How best to teach a child to write letters. Teaching a child to write in block letters and in cursive

Our expert is Maryana Bezrukikh, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician Russian Academy Education, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute of Age-Related Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education" (FGBNU "IVF RAO").

Milich Maya, At what age is it better to start learning to write?

Maryana Bezrukikh: It is not worth teaching children cursive writing before school. This is very difficult process, in which everything is important - the correct fit, the correct position of the pen, the method of explanation, the sequence of learning letters, and much more. But preparation for writing, teaching writing in block letters can be one of the areas of work with preschoolers 5.5-6.5 years old.

Comprehensive preparation for learning to write should include the development of motor skills, attention, visual perception, visual memory and other functions. This could be, for example, the development of a child from 4-5 years old.

Typically, by the age of 5-6 years, children are ready to learn to write printed letters. Therefore, at this age, you can already explain to them how letters are written correctly, show and explain the principle of writing printed letters.

Organization of classes

— How best to present the learning process for a child? As a game or, conversely, as a serious process?

— All tasks and classes to prepare for writing with preschoolers are carried out only in a playful way. But learning to write at school requires a lot of concentration, so when studying at school these are not playful activities.

In general, learning to write is a very complex and difficult process. Children often have difficulties associated not only with insufficient development of motor skills, attention, visual memory, etc., but also with haste, with a very high pace of learning letters, with demands for high speed of writing, with incomprehensible explanations.

— How long and how often can you work with a preschooler?

— Lessons with a preschooler to prepare for writing can be daily, but last only 10-15 minutes.

Particular attention should be paid correct landing, correct handle position. The sequence of “steps” for preparing for writing is described in detail in special manuals and books that can help parents.

Does not work!

— Does it make sense to force a child to write if he can’t?

— A preschooler should not be forced to write, especially if it “doesn’t work out.” It is better to pay attention to preparing for the letter.

But if older children, for example first-graders, have difficulties learning to write, it is necessary, together with the teacher, to understand the causes of the difficulties and find the most effective measures to help.

— What mistakes do parents most often make when teaching their child to write on their own?

— The main mistakes are replacing preparation for writing with teaching and haste, the desire of parents to teach their child to write as quickly as possible.

At the same time, parents should not forget that writing is a complex skill that is formed slowly and over a long period of time, over three to four years.


- Recipes - still relevant and effective method teach your child to write beautifully?

— Yes, copybooks allow you to form the “technical” side of writing, the correct spelling of letters and their connection. However, now there are many different recipes, and not all of them correspond to the age capabilities of children. And I note that it is not recommended to use copybooks in preschool age.

— At what age does a child develop a writing style?

— The “manner” of writing is the stability of the correct execution of all letter elements, their height and width, the inclination of lines, the method of connecting letters, coherence and other indicators.

For most modern schoolchildren, these indicators are unstable even by the fourth grade. This means that the writing skill has not been developed.

Ugly handwriting?

— Why do everyone learn to write in approximately the same way, the letters are written in the same way, but everyone’s kidney is different?

— Differences in handwriting among different children are associated with two factors. The first is the maturity of the physiological functions of each individual child, the second is the methodology for teaching writing. There are different approaches to learning, different methods. In addition, the individual characteristics of the child’s nervous system, his performance, and health status play a role.

Show your child how to hold a writing object correctly— the handle should lie on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and be fixed with the thumb and forefinger. In this case, the thumb should be higher than the index finger, and the tip of the pen should be oriented towards the shoulder.

To teach writing, get a special notebook or album- Do not use lined paper.

At first, draw simple elements together with your child.: vertical sticks, sticks with a curve at the bottom and top, circles and so on.

Try to visualize any information- when studying a letter, show it in pictures, show how the letter being studied is written, while your hand movements should be slow and should be visible to the child.

How to help your child master the skill of beautiful and competent writing. Features of teaching left-handed writing.

The struggle of parents for the beauty of lines in children's notebooks takes a lot of effort and time, is accompanied by tearing out sheets of paper, repeated rewriting of work, while the child loses faith in own strength, lowers his self-esteem, and begins to hate writing. Helps you avoid these problems proper preparation a child's hands to a letter and a few simple recommendations.

At the beginning of their education, children experience enormous physical and emotional stress when writing assignments in copybooks or notebooks. The situation is complicated by children's low endurance to static loads.
What will help a child learn to write beautifully?

Handles with rubberized indentations for the thumb and index fingers help ensure proper grip. These pens are available for right-handers and left-handers.

Special training attachments will help your child learn to hold a writing instrument correctly

Good development is very important fine motor skills fingers. This will help with working with clay, plasticine, salt dough, small construction toys, fastening or unbuttoning buttons, tying shoelaces, weaving from ribbons, elastic bands, and beads.

How to teach a child to quickly write letters and numbers in cursive? Reasons for Slow Writing

  1. Children who have difficulties developing motor skills, motor coordination and spatial perception have very low writing speed. The slowness of writing in this case is secondary, the problem is resolved by eliminating the listed reasons
  2. Insufficient automation of writing skills. In the first stages of learning to write, it is very important for a child to become aware of the movement, see the line, its middle, feel the distance, and determine the starting point of the movement. And during this period, the pace of writing cannot be forced, otherwise the child will not have time to fix the correct way of writing a letter or its element, and subsequently “redoing” an incorrect graphic skill is much more difficult
  3. Individual characteristics of the child. Most often, such children not only write slowly, but also move, speak, and dress slowly. You need to come to terms with this feature rather than fight it. A slow child who is rushed to write quickly will most likely sacrifice the quality of writing elements, which will lead to the gradual reinforcement of incorrect style and poor handwriting
  4. Fatigue or decreased performance. For preschool and younger children school age it is very important to follow a daily routine, alternate desk activities and breaks with warm-ups or outdoor games, continuous work duration should not be more than 10-15 minutes

The optimal writing speed for six-year-olds is 4-6 characters per minute, for seven-year-olds - 4-9 characters per minute.

How to teach a child to write capital letters correctly?

  • The first stage is preparing your hand for writing. Exercises to develop fine motor skills, modeling, drawing, and origami will help with this. A great hand exercise is to be able to make a ball with one hand by crumpling up a newspaper page. You can arrange a competition between children or make newspaper balls against the clock
  • The second stage is shading and coloring. At the same time, make sure that the child grasps the writing instrument (pen or pencil) correctly.
  • The third stage - work in copybooks, writing dots, straight and oblique lines, hooks, ovals
  • The fourth stage is writing capital letters. At first, the letter is written element by element, and it is important to pronounce the name of the element for better comprehension and memorization

How to teach a child to write accurately? Problems and solutions

  • If the letters have the wrong slope or the elements are not parallel. The reason for this may be the child’s incorrect position at the table or the incorrect placement of the notebook.
  • If there are problems in making rounded elements (too sharp or, on the contrary, flattened), wavy or jagged straight lines. Your child needs to strengthen his hand muscles and improve fine motor skills
  • If the child does not observe the spacing between words (the words in a line are crowded or, on the contrary, the distances are too large), he writes in the margins or does not write to the end of the line, skips lines, writes letters in a mirror image. This indicates insufficient development of spatial perception

Instead of pointing out ugly letters or marks, use positive motivation. Emphasize the most beautiful elements in the line and praise the child for his efforts. Offer to evaluate the work together. Choose the most beautiful element and designate it as a queen or king by drawing a crown over it. It is important not just to admire a correctly written element, but also to describe what “beauty” is: it doesn’t go beyond the line, a beautiful oval, a smooth hook, etc.

How to teach a child to write without mistakes?

  • If a child misses letters in words. The reason lies in insufficient development of phonemic hearing and sound-letter analysis of words. When writing, the child needs to pronounce the word syllable by syllable in a low voice. It is useful to write more from dictation, and the systematic nature of the lessons is important: let it be small dictations of two or three sentences, but every day
  • If a child makes mistakes on spellings that are familiar to him. This means that the child does not know how to apply the rule; it is necessary to bring the skills of applying the rule to automatism: parse words with spellings, write vocabulary dictations on this or that rule, or perform training tasks, for example, insert missing letters into words and be able to explain your choice

Children with speech impairments require special attention. If pronunciation defects appear in writing, you cannot do without the help of a speech therapist.

How to teach a child to write with a wide ruler?

When starting to write in a notebook with a wide line, the child is faced with the difficulty of independently controlling the width, height and slope of the letters. As a result, the following problems arise:

  • letters are too large, sometimes even the entire line
  • narrowed letters
  • very small letters
  1. There is no need to force the transition to a wide ruler until the skill of writing in a notebook in an oblique line is fully automated.
  2. To make the transition smoother, encourage your child to write letters or words in a notebook using an oblique ruler, but not on the working line, but in a wide space. It is close in size to a line with a wide ruler, but oblique lines will make it possible to control the tilt
  3. Sew a combined notebook, alternating sheets in an oblique and wide line. Have your child write the letter on the narrow line first, and then do the same on the adjacent page on the wide line. Thus, the child will see before his eyes an example of writing a letter
  4. At first, a zebra sheet with an oblique line, which is placed under the worksheet, will help to maintain the correct slope in the notebook in a wide line.

How to teach a child to write in English?

  • You can start writing capital English letters when the child has mastered the alphabet and writing printed letters (large and small)
  • Copybooks will help you master writing written English letters.
  • Special English copybooks contain examples of writing both individual elements - lines, hooks, ovals, and letters of the English alphabet
  • After you have mastered the writing of the letters of the English alphabet, you can begin to study the combinations of English letters in words. This will further increase your writing speed.

How to teach a left-handed child to write?

There are special writing rules for left-handed people:

  • The notebook should lie on the table tilted to the right, the lower right corner of the page should be at the level of the middle of the chest
  • It is necessary that the elbow of the left hand protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table, the left hand moves freely along the page from top to bottom, and the right hand lies on the table and holds the page. In the classroom, a left-handed child should sit to the left of his neighbor
  • Write letters by element, for example, first an oval, then an inclined line, a hook. In the intervals between writing elements, the child will be able to relax his hand and rest
  • Don't rush your child. On initial stage To develop writing skills, a left-handed person writes at a speed of 4-6 characters per minute. Gradually the skills will become automatic and the writing speed will increase
  • If a left-handed child writes slowly, bring this to the teacher's attention. Let him be given a little less tasks. This will be fair, since it is harder for a left-handed child. Agree, it’s better to write one line, but with high quality, than to write a lot, but at random
  • It can be difficult for a left-handed child to navigate the line: at first, mark the left margin with a red pencil, and the right one with a blue pencil. Do this until the child stops confusing the direction and learns to write from left to right

VIDEO: How to teach a child to write?

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to teach a child to write letters correctly. In this article, you will learn when is the right time to start learning, what stages the process involves, and what mistakes inexperienced parents can make.

When the time has come

The optimal age is five years. However, this does not mean that you cannot start your activities with a four-year-old child. But you need to take into account such a thing as regularly applying a new skill in practice. If you decide to start teaching your child yourself, then you need to do it systematically, and not give up halfway through what you started.

Also, you should not force a child under five years old to get acquainted with the copybooks. Anything done against his wishes will not bring any results. In addition, one should take into account the fact that the baby may not yet be ready for such training.

Teachers do not recommend teaching a child how to write letters earlier than a year before first grade. Although some people argue in favor of the fact that it makes no sense to familiarize the child with copybooks at all before going to school.

When to start teaching your child is your personal choice. The main thing is that he is ready physiologically and psycho-emotionally, and that your classes bring him only positive emotions. If you discourage any desire to write in childhood, you will have difficulties with writing lessons at school.

Prepare your pens in advance

Parents must understand that already with early age You can work with your baby, directing your efforts to the development of fine motor skills, which will later facilitate the process of learning to write. For this purpose, you should practice activities such as:

  • applications;
  • drawing;
  • origami;
  • games with chips, buttons;
  • constructing objects from a constructor.

Criteria for selecting copybooks

  1. The letters that serve as a pattern should be repeated several times on the first row and serve as a guide when writing subsequent lines.
  2. Teaching aids should begin with images of loops, rounded lines, and hooks. It is important that the child first learns to print these elements and only then moves on to writing letters.
  3. High quality paper with clear lettering.
  4. Sufficient amount of educational material.
  5. Appropriate for age and developmental level.

Preparatory stage

Before you think about learning to write, you need to make sure that your child learns correctly:

  • sit at a table;
  • arrange the notebook;
  • do not lean too low above the surface;
  • realize where and which leaf is, its right and left side;
  • hold a pen;
  • be able to focus on one activity.

It is very important that by the time of the first training the baby already has sufficiently developed fine motor skills.


If you are wondering how to teach your child to write letters beautifully, then you need to consider several points.

  1. Correct position of the arms, torso and head while writing.
  2. Use a pen or pencil of normal length, no more than fifteen cm and diameter, no more than seven mm.
  3. Make sure your child holds his/her writing instrument correctly. This is important to prevent muscle spasms or general overexertion of the arm. This also affects beautiful handwriting in the future.

Training rules

If you are wondering how to teach a 5-year-old child to write letters, then you can follow these steps.

  1. The most important thing is to prepare the child’s hand to hold the pen correctly. For this purpose, you can purchase a special printed publication of an educational nature. So you should conduct classes with your baby to perform the following exercises:
  • We draw by dots - the child needs to connect them together using lines. At the end he will be presented with a finished picture. This method is not only practical, but also interesting for the baby;
  • exercises in which it is necessary to draw short lines, both horizontal and vertical, without using a ruler;
  • depicting wavy and dashed lines, drawing ovals and circles will also allow the baby to adapt his hand to the future writing of letters.
  1. Prescribing the elements that make up the letters. For this purpose, the child is taught to write hooks, sticks, and loops.
  2. First of all, together with the little one, we draw the letter along the dotted line. Then we invite him to try it himself. It is important that the letters that are easy to write come first, for example, “n”, “o”, “a”, “p”, “l”, and then “zh”, “ya”, “d”, “shch” are added "
  3. It is necessary to introduce the baby to the image of each letter. For this purpose, you can sculpt them from plasticine or draw them. Let your letters be unusual, so it will be easier for the child to remember them.
  4. After becoming familiar with printed letters, be sure to show them how to write capital letters. Mom should trace the letter with slow movements, commenting on each step. After writing, tell your child what this letter consists of and with what slant it is written.
  5. Now invite your child to write the studied letter in the air. Don't be shy about introducing your baby's hand for the first time. After this, you can write it in a special notebook.
  6. Only after this can you invite the child to write out the letters in the copybooks on their own.

Possible mistakes

  1. Activities that last longer than 15 minutes with your child preschool age.
  2. Penalties for spelling errors.
  3. Forcing a child to write letters when he does not want to or is unable to do so. Parents must understand that the baby may not be ready yet or they are doing something wrong and it would be better for a teacher in the first grade to take care of this process.
  4. Pass preparatory stage, for the purpose of speedy learning.
  5. Absence game form in the learning process.
  6. Beginning of education for a child under five years of age.

  1. It takes an average of three years to develop writing skills.
  2. In order to carry out the learning process correctly, it is necessary to use special literature.
  3. You need to purchase special recipes, taking into account the level of intellectual development of your baby.
  4. When you are just getting acquainted with writing capital letters, use only albums, not lined notebooks.
  5. All information presented must be visualized, come up with associations, provide illustrative examples, Pictures.

From the very beginning, I introduced my son to what block letters looked like. Our learning process took place using drawn letters with eyes, arms and legs. When my son was four years old, I started buying him special notebooks, including for developing writing skills. Fortunately, we didn’t have any problems with fine motor skills, because since childhood I worked with my child every day in drawing, modeling and appliqué. Nikita happily connected the dots, and then wrote letters to the end of the line, looking at the sample. We did not have any difficulties in learning.

Reasons for Slow Writing

A child may write slowly due to the following factors:

  • severe fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • lack of a proper daily routine with rest breaks;
  • individual characteristics, perhaps your child behaves slowly in all matters;
  • lack of automated writing skill.
  1. Lack of parallelism in the writing of elements and incorrect tilt may occur due to improper sitting or positioning of the notebook.
  2. Difficulties in writing large elements and the appearance of jagged lines indicate that your baby needs to strengthen his hand muscles and develop fine motor skills.
  3. If you notice that your child leaves gaps between letters or words that are too small or too large, this indicates a lack of spatial awareness. Praise your child for his beautiful letters, do not forget to describe each correctly written element.
  4. When a child misses individual letters in words, he most likely has problems with phonemic awareness. In this case, it is important to pronounce the words out loud, syllable by syllable.

We train left-handed people

If your baby does everything with his left hand, don’t despair and retrain him to use his right hand; this also applies to writing. Let's look at what rules must be followed when teaching such children.

  1. Position your notebook with a slant to the right. Make sure that the bottom corner of the page on the right is at the level of the child’s chest.
  2. Make sure your elbow working hand slightly protruded beyond the table. It is necessary that the hand moves freely along the page. The non-working hand is on the table and holds the notebook.
  3. First, we teach how to write letters, starting with their elements.
  4. There is no need to push the baby. At the beginning of learning, the child should not write more than six characters per minute. Over time the speed will increase.
  5. Your baby may have difficulty writing words from left to right, so you can make special notes, for example, mark the right margin in blue, mark the left margin in red.

Now you know how to teach your child to write letters (copybooks). Follow a step-by-step approach to the learning process and don’t rush your child. Remember that your child may not be ready to develop a new skill. There is nothing wrong with the teacher starting to develop this ability of your son or daughter.

Any parent wants to prepare their child for school as best as possible. Therefore, even before the child enters first grade, adults begin to teach the child the basics of mathematics, reading and writing.

And, if everything is clear with the first two points of preparing for school, then certain difficulties arise with writing. In particular, not a single teacher would recommend teaching a child how to draw written letters independently.

In the learning process, everything is important: seating, lighting, the sequence of learning capital letters, correct grip of the pen, the teacher’s explanations. The systematic practice of calligraphy plays an important role. In addition, children who have mastered writing early often use it situationally - to sign a drawing, a postcard, or leave a note. And not always in this case all the rules of writing are followed.

“But,” the parents will be surprised, “is it really impossible to take care in advance that the baby will write beautifully, quickly and competently in the future?” It is possible and even necessary! True, you will have to start small.

Younger preschoolers: preparation for writing begins with games

In principle, the baby begins to prepare for writing at the age of 3-5 years. At the same time, parents, playing with the baby, often do not even suspect it.

To notice that preparation for writing has begun, you need to think: “What exactly is necessary for a child to write correctly, without errors and accurately?” If you look into this in detail, it turns out that the skill itself does not play a leading role. When writing you need:

  • attention;
  • visual perception and memory;
  • good command of gross and, most importantly, fine motor skills.

By playing exceptions with your child, assembling mosaics, lacing, making appliques, modeling from plasticine, dough and other available materials, you are already preparing him for writing.

From the point of view of preparing the hand, various types of drawing are very useful: with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, fingers on paper, salt and various cereals.

Naturally, these are all play tasks, but a child of this age doesn’t need more. The most important thing is to encourage him to work more with his fingers and head. The more and more varied you play, the better.

We learn to do it right right away

One of key points When teaching a child to write, it is necessary to develop the skill of correctly gripping a pen or pencil. This baby needs to be trained as early as possible. Already at the stage of the first “doodles”, suggest that he hold the pencil correctly.

The grip is made at a distance of about 1.5 centimeters from the stylus. The pencil lies on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and is fixed with the thumb and forefinger on top. Please note that your fingers should not be on the same line. The middle finger protrudes forward, then the index finger, and the thumb is at the greatest distance from the stylus.

It is advisable to purchase special triangular pencils, pens and markers. They are extremely difficult to hold incorrectly. There are also special attachments for pencils in the shape of animals to form the correct grip.

When the child begins the first exercises to prepare for writing, it will be important to monitor his posture: straight back, both hands resting on the table, elbows slightly protruding beyond its edge. You should not bend to the sides, and your baby should not lean his chest on the table. The legs are placed on a solid support and form a right angle at the knee joint.

It is advisable to equip the child's study area with a good desk and a chair with adjustable leg heights. Such interior items will last a long time.

Preparing for a letter from a senior preschooler

At the age of 5-6 years, the baby is ready to begin more serious activities. If the child is already familiar with the letters, it’s time to start “drawing” them. Show your baby how to “draw” a letter correctly, encourage him to put the letters together into words. Write letters and notes to each other. Praise your child for a beautifully drawn letter.

Draw simple elements with your little one:

  • sticks;
  • circles;
  • hooks;
  • crosses.

At first the child will draw. Therefore, for the first lessons, a small album without any cells or rulers is best suited. Start with a large sheet of paper on which your baby can place elements of any size and in any quantity.

When you notice that the lines have become smoother and there is no longer a need for a gigantic size, invite the baby to write letters and elements on half the sheet, then on a quarter.

When your child copes with a similar task, get a notebook for preschoolers with a large square. Design it beautifully and originally so that the activity does not turn into a boring routine. When working with a notebook, the child will inevitably have to adhere to the same scale when writing elements.

A preschooler does not need the usual copybooks. But if a child shows a desire to write letters, he has significant perseverance and he himself is interested in the beautiful and clear outline of printed letters, you can find a copybook for preschoolers. They ask you to trace and then draw printed letters yourself. What is significant is that the copybooks for preschoolers are also in checkered patterns. He will get to know the line later.

It is also worth purchasing special workbooks for preschoolers of the appropriate age. In addition to boring hooks and letters, you will find a lot of interesting tasks in them to prepare your hand for writing - tracing something, shading, connecting lines and much more.

Spend 10-15 minutes writing every day. It is likely that on some days parents will have to be quite creative in order for the child to want to “play” drawing hooks and letters.

It’s good if printouts with coloring pages that require shading, drawings that need to be traced and other useful and interesting tasks are always available to the child - it is quite possible that during the day he himself will want to play with them.

How to help a student write beautifully and competently?

Finally, the baby entered first grade. Now writing classes will be more serious and will require more perseverance. Moreover, alas, homework does not replace individual assignments.

The modern program is structured in such a way that the time allotted for penmanship is very small, and tasks in modern copywriting are not enough to develop the skill of beautiful writing. Therefore, parents will have to study independently in parallel with the work of the teacher.

Purchase additional prescription

For the exercises, you don’t need to “reinvent the wheel”; just copy the usual school copybook in several copies and, instead of the prescribed 2-3 lines, write 5-6 daily.

Another benefit may be appropriate. The market offers a wide variety of options for performing copybooks, based on the wishes of the parents and the needs of the child. For example, it is good if a letter is written not once or twice at the beginning of a line, but is repeated several times on it. When working with such writing, it will be easier for the baby to copy the sample, since it will always be in his field of vision.

Copybooks with a rapid oblique ruler will help to form the correct inclination at the initial stage. The lines in them are located at a distance of only 5 mm from each other, forming a kind of “slanted cells”. For children who find it difficult to maintain the correct inclination, such additional writing will simply be a “lifesaver.”

Don't forget to show your chosen manual to your teacher. Perhaps he will recommend another recipe that better suits the requirements of the program.

Do not hurry

Write with your child only those letters that he has already learned to trace in class. And don’t worry that over time you will start to “lag behind” the program. Lessons are lessons, but the skill of drawing each letter will need to be reinforced. Let the baby learn to write beautifully only half of the letters he has completed by the end of the first half of the year - this is already very good.

Exercise regularly

Do not forget that classes should be regular and daily. Do not “pity” your child by allowing him not to sit down to write his copy during the holidays. 15-20 minutes a day is unlikely to ruin his entire rest.

When all the letters are mastered, move on to writing syllables, then words and, finally, sentences. There are also special recipes for these purposes.

How to teach writing correctly?

This is another question that parents of many first-graders ask. Let's start with the fact that absolutely any child in the first grade will make mistakes. Yes, even when copied from a book. And the reason for this is not even ignorance of the rules, but simply a large load on the baby’s brain while writing.

Now the child has to watch how beautifully he writes the letters, makes the correct connections, and maintains the slope. These skills are not yet automated. Accordingly, at any moment the concentration of attention on the correct spelling of a word can be reduced. Don't scold your child, just work with him patiently.

Literacy training should take place in parallel with calligraphy classes. When your child starts writing phrases and sentences, offer him a variety of copying tasks. And at the stage of working with small texts, let your child copy a few lines from the book every day.

Speak the words

To avoid annoying mistakes, immediately teach your child to pronounce the word he is about to write. By the way, an interesting pronunciation technique for improving students’ literacy was proposed by D.I. Tikhomirov at the end of the 19th century. He believed that in order to write a word correctly, it must be pronounced in full accordance with the spelling: “eGo”, “What”, “white”.

By practicing this approach, highlighting difficult places in words, you will help your child automatically pay attention to them in the future. In addition, it can turn boring activities into a rather exciting game of “distorting” words.

Train your attention

Most mistakes are made due to lack of attention. Regularly during reading and writing lessons, offer your child a small game: find all the letters “A” or “E” in the text, combinations of letters according to the rule you have learned. Offer your child tasks in which you need to insert the missing letter.

When is a specialist needed?

In some cases, it is not possible to cope with illiterate spelling of words without the intervention of a speech therapist or child psychologist. About 50% of modern first-graders and approximately 35% of schoolchildren high school suffer from dysgraphia. It can be recognized by specific mistakes made by the child:

  • The baby makes mistakes even in stressed vowels and clearly audible consonants.
  • Does not recognize paired consonants (“b-p”, “k-g”, “d-t”).
  • Skips, repeats or rearranges letters, and even entire syllables.
  • Does not see differences in graphically similar elements (“r-b”, “e-z”, etc.).
  • Does not mark the end of a sentence with a period, and regularly writes the beginning of a phrase with a small letter.
  • Doesn't complete the endings of words.
  • Some letters and numbers are written in mirror image.

If at least one of the errors listed above occurs in a child’s work with enviable regularity, it is worth consulting with a teacher and speech therapist. The sooner the correction work begins writing, all the better. Of course, this will require some effort on the part of both the parents and the child, but the prognosis in 90% of cases is extremely favorable.

Remember that both beautiful handwriting and proper spelling are trainable skills. However, it is important that the learning process does not become a punishment for the child. Don't scold him for an ugly letter or a wrong word. On the contrary, praise him more often, draw his attention to those elements that he did well, encourage him and express your confidence that soon all the letters of the baby will be just as beautiful. Proper motivation, encouragement and support are essential foundations for successful studies.

Before entering school. There are different methods for this. But they are not always effective in practice.

Most often, the cause of problems is that mothers start classes too early and do not follow a number of rules. It is important to understand at what age and where to start teaching a child to write.

Most teachers believe that a child should not be forced to do something that is not interesting to him. Therefore, if a child does not want to learn to write, you should not force him.

But you need to understand that any activity can be made fun. If a child is interested, then it is necessary to answer his requests. Such activities will prepare the baby for writing the first letters. You can offer your daughter or son writing lessons in .

To do this, you should put a blank sheet of paper in front of your baby and show him how to draw correctly. The position of a pencil or pen should be adjusted carefully and unobtrusively. Over time, the child will learn to hold and use the instrument correctly.

Targeted activities should not be carried out until the baby turns . It must be remembered that a preschooler learns about the world through play. The age at which a child can be taught to write is purely individual. It all depends on perseverance, character, interests, intellectual abilities, degree.

Many psychologists and teachers agree that teaching writing should begin no earlier than five years of age. Until this age, it is necessary to prepare the baby for classes.

Preparation for classes

Preparing for writing classes is an important but long process. At this stage, you need to train your finger dexterity. Developing the ability to work with small details has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and writing.

  • drawing (any technique is suitable);
  • , puff pastry or ;
  • cutting from fabric or paper;
  • tying bows, knots;
  • origami;
  • fastening buttons;
  • shoe lacing;
  • sorting small elements by color, shape, size;
  • collecting mosaics, puzzles.

Taking these types of classes regularly is good preparation for thoughtful, accurate writing. Preferably in advance. This needs to be done in the form of a game. Well suited for these purposes. It is also worth purchasing a primer and alphabet book.

The following techniques help to master the alphabet:

  • Zaitsev cubes;
  • "folders";
  • dynamic Chaplygin cubes;
  • "Towers" of Voskobovich.

You can check your child’s readiness to learn to write as follows:

  • give the baby a piece of paper;
  • offer to depict something;
  • If a child constantly turns the paper and finds it difficult to change the direction of the lines, this indicates that it is too early to teach writing.

Where to start learning to write?

Many parents do not know where to start teaching their child to write. It is important to understand that learning to write letters takes place in a number of stages. First, there is preparation, during which the baby masters the skills of using a pencil and pen. This period usually lasts from 1 to 4 years.

Then you can start teaching your little one to write in block letters. This stage coincides with the period: approximately 4-6 years. When the baby can write printed letters well, you can start writing. Typically, children master capital letters at 6-7 years of age.

By this age, their fine motor skills are already sufficiently developed, the children become more focused and assiduous.

In order for your baby to quickly learn to write letters, you need to take care of creating certain conditions for him:

  • organize a comfortable and bright workplace. The height of the chair and table should correspond to the height of the baby;
  • purchase colored pencils, a ballpoint or gel pen, a sketchbook, a notebook with checkered lines or with wide lines, special copybooks and stencils with letters;
  • buy a trainer attachment that allows you to hold the pencil correctly.

You should not conduct writing classes in the following cases:

  • the baby is sick;
  • the child has just returned from a walk and is tired;
  • The baby is capricious and doesn’t want to study.

The baby should be in a good mood and cheerful. The optimal time for training is morning and afternoon. It is important to ensure that the baby takes the correct position at the table. Otherwise, vascular diseases may occur due to circulatory disorders and spinal pathology. Incorrect body position is also fraught with delayed development of the breast cell.

The child should take this position:

  • the back is straight;
  • legs together;
  • The notebook lies on the surface at an angle of 30 degrees. The lower left corner of the sheet is located in the center of the chest;
  • the distance between the table and the chest is 1.5-2 cm;
  • both elbows are on the table.

It is recommended to start learning to write by mastering the image of letter elements: sticks, ovals, circles. The tasks can be found in manuals for preschool children. Next, you should move on to writing letters. It is important to show your child how to write “A”, “B”, “C” or “D”, and then ask him to repeat. You need to teach writing one letter per day. Classes must be conducted regularly.

The optimal duration of lessons is 15-20 minutes. You must understand that writing is a complex skill that requires coordinated work of the hand muscles, spatial perception, visual memory, perseverance and attentiveness. It is difficult for a preschool child to master everything at once.

Overload has a bad effect on a person’s physical and psycho-emotional state. Therefore, you need to take breaks while studying.

Teaching a child to write block letters

Most children quickly master the technique of writing printed letters. It is important to interest the child. To do this, you can come up with a fascinating story about letters and motivate the baby with some kind of treat.

Techniques for learning to write in block letters:

  • stencil. This is the simplest and most effective way. It is necessary to attach a stencil with block letters to a landscape or notebook sheet and show the child how to use it correctly. The child will remember how the letters of the alphabet are written and will soon be able to depict them without this device;
  • personal example. You need to take a notebook in a square and show the child how the letter is depicted. Ask your child to repeat the action on the sheet. If your child can’t spell the letters correctly the first time, don’t get angry and yell at him. It is recommended to guide the baby’s hand, helping him write;
  • tracing the points. A letter of the alphabet should be depicted as a set of dots. Invite your child to connect the dots with a line. You can use a pen or colored pencil.

When the baby masters 4-5 letters, you should start writing words. This will captivate the child and motivate him to learn further. After the baby learns to write out all the letters of the alphabet and form words from them, you can offer him a dictation. This will be a good workout and will consolidate the acquired knowledge.

How to teach a left-handed child?

Parents have virtually no problems teaching right-handed people to write. Difficulties arise. Mothers don’t know which hand should be used to teach their baby to write letters. According to the observations of experts, left-handedness is largely determined by genes. Sometimes this feature of a child is caused by a disorder of brain activity or injury to the right upper limb.

Left-handed children are creative and vulnerable individuals; when teaching them to write, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • do not try to teach how to write letters with your right hand;
  • do not blame for mistakes;
  • place the light source on the right side;
  • the notebook should lie straight or tilted to the right;
  • The child needs to hold the pen with two fingers, stepping back a few centimeters from the tip. The index finger should be straight so as not to cover the line;
  • It is permissible to write letters without slanting.

It is very difficult for left-handed people to write without interruption.

You should not force them to fulfill such a requirement for calligraphic literacy. Left-handed children often make mistakes. Experts recommend correcting shortcomings by drawing diagrams and pictures. Classes help a lot applied creativity. Developmental notebooks and copybooks are also recommended for use.

Video on the topic

How to teach a child to write beautifully:

Thus, it is recommended to introduce the basics of writing to your child before school. You need to start with developing fine motor skills through drawing and modeling. Stencils and copybooks help to display letters correctly. It is important for parents to be patient and help the baby. Classes should be carried out systematically. There are certain differences in training for right-handers and left-handers that must be taken into account.