Jurassic world evolution walkthrough. How to create a successful park in Jurassic World Evolution and earn a lot of money

Jurassic World Evolution hit Steam on June 12th. The game was created by the company Frontier Developments, known for its project Elite: Dangerous, with the support of the company Universal. This is a city-building, even rather dinosaur-building simulator, in which users will have to manage the same Park and more.

The game was released almost simultaneously with the second film of the Jurassic World trilogy called Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. A very interesting detail - in the game Jurassic World Evolution there will be six new dinosaurs from the film, among them the most formidable creation of Dr. Wu - Indoraptor. At the time of writing the guide, it is not yet available and will appear in the game from June 22 as a free update.

However, it is worth returning to the game guide.

So, the passage of Jurassic World Evolution

Dinosaurs building enclosures

All dinosaurs must be in the Pens, and the more formidable the dinosaur, the more reliable the enclosure should be. As time goes on, more and more strong enclosure fences will appear, they are best used when building pens for all carnivorous dinosaurs. If the fence has already been installed, then you can not demolish it, but upgrade it, to do this, enable the Replace function in the fence construction menu. Each enclosure should have water and an appropriate feeder. More on this below.

Of course, it is better to keep carnivorous dinosaurs in another enclosure, otherwise such a predator will kill almost all herbivorous dinosaurs of the enclosure until it dies from the stubborn defense of herbivores.

In the fence of each enclosure should be built Hammond Laboratory. In this building, dinosaurs are hatched and then released into the enclosure. If there is not enough space, then the Laboratory can be built for two enclosures. But for this dinosaurs will have to be transported.

How to transport a dinosaur

If a predator was accidentally bred in a herbivore enclosure, or any dinosaur was bred in an unsuitable enclosure due to any reason, for example, the lack of a laboratory in a suitable enclosure, then the dinosaurs can be released, and it is immediately necessary to react and put them to sleep using the OCA helicopter, then transport to the desired enclosure using a vehicle.

Dino comfort level

Each type of dinosaur has its own requirements for the content of the enclosure:
  • availability and number of trees, water, pastures;
  • availability and number of appropriate feeders;
  • the number of one species of dinosaurs (relatives);
  • number of other dinosaur species in the same enclosure (population).
If the requirements are met, then the dinosaur is healthy and happy, while his comfort level is 100%. If a dinosaur lacks something, such as too few trees, too few dinosaurs of its kind, or too large an enclosure population, then that dinosaur's comfort level will decrease. When it reaches the red value, the dinosaur will begin to throw itself at the fences and run from the enclosure straight to the park visitors. And it's good if it's a herbivorous dinosaur...

Therefore, you should study each new type of dinosaur released and take into account all its needs. This is especially true of such dinosaurs, in which the threshold level of comfort is very high, for example, Velociraptors, otherwise they will very quickly escape from the enclosure.

Dino service. OCA rangers and helicopters

The helicopter and the vehicle are located at the OCA Center. Another such important building is the Ranger Station. Ranger vehicles can replenish feeders, heal sick dinosaurs, repair buildings, and stop sabotage.

Commands for helicopters and rangers are given separately to each car, and each time you need to choose a new car from the building. The number of such commands for one machine can be increased over time. You can give commands to the vehicle as much as you like, and you do not need to select the vehicle each time. It is enough to click with the left mouse button: take this dinosaur to this point, this dinosaur to another point, and sell this dinosaur (R button), etc.

power plants

Probably nowhere without electricity. Power plant buildings can be placed away from everything else. It is best to run the power line along the edge of the park so that the border of the park will be immediately visible and the wires will not interfere with the construction of other buildings. Substations should be built from the edge of the park closer to buildings that consume electricity.

Excavations and research. What to explore first

There are three important Centers that can be built, one on each of the islands - Research Center, Expeditionary and fossils. Over time, deeper research and new dig sites will require additional research and expedition centers, so you should not delay moving to another island as soon as it becomes available. Even if not all tasks are completed on the current island, it is worth moving to a new island for a while, if only in order to build these centers and have more opportunities for research and excavation.

There is a little trick, send a group to excavations and study research better on an island where there is a lot of money, and sell expensive materials and fossils from excavations on an island where there is not enough money. On the island Isla Nublar it will not be possible to sell, send for excavation and research, so these centers do not need to be built on the island of sandboxes, and they will not be counted in quantity either.

It is best to study improvements to power plant buildings first, since at first there is a shortage of electricity due to savings on the construction of new power plants. At the same time, any upgrade of the building after it has been studied in the research center must be installed on a specific building. To do this, select a building, for example, a power plant, click on the improvement tab, then select the required improvement in an empty cell and then click buy. Thus, the studied improvement will be installed in this building.

Contracts. Which contract to choose

The game has three departments - Science, Entertainment and Security, which issue contracts and tasks, and for their completion the player receives a monetary reward and the availability of studying new technologies and excavation sites of new dinosaur fossils.

In Jurassic World Evolution, tasks are presented in a slightly unusual way. In this case, Tasks are global missions, on each island you can complete one task for each of the departments.

Contracts are small tasks that can be done at least endlessly, while receiving money and increasing reputation in the department for which the contract was completed. Contracts can be abandoned if they are not feasible on this island or if they are too difficult to complete at the moment. But, in order not to cause discontent in any department, it is necessary to try to fulfill the contracts of different departments and not allow a strong decrease in the reputation of the department. Not sabotage!

How to stop sabotage

Sabotage is stopped by the Rangers. If the sabotage affected the power plant, which also fed the ranger station, then you need to independently drive the ranger car to the power plant and turn off the sabotage. The machine is controlled by the familiar W A S D buttons.

Visitors to Jurassic Park

For the Park to be profitable, it needs visitors, and visitors need bread and circuses. For spectacles, there are two types of viewing platforms that are built into the fence of the enclosure. It is convenient to build all buildings for entertainment, food and shopping close to the road and closer to observation decks, Hotels, Innovation Centers, etc. Buildings can be smoothly rotated before being built by toggling the pinning angle with Spacebar. In the island overview button (in the form of an eye), you can check where you need to improve satisfaction in all parameters: visibility of dinosaurs, food, drinks, shopping, fun and transportation. And build appropriate buildings near increased demand. There is another building to increase the level of visibility of dinosaurs. These are gyrospheres.

How to build a gyrosphere station

The gyrosphere station should also be built in on the straight section of the enclosure fence, while it is necessary to lay a path inside the enclosure, along which the gyrosphere itself will ride. This path is hardly visible in the graphics and its construction is hindered by trees, water and feeders. For the convenience of laying a route, you should use the Delete button and demolish poorly laid sections without leaving the menu for building the path of the gyrosphere. In the same way, the path of electricity, the route of the monorail, and, in general, simple roads are laid. To do this, go to the menu for building a path, start building in small sections, if you get an unsuccessful section, press Delete and demolish the lot, then press the right mouse button and continue building the path. For the beauty and maneuver of routes, you can use Space and switch to building routes with smooth transitions.

Speaking of paths and roads, as the amusement park develops, higher level roads will become available. To build new roads, you do not need to demolish the old ones, you can turn on the replacement mode in the roads menu, then replace them by swiping and clicking on the old roads with the mouse. Sometimes it may not be possible to replace an already built road with a wider one, then it will have to be demolished and a new one built.

A complete list of your dinosaurs can be viewed in the Map menu in the Dinosaurs tab and expand the list by clicking on the arrow.

Small carnivorous dinosaurs should not be euthanized for a long time in an enclosure where there are large predators, otherwise they will be eaten.

Carnivorous dinosaurs can be kept together, but not all. Empirically revealed that large predators get along with small ones. But several species of the same size will arrange fights to the death. Even two dinosaurs of the same species can fight to the death or to the point of lowering their comfort, and then throw themselves on the fence and run into the city. For example, two Tyrannosaurus Rex do not get along in the same aviary.


The developers have a very exciting project. All these quotes and replicas of familiar characters from the movies, amazing videos that absorb and make you feel like a participant in your own Jurassic Park, familiar buildings, a variety of dinosaurs, tasks and islands ... on a grand scale! It was very difficult for the author of this guide to break away from the game and write a few useful tips. I hope you enjoyed it :)

You have to build your own amusement park with eateries, museums and dinosaurs. You will have to build from scratch, taking care of the safety and entertainment of guests. Research also plays a big role in the game, thanks to which it will be possible to discover new types of dinosaurs.

How to build a real mecca for entertainment and not burn out? Now we'll tell you.

Don't forget to use your camera

For those moments when you run out of money, just go deep into the park and start photographing dinosaurs (press F for shooting mode). Photos will bring you money, even if it's a little, but it's still better than nothing.

Images are evaluated by the number of dinosaurs, as well as the variety of their species in the image. Catch the moment and arrange a group photo shoot for the creatures!

In addition, those photos where dinosaurs do something - communicate, run, eat, etc., are well-rated. Photos where the reptile is just standing will not be of interest to anyone.

Sign contracts

Jurassic World Evolution has three branches for development: science, entertainment and security. Periodically, for each of them, you will receive contracts, upon completion of which not only will your reputation increase, but the cherished finances will appear on the park's account. Don't expect the contracts to come to your hands by themselves, but go to the menu and request them yourself. Do not forget about this important point, because it is easy money and a good reputation. Do you want to build the best amusement park?

Don't be afraid to terminate the contract

If you've taken on a mission but later realized it wasn't right for you, or you just don't have enough resources, don't be afraid to complete it. You will not lose anything, but you will be able to take on something more suitable and useful.

Don't Forget Your Reputation

By the way, about that very reputation. If you rise high enough in any area (science, security, entertainment), then the advisor can be rewarded with a new technology, an upgraded building, or something else. In addition, advisors have a special mission, the completion of which will bring millions of dollars to your park.

Yes, you can enter multiple contracts at once, but focus on one EA. Do not spray all areas at once, because in this case, while your reputation will grow in one direction, it will begin to fall in another. Approach the issue wisely and your reputation will grow.

In the reputation menu, you can see how many advisor rewards have already been unlocked. By the way, there are moments in the game when something closes or opens against your will, these may be the tricks of an adviser who does not receive due attention from you.

Expand buildings

When you realize that one building is no longer enough for any purpose, then do not rush to build another one. To begin with, it is better to expand what is already there. For example, you have one power plant, but there is not enough energy. Instead of building a new station, it is better to save money and simply expand the existing one. In addition, this way you save precious space.

However, there are pitfalls here as well. The expanded building may be closed or disabled. If this building is responsible for the electrical fences of the carnivorous dinosaurs, then you are in for a very stormy night.

Study your charges and take care of their needs

Park visitors crave to see dinosaurs, but they definitely don’t want to watch a carnage. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully study the types of reptiles, as this will help create favorable conditions for them and find out with whom they can coexist and with whom they cannot.

Triceratops, for example, live in a large group, but they do not like a large number of neighbors. So there is no need to put them in the same enclosure with a large number of dinosaurs of a different species.

Visitors like brachiosaurs, but the latter should live in a small group, as they cannot stand being alone.

Some herbivores can easily coexist with predators if properly placed. Diplodocus, for example, are so large in size that they are not afraid of the neighborhood with velociraptors. It is better not to place large predators with herbivores, as this will either turn into a bloody mess, or predators will not allow herbivores to eat and drink. This will lead to the fact that the wards will starve, and their index of "happiness" will plummet.

It is important to maintain a balance in order for dinosaurs to be happy with their lives. Otherwise, they will try to escape. If a herbivorous reptile just does a lot of damage, then the carnivorous creatures can feast on the staff or one of the visitors.

It is also important to make sure that the dinosaurs have enough food and water, and also that they feel good.

Start strutiomimes to get the first money

When you first start building a park, it will be quite difficult to make money quickly. In this case, you can get Struthiomimes. These are small dinosaurs that look like charming lizards. They eat a little, they also take up little space, but people like it.

Don't just stop at dinosaurs

Of course, the main highlight of the park are dinosaurs. However, you don't have to focus only on them. Open places for shopping, eateries and more. Thus, visitors will have fun outside the "cultural" program, and they will leave even more money at the box office.

Watch out for security

The moment you are focused on research or the happy life of the wards, trouble can happen. If you forget to close the enclosure, someone will run away and cause chaos. If there is a power failure, then people can get stuck in the field for excursions and panic will begin. Any gap in the aviary will appear - complete chaos will begin. Yes, even when everything is good, something can go wrong. Be careful and make sure that the park is safe not only for wards, but also for guests. If suddenly someone toothy and hungry broke free, make sure that the guards are well armed.

Watch the weather

At the very beginning of the game, nature jokes will not distract you, but then you will need to set up weather stations to always be aware of what is happening above your head.

In this case, you will know if there is suddenly a strong storm or thunderstorm. This will help strengthen the park or simply troubleshoot quickly. After all, you are in the tropics!

So that you do not stop the supply of electricity, you can increase its supply at the stations. If you turn off one of them, others will be able to fill the gap.

In the game, you will be "accompanied" by Dr. Ian Malcolm (he is played by Jeff Goldblum, as in the film). Heed the advice he gives to make the park even better. In addition, you can hear instructions from him that will help you act effectively, but ethically.

First of all, we note that trying to learn how to play Jurassic World Evolution can be compared to learning a new language. Although Frontier is an expert at creating strategies with deep management systems that look absolutely amazing, they have always had problems creating clear instructions. Therefore, you may need a few tips on the game to help you sort out some of the more confusing elements of the game.

You can take on new missions in the Control Room

Gameplay can get a little boring at times, especially if you're just waiting for some cunning dinosaur to break out of its pen, so make sure you always have some sort of objective by requesting one or two contracts from the Control Room menu. room).

In addition, by building good relationships with different departments in the park, you can get good rewards. For this reason, keep an eye out for new missions and build friendships with the staff.

Complete the main missions on each island before moving on.

There are three main quest chains on each island. While you might be tempted to simply jump over to the next dinosaur island once it's unlocked, we don't advise you to do so - it's best to wait a bit. If you complete all the story quests, you will get a good bonus.

The reason is that you will be able to learn a lot of useful things and learn important information that may be useful to you on the following islands. Yet knowledge is power.

Don't be afraid to reject missions

Sometimes you simply won’t have the right amount of resources, available research or fossils on hand to complete some buildings. Don't be afraid to turn down missions that don't suit your play style or current game goal. For example, we did not complete the quest related to the appearance of one dinosaur, because we could not find the right fossil. As a result, we did not lose anything, but simply took on another mission.

Struthiomime is the best choice for making money fast

On the initial stage money making games is an extremely slow process. Fortunately, there are a couple of methods to speed up this process. This is where adorable little lizards called Struthiomimes can help. They are relatively inexpensive, like to run in groups, do not need a lot of food or significant space, and therefore are the best choice for an aspiring entrepreneur.

Keep track of dinosaurs

After hatching a dinosaur, don't leave it unattended in a small paddock - you should make friends with it and learn all its secrets. Pay Special attention to the status tab, which lists all the characteristics of the reptile, including health, hunger, thirst, comfort, and so on. Some of them are self-explanatory, but the last four parameters (pastures, forests, population and society) must be kept in the blue zone, not in the red one.

Grasslands and forests are dinosaur enclosures, so make sure you have enough free space to meet all the needs of dinosaurs in grasslands and trees.

The population is related to the number of dinosaurs that live in certain enclosures, so the more squamosals represented in one pen, the higher this figure will be. However, some dinosaurs don't like to share their space with more than one or two other species, so be sure to keep that in mind when moving your little ones.

The social scale shows how many dinosaurs of the same species a lizard must interact with in one pen in order to satisfy its social needs. Therefore, when you hatch new dinosaurs, keep in mind that they may feel lonely or, on the contrary, find no rest for themselves when the paddock is crowded. By the way, this can lead to the fact that the dinosaur will try to escape from its imprisonment, and this can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences.

Keep track of dinosaur food and water

You need to make sure your dinosaurs have all the food they need in the pen. Herbivores require ground feeders, sauropods require tall trees with nutritious leaves, and carnivores may feed on other reptiles or baits.

However, many often forget about water, which is very difficult to add after the fence has been created. Reservoirs and rivers are in the landscape design tab. Before adding dinosaurs to a pen, make sure it has a small pond. In the future, you may encounter the inability to add this feature due to a terrain error.

Resolve your electricity issue

The game's power generation system is rather sparsely explained, but it plays a huge role in the successful operation of the park. Fortunately, there is a way by which you can greatly simplify the management of the power system and make it more beautiful. Allocate one small part of the park for power plants and create as many power plants as you can.

Then connect them all together with pylons and run one chain from them to the rest of your park. As a result, you will be able to supply energy to all your buildings and fences, and at the same time you will not waste time looking at the many power plants scattered throughout the island, since they will be located in one place.

Check out the research center before introducing new dinosaurs

Adding new species of dinosaurs to the park can cause a lot of problems, but more often than not, it causes a new disease to spread among the dinosaurs. Before you add a new raptor to your pen, make sure you have researched the treatment of all available diseases in the research center. This way you can quickly cure one sick dinosaur before the disease spreads to all his friends. In addition, you do not have to wait for the creation of a cure and spend time issuing an antidote to all animals.

You can research and then use upgrades for your buildings

All your buildings can be made more efficient if you equip them with a few upgrades. You can unlock them at the research center, and then equip the desired structures with them by going to the appropriate buildings menu.

With a relatively small investment, it is possible to increase the productivity of power plants, reduce the number of interruptions in the supply of electricity, and even speed up the work of expedition teams. Therefore, be sure to open new improvements.