How to enjoy life: advice from a psychologist. About Holy Week A nightmare - life without chocolate

Do you often think about what true pleasure is? Business, work, home life - all this sucks you in, distracts you from the essence, and takes energy. Vanity, dissatisfaction with life, criticism, complaints - all this is incompatible with pleasure.

In general, any suffering and negative emotions only give rise to further troubles in your life. Well, who needs a constantly tired, “confused”, unhappy woman? These men avoid such people. And they can be understood. On an intuitive level, they feel that for such a woman they will have to shoulder all the responsibility, make her happy, solving her endless problems. Not everyone will take that risk.

A completely different matter is a woman who enjoys life even when there is no strong shoulder nearby. She is happy with herself, her body, her eyes shine - not because everything in her life is so wonderful, but because she knows how to enjoy what is around her and what she feels inside. And such a woman is almost never alone - dozens of men are chasing her.

After all, this often happens - it seems that she is not a beauty, but there is no end to her suitors. The answer lies in the fact that a woman knows how to enjoy herself and attracts caring men into her life.

How to learn to enjoy the moment?

We are, of course, not talking about the pleasure associated with buying your beloved new dresses, shoes and everything else. The pleasure of buying things is fleeting and does not affect our sense of self in a global sense. When we talk about the ability to experience pleasure in the moment, we are talking about deep pleasure at the level of feelings.

You can enjoy the sensations anytime, anywhere. For example, get up early in the morning and go out to the balcony with a cup of your favorite coffee. Feel this aroma. Take a small sip. Listen to your taste sensations. Think about your plans for the day. Look at the greenery outside the window, at the rising sun. Feel this moment and be only in it.

Just enjoy what's happening.
Izaya Orihara

Don't regret the past, don't remember yesterday's problems, don't worry about the future. Being mentally here and now and enjoying the sensations of what is happening at the moment is the basis of the true ability to enjoy and recharge positive energy, which will then emanate from you, attracting only the beautiful into life.

It is important to remember that each of our thoughts carries creative or destructive energy. If you want not to destroy, but to build, not to cry into your pillow, but to shape your successful destiny - just learn to enjoy.

Where does pleasure “live”?

Living consciously is not so easy and not very comfortable. Constantly being aware of yourself in the current moment is a matter of constant practice. But this does not require any special conditions or circumstances. Every moment of your life is already a reason to enjoy it.

For example, you came to a boutique. There may be things there that you can't afford. Or the ones you would never dare wear. Take them and go to the fitting room. Put it on and admire your reflection in the mirror. Feel your beauty and attractiveness. Enjoy the moment!

Live today, don’t wait until your health or your loved ones are taken away from you, or even your life itself. Live! Enjoy every day, don’t put it off until “someday later, when things are over.” Things never end, but life is lost behind them.
Oleg Roy

When you're preparing dinner, whether for the whole family or just for yourself, don't treat it like just another monotonous meal or snack on the go. Get out some nice dishes. Set the table as if for an Instagram photo. Place food on a plate as they do in expensive restaurants. Turn on some nice music.

Having dinner in such an environment, you will get real pleasure, and you will want to continue to spend your time this way - beautifully and with pleasure.

You can even wash the dishes or wash your face while enjoying the moment. The more a woman allows herself to enjoy herself, the better quality not only her life will become, but also the lives of those around her. And the more your whole life will resemble a process of pleasure.

Formula: Enjoyment = awareness of yourself here and now + enjoy what is happening at the moment.

How to attract love and success into your life?

You need to glow and radiate not because of him, but in response to all the good things that this world gives you every second. First, it is important to learn to enjoy, and then someone will definitely appear who will appreciate it, who deserves to be there, who will sincerely love you and for whom you will become the best and only.

I don't need you
I enjoy you.
Christina Kashkan

Forget about living “automatically”, give up complaints and whining, awaken the feminine beauty within yourself, and drive away the coarse housewife worker. Remember how nice it is to dress up, spin in front of the mirror, feel like a beauty and tell yourself about it, choose and buy the things you want, do your favorite activities.

Life is so beautiful if you just allow yourself to accept all its gifts! And as soon as you tune in to the right wave - a wave of pleasure - the main prize awaits you: the loving and caring man of your dreams!

Our poor people! Poor and ma-te-ri-al-no, and spirit-how-but. How many treasures the Right-Glorious Church presents to us these days, but how many people come to churches to -to be delighted with them, to be enriched with the spirit, to be in God's heart?

“We will follow the whole wisdom of Joseph, O faithful ones; nature, pro-living life with all care, in de-factual goodness" (Three Songs on the -che-rii in Ve-li-kiy Po-ne-del-nik).

In the right-glorious temples, solemn and tender services take place, many times read by Evan -He-lie, there are wonderful songs, calling us to think about our own spa-ness. God is so close to us that every day of Passion Week we re-live the last days of His earthly life .

What do you need these days? Humblely come to the temple and glorify God, who has suffered for the sake of our salvation. To straighten our mind, shaken by the madness of this world, sacred to the dogs, but not to the -no-me and establish us in a good life. Not only to believe, but also to trust in God.

We sometimes boast of our affiliation with the “na-ro-du-bo-go-nos-tsu”, just as the Jews were once proud to belong to -lying to God-from-the-brain-no-people, and we ourselves willingly trust our lives not to God, but to vanity- ri-yam and pri-me-there.

What's the point if we, being Russian by birth and right-to-glory by baptism, do not live in a church? life, and in the difficult moments of our life we ​​run to the “women” and “targets” and create our own -My gross superstition?

We often wonder why, in a few years after the revolution of 1917, Russia left me in the right direction and with jealousy began to reap what before with jealousy bowed? They are looking here for ma-so-nov and ra-bo-tu ev-re-ev, and for a lot of other reasons. But the answer is so obvious. The majority of Russians, as they were before the February-October Troubles, and now, having been baptized, have not become is it right? And instead of taking advantage of this terrible lesson and still striving to strengthen - to form a meaningful faith, we are only looking for vi-no-va-tyh.

Well, tell me, how can a person call himself right-to-glorious, when instead of or even together with -there is no church on Great Thursday, a holy and terrible day, Russian peasants "va-ri-li-ki-sel (usually oat-sya ), you put it in a bowl on the street and shout: “Mo-rose, mo-rose! Go eat some food! Don’t hit our oats, our rye, but hit our oats!” or: “Frost, frost, don’t frost our oats! Ki-se-la, eat, please us!”

On this day, the owner, before the sun rose, went out into the street and shook the wood so that the bread would grow better . In some villages, you had grown-up men and women, and wo-hoo, mow, mow, Boo, yes, they acted out scenes of field work in the house, thinking that this would have the best effect on the sa- mikh ra-bo-tah and on the harvest. The Tver men on Great Thursday rode astride the stump and rode around three times, wow -ro-yes and po-la, pro-iz-no-sya at the same time: “Mole, mole, don’t go to my garden, on the day of the last Thursday, here you are poker".

According to the distance to the machine's speed, there is a whole complex of actions involved. Mal-chi-ki with the rising of the sun-tsa be-ga-li with a co-lo-kol-chi-ka-mi on his neck around the tree-rev-ni, “so that it can be straight -mo with past-bi-sha ho-di-la to-my, not plu-ta-la.” On Pi-ne-zhye on Great Thursday, the host opened a trumpet from the roof and shouted: “The steam of God’s sco-tin-ka, co- "Ro-vush-ka Pest-ro-nyush-ka, in the clean country - lunch, at home - for the night. Don't sleep on the bo-ru, go to the yard! "

Even at the end of the last century, the following happened in the Vyatka province: on Maundy Thursday until Sunday - the sun goes home, on-the-way, runs with an old pot in his hand to the garden and overturns the mountain - shock on stake; The pot remains tipped over on the stake throughout the entire summer - it protects the chickens from birds of prey.

Through-you-cha-but ar-ha-i-che-rite for-shi-you at home and sk-ti-ny since the end of the 19th-20th century -years in the remote Kostroma villages. Here de-vush-ka "to the sun sa-di-la on po-me-lo, ras-pus-ka-la hair-lo-sy and in one ru-ba-ha, without po-ya -sa, went around the house with the construction. Going up to the window, she turned to ma-te-ri: “Auntie An- na, sko-ti-na do-ma?" - "Do-ma!" Bla-go-word-la-la. And so three times."

And all this, and much more, at times completely indecent, must, according to “native wisdom,” be done in the most terrible and significant days of the church of the year.

It would be long and unpleasant to enumerate all these superstitions. In the in-ter-ne-those they are represented as shi-ro-ko. Such a feeling that the majority of Russians really think that one can be rightly glorified by observing only -relatives.

But what exactly should one do during Passion Seed? The answer is simple - go to the temple.

With a passionate gray-haired name, the last week before Easter is celebrated. This week (more precisely 6 days) is dedicated to the re-emergence of suffering, death on the Cross and burial Jesus Christ. Christians must spend this entire week in fasting and prayer. According to the ra-s-same presentation, this period is tra-ur-ny, and for this, dressing in the church would be -they are black. But black o-la-che-niya official-tsi-al-but appeared in Russia only in 1730, and then for funeral services (in- te-res-but that subsequently on the pa-ni-hi-dahs “be-di-li” the white regions, and the black ones from the end of the 19th century . "left" for Lent). God's service regulations do not know the color black, and during Lent and Passion Seed it is not right to serve in tra- ur-nyh, and dark robes of a bag-rya-no-go, violet-of-the-th-color.

According to the greatness of the events that happened, all the days of Holy Week are called Ve-li-ki-mi. Especially-ben-but umi-li-tel-ny vo-po-mi-na-ni-ya-mi, mo-lit-va-mi and na-pe-va-mi for the last three days.

In the first three days, in the morning after the six-hundred-psalm-miya, a tro-par-par is sung: “Behold, they are coming in the po-lu-no-shi”..., and after the ka-no-na there is a song: “I see Thy devil, O my Savior”... All these three days the Li-tour has been completed. hya of the Most Holy Gifts with the reading of the Gospel. Evan-ge-lie chi-ta-et-sya and at mornings.

On Maundy Thursday there is a solemn celebration, for which it is appropriate to partake of all Christians. sti-a-us in memory of the establishment of the Ta-in-stva of Eu-ha-ri-stia.

On Great Friday during the evening (which is served during the day), you emerge from the altar and from the altar -ga-et-sya on se-re-di-well temple-ma pla-sha-ni-tsa, i.e. sacred image of the Spa-si-te-la, lying in the coffin; this is the complete remembrance of the removal of Christ’s body from the Cross and His burial.

On Holy Saturday in the morning, with the ringing of bells and the singing of “Holy God, Holy Mighty God” cue, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.” the procession of Jesus Christ into hell, when His body was in the tomb, and His victory over hell and death.

“The lack of good deeds gives us figs: we have avoided this, so as not to dry up, like some where she, si-na-go-gu, with some leaves on the roof, appears before the devil. “Joseph is thrown into the ditch, his kin is passed on to us, he endures everything, glorious, as in the true image of Christ.” (Three-dog-nets on-ve-che-rii in Ve-li-kiy Po-ne-del-nik).

The great Po-no-del-nik is dedicated to the re-membrance of the Gospel story about the is-su-she-nii on this day by Jesus the fruitless fig tree, which is a symbol of paradise that does not bear spiritual fruit for the soul. The episode about the withered figs knows both the strength of faith and prayers.

In God's servants, the son of Ia-ko-va is also remembered - Joseph the Beautiful, who, out of jealousy, was sold by his brothers into Egyptian slavery, just as Jesus was betrayed and condemned to death because of hatred and hatred -sti Jews. Joseph, freed from his imprisonment, reigns over Egypt, just as Jesus, who rose from the tomb, reigns over the world. On Sunday and Wednesday of Holy Week, you can only eat bread, vegetables and fruits (this is called su-ho-yade -nie).

“You all heard, soul, how Christ spoke to His Divine teachings about the end of the world -rya; you, having known (your) end, prepare for the future: the time has come. Hurray, you, barren soul -sha, for example, lu-ka-vo-go-ra-ba; be afraid and don’t pre-do-not-bre-gay da-ro-va-ni-em, which you didn’t take in order to hide it in the ground, but to conduct trade. Let the lamp be bright, and let it come out of it as once upon a time the virgins of reason and oil had a co-passion to bring you, my soul, then the wedding devil of Christ from -ver-stym" (Three-song-nets on-ve-che-rii on Great Tuesday).

On Holy Tuesday we think about the Last Judgment and the resurrection of the dead, we remember about Hri -stom of the fa-ri-se-evs, which behind the outer, god-like hiddenness is coldness and soullessness.

The same parable is told about the 10 maidens, which calls to the spirit of vigilance . At the heart of the parable lies the Eastern tradition of meeting with lit lights and about bringing the bride to the house of the father of the bride. She symbolizes the Second Coming of Christ in the form of coming into the house. Five wise maidens had previously stocked up on scrap oil for the lamps, while others, foolish ones, were too lazy to do it. When the Son of God (Heavenly Bride) came at night, the wise girls were able to meet him and he took them with him to the Kingdom of Heaven -noe. You foolish girls didn't want to buy oil for lamps and didn't go to the Kingdom. They remind us of the need to always be ready for a meeting with the Lord, to show courage. courage and resourcefulness on the paths of goodness, do not lose heart.

On Tuesday and Thursday of Holy Week, it’s time to eat hot food without vegetable oil.

"Aro-ma-ta-mi I am bo-ga-ta, good-ro-de-te-la-mi, but I am scarce; what I have, I bring to You: give me what you have “Eat, and forgive me,” fornication cries out to Christ. "O blessed hands! O hair and mouth of the fornication of the whole-wise-ren-noy (i.e. blah-go-ra-zum-noy)! With them she came, Savior, peace on Your feet, wiping them and constantly kissing her forehead" (Three Songs in Ve-che-rii on Great Wednesday).

Great Wednesday is the day of sacrifice for the passion of Jesus Christ. In the Great Wednesday, two life paths are compared: the dis-appearance of the fornication of Mary Mag-da-li -we and the predecessors of Judas, you have taken spiritual death.

According to legend, on this day Jesus rested in the house of Si-mo-na pro-ka-zhen-no-go, here all the pre-zi-ra came to him I'm going to fornicate in order to pour out my soul and spread out. She washed Jesus’s feet after and gave him the blessing of the world, thereby giving Viviv him to the burial. On the same day, the Jewish priests gathered for council and decided to use cunning and kill Christ, and Judas decided -I'll give you my teacher for 30 silver. The Church compares two by kiss: the appearance of the sinner Mary and the predecessor Judas.

“The carpeted mountain received You, the Creator, and into Your sacred mysteries, and there You celebrated the Passover, and there he instituted His Ta-in-stations; for there, by two of Thy teachings sent now, the Passover was prepared -le-on You.

For-we-sat down the bo-go-killers with the-ve-de-no-sre-ro-love-tsa so-che-tal-sya: they took up arms for murder, the same rushed towards the silver-ren-niks; and so, just as he was about to be strangled, he miserably lost his life. Kiss your bosom; like a sword is your “Rejoice,” flattering Judas; your tongue spouts words about unity, but your mind is directed towards division: for it is to be given without law Bla-go-de-te-la you were planning a co-var-but. Christ is Passover, great and sacred, eaten like bread and slaughtered like a sheep; For He Himself was lifted up for us as a Sacrifice. We all partic- ipate in the same way with His Body and His Blood.

Christ arranged a feast for the world, He, the Heavenly and Divine Bread. Come, the same, Christ-loving people, with mortal lips, but with pure hearts, let us accept with faith; the sacrifice of Easter, which is sacred in us" (Three Songs on Ve-che-riy on Holy Thursday).

Maundy Thursday is especially special for you in Holy Week, on this day you remember the following -existence from the life of Christ: Jesus' washing of the feet of the disciples - a sign of humility, the Secret Ve- ery - it was tired - new-le-but Ta-in-stvo Pri-cha-sche-niya (Ev-ha-ri-stia), prayer in the Geth-si-man-garden and pre-da-tel- life of Judas. According to Jewish tradition, Thursday marked the first day of Passover - a holiday from the savings from Egyptian slavery. Under the guise of bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Jesus are present, which are similar bloodless sacrifice, communion with God.

The night from Thursday to Friday is considered the most terrible moment in church history, since Jesus Christ was condemned -day to death.

“You are sleeping again,” Christ said to the teachers, “stay awake, the hour is already approaching, get up, let’s go, friends.” My sons-in-law: behold, the teacher-disciple, having a whole detachment with him, is coming to hand Me over to the murderers!” Without-a-kon-ki, shout even louder Pi-la-tu: “Take-mi, take-mi, crucify Christ!” - asked to kill Him, as condemned. But didn’t He resurrect the dead, cleanse the women, heal the blood, strengthen the weak? Bi-che-va-nie endured, my Creator, You were given for my sake to be crucified, so that my salvation in the middle di-accomplish-shiv, give life to the world and give immortality to the precious blood of yours -shim-sya Te-be (Three-song-nets on-ve-che-rii in Great Pyat-tok).

Passionate Friday is the most mournful day. Friday is the day of remembrance of the Savior's Passion (i.e., passion) of the State.

On this day, Jesus was handed over to the Jewish authorities, made a procession of the cross to Golgofu, was crucified and died. In honor of the celebration of the Jewish Passover, Pontius Pilat wanted to release one prisoner in the hope that the people you choose Jesus, but the crowd left their choice to the raz-bai-ke.

In Jewish tradition, on this day there is an immeasurable lamb being sacrificed. The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. Just as the bones of the sacrificial lamb should not be re-re-lo-many, Jesus should not re-re-bi-le-le- no, that in those days we were on de-la-li with all the other ties.

In churches on Holy Friday the ringing of bells stops, on this day they don’t eat anything until the second hour -news of the day - you-but-sa cloaks that symbolize the removal of Jesus from the Cross.

The church on this day calls for us to think, are we not like those who betrayed Jesus, are we looking for something in the surroundings? sh-ing “enemies” and “here-ti-kov”, aren’t we fighting against conscience, trying to beat ma-te-ri-al -nyh benefits.

Where, My Son and God, is the good news of long ago, which Gav-ri-el told Me? He called You the King and Son of God All-high; now I see You, My sweet Light, naked and covered with the wounds of the dead. Having relieved yourself of torment, now take Me with You, My Son and God, so that I, the Master, may go with You to hell: not leave Me alone, for I can no longer live without seeing You, My sweet Light. “My spiritual ulcer has now been completely healed, My Child,” - followed by a Most Pure cry, “resurrected and quenched.” My torment and sadness, for You can do anything, Vladyka, and do whatever you want, even though you were killed freely! ". “I praise Thy sweetness, Man-of-love, and bow-to-the-richness of Thy sweetness, Vla -hey: for, desiring to save Your creation, You accepted death,” cried the Most Pure One, “but the Resurrection “I am Yours, Savior, have mercy on us all!” (Ka-non on po-ve-che-rii in Ve-li-kiy Pya-tok).

On Holy Saturday they remember the burial of Christ and His descent into hell for the resurrection of victory. over evil and the liberation of the souls of believers. Saturday is a day of peace and expectation. The priests wear dark, black clothes that are worn throughout Holy Week, in the white ones, which symbolize the victory of good over death, sin and the devil.

This is the kind of celebration of Holy Week that benefits us. Prayer in the temple and a worthy communion will be the best in the great days of the -yes Christ.

We won’t try to be “our own” in this world and extract health from it for ourselves and our children. Having called ourselves chris-sti-a-na-mi, we try to be them and have trust in God.

"Having joined the Lord, you will endure everything with the desire to mock your co- battle, to spitting, to ridicule (and to humiliation), so that together with His pure passion we can glorify , faithful" (ka-non on po-ve-che-rii in Ve-li-kiy Po-ne-del-nik).

“The world is the Church, upon Thy-e-mu - spa-se-ment, let-ruy Thy-re-crea-se-n-em” (Articles of the Great Sub- bo-you).

abbot Si-lu-an (Tu-ma-nov)

), who-what. Experience pleasure from something. Enjoy the beautiful poems. “I will enjoy the golden nights of Italy in freedom.” Pushkin .

Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.

See what “ENJOY” is in other dictionaries:

    Get high, listen enough, get high, have fun, get high, get high, enjoy, taste, taste bliss, experience pleasure, get drunk, get crazy, get high, come off Dictionary of Russian synonyms. enjoy get high... ... Synonym dictionary

    enjoy- view of an indirect object, emotions enjoy the sight of an indirect object, emotions... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    ENJOY, enjoy, enjoy; absolutely, by whom (what). Experience the pleasure of something. N. singing. | imperfect enjoy, I think, you enjoy. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sov. nepereh. see enjoy Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, will enjoy, will enjoy, having enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoy, enjoy, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed... Forms of words

    Verb., St., used. compare often Morphology: I will enjoy, you will enjoy, he/she/it will enjoy, we will enjoy, you will enjoy, they will enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed,... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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    enjoy- (II), enjoy, get along, enjoy... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    I'll get along, you'll get along; St. how. Experience pleasure, pleasure. N. singing, opening panorama. N. with his freedom. Didn't have time n. communication with children. I'll enjoy reading on vacation! ◁ Enjoy, yes, yes; nsv... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Enjoy you, Lawrence Andrea. Georgia Adams heads the public relations department of a large corporation in Chicago. She is actively working on a land deal with the Newport brothers, the owners of the company...
  • Enjoy you, Lawrence A. Georgia Adams heads the public relations department of a large corporation in Chicago. She is actively working on a land deal with the Newport brothers, the owners of the company...

Sant Hilari, Sant Hilari, fill de puta qui no se l'acabi. The first part is a reference to the Catalan martyr saint Jaime Hilario Barbalo, and the second roughly translates as "Anyone who doesn't finish the glass is a bastard/son of a bitch."


Bunden i vejret eller resten i haret - This is a Danish exclamation meaning "Drink to the bottom or the rest will be in your hair."


There are, of course, thousands of toasts in England, but one of the most inexplicably strange is this "Get dirt in your eye!" Origin may be related to trench warfare, horse racing, agriculture, biblical faith healing, or just the sediment at the bottom of the drink. No one is really sure. But, one way or another, they pronounce it.


Hau weg die schiesse. In a word, "Down with this crap!" Bravo Germany.


If you're going to make a classic Celtic toast slainte, try this option: Slainte bradan bod mjr agus bas in Eireann. Basically this means "I want a healthy salmon, a big penis and to die in Ireland." Another worthwhile toast comes from Jonathan Swift: "May you live all the days of your life."


Kanpai! While this is simply the equivalent of "To your health", a direct translation "Dry the cup!" It can also mean complete defeat or destruction. The Japanese also say Otsukaresama deshita, meaning "Are you tired", or Ikkinomi - "Drink in one go".

Latin America

Salud y amor y tiempo para disfrutarlo. Translated as "Health and love, and time to enjoy them."

South Africa

Zulu version of "To your health!" it’s simple - “Here’s to your health!”, but it’s on this list simply because it sounds interesting: Oogy wawa!


Arriba! Abajo! Al centro! Al dentro! Pronounced along with the corresponding actions: Arriba!- “Up!”, and you raise your glass. Abajo!- “Down!”, and you touch the glass to the table. Al centro!- “To the center!”, and you hit the glasses in the center of the table. Al dentro!- “Inside!”, and you drink the contents.

Scientists have put forward a shocking theory according to which popular and familiar products to many may disappear in a few years. It’s worth figuring out which goodies to indulge in while there’s still time.

People don’t even realize how quickly the world is changing, and in most cases, bad trends are to blame human activity. Scientists have conducted research and found that there is a serious risk that after some time some beloved foods may disappear from the face of the Earth. Believe me, the information is shocking.

1. Scary dream – life without chocolate

2. It’s impossible to imagine your morning without coffee.

Many people do not fully understand the tragedy of climate change, which has long been irreversible. Scientists have calculated that there is a huge probability that by 2080, just imagine, coffee trees will completely disappear from the planet. Hence the advice: while you have time, enjoy your favorite aromatic drink, because we haven’t yet figured out how to influence the situation.

3. Eat seafood while you can.

Even children know about global warming. But scientists, thanks to modeling climate change, have come to disappointing conclusions - the water temperature in the seas and oceans is rising. In addition, the waters of the world's oceans are diluted, which reduces the concentration of salt in the upper layers of sea water. All this negatively affects marine microorganisms - bacteria and plankton, and this will already affect the next representative of the food chain - mussels and other filter feeders. In general, a product such as mussels may soon disappear.

4. Healthy fruit, but demanding

Many dishes use avocado, which is beneficial for health and figure. If you love this fruit, then you have probably noticed that its price has been constantly increasing recently. There is a completely logical explanation for this situation. The main supplier of avocados is California (USA), which is experiencing severe droughts. In order to get 1 kg of fruit you need to spend 1 thousand liters of water. If the weather doesn't change, the outlook is dire.

5. Traditional Canadian product

Maple syrup is not familiar to all of us, but many in Canada and America have heard about it. In addition, it is one of the traditional souvenirs of the country. There is a high probability that the syrup will soon become a memory, since the maple tree needs a long winter to obtain the necessary amount of sap. According to research, the cold season in America is becoming shorter every year.

6. Tragedy is not just for monkeys

The most popular type of banana sold around the world, the Cavendish, may soon become extinct. This is all due to a terrible fungal disease, which, due to its high rate of spread, was called “tropical race 4”. The disease attacks the root system, which prevents the tree from receiving the required amount. nutrients, eventually it dies. A large number of plantations are disappearing due to this problem.

7. Sad news for lovers of the foamy drink

Few people thought while in any bar that one day ordering the usual beer would be difficult and even impossible. Many brewers are confident that in the near future the foamy drink will change its usual taste. This is explained by the fact that there is an increase in temperature in the hops, and this reduces the content of alpha acids, which are responsible for the taste of beer. To cope with this problem, it is necessary to cultivate new varieties that will contain more acids.

8. Need to stop urgently

Unfortunately, people are their own worst enemies. Fish is a popular product in different countries, but, according to statistics, the capture of absolutely all species is currently happening at a high rate, and populations do not have time to recover. If this trend continues, then by 2050 fish may completely disappear from the face of the Earth.

9. We'll have to look for a new source of vitamin C

Few can imagine New Year without this fragrant and bright citrus, and your morning without orange juice. It's bad news for everyone - orange trees are under attack from a serious disease - citrus greening. At the moment, there is no way to combat the problem. The only solution to stop the spread of the disease is to dig up the tree along with the root system. The main carrier of the disease is aphids, which attacked the territory of America and Asia.

10. Legumes are in great danger

A useful product is chickpeas, from which various popular dishes are prepared. The situation with this crop is similar to that described for avocados. So, in order to grow 1 kg of chickpeas, you need to spend more than 2 thousand liters of water. This is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve given global warming and droughts. According to statistics, product production has already decreased by 40%.

11. Nuts that suffer from heat

Roasted, salted and spicy peanuts - how delicious it is! But soon people may lose the pleasure of enjoying these nuts. The data is disappointing. So, there is a version that by 2030 peanuts will not be grown. This is due to the fact that this plant requires a stable climate, and the southern regions, where the bulk of the world's crop is grown, are seriously affected by droughts.

12. Bad news for those losing weight

People who care about their figure and health can afford pasta made from durum wheat. Their growth is negatively affected by climate change, and there is a high risk that as early as 2020, wheat fields will begin to actively dry out, which will lead to the complete disappearance of crops.

13. Serious threat to winemaking

It's not just coffee, orange juice and beer that may disappear. A threat hung over the wine. The reason is still the same – global warming. Not many people know that best time for harvesting - the period after rain, which has passed after drought. IN last years The droughts are too long, so the grape harvest is constantly declining.

14. These are some kind of wrong bees

People who have their own apiaries constantly say that a serious disaster is approaching: the bee population decreases every year, and this directly affects the amount of honey they produce. According to statistics, over the past ten years the population of honey workers has decreased by 40%. Do not forget that bees are an important element of the ecosystem, and if they completely disappear from the earth, more serious problems will arise.