How to distinguish men's jeans from women's: signs, photos, videos. Jeans "unisex": models that suit both sexes

Over the past few decades, jeans have been present in the wardrobe of both men and women. They look great on both genders. But, is this a good reason to say that there are no differences between jeans for men and those intended for women? No, and in our review today, we'll tell you why.

External features that distinguish jeans for men and jeans intended for women

Immediately after the jeans began to be created separately for women, the manufacturers of this element of the human wardrobe made it so that the button on men's trousers was always located on the left, and on women's - on the left. What causes this state of affairs? The thing is that earlier, those trousers that provide for the presence of one or more buttons were the privilege of rich people. Of course, these rich people had their own servants, and in order to make it more convenient for them to cope with fastening clothes, a button was sewn on the left. By the way, in those days, buttons were not sewn on the right at all, since no self-respecting woman could afford to wear trousers.

Another equally important distinguishing feature is the presence of a zipper. Previously, the presence of buttons on women's jeans was considered unacceptable. Therefore, they were replaced with ordinary zipper fasteners.

At this point in time, it is no longer possible to be guided by this feature in order to determine whether jeans are intended for men or whether they were created specifically for women, since now, women's jeans often provide for the presence of so-called "hidden buttons". Men's jeans can be distinguished from women's jeans simply by counting the number of belt loops on the belt. They are provided here so that the clothes fit the waist better. Accordingly, the more such loops there are, the better they will cope with the task assigned to them.

Due to the fact that the figure of an average woman looks like an hourglass, the pants on the fair sex keep perfectly and without any additional loops. Well, the figure of the stronger sex, in turn, does not stand out so much, and therefore on male models of jeans, loops for belts are at least seven, while for women this figure can reach a maximum of five.

Differences between men's and women's jeans, hidden in their size and cut

Visually, women's jeans are different from men's. its size. The sizes of jeans intended for women start from the 24th, while similar ones, but already men's, start from the 28th. In order for you to be able to check it yourself, you should follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Initially, it is worth folding a pair of men's and women's jeans in half, trying to stick to the back seam.
  • Having considered what you ended up with, or rather, along the line formed alone, you will be able to notice how the trouser leg has passed in the form of a kind of crescent.
  • Comparing men's jeans with women's, you can see that the latter have a much more "curved" and longer half-moon. This will be confirmed by the substitutions that you are better off making by using an ordinary centimeter. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the fit of clothes for men and women is completely different.


There are several main, outwardly noticeable features that distinguish men's jeans from women's. Probably the most important of them is the location of the button, as well as the number of loops intended specifically for the belt. In men's jeans, the button should be located on the left, and the number of the aforementioned loops should range from six to eight. At the same time, if we talk about women's jeans, it should be noted that in them, the button should be placed on the right, and there should be at least five loops under the belts.

An interesting video on how to choose jeans according to your figure:

Jeans are universal clothing. But this does not mean that for men and women they are sewn according to the same patterns. Although some sellers claim so, offering the girl ordinary men's trousers instead of boyfriends. However, there are certain differences between jeans made for men and women.

When looking at jeans, you need to pay attention to some elements and small details that do not match in jeans of different sexes. Several clues are given at once by the elements with which the jeans are held on the torso: the belt and the fastener. Let's consider them closely.

Top button at the waist

There must be a fastener on the belt of the trousers. IN different models buttons or buttons are used for this. Distinguishes their location:

  • Women jeans: left side of the belt;
  • men's jeans: right side of the belt.

Important: if a button is selected for the fastener and its parts are attached both on the right and on the left side of the belt, whether the pants belong to men's or women's is determined by the top of the button.

Hardware used for fastening

Continuing to consider the clasp, let's pay attention to the fittings that were chosen for it. And at the same time, we mean that zippers are usually sewn on women's jeans. And men fasten several buttons sewn on the fly.

Number of belt loops

The belt contains one more detail: belt loops. They have an important practical purpose: they hold a belt on jeans. Many pants stretch when worn, and without a belt, the wearer often feels like they are literally losing the pants that slide down.

The belt really helps out in this case. But only if he himself is securely fixed in the loops on the jeans belt and holds them tightly.

The number of loops on the belt of jeans is not the same:

  • in men - 7;
  • in women - 5.

The difference is explained by the anatomical features of male and female figures: women have steeper hips, which also hold jeans. Therefore, fashion designers sew only 5 belt loops on women's models, and on men's models they increase their number by another 2, so that the belt fits more tightly to the figure.

Trouser size range for men and women

Men's and women's jeans, like their other clothes, differ in size range. When buying trousers, pay attention not only to those that you want to purchase.

If this model is presented in sizes with a waist circumference from 26 to 32 inches, then you have women's jeans. But if you see pants in plus sizes (between 29 and 44 inches at the waist), then you've come across men's models.

Cut men's and women's jeans

With the outward similarity of male and female models, experts can say for sure for whom a particular trouser pair was sewn. Having learned how jeans differ in their cut, any woman will also determine their belonging.

Important:it is better to refer to this method when buying, because you will notice the difference in cut when visual comparison two pairs of jeans is easier.

Action algorithm:

  • Carefully lay out the jeans on the table, straightening the fabric so that there are no wrinkles on it.
  • We fold the trousers, laying the legs on top of each other so that the front of the jeans is inside.
  • To determine the belonging of the trousers, we align the back seam and pay attention to the line that is formed when the legs are connected to the top of the jeans. On trousers cut for the fairer sex, this line is longer and more curved, steep, reminiscent of the curve of a crescent. The cut of jeans for men has a shorter and less curved line.

Style originality of jeans for women and men

Characteristic stylistic features of men's and women's jeans

Male model: the fabric is dyed in classic colors, the jeans go well with comfortable clothing for work and leisure, designed for everyday use.

Female model: the main feature is diversity. For sewing women's jeans, fabrics dyed in a variety of colors and shades (including defiant, bright and catchy) were used. They are widely used not only as an element of everyday wear, but also as part of a weekend outfit, as they are combined with an elegant, sophisticated top.

Design and range

The design used to decorate jeans can also indicate their potential owner. Lace, multi-colored inserts or elements of processing details made of cotton fabric, rhinestones, sequins, beads are usually used for romantic women. Men's pants are more strict and restrained, harsh and even brutal.

Important:you should not determine the belonging of jeans only by their design, modern men's fashion sometimes allows the use of a small amount of lace or beads in men's jeans.

Do not assume that you can correctly find out for whom specific pants are sewn. Their lineup today is almost the same. For both men and women, manufacturers offer trousers with different fit, different silhouettes. Even shortened models, which were recently only for women, are now offered for boys.

Sometimes, looking at the jeans you like, it is difficult to determine whether it is a male or female model. And indeed, in our time, there is often a unisex option that suits everyone without exception. But if you want to choose a thing designed for a representative of a particular gender, it is important to know how men's and women's jeans differ.

The main role here is played, of course, by the structural features of the male and female bodies. Besides, great importance They also have some stylistic nuances. After all, some details can emphasize femininity and sophistication, while others - masculinity and brutality.

Samples of products for representatives of different sexes

Men's jeans Women jeans


The main features that make up the difference between men's jeans and women's jeans are:

  1. Cut. If you fold the product in the same way as trousers are folded when ironing the arrows, you will notice that in the female version, the contours running from the waist to the hips and further to the knees are more curved than in the male version. The waistline itself in some female models is quite low, which is unsuitable for male anatomy.
  2. Belt loops. Although many prefer to do without an additional accessory, belt loops for it in jeans are usually provided. There are at least five of them. For women's models, this is quite enough, because in this case, jeans, simply put, have something to hold on to. At the same time, products for men are most often supplied with big amount loops for a secure fit at the waist.
  3. Colors. This criterion is rather doubtful, because there are no strict canons regarding color solutions in the current fashion. But if we talk about the classics, then jeans for guys are produced more often in neutral tones, combined with any top. The line of shades of products for women is more saturated, and many models require a competent selection of other elements of clothing.
  4. Decorative design. Jeans for the stronger sex may contain jewelry, which, however, will only emphasize the masculine style. At the same time, a peculiar decor made of rhinestones, beads and floral appliqués will not raise doubts about who this model is intended for.

Jeans have long been an integral part of a fashionable wardrobe. Models change, new shades and elements are added. Despite these changes, there are styles that, according to external signs, are not divided into men's and women's jeans. At the very least, it is rather difficult to determine whether a product belongs to a specific gender. Since there are no unisex models in this clothing, it is better to learn to identify the differences. Otherwise, the jeans will ugly sit on the figure. How to distinguish men's jeans from women's?

Find 5 differences

Go to a clothing store, take men's and women's jeans. Now let's look for differences. Let's start with a simple definition - this is the location of the buttons. When the first women's trousers appeared, the button was fastened on the right side. The seamstresses came to this decision due to the fact that earlier the girls were helped to dress by the servants. With this arrangement, it was more convenient for her to dress up the lady. In men's clothing, the button is located on the left side. We do not recommend focusing only on this difference, since today such an arrangement is not strictly observed.
How else to distinguish women's jeans from men's?

1. Clasp. You can use this method if you are planning to buy classic jeans. In women's models there is always a zipper, and in men's models hidden buttons are added. If you choose jeans with a high waist for a girl, then this rule does not apply. Similar styles are just fastened with a series of buttons.

2. Belt. Belt loops are sewn on the waist of the jeans. Let's remember how often girls wear a belt. Much less than men. What is it connected with? Differences in the features of the figure. In men, the waist is not pronounced, so the jeans do not fit snugly. To fix this moment, a belt is used. Standard female figure resembles an hourglass, so the jeans fit snugly around the hips and waist. The girl's belt is worn as a bright accessory or if the figure does not meet the standards. Because of these features, jeans manufacturers have a different number of belt loops on the belt. For female models there are five of them, for male styles there are 7-9 pieces.

3. Size and fit. If you fold the male and female models in half, then attach them to each other, then differences will become noticeable. The waist area of ​​clothes for girls is narrower. Plus, the transition to the hips is curved and very noticeable. In men's jeans, this crescent is not pronounced. Also pay attention to the size. Women's jeans start at size 24, while men's jeans start at size 28-29.

The last criterion is the external evaluation of the product. Men's jeans are mainly used as an element of clothing for basic wardrobe. Therefore, the colors of the products are calm. Jeans for girls are distinguished by a variety of shades and the presence of details: beads, rhinestones, embroidery.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Jeans are an indispensable attribute of the modern wardrobe of men and women. These clothes are versatile and never go out of style. In order not to make a mistake when buying, you need to know how to distinguish men's jeans from women's.

There are obvious differences between women's and men's jeans, more often this applies to products with an original style. If you compare two pairs, you will see the difference in some elements. It is much more difficult to determine the affiliation of denim trousers with a classic look. Not sure how jeans differ for different genders? Look closely at the fittings, feel the fabric, pay attention to the color and finish. There are clues by which you can unmistakably recognize jeans - men's or women's.

One of the main differences between women's pants is curved outlines. The pattern should be built in such a way that the fabric fits comfortably around the hips. These trousers are slightly narrower at the waist and widen towards the hips. In men's jeans, the contours are mostly straight from the waist to the ankle.

If you have no idea how to distinguish women's jeans from men's, conduct an experiment:
  1. Lay the trousers on the table with the front side up, carefully straightening the fabric.
  2. Connect the legs so that the reverse side is on top.
  3. Align the middle seam and see what line you get.
  4. The seam is bent in the form of a crescent - this cut is most suitable for rounded shapes. On men's jeans, this seam looks like a straight line.

Not all girls like tight, feminine clothes. There are many who want to wear women's jeans in a men's style, as the most comfortable and practical.

Planting depth

Women can afford to wear low-rise jeans and still look chic. For men, the opposite is true: the lower the belt, the more absurd it looks. Underwear is visible from under too low trousers, and this is additional discomfort and an indicator of bad taste. When a thing is well chosen, it does not bulge in front, it does not gather into folds. Low-cut women's jeans on men are noticeable at first sight.

To preserve men's health, it is required to arrange trousers in a special way. The codpiece is made wide and long. The medial seam is much lower relative to the belt than in women's models. Due to this, the landing is deeper, more spacious in the front.

By pocket

It is noteworthy that the front pockets of trousers tailored for men are relatively deep. It so happened because of the common habit of putting the necessary things in your pockets:

  • telephones;
  • cigarettes;
  • lighters;
  • keys;
  • money.

Women use handbags for useful little things. The back pockets of women's jeans are also not too deep, their shape is neat and elegant. Men are indifferent to such an insignificant detail of the image; for them, the aesthetics of pockets are not as important as functionality. Thus, jeans can be distinguished by the width, depth and design of the pockets.


The main difference between men's jeans and women's jeans is moderation in finishing. For the decoration of men's jeans, various rivets, spikes, and stripes are used.

Such options for decorating clothes are also suitable for the fairer sex. In addition, jeans for women are decorated with interesting elements:

  • embroidery;
  • rhinestones;
  • applications;
  • sequins;
  • beads;
  • lace.

All sorts of scuffs are inherent in both women's and men's jeans. The slits on the pants look extravagant, they are considered a universal finishing option, regardless of gender.

It is contradictory, but sometimes justified, to judge the belonging of jeans by color. How to understand if men's or women's pants are in front of you? Men are more likely to choose models in restrained colors. It can be variations of blue, black, gray. Much less often come across specimens painted in bright colors: green, red, orange. Girls in this regard have no restrictions, they can easily wear clothes of any color.

The unpretentious design and neutral shades of men's jeans allow you to combine them with other elements of the wardrobe. Some pants, as a basic piece, a man can wear with shirts, t-shirts and sweaters. Women's casual jeans can be combined with any top. Models for special occasions have a rich color and require careful selection of the kit.

Myths about jeans differences

Next, we will talk about signs that are mistakenly considered distinctive. They do not define the fundamental difference between jeans.
  • Clasp. The fly on men's jeans is fastened with buttons or buttons, on women's - with a zipper. To reduce the cost of production, most models contain a zipper-snake.

  • Button placement. On the right side of the belt - for men, on the left - for women. Manufacturers have not adhered to the tradition for a long time and do not think on which side the pants are fastened. Where to fasten the riveting button is determined by the designer's idea.

  • The number of loops. Women's models have five belt loops, men's have seven. The more fabric strips, the better the belt is fixed at the waist.

  • Size line. Women's jeans start from size 25 and end at 38, men's jeans correspond to the interval 28 - 44. For the most part, this applies to branded models. Noname products are often marked with obscure symbols that make it impossible to accurately determine the dimensions. Read : .

  • Style variety. Previously, it was possible to clearly determine by appearance where the men's pants were and where the women's ones were. Fashion trends change so fast that the line between the sexes becomes blurred. The lineups of jeans are already almost the same.

Among the many styles of denim pants, there are models that are suitable for both boys and girls. Products in unisex style look attractive on fit, slender young people of different sexes. Jeans of a straight cut, classic length, modestly decorated are in high demand. They can be altered and decorated according to your preferences, making the pants exclusive.