How to use boric acid for processing tomatoes and spraying cucumbers? Feeding results! Feeding tomato seedlings with iodine and boric acid Root feeding of tomatoes with boric acid and iodine.

Growing tomatoes is most often a rather labor-intensive process that requires a lot of attention. Monitoring the nutritional composition of the soil, preparing seeds, growing seedlings, fertilizing, pinching, loosening the soil - all these stages must be carried out correctly. And then the harvest will definitely please you with its quality and volume. Experienced vegetable growers know a number of unusual ways to improve all these indicators. The use of iodine and boric acid is one such secret.

The effect of iodine and boric acid on plants

Iodine and boric acid are trace elements that plants do not need in significant quantities. But even this small norm is sometimes vital for them. And if we take into account that these elements are practically not present in ready-made mineral supplements, but separately in natural conditions they do not reach the plants, then the need for additional treatment of tomato bushes with iodine and boric acid becomes urgent, no matter where they grow - in a greenhouse or in an open space. Their role for tomatoes can hardly be overestimated. But many are interested in whether tomatoes can be treated with these substances and how to do it correctly.


  • Proper treatment of tomatoes with an iodine and boron mixture has a positive effect on plants:
  • nitrogen exchange improves, which makes it possible not to use nitrogen fertilizers, for example, saltpeter;
  • Fruiting becomes more abundant, yields increase;
  • the protective properties of plants against harmful microorganisms are enhanced, the level of disease in tomatoes is reduced;
  • especially effective in preventing late blight;
  • development and growth of plants and fruits, their appearance noticeably improve, the formation of ovaries is more productive.


  • If you use these substances thoughtlessly and incorrectly, you can get the opposite negative result, which will not only not eliminate the problems of tomatoes, but will also worsen them:
  • an overdose of these microelements makes them a real poisonous agent that can lead to plant burns;
  • leaves turn yellow, curl at the edges, bend, dry out, die and fall off;
  • the plant may die.

A lack of iodine in tomatoes has a detrimental effect on them and becomes noticeable even for novice gardeners:

  • there is a decrease in the immune forces of plants, as a result of which they develop fungal and viral diseases;
  • seedlings grow thin and weak;
  • fruiting deteriorates;
  • often the ovaries do not develop or they stop forming altogether, although the bush may look quite healthy;
  • the bushes stop growing and developing, their tops dry out, while the side shoots continue their active growth;
  • Dead areas are noticeable on the leaves.

Basic feeding rules

Before you start using an iodine and boron mixture to process tomatoes, you need to familiarize yourself with several basic rules for their use in order to avoid harmful effects on plants:

  • it is necessary not to exceed the concentration standards of elements;
  • Overuse of solution should be avoided when feeding plants.

Important! Signs of iodine and boron deficiency in tomatoes are similar to those associated with their excess or burns resulting from exposure to the sun or chemicals. Therefore, it is necessary to initially accurately determine the cause, and only then take appropriate measures.

Processing times

Fertilizing tomatoes with iodine solution by watering is carried out three times:

  • when planting seedlings;
  • during flowering;
  • when fruits appear.

And by spraying method - in case of problem situations:

  • fight against late blight;
  • for productive brush formation;
  • accelerating the process of fruit ripening.

Boric acid is mainly used to treat tomato seedlings or seed material before planting in the soil. It is permissible to use a solution of boric acid to improve the immunity of tomatoes and prevent the occurrence of diseases by spraying more than three once a season. It is used in the same cases as iodine fertilizing by watering. It is recommended to fertilize plants with an iodine and boron mixture in cloudy times or in the evening; if treatment is necessary in the heat, the bushes must first be watered.

Important! Tomatoes are one of the few plants that especially require feeding with iodine and boron.

How to prepare the solution

For a solution of boric acid, hot water with a temperature of approximately +50 ° C should first be used for dilution, but in no case should it be cold or slightly warm, otherwise the boron will not dissolve completely.
Later, the resulting mixture is diluted to the required volume with cooler water. When adding iodine to the solution for treatment the first and second time, the water should be warm; when feeding the third time during fruiting, iodine should be added to hot water.

Important! The finished solution must have a temperature not lower than the air temperature, otherwise the active components will evaporate and a positive result cannot be achieved.


The first feeding with iodine solution (after several leaves appear on the seedlings) is prepared from:

  • 3 liters of warm water;
  • 1 drops of iodine (no more needed).

The second (when the ovaries appear) - from:

  • 3 liters of warm water;
  • 3 drops of iodine;
  • 5 drops of boric acid.
The third feeding (during fruiting) consists of:
  • 5 liters of boiled water;
  • 3 kg of wood ash;
  • 10 ml iodine;
  • 10 ml of boric acid, followed by diluting the resulting mixture in water in a ratio of 1:10.

Video: fertilizer for tomatoes with iodine, ash and boric acid

There are others for fertilizing tomatoes with iodine solution. folk recipes. According to one of them, fertilizing is prepared from 1 liter of water, 200 ml of milk and 5 drops of iodine.

To prepare a solution based on boric acid for the purpose of pre-treatment Before planting seedlings or seed in the ground, you need to take:

  • 1 liter of hot water;
  • 0.2 ml boric acid.
Other necessary mineral and organic components can be added to the prepared solutions. The mixtures are supplemented with potassium permanganate, ammonia and other substances.

Did you know? Japan and Chile own almost all the proven reserves of iodine in the world; only 1% of this substance has been explored in other countries.

Step-by-step preparation

To prepare the first iodine-based fertilizer for seedlings you need:

  • heat the water to warm temperature;
  • add iodine.

To prepare the first feed for seedlings and seeds based on boric acid, you need:

  • heat the water until hot (temperature approximately +50 °C);
  • add boric acid.

Video: preparing a solution based on boric acid

To receive the second feeding you need:

  • heat some of the water to a hot temperature;
  • add boric acid;
  • stir the resulting mixture with the rest of the water until it becomes warm;
  • dilute iodine.

The third treatment is prepared as follows:

  • boil water;
  • add wood ash and boil;
  • cool to approximately +50 °C;
  • dilute the resulting mixture with warm water;
  • add iodine.

Did you know? Just 3 g of iodine can kill a person.

Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid and iodine

According to technological specifics, tomatoes are treated with solutions of iodine and boric acid two main ways: root and foliar feeding. Correct alternation of them allows you to improve the expected result. Also, in the form of spraying, it is possible to replenish the seeds even before they are sown in the soil.


This method of feeding as root feeding is carried out by watering directly into the root zone. Immediately after preparation, the solution is poured under the root of each plant. This method is primarily recommended for feeding with iodine solution. Root treatment with boric acid solution is carried out infrequently. After proper processing, you can count on improved plant condition, increased productivity, and a surge of strength to combat pests and diseases.


Foliar treatment of tomatoes is carried out by spraying the plants. The prepared solution should also be used immediately. It is recommended to carry out foliar feeding with a spray bottle set to fine dispersion and fog mode. Each area of ​​the plant should be sprayed with the mixture, this especially applies to spraying with a solution of boric acid. Spraying of the above-ground parts of tomatoes with iodine solution is carried out less frequently, in case of a visible threat to the plants, but before starting such treatment, the stems and leaves of the tomatoes should be watered.

Spraying seeds

Treating the seeds before sowing them for seedlings helps tomatoes avoid health problems in the future. Usually a solution of boric acid is used for this. Seeds should be sprayed generously or soaked for up to two days. Also, before planting in permanent soil, you can spray the seedlings or soak them in a boric acid solution for no longer than a day.

Important! You can cultivate the soil no more often than once every 3 years.

For more effective use of solutions of boric acid and iodine, additional information will not hurt:

  • when using a boric acid solution, you need to spray all parts of the tomatoes evenly, since boron is weakly mobile and acts only where it is applied;
  • You should not add a solution of boric acid to alkaline soil, where boron cannot reach the plants;
  • if necessary, you can treat the soil with a solution of iodine and boric acid to plant tomatoes in it for the next season; it is better to do this when digging the soil in the fall after harvesting.

Precautions during operation

As with any other treatment, when feeding tomatoes with solutions of iodine and boric acid, you need to be careful and take some precautions so as not to harm either the plants or yourself:

  • root feeding with boric acid is carried out extremely rarely, so as not to burn the root system;
  • It is recommended to apply an iodine solution at the roots so as not to cause burns to the leaves and not to provoke the death of the bush;
  • if you still need to treat the leaves with iodine solution, then you should first water them;
  • an alcohol-based solution of boric acid is not used to feed plants, as it can burn the leaves;
  • For self-protection, safety glasses should be used.

It's no secret that tomatoes require systematic maintenance treatment. And if it can be done using very inexpensive and accessible means - iodine and boric acid and get a result no worse than using special expensive chemicals, then any vegetable grower will use them. The main thing in this matter is to first familiarize yourself with the features of using such useful substances.

Successful ways to combat tomato late blight concern almost all gardeners. Spraying plantings with solutions of milk with iodine - practical and reliable folk method, which is used not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of this disease.

Iodine is essential for all living things. This is a microelement with the help of which plants better absorb nitrogen compounds from the soil - one of the most important for their nutrition and development.

The need for iodine is different for all vegetables. But it is tomatoes that need such fertilizing, especially if the soil of the site is podzolic, peaty or gray soil, in which this substance is insufficient.

The main advantage of iodine is its antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Disinfecting, destroying fungi and microorganisms, it:

  • enhances the resistance of tomatoes to diseases;
  • increases the shelf life of the crop;
  • fights the appearance of rot.

Iodine is effective against many infections, but most importantly, it can prevent and in some cases control the development of late blight, a disease that can destroy a significant portion of the tomato crop.

In tomatoes, thanks to iodine:

  • the ovaries are actively developing;
  • productivity increases;
  • the crop ripens faster;
  • healthy fruits grow.

If you treat tomato seeds with a 0.1% iodine solution, the risk of infection of future plants will be significantly reduced. Iodine helps tomato seeds germinate quickly, and seedlings develop fully and take root well after transplantation.

To protect tomatoes from infection, before transplanting, the soil is spilled with water with the addition of iodine - 3 drops per bucket. In some cases, a stronger solution is used - a drop of iodine per 3 liters of water.

You can periodically place open vials of iodine solution in the greenhouse. This will maintain the required concentration of vapors of this substance in the air.

The presence of a sufficient amount of iodine in ripe tomatoes also has a beneficial effect on human health. Therefore, under the root of each bush, fertilizer is periodically applied. water solution iodine (5 drops per liter).

Treatment and feeding with iodine solutions - subject to the required concentration - are safe for both vegetation and people.

After preparation, the iodine solution is used immediately, since this substance evaporates easily.

The importance of milk feeding

Milk contains almost all the minerals necessary for plant life:

  • calcium and potassium;
  • phosphorus and sulfur;
  • magnesium and sodium;
  • phosphates and chlorides.

Dairy products contain a lot of amino acids that help the rapid growth of stems, leaves and fruits.

Under the influence of milk feeding:

  • nutrients are more actively absorbed;
  • the taste of fruits improves;
  • The acid-base balance of the soil is leveled.

A milk solution sprayed on the leaves prevents the spread of bacteria. Kefir, yogurt, and whey are even more effective. The fact is that fungal spores die in an acidic environment.

As they decompose, dairy products become organic fertilizer for tomato bushes and ripening fruits.

You should not take milk that does not sour for a long time even in the refrigerator, because the desired effect from processing with such a product will not be obtained. Raw milk contains the most beneficial ingredients. But pasteurized dairy products, although they lose some of the necessary properties during processing, are also effective in use.

Whey has a very beneficial effect on tomatoes. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and sprayed on tomato bushes in pure form or with the addition of grated laundry soap. This composition does not drain from the leaves longer, maintaining a protective film.

Whey is formed during the separation process of sour milk. The process can be speeded up by heating the curdled milk over low heat.

Milk with iodine

By combining milk with iodine to fight fungi and microorganisms, gardeners several times increase the effectiveness of each of these substances taken separately. During treatment, the treated plants become protected from viral diseases.

A mixture of milk and iodine repels tomatoes and some pests, such as aphids.

For tomatoes, spraying with this solution is absolutely harmless. The gardener carrying out this work does not need protective equipment, and the soil is not contaminated with pesticides.

Cooking recipes and proportions

It is better to treat with milk and iodine regularly throughout the season.

Milk-iodine fertilizer is especially useful in July, when plants require amino acids to grow.

Three-stage feeding for strengthening tomatoes:

  1. The grown seedlings are watered once with a warm solution: a bucket of settled water, 15 drops of iodine, a liter of milk (yogurt). Only pour on the ground, not on the sprouts.
  2. Re-fertilize after planting on the site with a stronger solution: add 10 drops of iodine and a liter of milk (yogurt) to half a bucket of water. This is done no earlier than 10 days after planting, but before flowering begins, pouring about half a liter of the composition under the bush.
  3. As the fruit begins to ripen, this solution can be added to other fertilizers twice a week.

During the summer, it is useful to spray tomatoes every 2 weeks with the following mixture:

  • water - 10 l;
  • iodine tincture - 15 drops;
  • milk - 1 l.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the leaves and fruits using a spray bottle.

Spraying with unpasteurized whey:

  • warm water - 9 l;
  • whey - 1 l;
  • iodine - 20 drops.

To enhance the effect, you can add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to this mixture.

The following composition is effective for combating microorganisms and feeding:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • iodine - 15 drops;
  • water - 4 l.

This is the norm for one tomato bush.

How to properly process tomatoes

After planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, they need to be given time to adapt, so iodine-based products are used no earlier than 10–14 days later.

In the future, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Tomatoes need to be processed regularly once every 2 weeks;
  • any actions with solutions containing iodine are carried out after preliminary watering of the soil;
  • do this in dry weather strictly in the morning or evening, when the sun has not yet risen high or has already begun to fall;
  • spraying can only be done in calm weather;
  • in a greenhouse such compositions are used less often than in open areas;
  • After working with water and its solutions, the greenhouse must be ventilated.

The optimal air temperature when working with such solutions is 18–20 degrees.

Prevention of late blight

Late blight is a fungus that causes the death of tomatoes. The disease develops towards the end of summer, when the air becomes cool and humid and night temperatures drop below +10 degrees. If measures are not taken, the disease will spread to all tomato bushes, the tomatoes will turn black and become inedible.

To prevent late blight disease, and even more so when its first signs appear, tomatoes are sprayed every evening for 10 days with the following composition:

  • whey - 1 l;
  • iodine - 40 drops;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 tbsp. l.

At the initial stage of late blight disease, use a solution:

  • water temperature 20 degrees;
  • iodine - 40 drops;
  • whey - 1 l;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 20 ml.

To obtain a more acidic solution, you can make a mixture without water:

  • iodine - 10 drops;
  • milk (yogurt, whey) - half a liter.

You can spray weekly with kefir:

  • water - bucket;
  • iodine - 10 drops;
  • kefir (rested for a day in a warm place) - 1 liter.

The action of this mixture will prevent harmful microbes from developing.

A three-step method of protecting tomatoes from late blight:

  1. The first time the ground under the tomato bushes is watered with a solution: warm water - 10 liters, sour milk - half a liter, iodine - 2 ml. Half a liter of this composition is applied under the plant.
  2. After 2 weeks, take the same amount of iodine for the same amount of water, but 1 liter of milk. And more solution is already poured under the bush - a liter.
  3. Half a bucket of solution is left for spraying. To do this, it is diluted with an equal amount of water. Treatment is carried out immediately.

A method tested by many gardeners for processing tomatoes growing in film greenhouses:

  • warm water - a bucket;
  • milk (whey) - 1 l;
  • iodine - 20 drops;
  • boric acid - 5 g (pre-dissolve in a glass of water).

It is better to spray tomato bushes twice, with a break of 2 weeks.

If signs of late blight appear, to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, tomatoes are treated with a solution of milk with iodine every 3 days for a month.

Sometimes spraying with iodine needs to be done daily. This is especially true in rainy weather for tomatoes planted on open ground, because in such weather milk and iodine are quickly washed off from the leaves and fruits.

If the tomatoes are healthy, and it seems that there are no prerequisites for diseases, the tomatoes should still be processed for prevention. And it’s better to do this every month.

Fermented milk products prevent the development of most viruses and fungi that affect the tomato crop. In combination with iodine, this mixture not only has a preventive effect, but also fights the disease that has already begun.

Growing tomatoes in open ground or in greenhouses is very popular in personal plots. To obtain a bountiful harvest, various fertilizers are used, including folk remedies, one of which is feeding tomatoes with iodine, which is a vital microelement.

Useful properties of iodine

The trace element iodine is vital for tomatoes. In its natural environment, it is found in floodplain, black soil lands. Podzolic and sierozem soils lack this substance. When using iodine as a top dressing for tomatoes, the permissible dosages should be observed, since the plants’ need for it is small. Proper addition of iodine will allow you to fully reveal all its beneficial properties:

  • seedlings will grow strong and healthy;
  • more ovaries will appear;
  • early tomato harvest;
  • nitrogen metabolism in plants improves;
  • the risk of root rot and mosaic is reduced.

It turns out that iodine can replace nitrogen substances, so many vegetable growers use iodine solution instead of nitrate.

In what cases is it necessary to treat tomatoes with iodine?

Signs by which a deficiency of this substance can be determined:

  • abundant damage to tomato bushes by root rot, brown spot, late blight, mosaic;
  • limp, pale foliage and thin stems in seedlings or adult bushes;
  • Bushes that appear well developed do not bear fruit or ripen slowly.

There is no clear or obvious sign by which we can confidently say that a plant is iodine deficient. With the appearance of the first leaves, you need to carefully monitor the bush in order to provide it with timely help.

Feeding and watering tomatoes

The most effective feeding is considered to be carried out while watering the plant. However, you need to know some subtleties of spraying tomatoes with iodine, which it is advisable to adhere to:

  1. Do not water seedlings planted in a permanent place during the first week.
  2. Do not water in cool weather, as in this case there is a high risk of tomato seedlings and adult bushes being damaged by fungal diseases and late blight.
  3. Watering the plant warm water strictly at the root, water should not get on the leaves, early in the morning or in the evening.

Watering tomatoes with iodine is carried out no more than twice a month. A cloudy day, when the air temperature is above 18 degrees, is the most optimal time to carry out this manipulation. As a result of this feeding, tomatoes receive additional nutrition and protection from bacterial and fungal diseases.

Methods of feeding with iodine

  • Foliar. This method is alternated with root feeding. Pour five drops of iodine tincture and a glass of milk into a liter bucket of warm water. Add the resulting solution to a sprayer with a nozzle that sprays a fine mist, and spray the tomatoes with iodine, that is, treat the above-ground part of the plant. The optimal time is early morning or after
  • Root. This method gives a good effect when feeding seedlings. Strong and healthy root system better nourishes the plant. After the second pair of leaves appears, the first feeding is carried out. For three liters of warm water, only one drop of iodine is needed. Before fertilizing, moisten the soil plain water, and then watering is carried out with the prepared solution. The second treatment of tomatoes with iodine is carried out during the tying period. Add three drops of iodine tincture to nine liters of water. At least one liter of solution is poured under the root of each tomato bush. The procedure is carried out until the flowering stage of the plant. Fertilize the third time during the period of active fruit formation. The solution is prepared in the following way: 500 g of ash is diluted in a ten-liter bucket filled with boiling water, cooled and the same volume of water is added. Next, add no more than 5 ml of iodine tincture and about 10 g of boric acid to the solution. The finished mixture is left to infuse for a day, then diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and watered at the roots of the tomatoes.

Use of iodine in mixture with other substances

In order to quickly root and develop seedlings planted in a permanent place, fertilizing is carried out. Eight drops of iodine are added to a liter of milk and watered at the root of each young seedling. To enrich the earth organic substances it is fertilized with a mixture of whey or milk with the addition of iodine. To one liter dairy product add no more than 15 drops of iodine tincture. The mixture is diluted with water and the tomatoes are irrigated.

To increase the endurance and resistance of tomato bushes to pests and diseases, the active growth of leaves and stems, and the early ripening of large fruits, iodine and boric acid are used for tomatoes. Fertilizing is carried out three times a season: during the formation of buds, during flowering, and during the formation of fruits. The break between manipulations should be at least 10 days to achieve maximum effect. 10 g of boric acid and 10 drops of iodine are dissolved in a ten-liter bucket, everything is mixed and poured into a spray bottle. Tomato bushes are sprayed with the solution.

What is the use of whey and iodine when growing cucumbers and tomatoes?

Any novice vegetable grower dreams of growing good harvest tomatoes and cucumbers, and simple means will help make this dream come true - whey and iodine. For cucumbers and tomatoes, they are the most reliable and proven substances that can increase productivity. Almost all summer residents, without exception, grow them on their plots.

Thanks to the widespread use of vegetables in cooking, cosmetology and medicine, there are many folk ways to increase their yield and protect them from pests and diseases. One of effective ways combating fungal infections that affect vegetable crops, is a mixture of whey and iodine. For tomatoes and cucumbers, the combination of these components in fertilizing also helps to increase plant nutrition with useful substances.

Fight against late blight

Iodine helps to successfully cope with such a scourge as late blight, which affects tomato bushes. A solution prepared from 10 liters of water, 1 liter of whey and 15 drops of iodine is sprayed quite generously on tomatoes in the evening. For the purpose of prevention, spraying tomatoes with iodine serum is carried out once every 14 days.

Peculiarities of cucumber processing

Cucumbers, just like tomatoes, need fertilizing containing iodine. The microelement affects cucumbers as follows:

  • the plant rejuvenates;
  • leaves do not turn yellow;
  • productivity increases;
  • cultural growth increases.

Treatment is carried out at the beginning of flowering. Composition of the mixture: 10 liters of water, 10 ml of brilliant green, 2 liters of whey, a pinch of urea and a few drops of iodine. The following recipe will help you cope with late blight: 40 drops of iodine, 20 ml of peroxide, 1 liter of dairy product are diluted in 10 liters of warm water.

Treatment of cucumbers for preventive purposes helps to increase productivity. Lactose, which is part of dairy products, prevents pests from multiplying, nourishes the plant and enriches the soil with valuable substances. The only drawback is that if the cucumbers are already affected by pests, then such treatment will not help and other means must be used.

How to deal with powdery mildew?

Signs of tomato infection:

  • yellowish spots that form on the leaves of tomatoes, which quickly increase in size;
  • white powdery coating on leaves, stems and peduncles.

You should start fighting the disease as soon as the first symptoms appear, otherwise there will be no tomato harvest. A homemade mixture containing iodine will help get rid of stains. This is one of the most effective ways to get quick and positive results. 10 drops of iodine and 1 liter of milk are diluted in nine liters of water. All affected bushes are sprayed with the prepared solution. The following recipe will help you cope with plaque: 10 drops of iodine, 20 g of laundry soap, 1 liter of sour milk dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Precautionary measures

  1. When using iodine for tomatoes as a fertilizer, the dosage must be strictly observed, otherwise the leaves of the plants can be burned.
  2. Excess of fertilizers containing boric acid and iodine contributes to the deformation of tomato brushes and fruits.
  3. Using iodine in a confined space requires caution; it is a volatile substance and inhaling large amounts of it is dangerous to humans.

Summer residents who use iodine for tomatoes reap a generous and tasty harvest in the fall. This very simple remedy not only has a beneficial effect on tomatoes, but also repels insects in greenhouses.

Boric acid is successfully used in medicine to treat various diseases. But this is not the only industry that uses this tool. Boric acid is also used when growing vegetables. Its solution is widely used by summer residents as an effective fertilizer for tomatoes. Do you want to know all the secrets of feeding tomatoes using boric acid? Then this article is for you.

Many gardeners note that tomatoes respond well to fertilizers, responding to care with good fruiting. One of the best fertilizers for tomatoes is boric acid. It has been experimentally calculated that the yield of tomatoes when fertilized with boron increases by 20-30%. This is achieved by increasing flowering and increasing the number of ovaries on tomato bushes.

Boric acid not only saturates plants with an important trace element - boron, but is also considered a strong remedy against late blight.

Thanks to boron, the sugar content of tomatoes increases and their keeping quality improves.

Signs of boron deficiency in tomatoes

Boron, as a trace element, is necessary for tomatoes:

  • to enhance calcium absorption;
  • enhancing root respiration;
  • synthesis of biologically active substances.

If plants lack boron, this immediately affects their appearance:

  • the top of the plant begins to dry out (it may dry out completely, but the growth of side shoots does not stop);
  • flowers fall off the plant;
  • the fruits become covered with dry spots;
  • the leaves curl and change color (lighten).

How to prepare a nutrient solution

You can feed tomatoes using other components useful for tomatoes in combination with boron:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • milk;
  • ash, etc.

Let's consider best recipes preparing a solution of boric acid for feeding tomatoes.

Whey with iodine and boron

A milk-whey solution applied to tomato leaves forms a film on the surface that prevents the development of diseases (including). To increase the effect of spraying, boron and iodine are added to the solution. The composition is also suitable for root feeding.

How to water tomatoes with iodine and milk using boric acid? It is necessary to dissolve 0.5 tsp in 0.5 cups of hot water. boric acid (without slide).

When cool, mix with the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of whey (sour milk is suitable as a substitute);
  • 20 drops of iodine;
  • 4 liters of water.

This solution can be used to feed tomatoes growing both indoors and outdoors. When watering, the solution consumption is 0.5 liters per bush.

Attention! Before applying fertilizer at the root, it is advisable to water the tomato bush with plain water.

Ash with iodine and boron

Tomatoes are very fond of boron-iodine cocktail with ash. It is prepared using stove ash or wood ash. Boil 2 liters of ash in 10 liters of water. After the mixture has cooled to 60-70 degrees, 1 tsp is dissolved in it. boric acid powder.

Then add 30 drops of iodine. The composition is suitable both for fertilizing plants at the roots - 0.5 liters per bush, and for irrigating the leaves - by generously spraying from a spray bottle. According to reviews, fertilizing brings the best results.

Potassium permanganate with iodine and boron

Many experienced gardeners prefer this method of feeding. It provides disinfection, increased productivity, and protection against late blight.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is an effective antiseptic that can disinfect both the plant and the soil in which it grows. Its effect on tomatoes is manifested by strengthening the tops and disinfecting the entire plant. This is especially important for restoring a tomato bush after pinching. Let's look at how to treat tomatoes with boric acid, potassium permanganate and iodine tincture.

Experienced tomato growers advise feeding in 3 stages (with a break of 5-7 days):

  1. Treatment of tomato bushes with manganese solution. 4-5 g of manganese are diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is sprayed on tomatoes or watered at the root at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush.
  2. Spraying with boron. Dilute 0.5-1 tsp per 10 liters of water. powder and treat the above-ground parts of the plants with a spray bottle.
  3. feeding Processing is carried out sheet by sheet. A solution is prepared from 10 drops of iodine per 5 liters of water. Treatment of tomato leaves with the resulting composition is comparable in effect to nitrogen fertilizing (for example, saltpeter or urea).

Metronidazole with iodine and boric acid

Metronidazole tablets can be bought at the pharmacy. Their antibacterial properties are successfully used in medicine. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the drug inhibits the development of protozoa and some other microorganisms. On tomatoes, it effectively fights.

The use of Metronidazole gives good results in combination with iodine and boron. Recipe: 20 Metronidazole tablets are crushed into powder and dissolved in 10 liters of water, adding 20 drops of iodine and 0.5 tsp. boric acid powder (pre-dilute boron in hot water). The liquid is used to spray tomatoes.

Note. To enhance protection against late blight, you can add 5 g of brilliant green to the solution.

How often should fertilizing and spraying be done?

It is very important to use boron correctly. It is advisable to do 3 feedings per season (this can be either root applications or spraying on the leaves):

  1. Before tomatoes bloom - during the period of growth of the green mass of the bush.
  2. During flowering.
  3. When setting fruit.

Reference. Most gardeners prefer to fertilize tomatoes using boron using a foliar method.

You should not feed tomatoes with boric acid more than 3 times per season. An excess of boron can negatively affect the condition of plants. For example, “extra” boron may cause dry spots to appear on the leaves or the tops of the plant to curl. If you allow an overdose of spraying when tomatoes are flowering, the pollen on the plants may burn and there will be no ovaries.

Important! It is advisable to take a break between any feeding of tomatoes for at least 10-12 days. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Important Rules

Many tomato growers (both beginners and experienced ones) often make mistakes when using fertilizing with boric acid. They can be avoided if you remember the basic rules for feeding tomatoes with boron:

  • The water temperature to dissolve the crystals should be 50-70 degrees. In more cold water boric acid will not dissolve. The above-ground parts of plants can get burned;
  • Do not prepare the solution in advance. It is better to do this immediately before use, since the usefulness of the solution decreases during storage;
  • It is better to do foliar feeding with boron in dry, windless weather. Moreover, in the evening. This will ensure efficiency and eliminate risk sunburn on wet leaves;
  • When foliar treatment, the leaves are sprayed on both sides. Spray the solution from a spray bottle so that a drizzle forms near the bush. It is advisable to avoid visible drops on the leaves when processing.

Let's sum it up

Boric acid is a unique tool for increasing the yield of tomatoes. Spraying bushes with its solution helps to effectively fight late blight.

There are many recipes for feeding with boron. According to tomato growers, the best yields are obtained by spraying tomatoes with milk with iodine, boric acid and potassium permanganate. It is important to observe the proportions of mixing the components so that the tomato bushes do not get burned. If you follow all the rules, tomatoes will be reliably protected from late blight and will delight you with a good harvest.