How to apply liquid glass to the foundation. Application of liquid glass

Technologies are developing more and more every year and do not stand still. In the construction industry they are also moving at incredible speed. Latest materials allow you to create a good waterproof barrier anywhere. Waterproofing with liquid glass is one of the innovative methods.

Properties and features of liquid glass

This is a kind of water mixture of sodium and potassium. This component is used in installation and repair construction work Oh. This product is simply ideal for waterproofing walls, floors, foundations, and basements.

One of the features of such glass is its antiseptic effect. The composition also includes solutions of potassium and sodium with the addition of cement powder. When this substance comes into contact with a plane, it is in sodium that certain crystals are created, which in turn give it waterproofing abilities.

These crystals fill all the small pores in concrete or plaster, thereby forming a single base. It is able to withstand moisture and aggressive alkaline elements.

Preparation of the solution

The procedure for producing such glass involves fusing a mixture of quartz sand with potassium at temperatures from 1300 to 1400 °C. After this, the solution is cooled and liquefied with steam under pressure in an autoclave.

This substance begins to harden upon contact with oxygen. The very essence lies in the fact that the water begins to evaporate, the concentration of free colloidal silica increases. As a result, we obtain its compaction.

In fact, such a substance hardens for a very long time. This is due to the fact that a film forms on its surface, which does not allow air to penetrate inside and allow the entire mass to dry.

Catalysts are used for quick drying. They help the glass harden faster.

Soda glass is the most popular. It is cheaper than potassium, although the latter is more valuable in its properties.


There are three areas in construction in which this type of glass can be used:

  1. As a penetrating sealant for cement treated surfaces. What is the point of this use? Several layers are applied to a specific plane. The concrete begins to absorb it, and when it dries, its pores will be clogged. Therefore, moisture cannot penetrate into this base. The use of this building material as independent waterproofing is not particularly effective. It is necessary that the base be covered with additional insulation.
  2. As an additive in the preparation of cement mixtures. Solutions prepared in this way have the quality of quick drying. But this to some extent narrows the range of applications of such solutions. They are mainly used for plastering the surface of swimming pools and insulating various fixed joints. The prepared mixture must be used quickly; after a very short time, it becomes hard and can no longer be used.
  3. As a modifier in the production of different types of concrete. Having made the coating with such concrete, it will dry very well and become like a monolith, which has high waterproofing qualities. It is necessary to prepare a solution from such concrete very carefully. If you do not adhere to the required proportions, the result will be a fragile surface. Such mixtures cool very quickly, so they need to be prepared directly on the spot where they will be immediately used in work.

How is the waterproofing procedure performed?

Waterproofing with liquid glass requires some preparatory work with the surface to be coated. If dust or dirt comes across during application, the quality of the work will be spoiled and nothing will be able to be glued. Therefore, this stage must not be missed and taken responsibly.

Waterproofing technology consists of the following stages:

  1. Take a roller or brush and apply the first layer to the surface. This stage is very simple and does not require unnecessary details.
  2. After 30 minutes, it is necessary to repeat the first stage: the next layer is applied to the insulated concrete base. It is important to apply the flowing glass evenly, without making any breaks.
  3. After this, we prepare the protective layer. First, we make a regular mortar from cement, which is usually used for plastering walls. Once the mixture is prepared, pour flowing glass into it, maintaining a 1:1 ratio. Everything is mixed very well and the required base is covered. It makes no sense to re-dilute such a solution; in this case, the substances lose their necessary properties. Because of this, it is recommended to prepare the mixture in small portions. This procedure is usually carried out with a construction spatula and applied in a thin layer.
  4. The last stage of insulation will be insulation. Polystyrene foam or basalt wool are suitable for this. We choose what suits best.

Pros and cons of using liquid glass in insulation

The advantages of this building substance include:

  • Fairly high turnover. Due to the fact that the product is very fluid, it can penetrate into any crevice. This ensures reliable protection. Such glass can equally penetrate both the structure of wood and concrete surfaces. At the same time, it does not lose its properties.
  • Creation of a seamless and waterproof film. This is not affected in any way by the method of application. Such a film will be continuous, even if the layers were applied with a large break in time.
  • Minimum consumption. This ability remains the same across a variety of applications. Be it added to cement mortar or other mixture used for insulation.
  • Affordable price. This quality is paramount when choosing any product. Such glass acts as a good waterproofing substance at its low price and is thus ahead of even modern building materials.

The disadvantages of liquid glass include the following:

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with this building material. Its pros and cons are approximately equal. In principle, this kind of glass is an ideal product for waterproofing. The only worrying thing is that in combination with cement, hardening occurs very quickly. But if you learn to do everything correctly and follow all the measures, then you can learn to make friends with this building material. It will help to reliably protect the room from moisture.

The price of such insulation

Liquid glass acts as an indispensable material for insulation. Using this building material, you can increase the service life of the surfaces to which it will be applied.

You can buy it at any qualified store or online store that sells building materials. It is also sold in regular markets in the departments of building materials and all kinds of construction tools. The cost will depend on the volume and brand of the manufacturer.

We can conclude that waterproofing with liquid glass is a very affordable procedure. Therefore, it is worth thinking about its use during construction work. Moisture, which can penetrate into the foundation, walls, etc., very often destroys or allows various fungi to penetrate into the room. It can also lead a person to very dangerous diseases.

The main thing is that the waterproofing work is carried out correctly, observing all the subtleties, then we will get the desired result, and the insulated surface will last a long time and reliably.

The material under the trade name “silicate glue” refers to universal auxiliaries; it is successfully used in construction, decoration and everyday life. The article discusses the use of liquid glass in the construction process. You will learn what kind of work the composition is used in, and get acquainted with the intricacies of application on different types of surfaces.


Composition, appearance and properties

The basis of any liquid glass is an aqueous solution of silicate with alkaline properties. The silicates are sodium, potassium or (rarely) lithium salts. The following modifications are used in construction:

    Liquid potassium glass. Externally it looks like a thick transparent liquid, sometimes with a faint green or yellow tint. The structure is viscous, viscous, there are no mechanical impurities.

    Liquid sodium glass. Colorless thick liquid, sometimes with a yellowish or grayish tone. During storage, sediment may form.

Liquid glass is produced: with different ratios of silicon oxide and sodium (potassium) oxide; this parameter is called the silicate module. The modulus of liquid glass characterizes its adhesive ability and affects the strength of mixtures. The magnitude of the silicate modulus affects the rate of dissolution of alkali silicate glasses in water.

The density of liquid glass is 1400-1420 kg/m3. Module - 3-3.5 and higher.


The compositions are similar in their performance qualities, but they also have differences:

    Potassium silicate characterized by a more viscous structure, after hardening it becomes matte, resistant to chemical and atmospheric influences. Liquid glass with potassium silicate is best suited for waterproofing a base or foundation.

    Sodium silicate has a dense structure. It binds well and is therefore characterized by a high level of adhesion, regardless of the structure of the substrate. The composition is suitable both for waterproofing other objects and as a component of mixtures, as well as for painting facades.

Advantages and disadvantages

The demand for silicate compounds is explained by their key characteristics:

    Adhesive ability. The composition, absorbed into the substrate, completely fills the smallest cracks and pores. The adhesion, density and viscosity of liquid glass increases.

    Low thermal conductivity. The binder is not afraid of temperature changes, therefore it is used in the manufacture of heat insulators (stone wool) designed for repeated freezing/thawing.


    Insensitive to moisture. A property that allows the use of liquid glass for wood and concrete with equal success.

    Antiseptic and fireproof qualities. Reduces the problem of mold and reduces the material’s ability to ignite.

    Environmentally friendly operation. Silicate glue does not emit substances toxic to humans and animals.

    Practicality of use. It is characterized by economical consumption and low (compared to industrial waterproofing products) cost.

    Long service life of the treated surface: while maintaining the original characteristics, resistance to abrasion.

Liquid glass has disadvantages that must be taken into account when working:

    Caution when using. Silicate glue contains alkali, which causes chemical burns upon contact with skin.

    Specialized job skills. Liquid glass dries quickly; the skill of the performer is important for application.

    Restrictions on Use. Silicate glue is suitable for wood and concrete, but is not friendly with brick (it destroys its structure).


Scope of application

The properties of liquid glass make it useful for use as:

    Hardener. The composition fills the pores, increasing the density of the substrate and simultaneously smoothing out the uneven surface.

    Hydrophobic insulator. Silicate glue is an insurmountable barrier to moisture, which preserves the performance properties of building materials.

    Antiseptics. An effective product for killing mold.

    Fireproof material.

    Antistatic. Prevents the accumulation of static electricity.

Addition to concrete, impregnation (mixed with water) and coating technique (pure glue) -

practical methods of applying liquid glass; Applications in construction cover many construction processes:

    Waterproofing objects systematically in contact with moisture: wells, swimming pools, plinths, basements, foundations.

    Repairing minor defects in walls and ceilings.

    Additive to cement mortar accelerates its hardening and reduces water absorption.


    Surface treatment of concrete liquid glass increases its strength.

    Dust removal of concrete surfaces any age. Priming the surface of the screed prevents the formation of cement dust and increases abrasion resistance.

    Impregnation of wooden structures to give them greater density and fire resistance, protection from the colonization of microorganisms. Drywall is impregnated for the same purpose.

    As a component for the preparation of facade paints resistant to outdoor conditions.

    Anti-corrosion treatment of metals.

    Component of heat-resistant putty for laying stoves, chimneys, fireplaces, external parts of chimneys.

    Making putties for processing pipe seams.

    Fast drying glue. Used for fixation ceramic tiles, floor coverings (carpet, linoleum), ceiling foam boards, gluing natural stone. Apply to the wall before wallpapering or painting.

    Bactericidal grout. For processing joints between tiles.

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How to start building a house in the following video:

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Use for concrete surfaces

Liquid glass for concrete in the form of a component of a complex mixture or impregnation is a reliable preservative, but in order for it to fully exhibit its declared properties, it is necessary to adhere to technological nuances:

    Concrete surface pre-cleaned from dirt and degreased.

    Adding to solution. Liquid glass is diluted with water in a separate container, and then poured into the prepared dry mixture and mixed thoroughly. It is prohibited to add silicate glue to the finished liquid solution.

    Important follow the recipe exactlyre, since liquid glass greatly affects the rate of solidification. It is allowed to dilute the composition with small portions of water during rapid hardening.

    With a single application silicate glue impregnates a layer 1-2 mm thick; after several treatments -15-20 mm.

Technology of use in different processes:

    To protect against dampness One application of liquid glass is sufficient for the walls of attics and basements.


    Waterproofing of well walls is carried out in two stages. First, a thin layer of liquid glass is applied. A cement-sand mixture with the required proportion of silicate glue is applied on top of the resulting film.

    Pool waterproofed on both sides. The inner surface is treated with a thin layer of liquid glass. To isolate the outer wall from groundwater, the composition is applied in a thick layer, in two or three steps.

    Liquid glass on the floor in the garage- a cheap way to get rid of pervasive cement dust. The correct application would be on a fresh screed. If you simply saturate the floor with a concentrated composition, you will get a fragile varnish layer.

    Flooring using liquid glass. It is carried out in rooms with excess humidity. If the floors are wooden, a concrete screed is first made. Then the silicate solution is poured in portions onto the dry concrete surface and leveled. For final leveling, a second layer of 3-5 mm thickness is applied. The topcoat is added after drying; Epoxy or polyurethane varnish is suitable.

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About the rules of working with liquid glass in the following video:

Wood protection

Hygroscopic wooden structures especially require proper protection. Unlike concrete, when in contact with wood, silicate glue is not absorbed into it, but forms an outer protective layer. Therefore, for proper treatment of wood with liquid glass, preliminary preparation is especially important. The wood is not only cleaned of dust and dirt, but additionally cleaned with sandpaper. This technique allows you to create a smoother surface and better adhesion (and, therefore, durability) of the film.

Silicate glue is applied to surfaces that are not planned to be painted, since the wood becomes mirror-smooth and cannot be painted. Places regularly exposed to dampness (basement, rafters, beams) are ideal candidates for the use of liquid glass; The composition is used taking into account the following recommendations:

    Composition diluted with water in the required proportion, applied to the treated and cleaned surface in at least two layers.


    For high-quality waterproofing The thickness of the finished film must be at least 100 microns.

    Best result obtained if the composition is applied at a temperature from +20 to +40°C, with a wide brush or roller.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Preparation of compositions

The construction market is saturated with a variety of ready-made compositions with a complex useful properties. Despite this, liquid glass as a component of self-prepared mixtures successfully competes with an industrial product due to its good price/quality ratio. In homemade mixtures, the proportion of liquid glass varies in the following proportions:

    Additive to concrete: From 5 to 20% of concrete mass.

    Surface impregnation: 50% cement mortar.

    Preparation refractory mixture : From 10 to 25% of the composition.

In practice, builders use proven proportions to achieve the desired result:

    Waterproofing wells. To coat the walls, prepare a solution of cement-sand mixture and glue in equal parts.

    Waterproofing of swimming pools, wet areas, ceilings, floors, walls. A solution is prepared at the rate of 1 liter (part) of liquid glass per 10 liters (parts) of concrete solution.

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About the result of treating a cement floor in a garage in the following video:

    Compound, increasing the strength of the mixture. Liquid glass is added to concrete in the following proportion: 1 part glass to 20 parts of the finished mixture.

    Waterproof mixture ( for filling cracks in designs). Sand and cement are combined in a ratio of 2.5 to 1. A 15% solution of liquid glass is poured into the mixture.

    Primer for floor screed. Cement mortar and silicate glue are mixed at a ratio of 2 to 1.

    Manufacturing facade paint . The selected dye is mixed into the liquid glass until the desired color saturation is achieved. Using a silicate composition, you can remove a layer of old paint (varnish or oil).

    Fireproof composition(masonry and repair). 1 part cement, 3 parts sand are diluted with a 15% solution of silicate glue.

    Wood processing liquid glass. A mixture of 1 liter of water and 400 g of glue is prepared and applied in two layers. It is recommended to renew the coating every 3–5 years.

    Protection of metal surfaces from corrosion. Silicate glue and cement in equal proportions, after drying - painting.

    Adhesive composition for tiles, linoleum. The consumption of silicate glue on any surface is 200-400 g/m2.


Features of working with liquid glass

In addition to efficiency in preparing the mixture and its application, it is necessary to remember the specific properties and necessary precautions:

    Skin and eye protection from direct contact. Standard gloves, protective clothing and shoes, a mask, and safety glasses will do. If glue gets on your skin or eyes, wash the affected area. big amount water.

    The choice of how to apply liquid glass depends on the method of application; use brush, roller or spray gun.

    Job in a room with good ventilation.

    Storage and transportation. Store and transport in a sealed container. Storage at sub-zero temperatures is allowed; after thawing at room temperature, the glue does not lose its qualities.


Silicate glue is offered both in pure form and as part of ready-made finishing mixtures and impregnations in hardware (construction) stores. It is not difficult to buy liquid glass in a small volume at a retail outlet; It is better to order a large batch directly from the manufacturers. When choosing silicate glue, pay attention to:

    Type and purpose.

    Information on the packaging. Must include composition, brand name, shelf life, legal address of the manufacturer, instructions for use.

    Appearance . If the packaging is transparent, the solution can be assessed visually; it should not contain impurities.

    Price. The price of liquid glass depends on the volume of purchase and the main parameters (modulus and density). Liquid glass (solution) is cheaper in price than dry glass (concentrate).

    Selection of containers. Liquid glass is offered in containers of 1-5 kg, as well as in canisters of 10-20 kg, and barrels of 200 liters. Any container must be airtight.



Liquid glass is a proven and affordable material for performing a wide variety of construction work; In order for the result to be of high quality, you will need dexterity and certain skills. From an aesthetic point of view, the coating is inferior to more expensive analogues. But, if the priority is to minimize costs, liquid glass is the optimal solution.

Liquid glass is an inexpensive and effective material for waterproofing. It is used for surface application and as an additive to concrete and cement. How to use liquid glass for concrete and for waterproofing walls, floors, wells, and pools?

Types and properties of liquid glass

Liquid glass for waterproofing is a solution of sodium or potassium silicate in water. Both of them are used for waterproofing, but have slightly different properties.

Sodium silicate is used for waterproofing foundations. He communicates well with mineral compounds. It is also included in antiseptic impregnations. Sodium liquid glass promotes the hardening of cement, in this case solid sodium aluminate and calcium silicate are formed. It is added to concrete and used for fire retardant impregnations. The scope of soda glass is much wider.

Potassium silicate is resistant to external influences, water, precipitation, even acid rain, so it is used as an acid-resistant coating. It has anti-reflective properties, so it is also used as paint.

Both types of liquid glass have antistatic, antiseptic and fire retardant properties.

The service life of the sodium silicate coating is 5 years. Over the course of a year, the protective layer loses approximately 1 mm of its thickness, therefore, the thicker it is, the longer it will last.

Advantages and disadvantages

Liquid glass is added to cement and concrete, which makes them more resistant to moisture. It is also used to strengthen weak soil with poor bearing capacity. Liquid glass is used to cover various surfaces for protection. decorative covering from moisture and mechanical influences. Wooden surfaces processed with a brush, and small objects are completely immersed in silicate glue for some time.

One of the uses of liquid glass is waterproofing concrete surfaces. The solution is absorbed into the concrete to a certain depth, filling the pores. Use it

  • in the basements,
  • damp rooms,
  • on the foundations,
  • in swimming pools,
  • in wells.

Also, sodium liquid glass for waterproofing is used as an adhesive for laying PVC and laminate boards, for flooring, in everyday life, and in gardening for covering wounds and cuts on trees. It is also added to plaster - as a result, a strong calcium silicate is formed, such plaster is very durable. Silicate glue is also used for laying stoves and fireplaces, and also as a binder for fire-resistant and acid-resistant powder.

When it comes into contact with ordinary glass, silicate glue becomes opaque. At the same time, it can be used for the restoration of glass and porcelain products.

The advantages of liquid glass (silicate glue) include the fact that it is non-flammable, non-toxic, and has antiseptic properties. It also has certain thermal insulation properties, so it is used for the production of thermal insulating materials. Silicate glue can be used in a damp environment; this distinguishes it from most waterproofing materials.

Contact of the solution with the skin should be avoided, as it contains alkali. Work must be carried out wearing protective clothing and gloves. If liquid glass gets on your skin, it must be washed off with a weak solution of vinegar and clean water. Therefore, water and vinegar solution must be kept nearby while working.

The disadvantages of this material are that it can only be used on easily accessible surfaces. Liquid glass crystallizes quickly, so you need to work with it quickly. If you have little experience, then the consumption of the solution will be greater, since a certain part will simply harden, and it will be impossible to restore its properties.

This protective layer is not resistant to mechanical damage, so some additional coating is usually applied on top. However, most paints and varnishes do not stick to liquid glass.

It is very important to observe proportions when preparing a solution of liquid glass for waterproofing. If you add too much silicate glue, the mixture will turn out to be hard, tough, but brittle; the protective coating at the joints and seams will break and tear.

How to buy good liquid glass

Sodium or potassium silicate is available in the form of a liquid mass. Product good quality should be homogeneous, without lumps or foreign inclusions.

Silicate glue is inexpensive, you can buy it at any construction market, so you shouldn’t stock it up for future use. The shelf life of the material is 1 year.

Surface preparation

Before using sodium silicate for waterproofing, the surface must be cleaned of dirt, paint, rust, plaster, dusted (you can use a household or industrial vacuum cleaner) and degreased, leveled if necessary, and nails and screws removed.

For coating waterproofing, which is used for floors, swimming pools, wells, the surface is pre-cleaned with a brush to open the pores in the concrete. The walls of wells and swimming pools are washed so that all defects become more noticeable. After this, the surfaces should dry. To prevent fungus from developing, they are treated with an antiseptic. Wooden surfaces, for example, the floor of a bathhouse or sauna, are treated with a fire retardant to give the wood fire-resistant properties.

Application for waterproofing

To waterproof seams and joints, silicate glue is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15. A universal solution for waterproofing is made in a ratio of 1:10. This solution is mixed with cement until smooth (the proportion of silicate glue should also not be more than 5%) and the resulting paste is filled with seams and joints using a spatula.

Attention! You cannot add water, ready-made liquid glass or other liquids and dry components to the prepared solution.

The mixture is made as follows:

  • mix all dry ingredients until smooth;
  • add liquid glass and stir for 3-5 minutes.

The finished solution must be homogeneous, smooth and mobile. It needs to be used immediately.

Attention! Do not stir the solution several times, as crystalline bonds begin to form in it, which will break when stirred. This will significantly deteriorate the quality of the solution.

Next, liquid glass is applied using a brush or roller. The solution hardens quickly, so you need to prepare such an amount that you can use within 15-20 minutes. The solution must also be applied quickly to the surface. The surface can be moistened with water for better adhesion.

One layer impregnates concrete to about 2 mm; deeper impregnation requires several layers. After applying the first layer, you must wait half an hour and then apply the next one. To impregnate concrete, you can apply the solution using a spray gun. But more often, for waterproofing concrete, not pure silicate glue is used, but mixed with cement.

Sodium silicate should not be used to treat surfaces on which you plan to apply paint, plaster, putty, or varnish. They will not adhere to silicate glue.

When used for waterproofing wells, swimming pools, and artificial reservoirs, work is carried out in two stages. First, the walls of the tank are treated with clean liquid glass, possibly in several layers, and then a liquid mixture of sand, cement and silicate glue is applied in equal parts.

Improving the properties of concrete

When building a house, you can add liquid glass to concrete - then it will immediately have waterproofing properties.

Attention! The strength of concrete deteriorates when silicate glue is added, so the proportion of liquid glass in the solution should not exceed 5%.

Cement or concrete with silicate glue additives hardens much faster than regular concrete, so it must be mixed immediately in the right quantity and quickly, in one go, poured into the formwork. Such concrete should be poured without using a deep vibrator, so as not to disrupt the process of crystal formation.


To waterproof the floor, the liquid glass solution is poured onto the screed in equal portions and quickly spread over the floor using a spatula. Then the surface is rolled with a needle roller and leveled with a squeegee.

The layer of silicate glue should be 3-5 mm thick, and it should be poured in one go. It is important that the solution is evenly distributed over the floor, there are no uncovered areas left, the composition must penetrate into the pores.

Usually several layers are made, before pouring each next layer the previous one must harden, this happens in about half an hour. When all layers are dry, the floor can be coated with epoxy or polyurethane varnish, this will increase its durability and make it glossy. If the floor is warm, then it is put into operation a week after pouring the liquid glass.

Basements and attics

Waterproofing basements and attics can be done from outside or inside the building. For this purpose, solutions prepared in different proportions. Important property liquid glass - thanks to its crystalline structure, it retains the vapor permeability of concrete, despite the fact that the surface becomes water-repellent.

For waterproofing from the inside, use a universal solution of 1 liter of liquid glass and 10 liters of cement mortar. For external insulation, mix cement, sand and silicate glue in a ratio of 1.5:1.5:4, add no more than 0.25 by weight of water.


Waterproofing a well with liquid glass can be carried out both at the stage of its construction and when it is already filled with water.

However, it should be remembered that if the well rings are poorly fastened, then the use of liquid glass will not help. Therefore, you first need to secure the rings well together with metal brackets.

After this, jute, hemp or linen rope is impregnated with a solution of liquid glass and seams are laid between the rings. The top of the seam is covered with another layer of cement or liquid glass. Silicate glue can withstand high water pressure and does not respond to temperature changes.

Using a solution of liquid glass and cement, you can seal small cracks. This solution sets very quickly. But in the case of a large leak, such repairs do not make sense.

Swimming pools

Waterproofing a pool with liquid glass is carried out on both sides: both internal and external. From the outside it is isolated to protect it from groundwater, which otherwise will penetrate the pores and gradually erode the concrete. Insulation from the inside prevents water from destroying the walls of the pool.

Liquid glass is also used as an additive to concrete in the construction of swimming pools. It is used both as an impregnation in its pure form and in a mixture with cement.


Liquid glass (sodium or potassium silicate) is widely used to create protective coatings. Waterproofing with its help is also not difficult; you can apply this coating yourself, but it is important to follow some rules.

It has been used in construction for quite a long time. The material is called glass because of the components that make up it and are used to make ordinary hard glass.

The composition of liquid glass for waterproofing is:

  • sodium (high adhesion, able to interact with different materials and their groups),
  • potassium (resistance to atmospheric influences, resistance to acidic environments, anti-reflective structure).

Liquid glass in its pure form is an amateur material; sometimes it is better to use a ready-made solution rather than mix something up, observing the proportions. Why reinvent the wheel, right? Previously, liquid glass for waterproofing was used in its pure form by everyone and everywhere, but now it is used as a separate ingredient of one or another building mixture. Of course, today there are many modern materials on the construction market that are superior to liquid glass in many respects, for example penetrating glass produced by Kalmatron Group of Companies. Penetrating waterproofing is a reliable way to ensure watertightness of concrete structures. The penetrating waterproofing composition is a mixture of Portland cement, finely ground quartz or silicate sand and patented chemically active reagents. When applied to a damp surface, the active ingredients react with the cement components of concrete (mortar) and form insoluble crystalline complexes that tightly fill pores and cracks throughout the entire volume of the material. Crystalline new formations, while not allowing water to pass through, at the same time do not interfere with air movement, allowing the concrete to “breathe.” Structures treated with these materials resist the effects of most aggressive environments, preventing corrosion and the penetration of unwanted chemicals into environment. The material is inert, does not contain solvents and does not emit fumes. The service life of the material is equal to the life of the concrete itself.

Let's take a look at three areas in which liquid glass is usually used in construction for waterproofing:

  1. As a penetrating waterproofing for concrete or cement-plastered surfaces. The meaning of this is quite simple - liquid glass is thickly applied to the surface in a couple of layers. Concrete absorbs it, and after drying, its pores are simply clogged, and moisture does not pass through them. However, it is worth noting that when liquid glass is applied in several layers, the thickness of penetration of calcium silicate into the concrete of the structure does not exceed 20 mm. In turn, the penetrating waterproofing of the Kalmatron system is more effective, since it penetrates into the concrete surface to a depth of 150 mm and practically becomes part of the structure.
  2. As an additive for the production of cement mortar. Such solutions have one very interesting quality - they harden very quickly. Along with the waterproofing properties of the resulting solution, rapid setting limits its use to some extent. It is necessary to produce such a solution very quickly, since after a while it becomes unusable.
  3. As a modifier for the preparation of various grades of concrete. After drying, such concrete becomes a real monolith with high waterproofing characteristics. However, one should not think that liquid glass is an ideal additive for concrete. Sodium silicate is a water-soluble substance, therefore, with a large amount of water, it is washed out of the monolith, after which the concrete is destroyed. For this reason, liquid glass should be added to concrete for the foundation in an amount of no more than 3%, and if the correct proportions are not observed, the end result may be concrete that is as fragile as glass. Such compositions also harden quite quickly, so they are prepared directly on the construction site, after which they are immediately used. In the future, such a foundation still has to be carefully insulated with other waterproofing materials.

In this case, more effective and convenient to use is the Kalmatron-D concrete additive, designed to increase the water resistance of concrete by 3-4 steps, to increase the strength of concrete at early and design ages by up to 20%, as well as to increase frost resistance by 50 cycles or more (which makes it possible to obtain concrete with frost resistance grade F300). The optimal amount of the Kalmatron-D additive is 10 kg/m 3 (or 2.63% by weight of cement), regardless of the brand of concrete and binder consumption.

The additive is introduced into the dry concrete mixture before mixing with water, after which thorough mixing is carried out in the mixer.

Let's consider the main advantages of using liquid glass for waterproofing:

  • good adhesion to prepared mineral substrates;
  • formation of a waterproof barrier;
  • low material consumption;
  • relatively low cost of solutions.

With advantages, perhaps, everything. Now it’s the turn of the shortcomings - they are the ones who reveal the true face of something. The negative qualities of liquid glass for waterproofing include the following points.

  1. Very limited scope. Using this material, you can waterproof exclusively concrete and plastered surfaces. For example, it is not applicable to brick, as it destroys it.
  2. Not suitable for independent use. Liquid glass is used only in combination with other types of waterproofing materials. This is explained simply - the protective film obtained using liquid glass is fragile.
  3. A rather complicated application technology, which requires the master to know certain subtleties, which we have already discussed a little higher - liquid glass sets quickly, and you need to work with it, as they say, at an accelerated pace. In addition, if we talk about concrete or cement with liquid glass, then you need to know the exact amount of the substance added.

Remember that liquid glass is far from an “eternal” material. The service life of liquid glass waterproofing is a maximum of 5 years. The manufacturer honestly writes about this on the jars with the composition. This does not mean that after 5 years the foundation will completely lose protection. The glass will gradually self-destruct, starting from the surface layers. Over the course of a year, the waterproofing layer will become thinner by about 1 mm. Thus, a 5 mm coating will completely lose its properties somewhere in the tenth year of construction. And the penetrating waterproofing composition “Kalmatron” is very effective and durable, since its applied layer of 2 mm thickness protects concrete from leaching by soft waters for 50 years. The service life of the material is equal to the life of the concrete itself.

Liquid glass for floor waterproofing

Liquid glass can also be used to protect the floor from moisture and dampness. At the same time, it is not so important what material it is made of; the mixture successfully penetrates into any coating. If the floor is wooden and leaks, but you don’t want to change it, liquid glass will be an interesting solution that will delay major renovation. Liquid glass is also used for waterproofing concrete; the mixture will penetrate into the pores of such a material quickly and deeply, filling the joints as well, i.e. The main potential problem is the moisture protection of such a coating. However, the use of liquid glass for waterproofing has a number of disadvantages, which we discussed above.

Liquid glass for basement waterproofing

Possessing antiseptic properties, the mixture will help to get rid of dampness and the usual problems associated with it for a long time, such as mold and various types of fungus. Waterproofing the basement from the inside with liquid glass will add not only moisture protection to this important part of the room, but also fire resistance. But in conditions of active groundwater, waterproofing the basement with liquid glass does not become a way out of the situation. Here the best option waterproofing will be a penetrating waterproofing composition "Kalmatron", when using the composition "Kalmatron" the surface density and strength of concrete increases to 27%, the frost resistance grade is F100 (cycles), water resistance rises by 4 levels.

Liquid glass for bathroom waterproofing

This mixture can also be used in the bathroom. One of important features liquid glass, it is even possible to refuse to dry the surface before use, which does not significantly reduce the moisture-proof properties. Waterproofing a pool with liquid glass is also a good idea, because in this case the material can be applied from the outside, without drying out the tank. But in this case, liquid glass will have to be used only in combination with other types of waterproofing materials. This is explained simply - the protective film obtained using liquid glass is fragile. Therefore, here we also recommend using penetrating waterproofing of the Kalmatron system.

Using liquid glass for waterproofing walls, floors, ceilings, attics, basements, ceilings, foundations, pools, etc. turns out to be financially unprofitable, since the service life of liquid glass waterproofing is a maximum of 5 years.

Silicate adhesive is attractive to consumers not only due to its relatively low cost, but also high performance strength and moisture resistance. In addition, it is able to resist chemical and mechanical influences. Liquid glass can be used for waterproofing, for example, a bathroom, since it has mostly only positive reviews.


Before using liquid glass in repair work, you need to know about its characteristics. Liquid glass (in other words, silicate glue) is an inorganic compound whose chemical elements are potassium and sodium. As an exception, lithium silicate can be used in production. The characteristics of the prepared solution greatly depend on the components and proportions used.

According to many consumers, liquid glass based on potassium silicate has a higher degree of resistance to chemical and atmospheric influences. You should know that if a product treated with liquid glass interacts with a mineral substance, then it is better to give preference to a solution based on sodium silicate - it will contribute to the instant hardening of the structure. When combined, these substances provoke the onset chemical reaction, during which sodium aluminate is formed. This element catalyzes the beginning of the hardening processes of the cement structure. In addition, the main advantage of sodium-based liquid glass is its resistance to fire and protection against the penetration of moisture, mold and mildew.

Material consumption

Before starting waterproofing work, silicate glue should be diluted with water, stirring vigorously. It is necessary to use the proportion: one part water, two parts liquid glass. When using this mixture the approximate consumption of the solution is only 300 g per 1 sq. m.

When working with Stekloizol liquid glass, you can safely treat areas with a weathered plaster surface and uneven concrete bases - this will create a protective film against mold and mildew and secure the existing layers.

Why choose liquid glass?

To date, manufacturers have developed a considerable amount of waterproofing compounds. They are necessary to combat the destructive effects of water on materials. Silicate adhesive has many advantages, for example, resistance to moisture, chemical inertness, fire, absence of toxic substances and low thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, such a substance has become an integral assistant in construction work.

It is used to improve the waterproofing characteristics of flooring, walls, basement and attic floors. It is used to treat wood floors and ceilings, equip swimming pools and protect the foundation from groundwater.

It is worth mentioning that silicate glue is capable of high-quality adhesion to many surfaces. It has an antiseptic effect and is resistant to corrosion. During operation it provides minimal wear resistance. In the waterproofing process, liquid glass acts as an ingredient for the insulating composition; it is not used in its pure form.

Glass production is as follows: quartz sand is fired using soda and crushed. This procedure is necessary in order to obtain a composition that can dissolve in water.

Preparation of the solution

First of all, you need to mix all the dry ingredients. After mixing thoroughly, you need to add silicate glue or its solution. Then you should mix again. After 3-5 minutes, the freshly prepared mixture should look like a homogeneous plastic mass. Adding liquid or additional additives to it is strictly prohibited.

Technology of working with silicate glue

The basis of the technology of waterproofing work with silicate glue is to follow a certain algorithm of actions, which plays huge role to get quality work done.

  • The surfaces to be treated must be cleaned of any dirt and dust. It is recommended to achieve a smooth surface, since this will be extremely difficult to achieve after waterproofing. The presence of small cracks is acceptable, but large cracks must be dealt with. To fill them, you will have to spend a large amount of waterproofing material, which is not practical and will take a lot of time.

  • Then all necessary surfaces are covered with the solution, and a perfectly even layer must be achieved. The solution dries quite quickly. But it is recommended to leave it for a day to be more confident that the entire surface will dry during this period of time and the layer will be fixed in place.
  • There are cases when cement waterproofing is used. This process involves adding a material to a solution and releasing the insulating properties from within. To achieve the maximum effect from such waterproofing, it is necessary to thoroughly mix all the ingredients - this will allow all components to be in equal proportions of the entire composition.

Scope of application of silicate glue

The main requirements for high-quality waterproofing are to ensure strong isolation of moisture from the surface and withstand large dynamic and hydrostatic loads. It must be remembered that when waterproofing a surface, it is necessary to obtain plastic and thin layers; the solution to be coated must fill the pores and all kinds of cracks. The material used as waterproofing must be resistant to mold and mildew and have high adhesion properties.

Waterproofing concrete surfaces with silicate glue is necessary for interior and exterior decoration. Upon completion of surface treatment, the product loses its ability to penetrate moisture - it can even be used under water.

Without any exaggeration, a swimming pool is an object with high requirements for treatment and subsequent maintenance. It must cope with the enormous load caused by water, because in a short period of time it can destroy construction material, and subsequently - the entire structure of the pool. Waterproofing work in the pool is carried out from the inside and outside. Inside the base, as a rule, silicate glue protects from destruction and leakage, and on the outside it protects from the harmful effects of groundwater. By choosing the correct composition, you can significantly increase the life of the pool.

Insulating a basement or attic with silicate glue is similar to the procedure for fixing the soil to concrete structure. Both procedures have high performance in isolating concrete structures from the harmful effects of water and can be used for external and interior decoration. Waterproofing does not take much time, and the service life of the insulating function of liquid glass is very long.

The chemical elements contained in liquid glass allow them to penetrate even the smallest pores and cracks of the product, protecting it from moisture. Despite the fact that when treated with liquid glass, the product gains waterproofing properties, it does not lose vapor permeability, since the glue has a monocrystalline structure. At the same time, the waterproof layer makes it possible to apply another waterproofing solution, for example, bitumen and mastic.

If you plan to build a house on soft and flimsy soil, which may sag in two years, it is recommended to add silicate glue to the cement mixture and use the “injection” method - it is introduced into the top layer of soil.

Paint brushes, rollers or sprayers will do a great job of providing an even coating. After completing the application of the first layer, you need to give it time to dry. Usually this does not take more than thirty minutes under normal conditions: permissible air humidity and temperature should not be below 20 degrees. After this, it is recommended to immediately begin applying the second layer. It is necessary to cover the surface as evenly as possible, avoiding the formation of gaps.

Then you should proceed to the protective layer. To do this, you need to prepare a cement mortar used for plastering walls. Add silicate glue to the prepared solution and mix thoroughly. It should be remembered that the solution to which silicate glue has been added as an additive is not re-diluted, since the glue may lose its protective properties. Apply the solution using a spatula in a very thin layer.

Subsequent work on the concrete surface (installation waterproofing work) can only be carried out the next day. The waterproofing work is completed with insulation using basalt wool or foam sheets.

For execution finishing works indoors, silicate glue is added to the diluted cement mixture in a ratio of 8-10 liters of cement mixture per 1 liter of silicate glue.

For waterproofing work outside the room, you need to purchase a cement mixture with sand and liquid glass. A multifunctional mixture for exterior finishing consists of 1.5 kg of cement, 1.5 kg of sand and 4 liters of liquid glass. It is recommended to add no more than one-fourth of the total mass of the resulting mixture. If all proportions are observed, you can obtain strong insulation that will protect not only from moisture, but also from fire.