How to open a kindergarten. Opening a private kindergarten: how the business in the field of preschool education works

What worries them most is the legality aspect of such an event. They can be reassured, this is a legal business and encouraged by the state. The main law you need to know: Law on Education in the Russian Federation. Article 91 of this document states that only educational institutions are subject to licensing. It will also be useful to study the Housing Code; it states that residential premises can be used for individual entrepreneurial activities if the entrepreneur lives there for legally, and its activities do not interfere with neighbors (Chapter 2, Article 17). In 2013, a Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation was issued, which describes all the requirements for preschool institutions.

How to open a private home kindergarten?


4. sales and marketing


How to open a private kindergarten, where to start, how much money will it take? Is this legal? How to organize hot meals, nap and walks for small clients? What documents should I fill out, do I need to obtain a license, or transfer the premises to non-residential use? These and other questions are answered in this article. Here you will find comprehensive information on how to organize a private kindergarten in your apartment or rented cottage, you will get a lot practical advice, you will see the real figures of your expenses. Calling the opening of a private kindergarten a simple business is hardly correct.

This is quite a troublesome task, requiring vigilant control and great return. On the other hand, this useful look activity that brings satisfaction to its creator and numerous clients.

We figure out how to open a private kindergarten and what is needed for this

  • cabinet medical worker, with a full set of necessary medicines, first of all, first aid equipment;
  • gym (sports complex) for training physical culture equipped with the necessary equipment;
  • premises for hobby classes: a speech therapist’s office, a psychologist’s office, an art studio, a choreography room, a swimming pool, etc.
  • catering unit;
  • toilet rooms equipped for children with washbasins, cabinets for towels and storage of household chemicals, children's toilet seats;
  • Lockers for storing clothes should also not be in the bedroom or dining room; a dressing room is needed.

All rooms must be equipped with a fire alarm, illuminated by natural and electric light, have a temperature of 22 degrees, and painted with moisture-resistant paint. Finally, all obstacles are behind us.

We open kindergartens and make them profitable

The contract must include a clause that the landlord agrees to open a private kindergarten in the rented premises.

  • Contracts with staff (nannies, cleaners, cooks).
  • But you don’t need a license to open a kindergarten! This follows from the documents listed above. Please note: failure to obtain a license minimizes communication with the SES and Fire Surveillance. Their many demands are worth considering, but official permission from these organizations is not required.
    The beginning of all beginnings - pencil, calculator, common sense Before you open a private kindergarten at home, a business plan and its analysis will clearly show your expected profit. Make a plan in detail, based on real numbers.

Channels for attracting customers to kindergarten

Benefit for private educational institutions – abolition of value added tax.

  • Local governments provide subsidies for the creation of a private educational institution and the rental of premises, or you can find premises owned by the municipality, which will also significantly reduce costs. In some cases, you can receive other types of assistance from the state and compulsory medical insurance; this can be clarified with the local education department that oversees this industry.
  • The profitability of a kindergarten can be increased by taking part in the municipal order, for example, the education of children from 1 to 3 years old; significant amounts are allocated from the municipal budget for this.

The business of a private educational institution is not highly profitable, but is considered quite promising.
Practice shows that the inspection authorities (SES, Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor) are also quite loyal to the “children’s” business - unless, of course, emergencies occur in the garden and numerous complaints are received from parents. Thus, our kindergarten is not an educational institution, but a development school for children. The concept of our development school, for which calculations have been made for the return on business, is a mini-kindergarten, with the duration of the children’s stay for about 4 hours; the cost of providing services does not include the child’s food.
Working hours from 9-30 to 13-30. If desired, parents and children give them fruits and cereals for food, but all this must be packaged and good quality. How to open a private kindergarten without a license: frequently asked questions

  1. Is it true that you don’t need a license to open a private kindergarten? - Is it true. Only educational programs require a license.

Otherwise, the same requirements apply to the documentation of a family home kindergarten. Advantages of family kindergarten:

  • A small number of children, the child will quickly get used to the team;
  • Individual approach to the upbringing and nutrition of each child;
  • The conditions are almost like home.
  • High fees;
  • There is no educational process;
  • It is possible that the owners of the kindergarten lack pedagogical education;
  • Insufficient space for games.

Approximate business plan To open a private preschool institution, you need to draw up an approximate calculation of expenses and income, that is, a business plan. The first expense is registration, which costs approximately 4-10 thousand rubles.
Renting a premises can cost from 30 thousand rubles and more.

Where to get clients for a private garden

IN last years It is quite difficult for young parents to place their child in a municipal kindergarten due to a lack of places. You have to get on the waiting list from his birthday, but it is not a fact that a place will be obtained when the child reaches 2-3 years of age. A private kindergarten comes to the rescue - a fairly new and promising area of ​​small business.


Is it possible and how to open a private kindergarten at home7. Indicative business plan8.
If the premises are owned by the organizer, then only the cost of utilities should be included in the expenses. Installing a video link for parents' peace of mind will cost 25,000 rubles. Repair and re-equipment of the premises, overalls for workers, equipment for the kitchen, laundry, medical office, attributes for musical and sports activities, Appliances– all these expenses fall on the shoulders of the organizer even before the opening of the kindergarten.

Advertising a kindergarten at first is necessary to attract customers; these can be leaflets, advertisements in newspapers, advertising posts on the Internet, etc. - approximately 5 thousand rubles. In total, at the initial stage of opening a business, you may need from 200 to 700 thousand rubles, depending on the number of planned groups. Opening one group of 8 children in your own premises will cost approximately 170 thousand rubles.

Its advantage is that we do not impose the service. On the contrary, we are actually doing a favor to those who are looking for it. How it works? The child is 3 years old, and it’s time to enroll him in kindergarten. Dad and mom don’t want to send him to a municipal institution, or there are physically no places in neighboring kindergartens. What happens in such cases? You can raise your acquaintances, consult with them, try to get a place, come to an agreement, etc. Or you can just open your browser and type in “kindergarten in Zhukovka” in the search.
IMPORTANT! Honestly, I didn’t check what would be shown as a result of the search results when I suggested adding a request above. Now I checked it. What do you think both Yandex and Google showed me? In first place in both search engines is the Sun School network of private gardens. And this is not even content, but the miracles of SEO optimization.

If a kindergarten has a unique selling proposition, a specialist is needed to provide this educational service:

  • teacher additional education in English language,
  • psychologist,
  • head of physical education,
  • art teacher,
  • musical director,
  • choreographer, etc., depending on the chosen direction.

And finally, children. It is advisable that children be selected into groups of the same age or with a slight difference (plus or minus 1 year). Since educational activities will be conducted in a private kindergarten, groups should have toys and stationery.

Currently in Russia and in particular in Surgut, there is a large number of different preschool educational institutions providing various services. Considering the variety of offers on this market, parents often have difficulty choosing. In this regard, the role of advertising is increasing as a source of information about services, and at the same time as a way of forming the image of a private preschool institution.

Promoting the services of private kindergartens and day care centers and groups has a number of characteristic features, determined by the specifics of the service itself, as well as the entire sphere of preschool education as a whole. IN modern conditions Without taking into account these features and the active use of marketing tools, it is almost impossible for a private preschool educational institution to win the competition and occupy its niche in the market.

If you turn to general principles promotion, then we can say that any advertising campaign is aimed at highlighting a product or service among competitors, increasing sales efficiency, creating a positive image, etc. In this case, the main principles of the strategy of a preschool institution will be to analyze the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the market, identify the distinctive features of competitors and, on the basis of this, formulate their own competitive advantages.

When developing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to analyze the components of the advertised service. The following components can be roughly distinguished:

  • - universal (services typical for any kindergarten, for example, organizing a daily routine for a child);
  • - unique (services specific only to a given institution. For example, a swimming pool, foreign language training, etc.);
  • - static (services that require long-term work. For example, preparation for school, etc.);
  • - dynamic (holding and participation in competitions).
  • - location;
  • - availability of a license;
  • - food quality;
  • - availability of a medical office;
  • - personnel qualifications;
  • - length of stay;
  • - availability of a playground and play equipment;
  • - educational and development programs;
  • - contingent of children;
  • - additional classes.

The solution to these issues is directly related to the solution of marketing issues regarding pricing, communication and personnel policies. And one of the most important components in the complex of marketing communications is advertising.

Modern advertising of preschool education has a number of features. One of the main ones is the use of double communication when addressing the consumer. The emotional part of the message - its concept, the hero personifying it, in a word, the “packaging” should be aimed at the child, and the rational component - at the adult. The mistake many child care centers make is that they mix two messages in one communication channel.

The children's target audience is an ambiguous concept. At the age of up to 7 years, namely at this age a child goes to kindergarten, every year brings new knowledge, skills, a new level of development, therefore the age segmentation of the children's audience is narrower than for adults. The target audience of children under 7 years of age is conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • - from birth to 3 years. All advertising for children of this age is aimed at parents; the main communication takes place with them, which is natural, since a child at this age cannot formulate needs and is not so often at the point of sale.
  • - 3-6 years - preschool period. Preschoolers are children who largely depend on their parents, but are capable of expressing their own opinions. At this age, a child perceives a lot through the prism of his family.

Today it is obvious that children greatly influence their parents' purchases. The author of the publication “Children's Branding” Martin Lindstrom calculated that the opinion of children and adolescents determines the decisions of parents, no matter how absurd it may seem, when buying mobile phones in 45% of cases, and cars in 60%. . This fact is actively exploited by advertisers, using in advertising of “adult” products images of children, animated images, images of animals and other images that attract the child’s attention and form his own loyalty to the brand. According to many experts, a child is a client of three markets at once: goods directly for children's consumption (food, computer entertainment, toys), goods for adults (the choice of which he influences every day) and the future market, which he will begin to determine when he himself becomes adults.

Despite the fact that children's opinions have an influence when choosing a kindergarten, the final word always remains with the parents. Against this background, the role of argumentation in an advertising message increases. Parents' arguments when choosing a preschool institution are different, but the most common are the child's diversified development, preparation for school, specialist consultations, a comfortable atmosphere, professional teachers. The least common arguments when choosing are: unique techniques, a large selection of programs, studying foreign languages, working on weekends and other factors that we have already listed above. However, no matter what arguments are given in the advertising message, the final decision when choosing a kindergarten, as a rule, is always determined by personal contact. In this case, the task of the staff is to be able to talk about themselves in a language understandable to the consumer. One of the most effective ways is the openness of the institution, giving parents the opportunity to attend classes and watch the work of the teacher. The forms of work can be very different: days open doors, conversations, consultations, parent meetings, etc.

Since the message in advertising of preschool institutions is aimed at both adults and children, it is necessary to note one more feature - the attention of children. If winning it, with certain skills, is not so difficult, then maintaining it is a real art. Marketers see the only successful way that would ensure stable children's attention on a particular product or service in constantly changing the advertising strategy of the same product/service.

Features of advertising in the field of preschool education and leisure institutions are determined by the distinctive specific features this area, which is, first of all, working with children, creating for them adequate conditions for play, development and relaxation, maximum comfort and safety, and, paradoxically as it may sound, at minimal cost. In brief, in all its types, advertising information, it is necessary to prove to the potential consumer that the maximum result in all respects can only be obtained by contacting your organization, which offers services that optimally meet the “price-quality” criterion.

It should also be taken into account that for parents who have decided to send their child to a private kindergarten, this service is not only a necessity, but also a desire to prepare the child for school, adapt socially, identify abilities and talents, accustom them to a daily routine and diet, develop personal and communication skills.

This is precisely what is intended to make the services provided by the private preschool institution “Rosinka” high quality. If the result is satisfactory, parents of children attending this institution can tell their friends, relatives or colleagues about this, who may also want to send their child to this kindergarten, which guarantees the attraction of children to Rosinka and additional free and much more effective advertising - feedback in interpersonal communication.

  • - information content prevails over the emotional side. The advertising message is reduced to a list of services provided and contact information. For the best effect, it is necessary to balance both parts of the message through the use of bright images and colors;
  • - low quality of advertising messages. The quality of advertising materials must correspond to the level and cost of the institution’s services;
  • - is rarely present in advertising messages form style. More often used bright colors to attract visual attention;
  • - photographs of kindergarten are often used, as well as photographs of the children’s learning process.

So, the promotion of private preschool institutions and the proposed educational services has its own specifics, associated primarily with the focus of the child care institution. A decisive role for effectiveness is played not only by advertising distribution channels, but by correctly placed accents, a developed strategy and high-quality advertising materials, developed taking into account all the features of marketing in the field of services provided by preschool institutions.

All of the above information will be used in the formation of practical developments for the private kindergarten “Rosinka”.

One day in 2009, the owner of a newly opened private kindergarten approached us. Or rather, I turned to her, offering to carry things from the car like a neighbor. We met and started talking. It turned out that before the opening, she poured the entire advertising budget (200 thousand) into TV advertising, and no one came to her. And he didn't even call. After that she said that she had 10 thousand, but it was unlikely that anything could be done with it. And one signed up client who came from friends is a failure.

Promotion of kindergarten

Of course, money for the launch advertising campaign not enough. And at first we separated. However, the subconscious still works on the task after loading the input data into it. And so the problem challenged us to a duel. We wanted to find a way out. We began to analyze why the failure happened.

Mistake #1. " TV doesn't work here."
1) The advertisement was placed on channel 49 (Novosibirsk). But young mothers don’t watch it.
2) The advertisement was placed on channel 49. And few mothers who have money for a private kindergarten watch it.

Mistake #2. "Bets don't always win"
You shouldn’t pour all your money into one communication channel, even if you are 100% sure of it. This is the same as betting the entire bank on zero.

Mistake #3. "But the bridges are burned"
The video was short and, naturally, in the format of a quick chatter of text, where at the end the phone number was called (the kindergarten did not have a website).
That's why:
1. Perhaps we didn’t have time to record the phone number.
2. “What’s the point of calling at all if I haven’t even read the reviews, haven’t looked to see if there’s a license, haven’t looked at the photos. If I call, they’ll start spudting right away.”

Promotion is somewhere nearby...

The errors have been sorted out. But what to do next? As it turned out later, the problem was that at that time no one in our team had... children. And therefore no one knew that the crisis with places in kindergartens created a huge demand for places in private kindergartens. If we knew this, the solution would come faster. And so we had to monitor the situation.

My team and I surfed forums, websites, and read analytics. And we realized that a lot of gardens had opened recently, sometimes they were even of poor quality, but... they were all packed to capacity. In addition, a series of scandals in the media gave rise to a segment of the audience who, on principle, did not want to send their child to a state kindergarten. So why is our neighbor’s private kindergarten empty?

Our second conversation dotted all the i’s. There was no information about the Stork kindergarten anywhere. Nowhere at all. Not in any reference book. It was as if he didn't exist at all. Young mothers, sitting on the Internet in the evenings, could not, in principle, even find this garden (and, by the way, this is what they do in the evenings, looking for what they need). And since the goal was simple: to gather a group of 12 people, the recipe was ripe right away.

Recipe for promoting a kindergarten:

1. A pinch of information in all electronic directories and catalogs of the city;
2. Add invitations to mothers’ communities (in Novosibirsk this is the Sibmama forum, social network communities, partly Babyblog, etc.) You can mix it with specials for each of the communities (in the spirit of “only for visitors of group “A” free photo session of the child’s first day in kindergarten Plus sprinkle everything with photographs of the interior, teachers, scans of permitting documents (!), etc. Maximum openness!
3. If possible, create discussion threads in the same communities.
4. Scour the Internet for those interested in kindergartens and tell them about your appearance (preferably by calling them by nickname or name, officially inviting them, and if you have any information about the child, make a “compliment”);
5. Mix everything, but do not shake, and serve at the same time hot and cheerful.

In general, creativity does not have to be creative. After all, sometimes even the simplest solutions are enough for successful development - you just need to look at the situation from the right angle. But a person (yes, businessmen are people too) is such that sometimes he does not see a way out of the situation. And it's not because he's stupid. But because he is not a universalist.

In short, all the places in this kindergarten were purchased within a month and a half. In fact, without investing in advertising at all. After all, everyone can do these actions with their own hands. Of course, now this recipe is unlikely to help everyone. The market has changed. But the effect will be even now and much greater than the investment.

One of the main responsibilities of all parents is to provide their child with good education. This needs to be done with early age. State preschool institutions are recruiting large groups, where it is impossible to pay attention to every child. Also, low-skilled personnel often work. Another characteristic feature is poor quality nutrition. There is no way to ensure good development and education. That is why private kindergartens are becoming more and more in demand.

Today in Russia more than 2 million children are waiting for a place in municipal preschool educational institutions. The government of the country is developing bills to provide places for all children, but this problem will not be solved soon. As shown marketing research, at the present time this line of business is just developing, so you can consider the option of opening your own business.

Private kindergartens have the following features: no queues upon admission;

  • maximum comfortable living conditions and safety;
  • a small number of children in the group, individual approach to each child;
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • non-standard approach to teaching, use of original methods;
  • fully equipped with educational materials;
  • good nutrition;
  • availability of extended groups, possible work on weekends.

Registration of activities

Any activity must be legal. Private kindergartens are non-state educational institutions (NOU). Law “On Education” No. 273-FZ of September 1, 2013. allows commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs to conduct educational activities and obtain the appropriate license.

You need to choose a tax system. The best option– USN. In the first year of work, it is better to choose “income minus expenses.” The choice depends on the size of the business.

According to Article 284.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, enterprises engaged in educational and medical activities can use zero rate for income taxes.

Documents for obtaining a kindergarten license:

  • registration certificate;
  • charter;
  • lease agreement or documents confirming ownership;
  • conclusion of the SES and GosPozhnadzor;
  • information about teachers;
  • educational program of an educational institution;
  • number of pupils.

We are hiring staff

When hired, a person must undergo a probationary period. Staff must not only have professional education, but also be able to get along with children.

Key workers:

  • director;
  • educator;
  • Methodist;
  • psychologist;
  • household worker

Specialized trainings and seminars are held for employees of educational institutions.

How much money do you need to start?

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the size of the institution and the number of students.

1. We open a large kindergarten. To open a kindergarten for 3-5 groups, each with up to 15 people, you will need about 1.5 million rubles. Monthly costs – 1 million rubles. In order for the institution to pay for itself in a year, the cost of maintaining a child is set at 20,000 rubles for 5 groups or 25,000 rubles for 3 groups. These are forecasts at 100% load. The best way to finance such a project is to attract an investor.

2. We open a mini-garden for 6-10 people. Costs in rubles:

  • registration – 1-5 thousand;
  • premises rental – from 30 thousand;
  • repair work - from 40 thousand;
  • – from 100 thousand;
  • payment of utility bills – from 10 thousand;
  • staff salary – from 40 thousand (for 2 employees);
  • food costs – 42 thousand;
  • household, advertising and other types of expenses – from 10 thousand.

Initial costs – from RUB 170,000. Monthly costs – 100,000 rub.. Project payback – 1 year. To increase income, you can introduce an entrance fee, a fee for a place in the absence of a child, the introduction of weekend groups, dancing, and developmental clubs.

Requirements for the arrangement of the premises

The premises must comply with the standards. For each child preschool age Allowed 2 sq. m area. Rooms for games, sports, and sleep are being built. We need a medical office.

A building with 1 or 2 floors with an enclosed walking area is suitable for a private kindergarten. Possible to rent. To open a large kindergarten, the best option There will be a lease of the former preschool building from the municipality. They often meet the requirements.

A good option is to open a kindergarten at home. The apartment should be large and spacious. The premises are equipped with a fire alarm. Fire extinguishing equipment must be available.

In accordance with SanPiN standards, the room must have natural lighting and additional lamps. The permissible temperature is 18-22 degrees.

Equipment and furniture

For the kindergarten to function fully, it is necessary to arrange several zones.

  1. Play area: stationery, toys, chairs, tables and other furniture.
  2. Sleeping area: beds and bedding (2 sets for each child).
  3. Equipment for outdoor games: wall bars, balls.
  4. Hall: lockers for clothes, benches, chairs.
  5. Catering unit: kitchen, dishes, dining room furniture and appliances.
  6. Toilet area: plumbing, toilets, pots, towels, hygiene products.
  7. Laundry equipment: washing machines.
  8. Office equipment.