How German Gref, Andrey Kostin and other bankers divide the collapsed bank of Yuri and Alexey Khotin. Lessons from Ugra: how to understand that your bank is about to collapse Legal entities are withdrawing assets from the bank

I sometimes tell all sorts of everyday stories at AS. Flashbacks, flashes of memory. Usually colleagues on the forum read it not without pleasure.)))))

The excerpt you cited from Pelevin, although a completely life-like story from the early 90s, brought back memories of other bankers and their stories. And not just about bankers.

But I'll start from the end of my story.

There is a lot of text, but only the very beginning, the first paragraphs, are relevant to what I am writing. And the last ones. So, for those who are lazy to read everything about “real business” of the 90s, there is absolutely no need to wade through the entire sheet. At the same time, this is my next spit in the direction of liberals. Who cares so much about the “romantic” 90s, with their “freedom”.

So, the president of the Nizhnevartovsk Yugorsky Bank, Oleg Kantor, was brutally stabbed to death at his dacha in the Moscow region.

A small detail not mentioned in the link - at a dacha located in a specially guarded residential village of the Administration of the President of Russia. They slaughtered him like a pig, which the investigation could have paid attention to. Everyone in the Daleks knows how to cut like that. The crime remained unsolved.

Although the investigation did a tremendous amount of work, which is described in sufficient detail at the link. Only the search was completely in that direction.

As usual, any contract killing is the final stage of a long chain of events, most often deeply criminal events. Against the background of which the murder itself is an ordinary completion of the rest, especially serious ones.

Now I'll start from the beginning.

70% of Russian oil was produced in Nizhnevartovsk, Tyumen region. The Tyumen region, as a rule, is the place of registration of large oil companies (later many moved to Moscow). But in reality, the oil itself was extracted in Nizhnevartovsk, and nearby.

In those days, the key role in the oil business was played not by the financiers Wakselberg-Friedman, but by former directors of oil production enterprises, who were renamed “general” in the 90s. The liberals, who longed for the redistribution of property in their favor, contemptuously called them “red directors.” And they exterminated them in every possible way. From dust to what is described in this comment. The "Red Directors" were oil industry practitioners who rose from the bottom of the oil business. Their successors, from the “noses”, are only more aggressive and lawless.

And one more detail - there can be many oil companies, and so can wells. But the real well-being of an oil company usually rests on one company, and often on one well - in the sense of an oil field.

In Nizhnevartovsk, Megionneftegaz was such a pearl. With General Director Kuzmin. Production practitioner. "Red Director"

Another feature of those times was the enormous difference in oil prices on the domestic market and the external market. But in order to supply oil outside of Russia, an export license was required. Which was issued in Moscow by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. And the first deputy minister was responsible for issuing licenses. The minister was Shafranik, a respected oil and gas industry worker and a friend of Chernomyrdin. But he was not allowed to issue licenses. It's too much of a money thing. For every 10 thousand tons of export license, the first deputy minister had to bring 20 thousand dollars in cash. Moreover, there were many who wanted to donate, much more than those from whom they were ready to “accept” the offering.

The first deputy at that time was a creature of thieves in law, and this cash went to the common fund.

Well, it’s just that at that time this was the balance of power in power, and in the situation around energy resources.

Kuzmin had access to Moscow. Powerful. Money in bags in cash was regularly flown to Moscow by Aeroflot. At the X-ray inspection neither in Nizhnevartovsk, nor in Moscow at Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo, nor at the frames at the entrance to the government building in the White House, law enforcement officers were not at all surprised by the scattering of bundles worth millions of dollars in ordinary shuttle bags. Back then it was a common practice (I’ve seen it myself many times, if that’s the case). Well, that is, Kuzmin had absolutely no problems with obtaining export licenses. He, as was the customary rules of the game of those times, carefully “shared”.

Oil was exported, naturally, according to a scheme through intermediaries (later Khodorkovsky brought this scheme to perfection). There, too, it was necessary to share. And yet - every money business of those times had secret “partners”. With whom everything was based on oral agreements - no one even thought of signing any contracts in this completely shady business.

The sale of part of the export oil produced by Megionneftegaz according to the “left” scheme brought Kuzmin approximately 15 million dollars a month to his foreign accounts. He and his unofficial partners, numbering 6 people. Among whom was Oleg Kantor and a business colleague named Fomin. I don’t know how the shares were distributed “within” the community and have never been interested in it, but it was enough for Kuzmin. But some of the “partners,” in particular the two I mentioned, considered themselves deprived.

And Kuzmin was summoned to Moscow for a showdown. Kuzmin had an apartment there, where he always stayed during business trips. There was also an unofficial “office” apartment for Megionneftegaz, for business travelers to live there. Kuzmin arrived in Moscow late, after work (another 4 hours of summer), and expected to resolve matters at the Ministry in the morning and return to the enterprise the same day.

The meeting and showdown between the “partners” took place in the “service” apartment late at night.

It was not possible to agree on changing the conditions for dividing the spoils. The dissatisfied part of the partners remained with their shares. Meanwhile, they believed that due to changes in their capabilities within the scope of their official powers, they should have a larger share. Kuzmin explained to them that he produces oil, he obtains licenses, and he also organizes foreign sales. Their functions in the general “business” are secondary, and their fulfillment depends little on how their overall “weight” has changed in their own eyes. That's where we parted ways.

In the morning, on the way from the entrance of his Moscow apartment to a waiting car with a personal driver, Kuzmin was shot.

Professionally. 16 shots, 16 PM cartridges. The professional community took note of the murder.

Soon, ownership of Megionneftegaz transferred to the Tyumen Oil Company, which was newly created by financiers. The investigation into the case has reached a dead end, since oil workers are not talkative people. Long tongues don't hang out there for long. Although it was no secret to any of the interested parties that the hitman was allegedly a lieutenant colonel of the FSB of the anti-corruption and terrorism unit (he came from there - the London lawbreaker Litvinov, Berezovsky's creature). Here I refer readers to the last paragraphs via my link. The explanation for the incomprehensible phenomenon with the “non-existent” FSB officer is actually simple. The fact is that only employees of this department had the right to have two genuine service IDs, one normal, the other a “cover”, under a non-existent surname. This explains the authenticity of the service IDs they presented to other law enforcement officers, and the complete absence of such an employee from the list of the special service during subsequent checks.

As far as I have heard, internal security did not ignore this story. I checked, but couldn’t prove anything. It seems that this “lieutenant colonel” was removed from the authorities. As you understand, “would” I add so that fewer specific and unnecessary questions may arise for me. You never know what could have happened!)))))

Meanwhile, “after Kuzmin,” the balance of power in the oil industry has changed. A certain Fomin took the position of first deputy minister (yep, the one with money). The power and influence of Yugorsky Bank President Kantor has increased noticeably. Having not understood the changing balance of power in his native diocese, Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin, in a conversation “on the turntable” with his old friend and Minister of Energy Shafranik, in response to his complaints about the new first deputy, good-naturedly sanctioned: “Fuck him!”

The minister ordered the dismissal of his own deputy.

The Minister of Fuel and Energy of Russia was beaten long and diligently. In his own office. In the White House, in the government. For Fomin. For trying to encroach on a piece that is not yours.

Despite the fact that Yeltsin’s Presidential Security Service (SBP), headed by Korzhakov (and directly in the White House by Colonel Streletsky), bugged all premises in the White House. And accordingly, I recorded this entire process. Back then they had a joke that the White House was built of microphonic concrete - 40% concrete, 60% microphones. Yes, that’s pretty much how it was.

Shafranik reversed his decision and no longer mentioned the resignation of his new deputy. Then, years later, he became president of the serious oil company he had newly created. For many years he was a respected businessman, largely determining the fate of the oil industry. As well as the leaders of the Tyumen Oil Company created on the basis of Megionneftegaz.

Naturally, no complaints were received to law enforcement agencies regarding the beating of Minister Shafranik. Of course... However, in the professional oil and gas community, as in the case of Kuzmin, everyone always somehow finds out everything. Although they keep their mouth shut, if it is, of course, the owner of the roads. More precious to themselves... Somehow everyone knew that the brothers from the village of Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory, came to beat the minister. Later they became famous throughout the country as Tsapki.

But the redistribution of the oil and gas sector in the country was beginning to gain momentum. And speed. It somehow became indecent for Chernomyrdin, Lukoil and Gazprom to smear and handle Kantor, who was covered in blood up to his ears. Too much money was already lying in personal accounts; it was time to become respectable bourgeois, “the elite of Russia.”

The first “bell” sounded for Kantor when Lukoil and Gazprom, followed by the rest of the big players in the energy industry, unexpectedly withdrew their accounts from the coolest and most profitable “energy” bank in Russia at that time. Well, whoever, the owners and main shareholders of these companies knew very well who Oleg Kantor really was and about his affairs. And they distanced themselves promptly and with impunity.

But before that, another unpleasant episode happened in Switzerland. Perhaps it finally influenced the fateful decision of the “giants”.

One of the bank’s clients, who owed some money (well, sometimes, cool guys don’t consider it obligatory for themselves to hastily part with money, even if they should), cheerful compatriots came to his Swiss hotel room. They shoved a gun down his throat and promised to blow his brains out onto the nearest wall. And they weren't kidding. As a result, a minute later they gained access to the secret account and “repaid the debt with interest,” 47 million.

Naturally, the oil and gas workers did not like this very much. On their reservation, the new elites could protect themselves well, isolating themselves from the world and grateful compatriots with heavily armed security services.

But abroad, where the stolen goods earned by the sweat of their brow over years of life-threatening business activity were kept, in the holy of holies, where foreigners did not allow foreign armed guards, and it was not comme il faut for the guards themselves to dedicate into the holy personal accounts and other secrets of the piggy banks, such open rudeness was perceived extremely painfully by people from the “new elite”.

Oleg Kantor had no place on this earth. A similar response came to the chaos. From the same village of Kushchevskaya, the same Tsapki (Does anyone else doubt why they did whatever they wanted at home for so many years with impunity? Do you understand what level of customers and patrons they had?)

And Oleg Kantor died. Exactly as described in the link. For the edification of others. All the large clients from the “elite”, knowing or guessing about what was coming, fled from the coolest and richest bank in advance. The murder, of course, remained unsolved.)))))

Why did I suddenly remember this old story?

Well, the quote from Pelevin evoked the right associations.

Previous work history of Oleg Kantor. On the eve of that day, he immediately moved to the chair of the Chairman of the largest bank in Russia, Yugorsky.

An ice cream seller from a machine in one of the peripheral bars of Nizhnevartovsk.

The Central Bank revoked the license from Ugra. It is noteworthy that this happened the day after the bank’s owners presented a plan for its financial recovery. However, it was already clear that they could not save the bank, and even the Prosecutor General’s Office would not help with this. But that’s not the point anymore. Now the main asset of Ugra is being divided between large banks. It is no wonder that clients of a collapsed bank are receiving insurance payments at an unprecedented speed. Payments began on July 20; in just a few days, banks issued more than 100 billion rubles to depositors. The total amount of compensation is 170 billion, you see, just a couple more days and there will be nothing left of the deposits in the bank.

Well that's all

The Central Bank nevertheless revoked the license from Ugra Yuri and Alexey Khotin. The reason was investing in questionable assets and lending to business projects of bank owners. The decision was expected, and few doubted it. Now something else is more important: who will inherit the bank's inheritance?

Dad and I are a record family

Businessmen father and son Yuri and Alexey Khotin have something to be proud of. Their bank may have sunk, but they are real record holders. The collapse of Ugra entailed so many unprecedented events that it has every chance of being included in textbooks on the history of the banking business. A separate large chapter on records and innovations. Never before has the Prosecutor General's Office dared to challenge the actions of the Central Bank, but in the case of Ugra it did. This did not bring much benefit to the bank's owners, but there was a lot of noise. The fall of Yugra itself became the largest insurance event since the deposit insurance system appeared in Russia. In total, the bank's clients will receive 170 billion rubles. Payments are usually delayed for several weeks. Until all the clients arrive, they will wait in line...

For example, payments to depositors of the collapsed Tatar Tatfondbank began at the end of December. And in the spring they still continued, and the amount there, by the way, was 3 times less than in Ugra. But the history of the Khotin Bank was not without a record. Payments began on July 20 and in just 5 days, clients received more than 100 billion. Apparently there are two main reasons for this. Firstly, someone clearly wanted to quickly end Ugra. And, secondly, a significant part of the money that clients receive remains in agent banks. And here everything is interconnected.

Useful with financial pleasure

Insurance compensation to clients of collapsed credit institutions is paid by agent banks, to which the Deposit Insurance Agency provides funds for this purpose. In the case of Yugra, these are the largest Russian banks, including Sberbank and VTB24. At first glance, it seems that banks gain nothing from this. But in reality this is not the case, and the case of Ugra is particularly indicative here. Imagine that you are a client of a collapsed bank. You come to the agent for your insurance compensation (up to 1.4 million rubles according to the law), and a smiling manager offers you to open a deposit. And even on quite attractive terms. He stalks and persuades. But really, why take cash with you, think about where to put it, if you can successfully build your savings right away? Moreover, the agents are large, reliable banks, including those with state participation...

And a significant part of Ugra depositors agreed to become clients of these banks. As the media found out, 40% of insurance remains on deposits with agents. In monetary terms, this is 40 billion rubles. And the amount will only increase. And if the ratio remains the same, then the banks will receive new clients who will bring them about 70 billion rubles. What a solid jackpot! The essence of the banking business is that, having deposits on their balance sheet, banks lend this money at a higher rate, and pocket the difference. Here's a new influx of finances for you. We can say thank you to Ugra for falling apart.

On topic

Who are the beneficiaries?

It has long been known that the beneficiaries of the purge of the banking sector carried out by the Central Bank are the largest Russian credit organizations. And here is direct proof of this. The bank's depositors were acquired by the aforementioned Sberbank, VTB24 and other banks. Now let’s remember how the decision was made to begin paying depositors, despite the protest from the prosecutor’s office. Head of VTB24 Mikhail Zadornov said that the DIA and the Central Bank wanted to submit to the prosecutors. But then consultations were held with the participation of bankers, and it was decided not to stop payments. How can this be understood? So, it’s not the Central Bank that decides such key issues?

There is no direct evidence of this, but according to indirect evidence, one of which is Zadornov’s statement, this was not without the influence of the leaders of VTB and Sberbank Andrey Kostin And German Gref. One gets the feeling that it is they, and not Elvira Nabiullina run the Russian banking business. In fact, the Association of Russian Banks announced this back in the spring. Then the ARB report mentioned that everything is decided by a narrow circle of people who have access to the offices. This thesis, as well as other attacks, caused a split in the Association, from which the 8 largest Russian banks decided to leave. By the way, this happened right at the height of the events associated with Ugra.

Well, as a cherry on the cake, we note that other players also tried to collect the cream from Ugra. Thus, Alfa introduced a “Welcome” deposit for clients of collapsed banks. And a couple of regional credit organizations, without much hesitation, offered clients a deposit with the title “Welcome, Ugra!”

The bank is defeated, time to divide the spoils

The owners of Ugra tried to the last to defend their bank, but it was immediately clear that nothing would work out for the Khotins. It's too late to rush around. Businessmen attracted deposits from the public and financed their own businesses with them, for which they are now being punished. It will soon be known how much money was withdrawn from the bank, but analysts immediately estimated the hole in Ugra at more than 100 billion rubles. It seems that entrepreneurs lost their assets quite deservedly. Let's see how this ends for Alexei Khotin, who now runs the family business. Information immediately appeared in the media that he had fled abroad. The businessman’s press service denied this, but no evidence was provided that Khotin was in Moscow.

And you can come up with plans for the financial recovery of the bank somewhere on the seashore under a palm tree blown by a fresh breeze.

On the eve of the revocation of the license, Khotin sent out his plan to the media through the same press service. It caused nothing but bewilderment. In essence, the businessman proposed saving the bank using government funds, which the DIA issues for reorganization almost free of charge. Naturally, the Central Bank would not even think of seriously discussing such an option. The regulator, apparently tired of all this fuss, decisively pulled the switch, revoking the license. That's it, let's go.

Now those who make decisions are concerned about something else. There is a division of deposits for a huge amount. Eyes are burning, mouths are open, and bills are running down their chins.

One of the largest banks in Russia - included in the top 30 - Yugra is on the verge of revoking its license. Today the Central Bank decided to introduce a temporary administration there. The regulator's statement states that this decision was made due to the unstable financial situation of Ugra. The volume of funds of individuals in the bank is 173 billion rubles, corporate clients hold 45 billion rubles in it. One of the largest banks in Russia - included in the top 30 - "Yugra" is on the verge of revoking its license. Today the Central Bank decided to introduce a temporary administration there. The regulator's statement states that this decision was made due to the unstable financial situation of Ugra. The volume of funds of individuals in the bank is 173 billion rubles, corporate clients hold 45 billion rubles in it.

Functions of the temporary administration, which will be in place for six months
The Central Bank entrusted the management of the bank to the Deposit Insurance Agency. For the period of work
temporary administration powers of shareholders related to participation in the charter
capital, as well as the powers of the bank’s management bodies have been suspended.

Simultaneously with the introduction of the temporary administration, the regulator
introduced a moratorium on satisfying creditors' claims. What happened is
insured event. Payments to Ugra depositors will begin no later than two weeks from
the moment the moratorium was introduced. The situation with the bank may be the biggest
insured event in the entire history of the country's banking sector.

Shortly before the introduction of the moratorium, the Central Bank held
unscheduled inspection. The reason for it was a failure, as a result of which clients
experienced problems with financial transactions. Regulator representatives
according to Vedomosti, they intended to check the completeness and
timely fulfillment of obligations to clients during emergency periods
situations, deposit transactions and transactions with other funds of individuals, and
also information technologies of the bank. However, a check was eventually carried out
bank's loan portfolio.

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26.10.2019 Deputies of the Legislative Assembly adopted the law on medical mortgages in the first reading. The down payment subsidy for a medical mortgage increases from 20% to 30% (the limit increases from 350 thousand).
Kovrovskie News
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Vladimirskie Vedomosti

A multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services has been operating in Vyazniki for almost five years.
Newspaper Mayak
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Administration of Gus-Khrustalny
24.10.2019 In the first reading, the State Duma adopted the budgets of the Pension Fund, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund for 2020, reports the website of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

We remind you that for citizens of pre-retirement age, benefits and social support measures previously provided upon reaching retirement age are retained: free medicines and transportation,
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Self-government bodies of Vladimir

In the Gus-Khrustalny district, a car fell from a bridge onto the railway tracks.
GTRK Vladimir
30.10.2019 The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the embezzlement of budget funds allocated to the Regional Clinical Hospital for the purchase of high-tech medical equipment.
GTRK Vladimir
30.10.2019 Tragedy in the Melenkovsky district. Near the village of Lyakhi, a sixth-grader died as a result of an accident.
GTRK Vladimir

The Central Bank introduced a temporary administration into Ugra Bank and imposed a moratorium on satisfying the demands of the bank’s creditors. The regulator announced this on its website on Monday. This may be the largest insurance event in the entire history of the Russian banking sector. As of June 1, Ugra raised 181.3 billion rubles. funds of the population.

On May 15, an employee of one of the Yugra branches told a Vedomosti correspondent that it is possible to receive bank shares when placing a deposit: a purchase and sale agreement is signed, but in fact the securities are given as a gift. According to him, it was possible to get shares by contacting the branch: no one told him that “this has been cancelled.” However, the next day, an employee of the same bank branch reported that the bank did not and never had such a promotion, and all offers for deposits were posted on the bank’s website. In another branch of Ugra, the Vedomosti correspondent was also told that when opening a VIP deposit, shares are included as a gift.

Since October, the bank has had restrictions on attracting funds from the public, which were the main source of liabilities for the bank. The Central Bank drew attention to the fact that the bank was circumventing this restriction, Vedomosti was told by a person who knew this from Central Bank employees and a person who heard about this from an acquaintance Alexei Khotin. In particular, the regulator drew attention to the fact that the bank raised funds from minority shareholders, and its large depositors received shares of the bank. At the end of April, the Central Bank limited the bank’s ability to attract deposits from shareholders with a stake of less than 0.01%. During the fourth quarter of 2016, the number of participants in the bank’s capital increased from 99 to 124, and three months later, on March 31, 2017, there were already 132. Although since the beginning of 2013, the number of shareholders in the bank has not changed (98-99 ). On May 15, an employee of one of the Yugra branches told a Vedomosti correspondent that it is possible to receive bank shares when placing a deposit: a purchase and sale agreement is signed, but in fact the securities are given as a gift. According to him, it was possible to get shares by contacting the branch: no one told him that “this has been cancelled.” However, the next day, an employee of the same bank branch reported that the bank did not and never had such a promotion, and all offers for deposits were posted on the bank’s website. In another branch of Ugra, the Vedomosti correspondent was also informed that when opening a VIP deposit, shares are included as a gift.

Ugra is in the top 30 in terms of assets and in the top 20 in terms of funds raised from the public. Ugra's rise was rapid: back in 2012, the bank ranked 272nd in terms of assets, but just three years later it entered the top 35. During this time, the bank was owned by 12 individuals, but market participants pointed out that all these years the bank was de facto controlled by Moscow developers, owners of Gorbushkin Dvor, Yuri and Alexei Khotin. The Central Bank has repeatedly demanded that the bank bring its shareholder structure into compliance and disclose the real owners. This happened only in January 2016, when Alexey Khotin appeared among the owners of Ugra. Now he is the majority shareholder of the bank - he owns 52.42% of the bank's shares through the Swiss Radamant Financial AG. At the end of June, the bank announced that it was changing its ownership structure: the Russian JSC Direct Investments would join the capital, and Khotin would also be the main owner.

Shortly before the introduction of the moratorium, the Central Bank began an unscheduled inspection of the bank - regulator employees came to the bank in early May, after the bank experienced a failure that made it difficult for it to work with clients. Central Bank employees intended to check the completeness and timeliness of fulfillment of obligations to clients during an emergency situation, deposit transactions and transactions with other funds raised by individuals, as well as the bank’s information technology, a person who knew this from Central Bank employees told Vedomosti. However, then the regulator began checking the bank’s loan portfolio, he says. The chairman of the board of Ugra, Dmitry Shilyaev, confirmed that the bank had begun an inspection of the Central Bank, but he stated that the work of the regulator’s employees was exclusively related to the analysis of the bank’s current activities after a technical failure.

The failure in Ugra occurred on April 25, the bank reported, explaining it by violations in the external power supply system: they “affected the operation of equipment included in the hardware and software complex of information systems.” Bank depositors reported difficulties with the return of funds. It was impossible to get money in many bank branches, Vedomosti correspondents were convinced by visiting them and talking on the phone with their employees. This situation continued until the evening of April 27, then the bank’s work gradually improved. RAEX methodologist Yuri Belikov was sure that the bank had problems with liquidity. A person who knew this from an acquaintance of Khotin spoke about this.

Since October 2016, Ugra began to experience insignificant (18,000–753,000 rubles) turnover in the accounts of the authorized capital, while its value remained unchanged (12.97 billion rubles), Belikov pointed out: in fact, there was a deconsolidation of shareholdings in a small scale. “At the same time, the number of shareholders who did not receive any control over the bank due to the intangibility of their stakes increased,” he continues, summarizing: “These transactions would not make any economic sense for a company whose shares are not traded on the stock exchange, but they can be a way bypassing restrictions on attracting funds from the population with a high probability of acting in relation to the bank.”

The share of new minority shareholders is insignificant and does not exceed 1%, Ugra President Alexey Nefedov reported through the press service, but did not explain the reasons for their appearance in the capital: “In general, shareholders do not require approval of these transactions with the bank.” “The report about such operations is completely untrue,” the Ugra representative denied.