How to properly tie up tall tomatoes in open ground. We tie tomatoes in open ground correctly: we save the future harvest. Garter of tomatoes in open ground

Many novice gardeners are interested in why and how to tie up tomatoes. Tomato is a rather capricious and demanding crop that requires increased attention during the growing process. There are several simple ways to get a good harvest of tomatoes.

Carefully tied beds make it easier to care for plants. No matter how strong the stems of the plants are, as the fruits ripen they begin to bend towards the ground, becoming a treat for slugs and worms, and sometimes they can even break. This is especially true for tall tomatoes, which can reach a height of two meters.

A simple procedure for tying up tomatoes will greatly benefit the future harvest and protect them from typical problems. How is tomato garter useful for a beginning gardener?

  1. It is important to water tomato bushes at the root without touching the tops and fruits, so as not to cause burns on them when exposed to sunlight. It is impossible to water seedlings lying on the ground in this way.
  2. Tomato fruits will not be accessible to caterpillars, slugs, mice and other pests, since they will be located above the ground level.
  3. The stem, leaves and fruits will be protected from excessive moisture and rotting.
  4. The stem will not bend or break under the weight of the harvest.
  5. Securely tied tomatoes will not die from heavy rains, which can damage the plant with powerful blows, causing damage to the bushes.
  6. Gartering tomatoes in open ground allows you to make tomato bushes as open to sunlight as possible, which will give them the opportunity to fully develop.
  7. Gartering tomatoes will allow you to effectively carry out the spraying procedure to prevent all kinds of diseases.
  8. Growing tomatoes is impossible without carrying out procedures such as pinching and mulching. Tying the tomatoes will make these processes easier.

How to tie up tomatoes

With the development of vegetable growing, several options have developed and taken root on how to achieve success in growing tomatoes using tying. Here are the main ways to garter tomatoes:

  • pegs;
  • cells;
  • trellises;
  • caps;
  • hooks

Using pegs

Many novice gardeners are interested in the question - how to tie tomatoes to pegs? Using pegs is the most common method. It is important to use it on time. How to use it for garter for tomatoes? It is necessary to select the appropriate height of each peg, corresponding to the dimensions of the bush. Tall seedlings will require pegs 2-2.5 meters high, medium-sized ones - much lower. To properly tie tomatoes, you need to use stakes whose height is 30 cm greater than the height of the tomato bushes.

Each peg must be firmly fixed in the soil, deepening it by 30 cm. It should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the tomato stem so as not to damage the roots (photo 1). The tomato should be tied fairly loosely. First you need to tie the twine to the support, then wrap the stem without effort and tie it. As the plants grow, the tomato garter is repeated several times.

It is worth noting that it is important to pre-burn wooden pegs and slats in a kiln or over a fire before installation. A garter on supports with charred ends can be used for a long time, otherwise the pegs will rot by the end of the season.

Using "cells"

When gartering, you will need blanks in the shape of circles made of thick wire. They need to be attached to metal supports, thus obtaining a strong cage in the form of a cylinder. The structures will be needed in large quantities - one for each bush. It is necessary to dig each cell to a depth of 15-20 cm and tie a seedling to it (photo 2).

Instead of cages from wire and reinforcement, you can make wooden ones by driving one support near individual tomato bushes to get a square cage. It will be much stronger than pegs.

Such designs will last for many years, although you will have to put a little effort into making them. As the tomatoes grow in open ground, tying must be repeated several times.

On the trellises

Successful cultivation of tomatoes is also possible by tying the bushes to trellises. The method consists of driving wooden supports about 3 m high into the ground at opposite ends of the bed. If the beds are too long, you can drive several supports in one row at a distance of 2-4 m from each other. You need to nail the slats to their upper part as firmly as possible using nails to get a frame. We stretch the wire horizontally onto the supports, the bottom one should be located at a height of 25 cm from the ground surface.

On the resulting frame you need to make garters for tomatoes in the form of a net using soft wire or nylon rope. Trellis will serve as a strong support for growing bushes, especially if you install it on both sides of the bed. Such a wicker structure is not afraid of any winds (photo 3).

Growing tomatoes on trellises allows you to tie up individual clusters with pouring fruits so that they do not bend under their weight.

Supports in the form of caps

You can tie tomatoes in open ground on supports in the form of caps (pyramids). The holes for seedlings need to be prepared by forming a triangle with sides of 35-40 cm. A column about 3 m high is driven into the center of the triangle, from the top of which 3 equal pieces of wire are pulled. They become a support for 3 plants at the same time.

Such “wigwams” can be made from any available means - ropes, twines, vines. To cover 4 bushes, you can use a larger number of guy rods with transverse weaving in the form of a cage (photo 4).

Crocheting tomatoes

It is convenient to use hooks as a garter for tomatoes, which will effectively perform their function all summer. Using hooks, you can create the strongest supports for growing giant plants. This method seems quite complicated for tying tomatoes in open ground, but it is optimal for tying tall tomato bushes.

You need to stretch a wire or rope along the entire length of the bed, attaching it to supports installed in the same way as for gartering with trellises. You need to cut rings from a used bicycle inner tube or old socks or tights, and make hooks from thick, strong wire. Near each bush you need to stretch a fishing line, place loops on it at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, thread hooks into them, and the structure is ready. All that remains is to place the rings under the desired branches, bend them in half and thread the hooks into them. As the bush grows, the garter is repeated, only the ring is put on the hook located above.

Plants tied in this way are not damaged, since the soft material does not cut into them, and the clusters do not break under the weight of the filling fruits.

How to tie tomatoes (video)

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​Drive metal stakes at a distance of 30 cm from each other and to a depth of 15-20 cm. The height of the trellis should be selected at the rate of 20-30 cm above the extreme point of an already mature bush. Stretch wire or twine between the rods (see picture).​

​Some gardeners use nylon fabric, which can “survive” several seasons.​

Let us immediately note that all the methods and recommendations given below apply to both greenhouse crops and those grown in open ground. There is no difference in the type of garter or the material chosen. It is important to understand the principle of operation and do it very carefully so as not to damage the plant.​

All these varieties are distinguished by tall vine-like trunks, the length of which reaches 5 meters. A large number of lateral branches and a long fruiting period ensure such a high popularity of these varieties. In this case, a prerequisite is the garter to the trellises (supports).​

In most cases, these are open ground varieties:

​The sixth method involves the use of hooks and wire. On both sides of the tomato row, stakes are dug in, between which a cable is stretched. After 30 cm from it, a fishing line or twine is stretched, to which rings and hooks are attached. The hooks will catch the stems of tomato bushes.​

How to properly tie tomatoes

​The simplest known method is to tie it to a wooden or metal peg driven into the ground. Each bush has its own peg driven nearby, and a variety of materials are used as garter material - nylon stockings, cord from household appliances, ribbons and straps. The bush is tied near the top of the stem.

Tomatoes must be tied up.

​Do not use ropes for tying from last season to avoid possible infection.​

​From early spring, summer cottages literally come to life, people dig, loosen, plant in order to get a good harvest in summer and autumn. Any gardener wants to grow a rich harvest of tomatoes that will be the envy of all his neighbors; some succeed, while others do not. Summer residents often say that some crops love them and grow well, while others don’t like them and don’t grow at all. But the point here is different, you need to know how to care for the plants, what to feed them with, how often to water them, if you want to grow large and tasty tomatoes, then you need to know how to properly tie up the tomatoes.​

​Growing vegetables is a fun activity. Amateur vegetable growers place a wide variety of crops on their plots. But none of them is complete without juicy and tasty tomatoes. A variety of tomato varieties will require an individual approach to each of them when growing. Low-growing types of tomatoes are compact bushes that do not require special agricultural techniques. But is it possible to resist the temptation of growing large-fruited tomato varieties? They have incomparable taste. But at the same time, such vegetable crops will require more attention than their low-growing relatives.​
​When the plant reaches the first two lower rows of trellises, very carefully thread them through them using the “darning” principle, and then, as the bush grows, weave in the side shoots. Already fruiting brushes are tied to trellises or wires using plastic clips. You can provide small hooks, the thickness of which will not damage the plant.​
​Important! If you prefer to reuse nylon or fabric, treat it with a solution of laundry soap before tying up the bushes. To do this, just soap the fabric or nylon and leave for an hour and a half. Then rinse and dry.​
​The following materials are required for the garter:​

How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground?

​Northerner,​​Proper gartering of tomatoes determines how strong and resistant to weather conditions they will grow.​

For what purpose should tomatoes be tied?

​The advantage of this method is that garter materials can be used every year. The downside, as already mentioned, is the possible infection of plants with diseases remaining on the garter materials from last year. But there is a way out here too - disinfection of all materials before new use.​

​And now let’s figure out exactly how.​

​If you tie up even small bushes, they begin to form a powerful root system, they become stronger, therefore, more nutrients are delivered to the tomatoes. The peg must be driven into the ground when planting tomatoes, approximately 10 cm from the bush, and immediately tied with a figure eight. You can also use trellises to tie tomatoes, in this case the consumption of rope will be reduced. In theory, amateur gardeners know when to plant, how to grow tomatoes, and are often even satisfied with the result of their work, but if everything is done correctly and master some tricks, then you can increase the tomato yield significantly.​ ​There are many varieties of tall tomatoes. They differ in the color and size of the fruits, which have excellent taste. However, growing them is quite a troublesome task. But it’s worth working hard to get large-fruited tomatoes. As a rule, vegetable growers grow tall tomato seedlings themselves. For its planting, the land is prepared in the fall. Tomatoes will require well-lit areas with fertile soil. The beds are planned in such a way that it is possible to carry out the necessary agrotechnical measures, the implementation of which cannot be done without gartering tomatoes. Novice amateur vegetable growers make mistakes when fixing plants.​

General rules for gartering tomatoes

​Important! The trellis method of supporting tomatoes makes it possible to develop side shoots, increasing the yield of each bush.​

​You can purchase garter attachments with a brush holder. Instead of fabric or string, wide clips with rounded edges are used for fixation, which do not cause any harm to the stems.​

​metal rods or wooden stakes (up to 1 meter);​

A large number of fruits can break the plant.


Methods used for gartering tomatoes

​Proper gartering is not a minor activity that can be neglected, but an important event that affects the quality of the future harvest.​

​An important point is not to tighten the stem with garter materials, so as not to damage it and expose the plant to death. As the bush continues to grow, it is necessary to equip it with new garters or raise the old one as it grows.​

​In different climatic conditions, things are different. For example, in southern latitudes, where tomatoes are grown on large plantations in the bright sun, it is not advisable to tie them up. The fruits lie on the ground, and the whole plant receives much more nutrients from the ground than in the case of a garter.

No matter what amazing plants gardeners grow on their plots, they almost always make the traditional choice in favor of tomatoes. It’s so nice to grow this crop from the very seed, see how the fruits ripen and taste that very first red one right from the garden. There are low-growing, medium-growing and tall-growing tomatoes. Most often, in areas of our country, it is large-fruited, tall varieties that are grown that require special care. The result is worth it, but to get it,

​If everything is more or less clear with growing seedlings and planting time, then few people know how to properly tie up tomatoes.​

What is the correct way to garter a tomato? Tall plants, depending on the variety, will require pinching and regular fixation of the stem. The procedure for gartering tomatoes is carried out 3 to 6 times per season. Moreover, this agrotechnical technique is performed for each plant individually.

​Linear trellises are especially popular, when only one row of wire is stretched on top between two stakes at a distance of 30-40 cm. A rope is stretched from the wire to the bushes, around which the plant wraps as it grows. This method also involves pinching, since only one main stem can be developed.​

​The choice of method depends on the variety, volume of fruiting and number of bushes.​

​dressing material;​

​Water the bush strictly at the root, avoiding water getting on the leaves and flowers. It is almost impossible to water a bush lying on the ground like this.​ ​Polar, etc.​

How to properly tie tomatoes in a greenhouse

Each garden crop requires special treatment. The “sow - water - harvest” scheme works in very rare cases, and tomatoes are no exception. This crop is quite critical of the frequency and quality of watering, timely application of fertilizers, and care of tops and garter. Moreover, the last condition concerns not only obtaining the harvest, but also preserving it.​

Let's complicate the garter a little by using trellises. We place them at some distance from each other and stretch a wire horizontally between them. Between the rows of wire we make a distance of 45cm. Actually, rows of bushes will be tied to these wires.​

  1. Residents of cooler regions are unlikely to think about this method of growing. Periodic rains in combination with not the highest temperatures (especially at night) can ruin all the efforts of summer residents with the help of late blight or some other scourge like rot. That is why you will definitely have to tie up tomato bushes here, even low-growing ones. It is necessary to completely eliminate contact of fruits with the ground.

Why do you need to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse?

​You will have to study the features of gartering tall tomatoes.​

​There are several important points here.​​Spring plantings of tall tomato seedlings differ from low-growing varieties. Bushes of some species can reach 1.5 meters in height. Therefore, plants are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After planting the tomatoes, select material for gartering the tomatoes.​

  • All of the above methods are quite popular among gardeners. Which one to use is up to you. In order to choose the right one, consider the growth of the plant, its optimal yield and conditions (greenhouse or open ground).​
  • ​The simplest and therefore most accessible is to use separate supports (stakes) for each bush. You can use any available material, even scraps of ore and reinforcement. The only condition is that the length must exceed the final length of the bush by 20-30 cm.​
  • ​Twine or wire.​

​Proper pinching (getting rid of side shoots) can only be done with the bush tied up and with all-round access.​

  • ​Such varieties, although they are average in terms of yield, are rarely grown in greenhouses. Basically, the choice is made in favor of abundantly fruiting varieties, mainly tall ones. This is justified and advisable - on a small plot of soil you can get a more abundant harvest. These varieties include:
  • ​Contents​
  • ​Metal mesh can serve as a good guide for tomato bushes, only its cells should be large

​Thanks to the garter, contact of fruits with the ground and their rotting are eliminated

​Not all varieties of tomatoes are able to “hold themselves” during the process of growth, much less fruit development. Under the mass of filling tomatoes, the bushes begin to bend to the ground and may even break. If no injury occurs, then it is unlikely that the future harvest will benefit from lying on the ground - slugs and worms will happily feast on an unexpected gift.​

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the fruits do not come into contact with the ground;
  2. ​For this you will need, first of all, twine, which must be sufficiently soft and elastic. Do not use wire or fishing line for this purpose. They can injure plants. Pegs for gartering tomatoes should be of sufficient height and quite strong. These are usually wooden or metal pegs that can be used for several seasons in a row. The material for gartering tomatoes is ready. As the plants grow, they begin to fix them. You shouldn't be late with this. Bushes that touch the ground are susceptible to diseases and, as a result, lag behind in development and bear fruit poorly. This will lead to crop loss and a decrease in the quality of vegetable products. The garter is made immediately to permanent pegs, which will serve the plant all season. Fixing a tomato bush is not difficult. A support is installed near each bush. It should be strong enough. Fixing the plant should not be rigid, and take into account the fact that as the tomatoes grow, the stem will thicken. Tomato gartering is done with soft rope or fabric ribbons. The twine is wrapped several times (in the shape of a figure eight) around the stem of the plant and the peg. After which it is fixed on a peg. A loose loop is formed between the plant and the stake, which does not interfere with the growth of the plant. As they grow, the tomatoes are re-gartered.
  3. Remember, only medium-sized, early-ripening crops do not need a garter.
  4. The garter method is to drive a rod into the ground at a distance of 5-8 cm from the stem and tie the bush. During the fruiting period, you will need to tie it at least 1-2 more times; accordingly, for an adult bush, additional gartering of each hand is necessary.
  5. ​If we are talking about growing tomatoes on an industrial scale, it makes sense to use the so-called. trellises (see picture), which allow you to tie up several bushes simultaneously and on one plane.​
  6. ​Fruits lying on the ground are subject to attack by insects and pests, and are also affected by late blight.​

Methods for gartering tomatoes

  • ​The third method is called linear. A wire is pulled in the middle between the stakes, then a rope is stretched to it above each tomato, one of its ends is attached to the stem of the bush.​
  • ​An important condition is to exclude wires, fishing lines and thin ropes from garters for tomato bushes. For this purpose, you need to use nylon tights and stockings. But this is ideal. Various straps and powerful ropes will also work, as long as the garter really firmly but gently holds the bush without pinching the stem.​
  • There is one more circumstance - tomatoes need to be watered at the root, and when they are in a lying position, this is impossible to do. It is undesirable to water the tops of a tomato, as well as pour water on the fruits lying on the ground. And in general, the path to the tops of the plant for any disease in this case is significantly shortened.​

Even low-growing tomato bushes need to be tied up;

​The trellis method of growing tall varieties of tomatoes is no less effective. To do this, a trellis is built along the row with planted seedlings. Metal stakes are installed on both sides of the row. Several rows of twine are attached to them at different heights. Growing plants will be securely fixed on such a trellis.​

​And if you decide to give up pinching, choose the trellis method of gartering.​

​It is also convenient to use a garter. This is a special device that allows you to wrap around the support and stem in one movement. The principle of operation is reminiscent of a stapler, where tape is used instead of a staple. The same device is also used for tying grapes and pumpkin crops.​

​The optimal planting is 3-5 bushes per 1 sq.m. Only if timely garter will all bushes be healthy and begin to bear fruit on time.​

How to tie up tomatoes

​Honey saved;​

Frequent disputes arise between gardeners regarding the need to tie tomatoes. The first group believes that this process is an intervention in the natural environment and reduces the chances of the tied plant taking root and does not guarantee a good harvest. The second group insists on the need for such a procedure, since it removes the load from the fragile tomato trunk and prevents damage to the fruit. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle.​

​The fourth method is to make each bush its own cage. The cage is made of wire or metal. We bend the circles that will be connected by rods. We plant a tomato bush, dig the cage to a depth of 15 cm and tie it with a rope.​

​To avoid exposing your tomatoes to the risk of infection from last year's diseases, do not use old garter material.​

​To avoid unpleasant moments that could negatively affect the final result of all your work,​

Making trellises

For tying, you cannot use wire, fishing line or thin ropes; it is better to cut old nylon tights, of which every woman has plenty;

The procedure for gartering tomatoes is a crucial moment when growing tomatoes, which should not be ignored. Caring vegetable growers use it not only for tall varieties. Low-growing tomatoes with this growing method suffer less from illness and produce excellent yields.​

In fact, not all areas perform tomato garters. In the south of Russia, plants grow in open ground the way they want. There are a number of biological reasons for this, the main one being that, lying on the ground, the tomato stem receives additional nutrition by producing new roots. It is due to this that the bush is capable of producing a fantastic amount of fruit. However, in the middle zone, and especially in the northern regions, you cannot do without a tomato garter. Even in greenhouse conditions it is necessary to form bushes, for which there are several ways. Today we will try to analyze the most popular of them so that they are always in your arsenal.

What you need to garter tomatoes

First of all, support is needed. It may be different, but we will talk about this a little later. But the greatest attention should be paid to preparing supporting material. This could be a cord that is strong enough to last the entire season. A special garden tape or thread made from twisted fibers also works well. There is no need for too thick cords in the greenhouse; there will not be too much load on them. However, you cannot use a thin cutting thread, as it can cut the trunk.

Our grandmothers' method, garter on a peg

We will look at the most famous methods of gartering tomatoes and start with what has been done for many generations in a row. Perhaps even today someone continues to place wooden pegs near each plant, to which the top of the stem is tied with a strip of fabric. What are the nuances here? You can drive the peg no closer than 10 cm from the base, so as not to damage the roots. This type of tomato garter does not ensure the formation of a proper bush and requires constant adjustment. As the tomato grows, you will have to tie it up or grab it higher with a second ribbon.

Modification of this method

Gardeners love to make their lives easier by coming up with different new methods for gardening. The tedious tomato garter is not forgotten either. It is much easier to create a favorable environment for the growth of tomatoes and not waste your time. To do this, beams are placed at the ends of the bed, and a thick wire is stretched between them. Now there is only one simple step left: use a piece of fabric to connect the tomato and the wire.

The simpler the more effective

If you follow the previous method, then you no longer need to tie up the plants several times, but only once per season. However, gartering tomatoes in open ground can be completely eliminated if this scheme is further improved. To do this, stakes are installed along each edge of the row on both sides. A wire is stretched between them. Now your plants have reliable support that will prevent them from falling. If the plants have grown too large, you can put another row of wire on top. Such a bed is very convenient to process; the plants do not fall over and do not interfere with weeding, watering and hilling.

Variation with hooks

This method is convenient because tying up a plant becomes simple and convenient; this method works effectively all summer, that is, it justifies itself when growing giant varieties. You need to stretch a cable along the entire length of the row; it can be a strong clothes cord or an old braided cable. Next, hooks are made from strong wire, and rings are made from an old bicycle inner tube. Near each plant it is necessary to tie a fishing line on which the loops are located. The distance between them can be about 25 cm. Hooks are threaded into these loops. Now you have a ready-made design, all that remains is to place a rubber ring under a tomato branch or bunch, bend it in half and put it on the hook. The next garter is made when the bush grows; now the next ring is threaded into the additional loop. This type of gartering of tomatoes in open ground seems too complicated, but it is optimal for large beds.

We choose the best

Gardeners are always trying to optimize pre-existing methods. And one of the most difficult procedures is considered to be gartering a tomato. The soil does not always allow convenient placement of trellises for garter, as can be done in greenhouses, so the entire structure has to be re-created every season. Gardeners effectively use the following option: tomatoes are tied to low pegs, and high beams are driven into the sides of the bed, onto which a transverse bar is attached. Cords are thrown through it and tied to the top of the tomatoes. However, each of the presented methods can give an excellent harvest; you just need to carry out this procedure in time, preventing the plant from falling and rotting. If you start the plants, it will be more difficult to form a bed.

Rules for forming a bush

However, if you do not work to create a bush of the correct shape, then soon your plantings will turn into impenetrable thickets where weeds will quietly grow and various pests will breed. Therefore, gartering a tomato (open ground) relies on another procedure called pinching. The plant is formed when its stems have become strong and started to grow. Once the shoot has reached 5 cm in length, it can be quickly and carefully removed. Moreover, pruners or other devices are not used for this; removal is done manually. Stepchildren must be removed throughout the summer. In addition, it is necessary to remove the lower leaves from the bushes. This is necessary so that the fruits ripen faster and evaporation is reduced. However, you cannot tear off more than 3 sheets at a time.

Let's sum it up

All these agricultural techniques: gartering, pinching and tearing off the lower leaves are aimed at making your harvest truly fantastic. They must be used in every area, since plants that grow on their own, without formation and garter, turn into a dense thicket. That is, the plants take up a lot of space, shade each other and, accordingly, produce a poor harvest. But our goal is to get a lot of tasty and ripe fruits, and not greens at all.

15.10.2017 3 155

How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse - the best methods and equipment

Many gardeners annually decide how to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse, and what devices and methods are best to use in order to get a tasty and rich harvest. Let's figure it out right now what designs are recommended for tall and large-fruited varieties.

What is the reason for the need for a garter?

After planting tomatoes in protected soil, summer residents inevitably face the question of how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse so as not to harm them? The answer to this question contains several options, but do tomato bushes really need additional support? Agronomists and experienced summer residents answer unequivocally “yes,” since the procedure allows solving several problems:

1. Injury to the central and lateral stems. This problem is especially relevant for tall varieties of tomatoes. They can fall even in the absence of ovaries under their own weight. At the same time, the risk of cracks and breaks on the branches is extremely high. The development of broken branches is suspended, fruits do not grow or ripen on them. The result is a decrease in productivity;

2. Insufficient air circulation in the greenhouse. Without an orderly garter, tomatoes form continuous thickets in which the air practically does not move. In such an environment, fungi and other pathogens multiply more actively. There is a massive defeat of tomatoes by late blight, spots and rot. The result is a decrease in yield;

3. Lack of light. Tomato bushes lying on the ground do not receive 70% of ultraviolet radiation. Because of this, metabolic processes are reduced, pollination does not occur, and outbreaks of various phytoinfections are observed. The result is no harvest or extremely low quality fruit.

Proper and timely staking of the crop in a polycarbonate, film or classic glass greenhouse makes caring for the plantings easier. Watering tied tomatoes at the root, collecting the fruits, keeping them clean and planting them is much easier than those lying on the surface of the ground.

It is noteworthy that not only tall varieties of tomatoes need tying, but also standard varieties. Low-growing bushes cannot always withstand the weight of filling fruits. Therefore, when planting such varieties in a greenhouse, you should take care of support for fruit clusters.

Devices for gartering in the greenhouse

There are at least five types of supports for tomatoes in closed ground. It is worth familiarizing yourself with their features before planting tomatoes in a permanent place. The most common types of supports for tomatoes:

  • individual supports for tomatoes - classic wooden or plastic pegs stuck next to each bush;
  • wire frame - a large-mesh mesh rolled up in the form of a wide pipe, installed on a tomato bush. The mesh forms a kind of shell around the plant;
  • linear fastening - ropes stretched between pipes installed at the ends of the greenhouse;
  • solid or vertical trellis for tomato - a large rope mesh stretched between metal supports permanently installed inside the greenhouse;
  • mesh support - a polymer or metal coarse mesh stretched along the rows of tomatoes.

garter tomato to pegs - in the photo

The choice of support type depends on the design of the greenhouse and the variety of tomatoes. Permanent or permanent staking devices (trellises and mesh support) are good in year-round and polycarbonate greenhouses with a foundation. They are rational for growing tall varieties: they can easily withstand high loads and do not break in especially productive years.

Linear supports are used in light and polycarbonate greenhouses when growing medium-sized plant varieties. It is not advisable to tie tall tomatoes to them - the structure is not strong enough. They are also suitable for supporting low-growing plants during the period of filling and ripening of fruits.

Light supports (pegs and wire frame) are good in film and polycarbonate greenhouses when growing short and medium-sized tomatoes. They are also recommended for tying up ultra-early ripening tomatoes. They yield their harvest early, and after them, other crops can be planted in the greenhouse, for which the supports will interfere.

How to carry out the procedure in a greenhouse and with what?

An important detail in choosing a method is the type of fastenings that will secure the plants to the support. They must meet the following requirements:

  • be elastic and relatively soft so that the bushes are securely supported, but not injured;
  • be easy to clean - fastenings must be cleaned at the end of the season to prevent the persistence of pathogenic organisms and pests in them;
  • be durable - it is beneficial to use materials that will last for several years.

gartering tall tomatoes using twine - pictured

Nylon cords cut from old stockings or tights are ideal in this regard. They should be nylon, not cotton! In addition to strength, durability and softness, they have another advantage - they are cheap, since they are available to summer residents almost free of charge.

Devices made of polymer materials are no less convenient. This can be a standard plastic clip - small ones are suitable for tying fruit clusters, and large ones are good for fixing shoots. You can also use polymer tape. Outwardly, it looks like electrical tape, but does not have a sticky layer. Secure with a regular knot or staple using a stapler.

Strips of fabric can be used for temporary supports. They can be used once or left for next year. In the second case, after harvesting and removing plants from the greenhouse, the tapes are disinfected, dried and left in a dry place until spring.

The garter problem can be easily solved, even if there are no special materials and structures at hand. But if a permanent greenhouse is erected for growing tomatoes, and the choice falls on tall and large-fruited varieties, it is worth taking care of permanent supports that serve for several years in a row.

In this article we will learn how to properly tie tomatoes in open ground. Let's look at the benefits of a garter. Let's figure out which mount to use. We will answer your questions.

Agricultural technology for growing tomatoes in a summer cottage does not include tying up bushes as a mandatory procedure. However, gardeners use tying tomatoes to maintain the health and strength of the plants. Accordingly, the harvest will increase.

Reasons for tying tomatoes in the garden

Proper care of tasty tomatoes includes watering, fertilizing, weeding and treatment against pathogens. But, Summer residents use tying up bushes for certain tasks:

  1. Strengthen the plant. During the period of fruit ripening, especially large ones, the stem cannot support their weight and breaks. To prevent this from happening, the tomatoes are tied up.
  2. Save the harvest. Tomatoes hanging to the ground with high humidity become dirty and rot. It is convenient for slugs, snails and insect pests to get to the fruits and cause damage.
  3. Properly water and feed tomato plantings. Watering tomato bushes is carried out at the root. When the bush is falling apart and the fruits touch the ground, this is difficult to do. Moisture gets on the tomatoes and they begin to rot. The same thing happens with the fertilizing solution, which should not get on the trunk, leaves and fruits of tomatoes. Foliar feeding reaches the entire bush, compactly located in the garden bed.
  4. Ensure ventilation of tomato beds. This is an important measure in the fight against late blight.
  5. Optimize crop care. Loosening, weeding and mulching are many times faster and better.

Rules for tying tomatoes in garden plots

  1. Consider the climatic features of the region. In areas with a hot climate and active sun, reception is not advisable. It is easier for fruits lying on the ground to overcome the lack of nutrients.
  2. In areas with periodic, prolonged rains, staking is necessary, even for low-growing varieties. It will eliminate contact of fruits with the ground, protect against late blight, rotting and pests.
  3. Do not use the garters that were used last season. They can become carriers of diseases.
  4. Start building devices for garter 15-20 days after planting the seedlings for permanent residence. The design depends on the growth rate of the variety and its tallness.

Tip No. 1. To tie tomatoes, do not use wire, fishing line or thin rope so as not to pinch the stem. Use nylon products, strong rope or straps.

Purchase plastic clips for tying tomatoes to avoid damaging the stems.

Methods for tying tomatoes in a summer cottage

They grow delicious fruits in the open air and in greenhouses. Tying is necessary in both cases. Variants of the technique have been tested by gardeners in their own plots, so any one is effective. Read also the article: → ““. You just need to choose the ideal one for your conditions and capabilities. Natural fabrics should not be taken, they rot and serve as carriers of diseases. Soft synthetics are the best option. For gardeners who grow a large volume of tomatoes, it is useful to purchase a “garter”. This is a device used for tying grapes. It will significantly save time and effort, and will qualitatively attach the plant to the support.

For large tomato plantations, use a tie-down device to securely secure the plants.

The table describes the garter methods:

Way Materials to use
Stakes Wooden, metal or plastic stakes.

Thick rod.

Trellis Thin bars.

Durable pegs.

Wire for tension.

Cells Metal stands.

Reinforcing wire.

Lattice Sections of reinforcing wire.

Wire in a skein for tensioning.

Cap Available materials on site

Methods for attaching tomato bushes to support elements

The table shows the mounting methods:

Way How to use Peculiarities
To individual fastening Place the support next to the plant and tie up the bush. Prepare one support for one tomato bush. The height of the support is equal to the height of an adult tomato bush.

Used for low-growing and medium-height varieties.

The mounting height for short people is 35 cm, tall people need from 2 m to 2.5 m, which is not entirely convenient.

To the metal mesh Wrap a wide pipe with a mesh with large cells.

Dig shallowly into the ground and tie up the tomatoes.

Inconvenience of picking fruits from a tomato bush.
Linear Fasteners are driven in on both sides of the ridge, and a rope is pulled between them.

Bushes are tied to it.

Option for a large volume of bushes.

Economical and easy to manufacture.

Not suitable for very tall and large-fruited varieties.

Trellis Drive in fastenings on both sides of the tomato bed.

Stretch the rope in one or more rows. Tie up stems and heavy branches with fruits.

An option is also used using ready-made plastic trellises.

The method of fastening with clips or threading branches through a rope mesh is suitable.
To the grid A variant of trellis fastening, only instead of a rope, a coarse mesh made of metal or plastic is stretched. It is convenient to fix the plant by tying it to the desired place.

The photo shows a year-round greenhouse:

For year-round greenhouses, use vertical trellises that can support heavy weight.

Detailed description of methods for tying tomatoes in the garden

Let us consider in detail each method of tying tomato bushes and its stages.

Variety Execution method Where to use
To individual stakes The support is installed near the plant.

A strip of fabric secures the stem to the support.

In greenhouses and open ground for compact high-yielding bushes.
Metal grid Wrap the net around a wide support, fix it in the ground, tie up the stems and heavy fruit branches. For all types of cultivation, the structure is dismantled and moved to a new location as needed.
Linear garter Drive stakes on both sides of the bed and stretch a strong rope between them.

Tie up the plants, maintaining an equal distance between them.

For greenhouses and open ground.

Do not use on tall varieties of tomatoes.

Trellis It is prepared in the same way as the previous method, only pull the rope in several rows and you can drive in intermediate supports to stabilize the structure and replace the rope with a ready-made plastic trellis. For greenhouse cultivation.

In open ground the structure is bulky; it is better to use linear tying for tomatoes.

Net. Trellis option using mesh. For all types of cultivation. An advantageous method for moving tomato planting sites.
Cell. Reusable design. Made for a separate bush. Circles of equal diameter made of reinforcing wire are attached to vertical posts.

A wooden option is possible for several bushes.

For open ground and greenhouses.

The plant is placed inside the structure and tied up as it grows.

Tip #2: Do not tie tomato stems to supports in a figure eight. This method is not suitable for nightshades.

To avoid damaging the stems of the plant, tying with thin material is used. The twine will cut into the stem and the plant will die.

Little tricks for gartering tomatoes in the garden

  1. Nylon cable ties or cable ties. Budget-friendly and profitable. One package (100 pieces) can be purchased for 25 rubles. It is recommended to use clamps multiple times, wash them first and disinfect them before reuse.
  2. Hand-made reusable garters from old bicycle or car inner tubes. This design looks like a thick strip with a slot on one side and a triangular head on the other. After wrapping the stem around the strip, all that remains is to insert the head into the slot.
  3. Dried thick stems of Jerusalem artichoke. An unusual but proven material, albeit disposable.
  4. Combining garter methods on one ridge. It is used when there is a shortage of a certain material or when growing varieties of different heights.

Tying tomatoes is an important step when growing a plant.. You should not skip it, otherwise you will have to spend time maintaining the bushes laid out on the ground, which takes no less time. Garter methods are updated with the advent of new materials, so saving time and labor costs is quite possible.

Mistakes gardeners make when tying tomatoes in their summer cottage

They ignore the garter as a necessary event. In this case, the branches bend to the ground, the fruits lie on the soil, and the processes of watering, fertilizing, loosening and mulching the tomato beds become difficult.

Choose a garter method without taking into account the height of the bush. You should not tie powerful tall plants to separate supports. The height of such a support requires its stability, which is not always possible to achieve.

Tomatoes are gartered once per growing season, not taking into account the growth and branching of the bush. The garter does not fulfill its role, the plant leans toward the ground, and the plantings become thicker. Tomatoes do not receive enough light and ventilation, which leads to the development of diseases.

They do not select the material for tying tomatoes correctly. They use wire, fishing line, and natural fabrics. The fabric decomposes quickly when exposed to wind, sun and rain. Other materials damage the plant stem and lead to its breakage or death.

How to properly tie tomatoes in open ground: questions and answers

Question No. 1. What unusual materials can be used when gartering tomatoes to reduce the time for this operation?

Answer: The grape tying tool works great. The second option is Velcro for sneakers, which is purchased in the store. For different varieties, take “your” color so as not to get confused in the plantings. Velcro is convenient according to several criteria:

  • wide, does not cut into the trunk;
  • reusable;
  • Easy to remove and does not stick.

The third option is a wide sewing elastic band.

Use unusual materials for staking tomato bushes to save time and avoid damaging the plants.

Question No. 2. How to properly tie tomato stems with twine?

Answer: When tying, twist the twine around the tomato stem, and not vice versa. At the same time, make sure that one turn falls on 2 internodes. If you do it less often, the stem will slide off the support.

Question No. 3. How to tie tomato bunches? It's difficult to devote time to each branch.

Answer: Use clips or plastic hooks. Convenient and reusable - what gardeners need.

To quickly tie up tomato bunches and branches, use hooks and clips to make the garter mobile.

Question number 4. At what distance should the tomato stem be from the support after gartering?

Answer: The optimal distance is at least 2 cm between the plant and the support; the twine is not wrapped tightly around it.

Leave enough distance between the plant and the support to avoid damaging the stem, but do not use thin material for staking! The picture shows a poor choice of material.

Question No. 5. It is not possible to build a trellis on the site. How to get out of this situation?

Answer: Use the wall of the building to secure the tomato bushes. Stretch a coarse mesh over the wall of the greenhouse or outbuilding, and place supports on the other side of the bed. Now stretch the net between them too and tie the tomatoes to it.