Department of Social Technologies and Public Service. Department of Social, Humanitarian and Economic Disciplines In academic work

The Department of Social Technologies was created in 1998 and is one of the leading departments of the Belgorod State National Research University. She trains bachelors, specialists, masters and graduate students in a number of areas and specialties. Training is carried out in the following areas:

  • Bachelor's degree 38.03.04 “State and municipal management” (4 years – full-time study, 5 years – part-time study);
  • Specialty 38.05.02 “Customs” (full-time study – 5 years, part-time – 6 years);
  • Master's degree 38.04.04 “State and municipal management” and 38.04.09 “State audit” (full-time study - 2 years; part-time - 2.5 years);
  • Postgraduate course 22.080.08 “Sociology of Management” and 22.00.04 “Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes.”

Educational process

Since 2011, bachelors have been trained in the direction of 03/38/04. State and municipal administration is a starting point for those who want to become a professional official. The versatility of the direction dictates special requirements for the content of the curriculum. Compulsory subjects include the fundamentals of state and municipal management, management theory, theories and mechanisms of modern state and municipal management, municipal economy, and project management. The internship takes place in state and municipal authorities that correspond to the profile of training. A specialist in state and municipal management works in a variety of departments and services, including specialized ones.

Since 2011, specialty 38.05.02 has been licensed and opened "Customs". Graduates of the specialty can occupy various positions, working both directly in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, and advising entrepreneurs on the transportation of goods and goods across the border. The most popular professions in this area are declarant, customs inspector, customs manager, foreign economic activity specialist, customs clearance specialist, customs broker, customs carrier.

Master's degree 04/38/04 "State and municipal administration". The educational process of the master's program in all disciplines of the curriculum is provided by highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, known for their scientific work, as well as current employees of state and municipal authorities. Graduates have the opportunity to occupy leadership positions in state and municipal government bodies, management systems of state-owned enterprises, joint-stock companies and private firms, as well as scientific and design organizations, and conduct research and teaching activities. A master who has mastered the basic educational training program and defended a master's thesis can continue his education in graduate school at a university.

Master's programs:

  • State and municipal service
  • Project management
  • State management of foreign economic and foreign policy activities

38.04.09 "Government Audit". State audit is one of the key institutions of civil society, an integral part of the system of socio-economic regulation. The training assumes a professional level of training in the field of government control in order to improve the efficiency of organizations of various forms of ownership, stimulate the quality of public and financial management, and promote socio-economic development. The Master’s program “Public Audit” prepares specialists with the competencies to effectively solve expert-analytical and control-auditing tasks in modern conditions.

Master Program:

  • Expertise and analytics in the field of government audit

To the main types of practices bachelors relate:

  • educational practice aimed at students obtaining primary professional skills; a section of educational practice can be the research work of students;
  • industrial practice, which includes industrial practice to obtain professional skills and experience in professional activities and pre-graduate practice to complete final qualifying work.

To the main types of practices masters relate:

  • educational practice aimed at obtaining primary professional skills and abilities
  • production practice, which includes practical training to gain professional skills and experience in professional activities and research work.

Students undergo practical training in accordance with the approved curricula and schedules of the educational process in basic organizations with which agreements on joint activities have been concluded.

Practice base: Administration of the Governor of the Belgorod Region, bodies of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, Administration of the city of Belgorod, Department of internal and personnel policy of the Belgorod region, Department of economic development of the Belgorod region, Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Belgorod, Customs posts of the Belgorod customs, administration municipal districts, enterprises and organizations participating in foreign trade activities.

Students from many regions of Russia and foreign countries study at the department.

Faculty of the department

The department employs 44 people, of which 5 are professors and practicing teachers. Freelance teachers of the department are politicians and public figures.

Research activities

Scientific directions of the Department of Social Technologies:

  • Social technologies of state and municipal government
  • Study of demographic processes
  • Sociology of local communities
  • Man, society, science: problems and development prospects
  • Foreign economic activity as a tool for managing economic development at the meso- and micro levels of the economic system

The department is the base for the dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations, in the specialties 22.00.08 - sociology of management, 22.00.06 - sociology of culture, 22.00.04 - social structure, social institutions and processes.

Full-time and part-time postgraduate studies are open in two specialties:

  • Social structure, institutions and processes;
  • Sociology of management.

Our strategic partners: Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Cross-Border Cooperation and Integration,

There are two clubs at the Department of Social Technologies: the Student Scientific Club of the Department of Social Technologies “Astrum” and the International Student Club of the Department of Social Technologies “Chameleon”.

The Student Scientific Club of the Department of Social Technologies is a voluntary association of student researchers and young scientists who show interest in research work and actively participate in it.

Historical reference:

February 1980 – January 1989 – formation of the Moscow Institute of Water Transport Engineers.

July 1993 - January 2017 – Moscow State Academy of Water Transport.

From February 2017 to the present - Moscow State Academy of Water Transport - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "GUMRF named after adm. S.O. Makarov"

The department changed its name several times: the department of social sciences, the department of humanities, the department of philosophy and social and humanitarian disciplines and, finally, the department of social, humanitarian and economic disciplines.

The activities of the department are determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the Charter of the Academy and local regulations.

Training is conducted in full-time and part-time forms in 53 academic disciplines, and also includes the training of masters and graduate students.

In its activities, the Department is guided by the principle of implementing the correspondence of the level and content of social, humanitarian and economic education of students to the goals and objectives of their professional education at each level of education; continuity and continuity of humanitarian and social training; the integrity of social, humanitarian and economic education in the unity of its historical, philosophical, cultural, political science, sociological and economic aspects; systematic updating of the content of training courses in accordance with the achieved level of domestic and world science, culture and social practice; humanization of education; creating conditions for students to successfully master knowledge, skills and abilities at the level of requirements of specialties that meet state educational standards.

The department of social, humanitarian and economic disciplines includes an office equipped with modern audiovisual equipment, and the department has a library on philosophical, social and humanitarian issues.

The scientific activities of the Department’s employees are reflected in the collections “Social and humanitarian problems of modern social development.” The tasks of improving the methods of teaching social, humanitarian and economic disciplines and educational work are also reflected in the periodicals of the Department.

Department of Social, Humanitarian and Economic Disciplines

Piloyan Margarita Grachievna, Senior lecturer of the department.

More than 30 years of experience.

Disciplines read: History, Cultural Studies, Specialization: History and culture of the Middle East

Department staff


FULL NAME. teacher implementing the program

Teaching position

List of disciplines taught

The level of education


Academic degree of a pedagogical worker (if available)

Academic title of a pedagogical worker (if available)

Information on advanced training and (or) professional retraining of teaching staff (if available)

Total work experience

Work experience of a teaching worker in the specialty




Head of the department

Philosophy, sociology, History and philosophy of science

Higher education

Philosophy teacher.







Political science, Civilian population in countering the ideology of terrorism

Higher education

Teacher of philosophy, social studies



“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”




assistant professor

History, Cultural Studies

Higher education

teacher of history and social sciences – political sciences. Story

“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”




Senior Lecturer

Ethics and etiquette, Business culture, Communication culture, Psychology and pedagogy

Higher education

Teacher of scientific communism

“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Mishchenko Igor


assistant professor

Transport psychology, Psychology and pedagogy of higher education

Higher education



“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Kopylova Olga Vasilievna

Senior Lecturer

Jurisprudence, Fundamentals of labor law

Higher education

Jurisprudence. International law

“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Divakova Marina Vladimirovna

assistant professor

Russian language and culture of speech

Higher education

Teacher of Russian language and literature


assistant professor

1. “Teaching Russian as a foreign language”

2. “Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Miloslavskaya Svetlana Viktorovna


Economics of the industry

Higher education

Economic cybernetics



“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Isaeva Anna Andreevna


Geography of waterways,

Higher education



assistant professor

“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Amirova Zarema Buttaevna

assistant professor

Economics, Economic Theory, Finance, Crisis Management

Higher education


Lawyer. Economic postgraduate course.

“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Dushechkina Nina Viktorovna

Senior Lecturer

Economics of organizations, Fundamentals of accounting, Accounting and analysis, Organization and production planning

Higher education


“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”

Melchenko Vera Evgenievna

assistant professor

Economic geography of transport, Location of productive forces

Higher education

Geography (Physical geography of the USSR)


assistant professor

“Practical use of components of the electronic information and educational environment in the educational process”


Moscow, Novodanilovskaya embankment, 2, building 1

Other regulatory documents, reference and information materials related to the scope of activity of the structural unit

Scientific topics of the department

Directions and results of scientific (research) activities and the research base for its implementation.

The subsection should also provide information about the research base for carrying out scientific (research) activities.


Name of specialty, area of ​​training

List of scientific areas within which scientific (research) activities are carried out

Number of faculty members taking part in scientific (research) activities

Number of students taking part in scientific (research) activities

Number of monographs published by scientific and pedagogical workers of educational organizations in all scientific fields over the past year

Number of articles published and accepted for publication in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission/foreign for the publication of scientific works over the past year

Number of patents received for developments over the past year: Russian/foreign

Number of intellectual property registration certificates issued for developments over the last year: Russian/foreign

Training is aimed at everyone

1. "Industry economics"

2. “Social and humanitarian problems of modern social development”

Person 2


History of the department

Amur State University was one of the first universities in Russia to train specialists in social work. The specialty “Social work” was approved by order No. 180 of the Committee on Higher School of the Ministry of Science of Russia dated 03/05/1994, in the same year the first intake of students for this specialty was made at the Blagoveshchensk Polytechnic University (now Amur State University).

Based on the decision of the Academic Council of Amur State University dated 03/05/98 and with the assistance of the first rector of the university Boris Alekseevich Vinogradov, a new department was created at the Faculty of Social Sciences - “Social Medicine”, which was renamed by order dated 04/10/1998 No. 128-OD Department of Medical and Social Work.

By order of May 15, 1998 No. 265-K, the department of medical and social work was assigned responsibility for training students in the specialty “Social work”. Since the formation of the department, the duties of the head of the department have been performed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Mikhail Timofeevich Lutsenko.

In 2014, the Department of Medical and Social Work was renamed to the Department of Social Work. On November 16, 2017, Natalia Mikhailovna Polevaya became the head of the department.

Teachers with basic medical, pedagogical and technical education are involved in teaching part of the main disciplines assigned to the department, which is due to the interdisciplinary nature of social work as a field of scientific knowledge and area of ​​professional activity, as well as practical social workers working in social institutions and services.

A list of employees

    Polevaya Natalia Mikhailovna – head of the department, associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences

    Romanova Lyubov Leonidovna – deputy. head department, candidate of pedagogical sciences

    Gosteva Lilit Zavenovna – Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

    Eremeeva Tatyana Sergeevna – candidate of pedagogical sciences

    Sitnikova Victoria Vladimirovna – Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Sciences

    Shcheka Natalya Yurievna Associate Professor – Candidate of Sociological Sciences

    Balandina Polina Sergeevna – engineer

Areas of training

03.39.02#"Social work" - bachelor's degree

A modern bachelor of social work is a professional who has a deep understanding of issues of social relations, legal guarantees of citizens, who subtly grasps the moral and psychological problems of people’s lives and is able to competently provide them with assistance.

Areas of professional activity of the graduate:

    state and municipal government bodies, territorial bodies and centers for social protection of the population; public employment service; pension and social service system; social insurance system;

    strong structure; Migration Service; Ministry of Emergency Situations; penitentiary institutions;

    healthcare system and social and psychological assistance centers; system of education and research activities;

    trade union organizations, non-profit organizations (including charitable foundations), etc.

A graduate who has mastered the basic educational program of higher professional education of a bachelor's degree in the direction of training "Social work" is prepared to continue his education in a master's program.

04/39/02#"Social work" - master's degree. Focus (profile) of the educational program: “History, methodology and theory of social work”

A master's degree is an opportunity to gain knowledge that does not fit into the fairly strict standards of complete higher education. One of the main advantages of a master's degree is taking into account the individual needs of students. A master's degree graduate is a professional in the chosen specialization, more prepared for professional activities than a specialist or bachelor.

The professional activities of masters of social work are carried out in social organizations and institutions, social protection authorities, public employment service agencies, state medical and social examination service institutions, the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, penitentiary institutions, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of organizational -legal form; healthcare institutions, cultural institutions, educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its regional divisions, research institutes.

Scientific activity

The theme of the department’s research work for 2016-2020 is Social protection of the family.

State registration number of research work – 116021510072

The nature of research is proactive, applied scientific research

The head of the research work is Victoria Vladimirovna Sitnikova, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor.

The results of research are used in teaching the following disciplines:

  1. Introduction to the profession, including information and bibliographic culture
  2. Social politics
  3. Modern theories of social well-being
  4. Fundamentals of the welfare state and legal support for social work
  5. Social work theory
  6. Social technologies
  7. Social work technology
  8. Social qualimetry, quality assessment and standardization of social services
  9. Research methods in social work
  10. Family science
  11. Content and methodology of social and medical work
  12. Medical and biological foundations of social work
  13. Forecasting, design and modeling in social work
  14. Organization of the social protection system
  15. Organization of social work with various population groups
  16. Social partnership
  17. Organization of maternal and child health
  18. Genderology and gender studies in social work
  19. Technology for developing social programs
  20. Technology for developing social projects.


  • Address: Ignatievskoe highway 21, building 7, room 203
  • Phone: 234-694
  • E-mail: msr@site