Why are your cheeks burning? Cheeks are burning: signs by day of the week and medical reasons. If one cheek is burning

Every person at least once in his life paid his attention to signs and superstitions. For example, when your cheeks burn or your face completely burns, it means someone is discussing it. No one can say for sure how true this is, since belief in omens depends on the internal state of a person.

Red cheeks - superstitions

If your cheeks are burning, folk signs say that someone is remembering the person. But you should also pay attention to the side of the face that is red, since the meanings can be different. Also, along with the face, the ear may also turn red.

Folk omens say: “the cheeks turn red, which means people are remembering.” It is the discussion that can cause your face to turn red. To understand who is discussing and what exactly is being said, you need to take any gold decoration and rub it over the red side of your face. After that, look at the color of the line.

  1. If this is a black line, then the person is criticized and reproached.
  2. If the stripe is red, then conversations about the person have a neutral meaning. The person who speaks may simply not finish speaking.
  3. If the stripe is a light shade or is not there at all, then this is a good sign. Someone praises a lot, so the person shouldn’t worry.

Also, many people believe that when their cheeks turn red, it means only bad news will come from them. Negative discussions, black envy and the calling of trouble. To determine who is talking and discussing a person at this moment, he needs to take turns pronouncing the names of those who are in mind. In which name the redness disappears, that means that person is speaking.

There is also another opinion about omens. When your cheek burns, this is an important signal; it indicates an energy attack. In this case, you need to carry out protective rituals against everything possible: the evil eye and damage. Washing with blessed water helps a lot. In some moments, when cheeks burn, this foreshadows grief and tears. When unmarried girls' cheeks burn, it means that her boyfriend is thinking about her and misses her a lot.

Decryption will take place by day of the week

Many folk signs explain the burning sensation on the face in different ways. It all depends on the specific day of the week. The result of the signs depends on the person himself, since he himself inspires their action. Whether it will be good or bad depends on the day of the week, and believing in it or not is the choice of each person. Beliefs about the days of the week have the following meaning:

  • Monday – meeting a new acquaintance;
  • Tuesday - a quarrel with a lover;
  • Wednesday – a wonderful rendezvous or an interesting walk;
  • Thursday - a cherished dream will come true;
  • Friday - good news;
  • Saturday - a long-awaited meeting;
  • Sunday is a fun walk with great company.

Such signs apply to both cheeks, no matter which one starts to blush initially - the left or the right. The most important thing is to pay attention to the decoding by day of the week.

Why do ears and cheeks turn red at the same time?

There is a very old sign that can decipher the moment of red ears and cheeks at the same time. If the ear turns red separately from the face, then nothing special will happen. People say: “Ears are friends, and cheeks are acquaintances.” Therefore, if these parts of the body begin to turn red at the same time, it means that the person is being discussed quite loudly and by a large number of people.

Probably, the person had the opportunity to become an object of conversation. These could be colleagues at work, neighbors or simple acquaintances. This can also be a signal for an energy attack, so you need to wash your face with holy water. You can also say any prayer, it will easily cope with damage and conspiracy.

What to expect from the left side of the face?

Why is my left cheek burning? The sign means not very positive news. They probably just talk about the person and wash their bones behind their back. It may be that his workmates will set him up. They may also take revenge on him out of envy, or take advantage of the trust for their own purposes. Therefore, you should be careful and listen to every moment if the left cheek gives signals. Basically, the sign says that close friends or relatives will betray a person.

There is no need to give a motive for quarrels and strong conflicts. You need to control yourself and always be on alert. With the help of gold jewelry, you can determine who exactly wants trouble. When a person's name is correct, the cheek will simply stop being red. It is necessary to remember, maybe a person has crossed someone’s road before, in order to understand how to do the right thing and what to do next.

If the right side is on

Why is my right cheek burning? There is no reason to worry if your right cheek is burning. A person is simply remembered by his significant other. She or he misses you very much and wants to see you soon. Thoughts and opinions about the individual are only positive. Perhaps someone is praising and holding someone up as an example. Also, the right cheek can indicate an imminent meeting former classmates who at this moment are thinking about calling him.

If a girl has a lover, then most likely he is preparing a romantic surprise in the evening. If there is no guy, then the girl probably has a secret admirer. Someone has become attracted to the girl and wants to invite her on a date. In addition, the right side of the face may turn red due to praise and embarrassment. There are times when a person begins to be praised and set as an example to others. In such cases, the right side of the face may turn red. Basically, signs about the right side of the face have only good meanings, so there is no need to worry.

If your cheeks are burning, then you should be wary. Folk wisdom says that this is a sign that someone is thinking about you at that moment. Cheeks burning is an ambiguous sign and it is interpreted differently, depending on the occasion or day of the week. Let's find out what this folk sign means.

Cheeks are burning: the meaning of the sign

If your cheeks are burning, then someone is remembering you. You may even find out what people are thinking or saying about you at this very moment. To do this, you need to run a gold ring across your cheek and look at the color of the strip left behind. If the stripe is dark, then you are being scolded or discussed about your actions. If the stripe is light, then they say good things about you, perhaps they praise you. If the bar is red, it means the person is speaking or thinking neutrally about you.

Many interpret this sign differently, taking into account the side of the cheek. In this case, the left and right cheeks burn for different events.

Why is my left cheek burning?

The left cheek is burning - a bad omen. This means that someone is plotting behind your back. The most unpleasant thing is that most often the sign points to close people or relatives. It is possible that people you trusted are against you and want to use your trust and naivety for their own purposes. If your left cheek is burning, then, of course, you should not immediately run and deal with someone who, in your opinion, may be negative. It is better not to give a reason for conflict, not to succumb to provocations and try with all your might to remain calm. Time will pass, and the conspiracy of loved ones against you will reveal itself.

Why is my right cheek burning?

The right cheek is burning - a good omen. This means that your loved one is thinking about you, and his thoughts are very positive and kind. Probably at this moment he is thinking about how to please you and how to show concern for you. If your cheek is burning, but you don’t have a soulmate, then this is a reason to think about the fact that you have a secret admirer. Most likely, he has been dreaming about you for a long time, but something is stopping him from opening up his feelings.

If both cheeks are burning

If both your right and left cheeks are burning, then this is a very bad omen. It indicates that soon you will cry and your tears will cool your burning face. This sign can predict misfortunes, illnesses, failures, insults - anything that can cause harm and cause tears. But the fulfillment of this folk sign can be easily avoided. To do this, you just need to wash your face with holy water. The fever will subside, and the sign will not come true.

The meaning of signs by day of the week

Many people interpret this folk sign according to the days of the week.

  • If your cheeks are burning on Monday, then you will meet a new acquaintance or a meeting with an old acquaintance.
  • If your cheeks burn on Tuesday, then a serious conflict, scandal or even a fight awaits you.
  • If your cheeks burn on Wednesday, then good luck awaits you in all your plans. It also indicates monetary gain.
  • If your cheeks burn on Thursday, an unexpected incident awaits you that will bring pleasure and joy.
  • If your cheeks burn on Friday, you will receive news from loved ones or the arrival of relatives.
  • If your cheeks are burning on Saturday, you are in for unbridled fun.
  • If your cheeks burn on Sunday, you will soon part with someone close to you.

It is worth saying that this sign only makes sense if your cheeks started to burn completely by accident, and not from the heat outside or due to illness. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.04.2014 14:27

In ancient times, people believed that hair accumulates energy and that cutting should be done carefully. ...

Today we, dear readers, will try to find out what burning cheeks promise. We dare to assume that this question is of interest to many people, because such a phenomenon is not uncommon.

If both cheeks are burning

If you feel your cheeks suddenly flare up, you should be wary, because, according to popular belief, at this time someone is scolding you. To get rid of this unpleasant feeling, you should start listing all possible ill-wishers and only after you guess the foul words, your cheeks will cool down.

However, burning cheeks have more than one interpretation from the point of view of folk signs. So, according to another belief, if your cheeks are on fire, then tears await you. Fortunately, this can be avoided - you need to wash yourself with holy water.

Others believe that if your cheeks are burning, then at that moment your loved one remembers you. Agree, this is the most pleasant explanation.

For better or worse

There is one method that allows you to quite accurately determine what word, good or evil, you are remembered with, evidence of which is flaming cheeks. You need to take gold wedding ring, run it from top to bottom along the burning cheek and carefully examine the remaining mark. So if the stripe from the ring is light, then they remember you kind words, the red mark indicates that the person thinking about you has not yet formed a definite opinion, while the black stripe left by the gold ring indicates an unkind attitude towards you.

Out of trouble

If, according to the descriptions presented above, flaming cheeks are trying to warn you about ill-wishers and bad news, then you should not get upset ahead of time, because there is an excellent amulet. You need to address your cheeks with the following words: “My cheeks, right and left, why are you hot? Damn be the one who wishes me harm. If this is a virgin, let them kill her. If it's a woman, let her die. If this is a widow, she will mourn for a long time. If this is my love, let my cheek continue to burn.”

If one cheek is burning

At the same time, it often happens that not two cheeks burn at the same time, but one. Now let's try to find out what this promises us in the future.

The burning left cheek warns that someone scolds you strongly, without neglecting slander.

And here at the burning right cheek much more explanation. According to the first sign, she warns of a quarrel that promises to happen soon. If you believe the other, then you will have to blush at the compliments and pleasant words heard addressed to you. And finally, if your right cheek is burning, it means someone is praising you. Which one to believe is up to you.

What day of the week what to expect

It would not be amiss to find out the interpretation of this folk sign by day of the week.

So if your cheeks are on fire on Monday, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you very soon.

Flaming Cheeks on Tuesday warn of a quarrel with a lover.

A romantic date is promised by burning cheeks on Wednesday.

The opportunity to devote yourself entirely to your hobby is heralded by cheeks blazing with fire. on Thursday.

On Friday feeling the fire in your cheeks means that you will learn some news, but it is difficult to determine what it will be, good or bad.

A chance meeting is predicted by those who are burning on Saturday cheeks.

And finally, a similar feeling appeared on Sunday, report on the upcoming fun time with friends.


We think it will be interesting to find out how medical experts explain the phenomenon of burning cheeks. If you believe their explanations, then the cheeks begin to burn at a time when a person experiences strong emotional disturbance, which can be caused by a feeling of shame, anger, embarrassment, etc. At these moments, a surge of emotions is felt, leading to a rise in temperature, expansion of capillaries and blood vessels, and as a result, the face begins to burn.

Flushing to the face is often caused by hypertension, to put it in simple language, increased blood pressure. However, redness in this case is permanent and does not occur suddenly. Often in this case the face turns burgundy.
Allergies known to many can also “ignite a fire” in the cheeks.

Sometimes a red complexion is a reason to consult an endocrinologist, as it may indicate a disorder in the endocrine system.

And of course, alcoholic drinks can also give you a burning sensation in your cheeks.

As you can see, there are actually many reasons for a fire. Most often it is a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli. In this case, do not try to look for signs from above in this phenomenon. If you are used to interpreting everything from the point of view of popular superstitions, then we advise you to choose only those explanations that promise you pleasant events, because if you believe in good things, then they will definitely happen!

Blushing cheeks is not a medical symptom. Folk traditions have always associated this feature with signs. The latter were accumulated for different occasions: for every day, for each cheek and both at once, separately for women and men. Therefore, when answering the question, what does it mean when your cheeks burn, you need to take into account important nuances.

Cheeks are burning: a folk sign

To more accurately understand this sign, it is interpreted depending on the current day of the week.

  • Monday: perhaps a quick acquaintance or a long-awaited meeting.
  • Tuesday: blush can mean an impending scandal, a serious conflict, so it is advisable to take measures so that events do not take you by surprise.
  • Wednesday: a lucky omen - good luck in all areas of life.
  • Thursday: a pleasant event is expected that will bring joy.
  • Friday: the omen promises a meeting with loved ones, an unexpected arrival of relatives.
  • Saturday: the omen promises fun and celebration.
  • Sunday: Redness of the cheeks may mean separation from loved ones.

When your cheeks burn, what is it for? Opinions may vary

Red cheeks do not lead to changes in life. Changes come when they believe that they are necessary, and signs are a kind of hints in order to better prepare.

Why do girls' cheeks burn?

Popular beliefs explain the blush on the cheeks by the fact that some people remember and talk about the girl. However, you can talk about someone with love and admiration, but you can also be angry. For this reason, interpretations depend on additional signs:

1) both cheeks turn red - the thoughts and feelings of the person who remembers are very strong, you can avoid unpleasant events by washing your face with holy water;

2) only the right cheek turns red - a good omen that promises a date with your lover;

3) the left cheek turns red - an alarming sign that foreshadows conflicts and scandals, a meeting with an insidious person.

There is another way to find out with what feelings people remember. Gold jewelry is suitable for this. It is applied to the cheek, then interpreted.

It’s hard to find a lucky person who has never in his life felt his cheeks suddenly “burning with fire.” Long-term or short-term, this unexpectedly occurring unusual phenomenon often makes it difficult to concentrate on work and makes you experience some kind of inner trepidation.

As a result, putting everything aside, the owner of “rosy cheeks” tries with all his might to find some kind of salvation from the obsessive state.
Signs, traditions, beliefs
The mystery of “burning” cheeks is shrouded in a haze of mystery and ambiguity. There are many different opinions of people on this matter, but they all agree on the old saying: “Cheeks are burning - people are talking.”
Young girls, feeling their faces “blazing,” rejoice because they know that their loved one is sad. But what should those whose cheeks turn red certainly not from the memories of their dear one think?
There is a surprisingly accurate folk technique that will help any person who trusts signs to determine who remembers him and how. So, take a gold wedding ring and, with light pressure, run it along your burning cheek. Based on the color of the trace left on the skin, we determine the cause of “red cheeks”:

  • if the ring leaves a bright trail behind it, it means that someone remembers you very kindly;
  • a red stripe on the cheek - a person is thinking about you, but his opinion has not been fully formed;
  • a black stripe indicates a person’s unkind attitude towards you.
Another sign says that “burning” cheeks can only indicate negative thoughts of your friend. The same belief advises you to start listing in your memory the names of all your enemies and ill-wishers. When the “right” name is called, the “fire” on the face will subside by itself.
To “completely destroy” the spiteful critic, the Russian people even concocted a conspiracy (get ready to talk with your cheeks):
“My cheeks, right and left, why are you hot? Damn be the one who wishes me harm. If this is a virgin, let them kill her. If it's a woman, let her die. If this is a widow, she will mourn for a long time. If this is my love, let my cheek continue to burn.”
On top of that, some signs associate red cheeks with the days of the week:
  • if that day happens to be Monday, we are preparing for a new acquaintance;
  • Tuesday promises a quarrel with a loved one;
  • Wednesday promises a quick romantic date;
  • Thursday foreshadows your favorite activity;
  • Friday speaks of receiving news soon;
  • Saturday will give you an unforgettable meeting;
  • Well, Sunday combined with glowing cheeks will certainly attract some fun into your life.
Many older people, wise life experience, sigh: “Cheeks are burning - trouble is just around the corner.” And in order to resist this very misfortune, the sign advises washing with holy water. All of the listed beliefs and signs relate to the “burning” of both cheeks at once. What if only one cheek is burning?
Why is my right cheek burning? Signs and sayings
If only your right cheek is burning, someone is telling the truth about you; if the heat also covers your ear, get ready to hear the true news.
Another superstition says: “The right cheek burns for a quarrel.” Another sign: “The right cheek is burning - someone is praising.”
And, finally: “The right cheek is burning - you will blush from pleasant words and pleasure.” Naturally, the choice of the appropriate option is up to you.
Why is my left cheek burning?
There is only one sign this time. With the left cheek, everything is much simpler - according to superstition, it can only burn when someone scolds a person behind his back and strongly slanderes him at the same time.
So if your left cheek is “on fire,” it would be nice to remember who you didn’t please in the recent past.

Why do my cheeks burn? Doctors' opinion
Here, as always, everything is medically prosaic: the phenomenon of burning cheeks has a specific name “blanching syndrome”, and there can be quite a few reasons for its occurrence. Here are the most common ones:
  1. Problems with the circulatory system.
  2. With vegetative-vascular diseases, the cheeks and ears begin to burn.
  3. Therefore, flushes of blood to the face indicate, first of all, serious problems and abnormalities in the human body.
  4. A constant blush on the cheeks also indicates a metabolic disorder.
  5. Certificate diabetes mellitus there may be a muted “dry” blush.
  6. Pulmonary tuberculosis can be seen in a bright complexion. A blush appears on the cheek on the side of which the lung is affected.
  7. An unhealthy blush also occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  8. Increased adrenaline and pressure can also give the face a reddish tint.
  9. The most common cause of facial redness is allergies.
As we see, medicine also cannot give an unambiguous answer to this unusual question. Therefore, if your cheeks burn regularly, but you are not inclined to believe folk signs, get ready to visit doctors (first of all, you should visit a dermatologist and cosmetologist).
How to get rid of red cheeks?
If you have no doubts about the state of your health, consider signs to be a relic of the past, and are already quite tired of regular “outbreaks” on your face, we can recommend several options for solving this problem:
  1. First of all, it is necessary to limit (and ideally completely eliminate, at least for some time) the consumption of alcohol, spicy, hot and peppery foods, in other words, everything that promotes blood flow to the cheeks.
  2. Besides, it’s time to say goodbye to smoking. Just like alcohol, it can turn your face a sickly red color.
  3. It is also worth trying to drink instead of coffee and black tea green tea or rosehip decoction, as these drinks can strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
In this article, we examined both the most common signs and scientific interpretations of the phenomenon of “burning” cheeks. Of course, we cannot say with certainty that the cause of your little “fire” was described above. However, now you know why other people’s cheeks burn, and how our ancestors fought this phenomenon.
At the same time, do not forget that the reason for “outbreaks” on the face may be the most common natural shyness, or the body’s natural reaction to temperature changes. If this is really the case, then you should not look for secret signs of fate and serious illnesses of the body. Just relax and mind your own business.
In any case, good health to you, and your cheeks may “light up” only from pleasant moments in life and unexpected compliments.