What is the name of the variety of apples with pink flesh? Classification and description of red apple varieties

From the south to the north of our country, the apple tree is a favorite fruit crop. People have been cultivating it since ancient times, and therefore there are more than 10,000 varieties of apples, ancient, known for a long time, new or recently brought to us! They differ in size, shape, and taste of the fruit: from bitter, bland, sour to very sweet, so everyone can choose what they like.

Apples are: summer, that is, they ripen early, usually in July, they do not store well, the shelf life is about three weeks, during which they need to be eaten or processed.

Apples autumn categories begin to be collected in September, they can be stored until mid-winter. Harvest later, or winter, finally ripens at the end of autumn. Apples in this category have good shelf life and winter hardiness.

It is curious that both autumn and winter varieties of apples can ripen during storage. We will look at the best and most popular in each category in the form of a list with illustrations, so that it is possible to identify and find out the name of the fruit from the photograph.

It came from Crimea, although it now grows in the northeastern regions of Russia. Comes from the Kandil-Chinese variety.

Is different good winter hardiness and shelf life, the fruits can be stored until May-June, making it very popular. Early fruiting, produces a stable, abundant harvest of very tasty apples.

For good ripening of fruits, it requires a lot of summer heat, therefore, in regions with short and rather cold summers, apples simply will not ripen. It's worth harvesting finally ripe, since unripe fruits will not have characteristic taste qualities, and during storage they may wither, but not ripen. But ripe fruits will have the best taste after two to three months of lying down.

Average resistance to fungal diseases and drought. Suitable for fresh consumption, processing into juice, compote and jam, as well as for making dried fruits.

A well-known early-fruiting variety that came from Canada. Melba bears fruit literally for 3 years. This apple tree is grown almost everywhere in Russia, with the exception of the Far East, the Urals and northeast Siberia.

Is different high yield. The flesh of melba is snowy and the skin is smooth. The fruits are not small, sweet and sour, with a pleasant candy aroma. Melba apples are well transported and, if properly stored, last until November, unripe ones - until January, without losing their attractiveness and taste, which distinguishes this variety from other summer ones.

The harvest is being collected late summer and early autumn. Melba does not withstand frost well, becomes infected with scab, and mature trees do not bear fruit regularly. But the dry, hot summer is not scary for her.

More than 20 new species have been developed from the Melba apple tree.

Late winter, the Student harvest falls on September and first half of October. Particularly different early fruiting: apples appear in the second year. The variety is popular in central Russia.

The fruits are not too large, but have an attractive appearance, have a pleasant, sweet and sour taste. The apple tree tolerates frost quite well and is resistant to scab. The fruits have good keeping quality, easy to save until May. They take a long time to ripen and are harvested in October.

Types of late apple trees

Apple tree variety Idared – tall tree. It begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting. The apples are quite large, green with a yellow or red blush, pleasant taste, the flesh is dense and juicy.

The harvest is being harvested at the end of September, and the apples lie until the beginning of spring. The variety is resistant to brown spot, but is affected by powdery mildew and scab. Used fresh, for making juice and compotes, as well as dried fruits.

A variety that begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting. The advantage is the ability to grow it in almost any climate zone.

The fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, are firm and strong, juicy. Until the harvest, the apples remain light green in color; during storage they turn yellow, and blush may appear. It is resistant to scab, frost-resistant, transports well and bears fruit consistently well. The harvest takes place in September If stored properly, apples will last until the end of spring.

The unique McIntosh variety comes from Canada. The fruits are whitish yellow or green with purple or beard stripes.

It begins to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting. The harvest is being collected late September - early October, after which it lies for 2-3 weeks and only after that is considered ripe.

Apples are moderately sweet and rich in flavor. Possesses medium keeping quality, the fruits are stored until the beginning of spring and when fully ripe the flesh becomes slightly transparent. Winter hardiness and scab resistance are average.

Summer varieties

In most regions of Russia, summer is not long, and therefore summer apples are sometimes an infrequent treat. Apple trees in this category ripen early and begin to bear fruit.

Today, breeders have developed many varieties of apple trees that can be grown in regions previously considered unsuitable for their growth.

Apples of summer varieties are usually juicy, sweet and very tasty. Their biggest drawback is poor keeping quality. They are consumed fresh, made into juices and canned. Let's look at the best of them.

Popular, widespread, ancient variety. The fruits are a noble ivory color, hence the name. The apple tree is a white filling of medium height, an adult tree grows up to 5 meters in height, the crown is pyramidal.

White filling is winter-hardy, but is highly vulnerable to tree pests and therefore requires regular treatments. They have a sweet and sour taste. The harvest is being collected in August.

Apples quickly deteriorate, especially when hit or dropped, because are stored for a very short time. Therefore, it is best to immediately consume them or process them. You should not allow the fruits to overripe, as in this case the taste deteriorates noticeably, the pulp becomes mealy and almost tasteless.

The fruits of the white filling deteriorate not only when dropped, but even when strongly pressed with a finger, dark spots appear, the pulp loosens, becoming dry and mealy. Therefore, apples must be removed extremely carefully.

Another famous variety, which is often confused with white filling. But this is not entirely correct. Although they are relatives, they still have differences. The homeland of the Papirovka apple tree is the Baltic states. It begins to bear fruit early, already 5 years after planting.

Tolerates frosts well, but is not resistant to scab, traces of which can be seen both on the foliage and on the apples themselves. The harvest ripens a week earlier than the white filling. The pulp of the apple is white, coarse-grained, and contains a high level of ascorbic acid, which is why the taste of apples is refreshingly sour. It resists pests and diseases quite well, but suffers from drought and frost.

Papi fruits poorly transported and stored, are stored for about three weeks, if damaged they quickly rot. If you want to preserve them for some time, you need to harvest them when they are not ripe. Also well suited for processing and preservation.

A variety of apples obtained using the Michurin method from white filling and box. Apple trees are characterized by rapid development and growth; they begin to bear fruit in the 5th year and have a powerful spreading crown.

They unpretentious, winter-hardy, which is a definite plus for many Russian regions. Pruning trees increases the yield, as well as the ability to form a bush from the tree. Due to its frost resistance, cultivation is possible even in Siberia.

The fruits are ripening in mid-August, from one tree you can harvest up to 50 kg. The fruits are smooth, have a sweet taste and excellent presentation. Apples have good shelf life and can be stored for up to two months.

The main difference between winter apples and summer ones is that winter ones should be eaten after they have been sitting for at least a month.

Apple tree withstands frosts down to -50, therefore it can be grown in many Russian regions, even in the Urals and Siberia. It is one of the most frost-resistant. They begin to bear fruit already 5 years after planting, the crop ripens in July-August, but they don’t bear fruit en masse. Apples inside the crown and at the top ripen at different times, which significantly complicates harvesting.

The apple pulp is juicy, but after picking it quickly becomes mealy. Fruit do not tolerate transportation well and are practically not stored. In rainy weather they are susceptible to scab infection, and in drought the tree may even drop its fruits.

Not very suitable for canning, because apples have a sour taste, which will require a lot of sugar. But at the same time, they contain a lot of vitamins B and C, so it is better to consume them fresh.

It has Canadian roots, bred using the method of natural pollination of Moscow pear. The apples are round-oblong, slightly ribbed at the top, and bright. The taste of Mantet is very sweet, practically without the presence of sourness, the flesh is white and aromatic.

Ripening from the end of July to the end of August. It bears fruit early, but the fruits are stored for no more than two weeks. Trees are susceptible to scab can't stand frost.

As the name implies, the color of the fruit is striped, which is its distinguishing feature from other varieties. The apple tree is quite unpretentious in care, has immunity to scab, frost-resistant. When grown in almost any conditions, you can get a high yield of tasty, juicy, fragrant apples with tender flesh.

Fruits are poorly stored; a harvest that is overripe and not harvested on time will simply fall off the tree. Suitable for fresh consumption, jam and compotes.

Quinty was bred about 30 years ago in Canada, where he came to us from. Created specifically for regions with relatively low average annual temperatures. Fruit ripening occurs early, the harvest is already harvested from mid-July.

The fruits of the apple tree are small, with a persistent bright aroma and a sweetish-sour taste. Despite the early ripening of the crop, resistance to powdery mildew, drought and heat, which are the undoubted advantages of the variety, the fruits are stored for a very short time, only about two weeks. Quinti apple tree not frost-resistant and susceptible to scab.

Autumn apple varieties

Autumn apples are most suitable for all types of preservation. Let's look at the best and most popular ones.

The variety is considered one of the best in its category. High yielding, different average winter hardiness, the planted tree begins to bear fruit at 7-8 years. Ripening in the second half of September, the fruits remain on the tree for a long time without falling off. Stored until mid-December.

The fruits are medium-sized, with a blurred blush, with creamy pulp of pleasant taste.

Despite the high quality of apples, the variety is not resistant to drought.

Cinnamon Striped

A popular and long-known apple variety. It differs in that it begins to produce abundant harvests quite late, after 14-15 years. Highly winter-resistant The variety is long-lived and tolerates long-term severe frosts.

Fruits with cream-colored pulp, high taste and aroma of cinnamon, which is why they got their name. The harvest takes place in September, storage time is up to two months. Apples are good for soaking and jam. In rainy weather the variety is susceptible to scab disease.

Consumer maturity, that is, the time when autumn apples can be eaten, occurs after 2-3 weeks of storage.

Winter-hardy, unpretentious variety with regular fruiting.

The fruits are ripening in early September, but they can lie until November. The apple tree begins to bear fruit already 4 years after planting; the fruits are juicy, yellowish, and of average taste. Despite its high tolerance to low temperatures, the tree has fragile wood, and the taste of the apples themselves is inconspicuous. Fruits and leaves are susceptible to scab.

Variety Memory of Isaev, which has extremely high winter hardiness, high productivity. The harvest takes place late autumn, and the collected fruits are stored until January.

Apples have a sweet and sour taste, do not have a pronounced aroma, with dense, juicy and tender pulp. Scab resistant.

Ripens in September-October, the harvested crop of fairly large fruits can be stored for up to three months.

Apples have a sweet and sour taste, juicy and very tender. It begins to bear fruit early, already in the 4th year, has good disease resistance and winter hardiness.

Giving high yields tolerates frost well variety. Large fruits with a pleasant sweet and sour taste ripen in early September.


Apple varieties that ripen late are called winter. Winter apples are valuable because you can eat them throughout the whole year. They have such good keeping quality the best varieties this category.

Winter apples are difficult to eat immediately after picking, since they usually ripen during storage. The harvest is harvested from mid-autumn, and the fruits remain until May-June.


The fruits are ripening in the first half of October, stored until April-May. Trees big size, the harvests are abundant, up to 240 kg. The tree is powerful, scabby and frost resistance is moderate. Therefore, it requires special attention in winter and also requires regular spraying.

The fruits are quite large, with excellent taste. Stored until May, suitable for both raw consumption and all processing methods.

Growing winter varieties of apples is more difficult due to the small amount of heat, unlike summer and autumn varieties. For this reason, they need more careful care and regular feeding.

A well-known and popular variety. It has quite a few types: white, ribbed, gray, striped and so on. All of them are distinguished by high, but not regular yields. Frost-resistant and tolerate other climatic troubles well.

The fruits have a characteristic aroma of high intensity, sweet and sour taste, juicy and crispy pulp.

The harvest is being harvested in the first ten days of October. Depending on the storage method, apples of this variety are stored: in the refrigerator - until December, in the basement - until December. They are eaten fresh, and also processed into jam, marmalade and pastille, and made into compotes and juices.

Apple tree varieties are resistant to drought and strong winds. The trees grow very tall with medium to large green fruits of different shades. A distinctive sign is the formation of a brown tint on the fruits.

Possess very high keeping quality, stored until summer. The harvest of juicy fruits with a spicy, slightly wine-like, sweet taste is harvested in September-October. Suitable mainly for fresh consumption.

A variety that can withstand the coldest winters. Highly frost-resistant.

When ripe, the fruits become red, have a pleasant perceptible aroma, juicy and sweet. It is not uncommon for apples to have a waxy coating, which helps increase the shelf life of the fruit.

Harvesting occurs on end of September - beginning of October I, and apples can be stored almost until the end of spring. You can eat them after 2 months of storage, when they are fully ripe.

Sinap (Kandil) Orlovsky

The trees are quite large in size, with large, almost identical-sized fruits. Apples are green with a blush, sweet with a slight sourness. The harvest is being collected at the end of September, apples lie until spring.

Brought to the Volga region because tolerates both severe frosts and drought. Scarlet begins to bear fruit quite late, 6-7 years after planting, bringing abundant harvests.

The harvest takes place In November, shelf life is limited to two months. An unpretentious apple tree, but if the weather is too wet, the fruits and leaves become infected with scab.

Ripe fruits are almost completely covered with a scarlet blush, small in size, and have a good taste.

The sweetest and most delicious fruits and their names

Adults and especially children love to eat a tasty, sweet apple. The most famous in this category are the white and candy pours, which we talked about earlier. In addition to them, there are also popular varieties of this category.

Winter-hardy precocious type. Due to its large size, the tree can bear quite large fruits. The apples are sweet, with very aromatic, but not too dense pulp.

The harvest is being harvested early October, and the fruits lie until the end of February. Possessing excellent taste and presentation, it is also resistant to scab.

Sweet bliss

A medium-sized tree with small, sour-sweet, round-shaped fruits. Light-colored apples with a blush are characterized by an excellent aroma and a sweet dessert taste without the presence of sourness.

Resists well against adverse factors environment. Is different high frost resistance.

The fruits are small, cylinder-shaped, yellow in color, with a very sweet taste and pleasant aroma. Productivity is average.


Summer winter-hardy variety. The fruits are medium and large in size, sweet, with a slight sourness and honey flavor. Maturation occurs In the end of August and lasts for a month.

Winter hardiness is very high, withstands frosts down to -40. Good immunity to diseases and resistance to pests.

Grown in central Russia, Belarus and the Baltic states. Summer ripening tolerates frost well.

The yield is average, and the tree begins to bear fruit quite late. The fruits are small in size, very aromatic, with a honey-sweet taste. The foliage and the apples themselves are resistant to scab. Ripening late July-early August. However, the shelf life is low and can be stored for a month.


Variety with uneven ripening, harvest is removed in the second half of August. The taste of apples improves after a short period of storage, becoming even sweeter and honey-like. The taste remains unchanged for a long time.

The best greens

Green apples with a sour taste are considered most beneficial for health and with diets. Among them is the most popular variety, Renet Simirenko, as well as papirovka, Antonovka and white filling, described above, and others.

Probably the most popular winter variety of green apples right now, it is difficult to confuse with others due to its bright, shiny green color and hard peel. Bred in Australia. The taste of the fruit is very juicy with a pleasant sourness; it is considered dietary due to its low sugar content.

Late-ripening, ripens by the end of autumn. The fruits are large and have no aroma, which is their feature. They tolerate transportation well and can be stored for a long time. Frost-resistant, with regular abundant fruiting. However, with a lack of heat and light, the fruits become smaller and turn yellow.

Granny Smith is the most popular apple in a weight loss diet.

Pepin saffron

Variety does not have good frost resistance and in severe cold weather it freezes, although it recovers well afterward. For regular fruiting it requires regular pruning; the first harvests are produced 5-7 years after planting.

The apples are sweet, with an interesting grape and spicy flavor, with a bright aroma. Have good shelf life from the moment of collection in October They are perfectly stored until March, maintaining their taste.

Golden Delicious

Despite the yellowish color, the variety still belongs to this category. Apple tree tolerates frost well, but drought resistance is low.

Dense, very juicy fruits with a sweet taste are collected From september, and stored until March. Rest has a positive effect on the taste, making it even more delicate.

Best reds

Beautiful, bright apples will decorate any table and seem especially tasty. The best varieties in the category are the following.


French variety, resistant to scab. Large, slightly flattened apples ripen in October. It begins to bear fruit in the 6th year, but good harvests are harvested only in 8-10.

The quality of the fruit is very high: sweet, juicy, with signs of sourness, becoming even sweeter when stored. They are well transported and stored until March. Frost resistance and drought resistance average.

A variety with large, bright red, beautifully shaped fruits. Excellent taste and appearance, but average scab resistance. The tree begins to bear fruit 5 years after planting, but produces significant harvests only by 10 years.

Red Delicious

A fast-growing variety, the first harvests can be harvested after 3-4 years. This needs to be done at the end of September, and the fruits last until the end of winter, if properly stored until April.

The apples are rich, bright red in color, with a thick skin, sweet, with a slight iron aftertaste, juicy and crisp. They are well transported, resistant to mechanical damage, but during storage they are affected by bitter spotting. It is not resistant to scab, but frost resistance is average.

Late winter variety native to America. It is also known to gardeners under other names: winter pretty, winter red, Oslamovskoe. It needs to be grown in moist soils; only under this condition can good yields be obtained. The tree is resistant to both scab and powdery mildew.

Fruits with a pleasant, sour-sweet taste and bright aroma are removed in mid-September. It tolerates transportation and storage well and lasts until mid-spring.

Jonathan fruit is most often mentioned in culinary recipes and used in baking.


The variety originated from McIntosh, and therefore has its properties: rich red color, wonderful taste. The variety is distinguished by annual fruiting with a noticeable increase in yield; the first one can be harvested after 3-4 years.

Tolerates frost well and is resistant to drought, but moderately resistant to disease.

The best varieties of apples for the Moscow region and the middle zone

The Moscow region is characterized by an unstable climate, short summers and lack of light. Therefore, the varieties that are best suited for cultivation should be hardy, unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Suitable summer varieties include: Moscow pear, lungwort, candy, and striped cinnamon, which were mentioned above. And also autumn varieties of apples.



The first fruits are harvested 5-6 years after planting; the harvest is abundant, but decreases over the years.

Characteristic features of the variety are very large fruits. But it is better to plant in the southern regions, since the variety does not tolerate frost well and weakly resists scab. Ripens in September, and the collected apples last up to two months.

Cinnamon new

Another autumn apple variety suitable for growing in the Moscow region. The first harvest is harvested quite late after planting, closer to 6-7 years. At first, the trees bear fruit regularly; over the years, the yield increases, but becomes irregular.

The fruits are small, juicy, aromatic, with bright spots, collected in mid-September, they are stored for about three months. Winter-hardy, pest-resistant variety.

Among the winter varieties suitable for cultivation in this region, it is worth noting the already described Antonovka, Pepin saffron, Borovinka, Dolgo, Kandil Orlovsky and some others.


Variety with average winter hardiness, but with good resistance to scab and various pests. It begins to bear fruit at the earliest - after 5 years of cultivation; the harvest of light striped fruits is harvested in the fall and stored for about six months.

Good, frost-resistant a variety with excellent resistance to pests and various diseases.

After 5-7 years, you can harvest a good harvest, the apples are large, sweet and sour, green in color with a bright blush. Ripening in September-October, if stored correctly, last until April.



Semi-dwarf autumn variety, bears fruit well from the 3rd year of growth. A fast-growing, high-yielding apple tree with medium-sized red fruits. Due to the thickened crown, the size of the apples is different, their taste is sweet and sour. Especially valuable for its immunity to scab and good frost resistance.

By the third year of cultivation, you can harvest good harvests of sweet and sour apples. Frost resistant and scab, loves feeding, but it is necessary to fight aphids.

Dwarf tree, yellow fruits in the second half of August, are stored for a month.

The apple varieties described are considered the best, which is why they enjoy great success and popularity among many gardeners. By planting summer, autumn and winter varieties together, you can enjoy delicious fruits whole year.

Apples are not only tasty, but also very healthy fruits. In addition, frost resistance and unpretentiousness make it possible to grow them without problems in most of Russia. Selection does not stand still, and new varieties are constantly appearing. Therefore, the most difficult thing for a gardener is to make the right choice. One of the main criteria is the appearance and taste of the fruit. Some people prefer sweet red apples, others prefer green, sour ones.

Varieties of green apples for growing in the Moscow region

The climate in the Moscow region cannot be called particularly harsh, however, rather frosty and light-snowy winters are not an anomaly in this region. Therefore, cold resistance to at least -25ºС is one of the main criteria for choosing apple trees.


It has long been a widely known variety in Europe, the origin of which could not be established. It appeared in Russia in the 19th century from the Baltic states. But it is also known to gardeners as Pribaltic and Alabaster. Papirovka is often mistakenly called White filling, but these are different varieties. The State Register of the Russian Federation recommends growing this variety in the European part of Russia.

Paping belongs to the early category. Externally, the fruit is indeed very reminiscent of White filling, but these apples are larger, with a pronounced side “seam” and are better stored. Trees are less often affected by scab, but are less winter-hardy.

The fruits of this variety are not transportable, so professional farmers do not grow Papirovka. The tree grows to 3.5–4.5 m, and the pyramidal crown gradually becomes almost round.

Papirovka is often confused with White filling, but these are different varieties of apples

The weight of the fruit is 90–95 g, but practice shows that with proper care their weight can almost double. The shape of the apple varies from slightly flattened to rounded-elongated, glass-like, and triangular. The skin is very thin, pale green, sometimes with a slight yellowish tint. The presence of multiple whitish or straw-colored subcutaneous dots is characteristic. The fact that the fruits are ripe can be judged by the thin layer of whitish coating that appears on them.

The harvest ripens in early August. The maximum shelf life under optimal conditions, if the fruits are removed from the tree 3–5 days before ripening, is 2–3 weeks. During the collection process, you should try to avoid the slightest mechanical damage. Papirovka bears its first harvest in the 4th–5th year; the productive life of the tree is about 50 years. The average yield is 60–80 kg; in particularly successful years, this figure can reach 150–180 kg. Ripe fruits immediately rot and fall off.

The variety is self-sterile; Grushovka and Suilepskoe are suitable pollinators. Significant advantages are good resistance to scab and versatility of use. Gardeners often grow Papirovka for nostalgic reasons, wanting to again experience the taste familiar from childhood.

Grushovka Moskovskaya

The oldest variety that is still cultivated. Brought out in Russia more than two hundred years ago. It is widespread not only in the middle zone, but also in the North-Western region, since winter hardiness down to -50ºС allows it. Fruiting is not immediate, begins towards the end of August and lasts for about 3–4 weeks.

Apples are valued for their unique sweet and sour taste and delicious smell. Unfortunately, they are not stored for long, a month at most. Then the pulp becomes “cotton” and almost tasteless.

The taste of Grushovka Moskovskaya is familiar to many from childhood.

Grushovka often suffers from fungal diseases characteristic of the crop, especially in cool and rainy weather, but quickly recovers after this. The productive life of a tree is at least 70 years, only then the yield begins to decline slightly. The variety is early-bearing, the first apples (up to 10–12 kg) ripen within 3–4 years after planting. In hot weather, the plant definitely needs watering, otherwise it can lose a significant part of the ovaries.

The pear tree is self-sterile; any apple tree with similar flowering periods is suitable as a pollinator. The tree is large - it grows up to 6–8 m in height, the crown is 4–5 m in diameter, the branches can hang almost to the ground. The pear tree is easily identified by its characteristic brownish-red with a yellowish tint to the bark. And her young shoots are almost cherry-colored.

The fruits are quite small (60–90 g), but there are also “record holders” weighing 125–140 g. The skin is thin. The shade varies from almost white to lime; in areas illuminated by the sun, streaks of pinkish or crimson “blush” are formed. The pulp is creamy, often with reddish veins. Productivity - 110–170 kg. Every 4-5 years the plant “rests”.

Video: description of Grushovka Moskovskaya


The variety comes from Canada, bred in the 30s of the twentieth century, a “clone” of Grushovka Moskovskaya. Externally, the fruits are a little similar, but Mantet is larger and sweeter. The tree is not too tall (3–4 m), but powerful, with a spreading crown that is not particularly dense. The shoots are located at an acute angle in relation to the trunk. Frost resistance - no more than -20–25ºС.

The weight of the fruit is approximately 180 g, the apples are elongated, the ribs are difficult to palpate, mainly closer to the stem. The skin is thin, greenish, and may turn yellow during long-term storage. The presence of an orange-pink “blush” is characteristic. A variety from the dessert category - snow-white pulp, with a light but noticeable sourness. The “apple” smell is very weak.

Mantet - “improved version” of Grushovka Moskovskaya

The harvest ripening time extends from late July to early September. It depends on how warm and sunny it was in the summer. The shelf life of fresh apples is no more than 12–15 days. You need to have time to collect them before they become overripe and crumble. The first harvest is harvested 3–4 years after planting. Trees under the age of 15 bear fruit annually, then every 4–5 years they need “rest.” Productivity (40–60 kg) increases if other apple trees grow nearby (Melba, Melba Red, White filling).

Cinnamon New

Widely known since the 70s of the last century, an autumn variety of Soviet selection, obtained from cross-pollination of Cinnamon Striped and Welsey. The tree is large, with a dense crown. Frost resistance - up to -37–40ºС.

The fruits are not particularly large, weighing 130–160 g, symmetrical, round or slightly flattened. The skin is hard, smooth, salad-yellow in color, with spots of soft pink “blush”. Subcutaneous dots are beige-gray. The pulp is straw-yellow, loose, but juicy and aromatic. The taste is balanced, sweet and sour. Professional tasters rated it 4.4 points out of 5 possible.

Apple trees of the Cinnamon New variety are valued by breeders for their high winter hardiness

The variety cannot be called fast-growing; you will have to wait 6–8 years for the first harvest. The fruits are harvested in the middle or last ten days of September. Ripe apples are firmly attached to the branches. Under optimal conditions, they will not spoil within 15 to 18 weeks. The yield increases as the tree matures from 15–20 kg to 140–180 kg. The advantage of the variety is its high resistance to fungal diseases typical of apple trees, especially scab. Particular attention should be paid during care proper watering- if a prolonged “drought” is replaced by excess moisture, the fruits crack.

Anise Gray (or Striped)

An ancient variety originally from the Volga region. Its origin could not be reliably established. Widely used in modern breeding to develop new frost-resistant varieties.

The tree is distinguished by its growth rate, reaching 5–6 m in height. The crown is thick, sloppy, and resembles a broom placed on the handle. The leaves are slightly wrinkled, concave along the central vein.

Anise Gray (Striped) - a variety of apples of folk selection

The fruits are not too large (about 130 g), approximately the same size, strongly flattened, with clearly defined ribs. The pale green skin is covered with a pinkish “blush” of spots and streaks. The fact that the apple is ripe can be judged by the presence of a layer of bluish coating. The pulp is white or greenish, juicy, good taste and with a characteristic “apple” aroma.

The fruits ripen in late August. For stable fruiting, pollinators are needed - Borovinka, Bellefleur-Chinese, July Chernenko. You will have to wait 5-6 years for the first apples. Productivity indicators are 240–300 kg, the productive life period of the tree is 90–100 years. The apples will last 8–10 weeks, and they tolerate transportation well.

Anise Gray is very hardy and unpretentious. Trees are not particularly damaged by heat, drought, or frost; they are undemanding to the type of substrate, resistant to bacterial canker, and somewhat less resistant to scab and powdery mildew.


The variety was bred personally by the famous scientist I.V. Michurin by cross-pollination of the Antonovka Ordinary and Renet Pineapple apple trees. Grows up to 3.5–4 m, the crown is neat and symmetrical.

The weight of the fruit is 95–105 g. They are flattened, the ribs are difficult to palpate. The skin is hard, greenish, with blurry pale yellow spots. “Blush” is practically absent. The pulp is sweet, snow-white, especially tender and juicy.

Undoubted advantages:

  • good (up to -35ºС) cold resistance,
  • precociousness,
  • regularity of fruiting,
  • presence of high resistance to scab,
  • transportability of fruits and the ability to store them for a long time.

Varieties of green apples for central Russia

The climate in this region is quite mild, but still not the same as in the southern subtropical regions. When choosing an apple tree, you must take into account its frost resistance. Or then you will have to play it safe by covering the tree for the winter.

Amazing (Rossoshanskoye delicious)

Late-ripening dessert variety, “parents” - Renet Simirenko and McIntosh. Apples take at least four to five months to ripen. The shelf life is long - 8 months or more.

The tree grows up to 4–5 m. The crown is close in shape to a regular ball, not too thick. There are relatively few shoots.

Apples of the Izumitelnoe variety have a very long shelf life

Fruit weight - 185–230 g. The fruits are of approximately the same weight, symmetrical, in the shape of a rounded cone. The greenish skin is partially hidden by a reddish “blush” in the form of blurry spots. Beige subcutaneous dots are clearly visible. The skin is thin, matte. The pulp is creamy, not particularly aromatic, sweet and sour, literally melts in your mouth.

Cold resistance down to -25ºС. There is an “innate” immunity to scab and powdery mildew. The variety is self-sterile. Aprelskoe and Northern Sinap are suitable for pollination. The Amazing apple tree produces a stable harvest, the average is 90–125 kg, the maximum is up to 160 kg. Fruits are transportable. Regular fruiting begins 6–8 years after planting.


One of the very common autumn varieties in the Volga region. Known since the 40s of the last century. The tree grows to 4–5 m, has a pyramidal crown, not too thick. Skeletal branches are located at an acute angle, so they often break.

Fruit weight - 90–130 g. On trees under 10 years of age - 220–240 g. The skin is thin, but durable, glossy. A significant part of the greenish skin is covered with a thick layer of “blush” of different shades - from dull red to deep scarlet. There are whitish dots under the skin, but they are almost invisible because they are too small. The pulp is whitish-yellow, fine-grained, loose, sweet.

Apple trees of the Spartak variety rarely suffer from scab

The fruits ripen towards the end of September and remain until February. Then the taste gradually deteriorates. The first apples are tasted 3–4 years after planting. Frost resistance - up to -25ºС. Trees are extremely rarely infected with scab.

Video: Spartak apple tree

Sinap Northern

Late variety with a very long shelf life. The apples can last until next summer. “Clone” of the Kandil-Kitayka apple tree. The result was very successful: these apples have a better taste than the “southern” varieties of Sinap, widespread in Crimea.

Trees up to 6–7 m high, pyramid-shaped, wide crown. The weight of the fruit is 100–130 g, the shape is slightly elongated. The skin is smooth, slightly oily. It is colored light green and partially hidden by a pinkish-red “blush”. Subcutaneous dots are pale green.

Apples of the Sinap Northern variety cannot be harvested ahead of schedule.

The harvest ripens no earlier than early October. There is no need to rush into harvesting it - unripe apples are not as tasty and store much worse. Collected on time, they will quietly remain until the beginning of next May. Practice shows that if it was warm enough in the summer, and sharp changes in morning and daytime temperatures were observed in the fall, apples of this variety turn out to be very beautiful, with brightly colored skin. Productivity is high - 150–180 kg. Fruiting begins 5–8 years after planting in the ground.

Regular and competent pruning is one of the main components of agricultural technology. Otherwise, the apples become smaller, and fruiting is periodic. The variety is partially self-fertile, but the presence of pollinators has a positive effect on yield. The apple tree is characterized by good winter hardiness, but it does not tolerate drought very well.


One of many varieties bred at the Research Institute of Genetics and Breeding fruit plants named after I.V. Michurin. The tree grows up to 4 m. The crown is not thickened, but wide, 6 m in diameter or even more. The first fruits ripen 4–5 years after planting.

The weight of the apple varies from 125–160 g to 190–220 g. The fruit is symmetrical, almost round, widening towards the base and with clearly palpable ribs. The skin is green with a yellow tint. Where the sun hits the apples, stripes and streaks of crimson “blush” appear. The pulp is hard, crispy, white. It is not particularly juicy, but the smell is simply amazing. The taste is balanced, sweet and sour. It opens completely during storage, only at the beginning of winter.

Apple tree of the Bogatyr variety is a fairly large tree

The yield is not bad - 80–95 kg. Fresh fruits can be stored for 6 months or more. Another significant advantage is the presence of immunity to scab. Frost resistance at -20ºС. The fruits are easy to transport.

Video: description of the Bogatyr apple tree

Rosemary Russian

One of the many “clones” of Antonovka Ordinary, bred in the 90s of the last century. The weight of the fruit is 130–210 g, the shape is from almost spherical to a rounded cone. The skin is almost white, thin, as if oily. Subcutaneous dots are small, whitish. There is a thick crimson-raspberry “blush” that can cover a significant part of the skin.

The high taste qualities of Rosemary Russian apples are confirmed by professionals

A variety from the dessert category. The taste was highly rated by professional tasters - 4.8–4.9 points out of five. The flesh is greenish, as if pearlescent, fine-grained, very juicy and crisp, with a pronounced aroma. Its sweetness is emphasized by a barely noticeable sourness.

Apples can easily be transported and have a shelf life of 8–12 weeks. The yield is high - 135–160 kg of fruit from an adult tree. Trees rarely suffer from diseases typical of the crop. Frost resistance down to -35ºС.


A late-winter variety originally from Samara, it is very popular among farmers who grow fruit on an industrial scale. Widespread not only in Russia, but also in many former Soviet republics. The tree is not tall (about 4.5 m), the crown is neat, spherical. Doesn't grow too fast.

The fruits are not particularly large, approximately 100–110 g each, maximum 150 g. They are slightly flattened, the ribs are well defined. The skin is thin, pale green. If the fruit sits for a long time, it turns yellow, and a pattern of thin strokes of burgundy or cherry shade appears on it. The pulp is greenish, fine-grained, and there is practically no aroma. The taste is sweet and sour, with a spicy aftertaste. It is not recommended to eat apples immediately after they have been picked from the tree - the pulp is very hard. It's better to wait until November. In general, the fruit can remain there until the next harvest.

Apple trees of the Kutuzovets variety are easily restored after being damaged in winter

The first time an apple tree pleases a gardener is 5–7 years after planting. Productivity is about 150 kg. Fruit is harvested at the very end of September. The tree is little susceptible to drought and heat, practically does not become infected with fruit rot, and almost does not suffer from scab and powdery mildew. Frost resistance is average (up to -25ºС), but a damaged tree “heals its wounds” over the next summer.

Varieties of green apples for the Urals

The climate in the Urals is harsh; this region deservedly bears the name “risky farming zone.” But selection does not stand still, and quite a lot of varieties have appeared that are characterized by high frost resistance, despite the fact that the size and taste of apples are practically not inferior to specimens from areas with more suitable conditions for gardening. Old, time-tested varieties are not losing ground either.

Antonovka Ordinary

A very common apple tree variety of folk selection in Russia, cultivated since the 19th century. The characteristic aroma and sweet and sour taste are familiar to many from childhood. The height of the plant is 6.5–8 m, the pyramid-shaped crown gradually turns into a spherical one.

The apples are not particularly large, 115–145 g each. The skin is greenish-yellow, and turns yellow during long-term storage. There is practically no “blush”. The shape of the fruit varies from almost perfectly round to cone-shaped, cylindrical and faceted.

Antonovka Ordinary is the most common apple variety in Russia.

The pulp is straw-yellow, very juicy. Professional tasters describe the taste as “tartaric-sour.” This makes apples well suited for home canning: the preparations take on their “signature” aroma. The fruits of this variety are also added to salads and sauces for meat dishes.

The harvest (up to 220 kg per tree) is removed from the tree in September or October. The apple tree bears its first harvest 7–8 years after planting. Practice shows that the further north Antonovka is grown, the longer it is stored. The variety is partially self-fertile, good pollinators are Welsey, Autumn Striped, any variety of Pepin and Anise. Frost resistance - up to -40ºС.


The variety was bred in the Sverdlovsk region specifically for the Ural region. Apples are well suited for long-term storage. They are harvested slightly unripe, in the last ten days of August. Then they will last until mid-winter. Picked after 15–20 days, they will spoil after a month.

Plant height is up to 5 m, the crown is sparse, not too compact. The fruits are small (45–70 g), tapering towards the base. The weight of the fruit greatly depends on the quality of the soil. The skin is smooth, lettuce-like, and if the apples are stored for a long time, it turns yellow. “Blush” is basically absent. The pulp is hard, homogeneous, juicy. The taste is balanced, sweet and sour.

The Yantar apple variety was bred specifically for the Ural region

The apple tree bears fruit for the first time 6–7 years after planting. Every year you can count on 110 kg of fruit or a little more. In damp and cold summers, scab development is very likely. Frost resistance is almost record-breaking (up to -50ºС), thanks to which the variety is in great demand among breeders. For pollination, Renet Simirenko or other apple trees are planted nearby, blooming at the same time as the one described.


An early winter apple tree popular in the Urals and Siberia, bred on the basis of Vydubetskaya Weeping. This is a natural dwarf, growing to a maximum of 1.5–2 m. The crown is spreading, the shoots are drooping. The tree needs constant formative pruning.

The variety is early-bearing, the fruits are harvested 3–4 years after planting. Young plants up to 15 years old bear fruit annually, then they periodically require “rest.” Productivity - 75–90 kg. The apple tree is self-sterile; the varieties Kovrovoe, Sokolovskoe, and Prizemlennye are recommended as pollinators. Frost resistance - up to -40–45ºС. The plant tolerates heat and drought well, but often suffers from pathogenic fungi (with the exception of scab) and harmful insects.

Snowdrop apple trees often suffer from fungal diseases

The approximate weight of the fruit is 145–180 g. The shape is symmetrical, cone-shaped, the ribs are not clearly expressed. The skin is thin, glossy, green with vague pale straw spots. The pulp is hard, white, fine-grained. The sweet and sour taste earned a professional rating of 4.3 out of five. The fruits are harvested at the very beginning of September and can be stored for 4–5 months. But gradually the pulp softens, becomes “cotton-like”, and loses its taste.

The president

The columnar apple tree is one of the best achievements of Russian breeders in this area. It appeared in the public domain at the beginning of the twentieth century. Despite the fact that the variety is zoned in the Central Region, if you choose the right place on the site and cover the apple tree for the winter, then there is a high chance of getting good harvest fruits of this variety are also available in the Urals. The tree grows up to 2 m, the crown diameter is no more than 30 cm, and consistently produces crops for 12–17 years. The variety is self-fertile.

The apples are quite large, weight varies from 135 g to 260 g. The fruits are symmetrical, slightly flattened. The skin is thin, glossy, pale green, the “blush” can be light pink or purple. The pulp is white with pinkish splashes, fine-grained, juicy. The taste is balanced, sweet and sour. The tree bears fruit the following summer after planting, the maximum yield is 10–15 kg.

President is a very compact apple tree, but this does not affect the size of the fruit.

The fruits ripen in the first half of September and are stored for 10–12 weeks. Winter hardiness is at the level of Antonovka. The apple tree has “innate” immunity, but it requires proper care, especially with regard to watering and fertilizing.

Video: how to grow a columnar apple tree in the Urals

Varieties of green apples for Ukraine

The climate throughout almost the entire territory of Ukraine is much milder than in Russia. Therefore, local gardeners choose apple trees, focusing mainly on the yield, presentation and taste of the fruit. Recently, varieties that have long been grown in Europe and the USA on an industrial scale are gaining popularity.

Renet Kubansky

Late winter Russian dessert variety. If you create optimal storage conditions, the fruit will last until the beginning of next summer. An apple tree up to 3 m high or a little more, low-growing, with a neat crown. Fruits on one tree can be both elongated and flattened. The skin is bright green, the subcutaneous spots - they look more like spots - are whitish. Often the surface is covered with a rich burgundy “blush”. The pulp is transparent greenish, hard and juicy, aromatic. The taste is wonderful, sweet, with a piquant sourness. Fruit size is medium or large. An adult tree annually produces 130–160 kg. The percentage of marketable apples is 90% or even a little more. The presence of other apple varieties nearby (Idared, Jonagold, Golden Delicious) has a positive effect on productivity. Scab resistance is not bad, but preventive treatments cannot be abandoned, especially if the summer weather contributes to the development of the disease.

Granny Smith

A winter variety whose harvest ripens in the first ten days of October. Apple tree up to 3 m high, the crown is lush and spreading. The yield is not very high - 35–50 kg. Fruiting is annual. An apple weighing 280–300 g, with thick, bright green skin. A brick-colored “blush” may appear. The taste is probably familiar to everyone. The tree does not tolerate heat well; if it is not watered, the fruits turn yellow and shrivel. Nutritionists value these apples for their low sugar content and high vitamin content. The variety is a good pollinator; Red Delicious, Pink Lady, and Ligol apple trees are planted next to it to increase productivity.

Renet Simirenko

An old late-winter variety, time-tested. The tree is vigorous, 5–7 m high, the crown is dense, wide, reminiscent of an inverted cauldron. The fruits are slightly flattened, weighing 220–280 g. The skin color varies from pale to bright green. A peculiarity of the variety is the presence of small rusty “warts” on the fruit, two or three pieces per apple. A pale scarlet “blush” appears rarely. The pulp is snow-white, very juicy, with a light wine-spicy aftertaste. The apple tree does not suffer from drought and heat, but often suffers from scab. Productivity is more than 200 kg, fruit marketability is 85–90%. The apple tree is self-fertile. For pollination, you can plant Idared, Golden Delicious, and Pamyati Sergeev nearby.

Mutsu (or Mutsu)

A common Japanese self-sterile variety. The tree grows up to 3.5–4 m. The crown is not particularly dense, in the shape of a pyramid. In order for fruit to set, varieties such as Bradburn, Gala, and Champion are planted nearby. A very abundant harvest most often indicates that next year there will be no or very little fruit on the tree. The harvest is harvested towards the end of September. Under optimal conditions, apples lie until mid-spring; this does not affect their appearance or taste. You can count on about 120–150 kg, the weight of the fruit varies from 180 g to 320 g. The skin is hard, bright green with a yellowish tint. Often a pastel pink “blush” appears in the form of fuzzy stripes. The pulp is pale yellow, loose, very sweet with a slight honey taste and aroma. For some reason, pests are especially partial to this apple tree, although it suffers from pathogenic fungi relatively rarely.

Calvil the Snowy (also known as Snow White or White)

The apple tree was bred in Ukraine on the basis of one of the oldest French varieties. Grows up to 6 m, the crown is thickened and wide. The shoots are quite thin and drooping. The harvest ripens in late September. The weight of the fruit is 175–210 g, the skin is thin, glossy greenish, covered with spots of pale pink “blush”. If the apples lie for a long time, its shade changes to creamy yellow. The pulp is snow-white, very tender, sweet and sour, with a pronounced spicy aftertaste. Apples must be picked on time, otherwise they will quickly fall off. The tree tolerates drought well, but requires annual pruning. If crown formation is not done, the apples become very small. Excess moisture negatively affects the taste of the fruit. Apple trees of the Mutsu variety, no matter where they are grown, often suffer from pest attacks. Apples of the Calvil Snow variety, when ripe, quickly fall off the tree

Varieties of green apples for Belarus

The Belarusian climate is almost no different from the Russian one, so it is quite possible to grow any varieties suitable for the middle zone there. But the republic’s gardeners traditionally give preference to the achievements of domestic selection, although not always.


The tree is not tall, the crown is neat, not spreading. The fruits are of different sizes, weighing 140–225 g, symmetrical, almost round. The skin is green-yellow with a dull “blush”. The pulp is pale green, fine-grained, balanced sweet and sour. The tree bears approximately 200 kg of fruit every year. The apple tree never suffers from scab, but it often suffers from other pathogenic fungi. If you create an optimal microclimate, the fruit will last until spring.

Belarusian Sinap

The variety is a late-winter variety, harvesting occurs at the end of September. The tree is powerful, but the crown is not particularly dense. The fruits are symmetrical, elongated. The skin is dense, even hard, greenish, with rare spots of pinkish “blush”. The flesh is white-green, crisp, not particularly juicy. The taste is good, with noticeable sourness. It does not suffer even during long-term storage. The main advantages of the variety are cold resistance and high resistance to the scab pathogen.

Zarya Alatau

The variety comes from Kazakhstan. Its undoubted advantages include cold resistance, rapid fruiting, and good yield. The apple tree reaches 4.5–6 m in height, the crown is symmetrical, spherical. Fruit weighing 95–135 g, slightly flattened. The skin is greenish-yellow, the flesh is white, very juicy and aromatic. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness. Keeping quality is not bad, until about April. A significant disadvantage is low resistance to scab. A prerequisite for stable fruiting is competent agricultural technology.


The variety is often grown on an industrial scale; among its undoubted advantages are “innate” immunity to scab and high resistance to powdery mildew. The tree grows up to 4 m, has a wide crown and strongly curved shoots. The variety is self-sterile; any apple trees blooming at the same time are suitable as pollinators. The apples are medium-sized (140–170 g), strongly flattened, and shaped like a turnip. The skin is thin, slightly oily, light green in color, covered with spots of crimson or pale scarlet “blush”. The pulp is yellowish-cream, hard, very tender. The taste is balanced, sweet and sour, rated 4.5 points. The harvest period is at the end of September; fruits can be stored until February-March. An adult tree produces about 40 kg of apples.

Winter Lemon

The variety is distinguished by its very high frost resistance and disease resistance. The tree grows up to 4 m, but if there is no pruning, the crown quickly thickens. Begins to bear fruit at the age of five. The weight of an elongated apple is 170–200 g; if the year is particularly fruitful, the fruits become smaller. The bright green shade of the skin changes to lemon during storage. The pulp is pale green, hard, very juicy. The taste depends on how warm the summer is - the colder it is, the more sour the apples. The shelf life is until mid-winter, then the taste begins to deteriorate.

Photo gallery: green apples grown in Belarus

The apple tree of the Verbnoye variety is quite compact, but at the same time it is characterized by high yield. The main advantages of the Belorussky Sinap variety are frost resistance and immunity to scab. Apple trees of the Zarya Alatau variety require proper care. The Imrus variety is popular with farmers who grow apples on an industrial scale. Apples of the Zimnee Lemon variety during storage. change color from bright green to lemon yellow

Varieties of green apples of French selection

France is one of the countries where apples are widely grown on an industrial scale. Mostly the most popular varieties are cultivated (Granny Smith, Bradburn, Golden Delicious and others), but there are also our own green varieties, for example, the elite Pomme du Limousin AOP (Limousin apples AOP). They are grown exclusively in this region. The unique mountain climate, fresh air and sharp changes in day and night temperatures give the fruits a completely unique taste - very delicate, balanced, sweet and sour.

Pomme du Limousin AOP - an elite variety of French selection

The flesh is strong and crisp, white-green, the skin is light green. Sometimes there is a slight pastel pink “blush”. The apples are round in shape. They weigh 280–300 g. The fruits are distinguished by their versatility. The variety is a late variety. The harvest is harvested in October and stored until the middle of next summer.

Another popular local variety is Delbar Jubile. The skin of these apples is also green, but it is almost invisible under a layer of bright pink “blush”. A late-winter variety, valued for its frost resistance, insensitivity to drought, disease resistance, presentability, large size and excellent taste of the fruit. The tree is low maintenance.

The skin of Delbar Jubile apples is green, but this is almost invisible

The average weight of an apple is 180–240 g. The shape is regular, round. The taste is sweet, it seems a little bland to gourmets, but is rated highly (4.8 points out of five). Apples can be stored until spring, but only if ideal or close to ideal conditions are provided. Otherwise, all kinds of diseases quickly develop.

Growing green apples is not much different from cultivating apples in general. The tree prefers areas well-warmed by the sun with fairly light but nutritious soil. The ideal option for it would be loam. Any apple tree categorically does not tolerate stagnation of moisture at the roots, including groundwater approaching closer to the surface than 1.5 m.

Apple trees are planted both in autumn and spring. It depends on the climate in the region. The optimal timing is from the last ten days of April or from mid-September to mid-October. The planting pit must be prepared in advance by introducing organic and mineral fertilizers into it.

Apple trees are fed four times a season - in mid-April, immediately before flowering, 5–7 days after it and 10–12 days after harvesting. The first time, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, then the plant needs potassium and phosphorus. It is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers. Once every 2–3 years in the spring, humus is added to the tree trunk circle to increase soil fertility.

Water the apple tree at least three times per season. If autumn is dry, water-recharging watering is also carried out. A month before the expected harvest date, watering is stopped to prevent the apples from cracking.

Proper pruning is very important. Otherwise, the yield is sharply reduced and the apples become smaller. The simplest option is a sparsely tiered crown. In addition to formative pruning, we must not forget about sanitary pruning.

Red varieties of apples are like kings in an apple orchard. Very bright, beautiful, with excellent commercial qualities, for this reason they are mostly grown by gardeners all over the world. It's really easy to make money on them, especially since apples are considered very healthy fruit. The article will describe the best varieties of red apples by ripening period, as well as some unusual species with red flesh.

Early, or summer, red varieties of apples are usually immediately eaten fresh. They are not stored for long-term storage, since their shelf life is low. But they are often used for processing, winter preservation, and sale.

Mid-ripening red varieties of apples do not last long - 1-3 months. At the same time, they can be closed for the winter, frozen, but more often they are eaten raw or baked - they are very tasty and tender in texture.

  • "Jonagold Decosta"- double of "Jonagold". The tree is tall, the crown is high and spreading. The apple tree has medium fruits weighing 170-200 g, round in shape. Winter hardiness is average, requires pollinators and treatment against pests and diseases. It is consumed only fresh or processed into juice. Under good conditions it can be stored until spring.
  • "Delichia"– autumn variety of red apples. Apples of average weight - 150-190 g, almost completely red, although a yellow-green background can be visible in places. The pulp is sweet and sour, dense, crunchy. It is famous for its high winter hardiness. Productivity reaches 55 kg/tree.
  • "Titania"- columnar variety of apple tree. The tree is vigorous, the crown is spreading and rounded. Apples are 100-110 g, round, with red skin and a delicate taste. The fruits ripen from the beginning of September and are stored for up to 2 months. Winter-hardy, not afraid of scab and powdery mildew. With severe and minor lesions, the tree quickly recovers.

Winter red apple varieties are very popular and are grown primarily for sale. They have excellent commercial qualities, but as for transportability, this quality may vary. But even if transportation is possible only over short distances, the goods can be sold without problems at the nearest market - red apples are snapped up very quickly.

What varieties of apples have red flesh?

Not only the peel of the apple, but its pulp can be red in color. Such red varieties of apples are still rare, but are already known throughout the world. Growing them is not difficult. For the most part, they are not afraid of frost, and due to the fact that their buds bloom late, just like flowers, late spring frosts are not a problem for them. They bear fruit from 2-3 years and produce very tasty, interesting fruits.

  • "Bahia Marisa" produces red fruits of 170-190 g each with white dots all over the peel. Apples have red, dense flesh and are very juicy. This is a winter variety; apples can last until January. Frost resistance is very high, but the variety is powerless against diseases - it requires regular spraying.
  • "Pink Pearl"– an interesting red apple variety with pinkish skin and red flesh. The pulp is dense, aromatic, sweet, with a slight astringency. The fruits weigh 180-200 g and can last for 4 months without any signs of spoilage or rotting. They need spraying for diseases.
  • "Redlove"(Redlove) is an interesting variety of apples weighing up to 200 g, obtained by crossing different species. And although it is already very popular and even widespread throughout the world, breeders still hide the secret of its creation. main feature“Redlove” is that the pulp of the fruit is red in color, and the taste is very delicate and sweet. There are four varietal varieties: Siren, Calypso, Circe and Era. The first two are summer, ripen in early August and are stored for no more than a month. “Circe” is an autumn subspecies that ripens in early September and is also stored for one month. “Era” is a winter subspecies; it can be harvested at the end of September and is stored until the end of December.
  • "Vinerpo"- a red variety of apples, having fruits of 120-150 g, rich red color with purple stripes. The flesh is pink, juicy, melts in your mouth. Has excellent immunity from diseases. The fruits ripen by the end of September and are stored until February.

VIDEO - Winter varieties of apple trees, brief description, fruiting

(Summer ripening period)
The variety was obtained in Siberia as a result of crossing the Gornoaltaiskoe and Altaiskoe dessert varieties. Grows in the East Siberian and Far Eastern regions.
Winter hardiness is good, the crown shape is round. Fruits in the 5th-6th year of growth.
Productivity is annual, without periodicity.
Apples are harvested in mid-August and stored for 30–40 days.
The size of the fruit is very large, the shape is oblong-conical, the color is golden-yellow with a solid purple blush and a thick blue coating.
A variety for universal use.
The color of the pulp is white with pink veins, the taste is sweet and sour with a pleasant aroma.


Snowball (Late autumn ripening)
The variety was bred by G.A. Lobanov by crossing the varieties Antonovka ordinary, Bellefleur-Kitayka and Slavyanka. Grown in the Central Black Earth region.
The variety is highly winter-hardy, the crown shape is round. Fruits on ringlets in the 6-8th year of growth. The yield is good (55 kg per tree), but irregular, with periodicity.
Apples are harvested in early September and stored until mid-November.
The size of the fruit is large or above average (weight 150–200 g), flat-round or wide-conical shape, yellowish-green or light yellow in color with a very rusty funnel. A variety for table and dessert purposes.
The color of the pulp is light yellow, the taste is sweet with slight acidity and a unique delicate aroma.


Juice-3 (Autumn ripening)
Variety of the Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station, obtained by L.A. Kotov from crossing the varieties Uralskoye Nalivnoye and Urozhaynoe. Included in the State Register for the Volga-Vyatka region. The tree is medium-sized, strong, fast-growing. The fruits are small (75 g), flat-round, with a narrow funnel. The color is light cream with a striped bright red blush. The pulp is creamy, very juicy, slightly gristly, with a very good sweet and sour taste. It has a high annual yield - more than 100 kg/tree. and early entry into fruiting - in the 3-4th year after planting. The fruits ripen in early September and are stored for a month. Winter-hardy, scab resistance is good.

(winter consumption period)
The variety was bred at YuUNIPOK by breeder M.A. Mazurin, is a seedling from free pollination of the Vydubetskaya weeping variety. Recommended for the Ural region. The tree is small (up to 2 m on a vigorous rootstock), with a flat-horizontal crown, a natural dwarf. The fruits are very large (on average about 180 g, maximum up to 150 g), one-dimensional, round-conical, regular in shape. The color of the skin is greenish-yellow with a strong dark red blush on most of the fruit. The pulp is greenish, dense, juicy, sweet and sour, of good taste. It begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year after planting and produces high yields - 85 kg/tree. The fruits ripen at the end of September and remain until February. Winter-hardy, scab-resistant.

(Summer variety)
The variety was bred at the Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station. It is a seedling of Scarlet Anise from free pollination. Cultivated in the Volga-Vyatka and Ural regions of Russia.
The tree is medium-sized, with a wide-round, dense crown. The branches are curved and extend from the conductor at an angle of 45°. Fruits on ringlets and spears, on 3-year-old and 2-year-old wood. Fruits below average size, weighing 75 g, flattened, round-conical. The skin is smooth, with a bluish waxy coating. The main color is yellowish-white, with a bright pink-scarlet blush covering more than half of the fruit. The pulp is white, tender, juicy, with pink veins, the taste is sweet and sour. Blooms in the second decade of May. The best pollinating varieties are Bely naliv, Vinnoye, and Suislepskoye. The fruits ripen at the end of August and are stored for two to three weeks.
The variety is early-bearing, begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting and produces good, regular yields, about 100 kg per tree. Winter hardiness is high, resistance to scab is average.


Solovyovskoye (Summer variety)
Winter-hardy, high-yielding, early summer ripening (5-7 days earlier than Gorno-Altai). Scab resistant. Bears fruit from the age of 4, annually. The fruits weigh 20 g, round-conical, greenish-yellow with a blurred bright red blush over most of the fruit. The pulp is juicy, medium-dense, fine-grained, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Ripens in the second ten days of August, stored for 10-15 days. The average yield at 8 years of age is 20 kg (111 c/ha). Universal purpose.

(Autumn ripening)
The variety was bred by S.P. Kedrin at the Kuibyshev Zonal Horticulture Station as a seedling of the Sharopai variety, it is included in the zoned assortment of the Orenburg, Penza, Samara and Ulyanovsk regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The crown shape is wide-pyramidal, the tree is highly winter-hardy.
The variety begins to bear fruit in the 3-5th year after planting. Productivity is high, annual, bears fruit mainly on ringlets, without periodicity.
Scientists using gamma radiation from this variety obtained clones with moderate growth.
The apples are larger than average (weight from 100 to 160 g), round or flat-round in shape. The main color is greenish-yellow, the outer color is in the form of bright red stripes and a pinkish-red blush on most of the apple. The skin is smooth. Fruits picked unripe ripen during storage without loss of taste and are well transported.
Apples are harvested at the end of August and stored for 60–90 days.
The pulp is juicy, fragrant, and has a pleasant sweet-sour taste.

(Winter ripening period)
The variety was obtained in Canada as a result of crossing the varieties Mekintosh and Yellow Newtown. Grows in the Central Black Earth and Central regions of Russia.
Winter hardiness is average, like the varieties Pepin Saffron and Melba. Resistance to scab, powdery mildew and bacterial cancer is above average. The tree is medium-sized. The crown is round and sparse. It bears fruit in the 3-4th year after planting, on ringlets.
The fruits are small, 90 g, maximum 120 g, round or round-conical, slightly wide-ribbed. The skin is light yellow with an intense burgundy-red blush and a strong bluish waxy coating on almost the entire surface of the fruit. The funnel is of medium depth and width. The saucer is small, of medium width, folded, slightly tuberous, often uncolored. The pulp is white, dense, prickly, juicy, aromatic. The taste is very good, sweet, sometimes bitter on the skin.
Precociousness is high. Productivity is above average. The fruits do not fall off when ripe and are stored until April.

Originator: State Scientific Institution All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Growing


Satellite (Winter ripening period)
Created by G.A. Lobanov as a result of crossing the Pepin saffron and Skrizhapel varieties. Winter hardiness is high, the crown shape is densely leafy, with hanging branches.
Fruits on the ringlets and growths of the previous year, the variety is high-yielding, without periodicity, with regular fruiting. It bears fruit in the 4-5th year after planting. The fruits and leaves are quite resistant to fungal diseases.
Apples are harvested in the second ten days of September and consumed fresh even in March.
The fruit size is medium (100 g), rounded-elongated in shape. The main color of the skin is greenish-yellow, the outer color is in the form of pale red stripes and streaks on the illuminated side of the apple. The skin is smooth.
The color of the pulp is greenish-white, the taste is pleasant, sweet and sour.

The variety was exported from America and has been known since the last century. Grows in the North Caucasus region. Winter hardiness is weak, the crown shape is round-oval, weeping. It bears fruit on the ringlets and at the ends of last year's growth in the 5-6th year after planting. IN favorable conditions productivity without frequency, annual and high, up to 153 kg per tree. The variety suffers from powdery mildew and chlorosis, milky shine. Drought resistance is quite high.
Apples are picked in the first half of September and consumed fresh even in June.
The fruits are large (150 g), round-conical or slightly flattened in shape, with slight ribbing. The main color is yellowish-green, the outer color is in the form of faintly visible stripes and a dark orange-red blurred blush on most of the apple.
The color of the pulp is white, with a yellowish tint, the taste is sweet and sour, with a candy-like spicy flavor and high tasting scores.

Stark Jongrimes

Stark Jongrimes
The variety was exported from America and is cultivated in the North Caucasus region.
The tree is winter-hardy in the southern zone, the crown shape is elongated-oval. It bears fruit in the 5th year after planting. Productivity is high. The variety is resistant to scab.
Apples are harvested in early September and stored until mid-November.
The fruit is large in size (weight 170–190 g), elongated-round in shape, dark red in color with short stripes.
Transportability is good. Dessert fruits. The color of the pulp is creamy, the taste is sweet and sour, aromatic, with a high score.

Stark Red Gold

Stark Red Gold (Winter ripening period)
The variety was developed in the USA by crossing the Starking Delicious and Golden Delicious varieties. Zoned in Crimea.
Winter hardiness is average, the crown is dense, oval in shape. Leaves and fruits are slightly affected by powdery mildew. Recommended for growing in intensive gardens fertile soil and during irrigation.
Fruits in the 3rd-4th year of growth.
By the age of 20 it produces up to 160 kg per tree.
The fruits are harvested at the end of September and stored until January-February.
The apples are medium-sized, aligned in shape (short-cylindrical with ribs).
The skin color is light green with a dark red blurred blush over almost the entire surface of the fruit. Subcutaneous dots are grayish-red, inconspicuous. The funnel is slightly rusty.
The color of the pulp is greenish, the taste is sweet and sour, good.

Stark Spur Airblease

Stark Spur Airblease (Late summer ripening)
The variety was bred in the USA. Recommended for the southern regions of Russia.
The crown is compact. It bears fruit on short ring-shaped fruit branches in the 4th year. Productivity – 95 kg per tree. In wet years it suffers from scab and powdery mildew.
Apples are harvested in mid-August - early September. They are stored in Crimea until mid-November, in Volgograd until the end of December.
The fruits are medium in size (weight 80–95 g), round-flat in shape, sometimes with wide ribs; the color is greenish-yellow or light yellow with a dark red, blurry striped outer color. Fruits for table and dessert purposes.
The color of the pulp is creamy, the taste is sweet and sour, with a high quality aroma.

(Autumn ripening)
The variety was obtained in the USA as a bud mutation of the Starking Delicious variety. Popular in Italy, France, Germany. It is in production in the North Caucasus region of Russia.
In the southern zone of Russia, the tree is weak-growing and has a spur type of fruiting. Pollinators needed: Golden Delicious, Jonathan.
The fruits are harvested in the first half of September and stored until mid-December.
The apples are large, elongated-conical in shape, with a ribbed top, the skin is dense, dark, intensely colored, on the illuminated side it appears black-red, with many light dots. The outer color appears before the fruit reaches ripeness.
The color of the pulp is whitish-yellow, the taste is sweet, with a pronounced aroma and good tasting characteristics. The variety is valued in breeding as a spur variety.

(Winter variety)

The Latvian variety is a seedling of the Starking Delicious variety from open pollination. Zoned in the north- and south-western zones of the region.
The tree is vigorous, with a sparse, broom-like crown. The fruits are large, weighing 140 g, flat-round, conical, large-ribbed. The main color is light yellow, the outer color is in the form of dark red merging stripes on most of the fruit. The pulp is greenish-yellow, sometimes with red veins, not juicy enough, the taste is good and sweet. Flowering period is late, late May - early June.
Removable fruit maturity occurs at the end of September, consumer maturity - 3-4 weeks after harvest, fruits are stored until March.
The tree begins to bear fruit in the 4-5th year after planting and produces good harvests.
Winter hardiness is average. The variety is quite resistant to fungal diseases.
The fruits of this variety are distinguished by high commercial qualities: evenness, attractive appearance, good taste.

(Autumn ripening)
The variety was obtained in Siberia by crossing the varieties Ranetka Ermolaeva and Pepin saffron + Pepin Chernenko + Pepinka sheet + Welsey. Popular in the Altai region.
Winter hardiness is average, the crown shape is pyramidal. Fruits in the 5th-6th year of growth. The yield is regular - 65–70 kg per tree.
Apples are harvested in the second ten days of August and stored for about 1 month.
The size of the apples is very large, they are flat-round in shape, with a dark red blurred blush. A variety for universal use.
The color of the pulp is creamy, the taste is sweet and sour, with good tasting characteristics.

(Late winter ripening)
The variety was bred by S.I. Isaev, G.E. Liberger, V.V. Vartepetyan. Grown in the Central Black Earth region.
The crown shape is round. It bears fruit in the 5th year after planting. Apples are harvested at the end of September - beginning of October and stored until May.
The size of the fruit is medium (weight 100–110 g), they are truncated-round in shape, greenish-yellow in color with a dark red blurred blush on most of the apple.
The color of the pulp is greenish, the taste is delicate, sweet and sour.


Souvenir (Winter ripening period)
The variety was obtained by A.G. Usov in Crimea by crossing the varieties Wagner and Crimean Zolotoe. Is in state and production testing.
In the conditions of the southern zone of Russia, it is quite winter-hardy, the shape of the crown is round. Not affected by scab and powdery mildew. Fruits in the 4th-5th year of growth. At the age of 6 years, the yield is 75–86 kg per tree.
Apples are picked at the end of September - beginning of October and stored until April.
The fruit size is large (weight 140–160 g), flat-round shape. The skin color is golden yellow with a beautiful pink-red, blurred-striped blush covering more than half the surface of the apple. The color of the pulp is white.
Valued for its high yield and good taste of the fruit.

(Early winter ripening)
The variety was obtained by crossing the Gornoaltaiskoe variety with a hybrid of Pepin saffron and Bellefleur-Kitaika. Grown in the Altai region. Winter hardiness is average, crown shape is round.
It bears fruit in the 5th-6th year of growth, the yield is annual. Slightly affected by scab.
Apples are harvested in the first half of September and stored until January-February.
The fruit size is above average (weight 82-125 g), rounded in shape, with a dark pink blush on most of the apple. A variety for universal use.

Suislepskoe (Malinovka) (Summer variety)

A variety of folk selection. Zoned in the southeastern, northwestern and southwestern zones of the region.
The tree is vigorous, with an oval or spherical crown. Fruits weighing 80 g, round-conical in shape. The skin is shiny, thin, smooth. The main color is yellowish-white, the outer color has soft pink streaks, often merging into a solid scarlet blush. The pulp is snow-white, sometimes with pink veins, juicy, tender, aromatic, with an excellent dessert sweet and sour taste. Blooms in the third decade of May.
The fruits ripen in late August - early September and are stored until October.
The variety begins to bear fruit in the 6-8th year after planting and produces high yields, up to 150 kg per tree. With good care, the frequency of fruiting is weakly expressed. Winter hardiness is good. In wet years it suffers from scab and fruit rot.
The attractive appearance and dessert taste of the fruit are the hallmark of this variety.

Altai Surprise

Altai Surprise (Autumn variety)
Received from the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture named after. M.A. Lisavenko. Moderately winter-hardy, with good regenerative ability, relatively resistant to scab in the forest-steppe of Altai. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 4-5 years, bears fruit moderately, annually. The fruits weigh 40-45 g, are round in shape, showy - with a blurred dark red blush on the main bright yellow background. The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste (4.1 points). They ripen in mid-August and are stored for 1.5-2 months. The average yield of 6-year-old trees is 13 kg (72 c/ha). State variety testing is underway.


Tavria (Late winter ripening)
The variety was obtained by A.G. Usov in Crimea by selecting champagne from Ranet seedlings obtained from free pollination. It is undergoing state and production testing in Crimea and other adjacent regions of Ukraine.
For the south, the tree is quite winter-hardy, resistant to scab and powdery mildew. The harvest is formed on the ringlets. It bears fruit in the 4th year of growth, after 6 years it gives a harvest of up to 270 kg per tree.
Apples are harvested in early October and stored fresh until June.
The fruits are large (weight 160–180 g), round or round-conical in shape. The color is greenish-yellow, when lying down it is golden-yellow with a continuous blurred-striped blush on almost the entire surface. The peduncle is short.
The color of the pulp is yellowish-white, the taste is good, sweet and sour.


Taiga (Winter ripening period)
The variety was bred by I.V. Michurin by pollinating Kandil-Kitaika with pollen from the Siberian apple tree.
The variety is frost-resistant and can grow in the northern regions of Siberia and the Urals in harsh climatic conditions.
Early fruiting, begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. Scab resistance is high. Productivity is high.
Trees of medium vigor, with a wide pyramidal crown. The apples are small (10–11 g), broadly ovoid in shape, with a long stalk (4–6 cm). The calyx of the fruit (like the Siberian apple tree) disappears. The main color of the fruit is yellowish, the blush is purple, almost solid.
The pulp is dark cream, juicy. The apples have a mediocre taste and ripen at the end of September. Can be stored for up to 2 months. The fruits are suitable for processing.
Advantages of the variety: exceptional frost resistance, early fruiting.
Flaws: The quality of the fruit is not high enough for fresh consumption.

(Winter variety)

A variety of Estonian selection, bred as a result of crossing the Okere and Osennye Polosatoe varieties. Recommended for cultivation in the northwestern and southwestern zones of the region.
The tree is medium-sized, with a wide-rounded crown of medium density. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 110 g, round-conical, wide-ribbed. The main color is yellow, the outer color is in the form of merging crimson stripes and specks on half the surface of the fruit. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, with a good sweet and sour taste. Flowering period is late, late May - early June.
Removable fruit maturity occurs at the end of September, consumer maturity - 2-3 weeks after harvest, the fruits are stored until April.
The tree begins to bear fruit 4-6 years after planting. Productivity is high.
Winter hardiness is average, requires protection from northern winds. Shows good resistance to fungal diseases.
The variety is distinguished by smooth, highly marketable fruits with a dessert taste.

(Autumn variety)

The variety was bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants as a result of crossing the Sklyanka Kurskaya and Belyi Naliv varieties. Recommended for the northwestern, southwestern and southeastern zones of the region.
The tree is vigorous, with a spreading, rounded crown of medium density. The fruits are large, weighing 130 g, oval-conical in shape, with noticeable ribbing at the apex. The main color of the skin is light cream, the top color is in the form of bright red merging stripes and speckled on a pink background. The pulp is snow-white, sometimes with a greenish tint at the skin, fine-grained, juicy, wine-sweet taste, with a delicate aroma. It blooms in the II-III decades of May.
The fruits are harvested in early - mid-September and stored for two to three months.
The tree begins to bear fruit in the 5th-7th year and produces good but irregular harvests.
Winter hardiness is average. Resistance to scab is weak.
The variety is valued for its high marketability and excellent taste of the fruit.


Tatanakovskoe (Autumn ripening)
The variety was bred at NIISS named after. M.A. Lisavenko as a result of crossing the hybrid 8-39-279 (Ranetka purpurea x Pepin saffron) and Welsey. Recommended for the Volga-Vyatka region. The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing, with a rounded compact crown. The fruits are small (40 g), one-dimensional, regular, round in shape. The main color of the skin is golden yellow, the outer color is in the form of a blurred purple blush. The pulp is creamy, medium density, juicy, fine-grained. The taste is sweet and sour with a weak aroma. The variety is characterized by early fruiting and high yield, exceeding the level of zoned varieties by 3 times. The fruits ripen in early September and last 1.5-2 months. Winter hardiness is high; in wet years it is affected by scab to a moderate degree.

Tatyana's Day

Tatyana's Day (winter consumption period)

The tree is medium-sized with a rounded dense crown.
The fruits are large, flat-round, slightly ribbed, greenish-yellow with a red blurred striped blush on the smaller part of the fruit. The funnel is deep, sharp-conical, medium. The saucer is deep, medium. The pulp is greenish, medium density, fine-grained. The taste is sweet and sour without aroma.
Terms of consumption – October – March.
The variety is zoned for the Central region of Russia and is suitable in properties for cultivation in the weather conditions of this region

Originator: State Educational Institution MSU named after. M.V. Lomonosov

(Winter variety)

A variety of Estonian folk selection. Zoned in the north-western zone of the region.
The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded, dense crown. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 100 g, flat-round, sometimes slightly slanted on one side, without ribs. The skin is dense, oily with sparse rusty spots. The main color is greenish-yellow, the integumentary color is in the form of a small brown-orange blush. The pulp is dense, juicy, greenish-white, crispy, good sweet and sour taste, with aroma. Flowering period is late, late May - early June.
The fruits ripen at the end of September, consumer maturity - at the end of October, and remain until February.
The variety begins to bear fruit in the 4-5th year after planting and produces high yields.
Winter hardiness is average. Scab resistance is high.
Under heavy harvest loads, it tends to bear fruit periodically and become smaller. When picked, the fruits are very dense, so they withstand transportation well.

, or summer fruiterer, Sweet anise (Summer ripening period)
An ancient Russian variety, zoned in the Middle Volga and Ural regions.
Winter hardiness is high, the crown shape is round and spreading. The yield is high (100 kg per tree) and annual without frequency.
The fruits are harvested in the second half of August and are stored for about 10 days.
The apples are small or below average size (weight 50 g), flattened-round in shape. The color is light greenish with a bright dark carmine blush with intermittent stripes.
The taste of the pulp is satisfactory, sweet and sour, at the Antonovka level.


Tomich (Summer variety)
The crown is spreading. Winter-hardy. Bears fruit for 3 years. Productivity 35-40 kg. The fruits weigh 50 g, round, regular in shape, with a bright red blush. The pulp is sweet and sour, aromatic, light cream, tasty. Ripens at the end of August. Ripe fruits quickly fall off. They are stored for no more than 10-12 days. Periodicity in fruiting is expressed.


thin-legged (Autumn ripening)
Local Far Eastern variety, grown in the Far Eastern region.
The tree is winter-hardy, with a spreading crown; bears fruit 3-4 years after planting. Productivity is high.
Apples are harvested in mid-September and stored for 1.5 months. The size of the fruit is small (weight 29–34 g), round or flat-round in shape, with a long thin stalk, light yellow in color with blush.
The taste of the pulp is sour-sweet, with a refreshing tint.


Tuvinskoe (Summer ripening period)
The variety was obtained by V.A. and V.I. Shevchenko at the Minusinsk Experimental Station of Horticulture and Melon Growing from crossing the varieties Limonka and Minusinsk Orange. Grows in the East Siberian region.
Winter hardiness is average, the crown shape is round and dense. It bears fruit in the 4-5th year after planting.
The apples are small (weight 21–27 g), the color of the fruit is golden yellow with a blurred red blush. A variety for universal use.
The pulp is medium density, fine-grained, juicy.

Udmurt autumn

Udmurt autumn (Autumn ripening)
The origin of the variety is unknown, it is popular in the Volga-Vyatka region.
Winter-hardy, crown shape is wide-pyramidal and raised. Fruits on ringlets in the 5th-6th year. Resistance to scab disease is average.
Apples are harvested at the end of August - beginning of September and stored for 2-3 months.
The size of the apples is very large (weight up to 300 g), the fruits are wide-conical, greenish-yellow with wide carmine blurred stripes on most of the fruit; transportable. A variety for universal use.
The pulp is juicy, medium density, creamy, sweet and sour, pleasant taste.


Worchester (Winter ripening period)
This English variety was successfully tested in the collection plantings of VIR named after. N.I. Vavilova.
The variety is of medium winter hardiness, vigorous. Resistance to scab and powdery mildew is high. It begins to bear fruit in the 5th-6th year of growth. The yield is high, annual; during the period of full fruiting, up to 135 kg per tree is collected.
Apples are harvested at the end of September - beginning of October and stored until March.
The size of the fruit is larger than average (weight 140 g) or large (weight 280 g), flat-round shape, with ribs. The color of the skin is light yellow, with an orange-red blush on most of the surface, there is some rustiness.
The color of the pulp is cream, with a greenish tint, the taste is aromatic, sweet and sour, good.

(Autumn variety)

The variety was bred at the Sverdlovsk horticultural breeding station by P.A. Dibrov as a result of crossing the varieties Voskovka and (Anise pink-striped + Ukrainka Saratovskaya). Zoned in the northeastern zone of the region.
The tree is vigorous, with a strong, dense, pyramidal crown. The fruits are below average size, weighing 40-60 g, round-conical, truncated in shape. The main color of the skin is creamy, the outer skin is a bright carmine striped blush on most of the fruit. The pulp is juicy, fine-grained, tender, sweet and sour, slightly astringent in taste. It blooms early, in the first half of May.
The fruits ripen in late August - early September and are stored for up to two months. The tree begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years of age and produces average yields, about 70 kg per tree.
The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and good resistance to scab.
Winter hardiness, early fruiting, good yield - these are the main advantages of this variety.

(Winter ripening period)
The variety was bred by L.A. Kotov, P.A. Dibrov at the Sverdlovsk Experimental Horticulture Station by crossing the varieties Udarnitsa and Uralskoye Bolshoye. It is in production in the Volga-Vyatka region.
The variety is winter-hardy, the crown is wide-pyramidal.
It bears fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. The fruit is medium in size (weight 60–80 g), round in shape, light yellow in color with a blurred red blush. A variety for universal use.
The color of the pulp is cream, the taste is sweet and sour.

(Autumn variety)

The variety was bred at the South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture and Potato Growing as a result of crossing the Ranetka Krasnaya and Belyi Naliv varieties. Zoned in the northeastern zone of the region.
The tree is vigorous, with a rounded crown, of medium density. The fruits are small, weighing 40 g, round. The main color of the skin is light yellow, with a bluish waxy coating. The pulp is white, juicy, medium-grained, the taste is pleasant, sweet and sour.
Flowering is abundant in the first half of May. For better fruit set, it requires cross-pollination with varieties that coincide in flowering period.
The fruits ripen in early September and can be stored for about two months after being picked.
The variety is early-bearing, trees begin to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting.
Productivity and winter hardiness are high. Relatively resistant to scab.
The variety is characterized by early fruiting, high adaptive properties and winter hardiness.

(Autumn ripening)
The variety was obtained by S.I. Isaev in the laboratory of biology, genetics and selection garden plants Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov by crossing the Narodnoye and Severyanka varieties. Grows in the Central and Central Black Earth regions.
Winter hardiness at Antonovka level. Scab is mildly affected. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded compact crown. Mixed fruiting type.
The fruits are large (120–170 g), flat-round or round-conical, greenish-yellow, blurred or speckled-striped. Subcutaneous points are numerous and clearly visible. The pulp is white, tender, fine-grained, juicy. The taste is sour-sweet with a weak aroma. Tasting score 4 points.
It begins to bear fruit in the 4th–5th year. Fruiting is regular. The average yield is more than 100 c/ha.

(Winter ripening period)
Popular variety in Russia American origin, obtained from the seeds of the Siberian cherry apple tree in 1860. Grown in the North-Western, Central, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus and Lower Volga regions of Russia.
Winter hardiness is average. It has polygenic resistance to scab and powdery mildew. The tree is medium-sized. The crown is raised, broadly pyramidal, rounded with age, semi-spreading. The type of fruiting is mixed, with many sessile fruit bags.
Fruits with an average weight of 100 g, maximum 150 g, flat-round, smooth, chiseled. The skin is thin, dense, smooth, light yellow. The outer color is cherry-red, vaguely striped over most or the entire surface of the fruit. Subcutaneous dots are light and clearly visible. The funnel is relatively deep, medium width or wide. The saucer is relatively deep, narrow, with steep walls, and smooth. The pulp is whitish, sometimes the skin is pink or with red streaks, dense, crisp, fine-grained, very juicy. The taste is excellent, pleasantly sour, dessert.
Precociousness is high. Partially self-fertile. It bears fruit in the 4th-5th year with the formation of many fruit bags, the first harvests are small. The yield is high (up to 300 kg per tree), not sharply periodic. The fruits do not ripen at the same time and fall off. The fruits are stored until January. The variety has good keeping quality.


Welshpur (Winter ripening period)
This is a mutation of the Starking Delicious variety, bred in the USA. In Russia, it was successfully studied at the Crimean, Maikop, Volgograd and Turkmen experimental stations of the VIR.
Wood is resistant to sunburn. In wet years it is affected by scab and powdery mildew. Fruits in the 3rd-4th year of growth. The best pollinator is Goldspur.
The fruits are harvested in the second ten days of September and consumed from late October to mid-May.
Apples are medium or larger than average (weight 115–135 g), elongated-conical in shape, asymmetrical, with five ribs in the upper part of the fruit. The skin has a solid dark red blush with a purple tint and small, clearly visible subcutaneous dots.
The color of the pulp is pale cream, the taste is sweet, with a weak acid, aromatic, dessert.

Grown in the West Siberian region.
The winter hardiness of the tree is average, the shape of the crown is spherical. Fruits in the 5th-6th year of growth. The yield is abundant and periodic. Scab resistance is average.
Apples are picked in mid-September and stored for 4–4.5 months.
The fruit size is average (weight 80-100 g), they are flat-round in shape; the color is light yellow with a slight tan on the illuminated side of the apple. A variety for universal use.
The color of the pulp is white, the taste is sweet and sour, good.


Festival (Autumn ripening)
The variety is a seedling of an unknown variety of local selection in Kirov. Recommended for the Kirov region. The tree is medium-sized with a wide pyramidal crown shape. The fruits are below average size (75 g), wide-cylindrical in shape. The main color of the skin of the fruit is yellowish, the integumentary color is in the form of bright red stripes, turning into a solid blush on the sunny side. The pulp is white, juicy, quite dense, with a good sweet and sour taste. It begins to bear fruit in the 6-7th year after planting and gives good annual yields - 65 kg/tree. The fruits ripen in mid-September and are stored until January. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and resistance to scab of fruits and leaves.

Flashlight (Autumn ripening)
The variety was obtained by A.S. Tolmacheva and N.N. Tikhonov at the Krasnoyarsk Experimental Station of Fruit Growing from crossing the Ranetka and Pepin saffron varieties. It is in production in the West Siberian region.
Winter hardiness is good. It bears fruit in the 4th year after planting. Productivity is high. The variety is resistant to scab.
Apples are picked at the beginning of September and stored for 2 months.
The fruits are small (weight 15–19 g), oval in shape, completely covered with a carmine-red blush with a waxy coating. A variety for universal use.
The color of the pulp is yellow, with red veins, the taste is sweet and sour, pleasantly refreshing.

(Winter variety)

Variety of Latvian selection. Recommended for cultivation in the northwestern and southwestern zones of the region.
The tree is medium-sized, with a broom-shaped crown. The fruits are above average in size, flattened and round, without noticeable ribs. The main color is yellowish-green. The integumentary color occupies most of the surface of the fruit and appears in the form of dark red stripes on a thick, bright red background. The pulp is white, with a greenish tint, dense, juicy, with a good sweet and sour taste. Flowering period is late, late May - early June.
Harvesting maturity of the fruit occurs in mid-September, consumer maturity - in October. The fruits last until April. Early fruiting trees, yield
high and regular. Winter hardiness is good. Resistance to fruit rot is good, resistance to scab is average.
The variety is highly valued for its stable yield, taste and keeping quality of the fruit.