How to play dominoes: rules, tips and secrets. Basic rules and elements of tactics for playing dominoes “Goat (sea) How to win at dominoes without knowing the strategy

Domino is board game, very common in the Soviet Union, its biggest advantage is the compactness and fun of such a simple game. It is very convenient that it has such a mobile size, making it easy to carry. One game consists of a pair of rounds with a certain amount of points. As a rule, small tournaments are held when sitting down to play dominoes. This game is for all age groups. Eat different types This game is based on the skill of the player. There are even children's dominoes, as well as the simplest variations that are suitable for beginners and accessible to absolutely everyone.

Now on the street you can no longer hear the cries of “fish, take” that used to fill all the courtyards. There are no longer those gambling disputes in which both neighbors came together in a game of dominoes. Although sometimes this is not enough, all this happened during the USSR. But don’t think that everything has sunk into oblivion and completely gone out of fashion. Even now there are domino clubs, and in some family circles you can still hear the clatter of dominoes.
I think every person at least once in his life has held dominoes in his hands. They are made of wood or plastic. Most often there are two colors: black with white specks or, on the other hand, white and black. Just recently, almost everyone played dominoes. Nowadays, most of the games are played by children or old people, who sit at the table and arrange the dice in the right order. Although there is nothing abstruse about the usual arrangement of numbers in order, there are still some peculiarities. So let's look at the rules of the classic domino game.

Rules for playing classic dominoes for beginners

Classic dominoes are suitable for doubles games consisting of two players, as well as for a small company of four people. The distribution of dominoes for two consists of seven chips, and in the version of the game for four players, five dominoes are distributed. The remaining chips are put into the so-called “bazaar”; during the game, each participant takes dice from there to continue the game.

The first move is given to the player who gets a double from six and on the descending line, if no one got the sixth double and ended up in the market. If none of the players got a single double from the dice dealt, then they start from the dice of the sum of points, which is the largest, for example, dice 6 and 5. The players lay out the next chip in turn, but the dice must be suitable. If the die was 6-5, then the next chip is 6-2. If the players do not have the required bone, then you will take a bone from the market one at a time until the required one appears.

The end of the game is determined in two cases: the first is when the player has laid out all his dice. In this case, the winner is awarded all the points of other participants in the game in total. Another option for ending the game is the fish dice layout. This is a case when the opponents still have stones in their hands, but it is not possible for the opponents to continue the game in this situation.

The winner is determined by the least number of remaining points in the player's hands. The difference between the total number of points and those in his hands is recorded for this participant. The game can last up to any agreed amount, often taking the amount of one hundred points.

Playing dominoes does not involve very complex combinations. But this game also has some tricks that lead to victory.

Regardless of the type of game, the right move will provide you with a great chance of winning. Experienced players know many secrets to bring victory closer. It’s not worth learning all these combinations, but the main thing is to just understand the battle strategy.

The most important factor in a winning combination is the number of players. Because the number of many combinations depends on this, which has an important weight in the outcome of the game. Playing dominoes in a group is easier than playing with two people. When you are one on one with your opponent, it is much more difficult to calculate which stones your opponent has and what is left in the bazaar. The simplest version of the game is to play with two pairs. In this situation, you can calculate your opponents’ strategy, but for this, of course, you will need attentiveness and memory. During the game, you develop logical thinking due to the many calculated combinations. The secrets that help in dominoes lie in fairly simple manipulations.

Domino– the game is gambling, fun, but at the same time, winning in it depends not only on luck. There are several tips that you can use to increase your chances of winning. So, let's try to understand this amazing game - dominoes!
First. Number of bones. There are always 28 of them. There are 7 bones of the same suit. For example, 0-0; 0-1; 0-2; 0-3; 0-4; 0-5; 0-6. Knowing these numbers, it is easy to calculate and estimate how many of these or those dice are in the hands of your opponent or opponents. Thanks to your attentiveness and ability to quickly calculate the possible options for your opponents to have dice - main path to success.
Second. If you are playing “goat”, where the loser is the player who has scored the most points based on the results of all hands, then one of the most acceptable game tactics will be “minimalism” tactics. Those. You should try to get rid of the high scoring dice first.
Third. Remember that according to the theory of probability, the theory of random numbers, Newton's second law and simply by definition, whoever puts out the domino first will be the first to finish. Provided that he never missed his turn. Therefore, you need to strive to give your opponents a ride and not let yourself and your partner get a ride.
Fourth. There are seven doubles in the game of dominoes. The great snipe is certainly not a joker, but it’s also a cool thing. When you have a great snipe, and you don’t know which way to go, leave everything as it is. There is such a concept as “to retreat” or “to move away”. That is, your problem becomes your opponent's problem. But beware! You need to double up on time. Otherwise, your hollow may be cut off. That is, close the fifth domino before you have time to “move away”. In this situation, you will not be able to cum. In dominoes this word has a less sinister meaning than in life. But it’s also a very unpleasant thing. But what’s nice is cutting off an opponent’s double. Try it sometime.
Fifth. You can finish the game beautifully in different ways. But there is only one way to end the game when the players have a bunch of dominoes in their hands - make a fish. A fish is when there are dominoes with the same number of dots at both ends of the snake, but the players do not have a single domino with the same number of dots left in their hands. Difficult. Understand. I'll try it on my fingers. Let's say there are threes on the edges of the snake. That is, to continue the game you need to score a three. But no one can do this, since all three, all seven, have already come out. At this moment, some freak (as if no one sees without him) screams FISH. This means that all players count how many points they have in their hands. And the pair whose opponents gain more points.
These are not all possible tips on domino game tactics. If you have your own additions, leave them in the comments!

Before you is a fascinating board puzzle in which you need to build a chain of dominoes. But not everyone knows the rules of the game of dominoes, and therefore it seems uninteresting to them. The number of participants varies from two to four. For two people, seven bones are distributed, for more people - five. Others are placed in “reserve” so that the dots are not visible. The first move is made by the player who has a “double” in his hands (that is, 1-1 or any other combination in ascending order). You can't start from 0-0. The essence of the game is to place your pebbles on the field so that they touch each other with the same symbols. That is, 2-5, 4-2 and others can be added to 2-2, but there must be a number 2. If there are none, you select new ones from the set aside “deck”. The winner is the one who has nothing left. After this, the points that fell during the passage are summed up. The classic game is played up to 200, 300 or 500 (by agreement).

How to play dominoes goat? The algorithm is almost the same, but the terms “fish” (a possible ending option in which you still have chips) and “eggs” appear. The one who eventually scores 101 is declared a “goat” and is considered a loser.

Domino secrets

To win more often, it is enough to remember the rules and secrets of Goat Dominoes, which, in fact, are nothing unusual.

  • The first tip is to develop your visual memory to remember which dominoes your opponent discarded. You can calculate and guess which ones are in his hands and which ones are in “reserve”.
  • Secondly, try to calculate your opponents, that is, follow the tactics. Everyone acts according to a certain algorithm, and if you establish a pattern, then success is guaranteed.
  • Third, practice with a good and experienced partner. This is necessary, since the game is collective. If you are a beginner, do not try to play in a big company.

Fish in dominoes

Usually the game ends when the opponent discards all the dominoes he had in stock. But one of the most popular similar outcomes is fish in dominoes. In this case, the game ends if both sides have stones, but it is impossible to report them. The numbers are calculated on the dominoes that “lie on the hands.” If you have the least minimum amount“points”, then the victory is awarded to you, but the difference in points is the winnings. Then you play according to the same rules, and if such a blocking of the layout occurs again, you should count according to the algorithm described above.

Rules of the game of dominoes: Goat

Dice with the same value on both halves (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 and 6-6) are called doubles.

The game involves two to four people.

The game of "Goat" is divided into rounds.

At the beginning of each round, players pick up seven dice blindly.

If a player has five or more doubles or six or more dice with a repeating value, the dice are mulliganed.

If less than four people take part in the game, then the extra ones remaining after the dice are dealt face down are moved to the edge of the table.

These bones are called "bazaar".

The first move in the first round belongs to the player who has a 1-1 double. It is from this take that the participant must enter. If no one has such a double in their hands, then the one of the participants who has a 2-2 double in their hands goes. And so on until bone 6-6.

If none of the participants has a dice 6-6, then the first move from a double is 0-0. If there are no duplicates at all, then the move from the dice is 5-6, and so on in descending order of the dice values.

The stroke is transmitted clockwise. Each subsequent player must place a die whose value is equal to the value of the die already placed on the table on the side of contact.

If a player does not have suitable dice, then he “goes to the market,” that is, he blindly draws one of the extra dice placed on the edge of the table. This continues until the player finds a die with the required value.

If there is no “bazaar” or it has ended, and not a single dice has come up, the player “knocks”, that is, he misses a move. All the bones taken at the “bazaar” remain in his hands.

A player does not have the right to skip a move if he has a die in his hands that can be played.

A player can only place one die per turn.

The round ends when one of the players has no dice left in their hands, that is, the player is “out”, or when a player places a “fish”. The first move in the next round is made by the “out” player, or “fisherman”, that is, the one who placed the “fish”. He can walk with any bone.

"Fish" refers to a situation in which all players have bones in their hands, but are unable to walk. A similar situation is possible when all six (not counting the double) dominoes with the same value are laid out on the table and both ends of the chain are closed by tiles with the same value.

For example, the dice 1-2, 2-6, 0-2, 2-3 are already laid out on the table. The chain ends on one side with a 2-4 die, and on the other with a 5-2 die. This is "fish".

If the 2-2 double were not played as shown in the picture, but were in the “bazaar” or in the hands of one of the players, it would still be a “fish”.

If the round ends not with a fish, but simply with one of the participants “exiting”, getting rid of all his dice, then the remaining players reveal their dice and count the sum of the points of these dice.


If a player has only one 0-0 dice left in his hands at the end of the round, then it counts as 10 points. All other dice are counted at face value.

If the player’s dice total does not exceed 12 points, then this number is “remembered” for the next round for the player. If in the next round the player again scores 12 points or less, then the new amount is added to the old “memorized” amount and goes into the “remembered” amount for the next round. If a player “quits”, then all his “remembered” points are reset to zero.

If a player scores more than 12 points in a round, then he has opened his account in the game. If the player had “remembered” points at the time of opening the account, then they are added to the accumulated amount. From the moment the account is opened, the points are not “remembered” and any, even the smallest, number of points scored in the round will immediately be added to the player’s account.

All points scored or “remembered” by players are displayed on the screen next to the login. “Remembered” points are displayed in yellow. There is a “+” sign in front of the point total.

The open account is displayed in red, without the “+” sign

Let's look at the scoring system using the example of when one of the players “left”

The top number in the table is the points scored in previous rounds. The number in the middle (above the line) is the amount scored in the current round. The number below the line is the total score.

In the example we are considering, the player Masha “quit” because she scored 0 points. Before this round, she had 19 “memorized” points. Since the player “left”, his remembered points were reset to zero and the total amount was zero.

Player Alex did not have any points at the beginning of the round, but in the current round he scored 3 points. Since 3 points are less than 12 and the player did not open the score, he received +3 “remembered” points as a result.

Player Olya had +7 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. In the current round, she scored 13 points and thus opened the scoring. As a result, she received 13 + 7 = 20 points.

Player Serg had +4 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. He scored 5 points in the round. Thus, he did not open the account, but the “remembered” points were summed up.

Now he has +9 “remembered” points.

If the round ends with a “fish”, then there are several variants of the rules by which points are calculated. When creating a request for a game, you can specify one of these options by changing the corresponding parameter. Now let's look at each of them with an example.

Let's call the first version of the rules “fish for everyone.” In this version, scoring is no different from the usual scoring mechanism. The only difference is that each player in this round has scored points, since there is no player "out".

Let's pay attention to the table. In the middle line of the table there are fish icons. They tell us that the round ended with a fish.

Let's call the second option “fish for one”. In this variant, not only the points of each player are calculated, but also the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players' hands. The result of the scoring is the player who scored the most points in that round.

It is to him that the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players’ hands is added. Let's look at an example:

In this round, the player with the nickname Masha scored 2 points, Alex - 3 points, Olya - 13 points and Serg - 5 points. This means the total amount of points scored by the players is 23.

Olya scored the most points in the round, she has 13. This means that she receives the total amount of points scored by all players. That's 23 points. In addition, she had 7 points “remembered”, which are added to the amount when opening an account. As a result, Olya gets 30 points.

Please note that the memorized points of other players have been reset to zero.

Another situation is possible when several players score the same maximum number of points. For example:

Players Alex and Olya scored the most points. Each player has a bottom of 14. In this case, the round is considered a draw.

The entire amount of fish (35 points) goes to the next round.

This situation is also displayed on the screen. In this case, a fish icon appears under the timer. It displays the number +35, that is, the amount transferred to the fish from the last round.

In this case, in the next round, regardless of its outcome (whether it ends with a regular exit or a “fish”), the player who scores the maximum number of points will receive, in addition to his score, the entire amount transferred from the previous round.

If the round ends with a “fish” again and the situation with the same maximum number of points repeats, then the results of the new round will be added to the memorized amount and the total memorized amount for the two rounds will go to the next one.

This will continue until there is one player who has scored the maximum number of points.

Game results

The game is over as soon as one player scores 101 or more points. A player who scores a total of 101 or more points based on the results of the rounds is considered a loser, that is, he becomes a “goat”.

(100 − [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10, rounded according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

For example: Masha scored 25 points. We substitute the value into the formula and calculate: (100 − 25) / 10 = 7.5. Round up = 8. Thus, the Masha player’s rating based on the results of the game will increase by 8 points.

If the game is interrupted by a timeout, then the player who left the game due to the timeout does not receive rating points.

All other players in this case receive points towards their rating. The rating is calculated using the following formula:

([points of the player eliminated by timeout] - [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10 with rounding according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

For example: Alex scored 32 points and was eliminated due to timeout. He receives no rating points.

Masha scored 30 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault. We substitute the value into the formula, count: (32 − 30) / 10 = 0.2 Round up = 0. But we remember that the result cannot be less than 1 point. Thus, Masha’s player rating will increase by one.

Olya scored 13 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault. We substitute the value into the formula, count: (32 − 13) / 10 = 1.9 Round up = 2 points. Thus, the Olya player’s rating based on the results of the game will increase by 2 points.

The game includes 28 unique dice:

0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6
1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6
3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6
4-4, 4-5, 4-6
5-5, 5-6

Dice with the same value on both halves (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 and 6-6) are called doubles.

The game involves two to four people.

Progress of the game

The game of "Goat" is divided into rounds.

At the beginning of each round, players pick up seven dice blindly.

If a player has five or more doubles or six or more dice with a repeating value, the dice are mulliganed.

If less than four people take part in the game, then the extra ones remaining after the dice are dealt face down are moved to the edge of the table. These bones are called "bazaar".

The first move in the first round belongs to the player who has a 1-1 double. It is from this take that the participant must enter. If no one has such a double in their hands, then the one of the participants who has a 2-2 double in their hands goes. And so on until bone 6-6. If none of the participants has a dice 6-6, then the first move from a double is 0-0. If there are no duplicates at all, then the move from the dice is 5-6, and so on in descending order of the dice values.

The stroke is transmitted clockwise. Each subsequent player must place a die whose value is equal to the value of the die already placed on the table on the side of contact.

If a player does not have suitable dice, then he “goes to the market,” that is, he blindly draws one of the extra dice placed on the edge of the table. This continues until the player finds a die with the required value. If there is no “bazaar” or it has ended, and not a single dice has come up, the player “knocks”, that is, he misses a move. All the bones taken at the “bazaar” remain in his hands.

A player does not have the right to skip a move if he has a die in his hands that can be played.

A player can only place one die per turn.

The round ends when one of the players has no dice left in their hands, that is, the player is “out”, or when a player places a “fish”. The first move in the next round is made by the “out” player, or “fisherman”, that is, the one who placed the “fish”. He can walk with any bone.

"Fish" refers to a situation in which all players have bones in their hands, but are unable to walk. A similar situation is possible when all six (not counting the double) dominoes with the same value are laid out on the table and both ends of the chain are closed by tiles with the same value.

For example, the dice 1-2, 2-6, 0-2, 2-3 are already laid out on the table. The chain ends on one side with a 2-4 die, and on the other with a 5-2 die. This is "fish".

If the 2-2 double were not played as shown in the picture, but were in the “bazaar” or in the hands of one of the players, it would still be a “fish”.

If the round ends not with a fish, but simply with one of the participants “exiting”, getting rid of all his dice, then the remaining players reveal their dice and count the sum of the points of these dice.


If a player has only one 0-0 dice left in his hands at the end of the round, then it counts as 10 points. All other dice are counted at face value.

If the player’s dice total does not exceed 12 points, then this number is “remembered” for the next round for the player. If in the next round the player again scores 12 points or less, then the new amount is added to the old “memorized” amount and goes into the “remembered” amount for the next round. If a player “quits”, then all his “remembered” points are reset to zero.

If a player scores more than 12 points in a round, then he has opened his account in the game. If the player had “remembered” points at the time of opening the account, then they are added to the accumulated amount. From the moment the account is opened, the points are not “remembered” and any, even the smallest, number of points scored in the round will immediately be added to the player’s account.

All points scored or “remembered” by players are displayed on the screen next to the login. “Remembered” points are displayed in yellow. There is a “+” sign in front of the point total.

The open account is displayed in red, without the “+” sign

Let's look at the scoring system using the example of when one of the players " came out»

The top number in the table is the points scored in previous rounds.
The number in the middle (above the line) is the amount scored in the current round.
The number below the line is the total score.

In the example we are considering, the player Masha “quit” because she scored 0 points. Before this round, she had 19 “memorized” points. Since the player “left”, his remembered points were reset to zero and the total amount was zero.

Player Alex did not have any points at the beginning of the round, but in the current round he scored 3 points. Since 3 points are less than 12 and the player did not open the score, he received +3 “remembered” points as a result.

Player Olya had +7 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. In the current round, she scored 13 points and thus opened the scoring. As a result, she received 13 + 7 = 20 points.

Player Serg had +4 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. He scored 5 points in the round. Thus, he did not open the account, but the “remembered” points were summed up. Now he has +9 “remembered” points.

If the round ends with a “fish”, then there are several variants of the rules by which points are calculated. When creating a request for a game, you can specify one of these options by changing the corresponding parameter. Now let's look at each of them with an example.

Let's call the first version of the rules “ fish for everyone" In this version, scoring is no different from the usual scoring mechanism. The only difference is that each player in this round has scored points, since there is no player "out".

Let's pay attention to the table. In the middle line of the table there are fish icons. They tell us that the round ended with a fish.

Let's call the second option " fish for one" In this variant, not only the points of each player are calculated, but also the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players' hands. The result of the scoring is the player who scored the most points in that round. It is to him that the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players’ hands is added. Let's look at an example:

In this round, the player with the nickname Masha scored 2 points, Alex - 3 points, Olya - 13 points and Serg - 5 points. This means the total amount of points scored by the players is 23.

Olya scored the most points in the round, she has 13. This means that she receives the total amount of points scored by all players. That's 23 points. In addition, she had 7 points “remembered”, which are added to the amount when opening an account. As a result, Olya gets 30 points. Please note that the memorized points of other players have been reset to zero.

Another situation is possible when several players score the same maximum number of points. For example:

Players Alex and Olya scored the most points. Each player has a bottom of 14. In this case, the round is considered a draw. The entire amount of fish (35 points) goes to the next round.

This situation is also displayed on the screen. In this case, a fish icon appears under the timer. It displays the number +35, that is, the amount transferred to the fish from the last round.

In this case, in the next round, regardless of its outcome (whether it ends with a regular exit or a “fish”), the player who scores the maximum number of points will receive, in addition to his score, the entire amount transferred from the previous round.

If the round ends with a “fish” again and the situation with the same maximum number of points repeats, then the results of the new round will be added to the memorized amount and the total memorized amount for the two rounds will go to the next one.

This will continue until there is one player who has scored the maximum number of points.

Game results

The game is over as soon as one player scores 101 or more points. A player who scores a total of 101 or more points based on the results of the rounds is considered a loser, that is, he becomes a “goat”.

Calculating the rating for the game of "Goat"

(100 − [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10

For example:
Masha scored 25 points.
We substitute the value into the formula and calculate: (100 − 25) / 10 = 7.5.
Round up = 8.
Thus, Masha’s player rating based on the results of the game will increase by 8 points.

If the game is interrupted by a timeout, then the player who left the game due to the timeout does not receive rating points.

All other players in this case receive points towards their rating. The rating is calculated using the following formula:

([points of the player eliminated by timeout] − [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10
with rounding according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

For example:
Alex scored 32 points and left due to timeout. He receives no rating points.

Masha scored 30 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault.
We substitute the value into the formula, count: (32 − 30) / 10 = 0.2
Round up = 0.
But we remember that the result cannot be less than 1 point. Thus, Masha’s player rating will increase by one.

Olya scored 13 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault.
We substitute the value into the formula and calculate: (32 − 13) / 10 = 1.9
Round up = 2 points.
Thus, the Olya player’s rating based on the results of the game will increase by 2 points.