How to find an effective solution. Problem solving or decision making? What needs to be done to solve the problem

Friends, every person faces problems in his life.

It is important to understand that a problem is not something bad. On the contrary, it is an opportunity to become better and wiser. This is an integral part of our life's journey.

Let's find out how to quickly and easily solve your problems... ツ

1⃣ Focus on the solution, not the problem. There is a problem, and there is a solution. If we think only about the problem, then we are often left with this unsolved problem.

Conversely, if we focus on the solution, we are more likely to find a way out. After all, when we clearly see in front of us what we are striving for, we purposefully move in this direction.

The same with problem solving - first understand what you need, and then build on it. That is, you need to recognize the problem, and then, as quickly as possible, switch to finding a solution instead of self-flagellation.

There is no point in chasing thoughts in your head about “everything went wrong”, “how to live further”, “what the”. Instead, purposefully look for a solution, there is always one!

The brain does not always suggest the right things, since it does not have all the information. The brain is only logic: for example, with the help of it we can compare the pros and cons of some decisions.

But what if the brain is wrong because it doesn’t see the whole picture? Or maybe even if you have all the necessary information, you still can’t decide on a solution to the problem?

Then just turn off your thoughts and feel first one solution and then another. Just imagine that you did one way first, and then another.

What do you feel? Which decision evokes more positive emotions? This solution to the problem will probably be the correct one.

Of course, in the modern rhythm of life we ​​have no time to listen to ourselves. Because of this, such a useful skill has almost atrophied. But if you apply it, then each time your intuition will work more and more accurately. Try it!

4⃣ Score it. Of course, this advice is not always applicable. And it should be used with great caution, for example, when solving some very simple and unimportant problems.

So what can you achieve by ignoring the problem? That the problem will be solved on its own. Surely each of us has had such situations when we relaxed and stopped thinking about some problem. And then we were happy to learn that the problem was no longer there, everything had resolved itself. Remember this? Exactly.

This advice can be applied if you can completely erase the problem from your life and not beat yourself up about it. Stupid to score. This is how we are the problem and allow the world to take care of us by solving the problem in the optimal way.

You can also use it to speed up the process. Attention! Before using tip #4, make sure you are risking nothing (or almost nothing).

5⃣ Allow yourself to fantasize. To solve a problem, write down any thoughts that come to your mind. Even if it seems stupid, even if it seems impossible. It's OK!

Perhaps this inadequate solution is the key to solving the problem.

After all, the brain operates only with the information that is available to it. But that’s not all! Therefore, there is no need to limit yourself to this limit.

This is where creativity manifests itself - the ability to think outside the box. So, dear readers of Lifestyle and Healthy Lifestyle, when solving a problem, never discard what seem to be non-standard thoughts and ideas. Perhaps this is the best solution.

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Whatever is bothering you: the choice of a new gadget, a relationship with a partner, or the excessive demands of a new boss, you have four ways to get rid of this feeling:

  • change yourself and your behavior;
  • change the situation;
  • get out of the situation;
  • change your attitude towards the situation.

Undoubtedly, there is another option to leave everything as it is, but this is definitely not about solving the problem.

That's it, the list is over. No matter how hard you try, you can’t come up with anything more. And if you want to think about what to do, then I suggest you take the following steps.

Algorithm of actions

1. State the problem in the first person

The problems “The world has not yet created the gadget that I need,” “He doesn’t care about me,” and “The boss is a beast, demands the impossible” are insoluble. But the problems “I can’t find a gadget that meets my criteria”, “I feel unhappy because my partner doesn’t care about me” and “I can’t do what my boss asks of me” are quite workable.

2. Analyze your problem

Start from four ways solutions presented above:

You may find that you would like to combine several of these, such as changing your attitude towards a situation and then changing your behavior. Or maybe you will first consider several methods to choose from. This is fine.

4. Having chosen one, two or even three ways, brainstorm

Take a piece of paper and a pen. For each method, write as much as possible more options solving the problem. At this stage, throw away all filters (“indecent”, “impossible”, “ugly”, “shameful” and others) and write down everything that comes to mind.

For example:

Change yourself and your behavior
I can't find a gadget that matches my criteria I feel unhappy because my partner doesn't care about me I can't do what my boss wants me to do
  • Change criteria.
  • Take a time out from your search.
  • Write to the developers
  • Ask to show concern.
  • Tell me how I would like him to show care.
  • Give thanks when you care
  • Learn to do it.
  • Explain why I can't do this.
  • Ask someone to do it

For inspiration:

  • Imagine a person whom you respect and who could definitely help you. What solutions to the problem would he suggest?
  • Ask friends and acquaintances for help: brainstorming in a group is more fun.

Choose the one that is most suitable for you in this situation.

6. Answer yourself the following questions

  • What do I need to do to make this decision a reality?
  • What could be stopping me and how can I overcome it?
  • Who can help me do this?
  • What will I do in the next three days to start solving my problem?

7. Take action!

Without real action, all this thinking and analysis is a waste of time. You will definitely succeed! And remember:

A hopeless situation is a situation in which you don't like the obvious way out.

There are several categories of people who deal with their problems differently:
Some turn a blind eye to problems and simply ignore them.
Others begin to whine and complain, convincing themselves in advance that the problem cannot be solved.
And finally, still others gather all their will into a fist and try to solve the problem that has arisen.
The fact that people belonging to the latter category find it easier to overcome difficulties is clear and obvious. It is gratifying that belonging to any of the groups is a fixable matter. So, if you are more likely to belong to the first or second category of people and you are not happy with this, you can change it. What is needed for this? – A little patience and practice. Next you will find useful settings and absolutely specific steps to constructive solution problems of any degree of complexity.

Tip 1: Don’t ask “Can I…”, ask “How?” So what?"
Many people, when faced with difficulties, ask themselves:

can I do this?
is it even possible to do this?
won't it get worse if I try to change something?
These thoughts are understandable. The greater the task and the more threatening the problem, the stronger the doubt. We are not confident in ourselves whether we have enough strength and ability to solve this problem.
Basically, thinking about the limits own capabilities- it's not bad. Only when it comes to the moment when it is necessary to begin to act, the activity of such people for some reason slows down or they simply give up until the problem becomes complex, which in fact it was not.

Try to approach the problem from a different angle. Not the kind that makes you feel like you're up against an insurmountable wall, but the kind that opens the door to different possibilities for solving a particular problem. Better ask yourself:

What should I do better?
what should I do to solve the problem?
What exactly do I need to solve the problem?
who or what can help me?
what could be the first step in solving the problem?
Although questions of this nature do not solve the problem itself, you are still moving in the right direction. And if you think more about possible solutions than about the limits of your capabilities, this will give you strength and awaken the feeling that you yourself can build and organize your own life.
If you constantly replace the thought “Can I…” with “How?” and “What?”, you will have a good starting point for proactive problem solving.

Tip 2: Learn to find the positive aspects of your problems.
If we have some problem, then we would probably like best to postpone it for another day or completely forget about it. We view problems as annoying and just want to get rid of them like garbage. At the same time, we forget one thing: every problem constantly gives us opportunities to grow as a person and learn from it.

Accordingly, a useful step in solving problems is to regard them as learning tasks and strive to learn to love and solve these problems. This is probably even less theoretical than it sounds - since virtually every person does this in certain areas of activity.

Anyone, for example, who begins to study any sport or musical instrument immediately faces great difficulties. People who look at a goal that has not yet been achieved come into conflict with themselves and their abilities. They are unhappy that they are not so good, they spend a lot of energy on self-criticism. At the same time, their passion quickly wears off and they give up.

It’s different for those who love what they do and are trying to expand this love. Despite some failures and mistakes, they still enjoy their studies and thus find strength for further struggle.

For further solutions to problems that seem very difficult to you, the following questions may help you:

What is positive about this problem (for me or others)?
What will I learn from this problem (task)?
What experience will I gain that I would not have had without solving this problem?
How will my horizons and abilities expand when solving this problem?

Tip 3: If you understand the essence of the problem, you will already solve half of it
Many people, without understanding the problem, often choose the wrong ways to solve it. As a result, these paths lead to a dead end, since they were completely inappropriate to the problem at hand.
Let's say you have a conflict with a work colleague. You ask yourself what the problem is and come to the conclusion that your colleague is jealous of you because you get more money for the same work. And no matter what measures you took, they would not lead to a solution to the conflict, since hatred in this case is not a problem, but a consequence.

Indeed, in reality it is not easy to understand the essence of the problem. We readily forget that problems almost always have several causes and factors. Of course, it would be much simpler if we were dealing with unambiguous cause and effect. Typically, a problem is a system that includes various factors and actions.

So try to remember that most things are much more difficult than you think they are. This is a useful thought that protects against hasty and rash decisions.

So, try to resist thinking that you already know exactly what the problem is. Once again, start from the beginning, feel the problem, look at it from different points of view, analyzing it this way:

This is how I would describe the problem:
What else can we talk about besides this:
and if you think about it, you can come to the conclusion...
who and what is involved in the problem...
what else could have an impact...
what has already been done to solve the problem, and what it led to...

Tip 4: Be open to different opportunities
This tip has a lot to do with tip #3. If you accept that problems are more complex than they seem at first glance, it becomes easier to understand that, as a rule, there is more than one solution that leads to a solution to a problem - and it is definitely not the first one that comes to mind.
The desire to quickly find a suitable solution to the problem is understandable. But it just as quickly leads to fixation on one possible solution. In some cases, this can lead to nowhere and make the problem worse. It often happened that people were so focused on the chosen solution path that they did not even notice that the problem had already been solved at an intermediate stage.

you think about the problem much more intensely;
you don't go too far in one direction, but stay mentally flexible;
In fact, you have various options available to you, and you will not doubt if the chosen path will lead to success.
So, don't close yourself to other solutions. Use creative methods to come up with different ideas. Write down all your ideas, and even those that seem crazy to you - who knows, maybe the solution to the problem lies in them.

Tip 5: Courage to think creatively
This advice has already been partially used in tip #4, but it is so important that it should be specifically addressed in a separate question.
So, “thinking creatively” means coming up with extraordinary ideas, ideas that are often not understood or accepted by others, and having the courage to have crazy ideas and pursue seemingly false paths.

You cannot learn this in one day, but there are still a number of auxiliary tools through which you can begin to develop this quality in yourself, for example:

Ask people who have no idea about your problem at all for their ideas. Often even naive and simple-minded people come to brilliant ideas that we ourselves could not come to due to some existing ideas.
Just turn your problem around. And ask instead of “What can I do to make the relationship better?” - “What can I do to make the relationship worse?” This allows you to see problems in a new light. Although it sounds crazy, this is how people often come up with ideas that they couldn't find in the first question.
Give free rein to your fantasies and associations. Frame the problem differently. Open a dictionary or lexicon on any page and randomly select a term. It doesn't matter whether the term is relevant to your problem. Write down all the associations between this term and your problem.
Please note: it takes practice to come to a completely new thought. Don't expect too much from yourself right away, but just be open and curious about exploring this type of thinking. And everything will work out!

Many people are accustomed to constantly complaining about their lives and do not even look for ways to improve it, although in fact life success depends only on the person himself. All people have problems in life, so instead of suffering due to constant depression and wasting your time, it is better to start solving your problems through your own strength. After some time, after solving some problems, you will notice that life has become much better. Learn to decide life problems It’s not difficult, you just have to really want it and then everything will work out.

To learn how to solve certain problems in your life, you must first believe in yourself and your own strengths; without this, you will not be able to cope with the problems. People who do not believe in themselves and their strengths usually, on the contrary, only create many problems for themselves and make their lives worse with constant depression and bad mood. But in fact, everything can be much simpler; a person just needs to learn, not be afraid and finally begin to act. Then not a single problem will be able to drive him into a depressed state, because he will be able to quickly cope with it.

To learn to solve your problems, you need to stop constantly hoping or counting on someone’s help, because by and large, many people simply don’t give a damn about other people’s life circumstances. If a person really wants to solve his problems, and not create new ones for himself, then he needs to become strong and learn to rely only on his own strength. Now is the time, and you only need to help yourself, it’s stupid to expect help from other people, because they have a lot of their own problems. So it’s time to stop being a whiner in life, such people are rarely lucky in life.

You can start solving your problems with some small problems that are easy to solve. Then moving on will be much simpler and easier. After a person is able to solve one problem, he will feel a surge of strength and understand that he is actually not as weak as he always thought. Then it will be much easier to move on, and in the future it will be possible to find a solution to even complex problems, because it is not without reason that they say that a solution can be found in almost any situation if you do not sit back and look for it. Such strong people cannot be scared even by serious problems in life, because they can always find a solution.

Of course, sitting around constantly whining and complaining about your life can be much easier than taking action, but such behavior will definitely not bring any benefit to any person. First of all, a person must stop feeling sorry for himself, and he must understand that someone in life has even more serious problems, but they do not prevent them from moving forward. Perhaps, after such reflection, you will be able to look at your problems with different eyes and find a solution. After a person begins to solve his problems himself, he will probably develop real respect for himself. And self-respecting people will never allow themselves to show weakness, and will emerge victorious from any situation in their lives.

Every day you are faced with different tasks and problems that require your attention and urgent solutions. They are all different and have different levels of significance and complexity. Simple tasks can be solved easily without much knowledge, but you may not be able to deal with serious problems without much advice. Using such tips will help you not only solve the problem, but also save time and your efforts.

Here are some tips to help solve any problems easier.

Understand the problem

Describe the essence of your problem in order to understand what exactly you are dealing with. Understand that a problem is the same as a situation or circumstance and it needs to be solved. Think about whether your behavior or action may have caused this problem, only then will you know what to start from.

Don't try to solve all problems at once

Many people try to solve all their problems at once, but in practice this leads to their aggravation. All your efforts can lead to burnout syndrome. Solve problems one at a time. If you focus your attention on one problem, you will have a better chance of success in solving it.

Your fear is stopping you

Often it is fear that prevents us from solving this or that problem. And there is only one way, to move despite your fear. You can only overcome it by going through it. Try to think less about the problem in a bad way, that is, that you will not succeed or will look inappropriate in the process of solving the problem. Think exactly and vice versa that you solved the problem successfully and everything worked out for you. A positive attitude is already half the success

Create a plan

A plan is very important in solving any problem, including problem solving. Make a detailed action plan to solve a specific problem. This way, the problem may not seem so difficult, which will also reduce your fear of it and speed up the solution to the problem.

Use other people's experiences

Tell someone about your problem, or better yet, look for a solution on the Internet. All problems are usually similar and probably someone has already encountered yours. For this, there are a lot of question-answer type services, but it’s better to just use a search engine, it will tell you the best solutions, if any.

Calm down

Emotional decisions are usually destructive and wrong. Remember that the more upset you are, the harder it will be for you to find correct solution and not make more mistakes. Just forget about your problems for a while until normalization emotional state, try to relax and distract yourself with something positive.

Ask for help

Don't forget about your loved ones and friends. They will always help and support you in difficult situation and it will be much easier for you to solve problems together. Moreover, from the outside it is much easier to find a better solution to the problem.

Avoid additional problems

Think about the methods that can be used to solve your problem and their consequences. Very often, solving a problem can lead to more more problems. Analyze ways to solve a particular problem to avoid the possible emergence of new ones.

Law of action

Just sitting and waiting for someone to solve your problems for you or for them to suddenly resolve on their own is stupid. Thinking about a problem and making different plans is of course good, but without action it is an absolutely useless exercise. Just start doing something now and under no circumstances put off important and urgent problems for later, this will only aggravate and intensify the problem.

In conclusion, I would like to add that you should not focus on the word problem, replace it with the word circumstance or situation, so as not to evoke negative emotions.