glue the edges of one side to the edge of the other.

Cover the center nicely with a paper circle.

Paper dandelions captivated me. By the way, the top of the inflorescences can also be made using toilet paper, as I described above.

Decor idea for a children's party.

See how you can combine several types of petals. Light and pastel colors almost all combine with each other. The main thing is to take all the tones of the same saturation so that a single whole is created, and not so that one bright element attracts all the attention.

Make an imitation of wisteria. It comes in such different shades that you can choose almost any color, but I would prefer pink and lilac tones. They are more natural and natural.

Try to choose paper of the same tone but of different saturations, from dark to lighter.

First we need to make the blanks. To make it faster, fold the strip of paper several times.

Cut out the drop.

Wrap the base of the workpiece.

Now bend this tail inward. To make it stick better, you can fix it with glue.

This is what we got. You need at least 20 blanks of each shade.

We string the workpieces onto a strong thread at the base, wrapping each subsequent one in the other direction.

Now these petal threads can be tied to the base you decide to use. If you have a suspension, as in the photo above, then for the base, select a hoop of the required diameter.

Master class on making a large decoration

Let's take a closer look at how to make these rainbow huge asters. To create them, you can choose corrugated or crepe paper. The main thing is to choose the right shade. The entire roll will be used.

Let's roll the paper into an accordion.

Paper clips and clamps will help you hold all the workpieces in the desired position.

Now we give each strip the desired size, remove two centimeters from each subsequent workpiece.

We shape the petals on all rolls.

Now we unroll the rolls and form layers, laying the blanks on top of each other from largest to smallest.

To avoid confusion, you can write its length on each roll.

We fold it like an accordion and fix it in the middle.

We begin to straighten each layer.

This is how easy it is to make your own decor. The main thing is to be patient and have plenty of available material.

Corrugated paper anemones

Anemones are also often used for decoration. They are incredibly beautiful and realistic.

I would like to show you another video that gives detailed instructions on how to make them. You don’t have to make decor of incredible sizes right away, start with ordinary ones in order to understand the essence of the process and get better at it, and you will also save on materials, because every small bud can then be reproduced in large sizes.

I really wanted you to get acquainted with this idea of ​​​​decorating and decorating walls and other surfaces. Bookmark this article to quickly find it when you need to decorate your room for the holidays.

If you make a paper flower with your own hands, then such a masterpiece will delight your eyes for many years. Paper bouquets are similar to real inflorescences; they captivate people with the beauty of their shapes, elegance of lines and unique images of leaves and buds.

Materials for work

Creativity from paper improves imagination and sense of artistic style, and does not require any special materials or devices to work.

To create paper crafts you will need:

Additional tools you may need: wire, an awl, drinking straws or empty ampoules - to create stems; various beads, buttons, beads - to decorate the buds. To paint the compositions, various paints will be used. In some cases, a hole punch, colored ribbons, pieces of fabric and cardboard will come in handy.

Recently, special kits for making artificial flowers have appeared in stores, which contain the main components and step-by-step instructions with illustrations.

Origami flowers

You can create a paper flower with your own hands in the origami style, which consists only of folding various configurations. To make crafts using this technique, you will need multi-colored double-sided paper, a gluing agent and scissors.

To make the simplest model, you need to perform the following steps:

  • prepare a square piece of colored paper;
  • bend it diagonally on both sides until smooth edges are formed, and also make straight folds that result from folding the square in half;
  • bend one of the resulting vertices towards the center;
  • Perform the same actions with the three remaining corners;
  • Make folds on all folded triangles. To get them, you need to fold it, first forming a triangle on one edge, then smoothing it out, forming a fold on the other edge;
  • turn the product the other way;
  • bend the corners of the formed square;
  • unfold the workpiece again;
  • on the folds made earlier, which are on all the triangles bent to the center, certain actions must be taken. Make folds in the middle of the shapes and smooth out their edges;
  • do the same with the remaining triangles;
  • fold the corners and turn the future flower over again;
  • all corners look like flower petals. Straighten them;
  • turn it over again to the opposite side and bend the corners away from the center. These are the petals of the future masterpiece;
  • bend them diagonally, carefully stretching out these leaves;
  • For the resulting flower, you need to slightly sharpen the ends of the outer leaves by squeezing them with your fingers.

You can make such a creation from any color you like.

Flowers made of colored paper

Even children can easily and simply make artificial flowering plants from ordinary colored paper. There are many different methods, but it is worth paying attention to such simple techniques.

1st option:

2nd option:

Spiral-shaped paper gifts of flora can be used to decorate hand-made cards or decorate gift wrappings.

To make such paper flowers, you must follow the following sequence:

  • First of all, it is important to create a bud template. To do this, you should try to draw a spiral on a piece of paper of any color and cut out the workpiece exactly along the lines.
  • Carefully twist the entire resulting paper spiral, starting from the end point.
  • We form the stem and leaves from green paper.
  • Before starting to connect the individual parts of the creation, lightly straighten the spiral - this will help the flower open.

Corrugated paper flowers

To learn how to make flower crafts from corrugated paper you need:

  • trim the stem base to the desired length. Cover one edge of it with glue and wrap it with a narrow strip of yellow crepe paper. You will get a core;
  • take the original sheet of material of the desired color (red, burgundy), fold it 12 p. and cut out petals from it. From the resulting parts we form a bud: attach each piece to the stem using glue, lubricating the lower part with it. From time to time you can thicken the bud by wrapping the leaves with yellow paper;
  • when all the parts form a single whole, wrap them with a green strip of crepe, and at the same time twist the stem at once.

In addition to this method, there are others, any of which is suitable for the production of a specific composition. For example, it is recommended to use previously rolled paper strips.

The main thing is to show imagination and diligence when assembling.

Paper napkin flowers

Graceful flowering plants can be made from ordinary napkins. Very simple production helps to attract children to this activity. Paper napkins, which have one or more layers, can turn into different types of flora. You just have to choose the right scheme and color scheme.

You can learn this technique using the example of a lush flower. It is better to use dense material, because it retains its shape well, and the folds on the folds are well defined. You will need 5 napkins for one product. To increase the splendor, you can use from 7 to 10 pieces, but it is advisable to make the blanks of different sizes. Craftsmen advise alternating material of different colors.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • To form a flower from paper, you need to cut the edges of the raw material with your own hands into a semicircle or rounded triangle. Next, you need to give each napkin an accordion shape, fastening it in the middle with a strong thread. Then trim the ends a little, making them uneven, to give a ragged effect;
  • collect each inflorescence into a single composition, putting them together and fixing them at the ends of the threads;
  • for the density of the masterpiece, the base of the leaves should be glued or tied with braid;
  • If desired, you can attach a ring made of the base material to the back of the product, which will serve to hold a table napkin or cutlery.

Paper flowers using quilling technique

Paper flowers made in the quilling style are extremely popular and look impressive and beautiful, especially if made by yourself. They can be used to decorate holiday packaging, boxes, photo frames, and greeting cards. The technique is simple, but it requires patience and time.

This technique can also be called “paper twisting,” since it involves twisting oblong paper strips of different structures. Stripes made from pearlescent, shiny or matte raw materials will look impressive.

The simplest manufacturing technology is as follows:

There are many ways to create compositions using the quilling method. The main thing is to have a diagram that has the contours of the image and the details that fill it. It is better for beginners to gain experience by performing light patterns.

What kind of paper can be used to make flowers?

Floral arrangements, both voluminous and the simplest, can be created from simple office sheets, not only pure white, but also colored.

Types of paper that can be used to make flowers:

  • corrugated;
  • kraft paper;
  • packaging;
  • newspaper, suitable for making bouquets in a printing house;
  • sheet music that will be an excellent solution for decorating a music classroom;
  • geographic Maps;
  • cosmetics catalogues;
  • used writing paper;
  • magazines;
  • tracing paper;
  • graph paper;
  • multi-colored foil;
  • material painted with different banknotes;
  • parchment;
  • cigarette

Decorations made from colored paper baskets will look stylish in children's institutions.


How to make chamomile:

If you make chamomile in the quilling style, you should:

  • make paper strips 3 cm wide in white, yellow and green colors;
  • wrap it around the awl, then remove it and loosen it slightly;
  • to obtain a drop-shaped shape, you need to slightly pinch the petal on one side;
  • secure the ends of the strips with glue. For splendor, you will need a lot of such droplets.
  • We make the middle of the future flower from a yellow blank. On one side, cuts are made as thickly as possible on the fringe strips. Then we roll it up into a spiral. Attach the petals to the reverse side;
  • Make a stem from corrugated material, winding it evenly around the rod. Attach a flower to one of the ends of the resulting blank.


It’s not at all difficult to make a paper rose flower with your own hands:

To create a bouquet you will have to make many of these blanks. Choose the color of the paper as desired.


Several options for its manufacture are offered.

1st method:

2nd method (basket of asters):

  • for the base, cut out the foam of the required size and insert it into the cake box;
  • secure the candies to toothpicks with tape;
  • make 6 strips measuring 25x7 cm from corrugated paper and fold them lengthwise 4 times;
  • make cuts in the form of teeth on one edge;
  • round off the fringed ends with scissors, and stretch the solid edge, giving it a rounded shape;
  • wrap the candy structure with the resulting blank, so that the cloves are inside, and connect with tape at the bottom;
  • thus wind 2 more pieces. paper strip;
  • screw the next three edges with curled teeth outwards;
  • make a sepal from green raw materials, with the ends rounded;
  • wrap the toothpicks in green corrugation, securing with glue and wrap the bud with a sepal, also gluing them together;
  • decorate the box with corrugated material and stick the created flowering plants into the foam.


To make a tulip using corrugated paper you will need skill, because the work you have to do is delicate.

These spring gifts of nature are created as follows:

  • first of all, you need to make a cardboard blank for the petals, and use it to cut out the required number of them (6-7 for one flower);
  • then you should begin to form the pistil and stamens. Select a medium-gauge wire and wrap a 5 cm piece with black or brown corrugated paper - you will get a stamen, to which you attach one leaf with glue;
  • take a small wire and wrap a piece 4 cm wide in white paper. It is necessary to create a couple of such blanks and cut them in half. Lay them out in the form of a cross and glue them to the petal;
  • Using this technology, prepare more stamens;
  • tie all the stamens and pistils made with white thread;
  • form a bud by attaching the remaining petals to the wire;
  • you can use a larger wire and secure the bud on it with a thread;
  • wrap green thread around the entire stem. Make leaves out of paper and glue them to the bottom.

Candy tulips look beautiful. To make them you will need small round candies in foil. They should be wrapped in corrugated material and attached to a wire, to which the petals of the expected bud will then be glued.


To create your own peony flower from corrugated paper you need:

If you use many different colors, you will get a lush, attractive peony. For example, taking 7-8 shades, make a gradual transition from a light tone to a darker color. To create the finished look of a flower, during the process of forming a bud, place green corrugated paper in the very bottom layer.

How to make a garland of paper flowers

Flowers for the garland can be made in small or large sizes. Small items are combined into garlands that decorate any part of the room.

To make a paper flower garland you should:

  1. Cut out a flower template from cardboard and use it to make an even number of paper elements. Choose the color scheme based on the theme of the celebration.
  2. Take the fishing line and straighten it. Next, glue the two parts together so that the connecting thread is located in the middle. We go to the end along the entire length of the base, after which we tie a ring at each end of the fishing line, with the help of which the garland will be attached to the holders.
  3. It is advisable to place the flowering elements with an interval of 3 cm from one another.

If desired, you should use stencils with complex patterns. The main thing is to carefully and evenly make paired parts.

Making flower bouquets

Flower bouquets are often made using candy.

To make a simple flower, you need to cut out a rectangle of corrugated paper measuring 9x8, cut off the bottom corners, and give the top corners a rounded shape. Then stretch the resulting part from the middle and wrap it around a round candy, which was previously connected with tape to a skewer. You will get a closed bud. Secure it at the bottom with thread.

For an unblown bouquet, you will have to make many of these blanks and fasten them together. To make the blooming flowers, prepare 8 3x8 pieces for each craft.

Do it in the same way as the previous version, only stretch it in the center and on top. Using a thin stick, bend the slightly cut ends in the other direction. The petal will look like a real one.

To obtain an open flower, glue new petals to the blank with a closed bud. Place each next one on the previously glued leaf. To form the trunk, take a 6x8 piece of paper, which you then cut into the shape of a fence. Then twist the cut parts and glue them to the flower base.

Blooming balls for decoration

You can make not only a paper flower, but also a real flower ball with your own hands. They are good for decorating a room, both for a holiday and on a weekday.

The easiest way is to make a ball using regular napkins.

This craft is fun to make together with your child. To do this, you need to crumple the old newspaper into a tight ball and rewind it with woolen thread. This will be the foundation. Then fold the paper napkin into 4 layers and fasten the middle with a stapler. Using scissors, round off the ends of the square and press them to the center in layers. Glue the resulting roses to the previously prepared newspaper.

The resulting composition can be decorated with beads, colored paper leaves and placed in a vase or attached to the ceiling with a ribbon. Another type of balls can be made from corrugated paper. First, make a round base for the future composition. It is necessary to inflate a balloon of the required size and wrap it with thick thread, pre-impregnated with PVA.

After drying, pierce the ball with a needle and remove it from the thread frame. Then glue the resulting frame to a suitable stand (pot, flowerpot). If the product will be hung, attach a ribbon to the base, forming a loop from it. Cut the sheet of corrugated source material into pieces measuring 3-4 cm by 30-40 cm.

Stretch the resulting strips by hand from one edge, then roll them into a roll from the other and rewind them with thread. Glue the created roses to the prepared base with the knitted side. Fill the entire area of ​​the frame with blanks.

There are a lot of ways to create paper flowers with your own hands. You just need to choose the option you like and, of course, try it. After all, a composition made with love by one’s own hand will never fade and will bring positivity and joy.

Video on how to make a paper flower with your own hands

Find out how to make a voluminous rose with your own hands in the video:

We make paper flowers with our own hands: