How to arrange a table according to Feng Shui. Key Points of Feng Shui Practice

Good day!

We all know about such a phenomenon in world culture as “Feng Shui”. This science came to us from the east, and in a short time amazed everyone with its practicality. Connoisseurs of exquisite home interior And effective ways their own improvement were imbued with her from the first minutes of meeting her.

It is not surprising that today this is the only culture practiced by thousands of people, aimed at ennobling both their home and life in general.

Observing the miraculous effect of “Feng Shui” in the house, in itself, the question arises - will it be possible to apply it in other rooms? Naturally, we are not talking about a garage or a storage room (it’s quite easy to keep order there), but about the place in which we spend a considerable part of our time, and which, just like a house, affects the quality of our life - the office. The answer will not take long to arrive - Yes!

Popular eastern teaching has a whole set of rules aimed at equipping Feng Shui desk for money.

For a large flow of clients, a decent reputation and many other components of a successful business - to achieve all this there are several rules that we will now consider.

A long time ago, practical residents of the Middle Kingdom noticed that what works at home is quite capable of functioning at work. Set up a table in your office in the traditions of Feng Shui, and within a few days you will notice unprecedented changes in your business.

But don’t forget that in order for changes to happen in your life, you also need to start taking action. And having equipped the table and read the changes, you won’t have to wait.

How does a mountain of case files affect you? Or a pile of papers that accumulated like dust on your desk, acquiring the stamp “I’ll deal with them later”? If both of them (and a lot of other rubbish) rest serenely on the table, then don’t be surprised why the “Feng Shui” energy has completely left your workplace.

First, make room for the energy to flow. To do this, you need to clean up your desk. Sort things out. Find a use for your accumulated papers. Fold everything neatly. Throw away what is no longer needed.

Check all lockers. Surely it is full of scribbled pens, shortened pencils, eraser stubs and other “industrial debris”. All this is of no use to you. Make it a rule that only functioning writing utensils should be in your workplace. The same goes for staplers, sharpeners, etc.

Now that all the junk has been eliminated and there is more space on the table, you need to carefully measure everything. Give important tools (keyboard, monitor, etc.) a separate place so as not to limit yourself in it. You should not feel constrained while sitting at your desk. Nothing should limit your movements.

A Feng Shui desktop for money does not exclude the presence of various decorations on it. Moreover, it is an integral attribute of any cheerful person. The main thing is to select items in this category so that they do not take up much space.

And pay special attention to the material from which they are made. Preference is given to natural materials - wood, stone. As for metal crafts, then you should abstain from them. Metal tends to negatively affect energy flow.

Now let's get to the fun part. The Feng Shui work table for money is divided into 3 parts. The first one goes in the center. The second is the right side. The third is the left side. Each of them, in turn, is divided into three small sections (sectors).

The center is responsible for your career and fame. These parts must be free. In other words, the space in the middle of the table (from north to south) should not be blocked by any objects. However, in the distant area (the glory sector) you can place objects symbolizing your goals. As a rule, this is either a company logo or your own.

On the right are the sectors responsible for creativity, patronage and family relationships. In the place responsible for creativity (right middle) it is necessary to place only those materials that will highlight already completed projects. But there is no need to fill it up. A few documents are enough. After all, this is just symbolism.

The patronage sector, located in the lower right corner, is reserved for the telephone. There is no need to take the name literally and place a photo of the boss there. Just a means of communication and nothing more.

The area (top right) reserved for family relations- this is a favorable place to place photos of your favorite people (meaning family, not big screen or stage idols).

Now let's move on to the left (third) part. The wealth area (upper left corner) is needed to place a money tree on it - a very powerful talisman. If it is not possible to purchase Money Tree, then place a Feng Shui frog on this area.

It’s very good if you have a living money tree, but if you don’t, be sure to plant it and read how to do it correctly in the article. It turns out that you can achieve material well-being with the help of various symbols, the main thing is to believe in them. One of them is considered to be the money tree or, as it is popularly called, the fat tree.

Under no circumstances should you place a cactus there (as is customary for many office workers, in order to neutralize the harmful effects of the computer). This plant, placed in an area of ​​wealth, only contributes to a decline in strength and financial capabilities.

The left middle is the health sector. What is meant is not the condition of your body, but your professional capabilities. Here you need to place those projects that are still in their infancy, or that you are working closely on.

In the lower left corner (knowledge sector) you should place what you associate with a treasury of knowledge. In other words, where you get your intelligence from.

In total, the Feng Shui desktop for money was divided into 9 sectors. One of them, as a rule, is especially enhanced by the content. For example, if this is the desk of an employee in the educational sector, then the knowledge sector improves. If long, grueling work is implied, then the emphasis is on filling the health sector.

Remember that the end of each working day should be accompanied by cleaning your desk. Don't leave a mess. This will allow you to recharge with positive emotions as soon as you sit down at your workplace in the morning.

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Feng Shui is working with energies that permeate all space. If used incorrectly, they can cause harm, but if used correctly, they can improve our lives. Apply Feng Shui at work and you will soon notice how the atmosphere in the team has warmed up, you have begun to cope with your responsibilities better, and your career has taken off.

The best time to go back to work after vacation is Thursday. Although in terms of its energy it is not very successful, and you are unlikely to be able to complete any global tasks that require concentration. But it is on this day of the week that you will most easily fit into labor process. When you come to work, first of all put things in order: wipe the dust from the table, computer, shelves, throw out unnecessary papers, check whether the pens are writing, etc. From now on, constantly monitor the cleanliness of your workplace so that the beneficial energy of qi circulates freely, bringing you success in business.

Feng Shui Mistakes in the Workplace

By the way, are you sure that your workplace is located according to the rules of Feng Shui? Let's check and if we find errors, we will try to correct them.

  • You absolutely cannot work with your back to the window: you constantly lose energy. Because of this, you get tired quickly, it’s difficult for you to concentrate, and you make mistakes.
  • It's even worse if you're sitting with your back to the door. This arrangement not only takes away energy and deprives you of self-confidence, but also threatens you with the loss of your job: your colleagues may seriously set you up.
  • It is also impossible to work on the window-door line. The energy quickly rushes from the door to the window, without stopping near you and without providing recharge. As a result, your productivity is low, you are torn between endless small tasks to the detriment of the main thing.
  • You should not sit with your back to open shelves, bedside tables or cabinets: corners generate streams of negative energy, which, like arrows, pierce your energy field and weaken it.
  • It is unfavorable if employees sit facing each other. This can cause irritation, hostility, and internal tension that interferes with work. Ideally, there should be a wall behind your back - it symbolizes reliability, support, gives self-confidence and secures your position in the company.

Desk according to feng shui

Desktop color. If your desktop is black or very dark, you will constantly “slow down”: be distracted by extraneous things, think sluggishly, and get tired quickly. A countertop in light shades, on the contrary, gives energy and a sense of security - if possible, choose just that.

Desktop size. The table should not be too big or too small. It’s very good if you can easily reach any thing on the table without getting up from your chair.

Desktop shape. For office work, rectangular or square tables are suitable, and for creative work - with smooth lines: steep, oval or in the form of a semicircle. A table in the shape of the letters “P” or “G” hinders career growth. The work chair should have armrests, and the back should be slightly higher than your head when you sit in it.

Interior items in the office according to Feng Shui

Mirrors. Mirrors are not desirable in the office. They symbolically double everything that is reflected in them, and therefore the amount of work. If there is a mirror hanging or standing near your workplace and it is not possible to remove it, make sure that your desk is not reflected in it.

Cords and wires. Cords from phones or computers should not pass through the workplace: they interfere with negotiations and provoke an outflow of money. Place phones (both mobile and office) to your right if you are right-handed, and to your left if you are left-handed. When we try to grab an object on the opposite side of the body with our hand, the flows are blocked positive energy.

Lamps and shelves. There should be no objects above your head: lamps, shelves, ceiling beams. They negatively affect a person’s energy, suppress, and create obstacles in business.

If the table cannot be moved

There are situations when it is not possible to move the table to a more favorable place. Then you can resort to protective Feng Shui techniques. For example, if you sit with your back to a window, keep it curtained. In other cases, talismans will help (they will attract more positive energy to the workplace) and amulets (they will protect you from negative influences).

1 . On the desk, in the far right corner, place indoor plant, preferably in a red pot. The cactus will neutralize the negative energy emanating from the sharp corners of the furniture, and at the same time take away your own negativity caused by stress. Plants with oval leaves attract financial luck. Under the pot, place three Chinese coins with a hole, tied with a red ribbon: they will give stability and help increase income.

2 . In the far left corner of the table place table lamp or a shiny metal object to attract financial success.

3 . You can also put a photo of your loved ones on the table: it will reduce your stress level and inspire career growth.

4 . Select a fountain as your computer screensaver - this will have a beneficial effect on your workflow.

5 . If you are forced to sit facing a wall or partition, hang a picture of a beautiful landscape on it, preferably with the element of Water.

6 . Place a crystal pyramid in front of you. Size doesn’t matter: even a very small one, it will help you grow in your profession and reach new career heights. Wipe the pyramid from dust often and do not let anyone pick it up so that it is tuned only to you.

7 . Keep a figurine of a rooster on your desk - this born fighter will protect you from office intrigue.

Hieroglyphs in the workplace

These intricate writings are extremely powerful. Keep them on your desk, hang pictures of them on the wall, or carry them with you (for example, as a design on a T-shirt or just in your purse). The most effective hieroglyphs are those that you draw with your own hands. The hieroglyph “Wealth” will help those who dream of a salary increase or expect to receive a bonus. And “Business Success” will open up new prospects in business and accelerate career advancement. Look at the hieroglyph more often, mentally “remind” it of your order - and wait patiently. Your wish will definitely come true!

Arriving at a new place of work, each employee certainly arranges his workplace according to his wishes. If everything is organized correctly, then the mood during the day will be wonderful, and your success at work will be decent. Therefore, many employees do not invent anything, but try to arrange their workplace according to Feng Shui. How to do this?

If you have the opportunity to experiment with the location of your desktop, then this is where you should start.

Desk location

There should be nothing hanging over the table itself. Any shelves or air conditioning systems will attract a variety of failures. There should always be free space around the workplace. According to the laws of Feng Shui, in this case there is a process of expanding prospects and business opportunities.

Avoid positioning the edge of a column or corner toward the table.

And lastly, under no circumstances should you sit with your back to doors or windows. Ideally there should be a blank wall behind and nothing more. Every person entering the office should see the face of the employee working at the desk, and even more so the director. BUT! Don't place a table in front of the door. The table should be diagonal to the door.

Table direction

The direction of the table is a more minor factor compared to the position of the table.

What should you consider?

  • annual influences
  • individual favorable directions

Annual influences

Here the Chinese pay attention to the position of Jupiter. Sit face in the direction of the “prince” is considered an unfavorable factor. This leads to the fact that a person gets tired faster, makes more mistakes and concentrates less on the tasks at hand. Below in the table, you will find degrees of directions that should be avoided. You take measurements with a regular compass.

Individual directions

Before determining your auspicious and inauspicious directions, we need to calculate your gua number. This is done simply:

  • for women

Add the last two digits of your year of birth until you get one single number. Now, if you were born before 2000, subtract this number from 10. If you were born in 2000 or after 2000, then subtract this number from 9. The resulting value is your personal gua number.

  • for men

Add the last two digits of your year of birth until you get one single number. If you were born before 2000, add 5 to this number. If you were born in 2000 or later, then 6. If the result is two-digit number, then sum up the numbers to make it unambiguous. The resulting value is your Gua number.

Now just find your Gua number and a list of your favorable directions in the table. Working in one of these areas will provide you with consistency and stability in business, and therefore business success.

Gua 1





Gua 2





Gua 3





Gua 4





Gua 6





Gua 7





Gua 8





Gua 9





Table size

Considering that we spend a lot of time at the table, its shape and size play a very important role. They influence both emotional condition, and on ability to work. It is worth noting here that unfavorable dimensions can affect concentration and increase the likelihood of mistakes being made. Therefore, do not neglect this advice.

The most important factor is the favorable dimensions of the working area of ​​the table. The height of the table is not that important. Although, it is worth paying attention to the fact that a person can sit relaxed and straight in order to breathe well and evenly.

Below in the table you will find favorable sizes. Unfortunately, there are not many tables of this size on sale, but you can still find them.



88 cm

65 cm

112 cm

69 cm

132 cm

82 cm

155 cm

89 cm

193 cm

107 cm

198 cm

215 cm

Table shape

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the most optimal shape of the table is considered.

At the same time, the person sitting at the table should be able to reach any edge of the table without any problems. Symbolically, this means that he has control over his work or business. Those who work at such a desk generally treat their subordinates with humanity and restraint.

Corner office desks, right- or left-handed, are considered the most unfavorable from a feng shui point of view. A person sitting at such a table is not able to control all processes at the same time.

Regular, straight office desks are more suitable for analytical and organizational work. But round and oval shapes are for creative positions.

Of course, all items on the desktop should not be installed in a chaotic order, but in strictly designated places.

In the center of the table and slightly to the right of it is the zone of career and creative success. This is where the main working tools need to be installed. We are talking about a laptop and a work phone. On the left side is the family and knowledge area. That is, this is where you can install your favorite family photo and put workbooks and folders necessary for current activities. Feng Shui experts advise closing the far left corner green plant. It is advisable that flower pot was red. It is with the help of a living flower that the negative energy accumulated during the working day will be absorbed.

The light source should also be installed on the same left side. It can also be located directly above the head of a working person. But no excess of light energy!

And further. According to the rules of Feng Shui, any workplace must be kept perfectly clean and tidy. Everything should be in its place on the table, shelves, racks.

Creative success!

Work is an integral part of the life of every adult. Therefore, the design and location of the workplace affects not only career success and financial well-being, but also affects well-being and mood.

Office decoration

According to Feng Shui, it is better to locate the office in a room located close to the main entrance. It must have the correct shape - square or rectangular. If any of the corners are missing in the room, this will affect the area for which it is responsible. You can compensate for its lack by hanging a mirror in its place.

The office plays a big role in professional success. Black and white or too bright decoration of the room will have a bad effect on the energy. An ideal Feng Shui office would be made in golden, beige, yellow, light orange, soft green and warm red tones.

To attract qi energy into the office, you need to take care of proper lighting. It should not be too sharp and bright. Excess sunlight should be avoided. Diffused, but not dim lighting, the source of which will be above you or on the left side, is considered favorable.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the workplace, like home, should be free of trash and dirt. All items must be kept in order and clean. If your office has a lot of cabinets or shelves with documents and books, be sure to sort them out and get rid of unnecessary things. But it is recommended that items that are attributes of the profession be given places of honor and placed in favorable areas. For example, a telephone and a computer placed in the success zone will contribute to it.

Workplace placement

The most important part of the office layout is the placement of the workplace. Correct location Feng Shui table will help you avoid troubles and difficulties, will promote good luck in work, career and other areas of life. It must be installed according to the following rules:

  • It is not recommended to place the table in the south direction, as this will lead to overexertion and stress. A workplace oriented to the east will help aspiring businessmen, to the northwest will be favorable for leaders, to the west will be useful for a stable business, and to the southeast will attract creative energy.
  • Do not sit under overhanging structures such as air conditioners, beams or shelves. You will attract illness and failure.
  • It is not recommended to sit with your back to the door or window opening. This situation will deprive you of any support and will contribute to betrayal. If it is impossible to fit in any other way, the negative impact of the window behind you can be reduced by closing it with thick curtains, and the doors - by installing a mirror on the table, allowing you to see those entering the room.
  • Do not place your workplace directly opposite the door; it is better if it is diagonally away from it, so that those entering can see you.
  • The table should be positioned so that you can freely approach it from all sides. There should be free space behind him and in front. This will expand prospects and opportunities. A desktop placed in a corner, close to a wall or between cabinets will bring a lot of difficulties. If there is a wall or high partition in front of you, hang a picture of an open space, for example, a flowering meadow or a calm lake - you will reduce all restrictions.
  • It is bad if a protruding corner is pointed at the table, as it will emit negative energy. To neutralize the harmful effects, place a houseplant on the edge of the table directed towards this corner.
  • It’s good if there is a blank wall behind you. This will provide support and support from influential people. To enhance the effect, you can hang a picture of a sloping mountain on it. But placing open cabinets, shelves or an aquarium behind your back will have a negative effect.

Most people spend a third of their lives at work. And some devote even more of their time to this! Therefore, the workplace in general and the desk in particular are important not only for career growth, but also for overall well-being. Read a few recommendations on how to arrange your work space from a Feng Shui point of view, so that favorable Qi energy helps you in your work.

How to choose a good Feng Shui location for your workplace

Obviously, work is an active, yang activity. This means that the environment around should also be yang. This includes good sunlight and bright, light colors in the interior. If you work at home, then allocate for your office the room that is closer to the main entrance.

The place will not be very calm if you sit on a direct flow of Qi energy, that is, in a straight line from the front door to the window or other door (if there is one). This will add healthy stress, and possibly conflicts with colleagues. However, this is not always bad for work, and you can try to work in this way. But if you don’t like stress, and prefer your place to be calm, where no one will disturb you, then place your table a little diagonally from the entrance.

Position yourself so that you can see while sitting at your desk. front door to the office or your personal account. If the door is behind you, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on the task at hand, since your attention will partially move back. It may also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back.

Also, do not sit with your back to the window, try to sit in such a way that the window can be kept in your field of vision - sideways, or with your face. But what should be behind your back is a wall or something that gives support, confidence and stability. You can also hang a picture of a majestic mountain behind you to enhance the effect.

Correct Feng Shui for your desk space

Having figured out the location workplace, now create good Feng Shui directly on your desktop. The table should be positioned so that when sitting at work, you would look in front of you in the best direction for your personal Gua number or at a favorable flying star.

If you work in a cramped office and you don’t have the opportunity to rearrange your desk, at least turn it at an angle so that your favorable side is in front of your eyes.

By the way, it is better to have a chair with a high, firm back and armrests - this will provide support, stability, and confidence.

When you are sitting at your desk, the sharp corners of the furniture should not look at you threateningly, and you should absolutely not choose your workplace under overhanging beams and similar designs. If you have to sit this way, drape them with fabric or plants. Or at least stretch a thick wool fuzzy thread along the sharp corners. These measures will slightly improve the position of the desktop if it is not possible to change seats.

There should be a free approach from several sides around your table, this symbolizes perspective and a wide choice of business opportunities. Sitting facing a blank wall is not recommended both from the point of view of Feng Shui and from the point of view of psychology - this is not the best place which leads to isolation.

If this cannot be avoided, then hang a picture on this wall that depicts large flowering fields or harvest scenes. Then your luck will also blossom and “ripen”, and you will sooner reap the benefits!

To bring more beneficial energies into your personal workplace, you can also use your computer - set beautiful wallpaper on the “desktop” of your monitor screen. They will additionally attract favorable Qi energy.

If you love various Chinese souvenirs and symbols, you can also use them and adapt them to your workplace . For example, hang Chinese coins nearby that bring good luck. Another suitable souvenir is a mythical creature with the body of a turtle and the head of a dragon. You can keep it on the table, just not directly in front of you, but somewhat to the side, and then you will have prospects for rapid career growth.

However, don’t get too carried away and turn your workplace into a souvenir shop!

By following these simple rules and arranging a good Feng Shui workplace, you will ensure that favorable Qi fills you with its energy while you work. Isn’t it wonderful when work doesn’t exhaust you, but on the contrary, gives you strength for new achievements? When your workplace environment is conducive and in accordance with the basic principles of Feng Shui, it will undoubtedly ensure better work productivity and help you achieve much greater success in your career!

May you be surrounded by great Feng Shui! Have a good time on the site