How to wash prunes and dried apricots. Secrets of chemical and thermal processing of dried fruits

Dried plums are an indispensable source of antioxidants.

It turns out that prunes can get rid of caries. This conclusion was made by Jose Fausto Rivero, a scientist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. As a result of his research, it was found that prunes help fight tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. The fact is that this product contains an antibacterial substance that slows down the growth of bacteria that cause diseases of the oral cavity.

Useful properties of prunes

Prunes contain a large amount of vitamins: E, beta-carotene, PP, C and B vitamins. In addition, it is rich in trace elements such as iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, iodine, zinc, fluorine, manganese, copper, as well as other useful substances: sugar, fiber, pectins, organic acids, starch, carbohydrates, proteins. Interestingly, prune juice, unlike the fruit, does not contain fiber at all (if it is not artificially enriched with pulp). Of the organic acids in prunes, malic acid predominates, citric, salicylic and oxalic acids take place. Thanks to the polyphenols contained in prunes, this dried fruit affects the increase in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the entire cardiovascular system.

Prunes are high in antioxidants. Scientists recommend including antioxidants in your daily diet, preferably at every meal. Laboratory tests have shown that prunes are high in phytochemical compounds, the so-called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids. Both of these phenolic components showed antioxidant content in them. In a number of studies, prunes have been found to have the highest levels of antioxidants compared to raisins, figs, and dates. Regular consumption of prunes for breakfast or as a snack helps to maintain the level of antioxidants in the human body.

The beneficial properties of prunes are indispensable for beriberi, as they contain a wide range of vitamins. Quite often, prunes are prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, as well as to compensate for the lack of potassium in the body. Contrary to popular belief about the high content of this trace element in bananas, prunes contain one and a half times more potassium. High energy value and a high content of useful substances in it allows us to recommend it for replenishing the energy balance of the body. An important advantage of prunes is that it almost completely retains the entire spectrum of nutrients found in fresh plums. However, this statement is true only in relation to properly dried plums. The calorie content of prunes is extremely low – one berry contains 20 calories. It has a very low glycemic index (only 29), which provides a fairly slow release of energy and allows you to feel full longer.

So, 100 g of prunes contains: vitamin C / ascorbic acid - 0.6 mg, thiamine / vitamin B1 - 0.051 mg, riboflavin / vitamin B2 - 0.186 mg, niacin / vitamin B3 - 1.882 mg, pantothenic acid - 0.422 mg, vitamin B6 - 0.205mg, folic acid 4mcg, choline 10.1mg, betaine 0.4mg, vitamin B12 0mg, retinol/vitamin A 0mcg, vitamin E 0.43mcg, vitamin K 59.5mcg, calcium 43mg, iron - 0.93 mg, magnesium - 41 mg, phosphorus - 69 mg, potassium - 732 mg, table salt - 0.005 g, zinc - 0.44 mg, copper - 0.281 mg, manganese - 0.299 mg, fluoride - 4 mg, selenium - 0.3 mg .

Advice. With constipation. Mix 1/2 cup of lemon juice with a glass of prunes infusion (5 berries per cup of boiling water). Drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach for an hour.
Laxative. Rinse and pour prunes hot water or boiling water. In the morning, drink the infusion, eat the berries.
With calluses. Boil prunes in milk, remove the bones from it. Apply hot to the calluses, and when the berry cools down, replace it with a hot berry again. Keep doing this for as long as possible.
With hypertension. 4 prunes, soak for 5 minutes in hot water. Then cut them into small pieces and add all this to dry black tea, which is then brewed with boiling water, and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. It turns out a very fragrant tea that lowers blood pressure.

Among other things, prunes can also be a great treat for children. Parents do not need to think about where to wrap prunes, because they can be stored in various packages. They will always be sure that the fiber content in the body of their child is at a stable level.

Cooking or buying prunes

The best prunes are those that are dried naturally, without the use of blanching or glycerine treatment. Only ripe, juicy and sweet fruits are suitable for drying, since only ripened plums have the highest healing properties. Plums are harvested, washed and dried for several days in the sun until completely dry. It has long been believed that the most useful prunes are plum fruits dried with a stone, so you should not pull out the stone before drying.

If prunes are purchased on the market, then you need to be careful about his choice. Quite often, in factory production, dried plums are treated with glycerin to achieve an unnatural black color. Such prunes can be consumed only after thorough washing. If the prunes have a brown tint, then such dried plums, most likely, were scalded with boiling water before drying, i.e. went through the blanching process. This is done to disinfect the harvested fruits and increase the shelf life of ready-made prunes. However, do not forget that after scalding with boiling water, plums lose quite a lot of useful substances, so it is still preferable to use home-made prunes.

So, when choosing prunes, you should adhere to the following standards:
1. Fruits should be sweet, but with a slight sourness - it is in such a berry that the most vitamin C is.
2. The color should be black – if it has a coffee tint, then it has been treated with boiling water and, most likely, has a bitter taste and no longer has the previous useful properties.
3. The glossy sheen of the &ndash berries means that they are treated with glycerin, such prunes should be thoroughly washed before eating.

Recipes with prunes

Pork with prunes. You will need: pork (loin) - 1.5 kg, pork fat - 3 tbsp. l. prunes - 300g, white bread for croutons, horseradish (grated), sugar, vinegar, cumin, salt - all to taste.
Cooking method. Salt the meat, sprinkle with ground cumin, fry on all sides, transfer to a saucepan and pour in the fat that was formed during frying, with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of water. Put in the oven and continue to fry, pouring the resulting juice. When the meat is reddened and softened, add prunes swollen in water and simmer until tender. Add hot water as the sauce evaporates. Before serving, cut the meat into even layers, put on a dish and surround with prunes. Place croutons under each piece and pour over the remaining sauce. Serve separately grated horseradish seasoned with salt, vinegar, sugar.

Chicken with prunes. You will need: chicken - 1 pc. melted butter - 100g, flour - 1 tbsp. l. pitted prunes - 1.5 cups, onion - 1 pc, parsley root - 1 pc. carrots - 1 pc. celery root - 1 pc. vinegar, bay leaf, pepper, salt - all to taste.
Cooking method. Place portioned pieces in a saucepan with melted butter, add finely chopped roots, onions and simmer under a closed lid until cooked, adding water. Half an hour before readiness, pour 3 cups of broth or water into the pan and boil the chicken. Prepare the sauce: sauté the flour in butter, add the broth, a little vinegar, sugar and bring everything to a boil. Add pre-soaked prunes to the pan with chicken, pour over the sauce and put in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. Put the chicken pieces, prunes on the volvant (puff pastry or pastry) and pour the sauce over everything.

Prunes with nuts. You will need: prunes - 600g, walnuts - 2 cups, sugar - 3 tsp. sour cream - to taste. Cooking method. Wash the prunes, pour cold water and soak for 6 - 8 hours. Remove the seeds from the softened prunes, dry the berries. Walnuts clean and grind in a mortar. Stuff each prune berry with the resulting oily mass. Fold the stuffed prunes into a salad bowl with a slide, pour sour cream, whipped with sugar. This dessert can be served at the table in rosettes, garnished with whipped cream.

Salad with prunes. You will need: champignons - 1 kg, onions - 0.5 kg, carrots - 0.5 kg, walnuts - 10-15 pcs. prunes - 200-250g.
Cooking method. Finely chopped champignons fry in vegetable oil until tender. Separately, fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots on a coarse grater. Peel and chop the nuts. Steam prunes, free from stones, and cut into strips. Cool all products to room temperature. Combine onions, carrots, nuts and prunes, stir. Put on a dish in layers: mushrooms, then a layer of the mixture, mushrooms again, etc. Spread each layer with mayonnaise. Ready salad can be decorated with halves of prunes and crumbs of nuts.

Cake with prunes. You will need: butter- 50g, sugar - 1 cup, egg - 3 pcs. honey - 2 tbsp vodka - 2 tbsp. soda - 1 tsp flour - 3 cups. For cream: sour cream - 1 liter, sugar - 1 glass, nuts - 40 pcs. prunes - 200g.
Cooking method. Melt butter, add sugar, beat eggs, mix well. Add honey, vodka, soda. Whisking continuously, gradually add 2 cups of flour. Then let the dough cool down. Add 1 cup of flour to the cooled dough. Divide the dough into 10-11 parts, roll out. Cakes are baked quickly - 1-2 minutes. Moisten the baked cakes with sweet syrup so that the cake is softer and soaked with cream faster. Lubricate with cream, trim the edges, sprinkle with crushed crumbs or decorate. The cake should be infused overnight or 4-5 hours.

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After all, there is no annotation to them who processed them and how, who packed them, how they were stored in a warehouse - in bags or in bulk. Even if you don’t think how many people touched these dried fruits until they reached our table, then at the initial stage you already want to protect yourself.

And one helpful advice: It is better not to buy shiny dried fruits, but to choose nondescript and unsightly - they are more likely to remain "healthy" without impurities of processing. And of course, ALL dried fruits, regardless of receipt, must be washed: you can soak for 5-10 minutes, rinse under running water, dry with a towel. Some are scalded with boiling water and then washed. You can skip through the microwave, just remember that it softens the fruit.

Dried fruits, and these include: dried apricots, dates, raisins, figs, prunes, apples, pears, as well as dried banana and dried melon - of course, all this should be washed before eating. Those purchased on the market raise doubts about compliance with sanitation standards, and those bought in store packaging, beautiful and shiny, are probably treated with special means and some manufacturers even recommend rinsing them before use. Therefore, definitely - wash! Soak in warm water and then rinse in running water several times. Another thing is if you harvest dried fruits on your own and use an oven or an electric dryer for this, in this case, subject to all sanitary and hygienic requirements during manufacture and storage, dried fruits are ready for use without prior soaking and rinsing.

Before cooking, dried fruits must be sorted out and washed several times in running warm water, because. dried fruits during drying are in dusty open warehouses, on the ground, and there is dust and worms, sand, and after drying, dried fruits are raked with a shovel and put into bags, packed, then transported.

Always wash dried fruits before eating, at least under running cold water. Most often I scald with boiling water and quickly drain, I do this several times, an oil film is visible on the surface of the water (sulfur dioxide floats).

Do I need to wash dried fruits before eating?

Necessarily. We do not know under what conditions they were dried and whether the fruits were washed before drying. Better to be safe. True, after washing they become not so tasty. Therefore, I put a container of water, rinse and immediately send it to my mouth until it gets wet. This is if I eat it raw. And if in compote or in baking, then after washing I dry it on a towel.

Of course you need. They also come to the store in bags, dusty, dirty. If you wash them, then the water from them is black! I mean, dried fruits that are sold by weight, not packaged. Those that are sold already in packaging seem to be clean. And those that are sold by weight, of course, should be washed well before use.

Dried fruits purchased on the market, in a store, supermarket or otherwise must be disinfected, as the conditions for their transportation often leave much to be desired. After all, there is no annotation to them who processed them and how, who packed them, how they were stored in a warehouse - in bags or in bulk. Even if you don’t think how many people touched these dried fruits until they reached our table, then at the initial stage you already want to protect yourself.

And one useful tip: It’s better not to buy shiny dried fruits, but to choose nondescript and unsightly ones - they are more likely to stay healthy no processing impurities. And of course, ALL dried fruits, regardless of receipt, must be washed: you can soak for 5-10 minutes, rinse under running water, dry with a towel. Some are scalded with boiling water and then washed. You can skip through the microwave, just remember that it softens the fruit.

I always scald them and quickly drain the water. After a minute, the remaining water evaporates and the dried fruits look as if they had not been poured over.

If dried fruits are part of the nut mixture, then I hope that they are clean there - it is not customary to wash shelled nuts before use.

Before cooking, dried fruits must be sorted out and washed several times in running warm water, because. dried fruits during drying are in dusty open warehouses, on the ground, and there is dust and worms, sand, and after drying, dried fruits are raked with a shovel and put into bags, packed, then transported.

Therefore, they must be processed in several waters.

If I eat in its natural form, it is a must, because I don’t think that pickers and harvesters of fruits do this in the place where they grow and pack. If in compotes and pastries - not necessarily, but still better to wash - there may be sand, even small pebbles (in raisins, for example).

Need! Even necessary. So much dust and dirt accumulates on dried fruits during the process of drying, transportation, and storage. And some types of dried fruits, such as raisins, are treated with sulfur. And, of course, no one washes these fruits before drying. Water after dried fruits is dirty, sometimes small twigs and pebbles come across in it.

Dried fruits, and these include: dried apricots, dates, raisins, figs, prunes, apples, pears, as well as dried banana and dried melon - of course, all this should be washed before eating. Those purchased on the market raise doubts about the observance of sanitation standards, and those that are bought in store packaging, beautiful and shiny, are probably treated with special means and some manufacturers even recommend rinsing them before use. Therefore, definitely - wash! Soak in warm water and then rinse in running water several times. Another thing is if you harvest dried fruits on your own and use an oven or an electric dryer for this, in this case, subject to all sanitary and hygienic requirements during manufacture and storage, dried fruits are ready for use without prior soaking and rinsing.

Always wash dried fruits before eating, at least under running cold water. Most often I scald with boiling water and quickly drain, I do this several times, an oil film is visible on the surface of the water (sulfur dioxide floats).

I even wash those that are already in their original packaging.

And those that are sold by weight even more so. I even wash raisins, which I add to cooked dishes (casseroles, bread).

Dried fruits must be washed before use! Better yet, soak them first so that they are saturated with water. If you decide to cook compote from dried fruits, then you can first simply pour boiling water over them and then boil them.

Do I need to wash packaged dried fruit?

Dried fruits, in themselves, are quite a useful product. Such a "dish" can be used at school, at work, as a snack, and also just as a treat. The packaging of dried fruits usually indicates the expiration date, as well as their nutritional value. At the same time, even the allergist Logina N. Yu. advises to use dried fruits, as they will help you in cases of persistent allergies to various fruits. But never on the packaging did they write about whether it is necessary to wash dried fruits before use. So in solving this issue, everyone is on their own, someone thinks that they must be washed, someone vice versa. When choosing dried fruits, you need to pay attention to the product itself, you should always look at what you are buying. To do this, you need to choose dried fruits in transparent packages. How to determine by appearance whether they need to be washed or not? And easy! If the product is matte, and there is no sand or other unnecessary impurities in the bag, then such dried fruits can not be washed. You can’t choose dried fruits according to their attractiveness, because for more beautiful view the manufacturer can lubricate them with oil, it is better to wash such products before use. Dried fruits are a product obtained by drying ordinary fruits that are familiar to us, respectively, they lose their natural luster and become cloudy.

Now about color. Along with the shine, dried fruits can also change color. So, for example, beautiful bright orange dried apricots are soaked in potassium permanganate to give them a marketable appearance, while real, pure dried apricots have a paler color. It is recommended to wash those dried fruits that, when wet, become tastier. For example, if dried apricots taste dry to you, then you can soak it briefly in cold water, then dry it and you can use this product. In no case should hot water be used for these purposes, because due to the temperature, all vitamins and useful trace elements from fruits disappear. Also, dried fruits should never be washed with soap, because they absorb it very well, you cannot wash them.

Dangerous dried fruits: how not to harm your health

Healthy lifestyle

Dried fruits, which can be found in large quantities on store shelves, can be not only unhealthy, but also dangerous to eat. It all depends on what drying method was used to obtain them.

The value and usefulness of dried fruits has been confirmed by many studies. Dried apricots, raisins, dates, figs, prunes contain many vitamins that are so necessary for our body and, especially, the heart.

All these valuable properties are preserved in the "correct" dried fruits - dried fruits that have not been subjected to special treatment with toxic chemicals, including dyes. It is this fairly cheap method of quick drying of fruits, which allows you to save resources, significantly increase the shelf life of dried fruits and give them a “marketable” look, is used to obtain most dried fruits.

The safest and healthiest are only those dried fruits that were obtained in the traditional way - natural drying.

To obtain dried fruits, the following types of drying are used:

Drying in the sun. The fruits obtained in this way are hard, not the best option.

Drying in the shade produces semi-soft fruits. Compared to drying in the sun, this The best way.

Treatment with toxic chemicals (sulphurous gas - sulfur dioxide, additive E220) and heat treatment. Such dried fruits are the most common in the market. They have an attractive appearance, but they are unsafe for health.

This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to get dried fruits. First, sulfur dioxide treatment is much faster than natural drying. Secondly, after such processing, the fruits remain soft, under-dried and weigh more than ordinary dried fruits devoid of moisture. Thirdly, as a preservative, sulfur dioxide helps such under-dried fruits not to deteriorate. Sulfur dioxide kills bacteria, but it is also toxic to humans. Note: dried fruits processed in this way are not eaten by pests!

The use of chemicals for "drying" allows even unripe fruit to be used. They are immersed in boiling water with sodium hydroxide (caustic soda). Under the influence of this, the hard peel cracks, and the fruit is more easily dried. And in order to kill the bacteria that start in the cracks of the peel, the fruits are treated with the same sulfur dioxide.

Another way to get dried fruits is to smoke with liquid smoke, a no less dangerous carcinogen. To add shine, the surface of dried fruits is treated with fat or glycerin.

After treatment with these and similar substances, dried fruits become shiny, their color intensifies - bright dried apricots, shiny prunes, golden raisins ... Appetizing, but unsafe.

Such dried fruits should never be eaten unwashed. But even the usual rinsing under running water will not be enough. In our body, sulfur dioxide, under the influence of liquid, turns into a weak solution of sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive system, which over time can cause a number of diseases.

How to wash dried fruits?

To get rid of sulfur dioxide, which is most often used for drying, dried fruits should be soaked in cold (!) Water. Only in such water will sulfur dioxide dissolve. And what will happen if, out of habit, dried fruits are washed in hot water? In this case, sulfur dioxide will not dissolve, but will remain on their surface.

1. Pour dried fruits with cold water for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2. Drain, rinse under running cold water.

3. Rinse with boiling water.

Dried fruits such as dried apricots or raisins can be prepared independently. All you need is an eco-friendly dehydrator, which you can also make yourself from improvised materials.

How to wash dried fruits correctly?

After harvesting, fruits and berries are fumigated or sprayed with chemicals so that they do not deteriorate for as long as possible and have a marketable appearance. Therefore, before purchasing dried fruits, it is important to know how to wash dried fruits. The best way to get rid of chemical deposits, sand and dust is as follows: pour dried fruits with cool boiled water for at least 1 hour. Then drain the water and rinse the fruits in running water. Spread the fruits on a clean, lint-free towel and allow time to dry. Only then can they be stored. But you can immediately send to compote.

Shop windows are full of attractive glossy vegetables and fruits. And dried fruits in supermarkets look very attractive. But you should know that they are beautiful for the reason that they are stuffed and treated with chemicals. That's how important it is to know how to choose dried fruits. A real healing product after drying looks very unattractive. For example, raisins and dried apricots should be brown, not amber, prunes and dark raisins should be black with a bluish tint. Also, do not buy overdried or too soft fruits. This condition indicates their incorrect preparation.

If you choose the right dried fruits, then you should know how to make compote from dried fruits. First you need to sort them out and remove impurities. Then pour boiled water at room temperature. After an hour, drain the water, and lower the dried fruits into boiling water. Cook compote on low heat for half an hour. During this time, the berries and pieces of fruit will take on a beautiful shape and give most of their vitamins to the syrup. Sugar must be added to the compote to taste. Some like it sweeter, and some more sour.

Good advice on how to store dried fruits is given by residents of the Kuban. They believe that apples and pears are best stored in linen bags. Small quantities of fruits can be put in paper bags or boxes. Even in glass jars. But the most important thing in the storage process is that dried fruits should be mixed periodically so that they do not stick together. And inspect containers with fruits for the presence of insects. Bags and packages should be placed in a dry, dark place. It is desirable that the room is ventilated. That is, with natural ventilation.

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  • how to cook dried fruits
  • 200 grams of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and walnuts, as well as one lemon and three tablespoons of honey.

Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, which betrays the feeling of satiety and relieves us of hunger, as well as a huge amount of vitamins that our body needs so much! Eat more of these products, they will help you get rid of extra pounds and improve your health! Before using them, clean the fruits from dust, dirt, microorganisms, as well as pesticides that are harmful to our body, which are used to protect plants from diseases and harmful insects.

Follow the basic rules for washing vegetables and fruits:

  1. Imported fruits and vegetables are mainly coated with wax or paraffin to protect against harmful insects, better preserve the product and, of course, to give gloss, a beautiful “wrapper wrapper” for buyers. To get rid of this layer, you need to use a brush and soapy water. Or a safer option, you can remove the top layer of wax with a knife. But first you should wash the fruit, because. there is a risk of bringing dirt from the unwashed peel onto the fruit / vegetable itself.
  2. Wash dense, hard fruits and vegetables with a brush under running water.
  3. In white cabbage, we remove the upper layers of the leaves, getting to fresh and clean ones. Most of the nitrates accumulate in the stalk, so we immediately cut it off and throw it away.
  4. Greens are harder to wash. First, we first get rid of the roots, wilted and yellowed leaves. Secondly, we collect cold water in a container and wash it. Change the water several times until there is no sand left on the bottom of our dishes. Thirdly, rinse under the tap with cold water.
  5. Pour boiling water over citrus fruits, so you get rid of the preservatives that are on the surface of the fruit. After that, rinse the fruit with cold running water. Wash the rest of the fruit under a tap with cold water and soap.
  6. Dried fruits must be thoroughly washed with cold water under the tap, then pour over with boiling water, thereby getting rid of preservatives.
  7. Berries pre-examine, remove spoiled. Let's start with the water treatment. We put dense berries, for example, cranberries, in a colander and rinse with cold water. Soft berries, such as strawberries, without tearing off the green leaves, are placed in a container with cold water for several minutes so that the earth and dirt can settle to the bottom. After carefully take out the berries and lay them on a towel so that all the moisture is absorbed and the berries dry.
  8. We divide the grapes into smaller clusters and, without tearing them off the branches, carefully wash off all the dirt under running water.
  • Do not forget that when cleaning the gifts of nature from dirt and dust, the longer you wash them, the less vitamins remain in them, so do not delay this process.
  • You need to use these products immediately after washing, because. the skin is damaged, the fruit begins to deteriorate faster and loses its beneficial features.
  • It is more convenient to wash with the help of special nets, colanders or a conventional sieve. Use a stainless steel knife when cleaning, because. it is protected from oxidation when interacting with the product and will not let you lose the beneficial properties of a vegetable / fruit.
  • If you find yellow or dark spots when peeling and removing the top layer of a vegetable, this means that it contains a large amount of nitrates. It is better not to eat such a vegetable.
  • Choose fruit by smell, don't be shy and smell it! For example, an apple has a pleasant fragrant aroma, if you feel it, then feel free to purchase this product, it is definitely unprocessed and safe to eat.
  • Try to get out to the market and buy fruits from grandmothers who have their own garden and vegetable garden. So you will definitely get a natural and healthy product, a real gift of nature!

Prepare a mixture of prunes, apples, dried apricots, pears for compote. If the house has dried berries (raisins, rose hips or cherries), they can also be added to the drink.

Today we have a very important topic, we will talk about how to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits. How to choose high-quality dried fruits without preservatives.

We all know about the benefits of dried fruits for our health. However, one should take into account the fact that the vast majority of dried fruits entering the food market are treated with sulfur dioxide - SO2.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is an E220 preservative that is used to treat dried fruits so that they do not darken, last longer, and have a beautiful and appetizing appearance. But beautiful does not mean useful!

Some people are more sensitive to this preservative. They, after a small portion of dried apricots, which is treated with sulfur dioxide, may have unpleasant sensations: headache, sore throat.

For less sensitive natures, the manifestation of the action of a preservative substance may be almost imperceptible. However, you should be aware of the general symptoms that appear in case of sulfur dioxide poisoning, these are the following signs:

  • Sore throat, and quite strong and unpleasant
  • Runny nose and cough
  • Nausea and headache
  • If the preservative was a fairly strong concentration, then suffocation and pulmonary edema may occur. Sulfur dioxide is especially dangerous for asthmatics and people with allergies.

Of course, there are optimally acceptable standards for the content of this preservative when processing products with it. But you must admit, knowing its harm to health, you and I will probably really want to avoid its use. And the question arises: how to remove sulfur dioxide?

Believe me, this is quite possible to do. And now I will tell you:

How to Remove Sulfur Dioxide from Dried Fruits

Since sulfur dioxide is highly soluble in ordinary water, it is this property that we will use to remove it.

  1. Take ordinary water at room temperature, pour dried fruits into it for 30 minutes. Then we wash them with running water.
  2. Again, pour dried fruits with water for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly with running water again. We repeat this procedure again.
  3. After soaking in water and washing, processed dried fruits almost completely lose the E220 preservative.

You can already eat them without fear for health.

How to choose dried fruits without processing

In order to completely protect yourself from the effects of harmful chemical preservatives, you must try to choose the right dried fruits. It is best if they are not treated with chemicals.

How to choose dried fruits without preservatives and what to look for when buying:

1. Pay attention to the color.

Slushko bright and unnatural colors: bright yellow (dried apricots), amber-yellow (raisins) - indicate that these fruits were chemically processed. Bright colors of cherries, dried apricots, raisins - they say that they are not worth buying.

When buying, you need to remember that high-quality, chemical-free dried fruits have a very unattractive appearance - they are wrinkled, dark with dust. They are not treated with preservatives and you can buy them safely.

2. Pay attention to taste and smell.

If the fruits were dried in a natural way, then they do not have the smell of smoke or the unpleasant bite of gasoline. When buying, you need to take a good sniff, if there are extraneous, unpleasant odors, then you should not buy dried fruits, they were dried in an unnatural way - in gas or gasoline ovens.

Choose dates with stones, and prunes and raisins with stalks - these fruits retain useful vitamins and substances better than others.

3. Pay attention to the strange shine.

This problem arises when choosing prunes. Unscrupulous sellers very often soak it in vegetable oil of very low quality or process it with glycerin. By these actions, they give the fruits softness and appetizing shine.

Now you know how to choose dried fruits without preservatives. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to their color and appearance, smell - so you can protect your health from the harmful effects of preservatives and chemicals.

Take a close look at the table of harmful food additives and see what effect various preservatives can have on health.

I, in a philistine way, thought that the fruits were dried and everything was ready, but there, it turns out, all sorts of filth in bulk.

Live and learn. And I didn’t suspect that dried fruits could carry a danger in the form of sulfur dioxide.

Great article! Usually in Odessa everyone buys dried fruits at our famous Privoz. And it's hard to buy good ones. They are all bright and beautiful and you immediately understand that there is more chemistry in them than good. I always try to buy less beautiful ones, but still you often run into a scam. I recently drank prunes, cooked meat with prunes and left about 150 g. I decided to postpone it for later. It got moldy after a couple of days. I had to throw it away. It can be seen well moistened with water, to add weight.

You are right, Tatyana, it is very difficult to buy high-quality dried fruits now. Therefore, they must be chosen very carefully.

Thank you for the table of harmful food additives! Been wanting to find one like this for a long time!

We always have some kind of raw dried apricots for sale in stores. Thanks for the interesting article)

Angelica, thank you very much. *IN LOVE*

I intuitively always do this with all dried fruits, just in case.

I regularly use dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits. I carry them out about:-! washing, but after reading the tips from the article, I will definitely increase the soaking time. Thanks for the recommendation.

Thanks for the advice. I usually buy dried fruits in the market from Uzbeks… they say they bring them from home. The good news is that their dried fruits do not shine .... looking at them, I remember how my grandmother dried apples and apricots.

A very useful article, few people know how to choose the right dried fruits so as not to harm their health. =)

So, you just need to soak and rinse a few times, and then safely enjoy the taste? Thanks for the advice!

It is better to thoroughly rinse and soak than to eat dried fruits with sulfur dioxide. Valuable advice!

Much needed information about removing sulfur dioxide to get the most out of dried fruit.

Now, when choosing dried fruits, I use the advice from the article. Thank you!

Marketers poison us, enriching themselves on our health. People. Let's all rise up against such vile arbitrariness. Where is the government looking, what is ruining the nation. Let them learn from the Germans, you bastards.

And I always look very carefully at dried fruits before I buy them. And then I thoroughly rinse them with water, several times, and only after that I start cooking any dishes with dried fruits. I think that your advice will help many people understand how best to protect themselves from bad substances.

We often buy dried fruits on the market and did not even think that they may contain harmful substances, such as sulfur dioxide. After reading your article, we will be more attentive to the choice of dried fruits and their processing before consumption. Thanks for the advice.

I often buy various dried fruits for healing and cooking all kinds of dishes. Our family loves dried fruits. I didn’t even imagine that they could be processed with substances harmful to health. Now I will be attentive to the choice and purchase of dried fruits, and I will also try to remove harmful substances, as you suggest. Thank you.

My grandson loves porridge with dried fruits for breakfast. I especially try to choose the best dried fruits, then I wash them well and soak them in warm water, I wash them again after that. I try to ensure that the child receives quality food, I monitor his diet. I have read about how to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits with interest and have taken some of your advice and tips into choosing and processing dried fruits. A very necessary and useful article. Thank you.

Familiarized and began to apply or read and forgot?

who said you have to eat as much as possible

I heard about this method of treatment with Bolotov's salt, contraindications to it ...

The publications of the site are the personal opinion of the authors and are for informational purposes only.

For a practical solution to a particular problem, you need to contact a specialized specialist.

Reprinting is allowed only if an active indexed link is specified.

©18 Health Academy | All rights reserved

There are two normal and one bad way to dry fruit:

1. in the sun(acceptable method - fruits dry quickly, but turn out hard),

2. in the shadow(The best way),

3. drying with temperature or chemical treatment
(worst way).

Unfortunately, it is chemically processed dried fruits that are sold in our stores (and partially in the markets) (explained in more detail below). They look more beautiful, do not deteriorate for a long time, and they are not eaten by pests.

But the appearance of full-fledged high-quality dried fruits is devoid of the attractiveness created by chemicals, in some fruits they can even insects come across, but this is rather a sign of quality and edibility - there is no chemistry.

Not a single fruit in the process of drying can remain in its original color, and, even more so, become brighter and more saturated. This is achieved only with the help of preservatives and dyes, all of which are carcinogens that can cause allergies, poisoning and even cancer. Fumigated with sulfur dioxide and dyed with food coloring, before us appear amber raisins, bright orange dried apricots, golden figs. Beautiful, but a knowledgeable person will not eat such dried fruits.

Properly dried dried fruits gray and dark:

- raisins and dried apricots should be brown,

- dark raisins - black with a bluish bloom,

- figs - gray, light brown or black. The latter, however, is more common fresh, as white figs are more suitable for drying.

More about chemical and thermal processing

Smoked with caustic gas ...

Most often, dried fruits are fumigated with sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide, SO2, another name is additive E220). This is how manufacturers kill bacteria and make the product inedible for insect pests.

Dried fruits are smoked in a sulfuric fumes, and they acquire shine and gloss in the literal sense of the word. Apricots and raisins become golden, transparent, prunes are directly glossy with fat and shine on the counter, like polished black marble.

Opinions on the admissibility of treatment with sulfur dioxide are ambiguous: some say that in the form in which it is present in dried fruits, our body completely removes it. Others - that when dissolved in water, it turns into a weak solution of sulfurous acid, and this, in turn, irritates the mucous membranes of our digestive system.

What to do? You can soak dried fruits for a while, then drain the water and rinse thoroughly. Boiling water destroys vitamins, so do not use very hot water for washing. However, if you took dried fruits specifically for compote, then boiling sulfurous acid will evaporate.

Shine with grease or glycerin

Another trap is the shine of dried fruits, which also appears for a reason, but after processing with fat of poor quality and unknown origin or glycerin. "Not all that glitters is gold." The more shiny, for example, prunes, the more fat manufacturers did not spare.

Ideal dried fruits have a nondescript appearance: matte, wrinkled, often dusted. They are unlikely to shine.

Sometimes gas or gasoline burners, blowtorches are used to speed up drying ...

At the same time, dried fruits are poured onto the grid and a burner or lamp is directed at them. Of course, such dried fruits will be less useful! In addition, they will absorb gases, and they will have a "gasoline" taste.

The gas dryer must be equipped with a multi-stage cleaning filter system through which hot air reaches the product. Often this rule is ignored. As a result, carcinogenic substances settle on dried fruits. In addition, the natural aroma of the fruit disappears.

Sometimes dried in a tunnel kiln...

A tunnel oven or dryer is, roughly speaking, a tunnel with heating elements along which a conveyor with dried fruits moves. In Uzbekistan, according to our information, there are no such installations, but fruits from Moldova, Poland, Iran and other countries can be dried in a tunnel oven. Such dried fruits can give off the smell of diesel fuel. The usefulness of such drying, as in the previous method, is doubtful.

Dipped in boiling water with caustic soda

Plums, dates, and raisins, especially those picked early, have such a hard skin that they won't dry out on their own. Therefore, they are dipped in a boiling solution of caustic water with soda, which is why the peel is covered with small cracks and drying is faster. “Unfortunately, this is a necessary measure,” the manufacturers say.

However, juice flows through the cracks, bacteria penetrate, and this also does not reflect in the best way on the appearance.

"Smoked" with liquid smoke

Liquid smoke - they "smoke" dried apricots, prunes. It is believed that despite the manufacturers' assurances about its safety, liquid smoke is a carcinogen.

In small quantities, everything is not so scary, but we don’t know HOW the manufacturer processed the fruit and what kind of liquid smoke specifically. And in many countries of the world, “smoke in a bottle” is completely prohibited.

Dried apricots and apricots

Light fruits should ideally be dark after drying. Dried apricots, not fumigated with sulfur dioxide, are dark in color - a beautiful bright color is achieved with the help of dyes.

When choosing dried apricots, look for inconspicuous grayish or dark brownish fruits - there is a chance that they were not treated with chemicals.

Orange dried apricots can still be, because there is a storehouse of carotene in it, but bright bright orange happens only with a storehouse of chemicals.

You should not buy such bright orange dried apricots:

Apricot with a stone is more useful than dried apricots without a stone. In the East they say: "If you pull a bone out of a fruit, it means depriving it of its soul."

This is confirmed by studies conducted in the West: apricot contains more vitamins and microelements than dried apricots; Dried prunes with pits also contain more nutrients than pitted prunes.

This is what a good quality one looks like:


coffee shade

If the prunes have a coffee tint, this means that they were previously scalded with boiling water. And there are few vitamins in it.

Factory and private manufacturers, for disinfection and greater safety, dip prunes before drying in boiling water, often with a solution of caustic soda.

From such processing, prunes develop a brown tint, it loses many nutritional properties, and its taste begins to taste bitter. Of course, boiling water does not exclude stoves, ovens and open fire, which again does not add points to prunes for services to our body.

Dark gray "anthracite" shade

Also, do not buy dark gray "anthracite" prunes, they are clearly processed with glycerin. Quote from a textbook: "A product treated with glycerin has a shiny surface, which improves its presentation."

Black color

Real prunes - only black, not bitter, have rich sweet taste with slight sourness.

Prunes can still be checked like this: wet and look at it in half an hour, natural should turn white in places, processed - no.


The less shiny the prunes, the better. Why? Read at the beginning of the article about fumigation and processing with low-quality fat of unknown origin or glycerin.

This is how prunes processed “to a shine” look like:

And this is what raw prunes look like (pay attention to the matte surface):

By the way, prunes from the United States can be coated with oil derived from genetically modified soybeans.

Prunes with a stone are healthier

In the East they say: "If you pull a bone out of a fruit, it means depriving it of its soul."

This is confirmed by studies conducted in the West: apricot contains more vitamins and microelements than dried apricots; Dried prunes with pits also contain more nutrients than pitted prunes.

Therefore, real pitted prunes can cost less than real pitted prunes.


Don't buy dates that are TOO shriveled (although they should be wrinkled) and those that have crystallized sugar and mold on their skins.

Dates with pits are healthier.

Many dates on the market are not dried, but canned in sticky glucose syrup. Some packages say so.

Glucose syrup is very likely to be corn syrup (in the US, mostly so, in other countries - wheat or who knows what).

Dried dates are preferred over those processed in syrup.


Perhaps you have tried this divine fruit in its full form in the southern resorts. But we only get chemically processed imported figs. Because capricious. Therefore, it is better to eat dried figs rather than fresh ones..

When choosing dried figs, it should be remembered that a quality fruit has light beige, light brownColour, the figs themselves are the same in size and quite soft.

Also, its slightly flattened shape should also testify to the high quality of dried figs.

Some, at times, are scared off by a white coating on figs. However, in fact, this is not a disadvantage, but a pleasant bonus in the form of glucose (it is such a fig that is surprisingly sweet).

But if figs have an unpleasant salty-sour taste, dry and rough to the touch, its shelf life has already expired.


99% of light raisins sold in shops and markets are treated with sulfur to give a beautiful golden yellow color (see above for details).

This is what raisins fumigated with sulfur dioxide look like:

Light grapes should ideally turn dark brown during the drying process. Raisins should not be uniformly yellow, soft and oily.

Dark grapes, when dried, turn black with a bluish bloom.

This is what the best raisins look like:

The best varieties of raisins in the bazaar are tossed into the air for display, and as they fall, they knock like small pebbles. The raisins have a petiole specially left.

US Reality: "Many varieties of dried fruit, including raisins and dates, can be coated with GM soybean oil."


Peeped in the recommendations for drying apples: “Apples are kept for 2-3 minutes in a 0.1-0.2% solution of sulfurous acid (1-2 grams per 2 liters of water) or fumigated with sulfur dioxide, burning sulfur for 5-10 minutes (2 grams per kilogram of apples). Such pre-treatment of raw materials reduces the oxidation of enzymes and eliminates the darkening of the surface of the circles of apples during drying.

For more information about the possible side effects of such drying, see the beginning of the article.


See above for fat treatment.

Candied fruits disguised as dried fruits

Do not confuse dried fruits and candied fruits: candied fruits belong to a dessert, not useful products.. They are often made from tropical fruits.

They are boiled in sugar syrup, dried, and even painted with who knows what. In appearance and taste, it is very easy to distinguish.

There are plenty of calories in them, but the benefits are doubtful.

Although some nutritionists advise replacing sweets with candied fruits.


There should be no dots, spots, extraneous yellowness on walnuts.

Finally, illustrative illustrations

Do you think that dried fruits should not be washed? Then watch how dried fruits are fumigated, how they dry them right in the dust of the road and stomp on them with boots.

1. Sulfur for fumigating raisins

2. Now they will put sulfur on the coals ...

3. Burning sulfur is placed inside the "gas chamber"

4. “Bathroom” for raisins

5. It is impossible to stand close!

6. Sun dried raisins

7. Finished product (pay attention to how this is poured food product).

As a result of his research, it was found that prunes help fight tooth decay and inflammation of the gums. The fact is that this product contains an antibacterial substance that slows down the growth of bacteria that cause diseases of the oral cavity.

Useful properties of prunes

Prunes contain a large amount of vitamins: E, beta-carotene, PP, C and B vitamins.

Prunes are high in antioxidants. Scientists recommend including antioxidants in your daily diet, preferably at every meal. Laboratory tests have shown that prunes are high in phytochemical compounds, the so-called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids. Both of these phenolic components showed antioxidant content in them. In a number of studies, prunes have been found to have the highest levels of antioxidants compared to raisins, figs, and dates. Regular consumption of prunes for breakfast or as a snack helps to maintain the level of antioxidants in the human body.

The beneficial properties of prunes are indispensable for beriberi, as they contain a wide range of vitamins. Quite often, prunes are prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, as well as to compensate for the lack of potassium in the body. Contrary to popular belief about the high content of this trace element in bananas, prunes contain one and a half times more potassium. High energy value and a high content of useful substances in it allows us to recommend it for replenishing the energy balance of the body. An important advantage of prunes is that it almost completely retains the entire spectrum of nutrients found in fresh plums. However, this statement is true only in relation to properly dried plums. The calorie content of prunes is extremely low – one berry contains 20 calories. It has a very low glycemic index (only 29), which provides a fairly slow release of energy and allows you to feel full longer.

So, 100 g of prunes contains: vitamin C / ascorbic acid - 0.6 mg, thiamine / vitamin B1 - 0.051 mg, riboflavin / vitamin B2 - 0.186 mg, niacin / vitamin B3 - 1.882 mg, pantothenic acid - 0.422 mg, vitamin B6 - 0.205 mg, folic acid - 4 mcg, choline - 10.1 mg, betaine - 0.4 mg, vitamin Bmg, retinol / vitamin A - 0 mcg, vitamin E - 0.43 mcg, vitamin K - 59.5 mcg, calcium - 43 mg, iron - 0.93 mg, magnesium - 41 mg, phosphorus - 69 mg, potassium mg, table salt - 0.005 g, zinc - 0.44 mg, copper - 0.281 mg, manganese - 0.299 mg, fluoride - 4 mg, selenium - 0.3 mg.

Advice. With constipation. Mix 1/2 cup of lemon juice with a glass of prunes infusion (5 berries per cup of boiling water). Drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach for an hour.

Laxative. Rinse prunes and pour hot water or boiling water over. In the morning, drink the infusion, eat the berries.

With calluses. Boil prunes in milk, remove the bones from it. Apply hot to the calluses, and when the berry cools down, replace it with a hot berry again. Keep doing this for as long as possible.

With hypertension. 4 prunes, soak for 5 minutes in hot water. Then cut them into small pieces and add all this to dry black tea, which is then brewed with boiling water, and let it brew for minutes. It turns out a very fragrant tea that lowers blood pressure.

Among other things, prunes can also be a great treat for children. Parents do not need to think about where to wrap prunes, because they can be stored in various packages. They will always be sure that the fiber content in the body of their child is at a stable level.

Cooking or buying prunes

The best prunes are those that are dried naturally, without the use of blanching or glycerine treatment. Only ripe, juicy and sweet fruits are suitable for drying, since only ripened plums have the highest healing properties. Plums are harvested, washed and dried for several days in the sun until completely dry. It has long been believed that the most useful prunes are plum fruits dried with a stone, so you should not pull out the stone before drying.

If prunes are purchased on the market, then you need to be careful about his choice. Quite often, in factory production, dried plums are treated with glycerin to achieve an unnatural black color. Such prunes can be consumed only after thorough washing. If the prunes have a brown tint, then such dried plums, most likely, were scalded with boiling water before drying, i.e. went through the blanching process. This is done to disinfect the harvested fruits and increase the shelf life of ready-made prunes. However, do not forget that after scalding with boiling water, plums lose quite a lot of useful substances, so it is still preferable to use home-made prunes.

So, when choosing prunes, you should adhere to the following standards:

1. Fruits should be sweet, but with a slight sourness - it is in such a berry that the most vitamin C is.

2. The color should be black – if it has a coffee tint, then it has been treated with boiling water and, most likely, has a bitter taste and no longer has the previous useful properties.

3. The glossy sheen of the &ndash berries means that they are treated with glycerin, such prunes should be thoroughly washed before eating.

Recipes with prunes

Pork with prunes. You will need: pork (loin) - 1.5 kg, pork fat - 3 tbsp. l. prunes - 300g, white bread for croutons, horseradish (grated), sugar, vinegar, cumin, salt - all to taste.

Cooking method. Salt the meat, sprinkle with ground cumin, fry on all sides, transfer to a saucepan and pour in the fat that was formed during frying, with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of water. Put in the oven and continue to fry, pouring the resulting juice. When the meat is reddened and softened, add prunes swollen in water and simmer until tender. Add hot water as the sauce evaporates. Before serving, cut the meat into even layers, put on a dish and surround with prunes. Place croutons under each piece and pour over the remaining sauce. Serve separately grated horseradish seasoned with salt, vinegar, sugar.

Chicken with prunes. You will need: chicken - 1 pc. melted butter - 100g, flour - 1 tbsp. l. pitted prunes - 1.5 cups, onion - 1 pc, parsley root - 1 pc. carrots - 1 pc. celery root - 1 pc. vinegar, bay leaf, pepper, salt - all to taste.

Cooking method. Place portioned pieces in a saucepan with melted butter, add finely chopped roots, onions and simmer under a closed lid until cooked, adding water. Half an hour before readiness, pour 3 cups of broth or water into the pan and boil the chicken. Prepare the sauce: sauté the flour in butter, add the broth, a little vinegar, sugar and bring everything to a boil. Add pre-soaked prunes to the pan with chicken, pour over the sauce and put a minut in a preheated oven. Put the chicken pieces, prunes on the volvant (puff pastry or pastry) and pour the sauce over everything.

Prunes with nuts. You will need: prunes - 600g, walnuts - 2 cups, sugar - 3 tsp. sour cream - to taste. Cooking method. Wash the prunes, pour cold water and soak for hours. Remove the seeds from the softened prunes, dry the berries. Peel the walnuts and grind in a mortar. Stuff each prune berry with the resulting oily mass. Fold the stuffed prunes into a salad bowl with a slide, pour sour cream, whipped with sugar. This dessert can be served at the table in rosettes, garnished with whipped cream.

Salad with prunes. You will need: champignons - 1 kg, onions - 0.5 kg, carrots - 0.5 kg, walnuts. prunes

Cooking method. Finely chopped champignons fry in vegetable oil until tender. Separately, fry finely chopped onions and grated carrots on a coarse grater. Peel and chop the nuts. Steam prunes, free from stones, and cut into strips. Cool all products to room temperature. Combine onions, carrots, nuts and prunes, stir. Put on a dish in layers: mushrooms, then a layer of the mixture, mushrooms again, etc. Spread each layer with mayonnaise. Ready salad can be decorated with halves of prunes and crumbs of nuts.

Cake with prunes. You will need: butter - 50g, sugar - 1 cup, egg - 3 pcs. honey - 2 tbsp vodka - 2 tbsp. soda - 1 tsp flour - 3 cups. For cream: sour cream - 1 liter, sugar - 1 glass, nuts - 40 pcs. prunes - 200g.

Cooking method. Melt butter, add sugar, beat eggs, mix well. Add honey, vodka, soda. Whisking continuously, gradually add 2 cups of flour. Then let the dough cool down. Add 1 cup of flour to the cooled dough. Divide the dough into pieces, roll out. Cakes are baked quickly - 1-2 minutes. Moisten the baked cakes with sweet syrup so that the cake is softer and soaked with cream faster. Lubricate with cream, trim the edges, sprinkle with crushed crumbs or decorate. The cake should be infused overnight or 4-5 hours.

Today we have a very important topic, we will talk about how to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits. How to choose high-quality dried fruits without preservatives.

We all know about the benefits of dried fruits for our health. However, one should take into account the fact that the vast majority of dried fruits entering the food market are treated with sulfur dioxide - SO2.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is an E220 preservative that is used to treat dried fruits so that they do not darken, last longer, and have a beautiful and appetizing appearance. But beautiful does not mean useful!

Some people are more sensitive to this preservative. They, after a small portion of dried apricots, which is treated with sulfur dioxide, may have unpleasant sensations: headache, sore throat.

For less sensitive natures, the manifestation of the action of a preservative substance may be almost imperceptible. However, you should be aware of the general symptoms that appear in case of sulfur dioxide poisoning, these are the following signs:

  • Sore throat, and quite strong and unpleasant
  • Runny nose and cough
  • Nausea and headache
  • If the preservative was a fairly strong concentration, then suffocation and pulmonary edema may occur. Sulfur dioxide is especially dangerous for asthmatics and people with allergies.

Of course, there are optimally acceptable standards for the content of this preservative when processing products with it. But you must admit, knowing its harm to health, you and I will probably really want to avoid its use. And the question arises: how to remove sulfur dioxide?

Believe me, this is quite possible to do. And now I will tell you:

How to Remove Sulfur Dioxide from Dried Fruits

Since sulfur dioxide is highly soluble in ordinary water, it is this property that we will use to remove it.

  1. Take ordinary water at room temperature, pour dried fruits into it for 30 minutes. Then we wash them with running water.
  2. Again, pour dried fruits with water for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly with running water again. We repeat this procedure again.
  3. After soaking in water and washing, processed dried fruits almost completely lose the E220 preservative.

You can already eat them without fear for health.

How to choose dried fruits without processing

In order to completely protect yourself from the effects of harmful chemical preservatives, you must try to choose the right dried fruits. It is best if they are not treated with chemicals.

How to choose dried fruits without preservatives and what to look for when buying:

1. Pay attention to the color.

Slushko bright and unnatural colors: bright yellow (dried apricots), amber-yellow (raisins) - indicate that these fruits were chemically processed. Bright colors of cherries, dried apricots, raisins - they say that they are not worth buying.

When buying, you need to remember that high-quality, chemical-free dried fruits have a very unattractive appearance - they are wrinkled, dark with dust. They are not treated with preservatives and you can buy them safely.

2. Pay attention to taste and smell.

If the fruits were dried in a natural way, then they do not have the smell of smoke or the unpleasant bite of gasoline. When buying, you need to take a good sniff, if there are extraneous, unpleasant odors, then you should not buy dried fruits, they were dried in an unnatural way - in gas or gasoline ovens.

Choose dates with stones, and prunes and raisins with stalks - these fruits retain useful vitamins and substances better than others.

3. Pay attention to the strange shine.

This problem arises when choosing prunes. Unscrupulous sellers very often soak it in vegetable oil of very low quality or process it with glycerin. By these actions, they give the fruits softness and appetizing shine.

Now you know how to choose dried fruits without preservatives. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to their color and appearance, smell - so you can protect your health from the harmful effects of preservatives and chemicals.

Take a close look at the table of harmful food additives and see what effect various preservatives can have on health.

I, in a philistine way, thought that the fruits were dried and everything was ready, but there, it turns out, all sorts of filth in bulk.

Live and learn. And I didn’t suspect that dried fruits could carry a danger in the form of sulfur dioxide.

Great article! Usually in Odessa everyone buys dried fruits at our famous Privoz. And it's hard to buy good ones. They are all bright and beautiful and you immediately understand that there is more chemistry in them than good. I always try to buy less beautiful ones, but still you often run into a scam. I recently drank prunes, cooked meat with prunes and left about 150 g. I decided to postpone it for later. It got moldy after a couple of days. I had to throw it away. It can be seen well moistened with water, to add weight.

You are right, Tatyana, it is very difficult to buy high-quality dried fruits now. Therefore, they must be chosen very carefully.

Thank you for the table of harmful food additives! Been wanting to find one like this for a long time!

We always have some kind of raw dried apricots for sale in stores. Thanks for the interesting article)

Angelica, thank you very much. *IN LOVE*

I intuitively always do this with all dried fruits, just in case.

I regularly use dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits. I carry them out about:-! washing, but after reading the tips from the article, I will definitely increase the soaking time. Thanks for the recommendation.

Thanks for the advice. I usually buy dried fruits in the market from Uzbeks… they say they bring them from home. The good news is that their dried fruits do not shine .... looking at them, I remember how my grandmother dried apples and apricots.

A very useful article, few people know how to choose the right dried fruits so as not to harm their health. =)

So, you just need to soak and rinse a few times, and then safely enjoy the taste? Thanks for the advice!

It is better to thoroughly rinse and soak than to eat dried fruits with sulfur dioxide. Valuable advice!

Much needed information about removing sulfur dioxide to get the most out of dried fruit.

Now, when choosing dried fruits, I use the advice from the article. Thank you!

Marketers poison us, enriching themselves on our health. People. Let's all rise up against such vile arbitrariness. Where is the government looking, what is ruining the nation. Let them learn from the Germans, you bastards.

And I always look very carefully at dried fruits before I buy them. And then I thoroughly rinse them with water, several times, and only after that I start cooking any dishes with dried fruits. I think that your advice will help many people understand how best to protect themselves from bad substances.

We often buy dried fruits on the market and did not even think that they may contain harmful substances, such as sulfur dioxide. After reading your article, we will be more attentive to the choice of dried fruits and their processing before consumption. Thanks for the advice.

I often buy various dried fruits for healing and cooking all kinds of dishes. Our family loves dried fruits. I didn’t even imagine that they could be processed with substances harmful to health. Now I will be attentive to the choice and purchase of dried fruits, and I will also try to remove harmful substances, as you suggest. Thank you.

My grandson loves porridge with dried fruits for breakfast. I especially try to choose the best dried fruits, then I wash them well and soak them in warm water, I wash them again after that. I try to ensure that the child receives quality food, I monitor his diet. I have read about how to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits with interest and have taken some of your advice and tips into choosing and processing dried fruits. A very necessary and useful article. Thank you.

Familiarized and began to apply or read and forgot?

who said you have to eat as much as possible

I heard about this method of treatment with Bolotov's salt, contraindications to it ...

The publications of the site are the personal opinion of the authors and are for informational purposes only.

For a practical solution to a particular problem, you need to contact a specialized specialist.

Reprinting is allowed only if an active indexed link is specified.

©18 Health Academy | All rights reserved

How to wash prunes?

Prunes are a very useful product that is consumed by a huge number of people. But here's the problem - the fact is that many people use it and do not even think that it is worth washing. Such a stereotype has been created, since prunes are not at all like a regular product, for example, an apple.

How to wash prunes, and also how to do it right? In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. You just need to understand that prunes are the same common product that should be carefully prepared before use. Especially the one that you bought in the market and in various stalls by weight. Indeed, according to European standards, prunes are sold in bags, in addition, this product is packed in special bags for each item.

In order to wash the prunes, you will need a deep iron plate (preferably). You can also use dishes from other materials for this. Then carefully put in it the prunes that will soon be used. Pour boiling water over it all. Within fifteen minutes, the prunes should be infused there. Over time, a huge amount of dirt will float to the surface of the water. All this must be poured out, and the prunes should be washed again under running cold water. After that, you can use this product. Now home cooks know how to rinse prunes.

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From my very childhood, I was an “informal”, I went through all the possible, probably, the path of a child from a defective family, I was, in turn: a punk, a Tolkinist, an anime fan, a rave and a goth, but I also had time to study: I ​​got the education of a journalist. Now

I work as a business analyst in an IT company. It’s hard to pick up some hobbies, in principle, I’m easy to get up and go crazy for any :) I’m a gourmet, delicious food drives you crazy, I can judge travels and the evening spent in the kitchen :) I’ve been learning German for the third year, but

PR manager dash journalist. Originally from a tiny Siberian village. Then five years in Kemerovo, then six months in Novosibirsk. Now one and a half in Moscow. So far, it doesn't really pull anywhere. Just for a while - anywhere)

I am a cinephile, a photomaniac, I cannot live without traveling and music. Perhaps this is the most important thing. I work in the department of international cooperation of one research institute, but I want to change the scope of activity. I am attracted by tourism and everything connected with it.

I just like to cook and that's it, and especially to experiment with old recipes, adding some new ingredients to them. It's so nice when they say: "How delicious!" to your dish. I cook borsch in such a way that some hostess will envy! And the baked goods

  • how to cook dried fruits
  • 200 grams of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and walnuts, as well as one lemon and three tablespoons of honey.

Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, which betrays the feeling of satiety and relieves us of hunger, as well as a huge amount of vitamins that our body needs so much! Eat more of these products, they will help you get rid of extra pounds and improve your health! Before using them, clean the fruits from dust, dirt, microorganisms, as well as pesticides that are harmful to our body, which are used to protect plants from diseases and harmful insects.

Follow the basic rules for washing vegetables and fruits:

  1. Imported fruits and vegetables are mainly coated with wax or paraffin to protect against harmful insects, better preserve the product and, of course, to give gloss, a beautiful “wrapper wrapper” for buyers. To get rid of this layer, you need to use a brush and soapy water. Or a safer option, you can remove the top layer of wax with a knife. But first you should wash the fruit, because. there is a risk of bringing dirt from the unwashed peel onto the fruit / vegetable itself.
  2. Wash dense, hard fruits and vegetables with a brush under running water.
  3. In white cabbage, we remove the upper layers of the leaves, getting to fresh and clean ones. Most of the nitrates accumulate in the stalk, so we immediately cut it off and throw it away.
  4. Greens are harder to wash. First, we first get rid of the roots, wilted and yellowed leaves. Secondly, we collect cold water in a container and wash it. Change the water several times until there is no sand left on the bottom of our dishes. Thirdly, rinse under the tap with cold water.
  5. Pour boiling water over citrus fruits, so you get rid of the preservatives that are on the surface of the fruit. After that, rinse the fruit with cold running water. Wash the rest of the fruit under a tap with cold water and soap.
  6. Dried fruits must be thoroughly washed with cold water under the tap, then pour over with boiling water, thereby getting rid of preservatives.
  7. Berries pre-examine, remove spoiled. Let's start with the water treatment. We put dense berries, for example, cranberries, in a colander and rinse with cold water. Soft berries, such as strawberries, without tearing off the green leaves, are placed in a container with cold water for several minutes so that the earth and dirt can settle to the bottom. After carefully take out the berries and lay them on a towel so that all the moisture is absorbed and the berries dry.
  8. We divide the grapes into smaller clusters and, without tearing them off the branches, carefully wash off all the dirt under running water.
  • Do not forget that when cleaning the gifts of nature from dirt and dust, the longer you wash them, the less vitamins remain in them, so do not delay this process.
  • You need to use these products immediately after washing, because. the skin is damaged, the fruit begins to deteriorate faster and loses its beneficial properties.
  • It is more convenient to wash with the help of special nets, colanders or a conventional sieve. Use a stainless steel knife when cleaning, because. it is protected from oxidation when interacting with the product and will not let you lose the beneficial properties of a vegetable / fruit.
  • If you find yellow or dark spots when peeling and removing the top layer of a vegetable, this means that it contains a large amount of nitrates. It is better not to eat such a vegetable.
  • Choose fruit by smell, don't be shy and smell it! For example, an apple has a pleasant fragrant aroma, if you feel it, then feel free to purchase this product, it is definitely unprocessed and safe to eat.
  • Try to get out to the market and buy fruits from grandmothers who have their own garden and vegetable garden. So you will definitely get a natural and healthy product, a real gift of nature!

Prepare a mixture of prunes, apples, dried apricots, pears for compote. If the house has dried berries (raisins, rose hips or cherries), they can also be added to the drink.

Prunes: instructions for use)))

I soaked it in boiling water, an oil film formed on the surface.

I already left it overnight, but it becomes tasteless and still this film (((

Bought in Auchan, not cheap.

it gives off rubber and it feels like it is treated with something to shine.

I throw this out terribly. and try disgusting

which give you an oily film?

I wash it with running water, then I scald it with boiling water and eat it :)

Girls, is it okay that there are fats in prunes?

which give you an oily film?

0.7% give a film? yea :nose:

looks more like the truth

if the prunes are not processed with chemicals, then just if you pour boiling water over them, then this chemistry floats to the surface of the water with an oily film.

eat or not eat? :scratch:

eat or not eat?

I try to buy dried fruits in the market. the most inferior in appearance, I ask that they were not in sugar icing and without processing.

soak in water for a couple of hours, then rinse again

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How to wash dried fruits


I wash it under the tap, then I fill it with water from the tap or from the kettle, leave it to get wet, then I rinse it, drain the water and pour it again. Then I rinse under running water again or pour over with boiling water.

I tried to dry it myself, but they are quickly eaten in a few days)))

In our family, it is customary for my husband to collect bags of various mixtures of nuts with raisins, dried apricots and various seeds on business trips for a snack. After all, it is better to eat a handful of nuts than after work to overeat at night looking from a hunger strike all day!

Dried fruits, nuts pour boiling water several times, then drain into a colander. After that, I spread it on a baking sheet and dry it with a convector awards.

After this post, I will additionally rinse with running water, and then with boiling water. Thank you!

So now I don’t really like dates because of these worms and their metabolic products.

it's not enough, I think. A couple of minutes. slightly warm. rinse. cold.

I pour boiling water for a few minutes, drain - and the prunes are still sticky and slippery on the skin. Then again I fill it with boiling water - I keep it for 10-15 minutes, then I rinse it with running water - and still this “film” remains on my hands

Girls! Where do you buy dried fruits? And whether they are somehow treated with chemistry or not? Something I no longer want to buy dried fruits in the market. They write that natural dried apricots cannot have a beautiful, bright color, what if it is.

Girls, I want to start giving my daughter a compote of dried fruits. The question arose - where is it better to buy and which ones ?? The loose ones on the Uzbek market are somehow scary, packaged in packs - I suppose they are so processed that they zilch from vitamins.

Girls, tell me when you can introduce dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins and how to give them. just grind in a blender or steam, something is generally confused

The question is simple: how do you process nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits? Do you wash? Are you pouring boiling water? Do you eat right?

I bought dried fruits for my child. Tell me how to store them correctly, the expiration date and how you can treat a small one except for cottage cheese, decoctions and just suck on dried apricots and prunes.

I propose to shed light on dried fruits, they are nowhere in the current rules of the club, and Elena flashed that this is harm-harm-harm! Raisins - of course, the same grapes, sweet, gas-producing, you can just burst from a handful. Dates - there.

Today we are 9 days old, completely on breastfeeding, I am still on a diet, since we had colic and rashes on the skin a little. I endure the diet without any problems, I eat low-fat soups, cereals on the water, boiled potatoes.

We make dried fruits ourselves, dry our own apples in the summer in the country, you can even dry them in the oven. Because what is sold on the market is very doubtful. There are two normal and one bad way to dry fruits: 1.

Of course, I understand that now is the time for seedlings and pleasant chores, but I'm afraid that in the summer neither I nor you summer residents will have enough time for these conversations. So, my family just trudges from kampot out.

Most people regularly include dried fruits in their diet, but few people know that dried fruits can be very hazardous to health. Why? Natural dried fruits should be sun-dried and not have a bright appearance. Main.

Prunes how to wash

Requires Prunes Water Kettle

So we proceed to the conclusion of the question, we have to do the following.

Prunes are quite a useful product that is consumed by a huge number of people. But here's the problem - on the right is that many people use it and don't even think that it should be washed. A similar stereotype has been created, since prunes are absolutely not like a regular product, for example, an apple

How to wash prunes, and also how to create it correctly? In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. It should simply be understood that prunes are a similar common product that must be painstakingly cooked before consumption. Especially the one you bought in the market and in different stalls by weight. Since, according to European standards, prunes are sold in bags, in addition, this product is packed in special bags for any item.

In order to wash the prunes, you need a deep iron plate (preferably). Also for this you can use dishes from other materials. Later, we carefully make up that prunes from her, which will soon be used. Pour boiling water over it all. For fifteen minutes, prunes must brew there. Over time, a huge amount of dirt will spill onto the plane of the water. All this must certainly be poured out, and the prunes should be washed again under running cold water. After that, you can use this product. Now household cooks know how to rinse prunes

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