How to properly use succinic acid in the garden. Succinic acid for plants - application rates and instructions for use

Succinic acid (ethane-1,2 - dicarboxylic acid), colorless crystals, soluble in alcohol, ether and water. Succinic acid is a plant growth regulator, a stress adaptogen, a moderate growth activator, and improves the absorption of substances from the soil. Aqueous solutions of succinic acid are used for soaking seeds before sowing, plant cuttings intended for rooting, and spraying plants during their growing season.

For these purposes, weak aqueous solutions from 0.002% to 0.02% succinic acid.

A slight overdose is not dangerous for plants. In addition, the drug stabilizes the vital activity of the natural microflora of the soil. Pre-treatment Application of planting material with succinic acid solutions increases the resistance of plants to adverse factors. Spraying green plants solutions of succinic acid stimulates the growth of new shoots in plants, and soaking the roots in the solution for 4-6 hours stimulates the growth of new roots.

Succinic acid - what is it?

This is an organic compound classified as carboxylic acids, a close relative of the better known oxalic acid. Up to 8% of this substance is found in the highest quality varieties of amber.

These fossilized pieces of resin from ancient Baltic pines were believed to have healing properties, which is why alchemists have been studying them since ancient times. The 16th century German scientist Georgius Agricola, while studying amber, obtained some unknown substance, which he called amber salt. Later it turned out that it is not only present in all organisms, but is also very actively involved in the life of cells.

How does succinic acid affect the plant?

As a preventive measure against fungal and other diseases, it is recommended to spray plants once a month with a solution of succinic acid (1 gram of powder is diluted in 5 liters of water), so it stimulates cell growth and resists the penetration of bacteria, protecting each young shoot.

Acid can save dying roots, it improves seed germination and increases the number of young shoots. But succinic acid brings the most benefit to the soil, as it normalizes the soil microflora and improves the vital activity of microorganisms.

Succinic acid is used to soak seeds. Soak the seeds in a solution made at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. Planting material is soaked for 12 hours to 24 hours, after which the seeds are allowed to dry and sown in the prepared substrate.

Soaking plant roots in succinic acid

The time for which the roots are soaked depends on the situation: from half an hour to four hours. The optimal time is an hour or two. If it is not possible to soak the roots, but it is possible to spray them, then this will also work. After treatment, the roots should be allowed to dry for half an hour, after which the plants can be planted.

Treatment of plants with succinic acid

Sometimes succinic acid is also used when transplanting, for example, flower crops. A part separated from a large bush is lowered with its roots into a jar with a substance diluted in it. In this case, a 0.02% solution is usually used. The treatment is carried out for 5-6 hours. Soaking in succinic acid promotes the formation of new roots in plants and their better survival.

Spraying plants with succinic acid

A weak biostimulating composition is suitable for spraying already planted crops. When carrying out the procedure before the flowering period, 20 grams of the drug are diluted in 20 liters of water, and after flowering the amount of water is reduced to 10 liters.

This measure makes green friends more resistant to frost and heat and reduces the risk of rotting at high humidity. During the period of bud opening, flower pollination and fruit set, the plant should be left alone. After fruit formation, the process resumes, and the concentration of the composition can be increased.

Spraying can be carried out before fruit ripening and later. This increases the fruiting of root crops by up to 20%, and cucumbers by up to 40%. Best time for such events - morning or evening.

What is the best way to use succinic acid for indoor plants?

IN room conditions succinic acid is used in the same way as in the garden: it is used to treat tubers of begonias, gloxinias, and oxalis before planting, soak cuttings, wipe the foliage and spray the crowns.

The use of succinic acid for resuscitation of dying orchids is popular. Since much less solution is required at home than in the garden, succinic acid is traditionally purchased in tablets. To resuscitate damaged plants, dilute one tablet of succinic acid per 1 liter of water (if you have powder, measure a handful on the tip of a knife). The resulting solution is sprayed onto the roots, shoots and leaves of the orchid. You can wipe the damaged plant with a swab dipped in the solution, but make sure that the solution does not get inside the outlet. You can repeat the procedure 2 more times, no more is needed - there will be no effect from too frequent processing.

Precautions with succinic acid

Succinic acid is a practically harmless substance for plants. It does not pollute the environment, and does not have any toxic effects on humans or animals. But, nevertheless, a very concentrated solution if it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes can cause inflammation. If this happens, the acid should simply be washed off with warm water.

Of course, it is necessary to observe the above dosages. In this case, the effect of using acid will be maximum. However, if the owners summer cottage If they make a mistake and make the solution too strong, nothing particularly bad will happen. Plants will absorb exactly as much acid as they need. You cannot store the solution for more than 5 days or reuse it, for example, after soaking petioles or seeds.

Succinic acid for plants - video

Succinic acid is a cheap tablet that is available in most pharmacies. These tablets are not a medicine; they are recommended to be taken as a dietary supplement to improve the health of the body. In addition to its benefits for humans, succinic acid also has a positive effect on indoor plants. Flower growers with many years of experience have long been using this cheap and safe drug for health improvement. indoor plants, stimulating their growth, flowering, to accelerate the rooting of cuttings and increase seed germination.

Succinic acid- a natural substance, it is contained in amber, for which it received its name, this substance is also found in all living cells. A person receives succinic acid from many plant and dairy products, but basically our body produces it itself, however, under stress or unfavorable environmental conditions, we need an additional source of this substance. Since this drug is absolutely safe for humans and the environment, we can use succinic acid at home for watering and spraying plants without protective equipment, without fear for children and animals.

Effect of succinic acid on plants:

For what purposes can succinic acid tablets be used for indoor plants?

- Firstly, it is an excellent growth stimulant.. After watering your home plants with a solution of succinic acid, you will see the result in just a few days - new green shoots and leaves will appear. The fact is that, although this substance is not a fertilizer, it helps the roots better absorb nutrients from the soil.

- Spraying with this solution is beneficial for indoor plants., after a couple of procedures, the already formed leaves will become greener, brighter, and lateral branches will appear from the axils. Succinic acid accelerates the production of chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color of plants

When moving, transporting, moving potted flowers, their external conditions change - air temperature, humidity, lighting. Adapt to a new place and increase resistance to plant diseases Succinic acid will help.

U home flowers this substance stimulates the ejection of flower stalks, education more buds, formation of large flowers.

- Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day in a weakly concentrated solution of succinic acid so that they germinate faster.

- Plant propagation by rooting cuttings will be faster and more successful if, before planting, cut cuttings are placed in water for a day with the addition of a tablet of succinic acid, immersing only the lower sections into the solution to a depth of 1-2 cm. Cuttings treated in this way give roots faster after planting in a loose substrate.

- When replanting, the extracted root system from the pot can be soaked in the solution with succinic acid for half an hour. After landing at new land the plant will take root faster, develop new roots and begin to grow.

- After waterlogging of the soil in the pot, when it turns sour and the first signs of rotting of the root system We recommend watering the plant with succinic acid, it normalizes the microflora of the substrate and neutralizes toxic substances.

When and how many times to use succinic acid for home flowers?

For orchids use succinic acid It is recommended to use it carefully in care. Spray with the solution after 2 weeks during the period of growth of leaves and peduncles, but when the buds begin to open, they stop. To stimulate the appearance of flower stalks, it is recommended to water orchids with succinic acid, but not more than once a month.

All decorative deciduous and flowering plants watering and spraying with succinic acid will benefit in the phase of beginning growth and flowering, but no more than twice a month.

In winter, to maintain the health of house plants, it is useful to spray leaves and shoots with this drug, so that they survive adverse conditions without damage. Spraying can be replaced by wiping the leaves with a sponge or cotton swab in the prepared solution, then you will also clean them of dust. The frequency of spraying with succinic acid should be once a month; stimulation of the growth of leaves and shoots at this time is not necessary.

Remember that succinic acid does not carry nutrients and will not replace fertilizer for indoor plants. This substance only helps plants better absorb microelements from the soil and improves its condition.

How to dilute succinic acid?

Succinic acid is similar to transparent colorless crystals that quickly dissolve in water without leaving a residue. But in tablets, succinic acid is a white powder, since they contain talc. After dissolving the tablets in water, the solution must be poured to remove sediment.

The packaging indicates that each 0.5 g tablet contains 0.1 g of acid.

To water indoor plants, dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water.

For spraying, make the solution weaker by diluting 1 tablet per 2 liters of water. The same weakly concentrated solution is used for soaking seeds and cuttings for rooting.

The tablets are placed in water at room temperature; it will take about an hour for them to dissolve and a sediment to settle, which is removed by pouring the solution into another container.

Succinic acid is sold especially for indoor plants in powder or concentrated solution; they are easy to dilute according to the instructions.

A diluted solution of succinic acid must be used within 3 days; with further storage it loses its properties.

Succinic acid is beneficial for both plants and soil

The whole world knows succinic acid and has been using it for a long time unique properties. It is used as a natural regulator of your body's condition.
But flower growers also use it. It has unique properties.

When I first used succinic acid on my plants, I was pleasantly surprised. The result was so noticeable. But I had a weak seedling of ageratums, it was missed, it didn’t peak in time and the seedlings stretched out and the stems were thin and weak, and they already had to be planted in flower beds. The saleswoman at the store advised me to use succinic acid. Before planting, I treated the roots and sprayed the plants themselves. And after planting, the seedlings practically did not “sick,” even though it was already hot. And very quickly the plants became pretty. After pinching, they generally ate wonderfully. Usually such seedlings then take a long time to recover and the plants are not very happy all summer. And since then I have often used succinic acid. Especially in seemingly hopeless cases.

(ethane-1,2 - dicarboxylic acid), colorless crystals, soluble in alcohol, ether and water.
In nature, succinic acid is found everywhere in small quantities; it is part of plants and animal organisms, found in amber and brown coal, and is obtained artificially through special processing of maleic anhydride. This is a white, odorless powder and is an excellent plant growth stimulator. The main thing is that this type of natural fertilizer cannot spoil flowers, vegetables, fruits and berries; the dosage can be varied depending on the time of year and the growing season. Succinic acid quickly decomposes in the soil and does not pollute the environment.

Properties of succinic acid for plants

Due to the excellent natural utilization of succinic acid in nature, it does not pollute the environment. It is very good to use for plants. With its help, you can significantly improve plant growth, it improves the absorption of nutrients from the soil, and also helps plants cope with stress. Succinic acid normalizes the natural microflora of the soil and the vital activity of microorganisms found in it. Treating plants with acid increases resistance to adverse environmental influences. If you treat the roots, the growth of roots will increase, and if you treat young shoots, then the growth of new shoots will increase. Succinic acid is an excellent resuscitator for plants. It is used to treat seeds and cuttings of various plants before planting to improve germination and increase resistance.

Acid can save dying roots, it improves seed germination and increases the number of young shoots. But succinic acid brings the most benefit to the soil, as it normalizes the soil microflora and improves the vital activity of microorganisms. Succinic acid for plants is a kind of resuscitator that helps the plant survive in an unfavorable environment.

Succinic acid is a plant growth regulator, a stress adaptogen, a moderate growth activator, and improves the absorption of substances from the soil.

Aqueous solutions of succinic acid are used for soaking seeds before sowing, plant cuttings intended for rooting, and spraying plants during their growing season. For these purposes, weak aqueous solutions from 0.002% to 0.02% succinic acid are used. A slight overdose is not dangerous for plants. In addition, the drug stabilizes the vital activity of the natural microflora of the soil.

Pre-treatment of planting material with succinic acid solutions increases the resistance of plants to adverse factors. Spraying green plants stimulates the growth of new shoots in plants, and soaking the roots in the solution for 4-6 hours stimulates the growth of new roots. Solutions of succinic acid are also used for the resuscitation of all types of plants. Spraying is carried out before the flowering phase of plants begins; the seeds are soaked for 12-24 hours before sowing.

How to prepare a solution of succinic acid

To prepare working solutions suitable for spraying and soaking,
1 g of succinic acid must be dissolved in a small amount warm water. We make a strong solution of succinic acid. The volume of solution after this cold water bring to 1 liter. That is, it turned out to be a solution of 1 g per 1 liter.
Next, to obtain a 0.02% solution of succinic acid, you need to dilute 200 ml of one percent cold water to 1 liter.
To obtain a 0.05% solution, add 500 ml of a strong solution to a liter with cold water.

Processing cuttings carried out with a solution of 0.02% succinic acid. Sections of cuttings are immersed 2 cm in an aqueous solution of the drug.

Soaking the roots plants for 4-6 hours, then plant immediately.
Seeds can be soaked before sowing for 12-24 hours, then dried and sown.
Before boarding spraying seedlings 1-2 times
Spraying is best done early in the morning or late in the evening.
Before flowering plants are sprayed 1-3 times a week. After flowering, the concentration of the aqueous solution of succinic acid should be several times higher.

Solutions of succinic acid cannot be stored for more than 3 days. Therefore, you should always dilute only the required amount. If there is any left, it’s better to pour it out, there won’t be any left anyway.


Succinic acid is not toxic to humans and animals and does not pollute the environment. However, solutions of high concentrations, if they get into the eyes or stomach, can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. If high concentrations of succinic acid come into contact with the eyes or stomach, they should be rinsed immediately with water.

How does succinic acid affect the plant?

As a preventive measure against fungal and other diseases, it is recommended to spray plants once a month with a solution of succinic acid (1 gram of powder is diluted in 5 liters of water), so it stimulates cell growth and resists the penetration of bacteria, protecting each young shoot.
Acid can save dying roots, it improves seed germination and increases the number of young shoots. But succinic acid brings the most benefit to the soil, as it normalizes the soil microflora and improves the vital activity of microorganisms.

How does succinic acid affect the soil?

Adding succinic acid to the soil gives plants the strength to resist diseases and increases the chlorophyll content in greenery, which leads to. The substance is so unique that it is used anywhere and everywhere. Thus, on poor soils, succinic acid protects crops from extinction, reducing the content of harmful nitrogenous accumulations in the soil.

Succinic acid for indoor plants is a kind of resuscitator that helps the plant survive in an unfavorable environment.
For soaking and spraying, you can prepare a working solution of -1 g. Dissolve the powder in 1-1.5 liters. warm water. Such a 1% solution of succinic acid - best option for watering and preventing leaves and stems from diseases and pests.
More concentrated compounds can be added to the soil, bringing them up to 5% (5 grams per 1 liter of water).

I buy succinic acid at the pharmacy, it costs a penny there, I make a solution of 1 tablet per 0.5 liters of water, I spray the plants in the spring 2 times a month, it turns out only 6 times a year, plants tolerate it better spring transplant/ transshipment and freshly planted rooted cuttings adapt faster and grow.

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Growth stimulants are often used in crop production. These include succinic acid, which can be classified as a biostimulant. The use of succinic acid for plants will help normalize the soil microflora and regulate growth.

Succinic acid is a crystalline substance of white or transparent color. This is a by-product that appears during the processing of amber, which, in turn, is formed as a result of the hardening of the resin of pine trees over several hundred years.

Such crystals can be dissolved in water. They also dissolve easily in ether and alcohol. In plant growing, only aqueous solutions of this substance are used.

This substance is available in the form of powder, tablets and crystals. In synthetic form, it is obtained through chemical reactions.

This acid was used many years ago in the preparation of preserves for pickling cabbage. For some time, the beneficial properties of the substance were forgotten. And only 20 years ago its qualities were rediscovered: positive effects and beneficial effects on plants and the human body.

This substance has many benefits. For example, relatively low cost and lack of negative impact in case a novice gardener uses too much of this element. In addition, it is harmless, since no harm will occur if it comes into contact with any part of the plant. Due to its natural origin, the stimulating properties are not too strong. There is also no need to take serious precautions when using it.

Among the disadvantages we can highlight is that regular use makes the soil acidic. Therefore, measures must be taken to deoxidize the soil. This is especially true for plants that are kept in pots. Also, this is compared to many chemical stimulants.

Useful properties

One of the most important properties Such an acid is its ability to regulate plant growth. When using it root system begins to better absorb nutrients found in the soil. It is recommended to use it for plants that have experienced a change of location or any other stress.

When this product gets into the soil, the vital activity of microorganisms is normalized, which leads to the restoration of the normal, natural microflora of the soil.

Plant growing is not an easy task. After all, garden and indoor crops are exposed to many negative factors. external environment, various kinds of ailments. And to improve the situation, special drugs are used. For example, fertilizers, growth activators. Among them, succinic acid has recently become very popular. What is succinic acid: benefits and harm to plants, features of its use in the garden and in the house - the article will tell you about all this.

Succinic acid is very often used by domestic gardeners and flower growers. Her beneficial properties proven and have long been used to improve the quality of cultivation. With such a substance, problems with crops and flowers arise much less often, and if they do appear, it will be much easier to overcome them.

Production of succinic acid

It is succinic acid - a plant growth stimulant, which has the form of colorless or white crystals, quite easily soluble in water or alcohol. There is no smell. This component is found quite often in nature. Acid is found in small doses in plants and animals. The human body also produces it. Also available in brown coal. But it is usually obtained by processing natural amber, which is mined at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. For industrial production, a special treatment of maleic anhydride is used.

Release form of the drug

Succinic acid is sold in the form of tablets and powder. But before purchasing the product, it is worth understanding why succinic acid is useful for plants and what properties it has. It is an environmentally friendly substance. It has a beneficial effect on the soil, cleansing it of toxic elements and restoring microflora. The unique composition can significantly improve the growth and development of crops and flowers.

Useful qualities of the stimulant

To understand when to use the product, you need to know why plants need succinic acid, and whether the use will always be beneficial. A substance has mass useful qualities. Many domestic flower growers use succinic acid powder or tablets.

Below are the properties of succinic acid for garden and indoor plants:

The benefit of succinic acid for coniferous and other plants is that it increases the resistance of garden plants to environment. After treatment with amber acid, it is much easier for garden and agricultural crops to withstand drought, frost and waterlogging.

How to use succinic acid in plant growing correctly?

Prepare a solution of succinic acid from powder or tablets.

The drug is sold mainly in pharmacies. You can also order it on the Internet through the online store. The cost is, in principle, affordable for any gardener. So 50 grams of the substance will cost from 7 to 50 rubles. Much depends on the manufacturer of the drug and the dose.

Composition and preparation of the solution

One tablet usually contains 0.1 grams of the active ingredient. To soak cuttings or water them, the tablet or powder form is turned into a liquid. Let's look at how to prepare succinic acid at home. 10 tablets are dissolved in a glass of water and then the volume of liquid is adjusted to a liter. The result is a 0.1% solution. If a weaker concentration is needed, add more water. It is worth considering that each specific case requires a certain dosage.

Methods of using the drug

It is important to choose the right method for processing a garden plant or flower. After all, a variety of methods are known. Let's consider the most common of them among domestic flower growers.

The main options for how succinic acid can be used for houseplants are given below:

How to use succinic acid for indoor plants, including citrus fruits and garden crops in different cases, is given below:

Features of use for orchids

Knowing how to use succinic acid for plants, you can have a beneficial effect on their growth and development.

Orchids are the most difficult flower to grow. But with succinic acid it is possible to overcome many problems and difficulties.

But for this it is important to understand how to dilute succinic acid correctly. Typically, one tablet or powder of the drug (taken approximately at the tip of a knife) is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water. A spray bottle is used for spraying. The roots and lower leaves are treated. If the mixture remains, it can be used to water the orchid. As a result, there is a great chance to revive a sick and damaged flower and start growth processes.

Is there a risk of harm from succinic acid?

Beginning gardeners often wonder whether there is a possibility that after treating a plant with succinic acid, the situation will worsen. In fact, the substance is absolutely safe. However, you need to understand how to prepare it correctly, know all the nuances of use, as well as storage features.

When fertilizing with succinic acid, quite often some amount of the prepared solution remains. It is allowed to be stored, but not longer than 5 days. In this case, the room temperature should be maintained at +25 degrees. It is important to place the container with the substance out of the reach of pets and children. The drug cannot be reused. If roots and petioles have already been soaked in it, it will no longer give the desired effect.

If the dosage of succinic acid for plants is observed, there will be no harm to the crop from such a remedy. A very small concentration is usually used for processing. But even if an overdose occurs, gardeners do not observe any particular harm from this. After all, the root zone and the above-ground parts of the flower absorb the amount of product that is needed.

Inexperienced flower growers believe that succinic acid garden plants can be used as a good top dressing. But once they start using only acid as fertilizer, they quickly become disappointed. After all, such a drug is not a fertilizer. Therefore, it is not recommended to stop adding complex, mineral mixtures and organic matter.

Succinic acid is considered completely harmless. However, before diluting succinic acid for watering plants, you need to stock up on gloves. After all, if it comes into contact with sensitive skin, the solution can cause allergic rashes. A very concentrated product can cause inflammation if it comes into contact with the mucous membranes or eyes. So the use of succinic acid for plants should be done carefully. Typically, problems and difficulties when treating the amber root zone, seeds and green mass with acid, subject to certain rules and recommendations do not arise.

Conclusions on the use of succinic acid for various crops

Thus, succinic acid is often used by gardeners and flower growers to improve the condition of plants, accelerate their growth and development of the root zone, germinate seeds and cuttings. The product is sold in pharmacies. Succinic acid is produced in tablets and powder. The dosage and method of use in a particular case are indicated in the instructions. Compliance with the rules and recommendations regarding the treatment of crops with such a preparation will allow you to avoid various difficulties during cultivation and significantly increase productivity. Check out the article: