How is height measured? Applied geodesy

The size of the penis is a very important nuance for a man. Every guy has measured his organ at least once or is planning to do so.

Getting accurate results is a simple task, you just need to follow the rules. But most men make mistakes and do not know how to measure their penis correctly, which often leads to incorrect results.

In contact with

Average size statistics by age

Age Length(cm) Thickness(cm)
12-13 10.5-13 7.5-8
14-15 15-16 9.5-10.5
16-17 15.5-16 11.5-12
18+ 15.5+ 12+

After 18 years, a man’s penis is already formed and has reached its maximum size.

Statistics that were carried out to find out what the average length of the penis in men is:

Video about the statistics and size of the male organ:

Why is this necessary?

Basically, this is done for yourself, to calm the ego.

For the first time such a thought comes to me during my school years. The problem with penis length worries all schoolchildren in the world. And often young guys don’t know how to measure it.

The main reason why you need to know the size of your phallus is to choose the right size condom. There are a number of models that will be large or small in relation to the penis. To avoid discomfort or unexpected outcomes, it is better to know in advance how to measure your penis and remember the size of your “comrade” by heart.

What conditions to comply with?

Men think that in order to measure a “friend”, it is enough to wait for the erect state and apply a ruler to it. This approach will give the wrong result. There are a number of factors and favorable conditions for obtaining correct measurements.

  • Only measure your penis at room temperature. If the room is cold, the phallus will decrease in size.
  • Stress and anxiety affect the size of the phallus. During measurements, you should be calm and full of strength.
  • Z perform measures only in a state of complete arousal so that the erection is as strong as possible.

It is best to measure in the morning, on a day off. During this period, the body is full of strength and the erection will be maximum.

How to measure penis length

Correct measurement of penis length occurs in several stages. The main thing is that all conditions are met.

  1. Measurements are taken standing, not sitting. In this state, the penis is not retracted and the entire shaft is visible.
  2. The penis should be parallel to the ground. To do this, you can tilt it down.
  3. For measurements, use a ruler or centimeter.
  4. We apply one edge to the pubis, and the second to the extreme point of the head. The result will be the length of the penis.

Many people measure their penis from the testicles - this is wrong. You should start measuring from the pubic area.

How to measure penis diameter

№4 – Pharmacology. There are a number of tablets on sale, their task is to increase the size of the penis.

Useful video

Video about penis size:

in memory. More about memory cha

How to get readings

1. In order to

Altimeter from Current mode
any measurement mode, using
"WITH". At the same time I will automatically start
height measurements.

The watch will automatically start measuring
displaying readings on the screen.

Before the first altitude readings
screen, four or five seconds will pass
2. If you want to get on screen

heights and a graph whose contents
updated regularly, please leave

found every day

every two minutes

relative height based on the installation made. Altimeter function also
turn on

called the base height.

The clock measures the atmospheric pressure at a point

ISA table of values ​​(international standard
atmosphere), convert the measured value into

Relative height


tion, relatively

building height,

carry out installation

height measurements (eg

height, without

records this value

"Saving data

time or

press the button

will appear on

doesn't matter

clock in mode


azone from –700

to another mode.

Types of data records

will be updated regularly and these changes will be included in the schedule

you, located at the top of the screen.


This section provides a procedure for simply displaying the current

includes recording data into memory and sound signals - warning

to the curved height.


Your watch estimates altitude based on atmospheric pressure. This

read the owls section

means that altitude readings for the same location may vary,
if the atmospheric pressure changes.
The watch has built-in semiconductor pressure sensors that react
temperature change. When measuring, be sure to

I'm tall

set the watch to

provide conditions under which the clock is not subject to sudden changes

To avoid sudden changes in temperature, wear your watch so
so that when measuring they are on your wrist in direct
contact with skin.

sty in sports competitions

Do not use the watch while studying
there is a sudden change in height, for example, when exercising
exercises: parachute jumping, hang gliding, flying
single-seat helicopters, etc.

Do not use the watch for measurements that require professional or
industrial level precision.

Remember that the air inside the aircraft is under pressure, so
readings obtained on the plane may not be accurate.

How is height measured?

The altimeter determines the altitude using its own built-in table or based on

the value you set in advance


e transition to

first three minutes after

altimeter on screen

kator AST and measurements about

is declared, and measurements are taken

Absolute altitude

your location and using the built-in

equivalent height.

After you install
altitude, the clock converts
at this height in value

In order to determine in

set the base height to 0 m on the ground floor. However,

you have the basic


pay attention

that you will not get accurate readings if the building is equipped
air conditioning.

When climbing to the top of a mountain, you can
reference height using other sources
signage or map). After you do this, the readings
altitude given by the watch will be more accurate than the reading obtained without
setting the base height.

Altitude readings

to get altitude readings you can use the procedure

anna in this section. If you leave the watch in Altimeter mode, the

Any time
measurements again
3. In order to



Usually indications

You can press the "C" button to start

Tan measure the altitude and take the clock out of mode

on the "D" button.

calculated using built-in tables

you can optionally enter a base height. (cm.

ate "How to set the base height").

The display information changes in 5 meter (20 ft) increments per range.

to 0.000 meters (–2,300 to 32,800 feet).
If the measured value is outside the permissible range,
eq will not display "---- m". As soon as the height is in range
acceptable values, the normal display will be restored on the screen.
Under certain atmospheric conditions and also in case of installation

be negative

certain reference height, the measured height can

You can change the units of height readings between meters and
feet. Read about this in the section “How to choose units of measurement”
atmospheric pressure, temperature and altitude."

Altimeter memory

This section describes how height measurement data is recorded into memory.

wa their hours. When you start a recording session, measurements continue to be taken

indicator flashes on the screen R.E.C.), even if the clock has passed


A recording session creates three types of altitude data in memory: periodic recordings (up to
40 pcs.), current saving session, and history recording.

Periodic entries

The use of practical problems in the process of studying mathematics is one of the effective ways to increase interest in the subject and intensify the educational activities of schoolchildren.

The development of mathematical ideas, in most cases, begins with the solution of specific problems, and therefore many problems of a practical nature can be found by studying the history of mathematics and the biographies of great mathematicians.

While studying the history of mathematics, we learned that the problem of measuring the height of objects arose around the 6th-5th centuries BC, but was successfully solved by the ancient Greek thinker Thales of Miletus. He measured the height of the pyramid, which is one of the tallest structures of that time.

The building of the Oryol secondary school in the Tara district is one of the tallest in the village of Orlovo, so the question of the height of the building and how to measure it has always been relevant.

The object of study of our work is a school building.

The subject of the study is the height of the school and how to measure it. Goal: determine the height of the school building. Objectives: 1. consider different ways to measure a building;

2. find the easiest way to measure height

(with an error of no more than 10%);

3. compare the accuracy of different methods.

Research methods:

1. generalization of scientific literature; 2. practical work on the ground; 3. use of technical means.

Chapter I. Methods for determining the height of an object

All methods for measuring the height of a building are divided into physical and geometric.

The simplest geometric method is the following: measure the height of one floor and multiply by the number of floors, but there is no guarantee that the height of all floors is the same.

A more common method is the method with which Thales, according to legend, measured the height of the Egyptian pyramids. When the priests, wanting to test Thales, asked the scientist to measure the height of the pyramid, he waited until the length of his own shadow became equal to his height, and at that moment he measured the length of the shadow cast by the pyramid. This measured length of the shadow is equal to the height of the pyramid.

So, on a sunny day, you can determine the height of an object by its shadow, guided by the following rule: the height of the measured object is as many times greater than the height of the object you know (stick, fishing rod), how many times the shadow of the measured object is greater than the shadow of the stick, fishing rod.

If during measurement it turns out that the shadow from a stick or fishing rod is 2 times the length of the stick or fishing rod, then the height of the measured object will be 2 times less than the length of its shadow, and if the shadow from the stick or fishing rod is equal to their length, the height of the measured object is also equal the height of your shadow.

Using an isosceles triangle.

When approaching an object (for example, a tree) or moving away from it, place a triangle near the eye so that one of its legs is directed vertically and the other coincides with the line of sight to the top of the tree. The height of the tree will be equal to the distance to the tree (in steps) plus the height to the observer's eyes.

Along the pole. Take a pole equal to your height and place it at such a distance from the object (tree) that when lying down you can see the top of the tree in a straight line with the top point of the pole. The height of the tree will be equal to the distance from the observer's head to the base of the tree.

Using an altimeter with an arrow. Having made the device according to this drawing, you can begin to determine the height of any object. Being at different distances from the object, you need to make sure that when sighting the top of the tree, the arrow readings do not go beyond the scale. When sighting, you should place your eye on the hole on the side of the device and, tilting the device, ensure that the second sighting point (the corner at the other end of the device) coincides with the top of the object being sighted. The arrow will indicate the number by which the distance to the object should be multiplied to obtain its height. To this is added the height of the device during sighting.

Using a puddle. If there is a puddle not far from the tree, you need to position yourself so that it fits between you and the object, and then use a horizontally placed mirror to find the reflection of the top of the tree in the water (Fig. 5). The height of the tree will be as many times greater than the height of a person, how many times the distance from it to the puddle is greater than the distance from the puddle to the observer.

Using a balloon. You can launch a balloon next to an object and time its rise to the level of the top point. You just need to independently and accurately measure the rate of rise of such a ball and be sure that during the flight it will not be blown away by some stray gust of wind.

You can also determine the altitude of the climb using the barometric formula - in the same way as they determine the altitude of their flight on all airplanes.

Or, using a long rope, throwing it from the maximum point of the object.

These are just some of the ways to measure the height of an object. We think that it is possible to solve our problem with the help of a photograph that shows the object being measured and the measure. What if we find the ratio of the actual length of the measurement to the length of the measurement from the photograph, then multiply the resulting result by the length of the measured object from the photograph? Maybe we'll get a more accurate result.

School height measurement

Of all the listed methods for measuring the height of an object, we decided to put it into practice - determining the height of a school by its shadow, using a pole, and also decided to test our own method, that is, use a photograph of a building.

1. Measuring the height of the school by its shadow

One sunny day we decided to measure the height of our school using the method of Thales of Miletus, that is, by the length of the shadow cast by the building.

As a measure, we took one of the students from our school. His height is 1.6 m. Having measured his shadow, we got the result - 6.6 m. Next, we found the length of the shadow from the school, it is equal to 30.5 m. The ratio of the length of the shadow from the building to the length of the shadow from the measurement is 30.5: 6.6=4.6212121. Multiplying the height of the measurement by the result of the ratio, we get 1.6*4.6212121=7.39393=7.4(m). So, the height of the school is approximately 7.4 meters.

Having looked at the technical passport of the Oryol secondary school building, we found out that the actual height of the building is 7.05 meters.

Our measurement error is approximately 5%.

2. Measuring the height of the school using a pole.

To implement the second method, we took a pole equal to the height of the same student and installed it perpendicularly at such a distance from the school building that when lying down, the top point of the edge of the building was visible. We measured the distance from the head to the base of the building. It turned out to be equal to 7.7 meters, which means the height of the school is also equal to 7.7 meters.

In this case, the measurement error is approximately 9%.

3. Measuring the height of the school from its photograph.

To measure the height of the school from its photograph, we again needed a measure, for which we took the author of our work, Alexey, who proposed this method of measuring the height of an object. Alyosha stood close to the school building, and we took several pictures, then chose the best one. Next, we measured Alyosha’s real height (measurement), it is 160 cm, and the height of the measurement in the photograph is 3.9 cm.

We found the ratio of Alyosha’s height to the height of the measurements in the photograph, and got: 160/3.9 = 1600/39 (per 1 cm – photographs).

The height of the school in the photograph is -18.4 cm, which means that the real height of the building is found as the product of the ratio of the height to the height of the measurement in the photograph and the height of the school in the photograph, that is, 1600/39*184/10=29440/39=754.87179= 755 (cm)=7.6 (m).

So, the height of the school is approximately 7.6 meters.

The error of this measurement is approximately 8%.


We looked at different ways to measure the height of a building, described in the scientific literature, and proposed our own method of measurement using photography. We put into practice 3 methods: measuring the height of a building using a shadow, using a pole and using a photograph.

For us, the simplest and most acceptable method was to measure the height of a building using a pole, since it takes little time and a minimum of equipment to solve the problem.

Measuring the height of a building using a shadow is not always feasible, since sunny weather is required.

Measuring the height of a building using photography solves our problem, but requires special technical means: a digital camera, a computer, a printer. Of all the tested methods, ours turned out to be in second place in terms of accuracy.

So, the measurement error by these methods is different. The most accurate method of measuring the height of a building was using a shadow.

Thus, the assigned tasks have been completed and the goal of the work has been achieved.

In the future, we plan to continue work in this direction and consider other ways to measure the height of a building.

1. By the shadow. On a sunny day, you can determine the height of an object by its shadow, guided by the following rule: the height of the measured object is as many times greater than the height of the object you know (stick, fishing rod), how many times the shadow of the measured object is greater than the shadow of the stick, fishing rod.

If during measurement it turns out that the shadow from a stick or fishing rod is 2 times the length of the stick or fishing rod, then the height of the measured object will be 2 times less than the length of its shadow, and if the shadow from the stick or fishing rod is equal to their length, the height of the measured object is also equal the height of your shadow.

2. Using an isosceles triangle. When approaching an object (for example, a tree) or moving away from it, place a triangle near the eye so that one of its legs is directed vertically and the other coincides with the line of sight to the top of the tree. The height of the tree will be equal to the distance to the tree (in steps) plus the height to the observer's eyes.

3. Along the pole. Take a pole equal to your height and place it at such a distance from the object (tree) that when lying down you can see the top of the tree in a straight line with the top point of the pole.

The height of the tree will be equal to the distance from the observer's head to the base of the tree.

4. Using an altimeter with an arrow. Having made the device according to this drawing, you can begin to determine the height of any object. Being at different distances from the object, you need to make sure that when sighting the top of the tree, the arrow readings do not go beyond the scale.

When sighting, you should place your eye on the hole on the side of the device and, tilting the device, ensure that the second sighting point (the corner at the other end of the device) coincides with the top of the object being sighted. The arrow will indicate the number by which the distance to the object should be multiplied to obtain its height. To this is added the height of the instrument during sighting.

5. Using a puddle. If there is a puddle not far from the tree, you need to position yourself so that it fits between you and the object, and then, using a horizontally placed mirror, find the reflection of the top of the puddle in the water. The height of the tree will be as many times greater than the height of a person as the distance from it to the puddle is greater than the distance from the puddle to the observer.

GOST R 54592-2011

Group M12


Methods for determining linear dimensions

Foot-wear. Methods for determination of linear dimensions

OKS 61.060

Date of introduction 2013-01-01


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for applying national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic Provisions"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Central Scientific Research Institute of the Leather and Footwear Industry" (JSC "TsNIIKP")

2 INTRODUCED by the Department of Technical Regulation and Standardization of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 6, 2011 N 716-st


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to footwear of all types made of leather, textile, artificial and synthetic materials, as well as combinations of them, and establishes methods for determining the linear dimensions of footwear and its parts.

This standard is intended for control of technological processes and acceptance of finished footwear.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Specifications

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Specifications

GOST 6507-90 Micrometers. Specifications

GOST 9289-78 Footwear. Acceptance rules

GOST 11358-89 Indicator thickness and wall gauges with division values ​​of 0.01 and 0.1 mm. Specifications

GOST 15470-70 Accessories for products of the leather and haberdashery, textile and haberdashery, footwear and clothing industries. Terms and Definitions

GOST 17435-72 Drawing rulers. Specifications

GOST 23251-83 Footwear. Terms and Definitions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST 23251 and GOST 15470.

4 Equipment

4.1 To determine the linear dimensions of shoes, in addition to the thickness of shoe parts, the following is used:

- a metal ruler in accordance with GOST 427, a drawing ruler in accordance with GOST 17435 or a scale tape;

- caliper according to GOST 166.

4.2 To measure the thickness of shoe parts, use:

- thickness gauge type TR in accordance with GOST 11358 with a measurement limit of at least 0.25 mm, an indicator division value of 0.1 mm, a measuring force of 4 N, measuring platforms with diameters of 10.00 and 30.00 mm;

- micrometer type ML according to GOST 6507 with a measuring force from 3 to 7 N, spherical measuring surfaces.

4.3 It is permitted to use other instruments and devices that provide appropriate measurement accuracy.

5 Preparation for testing

Sampling - according to GOST 9289.

6 Testing

6.1 Measuring the height of shoes and their parts

6.1.1 The height of boots, boots, ankle boots and ankle boots (see Figure 1) is measured along the outer outer side of the boot along a vertical line drawn from the highest point of the boot to the sole or backing.

Figure 1 - Measuring the height, length and width of boots, boots, ankle boots and ankle boots

6.1.2 The height of the boots (see Figure 2) is measured along the inside of the top along the middle vertical line drawn from the top edge to the sole or backing.

Figure 2 - Measuring the height, length, width of boots and their parts

6.1.3 The height of low shoes and shoes (see Figure 3) is measured along the vertical line of the back seam from the top edge to the sole or backing.

Figure 3 - Measuring the height, length of low shoes, shoes, heel height and toe height

6.1.4 In shoes with a heel adjacent directly to the tightening edge of the workpiece, the height of the shoe is measured from the highest point of the shaft or top edge to the heel.

6.1.5 The height of shoes on a molded sole with a side and in shoes of sandal, stitch-adhesive, stitch-molded, stitch-dopel and stitch-press vulcanization fastening methods is measured inside the shoe along the middle vertical line of the heel part from the upper edge to the insole, including including inlay, platform, backing or sole.

6.1.6 The height of the overlay heels and circular vamps (see Figure 2) is measured along the vertical line of the back seam or the midline of the heel part of the upper blank with the parts of the bottom of the shoe, if the heel part is in direct contact with the heel, as well as to the bent part of the upper blank in the shoe sandal fastening method.

6.1.7 The height of the heel in shoes (see Figure 2), except for boots, is measured along the vertical line of the back seam from the line of connection of the heel with the sole, backing, platform or heel to the upper edge of the heel.

The height of the heel in boots is measured in three places: along the vertical line of the back seam from the sole or backing to the top horizontal line and in the wings along the vertical line of the first vertical line of the heel from the sole or backing to the top horizontal line.

6.1.8 The height of the heel (see Figure 3) in finished shoes is determined by the style of the last on which the shoes are made; it is measured along a vertical line from the center of the heel curve of the heel to the non-running surface of the heel.

6.1.9 The elevation of the toe box (see Figure 3) is determined by the last style and is measured along a vertical line from the running part of the sole in the toe box to the horizontal plane on which the shoe is installed.

6.2 Measuring the length of shoes and their parts

6.2.1 The length of the shoe (see Figures 1, 2, 3) is measured along a horizontal line between the extreme points of the toe and heel parts.

6.2.2 The length of the sole of a shoe is measured in two areas. First, measure the length of the sole under the heel or the length of the front surface of the heel (krokul). Then measure the distance between points from the middle of the front surface of the heel (krokul) to the most distant point of the sole in the toe part along the center line.

6.2.3 The length of the vamp (see Figure 2) in shoes is measured from the line of connection of the tops (tops) with the vamp to the edge of the toe at the sole along the middle center line of the shoe.

The length of the vamp in shoes with an overhead toe (see Figure 2) is measured along the midline of the shoe from the point of its intersection with the line of connection of the toe with the vamp to the point of its intersection with the line of connection of the vamp (shaft) with the ankle boots.

6.2.4 The length (depth) of the cutout for the elastic or zipper is measured along a vertical line in the middle of the elastic or zipper from the top edge to the bottom.

6.2.5 The length of the heel or heel (see Figure 4) is measured along the axial longitudinal line from the extreme point of the heel curve to the line passing through the extreme points of the front surface of the heel or heel.

Figure 4 - Measuring the length of the heel and heel

6.3 Measuring the width of parts in shoes

6.3.1 The width of the sole in certain areas is measured along a line perpendicular to the center line of the sole, between points located on the inside and outside of the sole.

6.3.2 The width of the top of the shoe (see Figure 2) is measured along the upper edge of the inner top from the outside of the shoe.

6.3.3 The width of the rear outer belt is measured in two places: at the top at the edge and at the bottom at the sole.

6.3.4 The width of the inner belt is measured in two places: at the top at the edge and at the bottom at the edge of the insole.

6.3.5 The width of the under-blocks and under the hooks is measured: in low shoes - in the upper part of the upper part, in boots - in the upper and middle parts of the upper part.

6.3.6 The width of the shroud is measured along a vertical line from the lower edge of the joint with the lining to the upper edge of the workpiece in the middle of the outer and inner tops (tops) of each half-pair of shoes.

6.3.7 The width of the elastic or zipper is measured at two points: at the top between the edges of the cutout and at the bottom between the edges of the cutout at a distance of 20 mm from the bottom.

6.3.8 The width of the valve is measured in two places: at the top at the edge of the tibia (shank) and at the bottom at the base of the valve.

6.3.9 The internal width of the shaft is measured as follows.

Preliminarily measure the outer width of the boot along a line perpendicular to the front line of the boot at the top point of the front neck and at the widest point (see Figure 1).

Then, on the measurement line from the front and rear edges of the boot, measure the thickness of the boot.

6.4 Measuring deviation from the axis of symmetry

6.4.1 The toe skew is measured along the line between the points and located on the edge of the sole (see Figure 5). Points and are the extreme points of the line connecting the toe to the vamp.

Figure 5 - Measuring toe skew

6.4.2 The symmetry of the toes in a pair of shoes is measured from the inside and outside of each half-pair from the point () located on the edge of the toe on the middle longitudinal line of the sole, to the points and ( and ), located on the line of connection of the toe with the vamp on the border with the edge of the sole (see Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Measuring the symmetry of socks

6.4.3 The skew of the ankle boots in a half pair of shoes is measured along a vertical line drawn from the middle of the upper edge of the ankle boots (outer and inner) to the sole (see Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Measuring ankle skew

6.4.4 The skew of the overlay heels (backs) in a half-pair of shoes is measured from the outer and inner sides along a vertical line drawn from the sole from points located at the edges of the front part of the heel (krokul), to the line of connection of the heel with the top (to the upper edges of the heel wings ) (see Figure 8).

Figure 8 - Measuring the skew of overhead backdrops (backdrops)

6.4.5 The symmetry of the heel wings is measured from the outer and inner sides along the line of connection between the top of the shoe and the bottom parts from the middle of the heel (back seam line) to the ends of the wings.

6.4.6 Backstrap and backseam skew is measured by the deviation of the centerline of the backstrap or backseam from the centerline of the heel of the shoe at the top edge of the centerline and at the base.

6.4.7 The skew of blocks and hooks is measured:

- from the centers of the blocks and hooks to the upper edge of the blocks and hooks of the workpiece;

- from the centers of blocks and hooks to the edge of the workpiece along the line of the block;

- between the centers of the blocks and the centers of the hooks.

6.4.8 Heel skew is measured by the deviation of the midline of the heel, perpendicular to the running surface of the heel, from the midline of the heel of the shoe (see Figure 9).

Figure 9 - Heel skew measurement

6.5 Measuring the thickness of parts

6.5.1 The thickness of the vamp is measured at the following points: in the area of ​​the internal and external beams at a distance of 10 mm from the bottom edge or at a distance of 1/3 of the height from the bottom edge for a circular and semicircular vamp.

6.5.2 The thickness of the boots is measured:

- in boots at three points in the middle: the top part at a distance of 20 mm from the top edge (edge), the bottom part at a distance of 20 mm from the bottom edge and the front part at a distance of 10 mm from the vamp line;

- in low shoes and shoes in the middle of the ankle boots: at a distance of 10 mm from the heel line (with cut-off heels) or at a distance of 1/3 of the height from the bottom edge (without cut-off heels);

- in boots with elastic bands at three points in the middle: the upper part between the back outer belt and the elastic band, between the front seam and the elastic band at a distance of 20 mm from the top edge and the bottom part under the elastic band at a distance of 20 mm from the bottom edge.

The thickness of whole ankle boots in shoes is measured at two points in the middle: the shank part at a distance of 1/3 of the height from the bottom edge and in the bundles at a distance of 10 mm from the bottom edge.

The thickness of whole ankle boots is measured at three points in the middle: the upper part at a distance of 20 mm from the upper edge, the lower part at a distance of 20 mm from the lower edge, and also in the area of ​​the beams at a distance of 10 mm from the lower edge.

6.5.3 The thickness of the boot is measured at two points: on the front line of the boot at the bottom at a distance of 10 mm above the neck and at the top in the widest part of the boot.

6.5.4 The thickness of the front is measured at three points in the middle: in the area of ​​the outer and inner beams at a distance of 10 mm from the bottom edge and toe part, and in boots the thickness of the front is additionally measured in the middle of the wings.

6.5.5 The thickness of the back is measured in the middle at a distance of 1/3 of the height from the bottom edge.

6.5.6 The thickness of the adjusting toe is measured at two points: at a distance of 10 mm from the middle longitudinal line of the toe on both sides.

6.5.7 The thickness of the rear outer and inner straps and sole is measured in the middle of the upper and lower parts along the middle longitudinal line.

6.5.8 The thickness of the front outer belt is measured in the middle of the bottom along the longitudinal center line.

6.5.9 The thickness of the back pocket is measured in the middle at a distance of 1/3 of the height from the bottom edge.

6.5.10 The thickness of the extension to the boot is measured at a point located in the middle of the front line of the boot.

6.5.11 The thickness of the platform covering is measured at three points in the middle:

tight fitting in the toe section and in the area of ​​the inner and outer beams.

6.5.12 The thickness of the valve in military and special footwear is measured at two points in the middle: at a distance of 20 mm from the top and bottom edges.

6.5.13 The thickness of the leather hem is measured at two points along the front line: at the bottom at a distance of 10 mm above the bottom seam, at the top - in the same place as the boot.

6.5.14 The thickness of the leather fastener, cross-lifting belt, sub-block, trim, tongue, zipper flap and other similar parts is measured in the middle of the parts.

6.5.15 The thickness of the sole, insole, platform is measured at three points in the middle of the longitudinal line in the fascicle, heel and heel parts.

The thickness of molded and profiled soles is measured in the middle of the tuft part between the inner and outer tufts along the longitudinal centerline of the sole along the most protruding part of the running surface of the sole when it is deeply grooved.

6.5.16 The thickness of the welt and edging is measured on the unraveled part at three points: at the toe and in the buns.

6.5.17 The thickness of the toe and fender is measured in the middle on the undeflated part.

6.5.18 The thickness of the heel is measured at three points: at a distance of 1/3 of the height from the edge along the midline of the heel and in the wings for molded heels and at a distance of 1/2 of the height from the bottom edge of the heel along the midline of the heel and in the wings for unmolded backdrops

6.5.19 The thickness of the attachment, liner, shank, heel, rubber pad, heel pad is measured in the middle of the parts.

6.5.20 The thickness of the lining parts is measured similarly to the corresponding upper parts.

7 Processing of results

7.1 The measurement results for each half-pair or part of shoes are taken as the measurement result.

7.2 Measurements of length, width, height and deviation from the axis of symmetry of parts and finished shoes are carried out with an accuracy of up to 1.0 mm, and thickness - up to 0.1 mm.

7.3 The internal width of the boot for each measurement is determined by the difference in the measurements of the outer width and the sum of the thicknesses of the boot of the front and rear edges.

7.4 Toe skew is determined by half the distance (see Figure 5).

7.5 The symmetry of socks is determined by the difference in measurements of the inner and outer sides of the sock () (see Figure 6).

7.6 The skew of the ankle boots is determined by the difference in the heights of the inner and outer sides of the ankle boots in a half-pair (see Figure 7).

7.7 The skew of the backs (backs) is determined by the difference in measurements of the inner and outer sides (see Figure 8).

7.8 The symmetry of the back wings in a semi-pair is determined by the difference in the length of the wings on the outer and inner sides, and in a pair - by the difference in the length of the same sides of the wings in semi-pairs.

7.9 The deviation from the axis of symmetry of the rear outer belt and the rear seam is determined by the maximum value (see Figure 9).

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M.: Standartinform, 2012