How to glue plaster stucco molding. Methods for installing gypsum stucco molding

Installation of gypsum stucco molding is a technologically simple process, but it requires care, precision, and some knowledge and skills. The information presented will allow each owner of these qualities to decorate any room without the need to contact specialists.

What needs to be done in advance?

Before you begin installing decorative elements made of gypsum, you must ensure that a number of conditions are met that will allow installation to be carried out reliably and without loss.

  • The room where the work is planned should not be too cold (more than 18 °C) and sufficiently dry. Otherwise, the gypsum elements will crack or “float”. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such decor in small bathrooms.
  • Preparation of the surface to be decorated is necessary. The protrusions are rubbed with sandpaper, the depressions are filled with putty. Without this, the parts will not fit tightly and subsequently they will come off. After smoothing, the walls and ceiling are primed with a special solution, which dries for 2-3 days.
  • Marking. A high-quality connection of the parts is mandatory; if this is not the case, both surfaces are treated with abrasive or filed. You will also need to apply markers to the wall or ceiling in order to follow the general pattern of the location of the plaster elements.

Proper preparation of the premises and materials is the key to the durability of the installed elements.

The influence of product weight on installation methods

The heaviness of the stucco plays an important role. Depending on it, a certain technique, type of fastening, preparation of the surface and decorative element are selected.

Installation of light weight gypsum stucco is done as follows:

  • The back of the product must be leveled. To do this, you need to run medium-sized sandpaper over it several times to smooth out the protruding parts.
  • The surfaces to be joined are sprayed with water from a spray bottle, after which a layer of PVA construction adhesive is applied to the plaster and ground in so that it is evenly distributed.
  • You will need to hold the decorative element for two to three minutes to tightly connect the parts together.

Small and lightweight gypsum stucco can be installed alone. For heavy or long parts, it is better to get help, otherwise they may break due to sagging and uneven support.

Installation of large plaster elements requires several different fastening methods.

First, the surface is prepared. Installation on “bare” concrete is desirable, and if there is plaster on the wall/ceiling, then frequent notches are applied to it to increase the adhesion force. The plaster is cleaned off. Before installation, the wall must be primed with PVA construction adhesive and water.

To enhance the adhesion of surfaces, nails and screws are used, which are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. The use of galvanized fasteners will prevent the appearance of rust and subsequent destruction of the structure. Holes for additional fasteners must be drilled in advance - they are made both in the part and in the wall.

To attach heavy decorative elements, you need to prepare a special glue: PVA is combined with water in a ratio of 40 to 60, after which gypsum powder grade G-7 or G-10 is added and thoroughly mixed until a creamy consistency is obtained. The adhesive mixture is applied to the back surface of the product, and it is firmly pressed against the wall/ceiling. After this, screws are screwed in, dowels or nails are driven in.

The remaining technological holes and joints of elements are rubbed with liquid gypsum mixture. The procedure must be carried out 2-3 days after the main installation, when everything is completely dry and well fixed.

Instructions for the correct installation of gypsum stucco molding.

After purchasing decorative plaster stucco molding, the question will arise: “how to install it correctly?” Our company will help: see below!

Installation instructions

Installation recommendations:
1. Walls, ceilings, products must be dry and clean.
2. It is recommended to paint walls and ceilings, as well as wallpapering after installation of the products.
3. It is necessary to calculate the amount of material, taking into account the losses that occur when cutting corners.
4. Work on installing the cornice is carried out by 2 people.

Required tools:
1. Saw box - miter box.
2. Saw or fine-toothed hacksaw, knife with a comfortable handle.
3. Tape measure (minimum 3m), medium-sized brush.
4. Spatula for applying glue, plastic 3-liter container for PVA glue.
5.Fine-grained skin, for removing glue after hardening.

Installation of cornice:
1. Prepare the cornice:

Cut off the protruding corner with a knife (if any)
on the rear side along the entire length of the cornice;
-make a notch at the back of the cornice with a knife;
-moisten the entire back of the cornice with glue water
(using a brush).

2. Prepare all the curtain rods in the same way and place them on a flat place to dry.
3. After preparing all the cornices, they begin to make marks on the ceiling and walls.
Take a piece of cornice 20-30cm long, place it in the corner of the room and make marks with a pencil or knife on the ceiling and wall.
4. Make the same marks in all four corners of the room.
5. Using cotton cord or twine coated with blue or cement, mark lines between the marks.
6. Between these two lines (one on the ceiling, the second on the walls) you will sculpt the cornice. If there is a ledge on the ceiling or walls, place the cornice there and check that the cornice does not extend beyond the line.
7. If the cornice goes beyond one of the lines, then it is necessary to knock off the protruding part of the ceiling or wall, or re-draw the lines so that the cornice does not go beyond them.
8. After this, they begin to install the cornice (the cornice must be dry, a transparent film should form behind the cornice from the adhesive water).
9. Molding of the cornice begins from the corner of the room. Cut one end of the first cornice at an angle of 45 degrees, cut the second end straight and, placing it in place, check how it looks.
10. Use a spatula to clean the place where the cornice will be from putty, dust, etc., make a notch and moisten it with water using a brush.
11. In a plastic tank, prepare a solution of gypsum or fugenfüller of medium thickness and pour it from behind the cornice so that you get 2-3 lumps the size of a fist (the distance between the lumps is 15-25cm).
12. Immediately place the cornice in place so that it is exactly between the 2 lines, move it slightly left and right to squeeze out excess mortar and hold it until the mortar sets (4-5 minutes).
13. Immediately remove squeezed out or stuck solution with a knife or spatula.
14. Install the remaining curtain rods in the same way.
15. If any cornice is installed incorrectly or does not align during installation, immediately remove it before the mortar sets, clean and reinstall.
16. Be careful when installing the molding of the cornice so as not to dislodge the previous cornice.

Installing an outlet
Bonding a gypsum rosette to concrete and plaster ceilings.
1. Carefully place the socket against the ceiling and draw the contours of the socket.
2. Clean the gluing area on the ceiling (inside the contour) of lime and putty; on smooth concrete slabs you can make a small notch
3. Prepare PVA glue (1 part glue - 2 parts water) and apply a brush to the gluing areas on the back of the socket and on the ceiling.
4. Prepare a solution from fugenfüller or plaster in a jar and pour it onto the sockets greased with glue.
5. Place the rosette on the ceiling where it is glued and press it against the ceiling with light movements from side to side.
6. Hold the socket with your hands until the solution sets (10-15 minutes).
7. Remove any excess solution with a knife or spatula.
8. Seal the gaps between the outlet and the ceiling with gypsum mortar or putty.

Place of application of glue

The beauty and durability of stucco decor is based not only on the quality of workmanship installation work, but also the type of glue used. Today the market offers a wide selection of different compositions designed for fixing gypsum interior decor. To choose the right glue for stucco, we advise you to familiarize yourself with its types and features.

Assembly adhesive

The main purpose of such compositions is to fix gypsum decor on the surface of walls or ceilings. They are produced in two versions.

  • Glue putty. The mixture has an acrylic base and is white in color. It is used for gluing gypsum products pre-fixed with self-tapping screws, as well as for sealing joints and joints. Does not form a film, making it easy to paint.
  • Strong adhesive. This composition is created on the basis of silicone. Designed for attaching gypsum decor without using self-tapping screws. Suitable for gluing small fragments, dries quickly. The plaster joints are well painted.

Joint adhesive

Such adhesive compositions are intended for hermetically sealing joints. They turn plaster decor into a monolith. The structural features allow them to weld seams, as it were. However, in order for the glue to provide a reliable connection, it is important to press the gypsum parts tightly against each other, and also to evenly distribute the composition over the entire joint surface. Available in both small tubes and cylinders designed for mounting guns.

Universal glue

There are also special adhesive compositions on the market today that can be used for installing basic plaster decorative elements, as well as sealing joints and fastening parts together. This glue is applied in a thick layer, due to which it retains its elasticity. The white color makes it invisible against the background of plaster parts. If necessary, areas treated with the composition can be easily painted in the desired color.

When choosing adhesive for stucco, it is also important to take into account the material of the surfaces, the type of further processing of the elements, temperature, humidity and other conditions in the room in which the stucco will be installed.

In construction, gypsum products have been used for a very long time. For many decorators, plaster stucco is one of the main elements of the interior.

They do not lose interest in it even today, when the market is full of a variety of different decorative materials.

Previously, palaces and mansions of special importance were decorated with it.

The manufacture of products was trusted only the best masters, each of which had its own secrets and techniques.

But time passed and this element became more and more popular; they began to decorate ordinary houses with it.

Making gypsum stucco is relatively simple. But if you do not follow the recommendations, some difficulties may arise during the work.

Particular attention must be paid to each of the stages:

  • Preparation of molds, materials and tools;
  • Preparation of solution and pouring;
  • Grinding;
  • Installation;
  • Painting.

To start making stucco from gypsum, you need to prepare everything you need:

  1. Silicone grease to ensure that the product is separated from the molds;
  2. Construction gypsum (G-4 and higher);
  3. Acrylic silicone;
  4. Ready-made forms;
  5. Tool for the job.

At the first stage, making stucco moldings from gypsum with your own hands involves preparing the mold.

Its surface should be thoroughly cleaned of dust. Using a soft hair brush, apply silicone grease on top so that the frozen product can be easily separated from the surface.

You need to coat it especially carefully, since gypsum can intertwine well with silicone. It will become extremely difficult to remove the product.

Any incorrect movement will damage not only it, but also the form itself.

In order for your own gypsum stucco molding to acquire the desired look, you need to properly prepare the solution.

You can use any gypsum sold in construction stores, but for large-sized products a mixture of grade G-4 and higher is recommended.

Gypsum is mixed with water. To speed up hardening, add warm water.

But for large molds, it is necessary to fill with chilled water, since you may not have time to release air from the product by vibrating the surface.

It is necessary to add water-based glue to the prepared solution (PVA is recommended).

It is needed so that the stucco molding made from gypsum with your own hands quickly gains strength, cracks do not form on the product, and it does not dry out.

To improve strength, you can add a little cement to the solution.

Stirring is carried out using a mixer - a special attachment for a drill. The gypsum solution is mixed in a small amount, sufficient for one working cycle.

Continuing the production of gypsum stucco, it is time to fill the greased molds. The mixture will quickly begin to thicken, so you will have to work quickly.

It is necessary to remove bubbles from the solution using one of two methods:

  • Evenly distribute the plaster with a brush;
  • Vibrating.

The most effective is the second method, but you must have the appropriate equipment on hand.

If this stage is neglected, over time moisture will accumulate inside the remaining cavities and the product will collapse.

Having completely filled the mold, the surface is leveled with a spatula.

If you have before your eyes a photo of gypsum stucco in the interior, you can compare the result obtained with the desired one.

You may want to make some modifications of your own.

If you mix the solution without additives, the product will have a white, clean surface.

The relief can turn out to be marble, white stone and very elegant. But in most cases, painting of plaster stucco is required so that it blends with the interior as a whole.

The surface of the product is first treated with two words of primer or varnish.

An equally important criterion for the quality of a product is the correctly selected forms for gypsum stucco molding.

They can be made from different materials, the most common is silicone.

Since the proposed molds for plaster molding must have a number of qualities (not stick to the product, durability), they are made from special silicone.

It is freely sold in markets and stores at reasonable prices.

Installation of stucco

The gypsum stucco molding is installed 2-3 days after casting. The material should harden well.

Before you begin installing gypsum stucco, the back surface must be leveled. To do this you will need a sheet of sandpaper.

The product is placed on it and the burrs are removed in two or three steps. No less important stage– surface preparation.

Stucco molding must be applied on a flat base. The surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust, covered with a primer emulsion (water and PVA).

In the interior, gypsum stucco is applied to the surface using a mixture based on PVA glue.

The solution is prepared as follows: PVA is added to water in a percentage ratio of 60/40. Gypsum grade G-10 is also added to achieve a consistency similar to sour cream.

It is necessary to lubricate both surfaces with the adhesive: the product and the ceiling or walls. By placing them next to each other, hold the stucco molding for 4-5 minutes until the glue sets securely.

It is not enough to glue large stucco moldings. It is additionally secured with dowel nails. The holes are carefully covered with gypsum mortar.

The use of dowel-nails is mandatory if facade stucco molding is installed from gypsum.

The use of PVA-based adhesives is unacceptable, since under the influence of natural aggressive factors they do not fulfill their properties. Most the best option– silicone.

Having completed the installation, all joints are carefully covered with putty. Afterwards, you can start decorating the product, for example, painting.

Where to buy and what are the prices?

Of course, you can buy molds for gypsum stucco, which are sold in markets, sometimes in hardware stores.

But it is not always possible to find what you need. The best way out of the situation is to purchase silicone for molds, which costs from 400 rubles. per kg.

For those who do not like to get their hands dirty and waste time, it is suggested to buy gypsum stucco molding. Today, many companies and private craftsmen offer their services.

Nowadays, the price of gypsum stucco varies over a wide range:

For flat products – from 300 rubles. per square;

Cornices – from 450 rub. per linear meter;

Piece products - negotiable.

Installation of gypsum stucco molding can be successfully done independently. When large areas and complex arrangements, you can use the services of professional performers.

  • To attach plaster stucco molding, it is recommended to use putty (finish with added PVA) or special glue;
  • The first stage of installation is to plan the location of the stucco by placing the elements accordingly and marking their positions with a pencil on the walls and/or ceiling;
  • The base where the elements are installed should be stripped of the paint layer by removing it with a sharp object. After which you need to level it and prime it;
  • Just before gluing the element, the base should be moistened with a brush and water;
  • Before applying glue/putty, try on the element on the wall/ceiling, cut it, and check again whether the element fits on the wall/ceiling;
  • Then the working surface of the installed element must be scratched with a sharp tool and moistened with a brush with water;
  • Apply gypsum mortar spotwise to the prepared element;
  • Press the element in the designated place and with a slight movement connect it with other previously fixed elements;
  • In the case of very large elements, they must be fixed while the plaster sets with nails or dowels;
  • After installing the elements and curing (approx. 1-2 hours), you can begin filling the seams and joints. You can use putties of all types of gypsum plaster for this purpose;
  • The final stage of stucco installation is to sand the joints and joints;
  • Then you can start painting.

Note! Stucco can be painted with different colors. It is recommended to use water-based emulsion indoors. It is also worth noting that there are gypsum products that can be successfully used outdoors, provided that the elements are well impregnated and painted with appropriate weather-resistant paints.

Video instruction