How to make corn dogs at home. Corn dog recipe

It's very easy to prepare this fast food.
First, mix all the dry ingredients in a deep bowl, namely wheat and corn flour in equal proportions, paprika, salt, baking powder, soda, sugar.

Do not ignore the presence of paprika in the composition; it will give the batter a beautiful color and piquant taste.

Beat in one egg. Lightly stir into flour mixture.

Pour in the milk. Mix the batter thoroughly. I advise you to pour in the milk gradually, controlling the thickness of the dough. The batter should be quite thick and viscous.

Take some sausages. It is better to take thin, not too long sausages in a natural or gelatin casing.

Place each sausage on a skewer, piercing it about halfway through.

Dredge sausages in flour. This is important! After all, this way the batter sticks to the sausage better.

Take a tall glass or glass that is taller than the sausage. Pour the batter into it.

Place the sausage on a skewer into a glass with batter.

Turn the sausage in the glass until the batter completely covers it. Let it sit for a while so that the excess batter drips off the sausage. Don't overdo it; the batter should still be quite thick.

Take a small deep frying pan to heat oil for deep frying. The smaller the diameter of the pan, the higher the oil will be in it.

Heat the sunflower oil well and place the corn dog in it. Roll the sausage on the skewer in the oil with quick movements so that the batter is evenly golden. Do not leave the sausage lying in the pan - you will not get a beautiful batter. In order for the corn dog to be smooth, without angular edges, you need to constantly roll the sausage. Everything is prepared quite quickly, literally 1 minute.

Be careful when working with hot oil, it is very easy to burn yourself.

A popular American fast food snack. Definitely, this recipe is not suitable for frequent use, as it threatens to put on extra pounds. But if you prepare corn dogs for a picnic, a children's party, or a party where there will be a lot of people, it will undoubtedly help you out.

For a corn dog, it is important to prepare a tasty batter. It is important for that particular American taste to get cornmeal. I used half corn and wheat flour.

Sausages are traditionally taken whole. But it is better to cut them into two parts. Smaller portions require less oil when frying.

Corn dogs are always sold on sticks. You hold on to it and don’t get your hands dirty. And also, the stick makes the corn dog even. Insert the chopsticks evenly, all the way to the end of the sausage.

Now let's make the batter. Combine both types of flour, add salt, sugar and baking powder. Add sweet paprika.


Beat in one egg.

And pour milk.

Knead a thick dough like pancakes. Adjust the consistency of the dough with flour and milk. Perhaps something more is needed.

Before dipping the sausages into the batter, roll them in flour. Otherwise, the batter will drain from the surface, forming empty spaces.

Dip the sausage on a stick into the batter and, as if twisting, roll it through the dough.

Immediately place the sausages into the hot oil and fry until brown and crispy.

Corn dogs are served with ketchup or mustard. Enjoy!

Of course, the birthplace of fast food is America. And hot dogs also appeared there, and different interpretations of all these quick dishes too. Quite by accident I came across a photo of Corn Dog and became interested in what it was. Our sausage in dough or something else?

I looked for recipes, it turned out to be quite simple - it's sausage in batter. But the batter itself seemed interesting to me, moreover, its aesthetic side attracted me. Corn Dogs turn out smooth and even. At first I thought that this was some kind of factory production, that it couldn’t be done at home.

First you need to mix the dry ingredients. I’ll say right away that corn flour is needed here, it’s what gives the right taste. If you can’t find it, try polenta, it’s more common.

After thoroughly mixing the dry ingredients, add the egg and gradually pour in the milk. The dough should be very thick, adjust the consistency with milk or flour.

Thread the sausages onto skewers. You need to roll them in flour so that they stick to the dough better. This is very important.

Now the trick is to pour the dough into the narrowest and tallest vessel possible. Cocktail glasses or some small vases work well. This is necessary so that we can freely lower the sausages and there will be enough dough for all of them. Pour oil into the frying pan (about 2 cm) and heat thoroughly. Then dip the sausage completely into the dough and carefully remove it, twisting the skewer a little. This is necessary so that the dough does not form lumps, but rather envelops the sausage.

Now fry the sausages (I did one at a time) in oil. Here again is the secret: to make the batter smooth and round, you need to constantly turn the sausage in the oil, especially in the first minutes. That is, you put it in, you see that the dough has set a little - immediately turn it and so on in a circle, if the corners of the dough appear (after all, the bottom of the pan is flat), carefully iron them with a spatula.

The batter should turn out golden. Don't overcook it, but don't leave it too light either - the dough inside will be raw. Like all dishes made with oil, ready-made corn dogs should be dried on paper towels.

Ideally served with ketchup and mustard, you can use hot sauces. The taste is amazing. This is not like the dough we are used to; the batter is moderately crispy and very tender thanks to the corn. The taste is rich and goes well with sausage.

  • Flour - 100 gr.
  • Corn flour - 100 gr.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Paprika - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 1.5 tsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Sausages - 6 pcs.
  • Oil for frying - 300 ml.

Does the recipe say to use eggs at room temperature? There is no need to prepare for this several hours in advance. Simply place the cold egg in a bowl of warm water. Quite quickly it will reach room temperature.

Looking for a place to place a bowl of yeast dough to help it rise better? Turn on the oven to 180 degrees, after 3 minutes turn off the oven and place the bowl of dough in it. The heat will do a great job of helping the dough rise.

For a brighter, greener pesto, soak the basil in boiling water for 30 seconds and then in an ice bath. Then everything follows the recipe. You will be surprised at how nice the color the pesto will be even in paste.

Don't have a citrus juicer? Squeeze the citrus fruits with your hands, but cut them in half lengthwise (from spout to spout), I swear - this will squeeze out more juice. Well, bonus, fewer seeds will fall into the cup.

It turns out that the older the egg, the easier it will be to peel it after boiling. If you like boiled eggs, just set aside a few from each new purchase for these purposes. Use fresher ones in baking or for omelettes.

Have you noticed that homemade ice cream becomes covered with ice crystals after a couple of days in the freezer? Try replacing the glass mold with a plastic one. Most likely, the fact is that the glass cools faster than the ice cream inside, creating a temperature imbalance.

If a recipe calls for steam in the oven, they usually say place a bowl of water on the bottom shelf. Instead, take a cupcake tin and fill each well with water. This form is much easier to handle; you won’t spill anything or get burned.

Whenever you use very liquid dough or filling for baking, pour it into a mold that is already installed in the oven (pull the baking sheet or rack out slightly). This way you will definitely not spill anything while you carry the pan to the oven.

When you cook pasta with sauces, you always want to have fewer dirty dishes. Instead of using a colander, simply attach a large knife to the pan. It will do a great job of draining the water while holding the pasta. It is especially effective when you cook only 2-3 servings.

Get a large zip lock bag. Place leftover vegetables in it and store in the freezer. When there is a decent amount of accumulation, bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan, add all the vegetables from the bag and cook for an hour and a half. Strain and get great homemade broth.

The cleanest and easiest way to remove the seeds from a pomegranate is to cut it in half and place each half in a ziplock bag. Place the bag on your palm so that the half is flat on it. With each stroke of the wooden spoon, you will get separated seeds. And thanks to the package, everything around will remain clean.

Store bananas separately from all other foods. They emit substances that contribute to rapid spoilage of food, and in addition, sometimes they unpleasantly flavor baked goods.

To quickly bring butter to room temperature, cut it into small cubes and place them on a plate; the larger the surface of the butter that interacts with warm air, the faster it will heat up.

An easy way to clean your microwave. Fill the cup halfway with water, cut the lemon, squeeze the juice into the cup and throw the halves in there. Heat at maximum power for 3 minutes. Let it sit for another 5 minutes, and then open the lid and wipe the inside walls with paper towels, all the dirt will be washed off perfectly.

Sometimes we overcook the cakes in the oven. Don't worry, just cut off the burnt parts, and then brush the crust with simple syrup - it will return moisture and flavor to it, and if you make such a syrup in advance and flavor it with herbs and spices, it will be even tastier.

Do you know how easy it is to clean the blender jar after use? Pour warm water into it and add a couple of drops of soap, cover with a lid and beat for 30 seconds. Steam and soap will do all the dirty work.

Have you noticed that on the second day the pasta dries out when you heat it in the microwave? Try steaming it slightly - add a couple of spoons of water/broth to a plate, and cover the top with a special dome lid or just cling film. Then everything is as usual.

Nothing divides people like taste, and nothing unites people like appetite.

Boris Krutier

I owe everything you see to spaghetti.

Sophia Loren

Warhol's images of Campbell's Soup are a brilliant satire on culture, and the soup itself is a brilliant satire on food.

Craig Kilburn

My friend Lily can identify 157 different types of cheese just by looking at the label.

Caroline Ahern

The one who divides gets the last piece.

Mrs Rawson

Hunger tames even a lion.

Daniel Defoe

Health depends much more on our habits and nutrition than on the art of medicine.

D. Lubbock

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored and not suppressed.


Food that the body does not digest is eaten by the person who ate it. Therefore, eat in moderation.


For success in the corn dog business, it is important to have three factors - a good location, modern equipment and quality ingredients. The search for reliable suppliers should be started even before drawing up a business plan. A lot depends on the prices of ingredients and raw materials.

If there are no outlets offering corn dogs in your city yet, the issue of competition is removed. In big cities, the niche is also not yet fully occupied. The demand for this type of fast food is high. Even opponents of this type of public catering cannot fail to recognize the benefits of corn flour, from which the dough for corn dogs is prepared.

Create as detailed a business plan as possible based on real data. This will save you from unpleasant surprises.

Main risks

All dangers are associated only with the low quality of ingredients. If you can provide certificates to regulatory authorities and adhere to sanitary standards, there should be no problems. The location of your retail outlet is important to success. It is important to pay maximum attention to this issue.


As with any fast food establishment, crowded areas are the most profitable. If you are planning to rent a trade pavilion or a place to install a mobile trailer, you should look for free space near public transport stops and metro stations. Trade is excellent near shopping, entertainment and large office centers, public organizations, and educational institutions.

A good option is to rent a small space at a train station, bus station, or shopping and entertainment center.


A mobile kiosk can be purchased for 100,000-150,000 rubles. Domestic manufacturers offer very interesting models with original designs. For example, “Retromobile” from the Voronezh supplier Emel LLC looks chic and is sure to attract the attention of potential buyers.

The machine for preparing corn dogs must have a minimum capacity of 30 pcs. per hour Chinese manufacturers offer a large selection. European models are of higher quality and have impressive durability. But at the start, with a modest starting capital, a device from China is quite suitable. Budget model for simultaneous baking of 6 corn dogs with a capacity of 35-50 pcs. per hour costs around 18,000 rubles.

You will need a dough mixer. Professional models can cost from 25,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Refrigeration equipment is required to store ingredients. As an option, you can consider purchasing an inexpensive isothermal container, the average cost is 8,000 rubles. If you plan to sell soft drinks and related products, you need a refrigerated cabinet. A small, used model can be purchased for 9,000 rubles.

To prepare hot drinks, you should purchase a professional electric kettle, the price is 3,000 rubles.


To work at one outlet, you should hire two salespeople. The technology for making corn dogs is simple; anyone can learn it if they want. Employees must have medical records. Efficiency is very important - customers value speed. Mandatory qualities are politeness and accuracy. The salary is formed from a rate of 15,000-17,000 rubles and a percentage of sales. This stimulates employee interest in increasing sales levels.

Documents and licenses

If you work with one retail outlet, the option of registering as an individual entrepreneur and paying taxes using a simplified system is quite suitable. During the expansion process, you will have to register a legal entity.

To organize work on the street and obtain permission to rent a site, you must obtain permission from the local administration. This is a rather lengthy and complex procedure; it is recommended to hire an experienced lawyer to complete it. With renting space from a private company, everything is much simpler - the consent of both parties and a well-drafted agreement is enough.

Having a lease agreement, equipment and certificates from equipment suppliers in hand, you can go to the SES. The commission gives permission to trade after checking your outlet for compliance with the requirements.

The sale of corn dogs is not subject to licensing, but you must have technical conditions and a preparation recipe. The preparation of these documents should be entrusted to specialists, and they will also help you go through the approval procedure.

Cooking technology

The recipe is quite simple. The dough is prepared from the following ingredients:

Corn and wheat flour;
- kefir;
- eggs;
- salt, sugar, baking soda.

The ratio may be different, it is only important to achieve the desired consistency. It’s great if you can offer unique recipes to your customers.

Cooking a corn dog takes 3-4 minutes. The heated form is greased with oil. The dough is poured and a sausage placed on a stick is placed on it. The form is closed and turned over to the other side. If you deep fry corn dogs, you get a crispy crust.


It is very important to develop an original dough recipe that customers will like. Sauces play a big role; it’s also worth working on their uniqueness and variety.

Even if there is only one outlet, you should immediately come up with a brand name. Registering a trademark is a complex process. But if you plan to work in this business for a long time and develop a network, it is necessary. A memorable logo and name should be printed on packaging material and bags. This simple technique works great to popularize a brand.

If possible, place at least 2-3 tables under umbrellas near the counter. If customers have the opportunity to sit near your point, the likelihood of re-ordering increases by 40%.

A wide range is important. You can offer different types of sausages and dough recipes. Related products, drinks - all this is perceived by customers as a sign of care and creates a positive image.


The cost of one corn dog depends on the quality of the sausages. You can choose a cheaper option, then the cost will decrease by 1.5 times. If you decide to work with GOST sausages, the cost of ingredients for preparing one corn dog is 25-30 rubles.

The price of a corn dog for customers is 80-100 rubles, depending on the city and location. After deducting the cost of sauces, napkins and packaging, your profit from the sale of one piece will be at least 35 rubles. If you sell at least 100 corn dogs per day, your profit per month will be 105,000 rubles per month. After paying taxes, wages and other current expenses, the net profit is about 60,000 rubles. This does not include the sale of soft and hot drinks and related products. In a crowded place the rates will be much higher. But even with minimal sales, payback occurs after 3-4 months of work.


Trading corn dogs does not require significant start-up investments; it is simple and highly profitable. This business is ideal for beginners. But for success, it is very important to find the right location and offer customers impeccable service.

An appetizing corn dog is a real “hit” of American cuisine. This is a unique dish that seamlessly combines home and street food. Corn dog cooked at home and not overcooked hundreds of times is not so harmful. Of course, this is not an option for those who are on a diet, but sometimes it is quite possible to indulge in tasty and appetizing “harmful” foods without affecting your health. Sausages in cornmeal will be a great addition to a picnic or a cozy evening out of town with friends and family.

Cooking time – 35 minutes.

Number of servings – 6.


To prepare a corn dog we need to take:

  • raw egg – 1 pc.;
  • sausages – 600-650 g;
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise – 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • corn flour - 1⁄2 tbsp.;
  • paprika powder – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • wheat flour – 1⁄2 tbsp;
  • milk – 70 ml;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. l. with a "slide"
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • greens, ketchup - for serving.

How to make a corn dog at home

Despite the fact that a homemade corn dog recipe involves using a fairly large list of ingredients, “combining” them into a single dish is not that difficult.

  1. First of all, you need to remove the film and cellophane from the sausages, if you are not using the option in a natural casing.

  1. The preparations for delicious corn dogs will need to be lightly “powdered” with starch.

  1. Next, in a separate bowl, combine salt, soda, two types of flour, and sugar. Mix everything.

  1. Milk, mayonnaise and eggs are beaten.

  1. Then pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture. Paprika goes there too. From these components you need to knead the dough.

  1. Then, following the step-by-step recipe with photos, you need to pierce all the sausages one by one with bamboo skewers. The resulting dough is poured into a glass, and the pieces are immersed in it one after another.

  1. Next, vegetable oil is heated in a ladle or saucepan. Unpeeled garlic should be placed in it. Sausage preparations are fried in this mixture for 1-2 minutes. The batter should brown a little.

  1. Place the finished corn dog on napkins or paper towels to remove excess fat. They are best eaten with fresh herbs and hot ketchup.

Video recipes for making corn dogs

To please yourself and your loved ones with the “hit” of American cuisine, you should use the suggested video recipes: