How to draw a sea battle on a piece of paper. How to play Battleship: rules

In those distant times, when there were no iPhones or iPads, and mobile phones were a curiosity, we still found something to do with ourselves. Especially in class. Well, who, having moved away from the teacher, did not play sea battle or at least tic-tac-toe with the neighbor on the desk?

Let's remember together how we managed to play incredibly exciting games without using technology, but using only a notebook sheet.

It is difficult to find those who have not played this simple game. We draw a three by three field and try to line up our figures. Happened? Well done, you won!

There was also a more complex modification of the game. Such a field was drawn and on it it was necessary to place not three, but five figures in a row

Raise your hands who's never played? Now leave the class! It looks like there are no candidates for exit. It’s even funny to tell the rules of naval combat - without exaggeration, everyone played it.
We draw two 10x10 square fields, place ships on one of them, and keep the second one for notes - on it we will draw a plan for the location of the enemy ships. The ships should not touch each other, and there should be only 10 of them. Four with one cell, three with two cells, two with three cells and one with four cells. Now - into battle. We name any point on the enemy’s field, and from there we dance – we figure out where he has what. And so on until the bitter end.

A game that has significantly increased our vocabulary. The enemy guesses a word, and you must, by guessing one letter at a time, finally solve it. Each misspelled letter adds a board to the gallows. The number of elements of the gallows is agreed upon in advance.

They are Cities. Let's play land grab, no less! The point of the game is for players to place dots one by one. The winner is the one whose points formed a circle, and at the same time were located at a cell distance from one another. True, usually the game does not end there - the defeated opponent demands revenge, so you can play until the space on the sheet runs out.

Another linguistic game. We draw a field, choose a larger word and enthusiastically add letters to it, forming new words. We create words in any direction except diagonal. The same letter cannot be repeated, that's the problem. So think about it, gentlemen, and the game will end when the entire field is filled with letters!

A dangerous game, because according to the rules you had to talk. But what can you do to while away a boring lesson!
We draw a sign, guess a four-digit number, and enter it in the first column. In the next ones we will guess the enemy's number. We say any number at random. If you didn’t guess right, we write it down. If you guessed right, we mark, for example, “two guessed, one is right.”
Based on the marks, we continue the game. The first one to guess the opponent's number wins.

That's where there is room for imagination! One player draws a squiggle, the second player adds whatever his imagination suggests to it.
Like this, for example.

Everything is simple here. We draw an arbitrary number of points, and then alternately connect them with straight lines so as to form a maximum of triangles. Be careful! The enemy is also not asleep. The one with the most triangles wins.

Let's draw a labyrinth track with mandatory zones:
1. Start
2. Paths
3. Penalty area with three (or more - at your discretion) compartments
4. Finish.
We increase speed by 1 cell per turn. And this is where you need to calculate in such a way as to get to the finish line first, but also fit into the turns along the way. In case of an accident, the game rolls back diagonally one square.

To play the game, we draw a table, select an arbitrary letter and begin racing to write words starting with the desired letter. The game ends when one of the players collects all 10. After that, we count the points. You can play several rounds.

“Sea Battle” is an exciting and simple game that does not require special equipment or special knowledge. It can be played both on a computer and on paper, and once only the second option was used, since there was no other option. Not everyone knows how to play Battleship, because either there was no opportunity to learn, or there was no “teacher”. In any case, such knowledge can be useful. The rules of the game “Battleship” are simple; anyone can remember them, regardless of age and level of intelligence.


The game "Battleship" has long captivated many people. It is interesting, exciting, and most importantly, it does not require any expenses. To play with a person together, you will need two sheets of checkered paper (preferably) and two pens (or 2 pencils).

“Battleship” is useful not only because it allows you to have a good time. The game also helps develop strategic thinking and intuition. If you and the person know each other, you have the opportunity to use information about the enemy. For example, your assumptions about how he might place ships so that they are difficult to find, how you would bet if you were in his place, may be confirmed and help you win.


Well, we can proceed to the main part. Now you will learn how to play “Battleship”:

1. First, you need to draw two squares measuring 10x10 cells on a sheet of paper (of course, it’s easier to draw on a sheet of paper with a checkered pattern). Then in both pictures put on top row letters from A to K (from left to right, skipping E and J), and to the left of the squares are numbers from 1 to 10 (from top to bottom).

2. On the left square you need to place:

  • 1 ship consisting of 4 cells;
  • 2 ships, consisting of 3 cells;
  • 3 ships, consisting of 2 cells;
  • 4 ships, consisting of 1 cell.

Ships cannot touch each other either on their sides or corners. It is important that there is at least one free cell between them. Ships can touch the edges of the playing field, and they must be positioned only vertically and horizontally (diagonally not).

The right square should remain empty.

3. The goal of each player is to destroy enemy ships. The one who goes first (by agreement or by chance (using lots)) names the coordinates (letter-number), looking at the right empty square. For example, E7. The opponent looks at his left drawing, where his ships are located, and answers:

a) past;
b) wounded;
c) killed.

The first option means that the player ended up on an empty cell, that is, he did not end up anywhere. He marks this place in his right square so as not to select it a second time (most often with a cross, but you can use any other in a convenient way), and meanwhile the turn passes to the second player.

The second option means that the player is in a multi-deck ship (occupying from 2 to 4 cells). By marking it on your map Right place, a person has the right to the next move until he misses. So, if after shouting E7 the answer “wounded” follows, the player can call either E6, or Z7, or E8, or D7 in order to finish off the wounded ship (by the way, this is not necessary, you can temporarily leave it alone and look for others) . The second player again answers “by”, “wounded” or “killed”.

The third option means that the enemy ship is destroyed. If this happened on the first move, it means that it was single-deck (consisting of one cell), which can be called a great success. If from the second (for example, after E7 the player said E6), it means double-decker, etc. After knocking out a ship, as well as after being wounded, the player walks until he receives the answer “past”.

4. The move passes from one player to another in case of a miss and is delayed by one of the opponents in case of a successful hit. The winner is the person who is the first to find and destroy all enemy ships.

Other variations

Sometimes "Battleship" is on paper, and sometimes it is on a computer, as mentioned earlier. And if the first option requires a real, living enemy, then in the latter case you can play with robots. True, firstly, it will not be so interesting (the enemy’s reaction when you sink his ship is priceless), and secondly, the opportunity to peek into the enemy fleet is absolutely excluded (we all understand that some people try to cheat).

One way or another, it’s not difficult to come up with other, more expanded versions of the game; it all depends on the imagination of the players and their desire/ability to experiment. It is important to immediately clarify all the rules, because if not every person understands how to play “Battleship”, the rules of which you came up with, nothing good will come of it, and a high-quality game will not work.

For example, you can add more cells to the “battlefield” (not 10x10, but 20x20, for example), and then either leave the number of ships or increase them. You can complicate the task so much that all the ships that the enemy needs to find are single-deck. You can make mines, and if they hit them, the enemy misses one turn. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to know in moderation.


That's all, now you have met new game and you know its rules. The question “how to play “Battleship”” should be settled. From now on, you and your friends will have something to do during boring lessons/lectures or at work, if you can be close to each other and write on sheets of paper.

The cool game “Sea Battle on Paper” is available online and there are a lot of advantages! No more getting your hands dirty with paste when drawing ships. And look for an opponent to play “Sea Battle for Two”: one of the players will be you, the other will be the computer!

Let us recall the rules of the game “Battleship”: draw 2 battlefields of 10×10 cells on paper, write numbers vertically and letters horizontally.

Both players (you and the computer) place their armadillos taking into account the prohibition of touching. Each of you has the same fleet size:

  • 4 single-deck ships (in 1 cell);
  • 3 double deck;
  • 2 three-deck;
  • 1 large four-decker.

How to play Paper Battle online

The game starts with auto placement: the computer places your ships randomly. To rotate the boat, double-click on it and drag while holding down the left mouse button. Confirm your readiness by clicking on the “Fight” button and go into battle!

On the first board with your ships, the actions of the enemy (computer) are visible. Shoot at a blank board, trying to guess where your opponent has placed their boats. Select a position and left click to shoot. If you hit the computer's ship, you can try to hit it again until you miss or sink it.

I liked playing “Battleship on Paper” - be sure to leave a review! Do you want more? Try "" under the same conditions, without registration. Have a good fight!

"Battleship" is an exciting game for two players, which only the lazy did not play in childhood. This entertainment is unique, primarily because it does not require any special equipment. All you need is an ordinary pen and a piece of paper, and two guys can start a real battle.

Although all of us in our childhood at least sometimes sat in front of a lined piece of paper, over time the rules of this fun are often forgotten. That is why parents are not always able to keep their grown-up children company. In this article we bring to your attention the rules of the game “sea battle” on pieces of paper that were familiar to each of us several years ago.

Rules for "sea battle" on a sheet

The board game “sea battle” is extremely simple, so all the rules of this game can be reflected in several points, namely:

  1. Before the start of the game, each player draws a playing field measuring 10x10 cells on his piece of paper and places a fleet of ships on it, consisting of such units as:
  • 1 “four-decker” ship, which is reflected on paper as a row of 4 cells;
  • 2 “three-deck” - rows of 3 cells;
  • 3 “double-decker” - rows of 2 cells;
  • 4 “single-deck” ships, depicted as 1 filled cell.
  • All ships are placed on the field taking into account the following rule: the decks of each ship can only be positioned vertically or horizontally. You cannot paint cells diagonally or in curves. In addition, no ship should touch another even at an angle.
  • At the beginning of the game, the participants use lots to determine who will go first. Further moves are made in turn, but with the condition that the one who hit the enemy ship continues his move. If a player does not hit any of the opponent’s ships, he must pass the move to another.
  • The player who makes the move names a combination of letters and numbers indicating the expected location of the enemy ship. His opponent evaluates on his playing field where the shot landed and tells the second player whether he hit the ship or not. Moreover, if any element of the fleet was sunk or hit, it is marked on the field with a cross, and if the blow fell on an empty cell, a dot is placed in it.
  • In the game of “sea battle”, the winner is the one who managed to sink all the ships of the opposing fleet the fastest. If the battle continues, the loser makes the first move.
  • We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules of the game at least Interesting games, which can be played by the whole family -

    Sea battle - simple and exciting board game, which does not require special knowledge or special devices. To play together with a friend or family member, just take two checkered pieces of paper and two pencils. The game not only allows you to have fun, but also promotes the development of intuition and strategic thinking. How to play sea battle at home?

    Rules of the game

    The essence of the sea battle game is that two people take turns blindly calling out the coordinates on the enemy’s map (on a piece of paper in a box). The named point should destroy the ship or catch part of it. The sooner a player sinks the opponent's fleet, the faster he will win.

    Playing field

    It is a checkered sheet on which a square measuring 10 x 10 cells is drawn. Each side of the figure has its own coordinates. The vertical side is numbered from top to bottom (from 1 to 10). Horizontal from left to right is indicated by the letters of the Russian alphabet (from “A” to “K”, skipping “Yo” and “Y”). Ships are placed in the drawn square.

    Sometimes the words “Republic” or “Snow Maiden” are used instead of letters.

    The opponent's field is drawn on paper next to your field. It must have identical coordinates and dimensions. The plane remains free and is used to mark your shots.

    Number and location of ships in the sea battle game

    Submarines consist of several tubes or decks. The playing field should contain:

    • 1 four-deck battleship – 4 cells;
    • 2 three-deck cruisers - 3 cells each;
    • 3 double-deck destroyers - 2 cells each;
    • 4 single-deck ships - 1 cell each.

    Vessels should be placed according to certain rules. They cannot touch each other with corners or sides. There must be at least one empty cell between them. It is equally important that they are located only horizontally and vertically.

    There are options for sea battles with a different arrangement of ships - the letter “G”, zigzags or squares. Their structure and quantity may be different. For example, 2–3 four-deck and 1 five-deck (aircraft carrier). Using more ships will require a different field size (15 × 15).

    Conditions and order of moves

    To choose who will go first, players cast lots. When making a shot, you name the coordinates (letter and number). For example, B8. The opponent looks at the playing field with his submarines and answers:

    • past;
    • injured;
    • killed.

    In the first case, he makes it clear that you are in an empty cell. The turn goes to the opponent.

    The second option means that you are in a multi-deck ship (consisting of 2, 3 or 4 cells). Mark this place on your map. You have the right to the next shot. To finish off someone else's ship, use nearby coordinates. For example: B7, B9, A8 or B8. You can temporarily leave the wounded ship alone and look for another. The move lasts until you miss.

    The third option indicates that the enemy submarine has been destroyed. If this happened with a single shot, then it was single-deck (occupied one cell). If the ship is killed on the second turn, then it was double-decker, etc. After the ship is destroyed, you can walk until you hear the answer “past.”


    Well-planned tactics will help you win the game of sea battle. A winning strategy offers:

    • Disguise yourself carefully. Your companion should not see your playing field on the checkered piece of paper.
    • Take into account the method of play and the skill of the opponent. For example, if this is a novice player, then you should not place your fleet in the corners of the field. Beginners start with them. With an experienced competitor, it is better to break the pattern and hide two or three ships in such a place.
    • Think about the placement of your ships. Single-cell vessels can be placed scattered, far from each other. Large – compactly in one place. Your partner will quickly find large objects. However, he will spend much more time searching for small submarines. This will give you a chance to get even.
    • Mark your shots. Place crosses in the right empty square. This way you won't call these coordinates a second time. Record both hits and misses. This will avoid conflicts in case of any errors.
    • Cross out the cells around the destroyed enemy ship. The rules prohibit building ships in them. This will save you time.
    • Shoot while moving diagonally. This increases the chances of hitting large submarines. In search of a battleship, you can go through three cells to the fourth.

    What not to do

    If the rules are not followed, the sea battle game may end early. The following are considered unacceptable violations:

    • Missing a move due to inattention.
    • Incorrectly drawn field: incorrect coordinate system or dimensions of the sides of the square.
    • The number of vessels exceeds the required number.
    • One of the players spied the placement of another's submarines.
    • Hits are hidden.
    • During the game, the opponent places the last single-deck ship in the last free cell. To avoid deception, draw the ships and the field on a piece of paper in one color, and mark the shots with a different pencil or pen.

    Sea battle is quite an exciting game. It is familiar to many adults and children. Its rules are simple, anyone can remember them. You can play almost anywhere. All you need for this is a checkered piece of paper and a pen.