How to make pumpkin honey at home. Pumpkin honey with sugar

Among products, honey belongs to a special category; it is a healing product, as it is the result of the processing of pollen. Each of the honey plants has its own set of microelements.
Pollen processed by bees becomes a product that is not only useful, but also healing. It is difficult to prepare pumpkin honey like natural bee honey. In order to take advantage of the useful product, people learned to obtain honey in a different way, without the participation of bees.

What are the benefits of pumpkin honey?

The composition of pumpkin is such that it is recommended for first feeding for infants. Honey absorbs everything useful in large concentrations, which means it is effective in small volumes:

  1. Honey cleanses the body of toxic substances, removes radioactive ions, and has a beneficial effect on.
  2. Pumpkin honey is indispensable for liver problems. It is a balm, restoring cell membranes and restoring the activity of the organ.
  3. The product has antimicrobial properties and is useful for colds.
  4. Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, improves the immunity of weakened people, and is recommended for children.

A tasty product, when consumed daily in small quantities, will relieve problems with hypertension and heart disease. This is simply a healthy dessert product that replaces sweets when drinking tea.

However, after taking pumpkin honey, you should always clean your mouth, as active substances and glucose lead to tooth decay. Diabetics should not eat honey for obvious reasons. It is better for chronic patients not to use pumpkin honey during an exacerbation.

As a beekeeping product, pumpkin honey is considered elite, it is produced in small quantities, and the demand for it is high. Natural honey can be bought from a beekeeper only in places where pumpkin fields cover many hectares. Only when there are no other honey plants nearby will the bees agree to take meager bribes from pumpkin flowers. Large yellow gramophones have a lot of pollen, but produce little nectar, about 30 kg of honey per hectare. Therefore, pumpkin honey is produced in Bashkiria, where there are traditionally many pumpkins and beekeeping is developed. It can be distinguished by its bright yellow color, lack of bitterness, and melon-like aftertaste and smell.

People have learned to extract everything useful from the pulp and turn it into a viscous syrup using sugar. This type of honey is less effective than natural honey, but is also a very useful product. Making sugar-based pumpkin honey is not difficult.

There are several recipes for pumpkin honey, each of which can be used at home. In any case, first of all you need to choose a ripe small one and wash the crust thoroughly. If honey is made from a whole fruit, it should be placed in a container.

Use a sharp knife to cut out the plug from the stem side of the pumpkin and place the whole side on the bottom of the pan. The hole should allow you to pick out the seeds from the cavity by hand. Sugar is poured into the resulting container and the top is covered with a cork with a pumpkin tail. Cover the pan to prevent dust from getting in and put it in a warm, dark place. The soft rind of the pumpkin will indicate the readiness of the honey, but fermentation should continue for at least 10-15 days.

Having opened the cork, you can see mold on the top of the walls of the pumpkin, since the composition settled and the walls were not protected. Now you will need a saucepan, the cleanliness of which has been taken care of. The crust is soft, it is difficult to remove the fruit. But you can make a hole at the bottom and lift the vacated wineskin. This way, pure honey will be collected, and the moldy walls can be cut off and removed. The rest of the candied pumpkin can be turned into candied squash.

This product can be used from the refrigerator within a month. For long-term storage, the composition can be boiled over low heat to obtain viscous dark honey, but it will be less useful after heat treatment. Honey poured into sterilized containers can be stored in a cool, dark place.

Pumpkin honey will become more expensive and healing, where any natural honey is used instead of sugar.

Pumpkin honey prepared on the basis of a natural flower product is more healing. They keep it in a pumpkin for up to a week, the finished composition is used as medicine, a tablespoon with warm tea or an infusion of medicinal herbs.

Pumpkin honey recipe for instant cooking consists of cutting pieces of pumpkin in the evening into glass or enamel dishes and filling the slices with sugar. After standing overnight, it is drained and the pieces are boiled until soft, adding spices, cloves and cinnamon. This product is also considered honey with a by-product - juice.

Any pumpkin honey made by bees or humans should not be used as an additive to a hot drink. Amino acids and other organic beneficial elements coagulate when heated above 50 degrees. Therefore, an infusion or tea is first prepared, and after cooling, healthy honey is added.

Video about the beneficial properties of pumpkin

Pumpkin is a unique source of vitamins, essential minerals and amino acids for the body. It contains a rare vitamin “T”, which burns excess fat in the body and facilitates metabolism and metabolic processes. It also removes toxins and waste. But during heat treatment, the beneficial substances in the vegetable are partially destroyed. How to saturate and diversify your winter diet with vitamins? Pumpkin honey- a wonderful product that satisfies the tastes of even the most demanding sweet tooth.

This product saves everything best qualities golden vegetable, in this it can only be compared with freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. Homemade honey is useful for both adults and children, it is used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

Pumpkin honey recipe

The traditional method of preparing a healing elixir and delicious dessert consists of the following steps:

  1. Wash and dry the fruit first.
  2. For a small ripe pumpkin, you need to cut off the top so much that it is convenient to remove the loose core and seeds through this hole. The result will be a kind of pot.
  3. You need to pour sugar into it and cover the container with the same lid. You can add a couple of spice cloves and a little citric acid or lemon juice.
  4. After this, it is better to place the pumpkin in some container for 10 days.
  5. It is better to keep it in a cool place. You should not move the natural jug from place to place.
  6. During this time, the golden vegetable will become softer, and the sugar will completely dissolve in the pumpkin juice.
  7. The molasses-like contents inside the garden miracle are the most valuable pumpkin honey.

How to make pumpkin honey (video)

It must be poured into a clean and dry sterile container and placed in the refrigerator. If you boil the resulting dessert a little, it will be stored better. But in this case, its healing properties will decrease.

If the pumpkin lid becomes moldy during the preparation of honey, then the contents of the pumpkin must be drained through the hole in the bottom. And remove the damaged part. The candied part of the vegetable is useful for making candied fruits. They can be baked in the oven and added to porridges, casseroles, and decorated with cakes.

Medicinal properties and benefits of pumpkin honey

Pumpkin honey is an excellent sugar substitute; it is devoid of all the contraindications of a sweet product. For example, it does not wash calcium out of the body, but saturates it with it, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, is not addictive, etc. In addition, the benefits of this product are manifested in the following aspects:

  1. Increased performance and mood, improved brain activity. It is recommended to drink it during increased mental stress.
  2. Thanks to its laxative effect, it has a beneficial mild cleansing effect for chronic colitis. In this case, it is used in the form of enemas. Likewise, it helps against prostatitis and hemorrhoids.
  3. Normalization of digestion, improvement of appetite.
  4. Use in children's and dietary nutrition for excess weight.
  5. Helps with reduced gallbladder function, edema due to cardiovascular problems and kidney disease.
  6. Reduces intoxication during influenza. In this case, a teaspoon of the healing agent is added to a glass of warm milk.

Useful properties of pumpkin (video)

How to Use Pumpkin Honey to Treat Your Liver

The use of this truly elixir of health is especially useful for cleansing the liver of toxins and restoring its functions even with hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Popular mixture recipes for hepatitis

With medicinal herbs:

  • A bunch of nettle, yarrow or knotweed is poured with boiling water.
  • Leave for half an hour and add a teaspoon of honey to the drink.
  • The decoction is drunk 3-5 times a day in between meals for at least a month.

With royal jelly:

  • Mix three large spoons of honey with half a small spoon of milk.
  • You need to drink the product in the morning and evening for about a month.

For liver diseases

Most the usual way- a tablespoon of the drug is taken three times a day for three weeks. A popular recipe is one with chicory and lemon juice. It is prepared like this:

  1. Chicory is brewed in boiling water in the following proportions: 2 tablespoons of powder per half liter of liquid.
  2. Add a spoonful of elixir and lemon juice to the chilled drink.
  3. You can drink this remedy in any quantity according to the body's needs.

It is also useful to add pumpkin honey to low-fat cottage cheese. This is one of the elements of dietary nutrition for liver problems.

Pumpkin honey: contraindications and harm to the body

There are not many contraindications to consuming golden vegetable honey:

  1. In case of allergies, it can cause severe complications, including Quincke's edema. But this happens very rarely.
  2. Considering the strong diuretic and choleretic effect of this syrup, you should drink it with caution even if you have kidney stones and gallbladder. It can provoke their painful and sudden movement.
  3. Homemade honey is harmful to diabetics who have reduced gastric secretion.
  4. Pancreatitis with low acidity is another contraindication to taking homemade honey.

Pregnant and nursing mothers are not prohibited from consuming pumpkin honey. If the baby and mother are not allergic to this product (and this rarely happens), then in moderate quantities it only brings benefits to both delicacies.

How to bake pumpkin with honey (video)

The recipe for pumpkin honey has been known for a long time. It’s easy to prepare and has so many benefits medicine It brings great benefits to traditional medicine. It is also a wonderful treat that both children and adults love.

Most people eat an unhealthy diet in their daily lives, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins and waste in the liver, the body's main filter. Due to contamination of the organ, digestion is disrupted, the condition of many body systems deteriorates, and serious diseases develop. An effective remedy that helps restore the natural filter is pumpkin with honey to treat the liver. Folk method will help the organ to fully perform its functions again due to its cleansing, tissue renewal and acceleration of metabolic processes.

Beneficial properties of the initial components of the cleansing mixture

The fact that pumpkin with honey cleanses the liver is said not only by fans of traditional medicine, but also medical workers. The beneficial properties of these products make it possible to use them for therapeutic purposes together and separately. The natural medicine helps the liver resist adverse factors that disrupt its functioning, remove harmful substances, cope with diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, and reduce congestion in the bile ducts.

Useful properties of pumpkin:

Beneficial properties of honey:

  • increasing immunity;
  • reducing the intensity of inflammation of the liver tissue;
  • choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • restoration of normal gastrointestinal activity;
  • removal of toxins;
  • restoration of hepatocytes.

Before you start treating your liver with pumpkin and honey, be sure to consult your doctor. For serious illnesses use folk remedy is permissible only in complex therapy with medications that are selected by a specialist. Pumpkin with honey is a liver medicine that has gained trust due to the absence side effects and gentle effects on organ systems, but with misuse even it can not only not lead to the planned result, but also cause harm.

Contraindications for using pumpkin with honey

Before using pumpkin-honey liver cleanser, it is recommended to exclude the following contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus at a severe stage (honey in pumpkin to cleanse the organ can cause spikes in blood sugar);
  • gastritis with low acidity and other disorders of the equilibrium state of acid and alkali in the body;
  • intestinal and stomach ulcers;
  • allergy.

How to cleanse the liver with pumpkin and honey at home

The benefit of using pumpkin and honey in a duet is that the products have similar properties, and the components in their composition complement and mutually enhance each other’s effects. Together, the elements of natural medicine have a diuretic, choleretic, laxative effect, normalizing the work gastrointestinal tract, removing toxic substances from the liver, excess liquid, sodium salts, radionuclides. Pumpkin and honey also restore liver tissue, promoting the regeneration of its cells.

Pumpkin liver cleanse recipes

Cleansing the liver with pumpkin and honey is not only highly effective, but also enjoyable taste qualities. Simple and delicious recipes are able to diversify the daily diet and make the process of organ cleansing enjoyable.

Pot of pumpkin honey or “Pumpkin honey”

Pumpkin honey is a healing remedy for daily use. Preparation steps:

  1. Take a small or medium sized pumpkin and wash the surface thoroughly. Cut off the top, set it aside, and remove the pumpkin pulp and seeds.
  2. Then fill the cavity of the orange fruit halfway with honey.
  3. Cover the resulting hole with the cut top. Cover the top with raw dough, blocking access to oxygen.
  4. Place the pumpkin pot in a dark, cool place for ten days until it is infused. After the ten-day period, pour the medicinal product into a glass vessel and seal with a tight lid.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice with honey

Pumpkin juice with honey is a healthy drink that can restore the liver. However, due to the lack of pulp, the mixture does not contain fiber, so it does not clean the organ so quickly and requires long-term use. To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to take a fresh, clean pumpkin, remove the pulp without seeds and squeeze out the liquid for one glass. To sweeten the drink and improve its beneficial qualities, you should dissolve a tablespoon of honey product in it.

Grated pumpkin with honey

Grated pumpkin vegetable has a good restorative effect on liver function and helps cope with excess weight. To prepare the dish, you need to peel the pumpkin, take half a kilogram of pulp, grate or chop pieces of the fruit in a blender and divide into three parts. It is recommended to mix each portion with honey (in the amount of a teaspoon) not immediately, but only before use.

It is advisable to store the pulp in an airtight container in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

How to take pumpkin with honey to cleanse the liver at home

Using honey with pumpkin different recipes differs in course duration and application features. To ensure the best results from your liver treatment, follow these guidelines:

  • Pumpkin honey. The duration of treatment is 21 days. Every day, half an hour before meals, three times a day, eat a tablespoon of natural remedy.
  • Pumpkin juice with honey. You can consume the juice in two ways: once a day after waking up on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, or three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. In the first option, you should first take half a glass of juice, gradually increasing the volume of liquid to a full glass. The second method involves taking a medicinal drink in an amount of 125 ml three times a day. The duration of the course is more than a month.
  • Pumpkin porridge with honey. Grated pumpkin, divided into three servings, is consumed 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Before eating the grated fruit, add honey to it. The duration of the course is 3 weeks.

To enhance the beneficial effects of foods on the liver, it is advisable to follow a diet that spares the organ or follow healthy eating rules. This is of particular importance for those who want to additionally get rid of extra pounds. To improve your health, be sure to drink a lot of water during treatment - at least 1.5 liters, since the pumpkin-honey mixture removes a large amount of fluid from the body.

For preventive purposes, it is not necessary to use a long course of treatment; it is enough to introduce dishes from cooked or raw pumpkin into the diet. Many different recipes will allow you to diversify your daily diet and get a slight therapeutic effect from the pumpkin fruit, preventing the occurrence of liver pathologies.

What to exclude during a liver cleanse with pumpkin and honey

Method of treating the liver using any folk recipes includes an important point - the exclusion of products that provoke the accumulation of toxic substances in the organ, because regeneration and cleansing processes occur in it during the course. Therefore, it is worth starting treatment by adjusting your diet.

Prohibited products:

  • alcohol;
  • fatty foods;
  • fried, hot, spicy, salty dishes;
  • canned and pickled foods;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • vegetables: eggplant, radish, legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • fast food;
  • sweet drinks, soda.

Video: how to properly prepare pumpkin honey for the liver

Poor nutrition, taking medications and bad habits lead to the liver losing its ability to regenerate. In this case, you cannot do without the help of medicine and useful folk recipes. The video tells about the properties of the pumpkin fruit and which honey product from which plants is best suited for cleansing the organ. You will also learn classic recipe pumpkins with honey for the liver and several recommendations for its restoration.

Many people know about the beneficial properties of honey, and we also have an article on our blog about this miracle product. Anyone who wants to read it can. Everyone has heard that there is acacia honey, buckwheat honey, linden honey, and even sunflower honey. But not many people know that there is also pumpkin honey, which is no less healthy, and in some cases even more rich in vitamins, and has some properties that other types of honey do not have.

Now I’ll briefly tell you what properties pumpkin honey has, and then the most interesting recipe from Grandmother, according to which such honey has been prepared in our family for more than one generation.

Grandma always said that pumpkin honey is the first medicine for the liver and kidneys, improves digestion, helps fight various viral infections in winter, and Grandma also said that pregnant women should definitely eat such honey. I also read that this honey has a lot of useful properties, but I think there is no need to list them, and so everyone understood that this is a miracle product.

You already guessed that this is a rare type of honey, and you are unlikely to find it on the shelves of shops and markets (I mean real), and all because you can get very little of this product from pumpkin fields, I read somewhere that from one hectare of pumpkin fields no more than 20-30 kilograms per season.

But it doesn’t matter, our ancestors found the easiest way to extract this product from the pumpkin itself and without bees. Well, what interested you? Then listen, I’ll tell you several ways.


We will need:

Your time.

Cooking process:

We take any pumpkin, carefully cut off the top (so that through the hole you can get the pulp, that is, the seeds), carefully remove the pulp using a spoon.

Then we take granulated sugar(you can use any white or brown), and fill the pumpkin with granulated sugar to the brim.

Place the pumpkin in a large saucepan or basin, cover the hole with the cut off top of the pumpkin, and leave to infuse in a cool place (but not in the refrigerator).

There are several options for preparing honey, that is, when it is ready, we tried different ones and the honey turns out very tasty.

First option: the pumpkin crust should become soft, and all the sugar should dissolve and turn into liquid, pour this liquid into a separate bowl and eat pumpkin honey. It needs to be stored in the refrigerator.

Second option: The honey in the pumpkin is infused for 10-15 days, then the top may become moldy, you need to carefully make holes at the bottom of the pumpkin and carefully drain the liquid. Grandma cut off the moldy part, and cut the remaining part into small pieces and baked it in the oven, it turned out something like candied fruit, it was still delicious.

Third option: when you drain the liquid, you can boil it over medium heat until it thickens, then this honey will be stored much longer. But there is one big drawback: when cooked, honey loses many of its properties. Grandmother did this very rarely.

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare such delicious honey from pumpkin, but I forgot to say to prepare it, use a well-ripe pumpkin, but not an overripe one.

Recently I heard somewhere that the daily diet of Caucasian centenarians necessarily includes this elixir of youth, as many call it.

There are many more little-known types of honey, such as sage or willow, I will talk about them on the pages of our blog, so don’t miss out and subscribe to our new recipes.

I also want to dot the i’s, it’s clear that this kind of honey is a little inferior to the real thing pumpkin honey, which is given by bees, but the benefits from it are tangible.

Don’t be alarmed if the pumpkin itself begins to mold during cooking, you just need to monitor and remove the mold, as well as find the optimal place for infusing it (so that it is not too hot and not too cold), over time this honey can be infused and 30 days.

But if you still want to try real bee pumpkin honey (and fall in love with it), you need to look for trusted sellers and buy Bashkir pumpkin nectar, they say they make it best there.

That's all for today, good health, appetite, and of course good mood. No, I forgot, check out this recipe on how to make a delicious and healthy dessert from pumpkin.

You will become familiar with medicinal properties pumpkin honey and contraindications. Learn to choose the right honey and learn about its beneficial qualities. And you will understand how to prepare this healing delicacy yourself.

From time immemorial, honey has been considered an indispensable source of beauty and health. And one of the varieties that is of particular interest for its medicinal properties is pumpkin. Initially it was popular in the Caucasus: many centenarians used it regularly.

Today this useful product beekeeping attracts consumer attention different countries. Not surprising, because it contains valuable microelements, vitamins, antioxidants and other biologically active substances. Moreover, some components important for health are contained only in pumpkin honey.

Consumer demand is also fueled by the fact that the variety is rare and difficult to find on sale. Pumpkin is not a good honey plant (the bribes from flowers are small). Therefore, if a beekeeper manages to collect some elite honey, it is distributed almost instantly to relatives and friends.

Before you begin to study the medicinal properties, you need to learn to distinguish pumpkin honey from other varieties.

  • Color: bright, golden, resembling a ripe yellow pumpkin in cross section. But without loss of transparency.
  • Taste: delicate, pleasant, slightly spicy, not cloying, when absorbed - with melon and cinnamon notes. Connoisseurs attribute another property to taste - "marshy". But without bitterness or excessive astringency.
  • Aroma: light pumpkin, with notes of warm hay and nutmeg.
  • Crystallization: extremely fast. In the process, transparency is lost and the color becomes bright yellow. On beneficial properties This is not reflected in the bee product.
  • Collection period: early summer.

Unscrupulous sellers sell pumpkin honey under the guise of pumpkin honey. It, of course, is also endowed with medicinal properties, but not so rare and expensive. Therefore, purchases should only be made from trusted people.

Note: in large quantities Pumpkin honey is obtained in Bashkortostan, where numerous melon fields are located.

Nutritional value

A distinctive feature of natural pumpkin honey is its high iron content, so the product can be recommended for the prevention and treatment of anemia, including in pregnant women.

As for the so-called artificial honey, which is easy to prepare with your own hands, its composition is determined by the vitamins contained in the pumpkin pulp (A, C and group B, nicotinic acid) and mineral salts (iron, copper, cobalt, silicon, potassium and calcium). In terms of the amount of provitamin A (carotene), the delicacy surpasses such record holders as sea buckthorn, carrots and animal liver.

It should be noted the presence of vitamin T, which is rare in food products (alternative names: levocarnitine, or vitamin B11). Other valuable sources: chicken yolks, brewer's yeast, etc. This vitamin is involved in many biochemical processes in the human body: it accelerates metabolism, promotes the breakdown and removal of fats from cells.

Application in medicine

The healing properties of natural pumpkin honey make it effective in treating many ailments:

  • Helps in digesting heavy foods.
  • Participates in the fight against obesity, as it normalizes metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.
  • Thanks to pectin substances, it cleanses the body of cholesterol, so the delicacy is recommended for use in complex treatment atherosclerosis.
  • Removes toxins and waste from the body.
  • Used for food poisoning.
  • Copes with heartburn and nausea.
  • Recommended for use with increased acidity of gastric juice. But people with peptic ulcers and gastritis should eat pumpkin honey carefully, in small portions.
  • Positively affects the functioning of the heart muscle due to the high concentration of plant agents. Reduces swelling in heart failure.
  • The delicacy is good for the brain due to the high concentration of glucose and biologically active components of pumpkin honey.
  • It has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Used in the treatment of sore throat and colds. Traditional medicine recommends instilling a honey solution into the nose and gargling with it during the flu.
  • Of no small importance is the use of pumpkin honey in the treatment of liver and kidney diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatitis. The glucose contained in the product promotes the accumulation of the necessary glycogen in liver cells. To combat hepatitis, honey is added to the infusion of medicinal herbs (yarrow, knotweed, etc.) at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1/2 cup. Recipes with the addition of lemon juice are also popular among herbalists.
  • The treat is effective in the treatment of urinary tract diseases. Promotes the flow of bile and has mild diuretic properties.
  • The delicate laxative qualities of the bee product help with constipation and colon ailments.
  • The high concentration of vitamins, including carotene, allows you to use honey to improve immunity and overall vitality.

Contraindications and harm

Pumpkin honey cannot cause serious harm to the body if consumed in moderate doses and take into account contraindications for:

  • diabetes mellitus (the product contains a large amount of glucose);
  • intolerance to bee products;
  • kidney diseases against the background of cardiovascular diseases (you can consume honey, but in moderate doses and under medical supervision);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by low acidity.

Dentists advise that after taking the product, be sure to brush your teeth so as not to expose the enamel to the destructive effects of sweets.

Cooking at home

Every housewife can prepare a health elixir that is similar to real pumpkin honey. All you need is a ripe pumpkin, granulated sugar and a little patience.

  1. Wash the vegetable thoroughly and dry it (you can use a regular waffle towel).
  2. Cut off the top just enough to reach the seed layer.
  3. After this, cut out a kind of funnel, wide enough to extract pumpkin seeds, and remove them.
  4. Place the pumpkin in a large pot or bowl (this will make the vegetable soft and difficult to move without damaging it).
  5. Pour sugar into the hole.
  6. Cover the hole with the cut top.
  7. Place in a cool place until the sugar is completely dissolved (from 10 days for small specimens and up to a month for large ones).
  8. After the juice has formed in the cavity of the pumpkin, carefully collect it with a spoon if you want the presence of pulp in the final product. Or simply pour the treat into a sterilized glass container.

It happens that on top cover mold forms. In this case, make a hole in the bottom of the pumpkin and drain the sweet liquid through it.

Storage Secrets

Natural bee honey from pumpkin is stored in a tightly closed dark glass container in a dry and cool place. Pay attention to the tightness of the lid: the product can absorb a lot of moisture from environment. In this case, some of the beneficial properties of the treat are lost.

The best way to store artificial pumpkin honey (that is, homemade honey) is in a clean glass container placed in the refrigerator. In this case, the shelf life will be one month.

For longer storage, you can boil the delicacy, but it will inevitably lose some of the beneficial ingredients, and along with them, some medicinal properties.

How to take for medicinal purposes

The beneficial properties of pumpkin honey can be used in different ways. For example, sweeten warm tea with a small amount of the product or take 2-3 tbsp. l. per day, dividing the dose into 2-3 times.

The delicacy is suitable for improving the taste of pancakes, homemade waffles or cottage cheese casserole. It all depends on your imagination.

It is curious that in the USA this honey is used to drizzle and sweeten cocktails. But how useful such combinations are is a big question. Centuries ago, the colonists of Central America understood more about healthy eating. To satisfy their hunger, they removed the seeds from the pumpkin, filled the empty cavity with milk, spices and honey, and baked it under a handful of smoldering coals. This dish is considered the ancestor of the traditional American pumpkin pie.