How liquid glass is used to strengthen the foundation. Liquid glass for waterproofing

The phrase “liquid glass” causes confusion among many. But there is nothing strange about this, it’s just that this liquid material, after hardening, forms a coating similar in properties to glass. That is, it will be transparent, does not allow water to pass through, is quite strong, but at the same time fragile.

The most interesting thing is that this construction material known for a long time, but gained popularity when such an event as foundation waterproofing began to be widely used liquid glass. It is also used to protect the walls of a well, the floor and walls of a swimming pool, concrete on the floor in basements, warehouses, and industrial enterprises.

Liquid glass composition and sale

From a chemical point of view, liquid glass is simply a solution of sodium silicate and potassium silicate with the addition of plasticizers and modifiers that give the composition the desired performance properties. And in terms of the main components, this is ordinary silicate glue, who else remembers what it is. This glue also becomes translucent and brittle after drying. But the addition of modifiers gives the composition special qualities, in particular, increased strength, the ability to penetrate into the thickness of the concrete being processed, making it waterproof and resistant to destruction. And since the cost of liquid glass is significantly lower than other materials for waterproofing, it is therefore more profitable to use it to protect the floor, bottom and walls of a pool, well, and foundation. The application technology is so simple that you can easily do this work yourself.

In appearance, liquid glass is a white, gray or yellowish viscous liquid; it is offered for sale in polyethylene containers of various volumes - from 0.5 to 10 liters (15 kg), or in barrels from 20 to 200 liters. The container always says “Liquid glass” and the manufacturer is indicated. Manufacturing, transportation and storage are carried out in accordance with GOST 13078-81.

There is also liquid glass in powder and granules. This material is called Monasil and is available in 12 kg bags. It is brought to the desired condition by adding water in the proportion indicated on the package.

Areas of application

Liquid glass is used in three areas:

  1. 1. Waterproofing the floor and walls of underground structures: well, swimming pool, basement, etc.
  2. 2. As an additive when preparing plaster for facades and rooms with high humidity, for example, a swimming pool or well. But it should be borne in mind that such a solution hardens very quickly and must be produced immediately. But such walls do not require additional waterproofing.
  3. 3. Liquid glass can also be used as a modifier additive for concrete, after which it becomes a heavy-duty monolith with water-repellent characteristics. In this case, you must strictly adhere to the proportions (depending on the brand of cement), otherwise you can change the quality of the concrete so much that it itself will become as fragile as glass.

Use with concrete

How much liquid glass can be added to concrete and how to do it correctly?

A composition of concrete and liquid glass can be used not only for the construction of a well or a swimming pool, but also when laying a fireplace, stove, or screed under a heated floor. The fact is that the addition of liquid glass increases the heat resistance of concrete to 900-1000 degrees versus 200 for the usual composition. A properly mixed solution not only has water-repellent properties, but also serves as an excellent heat insulator. Uses liquid glass as an additive only for M300 and M400 concrete.

The proportion of silicate liquid glass in the solution should not exceed 10% - this is the maximum permissible value. The best option– 7%, which is 70-72 liters of liquid glass per 1 cubic meter of ready-made concrete. In this case, you need to remember the following setting values ​​of the composition (at a temperature of 16-20 degrees):

  • 1. With a 2% amount of glass, the initial setting will take place within 40-45 minutes, the final setting will take 22-24 hours.
  • 2. At 5% the indicators will be: 25-30 minutes and 12-14 hours.
  • 3. At 7-8%, the solution will set in 10 minutes and completely harden in 8 hours.

The final maturity of such concrete occurs within 28 days.

When constructing fireboxes and furnace floors, the percentage of liquid glass can be increased to 25-35%, but such a solution hardens in 1-3 minutes. But its heat resistance will reach 1400 degrees Celsius.

It is equally important that the technology for preparing such concrete is carried out correctly. It is strictly forbidden to add liquid glass to the prepared solution!

The correct way to do this is this: first, the liquid glass must be diluted with water at least twice, and then dry cement must be mixed into this liquid. The semi-liquid mixture can already be poured into a concrete mixer. But you need to work out the entire solution with your own hands very quickly - within 10-12 minutes, otherwise it will be unusable. And the concrete mixer must be washed immediately.

Advantages of liquid glass

Why does this material, even with such problematic qualities in terms of performance and fragility of the coating, find such wide application in construction work Oh? But the fact is that it has many very necessary qualities that other materials cannot provide, and at a much higher price.

  • 1. Excellent adhesive properties. The material perfectly penetrates deep into concrete, wood, stone and provides a high level of adhesion of the waterproofing coating to the walls of the pool, well or foundation.
  • 2. Regardless of the method of application, due to the fluidity and simultaneous viscosity of the material, it forms a solid, even coating. It is desirable that all the work be completed in one go, without time gaps.
  • 3. Low consumption of liquid glass - to cover the surface of one area, you need half as much of it as, for example, liquid rubber.
  • 4. Low price. Liquid glass is the cheapest hydro insulating material of all that exist.

Cons of liquid glass

Firstly, liquid glass coatings in their pure form are very fragile and even a slight impact or deformation, for example, of the walls of a pool or well, destroys it. Therefore, the material is most often used as an additive in concrete.

Secondly, liquid glass is only compatible with concrete, plaster and wood. They cannot be used to cover brick, as it will quickly collapse.

Thirdly, this is a rather difficult material to work with - you need to work with your own hands at an accelerated pace and carefully, since setting occurs quickly.

The fourth drawback is that it is impossible to apply a high-quality finishing coating to a coating made of pure liquid glass, as well as to concrete and plaster containing it, that is, paint or varnish.

Applying liquid glass - how to do it

The technology is similar to the application of other materials. But special attention should be paid to preparing the surface - removing dirt, dust, grease and oil stains. For example, waterproofing the walls and floor of a pool is done as follows:

  • 1. For work, you can use a roller or brush. The first layer is quickly applied – evenly and without gaps.
  • 2. Let the film set for 30 minutes and then also apply a second layer.
  • 3. The next stage is applying a protective layer. You need to make a standard plaster solution, mix it with liquid glass in a one to one ratio and quickly cover the entire surface with a spatula with a layer of about 1 cm.
  • 4. Next, you need to wait a few days until the plaster hardens.
  • 5. Afterwards you can continue finishing work.


As a material for waterproofing work, liquid glass is a completely acceptable option, especially in light of its affordable cost. Such a disadvantage as quick setting can be mitigated by phasing the work. But with the help of such a coating, you can make high-quality waterproofing of floors, foundations, wells, pools, terraces, basements and other buildings with your own hands.

Liquid glass and its areas of application

Waterproofing liquid glass is a modern insulating material that will significantly extend the life of building structures.

It has been used in construction for quite a long time. The material is called glass because of the components that make up it and are used to make ordinary hard glass.

The composition of liquid glass for waterproofing is:

  • sodium (high adhesion, able to interact with different materials and their groups),
  • potassium (resistance to atmospheric influences, resistance to acidic environments, anti-reflective structure).

Liquid glass in its pure form is an amateur material; sometimes it is better to use a ready-made solution rather than mix something up, observing the proportions. Why reinvent the wheel, right? Previously, liquid glass for waterproofing was used in its pure form by everyone and everywhere, but now it is used as a separate ingredient of one or another building mixture. Of course, today there are many modern materials on the construction market that are superior to liquid glass in many respects, for example penetrating glass produced by Kalmatron Group of Companies. Penetrating waterproofing provides reliable waterproofing concrete structures. The penetrating waterproofing composition is a mixture of Portland cement, finely ground quartz or silicate sand and patented chemically active reagents. When applied to a damp surface, the active ingredients react with the cement components of concrete (mortar) and form insoluble crystalline complexes that tightly fill pores and cracks throughout the entire volume of the material. Crystalline new formations, while not allowing water to pass through, at the same time do not interfere with air movement, allowing the concrete to “breathe.” Structures treated with these materials resist the effects of most aggressive environments, preventing corrosion and the penetration of unwanted chemicals into environment. The material is inert, does not contain solvents and does not emit fumes. The service life of the material is equal to the life of the concrete itself.

Let's take a look at three areas in which liquid glass is usually used in construction for waterproofing:

  1. As a penetrating waterproofing for concrete or cement-plastered surfaces. The meaning of this is quite simple - liquid glass is thickly applied to the surface in a couple of layers. Concrete absorbs it, and after drying, its pores are simply clogged, and moisture does not pass through them. However, it is worth noting that when liquid glass is applied in several layers, the thickness of penetration of calcium silicate into the concrete of the structure does not exceed 20 mm. In turn, the penetrating waterproofing of the Kalmatron system is more effective, since it penetrates into the concrete surface to a depth of 150 mm and practically becomes part of the structure.
  2. As an additive for the production of cement mortar. Such solutions have one very interesting quality - they harden very quickly. Along with the waterproofing properties of the resulting solution, rapid setting limits its use to some extent. It is necessary to produce such a solution very quickly, since after a while it becomes unusable.
  3. As a modifier for the preparation of various grades of concrete. After drying, such concrete becomes a real monolith with high waterproofing characteristics. However, one should not think that liquid glass is an ideal additive for concrete. Sodium silicate is a water-soluble substance, therefore, with a large amount of water, it is washed out of the monolith, after which the concrete is destroyed. For this reason, liquid glass should be added to concrete for the foundation in an amount of no more than 3%, and if the correct proportions are not observed, the end result may be concrete that is as fragile as glass. Such compositions also harden quite quickly, so they are prepared directly on the construction site, after which they are immediately used. In the future, such a foundation still has to be carefully insulated with other waterproofing materials.

In this case, more effective and convenient to use is the Kalmatron-D concrete additive, designed to increase the water resistance of concrete by 3-4 steps, to increase the strength of concrete at early and design ages by up to 20%, as well as to increase frost resistance by 50 cycles or more (which makes it possible to obtain concrete with frost resistance grade F300). The optimal amount of the Kalmatron-D additive is 10 kg/m 3 (or 2.63% by weight of cement), regardless of the brand of concrete and binder consumption.

The addition of the additive is carried out before mixing with water, into dry concrete mixture, after which thorough mixing is carried out in the mixer.

Let's consider the main advantages of using liquid glass for waterproofing:

  • good adhesion to prepared mineral substrates;
  • formation of a waterproof barrier;
  • low material consumption;
  • relatively low cost of solutions.

With advantages, perhaps, everything. Now it’s the turn of the shortcomings - they are the ones who reveal the true face of something. The negative qualities of liquid glass for waterproofing include the following points.

  1. Very limited scope. Using this material, you can waterproof exclusively concrete and plastered surfaces. For example, it is not applicable to brick, as it destroys it.
  2. Not suitable for independent use. Liquid glass is used only in combination with other types of waterproofing materials. This is explained simply - the protective film obtained using liquid glass is fragile.
  3. A rather complicated application technology, which requires the master to know certain subtleties, which we have already discussed a little higher - liquid glass sets quickly, and you need to work with it, as they say, at an accelerated pace. In addition, if we talk about concrete or cement with liquid glass, then you need to know the exact amount of the substance added.

Remember that liquid glass is far from an “eternal” material. The service life of liquid glass waterproofing is a maximum of 5 years. The manufacturer honestly writes about this on the jars with the composition. This does not mean that after 5 years the foundation will completely lose protection. The glass will gradually self-destruct, starting from the surface layers. Over the course of a year, the waterproofing layer will become thinner by about 1 mm. Thus, a 5 mm coating will completely lose its properties somewhere in the tenth year of construction. And the penetrating waterproofing composition “Kalmatron” is very effective and durable, since its applied layer of 2 mm thickness protects concrete from leaching by soft waters for 50 years. The service life of the material is equal to the life of the concrete itself.

Liquid glass for floor waterproofing

Liquid glass can also be used to protect the floor from moisture and dampness. At the same time, it is not so important what material it is made of; the mixture successfully penetrates into any coating. If the floor is wooden and leaks, but you don’t want to change it, liquid glass will be an interesting solution that will delay major renovation. Liquid glass is also used for waterproofing concrete; the mixture will penetrate into the pores of such a material quickly and deeply, filling the joints as well, i.e. The main potential problem is the moisture protection of such a coating. However, the use of liquid glass for waterproofing has a number of disadvantages, which we discussed above.

Liquid glass for basement waterproofing

Possessing antiseptic properties, the mixture will help to get rid of dampness and the usual problems associated with it for a long time, such as mold and various types of fungus. Waterproofing the basement from the inside with liquid glass will add not only moisture protection to this important part of the room, but also fire resistance. But in conditions of active groundwater, waterproofing the basement with liquid glass does not become a way out of the situation. Here the best option waterproofing will be a penetrating waterproofing composition "Kalmatron", when using the composition "Kalmatron" the surface density and strength of concrete increases to 27%, the frost resistance grade is F100 (cycles), water resistance rises by 4 levels.

Liquid glass for bathroom waterproofing

This mixture can also be used in the bathroom. One of important features liquid glass, it is even possible to refuse to dry the surface before use, which does not significantly reduce the moisture-proof properties. Waterproofing a pool with liquid glass is also a good idea, because in this case the material can be applied from the outside, without drying out the tank. But in this case, liquid glass will have to be used only in combination with other types of waterproofing materials. This is explained simply - the protective film obtained using liquid glass is fragile. Therefore, here we also recommend using penetrating waterproofing of the Kalmatron system.

Using liquid glass for waterproofing walls, floors, ceilings, attics, basements, ceilings, foundations, pools, etc. turns out to be financially unprofitable, since the service life of liquid glass waterproofing is a maximum of 5 years.

The modern market offers a huge range of waterproofing materials, differing in scope of use, cost and other characteristics. This product is actively used both in everyday life and during large finishing and construction works. The scope of use of this composition will be discussed in the article.

General information

Liquid glass is a special solution based on water with the addition of potassium and sodium silicates. The composition has a viscous and at the same time dense structure, due to which the product is ideal for performing waterproofing work.

When examining the structure of the material, small crystals can be seen. These elements tend to increase after application to the surface. The components fill small cracks. Thanks to this function, liquid glass has airtight and water-repellent properties.

How does the product work?

The operating principle of the special composition has adhesive ability. Molecules of a special solution penetrate deep into the porous substance, creating a dense and wear-resistant film. Due to this function, adhesion is formed. Visually, the composition of glass is similar to rubber, only in a liquid state. In the manufacture of the product, in addition to the main components, manufacturers use quartz sand and soda.

During the manufacturing process, liquid glass goes through several stages:

  • splitting up;
  • burning;
  • repeated crushing, in which the material is converted into powder.


The building composition has various useful functions.

  • Antistatic. Neutralizes surface electrification.
  • Antiseptic. Protecting the base from the formation and development of bacteria, fungus and mold.
  • Water repellent. Water-repellent properties.
  • Fire resistance. After processing, the material becomes fire resistant.
  • Acid protection. Surface protection from acidic compounds.
  • Hardener. Liquid glass coating gives the base strength and durability.

Advantages and disadvantages of the composition

Liquid glass offered by modern brands has many advantages, due to which the product remains a leader in demand. The solution is an easy-to-use “liquid” substance. The product quickly gets into small defects on the surface, filling them and creating a smooth surface. The composition can be used on surfaces made of various materials(concrete and wood bases).

And it is also worth noting many advantages.

  • The material has excellent grip.
  • Economical consumption allows you to carry out work with a minimum of costs, especially when adding the composition to the cement mortar. In this case, the product works as a penetrating waterproofing.

  • Affordable price played an important role in the distribution of the product. The product price is more favorable compared to other waterproofing materials.
  • A long service life indicates practicality and reliability. This indicator is 5 years. To extend the time of use, liquid glass is coated with a layer of enamel, which acts as additional protection.
  • The product can be used in rooms with high humidity, which is impossible with other insulators (bathroom, swimming pool, basement, etc.).
  • A harmless, environmentally friendly and safe product, due to which work can be carried out from the inside.
  • Given the popularity of the product, finding the appropriate composition on store shelves will not be difficult.

All of the above characteristics are possessed only by original products, which have passed control at all stages of production and have been tested before being sent to stores.

Among the shortcomings, some nuances can be noted.

  • Brick surfaces cannot be treated with mortar, otherwise destruction may occur.
  • The product is not easy to work with. Experts note that the application process is complex, and to perform it you need to have certain skills.
  • After application, the composition quickly sets, forming a film. Therefore, the work must be done as quickly and at the same time carefully.
  • The cured consumable composition is quite fragile, and therefore it must be combined with other types of waterproofing.

Area of ​​use

To learn more about the product's capabilities, you need to familiarize yourself with the scope of application.

Modern compositions are used in a variety of cases.

  • Excellent waterproofing of artificial reservoirs, swimming pools and wells.
  • When mixing the product with a cement solution, you will receive a coating that will reliably protect against the destructive effects of groundwater, dampness and moisture.
  • Adhesive composition in the construction industry.
  • Manufacture of preparations with high fire-resistant and acid-resistant aspects.

  • Using “liquid” glue you can protect the structure from fungus, mold and other bacteria. The prepared areas are covered with the mixture.
  • Repair of products made from materials such as wood, cardboard, porcelain and paper.
  • The product has proven itself to be an excellent product for sealing low-moving seams.
  • Suitable composition for plastering swimming pools.
  • The composition is introduced into the soil if it is planned to build a building on soft soils. This prevents shrinkage.

There are also additional application possibilities.

  • Professional builders often use a mixture of silicate glue and liquid glass. The resulting solution is used when laying linoleum and polyvinyl chloride tiles. The composition is also useful for sealing seams and joints.
  • In the production of non-flammable fabric, the solution is used in the form of impregnation.
  • This material has also found its application in gardening. If wounds appear on trees, they are treated with the composition. It will protect the plant from bacteria and pests.

There are several options for use as waterproofing.

  • If you are looking for a solution for coating waterproofing, be sure to pay attention to modern liquid glass. Before installing roll insulation, several layers of solution are applied to the base.
  • A cement mixture with mortar is suitable for eliminating leaks. The composition will cope even with serious problems.
  • To improve solidity and increase the degree of waterproofing, liquid glass is added to concrete.

Product varieties

Among the assortment of construction stores, several types have become particularly widespread.

  • Potassium composition. This product has excellent adhesiveness. Most often it is used for waterproofing foundations. The manufacturing technology includes an antiseptic impregnation included in the composition. The material interacts ideally with mineral-based products.
  • Soda glass. Due to the metal additive, the stability characteristics of the glass are improved. The product is not afraid of acids. The composition does not have a glossy sheen, which is why it is used for painting bases.

For correct use liquid glass, use the advice of professionals.

  • Before applying the composition to the surface, it must be diluted with water in the following proportions: per 100 grams of powder 200 grams of water. The product consumption will be 300 g of mixture per “square”.
  • Waterproofing using the above composition is carried out on concrete walls that have uneven surfaces, as well as on vertical surfaces with weathered plaster.
  • To prepare a composition of liquid glass and concrete, observe the following proportions: 1: 10.
  • Be sure to wear special protective clothing and other accessories while working.

Step-by-step use of the composition as waterproofing:

  • the floor, foundation or any other surface must be cleaned and dried;
  • the product is applied using a brush or roller;
  • the second layer of product is applied after half an hour;
  • apply the composition carefully and evenly, avoiding the formation of gaps;
  • Next, you need to prepare a protective layer, for the preparation of which sand and cement are used, while liquid glass is added to the mixture, taking into account the proportion of 1: 1;
  • the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the surface as soon as possible; re-application is not necessary;
  • Stirring constantly, apply the composition to the base using a spatula.

Before using the product, carefully inspect it for lumps and various foreign impurities. Also pay attention to the expiration date of the composition.

Let's look at how to use the solution to treat the foundation.

  • As in the first case, it is necessary to clean the surface being treated. It is advisable to sand the surface with sandpaper.
  • To apply the compound evenly, use a standard construction roller.
  • After 30 minutes, apply a second layer and, if necessary, a third.

Note: for insulation use mineral wool or regular foam.

The building mixtures market offers a huge variety of products from foreign and domestic manufacturers. Which product to choose is a personal choice for each buyer, but make sure you are spending money on a certified product. Relevant documents indicate that the product was manufactured in accordance with the required standards.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the scope of use of the product. Information in this regard should be indicated on the packaging. To find the ideal price-quality ratio, evaluate the wide range, compare prices and make a choice. The average price for liquid glass is about 300 rubles per 10 liters. The cost varies depending on the composition, brand, store markup and other aspects.

Liquid glass today is actively used in construction, this is due to many positive features of this material, among them:

  • moisture resistance;
  • chemical inertness;
  • fire resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • no toxicity.

Why choose liquid glass

Among other things, liquid glass has excellent adhesion to most surfaces. The material has an antiseptic effect and exhibits abrasion resistance during operation. This composition is characterized by anti-corrosion characteristics and even wind resistance.

Waterproofing with liquid glass is most common when using a composition as an ingredient. It is used less often in pure form. During the production process, a mixture of quartz sand is fired with soda and crushed, this makes it possible to obtain a product that is then dissolved in water.

Foundation waterproofing

To form a reliable barrier against water, the surface is covered with liquid glass in two layers, each of them must dry well. This method is called coating and involves further laying of waterproofing roll materials. Liquid glass waterproofing is often used when it is necessary to seal seams and cracks in concrete blocks and foundation. In this case, sodium liquid glass is added, and water and cement are additionally used for its preparation.

The waterproofing composition is used in a volume of 50 g per 1000 g of cement. For every 10 g of glass, add approximately 150 g of water. The mixture should be prepared in small quantities so that it can be used up in a short time, because it hardens quite quickly.

Waterproofing with liquid glass can be carried out on the basis of another technology, which involves adding the mixture to concrete for further pouring of the foundation. To do this you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • cement;
  • liquid glass;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • water.

Liquid glass is added in a volume of 5% of the total mass. You must first prepare everything for pouring the foundation; for this, excavation work is carried out, formwork is installed and the reinforcement frame is laid. Sand is mixed with cement, liquid glass is dissolved in water, and then the ingredients are combined and mixed. After adding crushed stone, you should immediately begin pouring the foundation.

Waterproofing of wells and pools

Waterproofing with liquid glass may involve work in the area of ​​wells and swimming pools. The composition is suitable for external and internal waterproofing. IN the latter case The mixture is applied in several layers to the walls and floor of the pool. You must first process all the recesses and joints. This approach allows for excellent sealing.

When carrying out external work, liquid glass acts as a component of concrete and reliably protects the pool from the effects of groundwater, ensuring the strength of the base. Waterproofing wells with liquid glass involves preparing a mixture of liquid glass, cement and sand, which are combined in equal parts. The resulting solution should be used to treat joints and seams, and then the rest of the surface. In order to achieve a greater effect, the walls of the well are first coated with liquid glass.

Basement waterproofing

Owners of private houses with basements are faced with problems of water getting through the seams in ground floor. Great option The solution to this problem is the use of liquid glass solution for waterproofing. If the seams are leaking, then at the first stage they must be cleaned of dust and debris. Next, a repair mixture is prepared from liquid glass and Portland cement in a ratio of 1 to 20. Water is added to the composition in such an amount that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

The mixture is placed in the seams and cracks, the surface is lubricated with water using a brush. After 24 hours, the treatment must be carried out with liquid glass. If concrete walls wet, they are processed using the same technology, but the layer should be made thicker and denser. It is important to remember that the composition is prepared in small quantities so that it can be used in the shortest possible time.

Additional instructions for using liquid glass

Liquid glass can be applied using a brush or roller. The first layer is left to dry for about 30 minutes. Then you can begin to form the next layer. It is important to ensure uniformity of the coating - there should be no breaks. Afterwards you can begin to apply the protective layer. For this, a cement solution is prepared, which is used for plastering the walls. As soon as the solution is ready, add glass to it and mix well.

At the next stage, the surface is covered with the mixture. Today, the use of liquid glass is quite common; you should definitely study the instructions for its application. So, there is no point in diluting a solution to which glass was used as an additive, since the material loses its properties. The solution is usually applied with a spatula in a fairly thin layer. The last stage will be insulation; for this, basalt wool or polystyrene foam is usually used.

Liquid glass is a wonderful material in many ways. It is used to strengthen the soil, create thermal insulation forms, waterproof concrete, wood coatings, gluing various materials and even for treating trees. But still, most often, liquid glass is used for waterproofing silicate porous surfaces. It is this area of ​​application of sodium silicate that will be discussed in this article.

What is liquid glass?

Simply put, silicate glue is familiar to everyone. If it’s not easy, then an aqueous colloidal solution: sodium oxide (mass fraction 8.7-12.2%), silicon dioxide (24.3-31.9%), organic and inorganic salts. The density of the solution is 1.3-1.6 g/cm³. The silicate module value is 2-3.5. With the natural removal of water (evaporation), amorphous crystals are formed, reliably clogging small pores, cracks, chips and simultaneously strengthening the surface layer (by 2-20 mm) of the material (preventing dust removal from concrete). It is on this phenomenon that the property of liquid glass not to allow water to pass through is based.

The concept of “liquid glass”, depending on the composition, method of production, silica concentration, polymer structure, can be interpreted very broadly, but we will only talk about the most common variety, sodium silicate.

Liquid glass as a waterproofing material

Of course, there are many specialized waterproofing coating mastics of domestic and foreign production on the market (Tekhnomast, TechnoNIKOL, Bergauf Hydrostop, Knauf - Flachendicht, Lakhta, Slavyanka) and many others. Probably, judging by the description, many of them really do have exceptional waterproof properties, but none of them can be compared with liquid glass, for the following reasons.

  • Cost. Depending on the manufacturer, 1 kg of sodium silicate costs from 25 rubles, “02” company “Express Stroy”, to 48 rubles, “Universal” company “Tex”. One kilogram of polyacrylic mastic costs from 130 rubles “Respect” to 778 rubles for waterproofing agent “Alpa Polyfluid”. The difference is obvious.
  • Ease of use. Let’s compare it with the method of using the dry waterproofing mixture “Rusean NC”. The minimum layer with a waterproofing effect must be at least 10 mm. It is applied by air spray, after which it is necessary to protect the coating from mechanical stress for 7 days and moisten it daily.

When using silicate glue, everything is much simpler. The requirements for the surface to be treated are minimal, only its cleanliness. The recipe for preparing the mixtures is not critical. Strictly speaking, the recommended ratios are not mandatory conditions at all, but rather indicative indicators. Depending on the application method, the condition of the surface being treated, the ambient temperature, the components may be slightly more or less than the recommended values.

  • Environmentally friendly. Liquid glass, after hardening, is completely environmentally safe and, unlike bitumen-based waterproofing mastics, has no odor.

Liquid glass disadvantages

  • Low mechanical strength. Indeed, it is what it is. Products made from homogeneous sodium silicate are fragile and easily destroyed by slight mechanical stress, but it is worth introducing any bulk material (quartz sand, cement) into the composition and the product will acquire the necessary strength.
  • Fast crystallization. Liquid glass hardens quite slowly, but when it is added to a cement-sand mixture, the process accelerates many times over. Within 10-20 minutes, after mixing, the solution becomes unsuitable for use.

Technology for preparing waterproofing solutions using liquid glass

  • To prepare primers, take 1 part glue and 4 parts water. Applying the second and subsequent layers does not make sense, since it was already written above that the protective waterproofing properties of sodium silicate lie not in the thickness of the surface layer, but in the effect of penetration of the glue into the porous base.
  • For removing dust from concrete floors. You need to mix 1 part of the glue with 10 parts of water and treat the entire floor surface with this mixture 2-3 times.
  • For creating waterproof plaster and mastic. First, cement and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1:2.5. Sodium silicate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 9. The resulting dispersion is poured into the dry mixture and kneaded. In principle, the solution thus obtained has waterproofing properties and is ready for use, but working with it, especially in large volumes, is not easy; it sets quickly.

To prevent unwanted early crystallization, plasticizer C-3 can be added to the composition, which allows increasing the fluidity of the solution. To do this, purchase a plasticizer separately; it is not at all necessary that it is included in PVA construction adhesive or a modifier based on PVA aqueous dispersion.

One part of PVA glue or modifier is also diluted with nine parts of water, and then mixed with an equal amount of aqueous dispersion of silicate glue.

Procedure for using waterproof plaster based on liquid glass

Actually, it would be more correct to call the solution obtained using the above method mastic, and the procedure for application is identical for all such compositions.

  • Cleaning the base.
  • Primer.
  • Applying mastic.