How will it be in Buryat. What phrases do tourists need to learn before traveling to Buryatia? Optimal cost at the TLS Bureau

The Buryat language is one of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Buryatia. Approximately 283 thousand people speak this language. Of these, in Russia - 218,557, Mongolia - 46 thousand and in China - about 18. The Buryat language is now used in everyday speech. Literary Buryat is used in print media, television, and radio.


The formation of the Buryat language can be divided into two stages: pre-revolutionary and Soviet. The Russian language had a special influence on the development of the Buryat language. Especially, it affected phonetics.


In total, five dialects are distinguished in the language: eastern, western, intermediate, southern, Bargu-Buryat. The Onon-Khamnigan and Nizhne-Udin dialects stand somewhat apart. Basically, the differences are in vocabulary, a little - in phonetics. The oldest and most common are the western and eastern dialects.


From the XVII century, the classical Mongolian script was used in official correspondence, office work and for religious purposes. Before the revolution in the west, the Buryats used the Russian written language. In the 20th century, two attempts were organized to create a Buryat script based on the Latin script. As a result, the project of the Buryat alphabet with the help of the Latin alphabet was completed in 1929. However, it was never approved. A year later, another option was approved. A year later, its updated version was adopted, which was unified with the rest of the alphabets of the USSR. In 1939, the Buryat script was translated into Cyrillic.

For translation from Buryat into Russian and vice versa, please contact the specialists of our

Male and female Buryat names

ABARMID (Sanskrit.) - Beyond. Buryat form from the Sanskrit word “paramita.” This word means “gone to the other side”, (ie to nirvana). In the Buddhist sutras, 6 or 10 paramitas are listed, with the help of which the transition to nirvana is carried out: generosity, morality, patience, masculinity, contemplation, wisdom. Each paramita is used as a name. See Sultim, Sodbo, etc.

ABIDA (Sanskrit) - Vast, immeasurable light. Amitabha is the name of a Dhyani-Buddha. In Buryatia it is known as Abida, in Japan - Amida. In the teachings of the Buddha, he is the lord of the Sukhavadi (Divazhan) paradise.

AGVANDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond lord of the word.

AGVANNIMA (Tib.) - The solar lord of the word.

ADLIBESHE - Dissimilar, different.

ADYAA (Sanskrit.) - The sun.

ANANDA (Sanskrit) - Joy. The name of the Beloved Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni. After his departure to nirvana, Ananda expounded from memory one of the main Buddhist canons “Ganzhur”.

AIDAR - Dear

ALAMZHA - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic.

ALDAR - Glory.

ALIMA - Apple.

ALTAN - Gold.

AGVANDONDOG (Tib.) - The well-intentioned lord of the word.

AGVANDONDUB (Tib.) - Fulfilling the desires of all living beings, the lord of the word.

AGVAN (Tib.) - Lord of the word, possessing a beautiful and rich word. One of the names of the Bodhisattva Mandzushri, personifying transcendental wisdom.

ALTANTUYA - Golden Dawn

ALTAN SHAGAI - Golden ankle.

AMAR, AMUR - Peace, tranquility.

ALTANA - Gold.

ALTANGEREL - Golden light

ALTANSESEG - Golden flower.

ANZAMA (Tib.) - Well-behaved.

ANZAN (Tib.) - Well-behaved.

ANPIL (Tib.) - the same as Vampil.

AMARSANA, AMURSANA - Well-intentioned. The name of the national hero of Western Mongolia (Dzungaria). He led the liberation struggle against the Manchurian-Chinese yoke in the 18th century.

AMGALAN - Calm, peaceful.

ANDAMA (Tib.) - Powerful. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

ANJIL (Tib.) - The king of power, the name of the wish-fulfilling jewel. In Sanskrit CHINTAMANI.

ANZHILMA (Tib.) - The mistress. Same root as Anjil.

ANJUR (Tib.) - Dominating, dominating.

ANZAD (Tib.) - Treasury of power.


ARYA (Sanskrit.) - Highest, holy. Usually used before the names of Bodhisattvas, saints, famous Buddhists.

ARYUNA - Pure, bright.

ARYUNGEREL - Pure, bright light.

ARYUNSESEG - Pure, bright flower.

ANCHIG (Tib.) - the same as Vanchig.

ARABJAY (Tib.) - The most popular, widespread.

ARDAN (Tib.) - Strong, mighty.

AYUR (Sanskrit.) - Life, age.

AYURZANA, AYURZHANA (Sanskrit.) - Wisdom of life.

AYUSHA (Sanskrit.) - Extender of life. The name of the deity of longevity.

AYAN - Journey.

ARYUNTUYA - Pure, bright dawn.

Ashata - All-Helping.

AYUNA (Turk.) - Bear. Ayu is a bear. OYUUNA would be more correct.

AYANA (female) - Journey.

BABUSENGE (Tib.) - Brave lion.

BAVASAN, BAASAN (Tib.) - Planet Venus, corresponds to Friday.

BADARA (Sanskrit) - Good.

BAATAR - Bogatyr, abbreviated from the old Mongolian Bagatur. Russian word bogatyr also comes from the word bagatur.

BABU (Tib.) - Hero, brave man.

BABUDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond hero.

BADMAGARMA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Constellation of lotuses.

BADMAGURO (Sanskrit) - Lotus teacher.

BADMARINCHIN (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Precious lotus.

BADMAZHAB (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Protected by a lotus.

BADMAHANDA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus Dakini, heavenly fairy.

BADARMA (Sanskrit) - Beautiful.

BADARKHAN - Prosperous.

BADARSHA (Sanskrit.) - The petitioner.

BATLAY - Courageous.

BADMA (Sanskrit.) - Lotus. The image of the lotus in Buddhism symbolizes crystal immaculate purity, since the beautiful lotus has nothing to do with the mud of the swamp from which it grows, just like the Buddha who reached nirvana, escaped from the swamp of samsara.

BAZARSADA (Sanskrit) - The essence of the diamond.

BALMZHI (Tib.) - Born of a diamond.

BALANSENGE (Tib.) - Diamond lion.

BALBAR (Tib.) - A blazing brilliance, radiance.

BALBARMA (Tib.) - Blazing shine, radiance.

BALDAG - Thick, squat.

BADMATSEBEG (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Immortal lotus.

BADMATSEREN (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lotus of long life.

BAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond. Buryat forum from the Sanskrit "Vajra". This is one of the most important attributes of Tantrism, Vajra is a symbol of the inviolability of the Teaching.

BAZARGURO (Sanskrit) - Diamond teacher.

BAZARJAB (Sanskrit.) - Protected by a diamond.

BALDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond of greatness.

BALMA (Tib.) - Rich, radiant, glorified.

BALSAMBU (Tib.) - Exquisite.

BALSAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful.

BALTA - Hammer.

BALKHAN - Chubby.

BALDAN (Tib.) - Glorious, magnificent.

BALDANDORJO (Tib.) - Magnificent diamond.

BALDANJAB (Tib.) - Protected by glory, greatness.

BALDANSENGE (Tib.) - A magnificent lion.

BALDAR (Tib.) - Giver of happiness. Epithet of the God of Wealth. Sanskrit Kubera, Tibetan Namtosrai. Buryat pronunciation Namsarai.

BANZAN (Sanskrit) - Five.

BANZAR (Tib.) - Uniting force.

BANZARAGSHA (Sanskrit) - Five protectors.

BANDY - Man, Boy.

BARAS - Tiger.

BATA - Strong, strong. The name of the grandson of Genghis Khan.

BALJID (Tib.) - Aspiring to prosperity.

BALJIDMA (Tib.) - the same as Baljid.

BALZHIMA (Tib.) - Gorgeous.

BALZHIMEDEG (Tib.) - Flower of happiness.

BALZHIN (Tib.) - Giving wealth.

BALZHINIM (Tib.) - The sun of happiness.

BALZHIR (Tib.) - Wealth, brilliance, radiance.

BALZAN (Tib.) - Charming, beautiful

BALCHIN (Tib.) - Very rich, glorious.

BATAMUNKHE - Eternal hardness.

BATASAYKHAN - Strongly beautiful.

BATASUHE - Strong axe.

BATATUMER - Solid iron.

BATATSEREN - Long-term.

BATAERDENI - Solid jewel.

BATABAATAR - Strong, strong hero.

BATABAYAR - Strong joy.

BATABULAD - Strong steel.

BATABELIG - Solid wisdom.

BATABELEG - A strong gift.

BATADAMBA (Bur-Tib.) - Most Holy.

BATADORJO (Bur-Tib.) - Hard diamond.

BATADELGER - Strong flowering.

BATAJAB (Bur-Tib.) - Hard-protected.

BATAZHARGAL - Strong happiness.

BATAZAYA - Strong destiny.

BAYARSAIKHAN - Beautiful joy.


Bayart - Joyful.

BIDIYA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Vidya".

BIZYA (Sanskrit) - Knowledge.

BIMBA (Tib.) - Planet Saturn, corresponds to Saturday.

BIMBAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by Saturn.

BATASHULUUN - Solid stone.

BAYAN - Rich.

BAYANBATA - Firmly rich.

BAYANDALAY - Rich sea, inexhaustible wealth.

BAYANDELGER - Rich flowering.

BAYAR - Joy.


BULADBAATAR - Steel hero.

BULADSAIKHAN - Beautiful steel.

BULADTSEREN - Long life of steel.

BUMA (Tib.) - Girl, girl.

BUNYA (Sanskrit.) - Virtue, from the Sansrit word "Punya".

BIMBATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the sign of Saturn. -

BIRABA (Sanskrit) - Terrifying. The Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word “Bhai-rava” is terrible. The name of one of the angry incarnations of Shiva.

BOLORMA - Crystal.

BORJON - Granite.

BUDA - Enlightened. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Buddha". The name of the founder of Buddhism, the first of the 3 world religions.

BUDAJAB (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by the Buddha.

BUDATSEREN (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Long life of the Buddha.

BUDAMSHU - The name of the national folklore hero of Buryatia.

BUDON - The name of the famous Tibetan author of multi-volume historical works of the 14th century.

BUJIDMA - the same as Butidma.

BULAD - Steel.

BURGAD - Eagle, golden eagle.


BELIGMA - Wisdom.

BUTIDMA - Leading the son, the name is given to the daughter in the hope that a son will be born.


BUYANBATA - Solid virtue.

BUYANDELGER - The flowering of virtue.

BUYANKHESHEG - Virtuous welfare.

BELEG - Gift.

VANJUR (Tib.) - Dominant.

WANZAN (Tib.) - Owner.

VANCHIK (Tib.) - Powerful.

VAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying power

VANDAN (Tib.) - Possessing power.

VANZHIL (Tib.) - the same as Anzhil.

GAZHIDMA (Tib.) - Generating admiration.

GALDAMA - The name of the Dzungarian (Western Mongolian) hero who fought against the Manchurian-Chinese invaders in the 17th century.

GALDAN (Tib.) - Having a blessed fate.

GABA, GAVA (Tib.) - Happy, joyful

GADAMBA (Tib.) - Instructor.

GADAN (Tib.) - Joyful. This is the name of the abode of the gods, the world of the gods in Sanskrit Tushita. In Tushita, Bodhisattvas spend their penultimate life before descending to earth. Buddha Shakyamuni placed his crown on the head of Maitreya (Maidar), the Buddha of the coming kalpa.

GAMA (Tib.) - female form from Gaba.

GAMBAL (Tib.) - Radiant happiness.

GAMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying joy.

GAN - Steel.

GALZHAN (Tib. female) - Gracious, happy. The name of the goddess of good fortune Byagavati.

GALSAN (Tib.) - Good fate. Usually it means the blessed world order, kalpa.

GALSANDABA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Moon.

GALSANNIMA (Tib.) - Good fate, born under the Sun.

Galchi, Galshi (Tib.) - Great fate, happy.

GANSUHE - Steel axe.

GANTUMER - Steel iron.

GANKHUYAG - Steel chain mail, steel armor.

GANBAATAR - Steel hero

GANBATA - Strong steel.

GANBULAD - The most hardened steel.

GATAB (Tib.) - Reached joy; ascetic, hermit, monk.

GENIN (Tib.) - A friend of virtue, close to piety.

GENINDARMA (Tib.) - A young friend of virtue.

GOMBO (Tib.) - The name of the patron, protector, keeper of the faith.

GANJIL (Tib.) - Joy, happiness.

GANZHIMA (Tib.) - Snow born. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

GANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon "Tanchzhur", consisting of 108 volumes, which contain over 2000 sutras.

GARMA (Tib.) - Star, constellation.

GARMASU (Tib.) - The female form of the name Garma.

HARMAGEB (Tib.) - Protected by a star.

GONCHIG (Tib.) - Jewel.

GOOHON - Beauty.

GUMPIL (Tib.) - Increasing everything.

GUNGA (Tib.) - Joy, fun. It is a Tibetan translation of Anand.

GOMBOJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the guardian, defender of the faith.

GOMBODORJO (Tib.) - Diamond guardian, defender of the faith.

GOMBOTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of the guardian, defender of the faith.

GONGOR (Tib.) - White guardian.

GYNDENSAMBU (Tib.) - Good in all respects. Name of Adi-Buddha Samantabhadra.

GYNZHID (Tib.) - Pleasing everyone.

GYNZEN (Tib.) - All-encompassing, all-sustaining.

GYNSEN (Tib.) - The best of all.

GYNSEMA (Tib.) - The female form of Gunsen.

GUNGAZHALSAN (Tib.) - A joyful symbol, a sign of victory.

GUNGANIMA (Tib.) - Joyful sun.

GUNGANIMBU (Tib.) - Generous joy.

GYNDEN (Tib.) - Pious, devout.

GYRE (Sanskrit.) - Teacher, spiritual mentor. The Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word “Guru.”

GYREBAZAR (Sanskrit.) - Diamond teacher.

GUREDARMA (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Young teacher.

GYREJAB (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by the teacher.

GYNTUB (Tib.) - Conquering all.

GYNCHEN (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.

GYRGEMA (Tib.) - Dear.

GERELMA - Light.

GESER - The name of the hero of the Buryat epic of the same name.

GEMPEL, GEPEL (Tib.) - Multiplying happiness.

GEMPELMA, GEPELMA (Tib.) - Feminine form of Gempel, Gepel.

GURERAGSHHA (Sanskrit.) - The patronage of the Teacher.

GYMA (Tib.) - Peace, tranquility.

GGEEN - Enlightened. It was used as the title of the highest lamas in Mongolia. For example, Bogdo is Gegeen, Under is Gegeen.

GELEG (Tib.) - Happiness, luck, prosperity.

GELEGMA (Tib.) - Feminine form of Geleg.

DAGBAZHALSAN (Tib.) - Pure sign of victory.

DAGDAN (Tib.) - Famous, famous.

DAGZAMA (Tib.) - Holding glory. The name of the wife of Prince Siddhartha, who was famous for her beauty, wisdom and virtue.

DAGMA (Tib.) - Famous.

DABA (Tib.) - Moon.

DABAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Moon.

DABATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the moon.

DAGBA (Tib.) - Clean.

DAMBADUGAR (Tib.) - Sacred white umbrella.

DAMBANIM (Tib.) - The sun of holiness.

DAMDIN (Tib.) - Having a horse's neck. Tibetan name for the deity Hayagriva.

DAMDINTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of a horse with a neck.

DALAI - Ocean, sea.

DALBA (Tib.) - Silence, peace.

DAMBA (Tib.) - Exalted, excellent, holy.

DAMBADORJO (Tib.) - Sacred diamond.

DANSARAN (Tib.) - Saint, sage.

DANSYRYN (Tib.) - Keeper of the Teaching.

DARA (Sanskrit) - Liberator. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "Tara". Dara and Dari are the names of Green and White Tar.

DARZHA (Tib.) - Rapid development, prosperity.

DAMPIL (Tib.) - Prosperous happiness.

DANDAR (Tib.) - Spreading the teachings.

DANJUR (Tib.) - The name of the Buddhist canon "Danchzhur", consisting of 225 volumes, including about 4000 sutras.

DANZAN (Tib.) - Holder of the Teachings of the Buddha, this is part of the names of the Dalai Lama 14, but in the sound of Tenzin.

DARMA (Tib.) - Young, young.

DARKHAN - Blacksmith.

DASHI (Tib.) - Happiness, prosperity, prosperity.

DASHIBAL (Tib.) - Shine of happiness.

DASHIBALBAR (Tib.) - Radiance of happiness.

DARI (Sanskrit.) - Liberator. The name of White Tara.

DARIZHAB (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Protected by White Tara.

DARIMA (Sanskrit.) - The same as Dari.

DARIHANDA (Sanskrit.Tib.) - Heavenly liberator.

DASHIZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by happiness.

DASHIZHAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of happiness.

DASHIZEBGE (Tib.) - Folded happiness.

DASHIGALSAN (Tib.) - A happy fate in prosperity.

DASHIDONDOK (Tib.) - Creating happiness.

DASHIDONDUB (Tib.) - Happy fulfilling the aspirations of all living beings.

DASHIDORJO (Tib.) - Lucky diamond.

DASHIDUGAR (Tib.) - Happy white umbrella.

DOLGEN - Wave.

DOLZHIN (Tib.) - Green liberator. Tibetan name for Green Tara.

SHOULD (Tib.) - Rescuing, saving.

DONGARMA (Tib.) - White-faced.

DONDOK (Tib.) - Well-intentioned.

DONDUB (Tib.) - Fulfilling the desires of all living beings. The Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit "Siddhartha." Buddha Shakyamuni's birth name.

DASHIMA (Tib.) - Happy.

DASHINAMZHIL (Tib.) - Victorious.

DASHINIMA (Tib.) - Happy sun.

DASHIRABDAN (Tib.) - Lasting happiness.

DASHITSEREN (Tib.) - The happiness of a long life.

DIMED (Tib.) - Clean, unstained. Epithet of Buddha.

DOGSAN (Tib.) - Magic peak.

DOLGOR, DOLGORMA (Tib.) - White liberator. Tibetan name for White Tara.

DUGAR (Tib.) - White umbrella.

DUGARJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a white umbrella.

DUGARMA (Tib.) - White umbrella. The name of Dakini Sitapatra, who protects from diseases, misfortunes. Especially children.

DUGARTSEREN (Tib.) - Long life under the protection of the White Umbrella (Sitapatra).

DUGDAN (Tib.) - Kind, merciful, compassionate.

DULMA (Tib.) - Liberator. Has the same meaning as Dara.

DONID (Tib.) - Essence of emptiness.

DONIR (Tib.) - Caring about the meaning.

DORJO (Tib.) - Diamond. Literally “prince of stones.” Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word “Vajra.”

DORZHOZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by a diamond.

DORZHOKHANDA (Tib.) - Diamond Dakinya. The name of one of the 5 main Dakinis.

DUBSHAN (Tib.) - Great yogi.

DELEG (Tib.) - Peace, happiness.

DEMA (Tib.) - Satisfied, prosperous.

DEMBEREL (Tib.) - An omen.

DULSAN (Tib.) - the same meaning as Dulma.

DULMAZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Liberator.

DUNJIT (Tib.) - Generating desires.

DYNZEN (Tib.) - Holding time. The epithet of Yamaraji (in Buryat Erlig-nomumun-khan), lords of the dead.

DEJIT (Tib.) - Bliss, well-being.

DELGER - Spacious, extensive.

DENSEN (Tib.) - Good truth.

DENSEMA (Tib.) - the female form of Densen.

DESHIN (Tib.) - Great good.

DEMSHEG, DEMCHOG (Tib.) - Higher happiness. The name of the most important tantric deity is the Samvara idam, who lives on Mount Kailash.

DENJIDMA (Tib.) - Support, epithet of the earth, the globe.

YESHIDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond of perfect wisdom.

YESHIDOLGOR (Tib.) - Omniscient white liberator.

ESHINKHORLO (Tib.) - Wheel of omniscience.

ENDON (Tib.) - Dignity; virtue; knowledge.

ENDONZHAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of knowledge.

YESHE, YESHI (Tib.) - Omniscience, Perfection of wisdom.

YESHIZHAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of perfect wisdom.

JALSAB (Tib.) - Regent, Viceroy. Epithet of the Buddha Maitreya.

JALSAN (Tib.) - Symbol, sign of victory. Buddhist attribute: a cylindrical banner made of colored silk; this kind of banners are attached to flagpoles or worn during religious processions. It is also one of the 8 auspicious emblems.

JALSARAI (Tib.) - Prince, prince.

TOAD (Tib.) - Protection, patronage, shelter. Epithet of Buddha.

JADAMBA (Tib.) - 8-thousandth. The short name of the variant of prajna-paramita, reduced to 8,000.

JALMA (Tib.) - Queen. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

ZHAMSARAN (Tib.) - Deity of warriors.

ZHAMYAN (Tib.) - Sympathetic. Epithet Mandzushri.

JANA (Sanskrit.) - Wisdom. From the Sanskrit word Jnana.

ZHANCHIB (Tib.) - Enlightened. The Tibetan translation of the word “bodhi.” The first meaning is translated as enlightened, and the second as the wisdom tree (fig tree), under which Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment.

ZHARGAL - Happiness.

ZHAMBA (Tib.) - Mercy, kindness. The name of the coming Buddha Maitreya.

ZHAMBAL (Tib.) - Benevolent. The name of the Bodhisattva is Mandzushri.

ZHAMBALDORJO (Tib.) - Blessing diamond.

ZHAMBALZHAMSA (Tib.) - Beneficent ocean.

ZHAMSA (Tib.) - Sea, ocean. Buryat pronunciation of the Tibetan word Gyatso. It is included as an obligatory name in the names of the Dalai Lamas and other great lamas.

ZHIGMITDORJO (Tib.) - Fearless diamond; Indestructible diamond.

ZHIGMITTSEREN (Tib.) - Indestructible long life.

JIMBA (Tib.) - Alms, charity, donation. Generosity is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.

ZHIMBAZHAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of generosity.

ZHARGALMA - Happiness (female name).

ZHARGALSAYKHAN - Beautiful happiness.

ZHIGDEN (Tib.) - The Universe.

ZHIGJIT (Tib.) - Terrifying guardian of faith.

ZHIGMIT (Tib.) - Fearless, courageous; Indestructible.

ZHEBZEN (Tib.) - Venerable, reverend (in relation to hermits, saints, learned lamas.)

ZHEBZEMA (Tib.) - the female form of Zhebzen.

ZHYGDER (Tib.) - Ushnisha (a growth on the crown of the Buddha as one of his remarkable signs of enlightenment).

JYGDERDIMED (Tib.) - Pure, unstained ushnisha.

ZhYMBRYL (Tib.) - Magic, magic.

ZHYMBRYLMA (tib. female) - Magic, magic.

ZANDAN (Sanskrit) - Sandalwood.

ZANDRA (Sanskrit.) - Moon. Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "chandra".

ZAYATA - Happy fate.

ZODBO, SODBO (Tib.) - Patience, patience is one of the 6 paramitas, see Abarmid.

ZANA - the same as Jean.

ZANABADAR (Sanskrit) - Good wisdom.

ZANABAZAR (Sanskrit) - Diamond of Wisdom. The name of the first Mongolian Bogdo Jebzundam-by, nicknamed by the people Ynder-gegeen.

ZORIG, 30RIGT0 - Bold, brave.

ZUNDA (Tib.) - Diligent, diligent, diligent.

ZEBGE (Tib.) - Folded, ordered.

ZOLTO - Lucky, happy.

ZOLOZAYA - Happy fate.

IDAM (Tib.) - Contemplated deity. In Tantrism, a guardian deity that a person chooses as his patron either for life or for individual (special) occasions.

IDAMJAB (Tib.) - Protected by a contemplative deity.

LOBSAN, LUBSAN (Tib.) - Wise, scholar.

LUBSANBALDAN (Tib.) - Glorious wise.

LUBSANDORJO (Tib.) - Wise diamond.

LAYDAB (Tib.) - Performing deeds.

LAYJIT (Tib.) - Happy karma.

LAIJITHANDA (Tib.) - Happy karma of Dakini.

LAMAZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by the highest.

LENHOBO - Lotus.

LODOI (Tib.) - Wisdom.

LODOIDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy wisdom.

LODOJAMSA (Tib.) - The ocean of wisdom.

LODON (Tib.) - Wise.

LUBSANTSEREN (Tib.) - Wise long life.

LUBSAMA (Tib.) - Wise, learned.

LOSOL (Tib.) - Clear mind.

LOCHIN, LOCHON (Tib.) - Gifted, talented, with great mental abilities.

LUDUP (Tib.) - Received siddhis from the Nagas. The name of Nagarjuna, a great Indian teacher in the 2nd-3rd century.

LHASARAI (Tib.) - Prince, prince, literally - the son of a deity.

LHASARAN (Tib.) - Protected by a deity.

LODONDAGBA (Tib.) - Sacred wisdom.

LONBO (Tib.) - High-ranking official, adviser.

LOPIL (Tib.) - With a developed mind.

LEGDEN, LYGDEN (Tib.) - Virtuous, full of everything that is good.

LEGZHIN (Tib.) - Giving all the good, bestowing good. An epithet of the goddess Tara.

LYGZHIMA, LEGZHIMA (Tib.) - Noble. Name of Buddha's mother.

LYGSIK, LEGSEK (Tib.) - The accumulation of good.

LEBRIM (Tib.) - Well painted, i.e. a goddess with a drawing in her hands, speaking of holiness.

MANGE (Tib.) - Many giving birth.

MANZAN (Tib.) - Holding a lot. The epithet of fire.

MANZARAKSHA (Tib.) - the same as Banzaraksha.

MANI (Sanskrit) - Jewel.

MAIDAR (Tib.) - Loving all living beings. Buryat pronunciation of Maitreya - Buddha of the coming kalpa (world order). Maitreya is currently in Tushita, where he is waiting for the time of his entry as a Buddha into the world of people.

MAKSAR (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of the deity Yama, the lord of the dead.

MAXARMA (Tib.) - Endowed with a huge army. The name of Yama's wife.

MIJIDDORJO (Tib.) - An unshakable diamond.

MINJUR (Tib.) - Constant, unchanging.

MINJURMA (Tib.) - Constant, unchanging.

MANIBADAR (Sankrit.) - Blessed treasure.

MIGMAR, MYAGMAR (Tib.) - Literally means red eye, in fact the planet Mars, which corresponds to Tuesday.

MIJID (Tib.) - Unshakable, imperturbable. The name of one of the dhyanis is the Akshobhya Buddha, seated in the east.

MYNHEBATA - Strong eternity.

MYNHEBAYAR - Eternal joy.

MYNHEDELGER - Eternal bloom.

MITUP, MITIB (Tib.) - Invincible, not superior.

MUNHE - Eternal. Eternity.

MYNHEBAATAR - Eternal hero.

MYNHETUYA - Eternal dawn.

MYNGEN - Silver.

MYNGENSESEG - Silver flower.

MYNKHEZHARGAL - Eternal happiness.

MYNHEZAYA - Eternal destiny.

MYNHESESEG - Eternal flower.

MEDEGMA (Tib.) - Flower.

MERGEN - Wise, well-aimed.

MYNGENTUYA - Silver dawn.

MYNGENSHAGAY - Silver ankle.

NAIZHIN (Tib.) - Gave away the area. The epithet of Vishnu, one of the gods of Hinduism, constituting with Brahma and Shiva the divine triad in Hinduism.

NAYSRUN (Tib.) - The guardian of the area.

NADMIT (Tib.) - Not having diseases, healthy, strong.

NAYDAK (Tib.) - The owner of the area, the deity of the area.

NAYDAN (Tib.) - An elder, an old and revered Buddhist monk.

NAMZHALMA, NAMZHILMA (Tib.) - Complete winner, winner. Epithet of the goddess Uma.

NAMZHALDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond winner.

NAMLAN (Tib.) - Dawn, dawn, sunrise.

NAMDAG (Tib.) - Completely pure, or glorious.

NAMDAGZHALBA (Tib.) - King of glory. Epithet of Buddha.

NAMJAY (Tib.) - Abundant.

NAMZHAL, NAMZHIL (Tib.) - Complete victory, winner.

NAMHA (Tib.) - Sky.

NAMHABAL (Tib.) - Heavenly radiance.

NAMHAY (Tib.) - Omniscient, omniscient.

NAMNAY (Tib.) - Constantly existing. The epithet of the sun.

NAMSAL (Tib.) - Bright radiance, illuminating everything. The epithet of the sun.

NAMSALMA (Tib.) - Brilliant.

NAMSARAY (Tib.) - The name of the deity of wealth.

NARANGEREL - Sunlight.

NARANZAYA - Solar destiny.

NARANSESEG - Solar flower.

NARANTUYA - Solar dawn.

NASAN - Life.

NAMHAINIMBU (Tib.) - Omniscient, generous.

NAMSHI (Tib.) - Perfect knowledge, intuition.

NARAN - Sun.

NARANBAATAR - Solar hero.

NASHANBATA - Solid falcon.

NASHANBAATAR - Falcon is a hero.

NIMA (Tib.) - The sun, which corresponds to the resurrection.

NIMAJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the sun.

NIMATSEREN (Tib.) - Long life of the sun.

Nasanbata - Strong life.

NATsAG (Tib.) - Universal.

NATSAGDORJO (Tib.) - Universal diamond. Attribute of Amoghasiddha, one of the Dhyani-Buddhas guarding the north.


NOMINTUYA - Emerald dawn.

NOMTO - Scientist, wise.

NOMSHO - A scribe who keeps a vow.

NIMBU (Tib.) - Magnanimous.

NOMGON - Calm, meek.

NOMIN - Emerald.

NOMINGEREL - Emerald light.

NOMINSESEG - Emerald flower.

NORJON (Tib.) - Keeper of property.

NORJUNMA (Tib.) - The flow of wealth. Epithet of Indra's wife, queen of heaven.

NORZEN (Tib.) - Holding wealth.

NORBO (Tib.) - Jewel.

NORBOSAMBU (Tib.) - Wonderful jewel. Epithet of the deity of wealth.

NORDAN (Tib.) - The owner of wealth, the epithet of the earth, the globe.

NORDOP (Tib.) - Rich.

NORZHIMA (Tib.) - Giving wealth.

NORPOL (Tib.) - Precious radiance.

ODONSEEG - Star flower.

ODONTUYA - Starry dawn.

OJIN (Tib.) - Giving light. The epithet of the Sun.

ODON - Star.

ODONGEREL - Starlight.

ODONZAYA - Star destiny.

OIDOB, OIDOP (Tib.) - Perfection, ability, siddhis. Siddhi means the supernatural power of a person acquired by him as a result of the practice of yoga.

OLZON - Find, profit.

ODSAL, ODSOL (Tib.) - Clear light.

ODSRUN (Tib.) - Keeper of the light.

ODSER (Tib.) - Rays of light.

OCHIGMA (Tib.) - Radiant.

OCHIRE, OSHOR - Buryat pronunciation of the Sanskrit word "vajra" - diamond. See Bazaar.

OCHIRJAB (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Protected by a diamond.

OSHORNIMA (Sanskrit-Tib.) Diamond sun.

OSHON - Spark.

OSHONGEREL - Light of a spark.

OYUUNA - Has two meanings: mind, talent and turquoise.

OYUUNBELIG - Wise, talented, gifted.

OYUNGEREL - Light of wisdom.

OYUUNTUYA - Dawn of wisdom.

OYUUNSHEMEG - Turquoise decoration.

ONGON - Spirit, genius - the guardian of shamanists. Another meaning is a holy revered, reserved place.

OSOR (Tib.) - the same as Odser.

OTHON - Junior. Literally, the guardian of the hearth.

OTKHONBAYAR - Younger joy.

OTHONBELIG - Younger wisdom.

OTHONSESEG - Junior flower.

PIRAGLAY (Tib.) - the same as Prinlay.

PRINLAY (Tib.) - The act of a Bodhisattva, a saint.

PYNSEG (Tib.) - Perfect, happy, beautiful.

PAGBA (Tib.) - Holy, noble.

PAGMA (Tib.) - Honorable lady, queen.

PALAM (Tib.) - Diamond, diamond.

PIGLAY (Tib.) - Holy karma.

PYNSEGNIMA (Tib.) - The sun of prosperity.

PYRBE (Tib.) - Planet Jupiter, which corresponds to Thursday; the name of a magical triangular dagger used to drive away evil spirits.

PELMA (Tib.) - Multiplying.

PELJED (Tib.) - Growing, increasing. An epithet for Vishnu.

RADNASAMBU (Sanskrit-Tib.) - A beautiful jewel.

RAGCHA, RAKSHA (Sanskrit.) - Protection.

RANJUN (Tib.) - Self-arising.

RABDAN (Tib.) - Strong, very strong.

RABSAL (Tib.) - Distinct, clear.

RADNA (Sanskrit.) - Jewel.

RINCHINDORJO (Tib.) - Precious diamond.

RINCHINSENGE (Tib.) - Precious lion.

RANGE (Tib.) - Self-changing, improving.

RANPIL (Tib.) - Self-increasing.

RUGBY (Tib.) - Smart.


REGSEL (Tib.) - Clear knowledge.

REGZEN, IRGIZIN (Tib.) - A sage holding knowledge.

RINCHINKHANDA (Tib.) - Precious heavenly fairy (Dakinya).

REGDEL (Tib.) - Free from attachments.

REGZED (Tib.) - Treasury of knowledge.

REGZEMA (Tib.) - Feminine form of Ragzen.

SAINBELIG - Beautiful wisdom.

SAINJARGAL - Wonderful happiness.

SAGAADAY - White, light

SAYZHIN (Tib.) - Giving food, giving alms.

SAINBATA - Strong beautiful.

SAINBAYAR - Wonderful joy.

SANDAG, SANDAK, (Tib.) - Lord of the secret. The epithet of the Bodhisattva Vajrapani (bur. Oshor Vani). See explanations for CHAGDAR.

SANDAN - Same as Samdan.

SANJAY (Tib.) - Spreading purity. Tibetan translation of the word Buddha, an epithet of Buddha.

SAMBU (Tib.) - Good, kind, beautiful

SAMDAN (Tib.) - The name comes from the Buddhist concept of dhyana-samdan, meaning the initial stage of concentration, meditation, in which the object of concentration completely captures the mind. In a word, reflection, contemplation.

SAMPIL (tib.) - Practicing contemplation.

SANGAZHAP (Skt.) - Protected by the community (i.e. the sangha of Buddhists).

SANJIMA (Tib.) - Pure, honest.

SANZHIMITYP (Tib.) - Invincible.

SARAN - Moon.

SANJAYJAB (Tib.) - Protected by the Buddha.

SANJADORJO (Tib.) - Diamond Buddha.

SANZHARAGSHA (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Patronage of the Buddha.

SANJID (Tib.) - Cleansing. The epithet of fire, water and the sacred grass of kusha.

SANJIDMA - Feminine form from Sanjid.

SAYAN - In honor of the Sayan Mountains.

SAYANA - The female form of the Saiyans.

SODBO - The same as Zodbo.

SARANGEREL - Moonlight, beam.

SARANSESEG - Lunar flower.

SARANTUYA - Lunar dawn.

SARUUL - Most Serene, talented.

SARYUN - Beautiful, magnificent.

SAHIR - Pale, whitish.

SOYJIMA - Female form from Soyzhin.

SOYZHIN (Tib.) - Giver of healing, healer.

SOKTO - right - Sogto - Sparkling, lively.

SOLBON - There are two meanings: the planet Venus, which corresponds to Friday and dexterous, agile.

SOLONGO - Rainbow.

SODNOMBAL (Tib.) - Increasing, multiplying spiritual merits.

SODNOM (Tib.) - Spiritual merit, virtues acquired as a result of committing virtuous deeds.

SOEL - Education, upbringing, culture.

SOELMA - Feminine form from Soel.

SYMBER (Skt.) - Buryat-Mongolian form from Sumeru - the king of the mountains. The name of the mythical mountain, the center of the universe.

SUNDAR (Tib.) - Spreading instructions.

SURANZAN - Magnet.

SOLTO - Glorious, famous, famous.

SOSOR (Tib.) - Normal.

SRONZON (Tib.) - Rectilinear, not bending. The name in combination with Gampo (Srontszan Gampo) - the famous king of Tibet in the 7th century, who created a vast Tibetan state and was considered the patron of Buddhism.

SUBADI, SUBDA - Pearl, pearl.

SULTIM (Tib.) - Moral. Buddhist concept of moral purity (thoughts, speech and deeds); one of the paramitas (see Abarmit)

SUMATI (Skt.) - Scientist, educated.

SUMATIRADNA (Skt.) - Precious knowledge, or a treasury of learning. The name of Rinchen Nomtoev (1820-1907) - a prominent Buryat scientist, writer and educator in the second half of the 19th century.

SENGE (Sanskrit.) - Lev.

SENGEL, SENGELEN - Cheerful, joyful.

SANDEMA (Tib.) - Lion-faced. The name of the heavenly fairy (Dakini) of wisdom.

SENHE - Hoarfrost.

SYRYN (Tib.) - Protection, amulet.

SYHE - Ax.

SYKHEBATAR - Ax-hero. The name of the Mongolian revolutionary, commander. One of the founders of the Mongolian People's Republic.

SYZHIP (Tib.) - Protected, guarded by life.

SEBEGMID (Tib.) - Eternal life, immeasurable life. The name of the Buddha Amitayus, the deity of longevity.

SEMZHED (Tib.) - Pleasing to the mind. Epithet of the goddess Uma, queen of heaven.

SESEN - Smart, wise.

SESERLIG - Flower garden, garden.

SERGELEN - Agile, nimble.

SERZHIMA (Tib.) - Golden.

SERZHIMEDEG (Tib.) - Golden flower.

SEREMZHE - Vigilance, sensitivity.


TOLON - Ray, brilliance, radiance, purity.

TYBDEN (Tib.) - The teachings of the Buddha, Buddhism.

TABHAY (Tib.) - Skillful, capable.

TAGAR (Tib.) - White tiger. The name of a deity of the Naga class.

TAMIR - Strength (physical), energy, health.

TAMJID (Tib.) - All-good.

TOGMID, TOGMIT (Tib.) - Having no beginning, the original eternal; epithet of Adibuddha.

TYGESBAYAR - Full of joy.


TYGESZHARGAL - Complete happiness.

TYBCHIN, TYBSHIN (Tib.) - Great, holy, epithet of Buddha.

TUVAN (Tib.) - the lord of ascetics, an epithet of Buddha

TUVANDORJO (Tib.) - Diamond lord of ascetics.

TYGELDER - Full, full.

TYGES - Complete, completed.

TYGESBATA - Strong full.

TYGESBAYAN - Full of wealth.

TYMENBATA - Strong abundance.

TYMENBAYAR - Abundant joy.

TYGET - Tibetan.

TYDYP, TYDEB (Tib.) - Powerful, magical.

TYDEN (Tib.) - Strong, powerful.

TYMEN - Ten thousand, a lot of abundance.

TUYANA - A stylized form from "tuyaa" - dawn, rays of light, radiance.

TEMYLEN - Rushing forward, swift. The name of the daughter of Genghis Khan (1153-1227).

TEHE - goat.

TYMENZHARGAL - Abundant happiness.

TYMER - Iron.

TYMERBAATAR - Iron hero.

TUNGALAG - Transparent, clean.

TYRGEN - Fast, agile. Wed Turgejuv.

TYSHEMEL - nobleman, dignitary, minister.

TYSHIN (Tib.) - Great power of magic.

ULZYZHARGAL - Happiness.

YLEMZHE - Many, abundance. The planet Mercury, which corresponds to the environment.

YNERMA - Happy.

UBASHI (Skt.) - A lay person who has taken vows.

UDBAL (Skt.) - Blue lotus.

YEN - Ermine.

ULZY - Spreading happiness.

URINGEREL - Gentle light.

URINJARGAL - Gentle happiness.

URINSESEG - Delicate flower.

YNERSAYKHAN - Beautiful happiness.

URZHAN (Tib.) - Head decoration, crown.

URZHIMA (Tib.) - Diadem.

URIN - Gentle, affectionate, friendly.

URINBAYAR - Gentle joy.

URINTUYA - Gentle dawn.

UYANGA - Flexible, plastic, melodic.

HAYDAB, HAYDAP (Tib.) - Smart, holy.

HAYDAN (Tib.) - Wise, persistent.

HAIMCHIG (Tib.) - An outstanding connoisseur, a famous scientist.

KHADAN (Tib.) - Having gods, an epithet of Lhasa.

HAZHID (Tib.) - A celestial being in heaven.

KHAJIDMA - Feminine form from Khazhid.

HAYBZAN (Tib.) - Spiritual person, monk, scholar and righteous.

KHORLO (Tib.) - Circle, wheel.

HUBDAI - Amber.

HAMATSYREN (from Lhamatsyren) (Tib.) - Goddess of long life.

KHANDA (Tib.) - Marching through the sky; epithet of the sun.

HANDAZHAP (Tib.) - Patronized by a heavenly fairy (Dakine).

KHANDAMA (Tib.) - Dakinis, celestial fairies, female deities. Literally: walking through the sky.

HASH - Chalcedony.

KHASHBAATAR - Chalcedony hero. The name of the famous Mongol commander during the creation of the Mongolian People's Republic.

HONGOR - Sweet, charming, affectionate.

KHURELBAATAR - Bronze hero.

HUYAG - Mail, armor.

HUBISHAL - Change, change.

KHUBITA - Having a destiny.

KHULAN - Antelope. The name of one of the wives of Genghis Khan.

KHUREL - Bronze.

HERMAN - Squirrel.

HASHEGTE - Happiness, prosperity, mercy.

TSIBIKZHAB, TSEBEGZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by immortality, eternity.

TSYDEN, TSEDEN (Tib.) - Strong life.

TSYDENBAL, TSEDENBAL (Tib.) - Increasing strong life.

ZOKTO - The same as Sokto.

TSYBEGMIT - The same as Sabegmid.

CYBAN, TSEBEN (Tib.) - Lord of life.

TSYBIK, TSEBEG (Tib.) - Immortal.

TSYMBAL (Tib.) - Prosperity. It is also often found as - Symbel.

CHICKEN (Tib.) - Multiplying life.

TSIREMZHIT, TSEREMZHIT (Tib.) - Happiness, the benefit of a long life.

Tsydenzhab, Tsedenzhab (Tib.) - Protected by a strong life.

TSYDENDAMBA, TSEDENDAMBA (Tib.) - Holy strong life.

Tsydeneshi, Tsedeneshi (Tib.) - Omniscience of a strong life.

TSYDYP, TSEDEB (Tib.) - Lifegiver.

TSIRENDYZHID, TSERENDEZHED (Tib.) - Prosperous long life.

TSIRENZHAB, TSERENZHAB (Tib.) - Protected by a long life.

TSYRETOR (Tib.) - Treasury of long life.

TSIREN, TSEREN (Tib.) - Long life.

TSIRENDASHI, TSERENDASHA (Tib.) - Prosperity of a long life.

TSIRENDORZHO, TSERENDORZHO (Tib.) - Diamond of long life.

TSIRENDULMA, TSERENDULMA (Tib.) - Long life of the liberator, i.e. White Tara.

CYRMA - The female form from Tsyren, although there is also a form of Tsyrenma.

TsEPEL (Tib.) - Prolonging life.

TSERIGMA (Tib.) - Healer.

CEREMPIL (Tib.) - Multiplying long life.

CHIMITDORJI (Tib.) - Diamond of immortality.

CHIMITTSU is the female form of Chimit.

CHINGIS - The name of the man of the millennium, the founder of the Great Mongolian state.

CHAGDAR (Tib.) - With a vajra in his hand. The name of Vajrapani (Oshorvani), an angry deity, symbolizing strength, destroying ignorance.

CHIMBE - Form from Zhimbe.

CHIMIT (Tib.) - Immortal.

CHOYMPEL (Tib.) - Spreading the Teaching.

CHOYNZHIN (Tib.) - Religious offering, alms.

CHOINKHOR is the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word “dharmachakra”, i.e. "Wheel of Buddha's Teachings". This is one of the widespread attributes, symbolizing the preaching of Buddhist teachings. The Choinkhor (Khorlo) symbol is installed on the pediment of Buddhist temples, accompanied by a lying fallow deer and a deer, which is associated with the first sermon of the Buddha in the “Deer Park” in Benares. The eight spokes of the wheel symbolize the "noble eightfold path" commanded in this sermon: - righteous view; righteous behavior; righteous determination; righteous speech; righteous lifestyle; righteous effort; righteous awareness; righteous contemplation. It is also the name of the path along which pilgrims make a detour around Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and the prayer wheel.

CHOYSRUN (Tib.) - Protecting the teaching.

CHOYBALSAN (tib) - A wonderfully flourishing teaching.

CHOIBON - The same as Shoibon.

CHOYZHOL, CHOYZHIL (Tib.) - The king who rules according to the teachings. Serves as an epithet for Yama, the lord of the realm of the dead.

CHOYJON (Tib.) - Defender of religion.

SHODON (Tib.) - Buryat form from the Tibetan "chorten". Chorten (Skt. stupa) is a Buddhist ritual structure of certain proportions, erected over the relics of the Buddha, great holy lamas, etc. We are better known under the name “suburgan”.

SHOEN (Tib.) - The sphere of religion.

SHOIBON (Tib.) - A subject of the Teaching, a follower of the Buddhist Teaching.

SHAGDAR - Form from Chagdar.

SHAGI (Tib.) - A Buddhist term meaning a mystical gesture - mudra - a certain position "of the hand and fingers of Buddhist saints and lamas. Literally: the sign of the fingers of the hand.

SHIRAB, SHIRAP (Tib.) - Intuition; wisdom.

SHIRABSENGE (Sanskrit-Tib.) - Lion of wisdom.

SHIRIDARMA (Skt.) - Excellent Teaching.

SHULUUNBATA - Strong stone.


SHULUUNSESEG - Stone flower.

SHOIDAGBA (Tib.) - Preacher.

SHOJON - The same as Choijon.

Shoizhinima (Tib.) - The Sun of the Teaching.

SHOINKHOR - The same as Choinhor.

SHONO - Wolf.

SHULUUN - Stone.

ENHE - Calm, prosperous.

ENHEAMGALAN - Prosperous calmness. Name of the Manchu Emperor Kangxi of the 17th century.

ENHEBATA - Strong well-being.

EDIR - Young, young.

EILDER - Kind, delicate, courteous.

ELBEG - Abundant, abundant.

ELDEB-OCHIRE (Mongolian—Skt.) - The Mongolian version of the name Natsagdorzhi, used along with it.

ENKHETAIBAN - Prosperous world.

ENHEREL - Tenderness.

ERDEM - Science, knowledge.

ENHEBAATAR - Peaceful hero.

ENHEBAYAR - Joyful well-being.

ENHEBULAD - Peaceful steel.

ENKHEZHARGAL - Happy well-being.

ERHETE - Full.

ETIGEL - Reliable.

ERDEMBAYAR - Joyful knowledge.

ERDEMZHARGAL - Happy knowledge.

ERDENI - Jewel, treasure.

ERDENIBATA - Solid jewel.

ERZHENA - A stylized form from the Buryat "erzhen" - mother of pearl.

YUMDYLYK (Tib.) - Happiness, well-being of the mother.

YUMZHANA (Tib.) - Mother's decoration, or the eye of intuition.

UMZHAP (Tib.) - Protected by higher knowledge.

Yum (Tib.) - Has several meanings: firstly, mother, secondly, shakti, divine power (the creative female aspect of the highest deity - Shiva), thirdly - as a Buddhist term - higher knowledge, intuition, an all-encompassing female source, from which everything flows and to which everything returns. Finally, fourthly, - Hume - the name of the third part of "Gan-chzhur". The name Hume rarely occurs separately, mainly in complex compositions.

YUMDOLGOR (Tib.) - Mother - White savior, i.e. White Tara (bur: Sagaan Dara - Ehe).

YUMDORJI (Tib.) - Diamond (vajra) of intuition.

YUMZHID (Tib.) - Mother's happiness.

YUMSUN, YUMSUM (Tib.) - Queen mother.

YUNDUN (tib) - Its first meaning is the mystical cross, the swastika, which is one of the oldest Indian symbols of prosperity; the second is immutable, indestructible.

YANDAN (Tib.) - Melodic, sonorous.

YANZHIMA (Tib.) - The mistress of the melody, with a melodic voice. Epithet Saraswati, goddess of eloquence, chants, patroness of arts and sciences.

YANZHIN - The same as Yanzhima.

YABZHAN (Tib.) - Decoration of the father.

YAMPIL (Tib) - Multiplying the melody.

YANJAY (Tib.) - A wonderful melody.

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The website has compiled a "traveler's dictionary" for everyone who wants to relax on the sacred lake. It included the most common words and expressions (like “hello”, “good”, “yes” and “I need to buy a ticket”), designed to help tourists who do not speak the Buryat language.

The portal even compiled a small "reminder" about the letters of the Buryat alphabet.

h is a Buryat sound that is not pronounced at the beginning of a word, but in the middle it is read as “s”

Өө is a Buryat sound that reads like "uu"

Y - Buryat sound, close in pronunciation to the Russian "u"

Long vowels are indicated by double letters: ii, өө, үү, ee

Earlier, the website told how to get to know and maintain a conversation with the inhabitants of Buryatia and how to behave at the table. You can test your knowledge of the language with the help of a special test compiled by the publication.

It should be noted that Buryat language is increasingly coming to the attention of the federal media. So, at the end of August, another popular portal, Afisha Daily, published an article on the Amiskhaal mobile application.

If you practice domestic tourism and are going to Buryatia, or just want to know how to ask in Buryat: "How much does a ram cost?", the Amiskhaal language self-instruction manual will help you, Afisha Daily notes. - But before you download the app, it's better to take a look at his funny promo account in "Instagram". Every day, phrases translated into Russian appear here that will help you navigate in an unfamiliar area (“Where is the store in the village?”), Formulate a simple truth (“He did not come to work because he has a hangover”) or, for example, write a status in social networks, for which he will later be ashamed (“Why do we love those who are happy without us?”).

It is most widespread in Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Irkutsk Region, and its range also extends to Northern Mongolia and Northeast China. The language is spoken by about 300,000 people, the Amiskhaal Instagram account has more than 11,000 subscribers.

Recall that the tutorial on the Buryat "Amiskhaal" was released in the spring of 2014. According to the developers, it will help everyone from scratch to raise their knowledge of the language to the level of normal communication on various topics. The program includes a phrasebook of five topics, a dictionary containing 11,000 words, and self-test exercises. The application also contains audio texts.