How to make a wooden staircase with your own hands: drawings, photos and design calculations. A drawing of a staircase with winders Show a sketch of a flight of stairs in axonometry

In order to make drawings of stairs with an intermediate platform, which is the most popular type of structure, you must first collect all the necessary data. You can prepare it yourself if you know exactly what parameters are needed when designing and how to determine them correctly. In order to understand this difficult matter, you must first familiarize yourself with the features of different types of structures and the basic calculation formulas.

Features of stairs

For the arrangement of the entrance to the second floor, the construction of a staircase is provided. For private houses and public buildings, the most popular type is the marching structure. Also, to save space, you can use spiral varieties, for example, for attic stairs.

Some intermediate option can be called complex mid-flight structures. Their features lie in the fact that in addition to a consistent set of steps, wider platforms are also used that separate separate sections of marches.

The advantage of such structures is that you can make a convenient turn of the march. In addition, the platform allows you to rest during the ascent. To develop a diagram of this staircase to the second floor, it is necessary to take into account all the available variations:

  • Direct march. This is a standard ladder, which consists of a bowstring and treads, the same size. When supplemented with an intermediate platform, the latter is located between two directly located stair sections.
  • L-shaped. This option is often used in private homes. In this case, the design diagram contains a 90 degree turn. The separating element is also represented by a platform.
  • U-shaped. There are three options here. For two-flight structures, the platform can be built wide, occupying the entire area of ​​access to it with parallel steps. The second option is a combination with winder steps. In this case, the exits to the site will be smoothly brought in with the help of rotary elements. The third option is the arrangement of a triple flight of stairs. In other words, two L-shaped structures are combined.
  • With arbitrary rotation. Such stairs are characterized by the presence of a platform of a non-standard shape, for example, triangular or trapezoidal. This view can also be supplemented with winder steps. The turn is carried out at any degree, whether it be 30 or 120.

Examples of drawings of stairs to the second floor of various configurations

Reinforced concrete structures are often used as materials for the construction of such products in multi-storey buildings. In private houses, it is not always possible to create such a massive model with your own hands. It uses easier-to-handle materials such as metal and wood. The best option for interior work is wood. That is why the most popular drawings of wooden stairs. In addition, in a similar way, you can equip the climb along the attic structure with your own hands.

Calculation of basic parameters

In order to avoid problems and inconsistencies during the construction process, pre-designed drawings of stairs are used. Despite the fact that each march model uses its own scheme, the basic parameters remain common to all. It is they who need to be clarified before the start of design work on paper.

First of all, you need to define the following data:

  • Span height. This is the distance from the floor to the upper floors, which is planned to be occupied by the stairs.
  • Ladder length. This category includes the distance from the beginning of the march to its completion along the route of movement. The number of steps is also taken into account. Since a project with a platform is planned, their number should be at least three for each section, but not more than 16. The optimal separation is 10 steps.
  • Tread depth. This is the main part of the step, it is taken within 25-30 cm. Designs with winder steps are calculated individually, but the standard is taken approximately in the middle of such a tread.
  • Step height. This is the riser size. For the optimal ratio, 15-20 cm is taken. For the attic model, you can take the ratio with the tread 1: 1.
  • Site size. If the rise to the second floor contains a platform, the exit to it must be no smaller in width than the size of the adjacent march.
  • bias. The angle between the structure and the floor must not exceed 45 degrees. The optimal value is 30-35 degrees. For the attic model, 50 is allowed.
  • Ladder width. The minimum value is 70 cm for the standard model and 60 cm for the attic. If the staircase has winders, add at least 10 cm more to compensate for the difference in tread width.

Schematic representation of the necessary parameters for the correct calculation of the stairs

To draw up a drawing for an attic staircase or an ascent to a residential floor, you can use special programs that analyze the entered data for calculations and issue a finished project. However, free applications contain many inaccuracies, which can affect the design result. That is why it is recommended to do everything yourself.

The winder staircase drawing is in great demand in homes where comfortable, safe movement between floors is required, but there is no technical possibility of placing a direct structure. Such facilities require special attention at the stage of design and calculation of stairs.

Scheme with the names of the elements of the winder stairs

Types of structures and their features

Winder steps are widely used for the following types of stairs:

  1. Screw. The most compact options for lifting structures. The recommended width of the overall opening is up to 3000 mm.
  2. L-shaped. Devices with 90˚ rotation. They take up less space than straight marches or marching with platforms.
  3. U-shaped. They have a rotation of 180˚, more compact than the previous version.
  4. Curvilinear. They feature smooth turning lines. Winder steps (treads) are often used with the same parameters, which creates additional comfort when climbing.

The shape of the turning tread for such structures has the shape of a truncated triangle. Due to the compactness of the device, the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is saved.

Scheme of the device for turning the winder ladder

Winder steps can be located at the bottom, at the top, in the middle of the flight of stairs. For safe movement, the first two options are recommended. They have good visibility of the turning area, which allows you to orient yourself in time and change the position of the foot or step length.

Winder staircases are more difficult to implement than straight structures or with transition platforms. Therefore, drawings with incorrectly executed structures are often found.

And this not only reduces the comfort of movement, but also increases the risk of injury from a fall.

Basic requirements for winder ladders

Comfort and safety are the basic principles that any building construction must meet. The staircase is no exception. A number of the technical requirements presented are also typical for direct mid-flight structures:

Scheme of a wooden staircase with winder steps

  • The height of the steps must be the same throughout the entire flight of stairs. Approved range 100-180mm. Optimal recommended 100-150 mm;
  • The depth of ordinary (straight) steps. It is in the range from 200 to 400 mm. It is considered safe when 70% of the foot lies on the support (250-320mm);
  • Depth of running tread. It will be: in the narrow part - from 100 mm, in the central part - from 200 mm, in the widest part - up to 400 mm;
  • It is necessary to provide baluster railings for stairs with a height of 900-1200 mm;
  • The width of the flight of stairs from 900 mm. The parameter depends on the technical feasibility of placement and design requirements (traffic intensity in two directions, the possibility of bringing furniture to the second floor, etc.). So that two people can safely disperse, the width of the march is laid from 1250 mm;

Drawing with the dimensions of the width of the flight of stairs

All of the above characteristics and data will ensure the comfort and safety of movement between floors.

Advantages of running structures

The main advantages of winder stairs include:

  1. Compactness. Often, a direct structure does not allow the area or dimensions of the opening to the second floor to be placed. In order to overcome these difficulties with minimal losses, winder steps are mounted in turning marches.
  2. Aesthetics. A flight of stairs with turns adds a special charm to the interior of the house.
  3. Saving materials. With an increase in the angle of inclination (steepness), the consumption of materials decreases somewhat.

The disadvantages include a decrease in the level of comfort and safety of movement. Running treads differ in size, you will have to adapt. Yes, and disperse on such a march is more difficult than on ordinary stairs.

Classic winder look

Technical data for drawings

For the competent drawing up of a winding staircase scheme, it is required to take into account all the above standards, the dimensions of the premises and link them on the plan. To do this, proceed to the following steps:

  1. Determine the location of the structure.
  2. Appropriate measurements are taken: the width of the opening, the height from the finished floor of the first floor to the surface of the second floor.
  3. Draw a scale plan of the first or basement floor with details. If there are openings, windows, ledges, niches in the place where the staircase will be mounted, they are marked on the drawing with reference to the walls and floor.
  4. Choose the type of construction and building material for it.
  5. Preliminary calculations are made for the number, height and depth of steps.

These data will help to make the right choice of design, which will ensure compliance with building codes.

Preliminary calculation of data

Knowing the height between the levels and the formula for comfortable movement, you can calculate the length of the flight of stairs, the number of expected steps. For example, the specified height between floors is 2600 mm. We choose the height of the degrees from the recommended range of 120 mm. Let's make all the calculations to build a drawing:

The example shows that it is better to revise the parameters of the steps. This will save a lot of space. For example, with a riser height of 150 mm, the tread depth will be 300 mm, and the length of the stairs will be 5,400. Which will save 3 square meters. m. usable area of ​​the house.

Drawings and methods for calculating winder steps

Taking into account modern realities and obtaining a quick result, you can use several methods for drawing up a design diagram.

Project programs

The best option for design. There are softwares that, based on the drawing, issue a specification for sawn materials. For free software products, this option is not provided. But after completing a detailed drawing, it will not be difficult to calculate the amount of material. The disadvantage of this method is the time spent on searching and mastering the software product.

Ready solutions

Drawings posted on the Internet allow you to choose the right option. But you should check them for compliance with technical requirements in order to protect yourself from someone's design illiteracy.

Winder ladder drawing

To do this, you can use online calculators or master one of the methods for calculating winder steps.

The main difficulty when working with such drawings is to fit a ready-made solution into the right space. You may encounter the fact that a window or ledge on the wall will be at the place where the stairs are mounted.

You will either have to adapt the design to the interior of the house, or look for another suitable option.

Online calculators

They will help to make calculations and issue recommendations for correcting the structure if it does not comply with building codes. Based on the received data, a detailed drawing is automatically generated. This is the easiest and most affordable way to develop drawings for individual sizes. But in the future, you should make a binding to the plan of the house.

The interface of the online calculator for calculating winders

Otherwise, the resulting design may close the window or doorway.

Proportion Method

The main difficulty in the independent design of stairs with winders is the calculation of the number and development of the forms of rotary elements. Calculation using proportions. This method is suitable for stairs with a turn of 90˚, 180˚. First you need to draw a top view of the future structure, fitting it into the estimated area. Then perform a series of operations:

  1. Mark the middle of the march, draw a line. On it, draw segments equal to the width of the tread (in our example, 380 mm).
  2. Mark the boundary between the straight and winder steps, draw a straight line.
  3. Determine the middle of the turntable, draw a segment. The resulting intersection with the previous straight line is defined as T1.

Elements of a winder ladder

  • From the line that defines the middle of the turn, in the narrow part, set aside half of the recommended size of winders (100/2=50 mm), make a similar marking for the wide part (400/2=200 mm). Draw segments to the intersection with the center line of the turn, mark as T2.
  • From the calculated number of steps (in the example 22 pcs.), The number of straight steps obtained from the drawing is subtracted. The remainder is proportionally marked on the segment T1T2. At the same time, the depth of the tread is controlled in the middle section of the march. If it turns out to be less than the recommended one (200 mm), reduce the number of steps.

This is the easiest and most affordable way to build a drawing. There are three more methods: Danish, sweep and lift lines. The listed technologies are complex and require deeper knowledge of mathematical analysis. These methods require taking into account the horizontal and vertical curvature of the structure.

An example of a metal frame for a winder ladder

It should be noted that the drawing by any of the above methods is performed with a certain degree of error. Therefore, even professionals adjust parts at the assembly site. A winder staircase is a more complex structure, so if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to entrust the calculation, design, installation to specialized enterprises.

Material and installation features

There are no restrictions on the choice of material as such. It can be concrete, glass, metal. Often a combination is used. For example, the structure is based on a steel frame, and the risers and treads are made of wood. The most popular building material is the classic of the genre - wood. Wooden carved stairs add comfort and warmth to the interior. Structures are lighter compared to metal and concrete, which reduces the load on the foundation.

An example of the design and decoration of a winder staircase made of wood

Drawings and reality often diverge, so you have to adjust the workpieces during assembly. It is worth noting the main difficulties that may arise during installation:

  1. Poor quality material. Directly affects the life of the structure. If a tree is chosen, then it must be dried and have a class not lower than the first (one knot per linear meter is allowed), without visible cracks and defects.
  2. Cutting accuracy. Given that the drawing is made to scale, the percentage of error will still be present, therefore, when installing it yourself, you should have a carpenter's tool on hand to fit parts.
  3. Level. Each stage of the assembly must be carried out strictly according to the level. This will ensure the evenness of the frame, and in the future the quality of the structure.
  4. The capital staircase is erected only after the complete shrinkage of the house. Otherwise, it threatens to skew the structure, the appearance of cracks, creaking.

The quality of the installation depends directly on the prepared drawing and the blanks made on its basis. The complexity of the assembly depends on how accurately the detailing with dimensions is worked out, and the material is cut. A do-it-yourself winder staircase, according to your own sketch, is a special pride of the owner. But you should objectively assess your strengths. And if there is no practice of working with drawings, this stage should be entrusted to professionals.

How to make a staircase with winder steps?

If during the construction of your house you are thinking about which version of the bundle of floors to prefer, then, considering the numerous designs, do not forget about the staircase with winder steps.

Advantages and disadvantages

In stairs with winder steps, all or individual steps are arranged in a spiral. On turns between marches, winder steps act as platforms.

There are two types of stairs with winder steps:

  • rotated 180 degrees;
  • with a 90 degree turn.

The main advantage of stairs with turns is that they take up little space, but at the same time they have an attractive appearance.

At the same time, winder stairs have many disadvantages:

  • the design does not look reliable enough, especially for people with a large body weight;
  • narrow steps cause inconvenience. It seems that the leg is cramped, there is nowhere to put it;
  • projects of such stairs have to be ordered from specialists, as complex calculations are required;
  • projects must be carried out very carefully, as if the ladder is not designed correctly, there is a risk of falling from it. In this case, you can get serious injuries.

To increase the safety of the structure and reduce the possibility of injury, the following rules must be taken into account during the design:

  • the length of the outer edge of the step should not be less than 40 centimeters, and the inner edge should not be less than 10 centimeters;
  • the height of the steps should be in the range from 12 to 22 centimeters;
  • the protrusion of the step surface should not exceed 4 centimeters.

The L-shaped staircase is calculated using the following formulas:

  • the width of the winder step should be 12 centimeters greater than its height;
  • the sum of the height and depth of the winder must be at least 46 centimeters;
  • the optimal length of each march is not less than 2 meters.

Empirically, it has been established that it is convenient to climb the stairs if the double height of the step, folded with its width, is equal to the length of a person's step.

The average stride length on a flat surface is 60 to 65 centimeters. Thus, the height and width of the steps are determined by the formula: two heights plus width are equal to 60 - 65 centimeters

These rules are valid for stairs with winders made of any material, no matter if it is L- or U-shaped.

A wooden, concrete or metal staircase built according to these rules will be comfortable and safe to use.

Stair calculation

The calculation of a staircase with winder steps of a U-shaped structure is done as follows: first, a preliminary drawing is made, then a bending radius is found on the drawing and it is calculated how many winder steps fit in this gap, focusing on the above rules and formulas.

The drawing, the photo of which is presented below, shows that the winders will be parts from the 1st to the 8th inclusive. A straight line is drawn through the 8th step.

Looking at the drawing, you can see that in total you need to draw 3 lines:

  • an AC curve showing the direction of movement up the stairs;
  • straight DE, cutting off the part of the stairs in which winder steps will be located;
  • straight line AB, which divides the structure into symmetrical halves - right and left.

Mark this place as 2. In the same way, find and mark the rest of the marks, up to the 7th.

Pass through marks A and 1 line. Mark 1 on DE. Do the same with marks A and 2, put mark 2.

Repeat the previous operation, marking marks on the drawing up to and including the 7th. Connect both marks with numbers 3, 4 and so on (see drawing). Similarly, the second half of the stairs is calculated.

The drawing of the L-shaped staircase is calculated in the same way.

The steps here can be located in two ways:

  • the winder in the corner is divided by the AC line in half;
  • the line AC runs between the two corner steps.

In the second variant, an AC arc is drawn, on which the width of a regular step is marked (segment B). Calculate the number of winder steps using the step formula.

The drawing below shows that these turned out to be steps numbered 1 - 4. Line EB is drawn through the intersection point of lines CA and EB and the end line of the fourth step.

Then the line AD is randomly chosen and marks 2,3 and 4 are placed on it. The distance from A to 2 is two parts, from 2 to 3 - three parts, from 3 to 4 - four parts. A part means a distance equal to any conventional unit.

The last segment to be drawn on the drawing is 4B. Parallel to it, a line is drawn from mark 2 and mark 3, crossing AB.

The marks on AB are connected to the marks on AC. It depends on these lines what shape the turning steps will take.

In the first variant, when the step in the corner is divided by the AC line in half, the drawing is built in a similar way. If the line AC divides the corner step into equal parts, then the calculation is made in the same way.

Mounting Features

Those who need a concrete, wooden or metal staircase with winders can assemble it with their own hands if they have the appropriate tools and skills to work with these materials.

The easiest way is to assemble a ladder with winder steps made of wood.

To perform the installation of this design, you will need the following tools:

In addition, you will need the most common tool for working with wood: a hammer, a variety of screwdrivers, a tape measure.

Wood for stairs with winder steps must be strong, without knots. The best wood for stairs is oak, but such material costs a lot and not everyone can afford it.

As a budget option, you can use ash - this inexpensive tree has a fairly strong wood with good decorative properties.

First, they calculate how many cubic meters of wood will be required to build the entire wooden structure. How to do it in practice?

It is most convenient to use one of the online calculators that can be found on the websites of organizations that sell lumber.

You can also ask for help from the manager of the enterprise where you are going to purchase the material by showing the drawing to the specialist.

And, of course, you can take a pencil, paper and a regular calculator, calculating how much this or that wood and fasteners will be needed.

In construction hypermarkets, you can buy ready-made parts for stairs with a turn, all that remains is to complete the installation. Consider, for example, the installation of one of these structures.

Assembling an L-shaped staircase with winder steps

The structure has an opening length of 2 meters, a width of 90 centimeters, and a ceiling height of 2 meters. It also has 2 marches - in the first there are 8 steps, in the second - 2. There are 3 turning steps, the angle of rotation is 35 degrees.

It will be necessary to make two kosour sidewalls from wood. One sidewall is fixed on the wall. The second kosour will rest on a pillar two and a half meters high.

The cross-sectional area of ​​​​the column is 10x10 centimeters. You will need steps, a turntable and balusters.

The construction of the stairs is carried out in stages:

For the manufacture of stringers from a wooden slat, a stencil is made in the form of a right-angled triangle with sides equal to the height and width of the step.

Using a stencil, mark the sidewalls and cut them out. The thickness of the sidewalls must be at least 1.5 centimeters. A groove for the kosour is hollowed out in the support column.

Fix the pole in a vertical position. In the corner on the wall, bars are fixed, on which the outer edges of the turning steps will abut.

Fix both stringers. This will require a metal plate or corner. The sidewalls should be opposite each other - this is necessary so that the steps are horizontal.

When fixing the stringers, their parallelism is checked with a level, not taking into account the floor surface, since it can be inclined.

Assemble the structure, fixing the rotary steps in the grooves of the column and on a beam fixed to the wall.

The grooves in the column, before placing the edges of the steps in them, are smeared with glue. The outer edges of the steps are screwed with self-tapping screws.

Simple steps are fixed on the sidewalls with self-tapping screws. Install railings on stairs.

They can be fixed with screws, but it is better to use dowels. A string is stretched between the lower and upper balusters, and along it on the remaining balusters mark the slope with which the railing will be fixed.

Along this line, the racks are cut off from above and handrails are installed, fixing them with self-tapping screws with a hidden head.

A few last tips: the design of stairs with winder steps can be combined.

Twisted stairs with wooden winders on a metal frame and other design methods look great.

Those who settled on the concrete option should still finish the steps with wood so that they do not slip and are less traumatic.

Do-it-yourself ladder with winder steps - how to do it right?

If you own a house that has several floors, then the easiest way to connect them together is a staircase with winder steps.

Winder stairs design drawing

Elegance and originality of the winder staircase

Running treads give the flight of stairs grace and movement

Many owners of two- or three-story private houses or garden houses are faced with the problem of a shortage of living space on the ground floor. In order to build an ordinary L- or U-shaped staircase, it will be necessary to “take away” quite a significant amount of space from the first floor. To save the situation and save an extra square meter, a do-it-yourself winder ladder will help. Focusing on photos in specialized magazines and catalogs of construction companies, the owners are imbued with sympathy for such structures as aesthetically very attractive, economical in area and reliable. Although winder steps are not as easy to make as regular steps, and the manufacturing cost may be higher, but in order to save precious living space, such sacrifices have to be made.

In a narrow space, this is the ideal solution.

Technical requirements for winder ladders

Like any other structure used by people, the staircase must strictly comply with safety requirements and be made in strict accordance with the technical regulations. Starting construction, focusing simply on the photo, is reckless.

At the very beginning of construction, it is necessary to make all measurements of the room where it is planned to install the stairs, take a photo of this place, make certain calculations and create accurate drawings of the future product with reference to the installation site.

Main technical requirements:

  • In the widest part, the steps should not be wider than 40 cm, and in the narrowest part - less than 10 cm.
  • At straight intervals between turns, all steps should have the same width.
  • The step height should be between 12-22 cm.
  • The protrusion of the edge of the tread cannot exceed 4 cm.
  • When building a U-shaped staircase with two turns (i.e. 180 degrees), the distance from one flight to the next cannot be less than a quarter of the step width. If you do not follow this rule, then the depth of the step at the turn will be too small - less than 10 cm, and this is a violation of technical requirements and safety rules.
  • The distance from the march to the interfloor overlap is at least 2 m.

Competent and correct calculation, construction planning based on the photos and measurements taken will make the winder staircase not only beautiful, but also convenient, and reliable, and safe. A careless attitude to technical requirements will affect the quality of the structure, which can, at best, simply break down after a while, and at worst, lead to tragedy.

Full wood entourage

Types of stairs with winder steps

What kind of ladder this or that staircase belongs to can be determined even simply from the photo. Correctly and thoroughly made calculations will allow you to decide in advance which type of design will be optimal in each case:

  1. L-shaped - one turn by 90 degrees.
  2. U-shaped - two turns with a final turn of 180 degrees.
  3. Curved - the number of turns is arbitrary, individual.

Regardless of which type is ultimately chosen, each turn must exactly comply with the technical regulations and established rules.

Calculation drawing of winder ladder parameters

Stages of manufacturing stairs with winder steps

The process of creating a staircase takes place in several successive stages:

  1. We make strings or bowstrings.
  2. We make running steps.
  3. We assemble the structure.
  4. Installing the support pole.
  5. We install balusters and railings.

To form a 90-degree turn, 3-4 winder steps are needed, which are attached to the stringer or bowstring on one side, and to the support post on the other. The steps of the march, which adjoins the wall, are attached to the stringer on one side, and to the wall on the other. A fragment of the stairs, which does not adjoin the wall, is fixed on stringers on both sides. The manufacture and installation of balusters and railings is carried out according to the same rules as for all other types of stairs.

Materials for the manufacture of stairs with winder steps

Simple winder design with open risers

Just like for all other types of stairs, the following materials are used for the manufacture of stairs with winder steps: wood, metal, fiberglass, reinforced concrete.

Stringers and bowstrings can be made with equal success from both metal and wooden beams. The steps are almost always wooden. Fiberglass is used relatively infrequently. Reinforced concrete is very rare. This is due to the fact that the design itself is almost always completely original, individual, so the production is done manually according to unique drawings, taking into account the characteristics of each particular room.

Wood is much easier to use in individual construction than any other material. It is easier to process, does not require the use of any highly specialized tools. This primarily applies to the manufacture of steps and bowstrings. Stringers can be successfully made of metal on marches, and fixed at a right angle at the turning points, they are still not visible.

Railings and balusters can be made from any material - wood, metal, fiberglass, decorative materials. It all depends on the tastes of the homeowner or the intent of the designer.

The staircase can be additionally decorated with a wide variety of materials - ceramic tiles, gypsum stucco, artistic forging, etc. When laying the coating on the steps, you need to pay attention to the fact that it has anti-slip properties.

Turning stairs with winder steps look great, can serve as an independent part of the interior and decoration of the room. Despite their attractive appearance, few seek to install them in their home due to manufacturing difficulties, problems that often arise even at the stage of construction planning, calculations and drawings. Of course, you can try to do everything yourself, but the risk of making a mistake in the calculations is too great. Therefore, the help of professionals is often simply necessary.

Do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor made of wood with a 90-degree turn: calculation and installation

For the manufacture of stairs, many modern materials are offered. Nevertheless, wooden stairs in the interior of the house are the standard of impeccable style. It is wooden structures that form the feeling of home comfort. Key Points in the arrangement of the stairs are accurate calculation, high-quality manufacturing and correct installation. A staircase to the second floor with your own hands made of wood with a 90-degree turn can be installed by strictly following the recommendations for design and calculation of the structure. It will save usable space and ensure free and comfortable movement on it.

Accurate calculation of a wooden staircase greatly simplifies its installation, guarantees convenience and long service life.

Types of stairs to the second floor. Photo design of different models

Before equipping your house with a ladder structure, it is necessary to determine exactly what type of ladder will be and from what material. The choice of the type of ladder system depends on its location in the room, the layout of the house and the individual preferences of the owner. The materials for their manufacture, given the rapid growth of technology, can be a variety of samples: plexiglass and ceramics, natural stone and marble, metal and wood.

Marching stairs - the most popular way of arranging stairs

The main types of stairs are classified according to the type of bearing element:

  • mid-flight stairs - on stringers or bowstrings;
  • spiral staircases - with support in the form of a carrier rack;
  • ladders on bolts - beskosourny systems. The steps of such a ladder are attached to the wall, and are connected to each other with the help of bolts;
  • combined - when one system includes several types of structures.

L-shaped mid-flight turntable with a platform

The main difference of the stringer design is that the steps are fixed on top of the supporting element. While in bowstring systems recesses are provided, where steps are inserted. Marching systems, in turn, may consist of several marches interconnected by a platform or winder steps.

The choice of one or another marching system depends on the location of the stairs in the room and the availability of the necessary space for its installation. In the case when space is limited, rotary systems of mid-flight stairs are used. To connect different levels in private cottages, stairs made of wood are most often used. Such designs are quite light, fit well into various interiors and can be made independently.

Staircase with 180 degree rotation

Numerous photos of wooden stairs to the second floor with their own hands confirm the popularity of using this material for stair structures.

Stairs on the rails do not have a frame in their design. Each step of such a ladder, with the help of special fasteners, rests on the wall on one side, and on the other, it is connected in series with bolts. The designs of stairs on the bolts have an openwork light appearance and are highly durable. You can install such stairs along the wall, which will be the supporting element, or in any other place in the room - then the metal profile will act as the supporting structure.

The variety of modern staircase systems in the interior is evidenced by the photos of the stairs in the house to the second floor with their own hands.

90 degree winder staircase

Types of rotary mid-flight stairs

Marching ladder systems can be straight and rotary. Direct marches in private houses are used when the dimensions of the rooms are spacious enough to install a long straight span. Most often, wooden rotary systems are used to connect the first and second floors. So, there are stairs made of wood to the second floor with a turn of 90 and 180 degrees. They are called L-shaped and U-shaped, respectively.

Marches of L-shaped stairs can be interconnected by platforms, two winder (turning) steps, three turning steps. The greater the number of rotary steps, the less convenient it will be to move along them. Stair structures installed in a corner and having a railing include in their design an angular (support) pillar on which winder steps, balusters and a bowstring are attached. The corner post is installed on the base or can be suspended.

90 degree turn stairs

U-shaped stair systems are structurally solved through a turntable or winder steps. When arranging a U-shaped staircase, an important point is that the staircase railing in the upper projection should not intersect, so it is important to correctly calculate the stairs to the second floor. Both in U-shaped and L-shaped turning stairs, the use of winder steps allows you to save room space as much as possible.

The space left under the turning stairs is often used to advantage for storage or cabinets. Some photos of stairs to the second floor in a private house clearly demonstrate this with their own hands.

In the space under the stairs there is a seating area

Do-it-yourself staircase to the second floor made of wood with a 90-degree turn: we design it ourselves

Many manufacturers today offer ready-made sets of elements for ladder systems. To order such stairs to the second floor, you will need to make accurate measurements of the height of the span, determine the expected width and length of the stairs and transfer the data to the selling company. However, this method will deprive you of the pleasure of making the staircase structure yourself, endowing it with individuality and originality.

The use of wood in construction, including for the manufacture of staircases, is due to high strength characteristics, environmental friendliness, ease of processing and a relatively affordable price.

The width of the stairs is selected based on considerations of ease of movement and the availability of free space

A staircase to the second floor with your own hands made of wood with a 90-degree turn can be made of the following hardwoods:

  • beech - used for rooms where high humidity is not observed;
  • maple - its wood is very stable, has sufficient bending strength. However, it should be borne in mind that maple is prone to cracking;
  • oak is an excellent building material. It has strength, hardness, rather heavy material;
  • larch is a rot-resistant, hard and durable wood. In terms of hardness, this breed is second only to oak.

Marching rotary stairs are convenient for movement and reliable in operation

Sometimes pine is used for stairs, but you should check the wood for knots. Under the influence of the temperature regime, deformation of the staircase structure is possible, as a result of which the knots can fall out and entail a weakening of the structure.

When starting to manufacture a ladder structure, the wood must first be thoroughly dried and treated with special compounds to make it resistant to moisture, mold and fungus.

Elements of a marching staircase with a turn of 90 degrees

To make a wooden staircase to the second floor you will need:

  • load-bearing timber 100x100 mm (the cross section can be large, depending on the height of the flight of stairs);
  • edged board 40-50 mm thick;
  • handrails, railings. balusters;
  • wood glue for sealing all connecting lines and gaps.

For arranging a wooden staircase, choose well-dried and well-treated wood

A staircase to the second floor with your own hands made of wood with a 90-degree turn can be made and mounted using the following tools:

  • a hacksaw for wood, a set of drills, a chisel, a file;
  • screwdriver, puncher, drill, jigsaw;

Useful advice! When working with a power tool, follow the safety rules: use protective equipment (glasses, gloves), do not hold on to the cord of a running tool, watch the position of the wire to avoid damaging it, do not use the tool near an open flame.

  • ax, hammer;
  • square, ruler, level;
  • gas wrench, side cutters (side cutters);
  • hardware: self-tapping screws, screws, anchors, corners.

With a hacksaw, it is convenient to cut the wooden parts of the stairs

Features of calculations of a 90-degree swivel ladder structure

For the correct calculation and design of a mid-flight turning staircase, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of such structures.

The main elements in them are:

  • load-bearing beams - these can be string or string beams;
  • steps - in rotary stairs, these are straight steps and rotary (winder), with the help of which the rotation of the structure is realized;
  • stair railings - include balusters, railings and handrails.

Prefabricated wooden balusters in various colors and shapes

The calculation of turning stairs is carried out using:

  • geometric formulas;
  • graphic methods - here you will need to determine the middle line of the span (march). In a curved structure, this line runs parallel to the inner edge of the structure at a distance corresponding to the middle of the step width. The radius of curvature of the turning step depends on the radius of the circle between the two spans.
  • you can use an online calculator to calculate, where the basic data is entered: the length and width of the opening, the height of the steps, the thickness of the stringer and the protrusion of the steps.

The choice and calculation of the mid-flight design of the stairs is determined by the width of the opening and the height of the room

When calculating a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands with a 90-degree turn, you should decide how the turn will be provided: through an inter-march platform or turning (winder) steps. Considering that stairs with a platform are installed in fairly spacious houses, we will give as an example a turning staircase with winder steps.

When designing and calculating the stairs yourself, you must consider the following points:

Height and width of stairs. They must be such that any person, including a child or an elderly person, can move up the stairs to the second floor. Considering that the average step of a person is 60 cm, you can calculate the height and width of the stairs using the formula:

b, c - steps dimensions (height and width).

Based on the formula, we obtain the width of the tread, equal to the average length of the human foot. Then, when walking, the entire foot rests on the surface of the step. If the width of the steps is greatly increased, then when walking up the stairs, the step will go astray and it will become inconvenient to move along it. If the steps are strongly narrowed, it will be difficult and unsafe to go down such a ladder.

An example of a graphical calculation of a mid-flight turntable with winder steps

The angle of inclination of the structure. Many, in order to save space occupied by stairs, make it steeper. This is not always justified, so the descent and ascent of such a ladder will be difficult.

Useful advice! If it is not possible to install a flight of stairs with a slope of more than 20 degrees in your premises, it is recommended that design specialists replace the stairs with a ramp (ramp). Stairs that are too steep should be replaced with folding ladder systems.

The most convenient staircase model is considered to be a design with a slope of 25 to 35 degrees.

The angle of inclination of the stairs is chosen based on its purpose

Rotary steps. When determining the dimensions of winder steps, it should be taken into account that their width on the narrow side should not be less than 100 mm and the overhang of the turning step over the previous one should not be more than 50 mm.

You can order a graphical calculation method from professionals, given the complexity in designing and calculating stairs to the second floor in a private house.

Self-manufacturing and installation of a supporting stringer beam

A kosour is made from a wooden beam with a length equal to the size of a flight of stairs (march). The thickness of such a support should not be less than 50 mm. Before you start sawing the stringer beam, you need to make a template. A piece of triangular plywood with dimensions corresponding to the height and width of the steps can act as a template. According to this sample, markup is applied to the beam and a toothed structure is cut out.

Our design involves two supporting elements. Subsequently, the steps of the stairs will be attached to the teeth of the stringer beams.

Paired stringers for arranging a mid-flight staircase

Next, proceed to fixing the stringer beams. It is recommended to start by attaching the upper parts of the kosour so that possible errors can be easily eliminated at the bottom. Usually one of the stringers is attached to the ceiling beam and the support beam with a section of 100 mm. The beam itself is fastened with anchor bolts or concreted into the floor, if repair work flooring is not finished yet.

Useful advice! In order for the kosour to be firmly fixed, a small recess is cut out in the support beam. The size of the recess should be 1 mm less than the cross section of the kosour, about 2 cm deep, so that the kosour beam fits snugly into this groove.

It is convenient to mark the kosour with the help of a joiner's square

Then they arrange supports for the kosour, which will be located directly near the wall. To do this, use supports from a bar of 50x50 mm. With it, they make the base for the turning steps. To do this, cut the end of the support beam under the inserts of the rotary steps. Work is level controlled.

Stair manufacturing and stair assembly

The steps for the stairs are cut according to the template. All steps, except for rotary ones, must be of the same size. Winder steps are also cut according to the prepared sample according to the drawing. All prepared steps are covered with protective agents and varnished in several steps.

Stairs to the second floor in a private house with their own hands. Ladder design diagram.
Types of ladder systems. Self-assembly of stairs: calculation, manufacturing, installation.

The next stage of work will be the manufacture of a bowstring for the lower flight of stairs. It is made from a board, but without jagged cuts. The steps in the bowstring support will fit into the grooves cut in advance from the inside of the bowstring.

From the outside, the steps are fixed with self-tapping screws.

The bowstring, which is attached to the wall, is made in the same way. Top part the outer bowstring support should completely hide the end of the turning stage, while its lower part is sawn off perpendicular to the floor.

The installation of steps is carried out by fixing them on self-tapping screws from the outside, and the inside is treated with wood glue. Grooves are cut out in the steps so that they clearly enter when laying on the kosour.

In the bowstring beams, grooves are chosen for fastening the steps

When fastening the rotary steps, it is necessary to control that the connection with the support is sufficiently rigid. If the connection is weak, you can try to fix the stage or cut another one.

Mounting risers start from the bottom edge of the stairs. The risers are cut 5 mm less than the height of the steps. This is done so that in case of swelling, the risers do not deform the entire structure. Sometimes the gap between the steps is not covered with risers to give the staircase a lighter look.

How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands? The video at the end of the article will help you understand the installation steps in detail.

The open space between the steps makes the stairs more airy

Do-it-yourself installation of balusters and railings for stairs made of wood, photo of carved products

Independent production of balusters is painstaking and delicate work. If you are sure that all elements will be the same and aesthetically pleasing, you can do it yourself. If in doubt, it is better to purchase finished products. Their choice is quite large: from simple to exquisite decorative elements. You can come up with your own drawing and order balusters and railings from the manufacturer - experienced craftsmen will make elements of any complexity. The available photos of the handrail for wooden stairs confirm the huge selection of such elements.

Useful advice! For safe movement on the stairs, especially for children, it is recommended that baluster railings be performed at least at each step.

Scheme 1: Fastening handrails and balusters of a wooden staircase

Balusters are attached to the steps by means of dowels (wooden rods). To do this, in each step, the corresponding holes are drilled along the edge. The hole should have a smaller diameter than the dowel, which will ensure the rigidity of the fastening. Before inserting the rod, wood glue is poured into the hole.

In places of turns of flights of stairs, as well as at the beginning and at the end of the march, more durable balusters, called pedestals, are installed. They will subsequently act as a place for fixing the handrails.

Scheme 2: Fastening handrails and balusters of a wooden staircase

In the balusters, the same holes are made for a wooden spike and they are also treated with glue. Then the dowel is inserted into the baluster and fixed on the steps.

How to make handrails for wooden stairs with your own hands? Photo, video tutorials will help to learn how to fasten the elements of the ladder structure.

Reliable fixation of the ladder elements will ensure its safe operation

In order to mount the railing neatly and evenly, a colored fishing line is stretched between the topmost baluster and the support beam. She will leave marks on all the balusters. If it turns out that there are extra centimeters of balusters, they are cut parallel to the stringer beam.

To fix the handrail, we select a groove in it along the entire length, into which the rail will subsequently go. We grind the rail with a width equal to the width of the groove in the handrail. We nail the rail to the balusters, thus fixing them. The handrail is put on the rail and fixed on the supporting balusters (pedestals) above and below the span with the help of studs.

To give aesthetics, wooden stairs can be varnished

The manufacture and installation of wooden stairs is quite a difficult task. If you do not have a certain experience with wood and carpentry tools, it is worth ordering ready-made sets of prefabricated stairs. They are manufactured in compliance with all technical standards for individual and standard sizes.

Wood is a typical material for making stairs and such products have always been appreciated. Natural wood structures are environmentally friendly, durable and can be the main decor of a country cottage. The only condition is high-quality processing and careful care of the wooden elements of the stairs. If these conditions are met, the staircase will serve you for many years, retaining its original appearance.

Winder stairs - beauty and space saving

Winder steps make the stairs more elegant, although they reduce ease of use.

No matter how perfect the interior of the corridor, hall or living room is, the staircase in these rooms always catches the eye and arouses genuine interest. A staircase with a turn (or winder staircase) is doubly endowed with this gift. Understanding the turns of the stairs and winder steps is not so difficult. After spending a little time and delving into the essence of the issue, you can independently make a staircase with turns or, in extreme cases, control the process of its construction.

Like two and two

It's good when the ladder is stretched like a string and nothing prevents you from flying from floor to floor in a straight line. The only inconvenience is that you need to free up a lot of space along one of the walls. In order for the staircase to be as convenient and safe as possible, certain parameters must be followed. So, for example, a step with a riser height of about 15 cm and a tread depth of 30 cm is considered convenient. If a tread flight is planned, then its size should be no more than 5 cm. The area in front of the flight of stairs should have an area of ​​at least 90 square centimeters. The average ceiling height is 2.5 meters. For a straight staircase with such parameters, it is necessary to leave more than five linear meters of free space along one wall.

The straight flight staircase is by far the easiest to design and the most comfortable.

If there is not so much free space in the room, you have to make a staircase with several flights and turntables. Turning the stairs 90 or 180 degrees can be equipped with winders. For such steps, the inner side is smaller than the outer one, so the transition along them is less comfortable than along the stairs with a turntable.

Winder steps can be installed as on a two-flight ladder ...

... and on a three-march design.

The staircase with rotary steps has a rather original, elegant appearance. At the same time, it takes up very little space: 2.5 meters along one wall and 1.5 meters along the other. These dimensions are average for stairs with 90 degree turning steps.

Design features

Despite the apparent fragility of the structure, the turntable is quite durable. On the one hand, the kosour is attached to the wall, and on the other, it rests on the central support. If the height of the room and the area allotted for the stairs allow the designer's imagination to unfold, then you can design a staircase with three flights and turn it ninety degrees twice. In this case, the central outer stringer will be attached between two supporting columns, and the upper and lower outer stringers will burst the entire structure. With or without risers, wood or metal, the curved staircase organizes the space around it.

One more moment. During the descent and ascent of any stairs, it is common for a person to step on the central part of the tread. This is dictated by the internal instinct of self-preservation. Winder steps have a triangular shape or the shape of a truncated triangle. When moving on such surfaces, one must move closer to the edge of the tread, which rests on the wall as the widest (deepest) part of the tread.

For example, in this case, it is almost impossible to move along the narrow part of the steps.

Traffic safety rules

GOST and SNiP - examples of the bible for builders - fixed the minimum dimensions, subject to which, a staircase with winder steps will be safe:

  • the maximum depth of the step at the junction with the wall should not be more than 40 centimeters;
  • the minimum step depth at the point of attachment to the central support should not be less than 10 centimeters;
  • the minimum allowable depth in the center of the winder should not be less than twenty centimeters;

Permissible dimensions of winder steps.

Winder stairs are a durable and safe construction. But only compliance with the provisions of GOST and SNiP makes it so. If the basic parameters and dimensions are not observed, the risks of falling and slipping on the steps increase sharply. No handrails and railings can minimize the risk of injury due to the incorrect design of the "g" or "p" shaped stairs.

An example of a comfortable winder staircase.

winder steps

The meaning of the winder steps is to replace the horizontal platform between the marches with steps and use this turning point to continue the ascent / descent. Due to this effect, the space required for arranging the winder staircase is saved. It makes no sense to make winder steps with a depth of more than 40 centimeters against the wall. The deeper the tread at the wall, the deeper it is at the central support, and this leads to an increase in the radius of curvature and saving space somewhere. If the depth of the tread at the wall is more than 40 centimeters, and the depth at the central support is within the normal range, then orderly rows of treads are broken. In place of the three "burdocks" four steps could fit and the turn would retain its angle and dynamics of ascent / descent.

If the depth of the tread at the central support is less than ten centimeters, then in the center of the tread the depth will not “grow” to a minimum of twenty centimeters. The height of the riser directly depends on the angle of inclination of the entire structure.

It is necessary to maintain the angle of inclination of the stairs in the places of winder steps.

Formulas for success

Before you pick up the tool and start assembling the stairs, you need to draw up a drawing. Next, you need to draw in detail all the moments: the height of the ceiling, the dimensions of the place for installing the stairs, the shape and place of attachment of the central support. Calculate the angle of inclination of the structure and the height of the risers, the depth of the straight tread and the number of winders. At the same time, take into account the minimum and maximum parameters and compare them with GOST and SNiP. Before putting the final point on the drawing, it will not be superfluous to check several formulas and understand how comfortable the future design will be in all respects.

Drawing of a staircase with winder steps in 3 projections.

“a” is responsible for the height of the riser, “b” is responsible for the depth of the tread, from which we have the following parameters of a convenient design:

  • Convenient formula: b - a = 12 cm.
  • Safe movement formula: b + a = 46 cm.
  • Light step formula: 2a + b = 62 (60-64) cm.

We make a detailed drawing of the winder stairs

If the calculations were correct, then your staircase will be comfortable and safe.

In order not to fill the bumps on the knees, elbows and chin, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the design of the winder stairs.

Metal or wooden, they differ only in terms of the design of the frames. The basic principles of building stairs with winder steps remain unchanged. Methods for constructing drawings and determining the shape of winders differ in the choice of starting points and the construction of rays. Whether you use the Proportion Method, Line Lift, Danish Method, or Sweep Method depends on your mathematical ability.

We make a staircase with winder steps

If you have never held a tool in your hands, then the formulas and methods will not help you, and it would be better to entrust the manufacture of stairs with steps at a turn to a professional. He knows that a metal staircase can have one central stringer and it will be enough for the reliability of the entire structure. He will weld the steps from the corner, and he may not install the risers at all. The wooden staircase will be planted by him on stringers supported by racks and walls, with the help of cuts and glue with sawdust. He will arrange wooden steps that are always “running in” horizontally in level. Even the lower edge of the outer string will be cut vertically for its attachment to the first supporting baluster. In general, the question remains only in the budget and your desire! And the complexity of the design is a secondary matter.

Winder staircase design drawing - All about stairs

Winder staircase design drawing Elegance and originality of the winder staircase Winder treads give grace and movement to the flight of stairs Many owners of two-

Sooner or later, they think about the issue of expanding the space and organizing the second floor in the building, whether it be the completion of a full-fledged additional tier. In this case, you will definitely need steps leading to the upper floor, which will help to install this item of necessity with high quality and safety.

Details and names of elements of a wooden staircase to the second floor of the house

Become the choice of many. It is not surprising, because they have an aesthetically attractive appearance and are beneficial from the pricing policy.

What are the benefits

Such structures have a number of advantages that open up wide opportunities for owners of private houses.

What are the disadvantages

It is worth considering the shortcomings of the material, which can be encountered through negligence and with insufficient preparation.

These are the most popular negative aspects of wood products. Nevertheless, knowing them, you can warn yourself and get only benefit from the implementation of your plan.

How to independently draw a diagram of a staircase for a house

If you want to draw a diagram with your own hands, you should know some features that you should definitely pay attention to. On hand you need to have:

  • Roulette;
  • A felt-tip pen or chalk, with which marks will be made on the surface of the wall, floor;
  • Pen or pencil;
  • Paper;
  • ruler;
  • Compass.

These accessories will be enough to make the necessary drawings for a wooden staircase in the house.

Step by step drawing drawing

When hands reached and a person begins to draw drawings of wooden stairs to the second floor on a sheet of paper, one should proceed step by step:

Performing the steps step by step, following the order, it will not be difficult to make a drawing of a wooden staircase.

What to look out for

When taking measurements, be sure to pay attention to the following factors:

Given these details, it is possible to draw up the most accurate drawing of the staircase leading to the upper floor.

Outdoor wooden stairs

Of course, to climb to the upper tier of the building, you can use ladders fixed on the base of the house. But this is unsafe and inconvenient. Therefore, if the entrance to the level of the second floor is planned to be organized not inside the space, but outside, then you should choose the design of the street staircase made of wood that best suits your preferences.
In this case, you need to follow some rules, since being in an open space, a wooden staircase is very susceptible to natural factors. That's why:


Those who decide to place a wooden staircase on the street can note a number of advantages for themselves:

In this case, small errors are allowed, because the fact that the staircase turns out to be a little wider or longer plays a role in the house, and not outside it. Therefore, it is worth, of course, to carry out measurements, but in some indicators there is no need. For example, for the street there is no need to measure the space from the step to the ceiling, which must be done in the house.

This is not a complete list of benefits, each homeowner will note his own. However, along with positive aspects there are also negative aspects.

The design of the street stairs to the second floor


  • Exposure to natural factors;
  • A wooden staircase outdoors requires careful maintenance.

Knowing the pros and cons, each owner of the house will be able to determine for himself whether to rely on the installation of stairs on the street or not.

In any building higher than a floor, a staircase is installed. Such a design requires a detailed calculation of all its components, the ability to work with metalwork and carpentry tools, and some design skills. After studying this instruction, you will learn how to design and manufacture a wooden staircase with your own hands.

A wooden staircase for a private house most often consists of one or more flights (spans), which are located between floors or intermediate platforms.

The design of the flight of stairs is a combination of various components with different functional purposes:

  • Kosour. It is a load-bearing beam made of wood with a sawn comb. Risers with steps are fixed to it, so the part must be durable.
  • Bowstring. In some cases, it becomes an alternative to the stringer, performing load-bearing functions (especially if one side of the structure is adjacent to the wall). Before installation, the bowstring must be marked in detail so that the steps are located at a horizontal level.

  • Step. The main element of any staircase, which is attached to one of the load-bearing beams. In addition to the usual ones, there are running and radius steps. The running elements have a non-standard shape and are mounted at the starting point of the march. Radius steps are characterized by a curvilinear leading edge, they can be semicircular, wavy or with rounded corners.
  • Riser. The detail is optional, but it provides the ladder with high strength by keeping the step centered. A spacer is used to fix the riser. A radius type is installed under the semicircular steps, and the curved version is mounted under the corresponding steps or under the platform between flights of stairs.
  • Poles for support. They are placed at the starting and ending points of the stairs, as well as along the edges of the inter-march platforms. The elements increase the strength of the fence and serve as a support for the handrails.
  • Balusters. These are retaining posts for the handrails, from which the side rails are formed, can have a different configuration.
  • Handrails. They are a required item. They rest on balusters and support posts. The main requirement for the element is a smooth surface.
  • Remote bushing. Such a stand is required for any design with several flights (even when using stringers).

When choosing a staircase, the main factor is the size of the area required for its construction. In second place is the convenience and comfort of ascent and descent. Here you need to take into account the frequency of use, the presence of children and the elderly in the house.

Aesthetics is also an important criterion. The staircase should be combined with the interior of the room. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the material possibilities: the manufacture of wooden stairs with a complex configuration requires more time and financial costs than options that are simpler in form and execution.


are the most popular. They got their name thanks to marches (flights) - a group of combined steps. A staircase can have one or more flights.

There are direct structures (one-march and two-march, with a platform for rest). They can be freestanding or placed near a wall. But straight models require a lot of space, so in order to save usable space, two-flight options are provided with an angle of 90 to 180 degrees.

The march has a curvilinear shape with an optimal angle of elevation, then turning steps are used, which are also available for structures with two and three marches without platforms.

The most popular types of wooden stairs for a country house are:

  1. Ordinary single-march. They have a simple design with a span in the center of the room or near the wall - the most durable with reliable support.
  2. Curvilinear single-march. Installed in large rooms to emphasize spaciousness. They are distinguished by a smooth turn and steps extended from the outside.
  3. Marching with lower turning steps. Sometimes this option is provided by the layout of the room, it can support the chosen architectural style.
  4. Simple 2 march system. A staircase with two flights and with an interfloor turntable can be mounted above the door and save space.
  5. 2 march L-shaped design. It is located in a rectangular opening along perpendicular walls and saves space.
  6. 2-way U-shaped staircase with an upper platform and turning steps. The design is mounted in luxurious mansions with a large hall.
  7. 3 march system with two platforms. This type of stairs saves space, but requires a significant ceiling height.

To select a specific configuration, you should correctly calculate and measure the free area for installation, draw up a drawing. A detailed guide on how to do this will be below.


Screw-type structures are used less often, as a rule, with a limited area or for aesthetic reasons of the owner of a private house. They are not as comfortable as marching ones, it is difficult to transport furniture along them. To install a ladder, you will need to perform complex calculations, since with a small error it may lose its functionality.

Spiral staircases sometimes perform a purely decorative function, especially with a fence made of artistic forging. The device of such options is possible in almost any room, because. they take up less space than swivel designs. There are the following types:

  • with cantilever pinching steps on the inner column;
  • with support of steps on the inner pillar and perimeter walls;
  • with cantilever support of steps on the casing pipe;
  • based on a fence and bent bowstrings.

Spiral staircases save space

Types of structures

Before you make a wooden staircase, you should pick up best option structures for your space.

The following popular types of structures exist:

The simplest is a straight staircase, which provides straight-line movement along the march.

Making a wooden staircase with your own hands with a visual step by step instructions let's consider in more detail. The process includes two main stages: design and installation.

Calculations of the dimensions of the staircase

Before you start designing, you need to make accurate calculations, draw a diagram and put all the data on it. If there is no confidence in the correctness of the calculations, then it is better to entrust the work to professionals who will make a competent drawing, which will allow the installation to be carried out step by step without errors.

Total height of stairs

You can determine the height by measuring the distance from the floor of the first to the second floor, taking into account the thickness of the ceiling. For example, if on the 1st floor the ceiling height is 2700 mm, and the thickness of the interfloor ceilings is 300 mm. As a result, the total height will be 3000 mm.

If there is no finishing floor, then its dimensions must be laid approximately.

Number of steps

If you know the height of the stairs and the riser, you can determine the number of steps in the structure. To do this, you need to divide one indicator by the second. For example, with a total staircase height of 3000 mm and a riser height of 175 mm, the calculation would be: 3000: 175=171 mm.

After that, you need to round the value, the result will be 170 mm. The table shows an example of the calculation:

The dependence of the height of the steps on their number at a given floor height

Riser height

According to the recommendations of experts, the optimal riser height should be 150-180 mm, in fact, this is the size of a human step. This height can be 150–200 mm. Usually average value according to the standard, it is 160-170 mm.

The optimal stair slope range is highlighted in green

Step width

In order to avoid injuries as a result of incorrectly selected step widths, you need to calculate it correctly. Based on many years of practice, the width of the part should be in the range of 220 - 400 mm.

To determine a more accurate value, you can use a certain formula. You need to take the average width of a human step (600 - 640 mm) and subtract from it the height of the riser multiplied by 2, i.e. 640 - 2x175 = 290 mm. This indicator will be optimal for moving.

March width

According to safety rules, for the convenient movement of people, the span should be at least 80 cm wide, but it is better to take at least 90 cm. For convenient transportation of furniture, this indicator for a private residential building should be 100 - 120 cm.

Ladder length in plan

To calculate this parameter, you need to multiply the number of steps and the width of the tread. In our example, it will turn out 29x17 \u003d 493 cm. That is, the staircase comes out quite long and when arranging one march, a room of at least 6 meters will be required. In a small log house or a village house, you will need to make 2 flights with a 90 or 180 degree turn.

A platform is mounted between the marches or turning steps are placed. If it is not possible to perform the calculation on your own, you can use the special program presented just below, which will clearly reflect the localization of stair parts.

Ceiling opening size

When building a staircase made of solid wood, you need to remember about the calculation of the ceiling opening so that you don’t have to bend down when lifting up. Such an indicator will depend on the slope, which affects the convenience when moving and is selected individually.

A slope of 23-36 degrees is considered optimal, but it is often impossible to maintain the required angle due to the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room (the steeper the slope, the less area it will occupy).

The size of the opening in the ceiling area will depend on the angle of the flight of stairs. So, a folding structure will require a small opening, and a larger slope will require a larger one (up to 2 m).

The size of the opening in the ceiling is determined based on the minimum allowable value for the passage of a person

Stringer length

To determine the length of the kosour, the Pythagorean formula is used: (length of the stairs in the plan) ² + (height of the stairs) ² \u003d (length of the kosour) ².

That is, with a length of 493 cm and a height of 300 cm, we get the following: L \u003d √ (4932 + 3002) \u003d 577 cm (the indicator is taken with a margin of 580 cm).

Online calculator for calculation

For your convenience, you can use the convenient and visual.

Material selection

After all the calculations are made, you need to purchase materials. This will require boards of different lengths and densities: for steps, the thickness is 3-4 cm; for risers - 2-2.5 cm; for a bowstring or stringer, the thickness is 5 cm, and the height is 150-250 mm. It is better to buy handrails and balusters ready-made, since for their production you will need a lathe and a bar measuring 10x10, 15x15 cm. To fix the components, you will need self-tapping screws and nails, as well as metal corners for reinforcement.

Production of parts and installation of stairs

Installation technology includes the manufacture and installation of all elements of the ladder structure in accordance with the drawing.

Assembling a bowstring or stringers

On the prepared boards, you need to mark the length and saw off the excess. On the bar, using a square, mark the height of the substep and the width of the tread with a decrease of 2-4 cm.

Marking a one-piece stringer

Assembling a bowstring with stiffeners

Notches for steps are cut with a jigsaw or saw. Next, the workpiece is attached to the installation site so that the lower edge rests on the floor, and the upper edge rests on the ceiling. The cuts under the steps should be horizontal, without "blockages". After that, it is recommended to grind the surface of the bar, perform milling, rounding the outer edges.

For optimal rigidity, sometimes 2, 3 or 4 stringers may be required, the number of which is selected depending on the width of the stairs. Sometimes it is easier to order a ready-made load-bearing frame, which will include all the elements with cutouts, indicated by numbers for joining in accordance with the diagram.

Installation of steps and risers

The risers are mounted in the prepared cuts of the stringer, leveled and sanded. Fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws, which can then be puttied or covered with a finishing material.

Options for attaching steps to the bowstring

After fixing the risers, pre-milled steps are installed, the length of which should exceed the distance between the pair of extreme stringers by 1-2 cm. The width of the elements should be 2-3 cm more than the comb protrusion. Fastening steps to risers and stringers is carried out on self-tapping screws, the caps of which must be recessed into the tree.

Fastening the kosour to the upper floor. Ways to connect the elements of the stairs.
Attaching the kosour to the floor

Installation of fences

You can give the structure a complete look with the help of auxiliary parts. For this, carved, straight, figured wooden and metal fences can be used.

The installation of baluster posts is considered to be a difficult task where precise marking with a fit is required. In the step, a dowel hole is marked at a distance from the edge equal to ½ the width of the baluster base. Then holes are made on the steps and dowels are glued into them (they should protrude 1-1.5 cm from the surface).

After that, according to the diameter of the dowel, it is necessary to make holes at the base of the pillars and balusters, coat them with glue. All elements are mounted on dowels with vertical adjustment. Next, prepare the handrails by cutting the edges at the right angle and milling them from the underside. For docking with supports, holes are drilled on the cut of the element. The handrail is installed on a dowel glued into the support post.

After the glue dries, the stairs must be covered with an antiseptic primer, then the surface is treated with transparent or paint. You can put a decorative plinth. In a spiral staircase, you can decorate with an axial support in the form of a log or beam, install a bent bowstring to support the steps. The price of such a design will be high, since viscous flexible wood is used in production, but the final effect is worth it.

The material from which the stairs are made can be different - wood, iron, concrete, or a combination of these materials. But most often, wood is used to build stairs.

Any structure must be safe for movement on it. To do this, before the construction of the stairs, it is necessary to perform its calculations, based on what type of staircase design is expected.

To calculate a wooden staircase, do the following:

  1. Determine the height of the interfloor space, from floor to ceiling, taking into account the interfloor overlap, and determine the area that will be allocated for the stairs.
  2. Determine the number of steps in a staircase based on their tread depth, riser height, and stair angle. Usually the height of the riser is 150 - 200 mm, and the optimal width of the riser is usually 250 - 320 mm.
  3. The height of the clearance between the horizontal plane of the steps and the lowest part of the ceiling structure should also be taken into account, this is necessary so that a person, when going up or down the stairs, does not touch the ceiling structures with his head.

General examples of drawings for a wooden staircase

Before making any drawings in dwg format, you must select the type of stairs.

It is necessary to perform certain measurements and calculations, and determine the general parameters of the stairs:

  1. The angle of the stairs, this parameter is usually in the range of 23 - 37 degrees.
  2. The minimum height between the ceiling and steps must be at least 2 m.
  3. The width of the stairs itself must be at least 1 meter.

After determining all the parameters, you need to draw a room plan, on which it is necessary to mark the location of the stairs and all its dimensions with reference to the room plan. Separately, it is worth making a general drawing of the entire staircase for a better understanding of all the necessary parameters.

All drawings can be made by hand, but in order to avoid mistakes, it is best to make all drawings online using a special calculator.

If a person finds it difficult to independently create a drawing of a staircase, you can use ready-made drawings and diagrams of stairs by printing them and choose the best option. But, it is necessary to do this even at the stage of building a house, since it will be difficult to select a drawing for a finished building.

Detailed and general description of the online calculation of wooden stairs

To calculate all the necessary parameters for creating with your own hands, you need to take all the dimensions, such as the height between the floors, the area that will be allotted for the stairs, its angle of inclination, the length of the opening, the number of steps.

To calculate the stairs made of wood, it is best to use special online calculators or with special utilities:

  1. Various utilities also allow you to calculate, view, including in 3D format, and, if necessary, edit everything, and redo all diagrams and drawings. You can even create a diagram of the whole house in such utilities, as well as draw a staircase and see how everything will look on a virtual layout.
  2. When, you need to decide on the type of stairs, it can be single-flight, double-flight, spiral, stairs with a 180-degree turntable, etc. and each type of stairs requires its own calculation.

That is why you should use special online calculators or special utilities, which are much more profitable and easier even for novice builders.

The basis of the drawing for a ladder made of wood

The main advantage of a wooden staircase is its relative lightness, environmental friendliness, besides, wood is easy to process, and a wooden staircase will look optimal in a country wooden house.

But, before you make a staircase to the second floor of the house, you need to make a drawing of the stairs, which will take into account all the parameters:

  1. Based on the drawings, the marking of wooden blanks is made, from which the staircase will subsequently be assembled. All dimensions that will be on paper are transferred to blanks, and they are sawn according to the markings.
  2. But, before you make drawings and engage in sawing the material and subsequent assembly of the stairs, you should evaluate your strengths, since not everyone can correctly draw up a drawing and correctly cut all the material.

Before making a drawing, it is necessary to measure the place in the room where the staircase will be located. This is the height from floor to ceiling, the width of the ceiling, you should also take into account the type of stairs, the angle of its inclination, the fastening system, etc.

Without these data, it will be almost impossible to make a drawing of a staircase, and even more so, to make it.

The principle of drawing up a drawing of a wooden staircase to the second floor

Houses are built two-story, three-story, and, to move between floors, it is necessary to equip a staircase.

The manufacture of any staircase begins with determining its type, it can be:

  • Spiral or spiral staircase, single-flight classical staircase, double-flight with a turn, etc.;
  • Also, the staircase, in addition to its main function of lifting or lowering, can be almost invisible in the room, or, on the contrary, stand out in the interior, and even serve as a decorative decoration.

Therefore, before you start, you need to select its type, after that you should schematically draw a house plan, the staircase itself and see how this or that type of staircase will look on the diagram. If everything suits a person, you can start creating detailed drawings of the stairs.

When creating a drawing, one should take into account all previously made measurements, the angle of inclination, the width and height of the steps, the width of the staircase itself, if it is supposed to make a fence, then it should also be shown in the drawing.

Schemes and drawings for the manufacture of wooden stairs with their own hands

stairs, it required element houses, it provides communication between floors, and the staircase must also provide comfortable movement along it, be safe and fit into the interior of the room. Planning and building a staircase should be based on building codes, and accurate calculation and drawings are also necessary, since if this is not done, then later, during manufacture, errors may be detected.

The nuances that will prevent the redoing of the entire structure, the unnecessary consumption of materials and time:

  1. Before creating drawings, you need to decide on the type of stairs, look at different examples, and choose the one that will best meet all the requirements. After that, you can start creating drawings, and plan the arrangement of the stairs in one place or another in the house.
  2. Before creating a drawing, you must first measure, this is the height from floor to ceiling, taking into account the interfloor partition. And also calculate the number of steps, their width, height and angle of inclination of the stairs, etc.
  3. The drawing should not only display all the dimensions of the stairs, but also indicate the fences, their height.

It is also worth drawing a general diagram of the house, which will display the location of the stairs indicating the area occupied.

Such a scheme will allow you to better understand how the finished staircase will look like, and will allow you to double-check all the calculations before making the stairs.

Based on the drawings, it is best for a novice builder to start making the simplest staircase using a carrier beam - a stringer. Their number in the ladder can vary from 1 to 3.

Do-it-yourself staircase made of wood: calculations (video)

During the construction of a multi-storey building, it is necessary to equip stairs so that you can get from floor to floor comfortably and safely for the health of residents.