How to arrange ventilation in a private house. How to better ventilate a country house

Air exchange is necessary for any building. The cottage is no exception. Even in a wooden house, ventilation is important, because for its cladding and insulation, structures made not only of wood are used.

If this moment is missed, dampness will accumulate in the premises and conditions will be created for the development of unnecessary microflora, including mold fungi.

For this reason, even at the stage of designing a house, in order to create a healthy atmosphere for people and extend the life of the building, it is important to think through the ventilation system, choosing the right type and making calculations.

Depending on the complexity of the device and the method of supplying and removing air from the premises, ventilation is divided into three types.

Natural ventilation

This option is an air exchange system that occurs independently according to the laws of physics: due to the temperature difference inside the house and outside, or due to the creation of conditions for the occurrence of a through wind.

This option is the simplest and is carried out due to the presence of two elements:

  • a vertical ventilation duct, which opens into the room on one side and outside on the other;
  • window and door openings.

The advantages of such ventilation include:

  • simplicity;
  • low installation costs;
  • independence from electricity;
  • saturating the room with natural air.

However, it is precisely with the last point that the negative aspects of such a system:

  • risk of excessive cooling of the air in the house;
  • entry of dust, fumes and other pollutants from the street into residential premises.

Therefore, natural ventilation in a private house is recommended to be used only in ecologically clean areas remote from the city.

Forced ventilation

If the street air leaves much to be desired, then you should think about a more expensive, but at the same time reliable and safe air exchange option. We are talking about supply and exhaust ventilation in a private house. The essence of its work is that air is forcibly taken from the street, subjected to filtration, and, if necessary, humidification and heating.

The treated air masses enter the bedrooms, living room, kitchen and other rooms of the house through special ventilation ducts distributed throughout the house, and are removed from the rooms using an exhaust system.

The owner of the house can control such ventilation using a remote control, or control and adjustment is carried out automatically.

Mixed ventilation

This is a hybrid of the two systems described above, with a small caveat. A fan is often needed not at the stage of air intake from outside, but, on the contrary, for forced evacuation of air masses. This is usually required in bathrooms and kitchens, as well as in boiler rooms. An example is the familiar kitchen hood.

Any of these systems can be organized in your home either independently or by specialists.

Installing ventilation in a private house with your own hands

The installation of an exhaust system inside the house must be carried out during construction work. The arrangement of home ventilation includes several points:

  • selection of system type;
  • selection of the type of exhaust shafts;
  • project preparation;
  • direct installation.

The last stage is quite simple, especially for the natural system. The main thing is to do all the preparatory work correctly.

Which ventilation system to choose?

In addition to the environmental situation of the area in which you plan to build a house, to select the type of ventilation system you need to know what material will be used for the construction of the building.

Natural air exchange can be used in clean areas for a small house built from:

  • bricks;
  • wooden beam or log;
  • foam block;
  • cinder block;
  • gas block;
  • expanded clay block;
  • ceramic block.

As an option for natural ventilation for a large house, which has a bathroom and an actively used kitchen, there is a mixed type with the installation of elements of a forced system.

In any case, when choosing natural ventilation, care must be taken to ensure there is an air flow either through gaps in windows, or through supply valves located in window frames or in walls facing the street.

If the house is of impressive size and/or is not located in the cleanest area, then you cannot do without a forced ventilation system. It is also used when the structure is made using Canadian technology, as well as from such innovative materials as:

  • Sandwich panels;
  • MDM panels;
  • SOTA panels;
  • 3D panels;
  • SIP panels;
  • expanded polystyrene concrete;
  • vacuum panels.

After choosing the type of system, you need to decide on the type of duct.

Types of ventilation pipes

Pipelines used in air exchange systems may vary in cross-sectional shape and the material from which they are made. An important parameter is the cost of the product, but it’s not worth saving thoughtlessly and it’s better First of all, pay attention to the parameters and quality of the pipes.

  1. The shape of the pipe can most often be round or square (rectangular). Spiral air ducts have better aerodynamics. Rectangular air ducts with a rectangular or square cut are heavy and can create noise, but they are easier to install and hide when finishing a room due to the compactness of such products, which makes them more popular for use in private homes. Round air ducts are preferred for ventilation in industries where practicality is more important than aesthetics.
  2. Ventilation ducts can be rigid or flexible. The former are easy to operate and install, and are also more reliable, but they are heavier and require the use of fastenings that can securely hold them. Flexible products are metal or plastic corrugated hoses that are light in weight and easy to operate and install. But the inner surface of such an air duct is not smooth, and this increases aerodynamic resistance, which reduces the speed of air flow and leads to the accumulation of pollution. The corrugated hose is used in areas where it is necessary to turn the air duct several times, and also when there is no need for a high flow rate. Flexible ductwork is often used for kitchen hoods.
  3. Another important difference is the material from which the pipes are made. Plastic air ducts are often used in the construction of forced exhaust. These products have a smooth inner surface and are resistant to aggressive environments. They are also easy to install. However, the disadvantage of plastic is static electricity, which attracts dust to the inner surface of the pipe.

Plastic on metal base more advanced, does not require an additional thermal insulation layer. The main disadvantage is the high price.

Galvanized stainless steel air ducts are heat-resistant, they are heavier and more massive and are more often used in industrial enterprises. Galvanized stainless steel pipe tolerates high humidity well.

When comparing metal or plastic, then it is better to focus on polymer products, since they do not create noise when air turbulence occurs, are easier to install and cheaper, and also look more aesthetically pleasing. Sometimes they even use plastic sewer pipes rather than ventilation pipes to create ventilation at home. This is quite acceptable if you make smooth transitions at the pipe joints. But plastic is not fire resistant, so it cannot be used near chimneys.

Drawing up a project: how to properly make ventilation in a private house?

Before purchasing materials, it is necessary to make a drawing of the ventilation system of the house indicating the direction of movement of air masses, that is, where the air enters the room and how it is removed. It is better to entrust this to professionals, especially if we are talking about forced air exchange.

You can draw a natural ventilation diagram yourself. To do this, you need to take into account the universal rule. According to it, the room with the dirtiest air should be at the end of the chain. It is for this reason that the air outlet hole is placed in the kitchen or bathroom. The place of influx during natural ventilation is most often windows during ventilation, valves in window frames or walls. The air duct opening through which exhaust air will be removed is brought to the roof to a certain height.

At the system design stage, it is also important to calculate air exchange and, accordingly, the required pipeline cross-section. It is better to leave this work to specialists, especially when it comes to forced air exchange. The basis of a natural exhaust system is made up of vertical channels, the determination of the cross-section, height and number of which is reduced to the design stage.

When calculating, air exchange rate indicators are most often used. It takes into account how many times within an hour it is necessary to completely replace the indoor air. When calculating this indicator for a private house, you need to perform several actions:

  1. Determine the volume of each room in the house by multiplying the area and height of each of them.
  2. After this, you should calculate the air exchange rate for each room using the formula:

L=n*V, Where

L– required performance;

n– multiplicity of premises, which is a standardized indicator specified in Appendix 4 of SNiP 2.08.01-89* “Residential buildings” (FIGURE 1);

V– volume of the room.

The table indicates standards for either inflow or outflow of air, and in some cases simply indicates the recommended volume of air exchange.

For example, there is a bedroom whose area is 18 m2 and the ceiling height is 2.5 m. In accordance with the standards, the multiplicity for this room is 1. Thus, the ventilation performance is equal to the volume of the room, which can be calculated by multiplying the height by the area. In our case, L=45 m 3 /h.

You can also calculate air exchange by area, for example, for rooms that are not listed in the table. According to this calculation, for every 1 m 2 every hour you need to supply 3 m 3 of clean air. For the same bedroom, which is described in the previous example, the amount of air exchange over the area is 54 m 3 / h.

The performance values ​​obtained for all rooms are summed up. At the end, the total inflow volume is compared with the total outflow volume. These indicators are rarely equal, but the larger one is selected and used to calculate the ventilation ducts.

The height of the shaft for natural ventilation depends on the height of the building itself. To simplify the determination of the number of channels, you can use the table provided for a standard air duct with a cross-sectional area of ​​204 cm 2. Using the simple proportion method, you can calculate the capacity for channels of any area. So, a pipe 4 meters long and 15 cm in diameter can pass about 33 m 3 per hour.

The previously calculated total volume of air exchange for the house will need to be divided by the throughput. The result will be the number of channels. The system's air ducts must be distributed in rooms such as a boiler room, bathroom, kitchen, etc.

This is a very simplified method of calculation. Professionals also take into account other parameters that affect efficiency, for example, the thermal insulation of the ventilation shaft, as well as the strength and direction of the wind.

To reduce the influence of the last factor, it is necessary to correctly position the ventilation shaft exit relative to the roof ridge. If the roof slope is less than 12 degrees, then the exit should rise above the ridge by 0.6 m. For pitched roofs, the height of the ventilation shaft depends on the distance to the ridge:

  • if the pipe is located at a distance of less than 1 m from the highest point of the pitched roof, then it should rise at least 0.5 m from the ridge;
  • at a distance of 1.5-3 m, the shaft exit should be at the level of the ridge;
  • at a greater distance, the mouth should exit on a straight line, which is drawn from the ridge at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon.

Insulating the channels helps to avoid a decrease in draft during cooling and condensation in the pipe. This will also help increase vibration protection and sound insulation.

How to avoid mistakes when installing ventilation? Watch the following video:

These are the basic conditions that must be met for proper and timely arrangement. But even if the house has already been built, and the old air exchange system cannot cope, there is a way out.

Wall supply valve for room ventilation

You can improve indoor air exchange using an inlet valve and an exhaust outlet. This is a good solution when proper ventilation is not possible.

Supply device, which It is better to install near heating equipment, is equipped with a check valve that allows the outside air to pass through and remove dust. Due to the proximity to the battery, the air flows are heated.

The air is exhausted to the street using special hoods that run on electricity.

Both the wall supply valve and the exhaust hood are built into prepared through holes of the required diameter, made in the wall facing the street.

Cost of ventilation in a private house

It is impossible to state the number unambiguously. It all depends on the area of ​​the house, the type of system and the cost of consumables, design and installation services. The last factor can be eliminated with independent arrangement.

If we are talking about installing natural ventilation on your own, then its final cost depends on the price of pipelines, ventilation grilles and other accessories.

So, a meter-long plastic channel with a diameter of 150 mm will cost about 400 rubles, and fittings for it, depending on the type, cost on average 150-250 rubles. Exhaust fans, for example, for a bathroom cost from 300 to 1000 rubles. Equipment for forced ventilation is much more expensive.

If you order work from specialists, then to provide a country house with an air exchange system you will have to pay from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles per 1 m 2 of space.

A project separately can cost about 300-400 rubles per 1 m2. But if installing a natural system yourself is not so difficult, then it is better to entrust the design to specialists, as this will significantly reduce the risks of ending up with an ineffective system. But for houses inside the urban system, it is better to choose forced air exchange, for the design and installation of which it is strongly recommended to contact a reliable specialized organization.

Air exchange is ensured by draft in the exhaust air duct system. They start in rooms (usually in the kitchen and bathroom, in the dirtiest rooms in the house). Then the air ducts go up to the attic and from there to the roof.

Air draft is created in these ventilation ducts. Due to this, the exhaust air from the house goes outside. And to replace it, fresh air enters the house - through windows, doors, leaks in the walls and double-glazed windows.

Air moves through exhaust ducts due to two simple laws of physics:

  • Warm air tends to rise
  • Air tends to where the pressure is lower

Factors that influence the draft force in air ducts:

  • Temperature difference between exhaust and street air
    In winter, the draft is stronger because warm room air tends to rise through the exhaust ducts. In summer there is no temperature difference, there is zero draft - and air exchange practically stops.
  • Vertical distance between room and roof
    At the top, the pressure is lower than at the surface of the earth. Therefore, the higher the exhaust duct ends, the greater the pressure drop. Which means the traction is stronger.
  • Wind speed and direction
    Wind occurs when atmospheric pressure is distributed unevenly. If there is a zone of high pressure near the windows, and at the exit from the exhaust pipe there is a zone of low pressure, then the air will easily enter the house and easily go out.

We cannot control the wind, pressure, or temperature outside the window. This is the main disadvantage of natural ventilation - dependence on weather conditions.

But there are a few tricks that will help you properly create natural ventilation in a private home with your own hands. Some of them can be used only at the design stage, others - even in a completed house with a complete renovation.

The ventilation system is an important communication of any home, without which a comfortable life is simply impossible. In the case of apartments, the owner does not have to worry about its design. At most, he will need to install an additional hood or fans.

In private houses, everything is much more complicated. When building them, it is necessary to prepare a high-quality design of the ventilation system and think through everything to the last detail: select air ducts, decide on the type of system, carry out calculations, etc. In this regard, the question “how to make ventilation in a private house” requires a detailed answer.

The need for an effective ventilation system

A good ventilation system should work efficiently and without interruption. Therefore, its design and installation require special attention. An important condition that must be observed is that the number of incoming fresh air flows must be equal to the number of exhaust air masses removed.

If there is more inflow, stuffiness in the house will increase and air circulation will deteriorate. If the output speed is higher, the room will lose heat very quickly. Only proper ventilation in a private home can ensure comfortable living. Therefore, before designing it, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic theoretical information, as well as the standards and requirements.

Requirements and standards

To create optimal living conditions in private homes, it is necessary that the ventilation system be capable of providing the required air exchange. Ideally, each room in the house receives 60 cubic meters of air volume per hour.

A high-quality project will allow you to achieve ideal parameters. However, when creating it, it is necessary to take into account that a certain amount of fresh air must enter a certain room. The norms look like this:

It is important to understand that not only the above premises must be ventilated, but also living rooms, utility rooms, etc. In order to create an ideal ventilation project, it is necessary to add up the air exchange rates of each room of the house and calculate the average value. During this process, it is necessary to ensure that the actual amount of air exchange exceeds the minimum norm.


There are many types of ventilation systems. They are classified among themselves according to several parameters.

  • Functional differences:
    • supply – provides inflows of fresh air;
    • exhaust - ensures removal of exhaust air masses outside the house;
    • recirculation - supplies fresh flows with a small admixture of exhaust air.
  • Air circulation method.
    • ductless - fresh air enters naturally through windows, doors, etc.;
    • ducted - air flows circulate through a specially created network of channels.
  • Principle of operation.
    • natural – the room is ventilated naturally;
    • mechanical - ventilation of rooms occurs due to the operation of specialized mechanisms and devices.

Natural ventilation in a private house

Natural ventilation in a private house works due to the flow of fresh air through windows, doorways, walls, etc. The removal of exhaust air masses in such ventilation is also simple.

Fresh air flows push exhaust air upwards, which in turn enters the channel system and is discharged out of the house. This occurs due to temperature differences. This method of ventilating a room is the best for the home.

It is very easy to create natural ventilation in a private house during its construction. It is enough to create a high-quality and thoughtful project and perform accurate calculations. To do this, it is enough to have minimal theoretical knowledge. Installation of the structure can be easily done using ordinary tools.

Forced ventilation in a private house

A forced ventilation system in a house is used when natural circulation is not enough. It is often used in modern wooden houses made of glued timber, which has a fairly high level of tightness.

The principle of operation and the device of forced ventilation are divided into three types:

  • supply - if there is a lack of fresh air masses, fans and other mechanisms are used to provide additional air supply to the room;
  • exhaust - used to speed up the process of removing exhaust air flows, allows you to get rid of stuffiness and high humidity in the room;
  • mixed - the two types described above are used in parallel (work simultaneously).


The performance of the ventilation system depends on whether the incoming and outgoing air flows correspond to the conditions of the house. Calculating ventilation in a private house with your own hands is quite easy; to do this, just use simple formulas.

The first step is to calculate the air exchange rate. This indicator shows the number of complete replacements of exhaust air with fresh air in one. For most rooms in a private house, one is enough. In boiler rooms, kitchens and bathrooms, parameter 2-3 is used. It is worth saying that when calculating the air exchange rate, it is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​the rooms in the house, but also the number of people living in it.

The described parameter is calculated using the following formula: L = n * V, where:

  • L – performance of the structure providing air flow;
  • n – norm of air exchange rate for a specific room;
  • V is the area of ​​the room.


The home ventilation design should ensure air circulation in the following way: air circulation should occur in the direction from the cleanest rooms to the most polluted. When drawing up diagrams and design drawings for the location of valves and fans, this must be taken into account.

Typical ventilation design involves placing hoods in bathrooms and kitchens. In turn, the mechanisms that provide air flow are located in each room, with the exception of rooms equipped with an exhaust hood.

Things to consider

When installing a modern ventilation system in a house, it is necessary to take into account the main criteria by which the equipment is selected. These include:

  • maximum possible power of the ventilation unit;
  • working pressure value;
  • noise level.

The speed of circulation and replacement of exhaust air flows depends on the cross-section of the air ducts and their location. To ensure its high value, it is necessary to create a system of ventilation ducts of the same diameter and ensure a minimum number of turns.

When building a house

When building a private house from scratch, you need to pay increased attention to the ventilation system. At the stage of wall construction, it is necessary to carry out calculations using the formula described above and create a ventilation system based on the data obtained.

This is done in order to hide the ventilation system communications in the walls of the house. This will not only save the amount of free space in the premises, but also preserve their interior and design.

In addition to this, if it is planned, or, then it is necessary to immediately take into account their ventilation, and make mortgages at the stage of work with the foundation of the building. The same applies to the basement and other underground premises.

In a finished house

Installing a ventilation system in an already built house is more difficult. It is necessary to create a channel project that can be placed among other communications. It is also necessary to take into account the importance of natural air exchange (air entering through doors, windows, etc.) and, based on the data obtained, create a forced ventilation design.

Ways to organize the right system

As already mentioned, in addition to natural circulation in the house, there are three options for the design of ventilation in a private house. Each of them is used in certain situations and has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The principle of operation of supply-type ventilation is to provide an additional influx of fresh air flows. This process is carried out through a special air valve. Depending on the specific model of the ventilation unit, it may have additional capabilities, such as air filtration, heating, humidification, etc.

Many people ask the question “how to install fresh air ventilation in the house.” This is quite easy to do. It is enough just to have minimal theoretical knowledge and basic skills in working with tools. Supply valves can be installed in walls, windows, ducts, etc. This system is used when there is a lack of fresh air.


The hood is used in cases where it is necessary to speed up the removal of exhaust air masses. Fans are installed in ventilation grilles. In most cases, hoods are installed in kitchens, baths and toilets, since it is in these rooms that the air is most polluted.

There are two main types of hoods. The difference between them is that the first one always works, and the second one can be controlled. Turn on or off, adjust operating power, etc.

Exhaust hood is used in cases where the process of removing exhaust air masses occurs slowly. It is important to meet the condition under which the volume of incoming fresh air is equal to the amount removed.

Supply and exhaust (the best option)

Supply and exhaust ventilation in the house, which is also called complex, is also easy to install. You can install it yourself. In fact, a ventilation system of this type consists of supply and exhaust mechanisms that operate simultaneously.

Supply and exhaust ventilation is the best option for ventilating a house. This is due to the possibility of adjusting the amount of incoming air masses and the speed of exhaust removal. It is necessary that these two parameters are equal, otherwise the room will be stuffy or cold.

With heat recovery

Ventilation with heat recovery is a system in which incoming air flows are heated by the temperature of the exhaust masses. A design of this kind can save you a lot of money.

However, the equipment of such a system will cost a fairly large amount. This is due to the complex design. The fact is that to create a ventilation system with heat recovery, it is necessary to connect the supply ducts with exhaust ducts. To complete this task, a large amount of materials and calculations are required.

The peculiarity of such ventilation is that it can only work forcibly. However, all costs are fully justified, since in the end most of the heat thanks to the system remains in the room.

How to make ventilation in a private house with your own hands

The procedure for self-installation of a ventilation system in a private house can be divided into several main stages.

  1. Calculations and design. The first step is to calculate the required air exchange. This can be done using the formula described above.
  2. Selecting the cross-section of air ducts. After calculations, it is necessary to determine the diameters of the system channels. A small value will lead to constant pollution, a large value will lead to noise and loss of productivity. When installing channels, it is necessary to reduce the number of turns to a minimum.
  3. Selecting the type of ventilation. As already mentioned, the best option is a supply and exhaust system.
  4. Drawing up a channel layout diagram.
  5. Determining the location of the intake and outlet of air flows.
  6. The installation of ventilation itself.

By making accurate calculations, using high-quality materials and strictly following the described algorithm, creating a ventilation system with your own hands is very simple.

Installing a fan in the bathroom

Installing a fan in the bathroom is a simple procedure that will ensure high-quality air circulation. The first step is to decide on the location of the structure. Most often, it is installed in an outlet connected to the general ventilation system.

To install the fan, you must follow the following step-by-step instructions.

  1. Connect the fan to the power supply. The switching procedure can be carried out using a button located directly on the structure, or you can connect it to a regular switch near the bathroom.
  2. Next, you need to remove the protective cover and secure the structures at the outlet of the ventilation hole using polymer glue or liquid nails.
  3. The last step is to install the protective cover and check the operation of the installed structure.

Exhaust device

The operating principle of the exhaust fan is as follows:

  • the air in the room is heated by heating devices, the breathing of residents, etc.;
  • fresh air enters the room and creates increased pressure due to the temperature difference, due to which the exhaust air masses rise to the ceiling of the room;
  • An exhaust fan draws air from the upper part of the room into ventilation ducts, through which it is subsequently removed from the house.

Supply ventilation using a diffuser or grille

Fresh air is supplied through ventilation ducts. Elements such as diffusers and grilles are responsible for its uniform distribution throughout the room. They allow air to circulate evenly throughout the room, which prevents stagnation from forming.

Diffusers and grilles are classified according to several parameters:

  • shape – round, rectangular or square;
  • size;
  • additional options - built-in fans, hoods, humidifiers, heaters, etc.

Supply ventilation using a supply valve

Supply ventilation, operating through supply valves, is the simplest way to create a ventilation system. A valve is a structure that can be installed in walls, windows, doors, etc.

Air comes from the street through valves and enters the room. very easy. To do this, just follow the following instructions.

  1. Determine the location of the structure. Most often, such structures are mounted in the space under windows or in walls.
  2. Regardless of the chosen location, it is necessary to drill a through hole at an angle in the downward direction (this is required to prevent water, dust, etc. from entering the room).
  3. Next, you need to install the valve and fix it in the hole.
  4. The remaining space in the hole made is sealed with sealant.

When choosing the number of supply valves, it is necessary to take into account the removal rate of exhaust air masses. The hood must be able to remove the amount of used air equal to the volume of incoming air. In this case, the efficiency of the ventilation system will be maximum.

How to properly ventilate using a duct system

“How to make natural ventilation in a private house?” The installation procedure for a ventilation system is divided into two parts: installing the necessary equipment and creating an air duct system. It’s worth taking a closer look at the second one. When installing ventilation ducts, the following features must be taken into account:

  • It is best to place air ducts in the walls - this will increase the temperature difference in the winter and increase the level of draft;
  • rectangular air ducts take up less space, but round ones are easier to install and are less susceptible to contamination;
  • it is necessary to use wide ventilation ducts - this will also have a positive effect on traction;
  • ideally, it is required to use air ducts of the same section; if this is not possible due to circumstances, then the connection of pipes of different diameters should be smooth, the bevel angle should not exceed thirty degrees;
  • the internal space of the channels should be as smooth as possible;
  • it is necessary to minimize the number of turns in the system; by the way, each turn reduces the ventilation performance by about ten percent.

By following the tips above, creating a proper duct system is very easy. Installation of channels is easy to carry out using ordinary tools and fasteners.

As a result, you can understand that it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question “which ventilation to choose for a private home.” The calculation and design of the scheme is made based on many parameters: the area of ​​the house, the number of residents, the level of natural ventilation, etc. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the required air exchange rate for one person, which is equal to 10 cubic meters per hour.

Most people opt for a supply and exhaust ventilation system. This is due to the following factors:

  • possibility of adjusting operating power;
  • ensuring a good flow of fresh air and high-quality removal of exhaust air masses;
  • ease of installation, etc.

However, in some cases, installing this type of system will not be advisable. When choosing one type or another, it is necessary to base it on the available air exchange. If there is a lack of fresh air, a supply unit will be required; if the speed of air mass removal is low, an exhaust unit will be required. The main condition that must be observed in any home is that the volume of incoming air must be equal to the amount of air removed.

Due to the variety of layouts and operational conditions of country real estate, in each case, individual ventilation in a private house is designed with your own hands. The scheme must ensure the minimum permissible air exchange rate. In a kitchen with a four-burner stove, used air must be replaced with new air at an intensity of 90 cubic meters every hour. In living rooms, 30 cubic meters per person is enough, or air exchange three times per hour of the entire volume. Read more in this material.

Country cottage ventilation diagram

To reduce the operating budget, natural ventilation is usually used in a private house with your own hands, the diagram of which is presented below. The principle of air exchange in it is as follows:

  • street air enters the premises through the cracks of window blocks;
  • heats up and moves naturally under the doors to the bathroom and kitchen;
  • in functional rooms (kitchen + bathroom), ventilation ducts are installed inside the main walls, through which waste air masses are removed due to natural draft.

Such a do-it-yourself ventilation scheme in a private house has significant drawbacks:

  • modern window units (double-glazed windows inside a PVC profile) are absolutely sealed;
  • To improve the sound insulation of rooms, undercutting of door panels is not used, which disrupts the exchange inside the premises.

Therefore, supply valves are used, embedded in window blocks, or ventilation of rooms with open transoms and vents. Sometimes it is advisable to install supply fans or heat exchangers into external walls.

If standard ventilation ducts do not provide sufficient draft, do-it-yourself exhaust ventilation is used in a private house, the diagram of which is also available below. The main disadvantage of forced ventilation systems is their energy dependence.

Helpful information! Axial and centrifugal fans installed inside ventilation ducts and permanent external walls are electrically driven. Power outages can only be compensated for by expensive generators, batteries or UPS (uninterruptible power supply) sources.

General information about organizing ventilation in the house (video)

Related article:

In a separate publication we will talk about the principles of organizing high-quality ventilation in an apartment and the correct selection of equipment.

System composition, step-by-step installation

It will help when designing ventilation in a private house with your own hands, a diagram and preparation of a set of drawings with floor plans. The main element of any ventilation system is the air duct:

  • ventilation duct - made only inside brick walls;
  • box - made of steel sheet, polymer materials, ceramics, concrete products.

Exhaust air ducts have the maximum cross-section. For example, for a single air exchange in a cottage of 300 square meters with natural air exchange, a pipe with a diameter of 35 cm or a channel 40 x 25 cm will be required. Such structures can be made without problems inside brickwork.

If the house is built from other structural materials, problems automatically arise with the placement and decoration of pipes or boxes of such large sizes. Therefore, the cross-section of the air duct is reduced, forced ventilation is designed in a private house (the DIY diagram can also be completed without problems when studying the basic requirements of regulatory documentation).

How to organize ventilation?

To renew air masses in a private house, supply ventilation is first used. It’s not difficult to draw up a diagram with your own hands, once you understand the layout and features of your home. There are several types of ventilation that are not equally beneficial for the microclimate of interiors:

  • the door + windows are open – the air is renewed within 5 minutes, but harmful drafts are formed;
  • a transom or window is slightly open - complete replacement of exhaust air masses with new ones occurs in 40-60 minutes, but the slopes and window blocks cool down, and condensation may form;
  • windows are open - this option is the best, since in 10 minutes the structures do not have time to cool down, the air in the room is completely renewed.

But it is extremely inconvenient for residents to ventilate every hour. Therefore, a saving solution if you do not want to install a full-fledged air supply system are wall/window valves.

Ensuring inflow

Window valves come in several varieties. To install some models, it is necessary to mill an oval slot in the PVC profile in use. This is reflected in the strength of the window block (the profile is reinforced with foil, inside of which it is not recommended to make large holes), and sound insulation.

Slot valves of the overhead type are more convenient to install. To do this, it is enough to remove the seal in a separate area (usually the upper part of the transom) and screw on the valve body.

In high-performance modifications of supply-type valves, the external air intake is connected to the internal adjustment mechanism by a telescopic chamber. The valve element, installed indoors, has a filter, outlet nozzles, and a labyrinthine duct system.

Helpful information! All supply-type window valves are non-volatile. They will not work in buildings with leaky door and window units, or in the absence of 2 cm gaps under the interior door leaves.

The capacity of window valves is usually sufficient for residential premises. However, in kitchens with 4-burner gas stoves and ovens, these devices cannot provide the required air exchange for these rooms. Therefore, wall valves are installed with the following design:

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Such a device can sometimes be a real salvation from stuffiness and poor microclimate. Let's take a better look at the nuances of its selection and installation.

Conventional valves are mounted above the registers so that the winter air is warmed by rising convection currents. The recuperators use a “pipe in pipe” scheme, so the incoming masses are warmed by the outgoing flows. They are installed in any convenient place, regardless of the location of the batteries or walls.

More complex are ventilation systems using. Boxes or pipes are passed inside the spaces of suspended/stretch ceilings, releasing pipes in separate areas of the room.

Helpful advice! When organizing forced inflow by fans, the built-in ventilation ducts of a natural ventilation system are guaranteed to be unable to cope with the removal of large volumes of exhaust “dirty” air. Therefore, it will be necessary to install exhaust fans inside them.

If supply ventilation in a private house is built with your own hands, the diagram is no less important than calculating the cross-section of the air ducts. The main recommendations for the home handyman are:

  • hoods are installed in the “dirtiest” rooms (high humidity, odors, thermal radiation);
  • air flow must be organized from the furthest room in relation to the kitchen and bathroom;
  • For this purpose, grilles or slots in the door panels or under them are used.

Do-it-yourself forced supply ventilation in a private house, the diagram and composition of which is given below, consists of complex elements:

  • Comfort of living when the electrical equipment is turned on is ensured by a noise suppressor (muffler);
  • circulation is created by a fan;
  • the intake air is heated by a heater;
  • filters purify the street air;
  • valves regulate the flow;
  • the distribution of masses within the system is carried out by diffusers and grilles.

Recuperators are responsible for energy saving and reduction of heat loss, but are effective up to certain outdoor temperatures. Therefore, in cold weather, air heaters are additionally turned on. In summer, recuperators operate in air conditioning mode by default, reducing the load on the cottage's climate control equipment.

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With a large working area of ​​a country home, air exchange can reach 600-800 cubic meters every hour. Powerful, large equipment requires space for placement and maintenance. Therefore, either special rooms inside the house, underground, or an unused attic are used.

Helpful information! The minimum flow resistance is observed in tubular air ducts. But rectangular ventilation ducts are easier to attach to supporting structures and camouflage under false panels and ceilings. Flexible corrugated pipes are used in short sections where several complex bends are necessary.

Thus, a home craftsman can design and install natural and forced ventilation systems in a country home on his own without the involvement of specialists. This will provide a comfortable microclimate and reduce illness among family members, but will require knowledge of regulatory documentation and construction skills.

How to properly ventilate your home (video)

An influx of fresh air is needed to ensure healthy living conditions, good maintenance of plants and high-quality functioning of technical systems. At the same time, it is necessary to remove various harmful impurities. Do-it-yourself productivity in a private home will help you solve these problems in a complex. Diagram, calculations, installation methods - all this is in today's review.

A good ventilation system is an essential element of the engineering equipment of a modern private home.

Read in the article

Installation of a ventilation system in a private house: general parameters and requirements

Modern buildings are created with improved airtightness and. This improves economic performance during operation, but blocks the access of fresh air. This example explains the need for an integrated approach when considering the functionality of engineering systems.

The following features should also be noted to correctly formulate the requirements for a good ventilation design for a private house:

  • The composition of the indoor atmosphere can be affected by the condition of the air outside and the presence of sources of harmful and unpleasant impurities in the property itself.
  • Ventilation control methods are essential.
  • It is possible that contaminants from household chemicals, finishing and building materials may enter the air.
  • To calculate the ventilation device in a private house, you can use the method of taking into account maximum permissible concentrations of impurities, or indicators of normal air exchange.
  • We must not forget about the different needs in and on, in the training room and.
  • , and other equipment actively consume oxygen.
  • It is necessary to take into account the individual physiological characteristics and preferences of users. Particular attention should be paid in the presence of allergic reactions.

It should be emphasized that current domestic and foreign regulations, industry and sanitary and hygienic standards contain contradictory data. The above information explains the actual complexity of the task. Too many factors influence indoor air parameters. In addition to objective indicators, individual preferences will have to be taken into account.

For your information! For residential premises, the total exchange rate is calculated using the proportion of 30 cubic meters. m. per hour per person. Below are adjustment data for different rooms and special operating conditions.

That is why, when performing calculations for installing ventilation in a private home, experienced specialists make a sufficient margin for performance. It helps make the necessary corrections during peak loads.

Types of ventilation systems

The supply of fresh air to the premises is constantly organized. Only the intensity of the corresponding operations changes. This means that the most convenient and economical system is one that performs its functions without close monitoring and power consumption. On the other hand, the use of forced mechanisms simplifies the ventilation of rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation in a private house

This simplified diagram of natural ventilation in a private house shows the main parts of the engineering structure. Here there are holes in the walls through which air from the street comes in. Paths have been created for the free movement of flows between rooms.

To ensure air exchange according to the above standard (30 cubic meters per person per hour), it is enough to install a supply and outlet pipe with a diameter of 150 mm or more. The height of the vertical part is made from 300 cm or more. This typical example can be used for calculations taking into account the architectural features of the property.

Important Notes:

  • The same length of vertical pipes will allow equalization.
  • The efficiency of the system is reduced by: branches, horizontal sections, changes in cross-section.
  • For ease of construction, ducts from rooms on different floors are combined into a single ventilation shaft, or mounted side by side.

Filter elements are installed in some input channels to retain dust and other mechanical impurities. Such parts can significantly reduce system performance.

For your information! The height of ventilation pipes is not regulated by SNiP. However, in practice, chimney standards can be applied. If you follow the above rules, obstacles to the free movement of air in the desired direction will be minimized with different wind directions and strengths.

Why do you need a forced ventilation system in a private house?

In the systems discussed above, air moves due to different atmospheric pressure at different altitudes, when heated, under the influence of gusts of wind. The main advantage of these techniques is energy independence. However, they are all overly susceptible to all sorts of external factors. The task becomes more difficult as the height of the channels increases.

To ensure the required performance under any conditions, impellers with electric drives of various types are used.

This figure shows the centralized equipment of the facility. Here, one power unit is used, which provides air supply and outlet. When installing sensors and control devices, the ventilation performance of individual rooms is changed. When combined with, they solve the problem of maintaining comfortable temperature conditions.

air handling unit

What schemes are used to organize effective ventilation in a private home?

In practice, various combinations of natural and forced methods are used. To clarify the requirements of the technical specifications, it is necessary to study in detail the standard design solutions.

Supply ventilation in a private house: principle of operation

Using this kit, you can provide a dosed supply of purified air into the room:

  • To protect against the penetration of insects and leaves, there is a removable grille (1).
  • Air movement is provided by electric (2). The rotor speed of this model is adjusted by switch (5) in steps.
  • The liner (3) made of porous material retains small mechanical impurities.
  • The internal grille (4) performs decorative functions.
  • The sliding design of the pipe (6) ensures precise installation taking into account a certain wall thickness.

In such devices, multi-stage speed regulators, fine filters, and heaters are installed. Built-in electronics allow you to set custom operating modes based on time and temperature. Operation is simplified using remote controls.

Modern systems are combined with intelligent control and management complexes of the “smart home” category. This simplifies the optimization of equipment operation and allows for remote control of equipment via a network.

Features of exhaust ventilation in a private house

This system is needed to effectively remove exhaust and polluted air from premises. With its help, gas combustion products are removed from the atmosphere of residential real estate during operation and.

Using this example, you can explore the solution to a typical problem in a separate function block. This system removes moist air from the bathroom and odors from the toilet using forced ventilation. Electric drives are connected to power separately. Installed in the toilet. It turns off the fan automatically at the desired time interval after turning off the lights in the room. The reverse movement of air is blocked by two. Contaminants are discharged out through a common shaft.

In this option, you should not increase the length of the side channels excessively and use several turns. This will increase the resistance, so a more powerful fan will be needed.

For your information! In such systems, significant temperature differences occur over a small section of the route. This stimulates the appearance of moisture on internal surfaces. To prevent condensation from penetrating indoors, you should make a slight slope towards the street for free drainage.

On a three-dimensional model it is easier than on a flat drawing to study the relative position of engineering systems, decorative and functional elements of a house. This approach minimizes errors. In particular, for better ventilation, the supply and exhaust are installed diagonally in the room. Space is cleared around the ventilation holes so as not to create artificial obstacles to the movement of air.

Expanded possibilities for high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation in a private home

As the name suggests, this system provides fresh air in and exhaust air out. An integrated approach allows for economical use of energy resources and consistent implementation of assigned tasks.

The principle of operation of this technique is clear from the figure. The heat exchanger combines two channels (exhaust and supply) without mixing. This solution helps to preheat/cool air without using additional energy sources.

air handling unit with recuperator

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Below are other important facts worth noting:

  • It is quite acceptable to use several dependent and autonomous systems in one object. The example above shows that it is better to equip the house attached to it with separate ventilation.
  • In some rooms it is more convenient to install individual sets of equipment. The breather can be installed in an hour. It does not need to be connected to the central ventilation duct. All work is carried out without making changes to the decoration of the room.
  • When assessing the noise level of duct installations, experienced specialists recommend taking measurements in the area of ​​the inlet and outlet openings, near units equipped with electric drives. Manufacturers indicate acoustic power or sound pressure in the accompanying documentation. For comparison, you need to take the same parameters.
  • The power of standard heating elements exceeds 3 kW. This allows you to quickly raise the temperature at any time of the year. But you need to make sure that the wiring and other network components are designed to handle the appropriate loads. If necessary, install a liquid heat exchanger.
  • The automation parameters must be checked carefully. You should make sure that the remote control is easy to use and the settings are simple. In addition to the standard change in rotation speed, the ability to set an individual time schedule will be useful. At night, for example, reduce the temperature and ventilation intensity.
  • It will be useful to save user settings in memory. Maintenance is simplified if there is a differential pressure sensor. This device measures pressure changes before and after the filter. An increasing difference in readings will indicate excessive contamination. In cheap modifications, time-based alarms are installed, which do not provide high accuracy of control.
  • Self-diagnosis using software and electronic tools will help you find out about equipment problems in a timely manner. Additional convenience is provided by notifying the user with sending messages to a smartphone, or other mobile device, or desktop computer.
  • In serial equipment for household use, G4 filters are installed, which are capable of removing poplar fluff, bird feathers, and other large impurities. If necessary, elements with small channels are installed instead or sequentially. Retention of particles smaller than one micrometer is acceptable. It must be remembered that such modernization will increase the load on ventilation units.

When developing project documentation, it is necessary to separately study the issues of future operation. Ventilation equipment will have to be serviced. It is necessary to exclude situations when, in order to inspect and perform routine maintenance, parts of decorative finishing and building structures have to be dismantled. For this reason, it is more convenient to place fans, filters and other system components in a special technological room. This solution will simplify the creation of effective noise insulation of the ventilation unit.

What to consider when equipping individual rooms

During the distribution of flows, it is necessary to ensure the initial penetration of air from the street into the living room, bedroom, and other living rooms. From there, he is sent to the technical rooms, to the storerooms. This solution will create excess pressure in places of permanent residence, which will prevent unpleasant odors and other contaminants from entering there.

For your information! According to current standards, “permanently occupied” rooms are rooms in which people stay for more than 6 hours in one day or for at least 2 hours continuously.

Ventilation in the kitchen in a private house: a rational solution to complex problems

In this room the temperature varies over a wide range. The cooking process is accompanied by the appearance of odors and atmospheric pollution with hazardous and persistent impurities. It is necessary to take into account not only the intensity, but also the high frequency of various negative impacts.

It is also necessary to remember the peculiarities of working with kitchen appliances. If installed, an air exchange of at least 60 cubic meters should be ensured. per person per hour. When installing a gas stove, this standard is increased by 50% (up to 90 cubic meters).

infiltration supply valve

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For your information! The minimum distance from the hood body to the gas/electric stove must be at least 65/75 cm, respectively.

Principles of coordinated operation of the two systems:

  • Rice. "A". Initially, the design of the house provided only natural ventilation using an opening (2). It can be seen that part (1) will reduce the cross-section of the common channel (3) after installation.
  • In Fig. “B” shows the work (5), which is installed behind the decorative grille (4). When the hood fan is turned on, it closes, blocking the air flow in the opposite direction.
  • The following figure “C” shows how natural ventilation works.

Table hoods lower into the cabinet furniture when turned off. They can be connected to ventilation shafts according to a standard diagram, from above. But if necessary, the corresponding channels are created in . The latter option involves significant changes in architectural designs. It is used in the construction of houses and during major renovations.

kitchen hoods

To maintain high performance, the following details must be taken into account when designing the hood connection:

  • Corrugated pipes are not difficult to work with. But these products create greater resistance to air flow compared to smooth channel walls.
  • The cross-section of the air duct is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It should not be less than the specified value.
  • When laying the route, it is necessary to prevent flattening of flexible pipes and other significant deformations. The number of turns should be minimized.

An approximate calculation of the required hood performance can be made using the formula P = (L x W x H) x 12 x 1.25, Where

  • P– the maximum amount of air removed from the room per hour in cubic meters;
  • D,Sh And IN– length, width and height of the room in meters;
  • 12 – standard correction factor;
  • 1,25 – additional power reserve, which is useful for quickly removing fumes from burnt food.

This operation can be performed safely by using steam over boiling water. Special detergents are also used. To remind you of routine procedures, hoods are equipped with electronic timers with sound and light alarms.

Here the hood is supplemented with air conditioning. This technique is more expensive than standard models. But it is capable of maintaining a user-specified temperature in the room.

Such equipment performs the functions of a filter. With its help, pollution is retained. As a rule, additional elements with carbon fillers are used. These sorption technologies help remove the smallest impurities and unpleasant odors. However, in any case, it is necessary to ensure work. In this embodiment, an existing shaft is used. To increase productivity, forced mechanisms are installed in the input (exhaust) tract.

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To find out, you need to supplement with deep thematic knowledge. This article contains information that will help you make a comprehensive analysis and make the right decision about purchasing a specific product.

How to create good ventilation in the toilet and bathroom

To calculate the needs of these parts of the property, the following air exchange standards in cubic meters are used. in an hour:

  • 25 – for each individual room;
  • 50 – for a combined bathroom.

Insufficient ventilation in the bathroom in a private house contributes to the appearance of mold and fungal colonies. In addition to the unsightly appearance, the composition of the atmosphere will deteriorate. Some microorganisms provoke the occurrence of diseases dangerous to health, so appropriate preventive measures can be called mandatory. Of course, we must not forget about peeling paint and damage to other decorative coatings, and the intensification of destructive corrosion processes.

Air can be supplied here from living rooms and corridors. If there are not enough existing cracks, through holes with plastic inserts are made in the door panels.

supply valve for windows

Natural ventilation is not sufficient for such premises. Therefore, more productive compulsory systems are used. The choice of fan is made taking into account individual conditions. The above are the minimum regulatory requirements. They will not be enough if you shower frequently and there are many people living in the house. As in the case of the kitchen, it is better to install a sufficient power reserve here.

For your information! For an approximate calculation, you can use the above formula with the coefficient “5” instead of “12”.

The walls are reinforced with a piece of plastic pipe. The installation location is chosen at a distance from plumbing fixtures in order to prevent accidental splashes on the body of the equipment.

When choosing equipment, you need to pay attention to the features of modern models:

  • The grille and body made of durable polymers are not damaged in conditions of high humidity or temperature changes.
  • An aerodynamic impeller with a large number of blades creates a strong air flow at relatively low speeds, with minimal noise.
  • Vibrations from the electric drive are effectively dampened by damping inserts.
  • The rotor supports on ball bearings are designed for long-term intensive use.
  • Good tightness of the joints of individual parts prevents moisture from penetrating inside.
  • Light weight makes installation easier.
  • Some models are additionally, or as standard, equipped with check valves.

For your information! When choosing a fan for a small room, pay special attention to the noise level. A value of 35 dB and below can be called quite acceptable. If the manufacturer specified less than 25 dB, the sound of the operating electric drive will not be heard at a distance of several meters.

exhaust fan for toilet

Special ventilation in the basement of a private house: reliable protection against mold and dampness

The requirements for the system design are formulated taking into account the intended purpose of the premises in this part of the building. With an area of ​​up to 40-50 sq. m. In a low-rise building, it is enough to install natural ventilation.

This figure can be used to explain the main parameters of the system:

  • The entrance hole is covered with a grill to prevent rodents from entering.
  • The opening of the supply pipe in the basement is mounted at a distance of 20-30 cm from the floor level.
  • The hood is installed diagonally. The pipe entrance is 20 cm below the ceiling.
  • A plug is used to block the channel in winter, preventing the penetration of cold air.
  • An “umbrella” on the roof protects against precipitation from entering the system.

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In the review we will talk about how the air circulation diagram in such rooms should be arranged, as well as what types there are. After all, in a garage it is necessary not only to remove gases, but also to maintain humidity at the required level - its excess reduces the service life of the car.

The examples given are suitable for organizing suitable conditions in the lower part of the building for storing vegetables, canned goods, gardening tools, and consumables.

In this case, standard standards for living rooms are used to calculate the system and individual parts. They make additional supplies for the gym, shower room, and kitchen unit. Productivity is increased with forced ventilation.

Important! To figure out how to make ventilation in the basement of a private house, you need to create a list of requirements in advance, taking into account the characteristics of individual rooms. The mode of their operation also matters.

Mandatory requirements for boiler room ventilation

The parameters of the ventilation system when installing gas equipment are precisely established by the current building codes and regulations:

  • The minimum supply capacity is determined by the characteristics of the boiler. The cross-sectional area of ​​the input channel is normalized (in cm2 per 1 kW of heating equipment power):
  1. 8 or more if the inflow is made directly from the street;
  2. more than 30 when air comes from adjacent rooms.
  • The exit hole is made on the ceiling. It is connected to the central ventilation shaft of the house.
  • In addition to the main one, it is necessary to install a second channel (25-30 cm lower) for routine inspections and removal of contaminants.
  • The volume of the room is made no less than 7.5 cubic meters. with a total power of heating equipment up to 30 kW.

For your information! A heated attic in a private house is ventilated using the usual standards for residential premises.

How does the ventilation of the sewerage system perform its functions in a private house?

The diagram of sewer ventilation in a private house shows that the number of outlet channels is determined by the design features of the sewer system. Here one pipe is installed in front. The second is in the far part of the infiltrator.

If it is not possible to install ventilation ducts on all risers, only the far part is connected to the roof outlet. The deflector increases the efficiency of removing contaminated air.

In this figure the following parts are indicated by numbers:

  • (1) connected to heating equipment;
  • “backlash channel” (2);
  • wooden (3) and cast iron (4) cover;
  • outlet section of the ventilation system (5);
  • brickwork (6);
  • clay castle (7), preventing the penetration of contaminants into the soil.

Base ventilation: important nuances

If this part of the building is not in use due to its low height, or for other reasons, appropriate protective measures are necessary. Organizing good ventilation in a private house without a basement prevents damage to wooden parts of structures by rotting processes and the appearance of fungal spores that are dangerous to humans.

For your information! Installation of ventilation for the basement floor of a private house is necessary for the timely removal of radon. This radioactive gas is not detectable by human senses.

Normalizing the humidity level in the pool using efficient ventilation

This information will help you formulate the correct ventilation requirements for the relevant premises:

  • Experts recommend not increasing the water content in the atmosphere above 14 g per kg of air.
  • The normal range of relative humidity is 40 to 655.
  • If the surface temperature is below the dew point, intense condensation occurs. Such processes, in particular, can be observed on the outer walls of air duct pipes.
  • To prevent drafts and the respiratory diseases caused by them, the speed of air flow should not exceed 0.15 m per second.
  • Increasing the pressure in the room (special adjustment of inlet and outlet) will prevent chlorine chemical compounds from entering other rooms. If this pressure is set to more than 15-25 Pa, obstacles may arise when opening the doors.

How to make ventilation in a private house: preparation of calculations, design documentation

When calculating ventilation in a private house, professionals determine the following important parameters:

  • Air exchange system capacity in cubic meters. in an hour. It is determined for each functional room separately, based on current standards and operating characteristics.
  • The characteristics of the individual components of the air distribution network are further clarified:
  1. channel sizes;
  2. dimensions of distribution devices;
  3. resistance to air movement;
  4. power ;
  5. consumed electrical energy.
  • The data obtained is used to select a suitable air handling unit.

For your information! In order not to have to figure out how to properly install ventilation in a private home, you can use the help of experienced specialists. When purchasing equipment, such services are provided free of charge by specialized stores.

The materials posted in this article will help you understand how to make a hood in a private home yourself. It should be noted that in any case, personal preferences are of decisive importance. For a demanding user, the volumes of fresh air specified in building regulations may not be enough.

Do-it-yourself ventilation schemes in a private house: overview of standard solutions

Creating high-quality ventilation in a private house with your own hands

Such supply and exhaust ventilation can be created with your own hands. But to implement large-scale plans, you will have to study design issues at a professional level. You will need knowledge on how to properly set up the joint operation of all engineering systems in the house.

Proper distribution of labor and other resources will help solve difficult problems without errors. The execution of individual works and the most complex stages can be entrusted to specialized specialists. Some parts of the supply ventilation can be installed with your own hands without the help of assistants.

Proper solution of individual tasks during system installation

The installation of channels should not violate the tightness of the layers. Damage to wiring, water and gas supplies should be avoided. In order not to disrupt hidden communications, precise plans and step-by-step photographs of construction processes are used. The necessary materials should be prepared in advance. Similar precautions will come in handy when installing underfloor ventilation in a private home. If possible, routes are installed under removable suspended ceiling panels. Dismantling wooden cladding will also not be overly difficult.

roof deflector

How to choose pipes and other components of the ventilation system without mistakes

With the help of such parts, a route with a complex configuration can be created quickly, without errors.

Various devices are used to clean the incoming air from contaminants. In addition to mechanical (mesh and volumetric), you can install photocatalytic, carbon and other types of filters. Some of them perform their functions efficiently, but do not increase air flow resistance.

Such products can be used if they are suitable in diameter. Products in this category (gray) are intended for indoor installation. Excessive heating (above +60°C) and strong mechanical stress should be prevented.

Step-by-step installation with comments

How to make ventilation in a house using specialized components is described in the following table:

Photo Work operations, explanations, comments

It is convenient to use the system for work. The specially reduced height helps save space.

Such products are installed in horizontal and vertical positions.

Manufacturers' assortment includes air ducts with different channels: round (diameter - 100; 125; 150 mm); rectangular (dimensions - 60 x 120; 60 x 204 mm).

Fast and accurate installation is ensured by matching the dimensions of the joined parts and a large number of various additional elements. Lightweight products are not difficult to handle in hard-to-reach places or at heights. They are connected into a single structure without special tools. They are cut to the required size by hand with a wood blade.

Before installation work, it is necessary to prepare design documentation. In accordance with the drawings, holes are made in certain places in the building structures.

Next, select the necessary fittings.


This product makes the transition from a rectangular section of the channel to a round pipe.

Such bends are used to change the route in different planes.

To speed up the assembly of ventilation in the house with your own hands, functional modules from several elements are connected in advance.

Such blanks are mounted in the right places. Special fasteners are used to fix vertical and horizontal sections. This entrance hole is located taking into account that plasterboard sheathing with a decorative grille will be installed on top.

To speed up work operations, cutting to size is done using . But the use of hand tools is quite acceptable.

Connections are strengthened.

For your information! Installation of ventilation in a private house is often accompanied by drilling holes in the external walls to create supply channels. These complex operations are performed using diamond tips. To cool them, water is supplied to the working area, which flows down along with the debris, forming unpleasant spots. This procedure must be planned before finishing to prevent additional costs for restoring the flawless appearance of the facade.

Features of professional installation of ventilation in a private house: prices, scope of work, control operations

Installation and other work operations Cost of service, rub.
Design based on 1 sq. m. premises area55-70
Installation of flexible/rigid channels (per 1 sq. m.)99-120/300-850
Installation with a capacity of up to 2 thousand cubic meters. at one o'clock8000-35000
Installation of duct/roof fan4000-7000/3500-5000
Installation and configuration of an automation cabinet5000-10000
Departure of specialists for technical maintenance3000-6000

A correctly selected do-it-yourself ventilation scheme in a private scrapyard is a reliable basis for future success. Careful preparation will allow you to choose the best option for a specific structure and specific needs. An objective assessment of your own financial capabilities and installation skills will be useful. If necessary, specialized specialists can be involved to perform individual operations. You should carefully study technical innovations and modern materials so as not to miss out on current advantages in the relevant market segment.

In the comments to the article - ask questions on this topic, share your experience. To successfully solve complex problems, professional advice and knowledge about the practical implementation of similar projects will be useful.