Why do you dream about rose bushes of different colors? Why do you dream about a bouquet of red roses?

The rose is a majestic and regal flower revered in many cultures and traditions. In esoteric practices, this flower is a symbol of life and femininity and personifies the beauty and fragility of existence. What does a dreamed rose mean? Let's talk about this in the article.

The meaning of the image of a rose in a dream

Dreams in which roses are dreamed can be completely different in psychological and emotional content. For example, in one dream you can get pleasure from enjoying the wonderful smell or sight of a flower, in another you can feel obvious pain, injuring your hand on thorns. From the point of view of psychoanalysts and clinical psychologists, a rose in a dream can be a projection of an experience in real life.

In turn, researchers of night dreams, based on esotericism, believe that a dreamed flower can foreshadow important changes in the dreamer’s life. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the interpretation of sleep.

However, it is impossible to find out what exactly a rose symbolizes in a dream without relying on the basics of the plot of the vision. First of all, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Condition and type of flower;
  • The color of a dreamed rose;
  • Human actions in a dream.

Let's consider each of the above parameters separately.

Depending on the condition and type of flower

One of the plot criteria of a dream that should be taken into account when interpreting is the condition and type of rose, namely:

  • Unsightly or wilted roses in a dream, according to Astromeridian’s dream book, means the onset of a serious illness or painful betrayal on the part of a loved one. According to Miller's dream book, such a dream may also mean that you do not have one love. You are torn between two contenders for your hand and heart, and this upsets you;
  • Dried or dried flower(herbarium) symbolizes memories of a departed love or a chronic illness that literally dries up and devastates the dreamer. Miller's dream book interprets this image as a reflection of sadness and mental pain;
  • Rose with thorns in a dream urges you to be careful. At any moment you can expect a trick from the people around you. The more thorns, the more likely the threat of cruel betrayal from a loved one;
  • Luxurious and fresh roses in a dream they symbolize prosperity and joy of mutual love for many years;
  • Fresh cut flower means good luck, which will be the reward for your hard work. If the rose smells wonderful at the same time, for someone you have become the greatest love of his life;
  • Flowers crumbling in hands they talk about dashed hopes and unhappy love;
  • Roses exuding a magnificent aroma, according to the Romantic Dream Book, you dream of the appearance of true love in your life and an early marriage with a wonderful person;
  • Flower with many petals dreams of good news or changes in your career or personal life.

Artificial or foul-smelling flowers symbolize deception and disappointment in romantic relationships. If you dream that you receive such roses as a gift from a friend or loved one, this is a reason to beware of betrayal on his part.

Interpretations by color

The color of the buds is of particular importance when deciphering a dream about roses. The shade of the flower means a certain emotional or physical state of the dreamer, and also predicts his future.

Most often in dreams there are inflorescences of white and red flowers.

So the value red roses in a dream, depending on the plot of the night’s dreams, it may be as follows:

  • Scarlet flowers with many thorns dream about the end of a love affair. In some cases, such an image may indicate escalating hostility within the family;
  • One red rose in the dreamer's hand According to Freud's dream book, it symbolizes a possible leak of sexual energy. A well-known psychologist recommends engaging in spiritual practices that can raise the necessary energy to an acceptable level;
  • Bouquet of roses of this color with unopened petals means an addition to the young family;
  • Scarlet roses in a vase according to Miller’s dream book, they foretell happiness and unexpected good news.

Dreamed in a dream White Rose have the following meaning:

  • If you dream Vvase– receiving a pleasant and unexpected gift from a loved one;
  • Gave a bouquet of red and white– a white streak will come in your life very soon;
  • Buy two or three flowers in a plot– you will bring good to the people around you;
  • Picking artificial white buds or bridal bouquet– receive a marriage proposal from your lover in reality;
  • I dream of a big bouquet of roses - you will find a sufficient number of joyful events in your life that will give you the fulfillment of your cherished desire;
  • If the roses are white a large number of thorns, according to Miller's dream book, this is a sign of illness.

Other colors of a rose in a dream also have a specific meaning:

  • Pink roses mean that in reality you will be in the clouds. Very often people dream and small pink flowers, which, unfortunately, are interpreted negatively. Most likely, in the near future, your close relative will suffer a serious injury or be diagnosed with some kind of illness;
  • Cream petals symbolizes tenderness and love from someone close to you;
  • Green color buds speaks of the dreamer’s indecision and uncertainty. You have to make an important choice for which you are not ready;
  • Yellow flowers dream about declaration of love. Depending on the condition of the bouquet, recognition can come from both a dear and unpleasant person. AND According to Miller’s dream book, yellow color means wisdom and calmness, as well as making the right decisions;
  • Blue or blue petals in a dream means the embodiment into reality of a long-forgotten desire that was once cherished;
  • Black roses, contrary to superstitions, they do not always foreshadow sorrow and suffering. According to Miller's dream book, this is the color of magic and the unknown. Often such a dream foreshadows travel and new experiences. However, withered black flowers may foretell the death of a close relative.

A large bouquet of different types of roses indicates future material benefits, which will come as a surprise to you. Most often this is a cash prize or lottery winnings.

However, there is another interpretation of this image. According to Miller's dream book, if you dreamed of a large bouquet of different plants, then most likely the sick person will die unexpectedly. If a strong and healthy dreamer had such a dream, his life will be happy and joyful.

By human actions

The key point in deciphering any dream is the person’s actions in relation to the leading image.

Dreams about roses are no exception. Thus, if in a dream:

  • Receive white, red or pink roses as a gift,then this means a well-fed and favorable life, filled with vivid emotions and impressions;
  • To be pricked by the thorns of a flower, this means that in reality you will be disappointed in love and in any loved one;
  • Collect a bouquet of roses, according to Miller’s dream book, this dreams of unexpected profits;
  • Smell the flowers, that smell good, joy and fun await you in life, which nothing can overshadow;
  • cut a flower, this means that in reality you will meet true love. However, if you prick yourself on thorns, the feeling will be deceptive and you will end up disappointed;
  • Buy roses according to Astromeridian’s dream book, the dream foreshadows the achievement of a long-set goal, which you previously abandoned due to unfavorable circumstances;
  • Stroking the petals the dream symbolizes a positive response to the feelings of a person in love with the dreamer. If you pluck the petals from a flower, in reality you will hurt the one who loves you;
  • Planting black rose sprouts this means a speedy separation from your loved one. If you plant a plant with red flowers, you have to take the first step in a love adventure. If the sprouts are white, you have established a spiritual connection with an unusual person;
  • Break a flower stem, according to the Romantic Dream Book, the dream foreshadows an imminent love discord.

If in a dream you are caring for a bush of roses that have not yet blossomed, the dream symbolizes making a big profit. Most often, such night dreams foreshadow the receipt of an inheritance from distant relatives.

Why does a woman dream of roses?

Women's worldview is often different from men's. In addition, the images that a woman sees in her dreams are much brighter and more diverse than those of men. For these reasons, the dreams of representatives of the fair half of humanity are in some cases interpreted differently than the dreams of men. In order not to be mistaken in the interpretation of night dreams, you should pay attention to the position of researchers of women's dreams, one of whom is the hereditary Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. According to her dream book:

  • If in a dream girl smells roses, this means that in the near future she will meet her only love;
  • Seen by a woman in a dream blooming rose bush symbolizes the devotion of a lover and peace in the family;
  • Withering rose in a dream, it reminds a woman of inevitable aging, and also foreshadows sadness and despondency;
  • Seen by a young girl bouquets of flowers or rose wreaths, which she compiles herself means that she will soon find long-awaited happiness with a worthy person;
  • Decorate your hair with a red rose for a woman in love in a dream it means in reality to fail on the love front;
  • If in winter the girl dreams that she receives a bouquet of flowers as a gift, a vision may mean vain hopes. If you dreamed something like this in spring, soon the dreamer will experience unspeakable happiness;
  • If a representative of the fair sex sees in a dream, white roses on which no light falls, what you see foreshadows a serious illness of the female reproductive organs;
  • Withered rose bush dreams about the illness of close relatives. In turn, if the plant is healthy and a woman takes care of it in a dream, the image symbolizes the fulfilled hopes of one of the family members.

The interpretation of the image of a rose in women’s dreams is also found in other dream interpretation dictionaries. For example, according to the Romantic Dream Book, if a woman in a dream pricks her finger with a plant thorn, in the near future she will convict her lover of treason.

Interpretations according to different dream books

The image of a rose in dreams has been studied for decades. Many somnologists become authors of dream books. However, when studying several dream books in a row, it is easy to notice that the same image is interpreted differently in different publications. In fact, this is not surprising, since researchers adhere to different methods for interpreting night dreams. Some of them prefer the method of psychoanalysis, while others study dreams from an esoteric point of view.

As for the actual image of a rose in a dream, when interpreting it, it is recommended to pay attention to the following dictionaries:

  • From a psychoanalytic point of view:
    • Miller's Dream Book;
    • Freud's Dream Book;
    • Loff's Dream Book;
  • From an esoteric point of view:
    • Family dream book;
    • Dream book of the 21st century.

Let's take a closer look at both methods of interpreting the image of a rose in a dream.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis

The most famous publication examining dreams from the point of view of psychoanalysis is Miller's dream book, by which:

  • Making a bouquet of roses in a dream means that the dreamer is currently happy;
  • dried flower may symbolize sadness due to the illness of a relative;
  • Refuse to accept flowers as a gift- a symbol of unpreparedness for a romantic relationship, a desire to be alone.

In turn, the famous psychoanalyst and sexologist Sigmund Freud views the rose as an exclusively sexual symbol. According to the findings of this researcher, the opened bud symbolizes the female genital organs. Thus, according to this author’s dream book:

  • Closed bud which a girl dreams about, says that she is not ready for sexual relations and may be afraid to have sexual intercourse. If a man dreams about this, he subconsciously experiences sexual attraction to young girls;
  • Opened flower on the contrary, it speaks of a woman’s thirst for sex and the standard attraction of a representative of the stronger sex;
  • Red roses symbolize violent passion. If the dreamer receives them as a gift from a loved one in a dream, an exciting love adventure awaits him;
  • White Rose they talk about the fading of passion and love in general. The couple should reconsider their relationship.

According to Loff's dream book, The rose is a symbol of the beauty of man and the world around him. To interpret a dream, you should pay special attention to the interpretation of the color of the dreamed flower.

From an esoteric point of view

The most famous and high-quality esoteric dream book of all, which deals with the image of a rose, is the Dream Book of the 21st century. According to this edition:

  • Cutting roses with your own hands in a dream foreshadows a quick marriage, regardless of the dreamer’s gender. However, if a child has such a dream, it means that he will soon meet someone who, many years later, will become his husband or wife;
  • Giving a flower in a dream symbolizes a declaration of love. The dreamer will find the strength to confess his feelings to a dear person;
  • Find a dried rose means in vain to resurrect past love in memories. There is no return to this page of the past;
  • Seeing a fading rose in a dream- to the end of a bright period in life. The joy goes away, and what will happen next is unknown;
  • If in night dreams the rose crumbles in the dreamer's hands, this means that the serene life has come to an end, and he will have to plunge into routine chores;
  • Receive a blue rose as a gift means to forget about the past in reality and gradually start life anew.

Another high-quality esoteric publication is Family dream book, the authors of which claim that fresh roses mean joy and prosperity in the family. At the same time, withered and unkempt flowers of any shade predict the illness of one of the household members. If a male dreamer gives one rose to an unfamiliar woman, he should take a closer look at her. Most likely, this woman will become his wife.

Any girl would be pleased to receive a bouquet of roses from her beloved man. But why do these flowers appear in a dream? Why do you dream of red roses and how to interpret such a dream - it’s worth figuring out.

Why do you dream of red roses - basic interpretation

Flowers in a dream represent the inner beauty of a person, his passionate desire to receive everything from life, to live in love and enjoy every day. Roses are quite elegant and sophisticated flowers, which are given not only on special occasions, but also as a sign of gratitude and tender feelings for a person.

In many dream books you can find an interpretation of a dream about red roses as a harbinger of passionate desires and feelings, a harbinger of incredible changes in your personal life. But it is worth paying special attention to the details of the dream, to what mood the dream gives the dreamer. It is important to remember all the details, all the characters in the dream. Perhaps you know these people, or you are seeing them for the first time.

It is also worth taking a close look at the shade of the flowers. It can be very diverse and, in connection with this, the interpretation of the dream will also differ. The classic interpretation says that roses with bright red petals symbolize passionate and intense feelings. Roses with darker petals symbolize a riddle and secret, which, by solving it, a person will gain access to the heart of a loved one.

If you dream of red and pink roses in a bouquet, the relationship is just beginning, but it has every chance of becoming happy. First, they will drag a person, as they say, into the pool headlong and he will drown in his own emotions without looking back, then they will allow him to get to know himself through another person.

If a stranger gives you such a bouquet in a dream, try to remember his facial features and everything he told you. There may be great meaning hidden in his words. It could be a harbinger of significant changes in your personal life in the future.

If you happened to see red and white roses in a dream, such a dream suggests that the relationship will be like a pendulum. At first, one of the partners will play the leading role in the relationship, then the second partner will take over. As a result, everyone will get their own comfort zone and the relationship will begin to bring joy.

If in a dream you dream of a huge bouquet of red roses, such a dream symbolizes the desire to get the object of desire, the desire to conclude or strengthen a marriage. For single girls, such a dream means that they will soon get married.

If in a dream you prick your finger on the thorns of a red rose, in reality you will be deceived and betrayed. You will encounter a two-faced partner who looks after you beautifully and evokes passion and tender feelings in you, but in reality all his promises are empty.

If the connection is secret in reality, then most likely it will not be possible to continue hiding it from prying eyes. You will have to prepare for the fact that secrets will be revealed and you will be exposed. If a man dreams of buying a huge bouquet of red roses for his beloved, in reality he will quarrel with her, the conversation will be quite passionate and principled. If a man dreams of collecting a bouquet of red roses with his own hands, such a dream promises a romantic date, new acquaintances and relationships.

If you dream of a huge bouquet, the feelings will be mutual. If a lonely person has such a dream, life will give him hope that everything will soon get better and relationships will receive a new impetus for development. If the dream is dreamed by those who are married, such a dream promises a new stage in the relationship, when mutual understanding and mutual love are very important.

Why do you dream of red roses according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says why a woman dreams of red roses - she is quite active in relationships, longs for passion and love. At the same time, she needs a relationship with a man who could become a full-fledged partner for her and would not constrain her life priorities.

If a woman dreams that she received roses as a gift, it is worth taking a closer look at who it will be from, it is with this person that an affair is possible. If the donor is unknown, you should expect unexpected meetings and acquaintances with rather extraordinary people.

If a man dreams that he was given red roses, some woman really wants reciprocity from him. If he himself gave someone a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream, he should take a closer look at who exactly received it. It is this girl who will force him to change his life priorities and settle down.

It is also worth paying special attention to the following interpretations of sleep:

Fresh roses with a wonderful aroma - to bright and passionate feelings;

Roses with dried petals - to health problems, fatigue, apathy;

Completely dried roses mean lingering disappointments in your personal life and depression.

Why do you dream of red roses according to Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book says that red roses dream of profit and prosperity for those to whom such a bouquet was presented. Particular attention should be paid to financial transactions, as they can be very profitable. If you give flowers personally, such a dream speaks of the possibility of entering into mutually beneficial cooperation.

If you dream of an odd number of roses, such a dream foretells a loss in love. It is worth taking a closer look at who appears in the dream. This person will be the culprit of troubles in his personal life. It is also important to remember if you have seen flowers in the hands of other people. Such a dream suggests that your family happiness may move on to someone else.

If in her dream a woman puts two buds in a vase, she is madly thirsty for passion and love, she has long wanted to get strong family relationships, but everything is against her. But she still shouldn’t go on a date with the first man who comes to hand, because she will make a mistake in her choice and will suffer for a long time. Also, such a relationship could harm her reputation. Moreover, if the woman was planning just an affair.

Why do you dream of red roses according to other dream books?

The eastern dream book says that dreams of red roses are harbingers of an imminent opportunity to build a family based on strong love. If you dream of exactly two buds, you will soon overcome loneliness, you will find a couple and a loved one.

If you dream about artificial buds, this does not have a positive interpretation, because such flowers do not promise feelings and joy in a dream; they rather promise protracted problems in your personal life and a sea of ​​misunderstandings with your partner.

If in a dream you were holding a huge bouquet of artificial flowers and then put it in a vase, you are in for a misunderstanding with your partner and a huge difference in your outlook on life and other interests. To avoid such colossal disagreements, you should try to listen to each other now.

If you dream about how red roses are simply withering in your vase, you should be more attentive to your health, as it will begin to let you down. The reason for this may be frequent stress and endless quarrels with loved ones. You should not shift the emotions that arose at work onto those who are close to you - people do not always understand and admit their guilt. But you will demand from them responsibility for what they have done, and this will only bring a passionate showdown, but not love.

The esoteric dream book says that an odd number of red roses in a dream means the opportunity to improve your personal life, and an even number means its complete destruction. At the same time, it is important to remember who exactly presented you with the bouquet. If it was a stranger and they simply dropped him at your door, such a dream suggests that you should be wary of all new acquaintances, as they could end in a scandal.

If you dream about red roses turning dry or black in your hands, expect negativity from someone around you. This person has been jealous of you for a long time and could not admit it to himself. But you are not to blame for other people’s problems and complexes - do not take responsibility for quarrels on yourself.

Of course, everyone will be pleased to see red roses in a dream, especially if we are talking about a huge bouquet given by a loved one. But what if in a dream you try to give a bouquet yourself, and you are refused? Such a dream promises only temporary pleasure in a relationship, after which you will want to continue, but your partner will not. But don’t be discouraged - this is not your last chance to build a family and gain mutual understanding with the opposite sex.

For almost all peoples of the world, the rose is the most important flower. A bouquet of roses has been considered a classic gift for women for many centuries. It is rare to see this royal flower in dreams, but its meaning is very symbolic and needs to be correctly interpreted. Therefore, below we will talk about why roses are dreamed of.

For almost all peoples of the world, the rose is the most important flower.

When a person dreams of a rose, it is a wonderful dream, because this plant in itself is worthy of admiration. But does this image always have a positive interpretation?

  1. If a person dreams of roses, this means that he will soon become a participant in some important event. It will be the beginning of a transition to a new path in life.
  2. If a person dreams of the process of a flower withering, this is an alarming sign. Perhaps the dreamer feels lonely and depressed.
  3. Looking at a bouquet of different plants means fulfillment of desires and public approval. The brighter and more colorful the bouquet, the more the people around the dreamer will rejoice at his victories.
  4. Watching a bush of pink flowers dry up in a dream means experiencing poor health in real life. There is a high probability that a person’s poor health is the cause of the onset of a long illness.
  5. Looking at the bushes of this flower means adding to the family.
  6. Planting these flowers in a dream means a desire to change your usual way of life.
  7. Artificial plants dream of deception.
  8. Seeing how a beautiful girl collects flowers in order to combine them into a bouquet is a sign of long-term love and happiness.
  9. A dream in which a person cuts pink roses foretells a feeling of pleasure and spiritual harmony.
  10. Seeing scarlet or red roses on a woman’s head is a sign of deception and unrealistic hopes.
  11. Receiving these beautiful flowers as a gift means a long wait, followed by a feeling of euphoria.

Giving red flowers to a girl in a dream means love.

Why do you dream about roses (video)

Why do you dream of roses of different colors?

The color of a plant can greatly influence the interpretation of a dream.

The color of a plant can greatly influence the interpretation of a dream.

Yellow roses

  • One yellow flower means a serious conversation with your loved one.
  • A lot of yellow roses combined into a bouquet means treason.
  • Looking at them in the garden brings peace of mind.
  • Cutting a yellow rose from a bush means finding an important answer to your question.
  • Giving a bouquet of these flowers is a sign of happy changes in life.
  • Receiving yellow roses as a gift is an event that will make the dreamer happy.
  • Putting flowers on the windowsill means a fan will appear.
  • Throwing a bouquet of yellow roses out the window means preparing for a romantic date.
  • Seeing these flowers on your bed is a sign of jealousy.
  • Yellow buds - to the emergence of new interesting ideas.
  • Putting a bouquet of these plants in a beautiful vase means getting new sensations.

White Rose

  • Watching someone receive a bouquet of luxurious white roses as a gift is a sign of fatigue. The dreamer is very exhausted and needs rest.
  • One white rose dreams of betrayal.
  • Seeing two or more white roses in a dream means the dreamer wants to prove that he is right.
  • Buying a bouquet of white roses means getting a promotion at work.
  • Seeing a bouquet consisting of white roses and daisies is a sign of a romantic date.
  • To be pricked by the thorn of such a flower means to find something valuable.
  • Seeing a wedding bouquet of white roses is a sign of love.

Pink roses

  • Dream about a possible move.
  • Seeing pink flowers in a beautiful vase means a long trip. Perhaps the dreamer will go on a trip.
  • Watching the wind carry pink petals is a sign of mutual love.

Seeing blue, scarlet, red and burgundy roses in a dream

  1. Blue or blue flowers - the dreamer will soon meet his old friends.
  2. Scarlet flowers - a person will plunge into an atmosphere of happiness and pleasure. The more scarlet flowers there are in a dream, the happier the dreamer will be.
  3. Red flowers - a person will become the owner of an original gift.
  4. Burgundy flowers - to ardent, passionate, mind-stirring sensations.

If the dreamer liked the multi-colored roses presented to him, and he sees sunlight on the bouquet, this indicates that everything will be fine in his life, but if not, difficulties are possible.

Cutting live roses in a dream

If the dreamer had to cut live roses from a bush, this indicates that in real life he is experiencing difficulty in choosing

If the dreamer had to cut living roses from a bush, this indicates that in real life he is experiencing difficulty in choosing. Soon he will have to find the answer to his important question in order to deal with the situation. It will be very difficult to make a choice, but if the dreamer shows determination and responsibility, the situation will quickly be resolved.

Also, such a dream may indicate the need to make commitments to another person.

Why do you dream about rosebuds?

  • Looking at flower buds in a dream means bringing an important matter to its logical conclusion.
  • Watching small buds open is a sign of a successful business trip.
  • If a person cuts buds from a bush, he will soon be offended with an unreasonable insult.
  • Rosebuds slowly fade - inspiration will come to a person.

Why do you dream of withered roses?

Withered flowers in dreams symbolize loneliness, sadness, depression and grief.

Withered flowers in dreams symbolize loneliness, sadness, depression and grief. The dreamer will have to go through a difficult life stage. It is also possible that he will become depressed. At first glance, this seems to be a very sad interpretation, but it also has its advantages. During this life period, the dreamer will be able to understand himself, answer all important questions and set priorities. Perhaps during this time a person will change his life principles, as he will have a reassessment of all values.

If you were given roses in a dream?

Receiving roses as a gift is pleasant not only in reality, but also in a dream

Receiving roses as a gift is pleasant not only in reality, but also in a dream. There are several interpretations for this dream:

  1. A woman who is given red roses subconsciously feels the desire to become someone's lover.
  2. Putting donated flowers in a beautiful vase means going on a romantic date with your loved one.
  3. Some joyful and happy event awaits the dreamer.

Receiving a bouquet of roses as a gift from a loved one means living a long and happy life with him.

What does this dream mean according to Miller’s dream book?

Psychologist Miller's dream book indicates that roses in dreams are a symbol of fun, happiness and spiritual harmony. The meanings of this image are as follows:

  • If a sleeping person enjoys the smell of beautiful flowers, then many bright, memorable, and most importantly, happy events will soon happen in his life.
  • A male dreamer can completely and completely trust his beloved girl, because she will never betray him.
  • If the dreamer is a young girl, then she will soon receive a marriage proposal. If this proposal is accepted, the marriage will be long and happy.
  • Fun adventures await the one who inhaled the floral aroma in a dream.
  • A woman hugs roses - everything will be wonderful in her personal life.
  • Looking at unopened buds of pink roses means prosperity.
  • Braiding a red rose in your braids means being deceived.

Dream Interpretation: roses (video)

Now that a person’s dream has been interpreted, he has the opportunity to understand his life. In this case, there are two options: either the dreamer is anticipating the onset of a happy time in life, or he is wary of deception.

Attention, TODAY only!

Beautiful and fragrant roses symbolize love and romance all over the world. But its meaning in a dream does not always correspond to this description. What awaits you if you dreamed of a rose? It depends on the details of the dream and the dream book you turned to for interpretation.

Seeing roses in a dream according to a women's dream book

Seeing fresh fragrant flowers means your chosen one is faithful to you, and pleasant happy events are coming. In turn, if you dream of withered roses, then this foreshadows separation and sadness. If you dreamed of a bush with buds that had not yet blossomed, then very soon you will get a big profit. Bright scarlet roses on a bush in a dream represent that your hopes will come true, bringing prosperity to your family.

Feeling the scent of a rose in a dream means your joys will not be overshadowed by anything. Dreaming of white roses without drops of dew and being in the shade means a serious illness. And if you dream of bouquets and armfuls of roses, it means a happy marriage soon. Decorating your hair with a scarlet rose means shattered hopes.

Roses according to Miller's dream book

The interpretation of a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream means fidelity to your other half. Cutting roses growing in a flowerbed in a dream means an early marriage with your loved one. If you don't have one yet, you will meet soon.

If you dream of withered roses, your character is too cold, although inside you are as hungry for love and emotions as any other person. In order not to be left alone, you will have to overcome your isolation. A bouquet of white roses dreams of health problems. It is recommended to get examined by a doctor and start exercising.

A closed pink bud in a dream is a bad sign; you or your loved ones are in danger of trouble. But, if you cope with it, you will be fully rewarded for it.

Why do you dream about a rose according to Vanga’s dream book?

According to this dream book, the meaning of a rose is innocent, pure love. For a woman to prick herself on pink thorns in a dream is a sign that she is thinking about cheating on her partner. Cutting roses growing in your garden in a dream means you are always happy to give love to your loved ones. Feeling the aroma of flowers means great love awaits you. If a woman dreams of being given roses, but soon the flowers wither, the giver is not entirely sincere with her in reality.

If you dream that you receive a large bouquet of white roses as a gift - all your thoughts are pure and transparent. Planting roses for a long time and diligently in a dream, and then noticing pests on them, symbolizes that in real life you are wasting love on a person for whom this does not matter.

Seeing roses in a dream - Freud's dream book

This dream book looks at roses from an erotic perspective. The flowers themselves symbolize femininity, and their thorns symbolize the reproductive organ. If a woman dreams that she pricked herself on the thorns of a rose, then in reality she may face sexual harassment. If a bouquet of red roses is given to both a man and a woman in a dream, such a dream will predict a love interest coming from the opposite sex. If you dreamed that you yourself gave flowers to someone, you have a passionate character, or you lack variety in bed.

Interpretation of roses in a dream according to Meneghetti's dream book

In this dream book, the rose is interpreted a little differently. It really does imply beauty, gloss, brilliance - but all this is unnatural, feigned. Therefore, if you saw roses in a dream, then soon you will meet a beautiful and pleasant person, but with a rotten soul. In addition, a flower in a dream symbolizes feminine charm up to the erotic aspect, but, again, only at first glance.

An unopened rose bud means meeting new friends. If the flower fades, it means you haven’t remembered your old friends for too long. A red rose indicates that you tend to enjoy life, a white rose indicates modesty and restraint.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A beautiful garden full of fragrant flowers - for an important love meeting. Withered roses symbolize separation for the girl. If in a dream you are planting flowers in your garden, the dream book offers the following interpretation: soon you will do a very kind and noble deed for someone. Weaving and putting a wreath of roses on your head means you are about to have a wedding with your beloved person.

A vase containing white roses means the object of your love is indifferent to you. Huge thorns on the stem are temptations that will lead to trouble. Giving someone a bouquet of red roses in a dream and getting hurt on the thorns means a friendship will soon begin that will last the rest of your life, the person will become like family to you.

Gypsy dream book

A red rose means passion, health, luck, spiritual strength, good relationships with relatives. White - purity and innocence. A bud that has barely blossomed symbolizes a strong and reliable friendship, but if it has faded, your relationship with your friends is fading. A girl dreams that she receives a rose as a gift - to love and long-lasting passion.

If the rose's petals fall, the tranquil life will soon end. If you dream of dried flowers - you are in vain trying to revive long-extinguished feelings. Yellow rose - someone is jealous of you, or you yourself are tormented by jealousy. A girl dreams of a blue rose if you will soon leave the past behind and rush headlong into a new life.

Why do you dream of roses in a dream - the meaning according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Cutting or picking a flower, according to the interpretation of this dream book, is a sign of meeting a new friend soon. Planting them means a pleasant romantic date. Accidentally pricking your fingers on thorns means betrayal of a loved one. In general, thorns, according to Tsvetkov, symbolize quarrels. But troubles can be avoided if you pay more attention to the relationship.

Giving someone a gorgeous bouquet of red roses means that in life you are the same generous person. To receive such a gift means you have a beautiful appearance, which will help you a lot in life. Throwing away roses means a quick separation from your loved one. To see a beautiful bush of red roses - a happy future awaits your family.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse gives the following interpretations in her dream book. Blooming roses predict joy and happiness. Plucking or cutting them is a sign of an imminent wedding with your soulmate. Receive a bouquet of roses as a gift - your lover remains faithful. Large thorns on the stem of a rose mean fear, unpleasant events, quarrels, betrayal. Yellow roses are a sign of fear and betrayal, snow-white ones are the right choice for a loved one. If the flowers have faded, then soon you will have to change your habits.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Roses standing in a vase - your thoughts are pure. Holding a bouquet in your hands means all hidden emotions will soon come to the surface. Three flowers together - you will become a participant in a love triangle. A large number of white roses is a symbol of illness. A pink flower foreshadows the beginning of a new romantic relationship soon, but if it is dry or sluggish, then this relationship will not lead to happiness.

If you dreamed of a whole field planted with roses, something serious will happen soon that could have an impact on your mental state. If in a dream you gave roses to someone, then in reality your feelings are serious.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book perceives roses only as a negative symbol. Receiving it as a gift means you have an enemy who wishes you various misfortunes or even death. Cutting or picking flowers in a dream is a symbol that you will soon shed a lot of tears. Inhaling the scent of roses - your loved one will bring you pain and disappointment. To give these flowers to someone is to wish the person harm. Listen to your conscience so as not to cause trouble. Planting roses in your garden means you are looking for problems on your own. Putting it on a grave means being tormented by a feeling of guilt.