Insulating and finishing coatings clause 5.3 2. SNiP

Russian Federation

"INSULATING AND FINISHING COATINGS. BUILDING STANDARDS AND RULES. SNiP 3.04.01-87" (approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated 12/04/87 N 280)

Gosstroy USSR
dated December 4, 1987
N 280

DEVELOPED BY TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences N. N. Zavrazhin - topic leader, V. A. Anzigitov) with the participation of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the Gosstroy of the USSR (candidate of technical sciences I. P. Kim), TsNIIEP housing of the State Committee for Architecture (candidate of technical sciences D. B. Baulin), NIIMosstroy of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Doctor of Technical Sciences Prof. E. D. Belousov, Candidate of Technical Sciences G. S. Agadzhanov), SKTB Glavtunnelmetrostroy of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the USSR (Candidate of Technical Sciences V. V. Krylova , V. G. Golubova), Department of Soyuzmetrospetsstroy of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the USSR (A. P. Levina, P. F. Litvina), NIIZHB of the State Committee for Construction of the USSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. F. M. Ivanova).


PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Standardization and Technical Standards in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee (D.I. Prokofiev).

With the entry into force of SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”, SNiP III-20-74*, SNiP III-21-73*, SNiPIII209 are no longer valid; V.14-72; GOST 22753-77, GOST 22844-77, GOST 23305-78.

When using a regulatory document, you should take into account the approved changes to building codes and rules and state standards published in the journal "Bulletin of Construction Equipment", "Collection of Amendments to Building Codes and Rules" of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index "USSR State Standards" of the USSR State Standard.

1.1. These building codes and regulations apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation of insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floors of buildings and structures, with the exception of work due to the special operating conditions of buildings and structures.

1.2. Insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floor structures must be carried out in accordance with the project (finishing coatings in the absence of project requirements - according to the standard). Replacement of materials, products and compositions provided for by the project is allowed only by agreement with the design organization and the customer.

1.3. Work on the production of thermal insulation works can begin only after the execution of an act (permit) signed by the customer, representatives of the installation organization and the organization performing thermal insulation work.

1.4. The installation of each insulation element (roof), floor, protective and finishing coatings should be carried out after checking the correct execution of the corresponding underlying element and drawing up an inspection report for hidden work.

1.5. With appropriate justification, in agreement with the customer and the design organization, it is allowed to prescribe methods for performing work and organizational and technological solutions, as well as establish methods, volumes and types of registration of quality control of work that differ from those provided for in these rules.

3.1. Finishing work, with the exception of finishing facades, must be carried out at a positive ambient temperature and the surfaces being finished are not lower than 10 ° C and air humidity is not more than 60%. This temperature in the room must be maintained around the clock, no less than 2 days before the start and 12 days after the completion of work, and for wallpaper work - before the facility is put into operation.

3.2. Work on applying protective coatings should be carried out at a temperature of the ambient air and protected surfaces not lower than °C:

10 - for paint and varnish protective coatings made from compositions prepared on the basis of natural resins; mastic and putty coatings made of silicate compounds; adhesive protective coatings using bitumen roll materials, polyisobutylene plates, Butylkor-S plates, duplicated polyethylene; rubber coatings; facing and lining coatings using acid-resistant silicate putties and mastics such as "Bituminol"; for acid-resistant concrete and silicate-polymer concrete;

15 - for paint and varnish reinforced and non-reinforced continuous coatings from compositions prepared on the basis of synthetic resins; mastic coatings and sealants made from compounds based on synthetic rubbers and nairite; coatings made of sheet polymer materials; facing and lining coatings using putties such as "Arzamit", "Furankor", as well as polyester, epoxy resins and resins with epoxy additives; for coatings made of polymer concrete and polymer cement coatings;

25 - for coatings made from Polan.

3.3. Finishing work must be carried out in accordance with the work project (WPP) for the construction of buildings and structures. Before finishing work begins, the following work must be completed:

the premises being finished are protected from precipitation;

waterproofing, heat and sound insulation and leveling floor ties were installed;

the seams between the blocks and panels are sealed;

the joints of window, door and balcony blocks are sealed and insulated;

glazed light openings;

embedded products were installed, heat and water supply and heating systems were tested.

Plastering and cladding (according to the project) of surfaces in places where embedded products of sanitary systems are installed must be performed before the start of their installation.

3.4. Before finishing the facades, the following work must additionally be completed:

External waterproofing and roofing with details and connections; installation of all floor structures on balconies;

Installation and fastening of all metal paintings edging architectural details on the facade of the building;

installation of all fastening devices for drainpipes (according to the project).

3.5. Anti-corrosion work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85 “Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion”.

3.6. When preparing and preparing finishing and anti-corrosion compounds, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 8.

Table 8

Technical requirementsLimit deviationsControl (method, volume, type of registration)
Plastering solutions must pass without residue through a mesh with cell sizes, mm: - Measuring, periodic, 3-4 times per shift, work log
for spray and primer - 3
for the top layer and single-layer coatings - 1.5
Solution mobility - 5 + 7 The same for each batch
Delamination - no more than 15% - The same, in laboratory conditions 3-4 times per shift
Water-holding capacity - at least 90% - Same
Adhesion strength, MPa, not less than: The same, at least 3 measurements per 50-70 m2 of coating surface
for interior work - 0.110 %
for outdoor work - 0.410 %
Size of aggregates for decorative finishing of interiors and facades of buildings, mm: The same, at least 5 measurements per batch per shift
on an adhesive layer of granite, marble, slate, ceramic, glass and plastic chips, as well as coarse sand - 2
cement-lime, lime-sand and cement compositions with sand:+ 3 mm
quartz - 0.5+ 1.5 mm
marble - 0.25+ 0.25 mm
Terrasite mixtures
with fine aggregate:
sand - 1+ 1mm
mica - 1+ 1 mm
with medium filler:
sand - 2+ 2 mm
mica - 2.5+ 0.5 mm
with coarse aggregate:
sand - 4+ 2 mm
mica - 4+ 1 mm
Glass must arrive at the site without cracks, cut to size, complete with seals, sealants and fastening devices.According to the project in accordance with standards and specificationsTechnical inspection
Putties: Measuring, periodic, at least 5 measurements per 50 - 70 m2 of coating surface, work log Technical inspection, at least three test putties per batch, work log
drying time - no more than 24 hours-
adhesion strength, MPa:-
after 24 hours not less than 0.1
after 72 hours not less than 0.2
viability - at least 20 minutes-
The putty coating after drying should be smooth, without bubbles, cracks and mechanical inclusions - Same
Painting and wallpaper materialsAccording to the project in accordance with standards and specificationsThe same, at least three times per batch, work log

4.1. Before starting work on the construction of floors, measures must be carried out in accordance with the project to stabilize, prevent heaving and artificially stabilize soils, lower groundwater, as well as adjacent to expansion joints, channels, pits, drainage chutes, ladders, etc. Elements of edging coating must be completed before installation.

4.2. The soil base under the floors must be compacted in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earth structures, foundations and foundations".

Vegetable soil, silt, peat, as well as bulk soils mixed with construction waste are not allowed under the soil foundation.

4.3. Installation of floors is allowed at the air temperature in the room, measured in the cold season near door and window openings at a height of 0.5 m from the floor level, and the laid floor elements and laid materials - not lower than, °C:

15 - when installing coatings made of polymer materials; this temperature must be maintained for 24 hours after completion of work;

10 - when installing floor elements from xylolite and from mixtures that include liquid glass; such a temperature must be maintained until the laid material acquires a strength of at least 70% of the design strength;

5 - when installing floor elements using bitumen mastics and their mixtures, which include cement; such a temperature must be maintained until the material acquires a strength of at least 50% of the design strength;

0 - when constructing floor elements from soil, gravel, slag, crushed stone and piece materials without gluing to the underlying layer or sand.

4.4. Before installing floors, the construction of which contains products and materials based on wood or its waste, synthetic resins and fibers, xylolite coatings, plastering and other work related to the possibility of moistening the coatings must be carried out in the room. When installing these floors and in the subsequent period until the facility is put into operation, the relative air humidity in the room should not exceed 60%. Drafts in the room are not allowed.

4.5. Floors resistant to aggressive environments must be made in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85.

4.6. Work on the installation of asphalt concrete, slag and crushed stone floors should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85 (Section 7).

4.7. Requirements for materials and mixtures for special types of floors (heat-resistant, radiation-resistant, spark-free, etc.) must be specified in the project.

4.8. Underlying layers, screeds, connecting layers (for ceramic, concrete, mosaic and other tiles) and monolithic coatings on a cement binder must be under a layer of constantly moist water-retaining material for 7-10 days after installation.

4.9. Standard use of xylolite floors, cement or acid-resistant concrete or mortar, as well as piece materials laid on layers of cement-sand or acid-resistant (liquid glass) mortar is allowed after the concrete or mortar has acquired the design compressive strength. Pedestrian traffic on these floors can be allowed no earlier than the concrete monolithic coverings have acquired a compressive strength of 5 MPa, and the solution of the layer under the piece materials has acquired a compressive strength of 2.5 MPa.




SNiP 3.04.01-87


Moscow 1988

DEVELOPED BY TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy of the USSR (candidate of technical sciences N. N. Zavrazhin - topic leader, V. A. Anzigitov) with the participation of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the Gosstroy of the USSR (candidate of technical sciences I. P. Kim), TsNIIEP housing of the State Committee for Architecture (candidate of technical sciences D K. Baulin), NIIMosstroy of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Doctor of Technical Sciences Prof. E. D. Belousov, Candidate of Technical Sciences G. S. Agadzhanov), SKTB Glavtunnelmetrostroy Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR (Candidates of Technical Sciences V. V. Krylova, V. A. G. Golubova), Office of the Soyuzmetrospetsstroy Ministry of Transport and Construction of the USSR (A. P. Levina, P. F. Litvina), Research Institute of Reinforced Concrete Structures of the State Committee for Construction of the USSR (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. F. M. Ivanova).


PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Standardization and Technical Standards in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee (D.I. Prokofiev).

With the entry into force of SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”, SNiP III-20-74*, SNiP III-21-73*, SNiP III-B.14-72 are no longer valid; GOST 22753-77, GOST 22844-77, GOST 23305-78.

When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal “Bulletin of Construction Equipment”, “Collection of Amendments to Construction Codes and Rules” of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index “USSR State Standards” of the USSR State Standard.


1.1. These building codes and regulations apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation of insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floors of buildings and structures, with the exception of work due to the special operating conditions of buildings and structures.

1.2. Insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floor structures must be carried out in accordance with the project (finishing coatings in the absence of project requirements - according to the standard). Replacement of materials, products and compositions provided for by the project is allowed only by agreement with the design organization and the customer.

1.3. Work on the production of thermal insulation works can begin only after the execution of an act (permit) signed by the customer, representatives of the installation organization and the organization performing thermal insulation work.

1.4. The installation of each insulation element (roof), floor, protective and finishing coatings should be carried out after checking the correct execution of the corresponding underlying element and drawing up an inspection report for hidden work.

1.5. With appropriate justification, in agreement with the customer and the design organization, it is allowed to prescribe methods for performing work and organizational and technological solutions, as well as establish methods, volumes and types of registration of quality control of work that differ from those provided for in these rules.



SNiP 3.04.01-87


Moscow 1988

DEVELOPED BY TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR (candidates of technical sciences) N.N. Zavrazhin- topic leader, V. A. Anzigitov) with the participation of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the USSR State Construction Committee (candidate of technical sciences) I. P. Kim), TsNIIEP housing of the State Committee for Architecture (candidate of technical sciences) D. K. Baulin), NIIMosstroy of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. E. D. Belousov, Ph.D. tech. sciences G. S. Agadzhanov), SKTB Glavtonnelmetrostroy Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences V. V. Krylova, V. G. Golubova), Office of the Soyuzmetrospetsstroy Ministry of Transport and Construction of the USSR ( A. P. Levina, P. F. Litvina), Research Institute of Reinforced Concrete Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. F. M. Ivanova). INTRODUCED BY TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR. PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Standardization and Technical Standards in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee ( D. I. Prokofiev). With the entry into force of SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”, SNiP III -20-74*, SNiP III -21-73*, SNiP III -B.14-72 are no longer valid; GOST 22753-77, GOST 22844-77, GOST 23305-78. When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal “Bulletin of Construction Equipment”, “Collection of Amendments to Construction Codes and Rules” of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index “USSR State Standards” of the USSR State Standard.


1.1. These building codes and regulations apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation of insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floors of buildings and structures, with the exception of work due to the special operating conditions of buildings and structures. 1.2. Insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floor structures must be carried out in accordance with the project (finishing coatings in the absence of project requirements - according to the standard). Replacement of materials, products and compositions provided for by the project is allowed only by agreement with the design organization and the customer. 1.3. Work on the production of thermal insulation works can begin only after the execution of an act (permit) signed by the customer, representatives of the installation organization and the organization performing thermal insulation work. 1.4. The installation of each insulation element (roof), floor, protective and finishing coatings should be carried out after checking the correct execution of the corresponding underlying element and drawing up an inspection report for hidden work. 1.5. With appropriate justification, in agreement with the customer and the design organization, it is allowed to prescribe methods for performing work and organizational and technological solutions, as well as establish methods, volumes and types of registration of quality control of work that differ from those provided for in these rules.



2.1. Insulation and roofing work may be carried out from 60 to minus 30 °C in an environment (work using hot mastics - at an ambient temperature not lower than minus 20 °C, using water-based compounds without antifreeze additives not lower than 5 °C). 2.2. In the foundations for roofing and insulation, in accordance with the project, it is necessary to carry out the following work: seal the seams between the prefabricated slabs; arrange temperature-shrinkable seams; install embedded elements; plaster sections of vertical surfaces of stone structures to the height of the junction of the rolled or emulsion-mastic roofing carpet and insulation. 2.3. Insulating compounds and materials must be applied in continuous and uniform layers or in one layer without gaps or sagging. Each layer must be placed on the hardened surface of the previous one, leveling the applied compounds, with the exception of paint ones. When preparing and preparing insulating compositions, the requirements of Table. 1 .

Table 1

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Bitumen and tar (pitch) must be used cleaned of impurities and dehydrated. Heating should not exceed, °C: Measuring, periodic, but not less than 4 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 180
tar (pitch) - 140
Fillers (aggregates) must be sifted through a sieve with cell sizes, mm:
for sand - 1.5
for dusty ones - 2
for fibrous - 4
Permissible moisture content of fillers (aggregates):
for sand
for compositions with sealing additives
for other compounds
Temperature of emulsions and their components, °C: The same, at least 5-6 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 110
emulsifier solution - 90
latex (when introduced into the emulsion) - 70

Minus 10 °C

Uniformity of bitumen distribution in bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay - 90%
The compaction coefficient of bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay under pressure of 0.67-0.7 MPa is not less than 1.6
Temperature when applying mastics, °C:
hot bitumen - 160
hot tar - 130
cold (in winter) - 65
Installation of insulation dispersedly reinforced with glass fiber (fiberglass fibres): Measuring, periodic at least 16 measurements per shift (every 0.5 hours of work), work log
fiber sizes - 20 mm
the ratio by weight of aluminous cement to Portland cement is 90: 10; the content in Portland cement of a grade of not less than 400, tricalcium aluminate by weight is not more than 8%. The glass rope must not have a paraffin lubricant.
Heavy concrete for constructing roofs without an insulating coating (roof) must contain: Measuring, periodic, at least 4 times per shift, work log
plasticizing and air-entraining additives, fillers made of fractionated sand and coarse crushed stone;
Portland cement - hydrophobic, containing no more than 6% calcium aluminate;
crushed stone of igneous rocks or gravel with a temporary resistance of at least 100 MPa in a water-saturated state; granulometric composition of crushed stone, mm:
sand protective layer size modulus - 2.1 - 3.15
Gravel and other frost-resistant mineral materials should be sorted and washed


2.4. Dust removal of substrates must be carried out before applying primers and insulating compounds, including adhesive adhesives and mastics. 2.5. Leveling screeds (from cement-sand, gypsum, gypsum-sand mortars and asphalt concrete mixtures) should be arranged with grips 2-3 m wide along guides with leveling and compacting the surface. 2.6. The surface priming before applying adhesive and insulating compounds must be continuous without gaps or breaks. Priming of screeds made from cement-sand mortars should be done no later than 4 hours after their installation, using primers based on slowly evaporating solvents (with the exception of screeds with a surface slope of more than 5%, when priming should be done after they have hardened). When preparing the base surface, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 2. The primer must have strong adhesion to the base; there should be no traces of binder left on the tampon attached to it.

table 2

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible deviations of the base surface for roll and non-roll emulsion and mastic insulation and roofing: Measuring, technical inspection, at least 5 measurements for every 70-100 m2 of surface or on a smaller area in places determined by visual inspection
along a slope and on a horizontal surface
across a slope and on a vertical surface
from piece materials:
along and across the slope
Deviations of the element plane from a given slope (over the entire area)
Thickness of the structural element (from design)
Number of irregularities (smooth outline with a length of no more than 150 mm) on a surface area of ​​4 m2

No more than 2

Primer thickness, mm:
for roofs made of fused materials - 0.7
when priming a hardened screed - 0.3
when priming screeds within 4 hours after applying the solution - 0.6
2.7. The moisture content of the base before applying the primer should not exceed the values ​​indicated in the table. 3. Only water-based primers or insulating compounds may be applied to wet substrates if the moisture appearing on the surface of the substrate does not violate the integrity of the coating film. 2.8. Metal surfaces of pipelines, equipment and fasteners to be insulated must be cleaned of rust, and those subject to anti-corrosion protection must be treated in accordance with the design. 2.9. Insulation of installed equipment and pipelines should be carried out after they are permanently secured in the designed position. Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines in places that are difficult to reach for insulation must be carried out completely before installation, including the installation of cover shells. Insulation of pipelines located in non-passing channels and trays must be performed before they are installed in the channels. 2.10. Equipment and pipelines filled with substances must be cleared of them before insulation work begins. 2.11. When working at negative temperatures, roll and insulating materials must be heated within 20 hours to a temperature of at least 15 °C, rewound and delivered to the installation site in an insulated container. 2.12. When insulating roofs from large-sized complex panels with a factory-applied roofing carpet, backing up the joints of the roof panels and gluing them must be done after checking the insulation of the mounted panels.


2.13. Roofing and waterproofing carpets made of rolled materials with a mastic layer pre-fused at the factory must be glued onto a barely primed base by melting or liquefying (plasticizing) the mastic layer of the material without the use of adhesive mastics. The strength of the adhesive must be at least 0.5 MPa. Liquefaction of the mastic layer must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 5 ° C with the simultaneous laying of the rolled carpet or before its laying (depending on the ambient temperature). Melting of the mastic layer should be carried out simultaneously with the laying out of the panels (temperature of the molten mastic is 140-160 °C). Each laid roof layer must be rolled with a roller before installing the next one. 2.14. Before applying the sticker, roll materials must be marked at the place of installation; The layout of the panels of rolled materials must ensure that they overlap when gluing. The mastic must be applied in an even, continuous, without gaps, or strip layer, in accordance with the design. When spot gluing panels to the base, mastic should be applied after rolling out the panels in the locations of the holes. 2.15. When installing roll insulation or roofing using adhesives, hot mastics should be applied to the primed base immediately before gluing the panels. Cold mastics (adhesives) should be applied to the base or panel in advance. Between the application of adhesive compositions and the gluing of beggar fabrics, it is necessary to observe technological breaks to ensure strong adhesion of the adhesive compositions to the base. Each layer should be laid after the mastic has hardened and achieved strong adhesion to the base of the previous layer. 2.1 6. When installing roofs, sheets of rolled materials should be glued: in the direction from low areas to high ones, with the sheets positioned along the length perpendicular to the water flow for roof slopes of up to 15%; in the direction of drainage - with roof slopes of more than 15%. Cross labeling of insulation panels and roofing is not allowed. The type of roll carpet sticker (solid, striped or dotted) must correspond to the project. 2.17. When gluing, the insulation and roofing panels should be overlapped by 100 mm (70 mm across the width of the panels of the lower layers of the roof of roofs with a slope of more than 1.5%). 2.18. When installing insulation or roofing, fiberglass fabric must be spread, laid without creating waves, immediately after applying hot mastic and covered with mastic with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Subsequent layers should be laid in the same way after the mastic of the lower layer has cooled. 2.19. Temperature-shrinkage seams in screeds and joints between coating slabs must be covered with strips of rolled material up to 150 mm wide and glued to one side of the seam (joint). 2.20. In places adjacent to protruding roof surfaces (parapets, pipelines, etc.), the roofing carpet should be raised to the top of the screed side, glued with mastic and putty on the upper horizontal seams. Gluing additional layers of roofing should be done after installing the top layer of the roof, immediately after applying the adhesive mastic in a continuous layer. 2.21. When gluing panels of roofing carpet along the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of the lower layer must overlap the opposite slope by at least 1000 mm. The mastic should be applied directly under the rolled roll in three strips 80-100 mm wide. Subsequent layers must be glued on a continuous layer of mastic. When gluing panels across the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of each layer laid on the ridge should overlap the opposite roof slope by 250 mm and be glued to a continuous layer of mastic. 2. 22. When installing a protective gravel coating on the roofing carpet, it is necessary to apply hot mastic in a continuous layer 2 - 3 mm thick and 2 m wide, immediately scattering over it a continuous layer of gravel, cleared of dust, 5-10 mm thick. The number of layers and total thickness of the protective coating must correspond to the design. 2.23. When installing roll insulation and roofing, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 3.

Table 3

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The permissible moisture content of the substrates when applying all compositions, except for water-based compositions, should not exceed: Measuring, technical inspection, at least 5 measurements evenly for every 50-70 m2 of base, registration
cement-sand, gypsum and gypsum-sand
any bases when applying water-based compounds

Before surface moisture appears

Temperature when applying hot mastics, °C: Measuring, periodic, at least 4 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 160
tar - 130
Thickness of the mastic layer when gluing a rolled carpet, mm:
hot bitumen - 2.0
intermediate layers - 1.5
cold bitumen - 0.8
Thickness of one insulation layer, mm: Measuring, technical inspection, at least 5 measurements for every 70-100 m2 in places determined by visual inspection, work log
cold asphalt mastics - 7
cement mortars - 10
emulsions - 3
polymer compositions (such as “Krovlelit” and “Venta”) - 1


2.24. When installing insulation and roofing from emulsion-mastic compositions, each layer of the insulating carpet must be applied continuously, without breaks, of uniform thickness after the primer or its lower layer has hardened. 2.25. When installing insulation and roofing from polymer compounds such as “Krovlelit” and “Venta”, they must be applied with high-pressure units that ensure density, uniform thickness of the coating and adhesion strength of the coating to the base of at least 0.5 MPa. When using cold asphalt emulsion mastics, the supply and application of the compositions should be carried out by units with screw pumps (mechanical action), ensuring the adhesion strength of the coating to the base of at least 0.4 MPa. 2.26. When installing insulation and roofing from emulsion-mastic compositions reinforced with fiberglass fibers, their application should be carried out with units that ensure the production of fibers of the same length, uniform distribution in the composition and density of the insulating coating. 2.27. When installing insulation and roofing made of polymer and emulsion-mastic compositions, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 3. Roof junctions should be arranged similarly to the installation of roll roofs.


2.28. Bitumen perlite, bitumen expanded clay, cement mortars, hot asphalt mixtures with a surface slope of up to 25% must be laid along lighthouse slats in strips 2-6 m wide in layers of uniform thickness (no more than 75 mm) with compaction and smoothing of the surface of the layer. Each layer must be laid after the previous one has hardened. 2.29. When installing cement waterproofing from mortars using waterproof expanding cements (WRC), waterproof non-shrinking cements (WBC) or Portland cement with compacting additives, the compositions should be applied to the base surface wetted with water. Each subsequent layer must be applied no later than 30 minutes (when using VRC and VBC compositions) or no more than 24 hours (when using Portland cement compositions with sealing additives) after curing of the previous layer. Cement waterproofing must be protected from mechanical influences for two days after application (1 hour when using VBC and VRC). 2.30 Moistening of cement waterproofing during hardening should be carried out with a sprayed stream of water without pressure when using the following compositions: VRTS and VBC - 1 hour after application and every 3 hours during the day; on Portland cement with sealing additives - 8-12 hours after application, and then 2-3 times a day for 14 days. 2.31. When installing insulation from bitumen perlite, bitumen expanded clay, waterproofing from cement mortars and hot asphalt mixtures, mastics and bitumens, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 4.

Table 4

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible surface deviations (when checked with a two-meter rod): Measuring, at least 5 measurements for every 50 - 100 m2 of surface or on a smaller area in places determined by visual inspection

5 ... + 10 mm

element plane from a given slope - 0.2%

No more than 150 mm

coating element thickness - -5 ... + 10%

No more than 3.0 mm

Mobility of compositions (mixtures) without plasticizers, cm: Measuring, at least 3 measurements for every 70-100 m2 of coating surface
when applied manually - 10
when applied by installations with piston or screw pumps - 5
when using plasticizers - 10
The temperature of hot asphalt mixtures, bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay during application is at least 120 °C Measuring, periodic, at least 8 times per shift, work log


2.32. When constructing cover shells from flat or corrugated asbestos-cement sheets, their installation and fastening must comply with the design. When constructing thermal insulation cover shells made of rigid and flexible (non-metallic) materials, it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the shells to the thermal insulation with reliable fastening using fasteners and thorough sealing of the joints of flexible shells with their gluing in accordance with the design. On pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm, fiberglass should be laid spirally, on pipelines with a diameter of more than 200 mm - in separate panels in accordance with the requirements of the project. 2.33. Installation of heat-insulating structures and cover shells must begin from unloading devices, flange connections, curved sections (bends) and fittings (tees, crosses) and be carried out in the direction opposite to the slope, and on vertical surfaces - from bottom to top. 2.34. When installing thermal insulation from rigid products laid dry, a gap of no more than 2 mm must be provided between the products and the insulated surface. When gluing hard products, the temperature of the mastics must meet the requirements of Table. 3. Fastening of products to the base must correspond to the design. 2.35. When installing thermal insulation of pipelines using soft and semi-hard fibrous products, it is necessary to ensure: compaction of thermal insulation materials according to the design with a compaction coefficient for soft fibrous products of no more than 1.5, for semi-rigid ones - 1.2; tight fit of products to the insulated surface and to each other; when insulating in several layers - overlap longitudinal and transverse seams; dense spiral laying of insulation with cords and bundles with minimal deviation relative to the plane perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline, and winding in multilayer structures of each subsequent layer in the direction opposite to the turns of the previous layer; installation on horizontal pipelines and fastening devices to prevent sagging of thermal insulation.


2.36. When installing thermal insulation from slabs, insulation materials must be laid on the base tightly to each other and have the same thickness in each layer. When installing thermal insulation in several layers, the seams of the slabs must be spaced apart. 2.37. Thermal insulation bulk materials must be sorted into fractions before installation. Thermal insulation must be installed along lighthouse slats in strips 3-4 m wide with loose insulation of smaller fractions laid in the lower layer. Layers should be laid with a thickness of no more than 60 mm and compacted after laying. 2.38. When installing thermal insulation from slabs and bulk materials, the requirements of Table. 5 and 6.

Table 5

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The permissible moisture content of the bases should not exceed: Measuring, at least 5 measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coverage, work log
from prefabricated
from monolithic
Thermal insulation made from piece materials
The thickness of the interlayer layer should not exceed, mm:
from adhesives and cold mastics - 0.8
from hot mastics - 1.5
width of joints between slabs, blocks, products, mm:
when sticking - no more than 5 (for hard products - 3)
when laying dry - no more than 2
Monolithic and slab thermal insulation:
insulation coating thickness (from design)

5 ... + 10% but not more than 20 mm

Deviations of the insulation plane: Measuring, for every 50-100 m2 of coating surface
from a given slope
The size of the ledges between tiles and roofing sheets should not exceed 5 mm
The amount of overlap of slabs and sheets must correspond to the design - 5%

Table 6


2.39. When installing wooden foundations (sheathing) under roofs made of piece materials, the following requirements must be observed: sheathing joints should be spaced apart; the distances between the sheathing elements must correspond to the design ones; in places where eaves overhangs, valleys and valleys are covered, as well as under roofs made of small-piece elements, the foundations must be made of boards (solid). 2.40. Piece roofing materials should be laid on the sheathing in rows from the eaves to the ridge according to preliminary markings. Each overlying row must overlap the underlying one. 2.41. Corrugated asbestos-cement sheets of ordinary profile and medium-wavy must be laid offset by one wave in relation to the sheets of the previous row or without offset. Sheets of reinforced and unified profiles must be laid in relation to the sheets of the previous row without displacement. When laying sheets without displacement on a wave at the junction of four sheets, the corners of the two middle sheets should be trimmed with a gap between the joining corners of the VO sheets of 3-4 mm and the SV, UV and VU sheets of 8-10 mm. 2.42. Asbestos-cement sheets VO and SV with should be fastened to the sheathing with slate nails with a galvanized head, sheets UV and VU - with screws with special grips, flat sheets - with two nails and an anti-wind button, outer sheets and ridge parts - in addition with two anti-wind brackets. 2.43. When installing roofs made of piece materials, the requirements of Table. 4.


2.44. Metal waterproofing must be installed by welding sheets in accordance with the project. After welding, the filling of the cavities behind the insulation should be injected with a composition under a pressure of 0.2-0.3 MPa. 2.45. When installing metal roofs, parts and junctions from metal sheets of any type of roof, the connection of pictures located along the water drain must be carried out using lying seams, except for ribs, slopes and ridges, where the pictures must be connected with standing seams. For roof slopes of less than 30°, the rebated seam should be made double and coated with red lead putty. The amount of folding of the paintings for the installation of recumbent folds should be taken as 15 mm; standing seams - 20 mm for one and 35 mm for another adjacent picture. The paintings must be secured to the base with clamps passed between the folds of the sheets and T-shaped crutches.


2.46. The requirements for finished insulating (roofing) coatings and structures are given in Table. 7.

Table 7

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Complete drainage of water over the entire surface of the roofs should be carried out through external and internal drains without stagnation of water
The adhesion strength to the base and to each other of roofing and waterproofing carpet made from rolled materials over a continuous mastic adhesive layer of emulsion compositions with the base is not less than 0.5 MPa Measuring, 5 measurements per 120-150 m 2 of the coating surface (the nature of the sound should not change when tapping); when the glued materials rupture, there should be no peeling of the mastic (the rupture should occur inside the rolled panel), acceptance certificate
The heat resistance and compositions of mastics for gluing rolled and slab materials, as well as the strength and compositions of adhesive layer solutions must correspond to the design. Deviations from the project - 5% Technical inspection, acceptance certificate
The location of panels and metal paintings (depending on the slope of the coating), their connection and protection in a regular coating, in places of abutments and interfaces in different planes must correspond to the project
Bubbles, swelling, air pockets, tears, dents, punctures, spongy structure, drips and sagging on the surface of roof coverings and insulation are not allowed
Increased humidity of bases, intermediate elements, coating and the entire structure compared to the standard

No more than 0.5%

Measuring, 5 measurements on an area of ​​50-70 m2 of the coating surface or on separate areas of a smaller area in places identified by visual inspection, acceptance certificate
When accepting finished insulation and roofing, you must check:

Deviations from the project are not allowed

Technical inspection, acceptance certificate
correspondence of the number of reinforcing (additional) layers in mates (adjacents) to the project;
for waterproofing:
the quality of filling joints and holes in structures made of prefabricated elements with sealing materials;
quality of caulking;
correct waterproofing of bolt holes, as well as holes for injection of solutions for finishing structures;
absence of leaks and discontinuities of seam lines in metal waterproofing;
for roofs made of rolled materials, emulsion, mastic compositions:
the bowls of the water inlet funnel of internal drains should not protrude above the surface of the base;
the corners of adjoining structures (screeds and concrete) must be smooth and even, without sharp corners;
for roofs made of piece materials and roof parts made of metal sheets:
absence of visible gaps in the coating when inspecting the roof from the attic;
absence of chips and cracks (in asbestos-cement and sealed flat and corrugated sheets);
strong connection of drainpipe links to each other;
the presence of smearing of double recumbent seams in the joints of metal paintings on a coating with a slope of less than 30 °;
for thermal insulation:
continuity of layers, quality of lining of passage points for pipeline fastenings, equipment, structural parts, etc. through thermal insulation;
absence of mechanical damage, sagging layers and loose fit to the base



3.1. Finishing work, with the exception of finishing facades, must be carried out at a positive ambient temperature and the surfaces to be finished are not lower than 10 ° C and air humidity is not more than 60%. This temperature in the room must be maintained around the clock, no less than 2 days before the start and 12 days after the completion of work, and for wallpaper work - before the facility is put into operation. 3.2. Work on applying protective coatings should be carried out at a temperature of the ambient air and the protected surfaces not lower than °C: 10 - for paint and varnish protective coatings made from compositions prepared on the basis of natural resins; mastic and putty coatings made of silicate compounds; adhesive protective coatings using bitumen roll materials, polyisobutylene plates, Butylkor-S plates, duplicated polyethylene; rubber coatings; facing and lining coatings using acid-resistant silicate putties and mastics such as “Bituminol”; for acid-resistant concrete and silicate polymer concrete; 15 - for paint and varnish reinforced and non-reinforced continuous coatings from compositions prepared on the basis of synthetic resins; mastic coatings and sealants made from compounds based on synthetic rubbers and nairite; coatings made of sheet polymer materials; facing and lining coatings using putties such as “Arzamit”, “Furankor”, as well as polyester, epoxy resins and resins with epoxy additives; for coatings made of polymer concrete and polymer cement coatings; 25 - for coatings made from Polan. 3.3. Finishing work must be carried out in accordance with the work project (WPP) for the construction of buildings and structures. Before finishing work begins, the following work must be carried out: the premises to be finished must be protected from precipitation; waterproofing, heat and sound insulation and leveling floor ties were installed; the seams between the blocks and panels are sealed; joints of window, door and balcony blocks are sealed and insulated; glazed light openings; embedded products were installed, heat and water supply and heating systems were tested. Plastering and cladding (according to the project) of surfaces in places where embedded products of sanitary systems are installed must be performed before the start of their installation. 3.4. Before finishing the facades, the following work must additionally be completed: external waterproofing and roofing with parts and connections; installation of all floor structures on balconies; installation and fastening of all metal paintings edging architectural details on the facade of the building; installation of all fastening devices for drainpipes (according to the project). 3.5. Anti-corrosion work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85 “Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion”. 3.6. When preparing and preparing finishing and anti-corrosion compounds, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 8.

Table 8

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Plastering solutions must pass without residue through a mesh with cell sizes, mm: Measuring, periodic, 3-4 times per shift, work log
for spray and primer - 3
for the top layer and single-layer coatings - 1.5
Solution mobility - 5 The same for each batch
Delamination - no more than 15% The same, in laboratory conditions 3-4 times per shift
Water-holding capacity - at least 90%
Adhesion strength, MPa, not less than: The same, at least 3 measurements per 50-70 m2 of coating surface
for interior work - 0.1
for outdoor work - 0.4
Size of aggregates for decorative finishing of interiors and facades of buildings, mm: The same, at least 5 measurements per batch per shift
on an adhesive layer of granite, marble, slate, ceramic, glass and plastic chips, as well as coarse sand - 2
cement-lime, lime-sand and cement compositions with sand:
quartz - 0.5
marble - 0.25
Terrasite mixtures
with fine aggregate:
sand - 1
mica - 1
with medium filler:
sand - 2
mica - 2.5
with coarse aggregate:
sand - 4
mica - 4
Glass must arrive at the site without cracks, cut to size, complete with seals, sealants and fastening devices. According to the project in accordance with standards and specifications Technical inspection
Putties: Measuring, periodic, at least 5 measurements per 50 - 70 m2 of coating surface, work log
drying time - no more than 24 hours
adhesion strength, MPa:
after 24 hours not less than 0.1
after 72 hours not less than 0.2
viability - at least 20 minutes Technical inspection, at least three test putties per batch, work log
The putty coating after drying should be smooth, without bubbles, cracks and mechanical inclusions
Painting and wallpaper materials According to the project in accordance with standards and specifications The same, at least three times per batch, work log


3.7. Finishing and protective coatings on substrates that have rust, efflorescence, grease and bitumen stains are not permitted. Wallpaper production is also not allowed on surfaces that have not been whitewashed. 3.8. Dust removal of surfaces should be carried out before applying each layer of priming, gluing, plastering, painting and protective compounds, coatings and glass putties. 3.9. The strength of the bases must be no less than the strength of the finishing coating and correspond to the design. 3.10. Protruding architectural details, places where they meet wooden stone, brick and concrete structures must be plastered over a metal mesh or woven wire attached to the surface of the base; wooden surfaces - on shingle panels. 3.11. The internal surfaces of stone and brick walls constructed using the freezing method should be plastered after thawing of the masonry from the inside to at least half the thickness of the wall. 3.12. When painting and wallpapering, the quality of the prepared substrates must meet the following requirements: surfaces when painting with oil, adhesive, water-based compositions and wallpapering must be smooth, without roughness; surface cracks are opened, primed, filled with putty to a depth of at least 2 mm and sanded; shells and irregularities are primed, puttied and smoothed; peelings, mortar drips, traces of processing by trowelling machines have been removed; the seams between sheets of dry gypsum plaster and the areas adjacent to them are primed, puttied, sanded flush with the surface or treated with rustics (in accordance with the project), and when wallpapering, they are additionally covered with strips of paper, gauze, etc.; When wallpapering the surfaces, painting of the ceilings was completed and other painting work was completed. Substrates prepared for painting, pasting with synthetic wallpaper on a paper and fabric basis, as well as with a factory-applied adhesive composition must meet the requirements of Table. 9. The surfaces of all fastening devices located under cardboard, paper or directly under wallpaper must be pre-coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Table 9

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Plastered surfaces Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on 50-70 m 2 of the surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element), work log
deviations from the vertical (mm per 1 m), mm:
with simple plaster - 3

No more than 15 mm per room height

the same, improved - 2

The same, no more than 10 mm

The same, no more than 5 mm

uneven surfaces of a smooth outline (per 4 m2):
with simple plaster - no more than 3, depth (height) up to 5 mm
the same, improved - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 3 mm
the same, high quality - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 2 mm
Horizontal deviations (mm per 1 m) should not exceed, mm:
with simple plaster - 3
the same, improved - 2
the same, high quality - 1
Deviations of window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars, husks, etc. from the vertical (mm per 1 m) should not exceed, mm: The same, except measurements (3 by 1 mm)
with simple plaster - 4

Up to 10 mm for the entire element

the same, improved - 2

The same, up to 5 mm

the same, high quality - 1

The same, up to 3 mm

Deviations of the radius of curved surfaces, checked by a pattern, from the design value (for the entire element) should not exceed, mm: Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on 50 - 70 m 2 of the surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element) except for measurements ( 3 by 1 mm), work log
with simple plaster - 10
the same, improved - 7
the same high quality - 5
Deviations of the slope width from the design should not exceed, mm:
with simple plaster - 5
the same, improved - 3
Deviations of the rods from a straight line within the limits between the angles of intersection of the rods and the bracing should not exceed, mm:
with simple plaster - 6
the same, improved - 3
the same, high quality - 2
The surfaces of prefabricated slabs and panels must meet the requirements of the standards and specifications for the relevant products
Permissible humidity: Measuring, at least 3 measurements per 10 m 2 surface
brick and stone surfaces when plastered, concrete, plastered or puttied surfaces when wallpapering and when painting with painting compounds, except cement and lime

No more than 8%

the same when painting with cement and lime compounds

Until droplet moisture appears on the surface

wooden surfaces for painting

No more than 12%

When installing paint coatings, the surface of the base must be smooth, without roughness; local irregularities with a height (depth) of up to 1 mm - no more than 2 on an area of ​​4 m 2 of the coating surface
3.13. When cladding surfaces, the quality of the prepared bases must meet the following requirements: the walls must have a load of at least 65% of the design load for internal and 80% for external cladding of their surface, with the exception of walls whose cladding is carried out simultaneously with masonry; concrete surfaces and the surfaces of brick and stone walls laid with completely filled joints must have a notch; the surfaces of walls laid out in hollow areas must be prepared without notching them and filling the joints with mortar; Before covering, any surfaces must be cleaned, rinsed and moistened to a matte shine before applying an adhesive layer of solution and other aqueous compounds; Before tiling in the premises, the ceilings and the plane of the walls above the surface to be tiled should be painted. Before covering the walls with sheets and panels with a front finish, also arrange hidden wiring. 3.14. When preparing facing and other types of surfaces during finishing work, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 9.


3.15. When plastering brick walls at an ambient temperature of 23 °C and above, the surface must be moistened before applying the solution. 3.16. Improved and high-quality plaster should be performed along beacons, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the plaster coating without a covering layer. 3.17. When installing single-layer coatings, their surface should be leveled immediately after applying the solution; in the case of using trowels, after it has set. 3.18. When installing a multi-layer plaster coating, each layer must be applied after the previous one has set (the covering layer - after the mortar has set). Leveling the soil should be done before the solution begins to set. 3.19. Sheets of gypsum plaster must be glued to the surface of brick walls with compositions corresponding to the design, placed in the form of marks, measuring 80 ´ 80 mm over an area of ​​at least 10% along the ceiling, floor, corners of the vertical plane every 120-150 mm, in the spaces between them at a distance no more than 400 mm, along vertical edges - in a continuous strip. Sheets should be fastened to wooden bases with nails with wide heads. 3.20. Installation of gypsum moldings should be done after the base of plaster mortars has set and dried. Architectural details on the facade must be secured to the reinforcement embedded in the wall structure, which is previously protected from corrosion. 3.21. When performing plastering work, the requirements of Table. 10.

Table 10

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible thickness of single-layer plaster, mm:
when using all types of solutions, except gypsum - up to 20, from gypsum solutions - up to 15
Permissible thickness of each layer when installing multilayer plasters without polymer additives, mm: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 70-100 m 2 of the coating surface or in one room of a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection, work log
spray on stone, brick, concrete surfaces - up to 5
spray on wooden surfaces (including the thickness of the shingles) - up to 9
soil from cement mortars - up to 5
soil from lime, lime-gypsum solutions - up to 7
covering layer of plaster coating - up to 2
covering layer of decorative finishing - up to 7


3.22. Painting work on facades should be carried out by protecting the applied compositions (until they are completely dry) from direct exposure to sunlight. 3. 23. When performing painting work, continuous filling of the surface should be performed only with high-quality painting, and with improved paint - on metal and wood. 3.24. Putty made from low-shrinkage compounds with polymer additives must be leveled immediately after application with grinding of individual areas; When applying other types of putty compounds, the surface of the putty should be sanded after it has dried. 3.25. Surfaces must be primed before painting with painting compounds, except organosilicon ones. The primer must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or breaks. The dried primer should have strong adhesion to the base, not peel off when stretched, and no traces of binder should remain on the tampon attached to it. Painting should be done after the primer has dried. 3. 26. Painting compounds must also be applied in a continuous layer. The application of each paint composition should begin after the previous one has completely dried. Flatting or trimming of the paint composition should be done using freshly applied paint composition. 3 3. 7. When painting plank floors, each layer, with the exception of the last, must be sanded until the gloss is removed. 3.2 8. When performing painting work, the requirements of Table. eleven .

Table 11

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible thickness of paint coating layers: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room, after a complete visual inspection, work log
putty - 0.5 mm
paint coating - at least 25 microns
The surface of each layer of paint coating with improved and high-quality interior painting with anhydrous compounds must be smooth, without paint drips, not have a jagged structure, etc. The same, on 70-100 m 2 of the coating surface (when illuminated by an electric lamp with a reflector having a narrow slit, a beam of light directed parallel to the painted surface should not form shadow spots)


3.29. When decorative finishing with compositions with fillers, the surface of the base must be unsmoothed; Puttying and grinding of rough surfaces is not allowed. 3.30. When finishing surfaces with decorative pastes and terrazite compositions, each layer of multilayer decorative coatings must be performed after the previous one has hardened, without grinding the front surface. 3.3 1. When installing finishing coatings from decorative pastes on plaster instead of a top layer, the work should be carried out in compliance with the rules for the installation of a top layer of plaster coatings. 3.32. Decorative finishing with terrazite compositions must be carried out in a single layer in compliance with the requirements for the installation of single-layer plaster coatings. 3.33. When finishing surfaces with decorative chips, it must be applied over a wet adhesive layer. The applied crumbs must have a strong (at least 0.8 MPa) adhesion to the base and form a continuous, gap-free coating with a tight fit of the crumbs to each other. Before applying the water-repellent composition, the surface must be cleaned with compressed air. 3.34. When installing decorative finishing coatings, the requirements of Table. 12.

Table 12

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The amount of decorative chips embedded into the adhesive layer should be 2/3 of its size Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 surface in places identified by continuous visual inspection, work log
The adhesion of decorative chips to the base must be at least 0.3 MPa The same, at least 5 measurements per 70-100 m 2, work log
Permissible thickness of decorative coating, mm: The same, at least 5 measurements for every 30-50 m2 of coating surface
using crumbs on an adhesive layer - up to 7
using pastes (for plaster) - up to 5
using terrasite compounds - up to 12


3.35. When priming the surface under wallpaper, the adhesive composition must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or drips, and left until thickening begins. An additional layer of adhesive layer should be applied along the perimeter of window and door openings, along the contour and in the corners of the surface to be finished in a strip 75-80 mm wide at the moment the base layer begins to thicken. 3.3 6. When gluing bases with paper in separate strips or sheets, the distance between them should be 10-12 mm. 3.37. Gluing panels of paper wallpaper should be done after they have swollen and been impregnated with adhesive. 3.38. Wallpaper with a surface density of up to 100 g/m2 must be glued overlapping, 100-120 g/m2 or more - back to back. 3.39. When joining panels with an overlap, pasting surfaces with wallpaper must be done in the direction from the light openings without making joints of vertical rows of panels at the intersections of planes. 3.40. When gluing surfaces with synthetic wallpaper on a paper or fabric basis, the corners of the walls must be covered with a whole panel. Glue stains on their surface must be removed immediately. When gluing, the vertical edges of adjacent textvinite panels and fabric-based films should overlap in width the previous panel with an overlap of 3-4 mm. Trimming overlapping edges should be done after the adhesive layer has completely dried, and after removing the edge, additionally apply glue in the places where the edges of adjacent panels are glued. 3.41. When gluing pile wallpaper, the panels should be smoothed in one direction when gluing. 3.42. When covering surfaces with wallpaper, the formation of air bubbles, stains and other contaminants, as well as additional adhesion and peeling, is not allowed. 3.43. When wallpapering, the premises must be protected from drafts and direct exposure to sunlight until the wallpaper is completely dry and a constant humidity regime must be established. The air temperature when drying pasted wallpaper should not exceed 23 °C.


3.44. Glass work must be carried out at positive ambient temperatures. Glazing at negative air temperatures is allowed only if it is impossible to remove the bindings, using putty heated to at least 20 °C. 3.46. When glazing metal and reinforced concrete frames, metal glazing beads must be installed after laying rubber gaskets in the rebate. 3.46. Fastening glass in wooden frames should be done using glazing beads or pins and filling the binding folds with putty. The glass should overlap the binding folds by no more than 3/4 of the width. The putty should be applied in an even, continuous layer, without breaks, until the binding fold is completely sealed. 3.47. Joining glass, as well as installing glass with defects (cracks, chips of more than 10 mm, permanent stains, foreign inclusions) when glazing residential buildings and cultural and public facilities is not allowed. 3.48. Fastening uviol, frosted, frosted-patterned, reinforced and colored glass, as well as tempered glass in window and door openings should be done in the same way as sheet glass, depending on the binding material. 3.49. Installation of glass blocks on mortar should be carried out with strictly constant horizontal and vertical joints of constant width in accordance with the project. 3.50. Installation of glass panels and assembly of their frames must be carried out in accordance with the design.


3.51. Surface cladding must be carried out in accordance with the PPR in accordance with the project. The connection of the cladding field to the base should be carried out: when using facing slabs and blocks with a size of more than 400 cm 2 and a thickness of more than 10 mm - by fastening to the base and filling the space between the cladding and the surface of the wall (sins) with mortar or without filling sinuses with mortar when removing the cladding from the wall; when using slabs and blocks with a size of 400 cm 2 or less, a thickness of no more than 10 mm, as well as when facing horizontal and inclined surfaces with slabs of any size (no more than 45%) - on mortar or mastic (in accordance with the project) without additional attachment to the base; when facing with embedded slabs and facing bricks simultaneously with the laying of walls - on masonry mortar. 3.52. Cladding of walls, columns, pilasters of interiors should be done before installing the floor covering. 3.53. Cladding elements on an adhesive layer of mortar and mastic must be installed in horizontal rows from bottom to top from the corner of the cladding field. 3.54. The mastic and adhesive layer solution should be applied in a uniform, streak-free layer before installing the tiles. Small-sized tiles on mastics or mortars with retarders should be installed after applying the latter over the entire area to be tiled in one plane when the mastics and mortars with retarders thicken. 3.55. Finishing of the site and the entire surface of the interior and facade with cladding products of different colors, textures, textures and sizes should be done with the selection of the entire pattern of the cladding field in accordance with the project. 3.5 6. When using natural and artificial stone of polished and honed texture, cladding elements must be mated dry, adjusting the edges of adjacent slabs selected according to the design with fastening according to the design. The seams of the slabs must be filled with mastic after the sinuses have been filled with mortar and it has hardened. 3.57. Slabs with a polished, dotted, bumpy and grooved structure, as well as with a “rock” type relief, must be installed on a mortar; Vertical joints should be filled with mortar to a depth of 15 - 20 mm or sealant after the adhesive layer solution has hardened. 3.58. The seams of the cladding must be smooth and of the same width. When cladding walls erected using the freezing method, filling the cladding joints from embedded ceramic slabs must be done after thawing and hardening of the masonry mortar with loads on the walls of at least 80% of the design load. 3.59. Filling the sinuses with a solution must be done after installing permanent or temporary fastening of the lining field. The solution should be poured in horizontal layers, leaving after pouring the last layer of solution a space of 5 cm to the top of the cladding. The solution poured into the sinuses should be protected from moisture loss during process breaks exceeding 18 hours. Before continuing work, the unfilled part of the sinus must be cleared of dust with compressed air. 3. 60. After facing, the surfaces of slabs and products must be cleaned of mortar and mastic deposits immediately, in this case: the surfaces of glazed, polished and polished slabs and products are washed with hot water, and polished, dotted, lumpy, grooved, etc. “rock” is treated with a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid and steam using a sandblaster. 3.61. Surfaces from the cutting of slabs of soft rocks (limestone, tuff, etc.), as well as edges of slabs with polished, ground, grooved and dotted surfaces protruding more than 1.5 mm must be accordingly ground, subpolished or hewn to obtaining a clear contour of the edges of the slabs. 3.62. When carrying out facing work, the requirements of Table. 13.

Table 13

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Thickness of the adhesive layer, mm:
from solution - 7
from mastic - 1
Lined surface The same, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 surface
deviations from the vertical (mm per 1 m length), mm:
mirrored, polished - no more than 2

No more than 4 per floor

polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - no more than 3

No more than 8 per floor

ceramic, glass-ceramic and other cladding products
external - 2

No more than 5 per floor

internal - 1.5

No more than 4 per floor

deviations in the location of seams from the vertical and horizontal (mm per 1 m length) in the cladding, mm:
mirror, polished - up to 1.5
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - up to 3
“rock” type textures - up to 3
ceramic, glass-ceramic, and other cladding products:
external - up to 2
internal - up to 1.5
Permissible profile discrepancies at the joints of architectural details and seams, mm: Measuring, at least 5 measurements on 70-100 m2 of surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection, work log
mirror, polished - up to 0.5
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - up to 1
“rock” type textures - up to 2
outdoor - up to 4
internal - up to 3
Unevenness of the plane (when controlled with a two-meter rod), mm:
mirrored, polished - up to 2
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - up to 4
ceramic, glass-ceramic and other cladding products:
external - up to 3
internal - up to 2
Deviations in the width of the cladding seam:
mirrored, polished
granite and artificial stone
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved
"rock" type textures
ceramic, glass-ceramic and other products (internal and external cladding)


3.63. The installation of suspended ceilings must be done after installing and fastening all frame elements (in accordance with the project), checking the horizontalness of its plane and compliance with the marks. 3.64. Installation of slabs, wall panels and suspended ceiling elements should be carried out after marking the surface and begin from the corner of the plane being tiled. Horizontal joints of sheets (panels) not provided for in the project are not allowed. 3.65. The surface plane, lined with panels and slabs, must be flat, without sagging at the joints, rigid, without vibration of panels and sheets and peeling from the surface (when gluing). 3.66. When installing suspended ceilings, panels and slabs with front finishing in the interiors of buildings, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 14.

Table 14

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Finished cladding: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 surface or individual areas of a smaller area, identified by continuous visual inspection, work log
maximum values ​​of ledges between slabs and panels, as well as slats (suspended ceilings) - 2 mm
Deviation of the plane of the entire finishing field diagonally, vertically and horizontally (from the design) by 1 m - 1.5 mm

7 over the entire surface

Deviation of the direction of the joint of wall cladding elements from the vertical (mm per 1 m) - 1 mm


3.67. The requirements for finished finishing coatings are given in table. 15.

Table 15

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Adhesion strength of coatings made of plaster compositions and sheets of dry gypsum plaster, MPa: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 of the coating surface or on the area of ​​individual areas identified by a continuous visual inspection, acceptance certificate
internal plastered surfaces - not less than 0.1
external plastered surfaces - 0.4
The unevenness of the plastered surface should have deviations and irregularities not exceeding those given in the table. 9 (for plaster coatings made of dry gypsum plaster, the indicators must correspond to high-quality plaster)
Plaster coatings made from sheets of dry gypsum plaster should not be unsteady; when lightly tapped with a wooden hammer, cracks should not appear in the joints; Sagging in joints is allowed no more than 1 mm
Horizontal and vertical deviations per 1 m of part length - no more than 1 mm
The displacement of the axes of separately located large parts from the specified position should not exceed 10 mm
The sealed joints should not be noticeable, and parts of the closed relief should be in the same plane; the design (profile) of relief products must be clear; on the surface of the parts there should be no cavities, kinks, cracks, or sagging mortar
Acceptance of finishing coatings must be done after water-based paints have dried and a strong film has formed on surfaces painted with anhydrous compositions. After drying of aqueous compositions, surfaces must be uniform in color, without stripes, stains, smudges, splashes, or abrasion (chalking) of surfaces. Local corrections that stand out against the general background (except for simple painting) should not be noticeable at a distance of 3 m from the surface

Technical inspection, acceptance certificate

Surfaces painted with waterless painting compounds must have a uniform glossy or matte surface. It is not allowed to show through the underlying layers of paint, peeling, stains, wrinkles, drips, visible grains of paint, clumps of film on the surface, brush and roller marks, unevenness, imprints of dried paint on the attached swab.
Surfaces painted with varnishes must have a glossy finish, without cracks, visible thickening, or traces of varnish (after drying) on ​​the attached swab
In places where surfaces painted in different colors meet, the curvature of lines, high-quality painting (for other types) in certain areas should not exceed, mm:
for simple painting - 5
for improved coloring - 2
curvature of panel lines and painting of surfaces when using different colors - 1 (per 1 m of surface)
When wallpapering surfaces, the following must be done:
with the edges of the overlapping panels facing the light openings, without shadows from them (when gluing with an overlap);
from panels of the same color and shades;
with precise fit of the pattern at the joints. Edge deviations should be no more than 0.5 mm (not noticeable from a distance of 3 m);
air bubbles, stains, omissions, additional gluing and peeling, and in places where openings adjoin the slopes, distortions, wrinkles, wallpapering of baseboards, trim, sockets, switches, etc. not allowed
When producing glass works:
the putty, after forming a hard film on the surface, should not have cracks and lag behind the surface of the glass and rebate;
the cut of putty at the point of contact with the glass must be smooth and parallel to the edge of the rebate, without protruding fasteners;
the outer chamfers of the glazing beads must fit tightly to the outer edge of the folds, without protruding beyond their limits and without forming depressions;
glazing beads installed on glass putty must be firmly connected to each other and to the binding fold; on rubber gaskets - the gaskets must be tightly clamped by the glass and fit tightly to the surface of the fold, glass and glazing beads, not protrude above the edge of the glazing bead, and have no cracks or tears;
when using any fastening devices, rubber profiles must be tightly pressed against the glass and the rebate groove, the fastening devices must correspond to the design and are tightly stored in the rebate grooves
Glass blocks installed on mortar must have smooth, strictly vertical and horizontal seams of the same width, filled flush with the surfaces of the glass units; the entire structure after installing the double-glazed window must be vertical, with tolerances not exceeding 2 mm per 1 m of surface

10 over the entire height

The surface of glass and glass structures must be free of cracks, gouges, holes, without traces of putty, mortar, paint, grease stains, etc.
Surfaces lined with blocks, slabs and tiles made of natural and natural stone must meet the following requirements:
surfaces must correspond to specified geometric shapes;
deviations should not exceed those given in table. 13;
the mating material and sealing of the seams, the dimensions and patterns of the cladding must correspond to the design;
surfaces lined with monochromatic artificial materials must have a uniform tone, with natural stone - a uniform color or a smooth transition of shades;
the space between the wall and the cladding must be completely filled with mortar;
horizontal and vertical seams of the cladding must be of the same type, single row and uniform in width;
the surface of the entire cladding must be hard;
chips in the seams are allowed no more than 0.5 mm;
cracks, stains, mortar drips, efflorescence are not allowed;
large-block elements made of natural stone must be installed on concrete;
fastening devices (fasteners) for cladding exposed to aggressive environments must be coated with anti-corrosion compounds or made of non-ferrous metal in accordance with the project
Finishing (cladding) of walls with factory-finished sheets must meet the following requirements:
There are cracks, air bubbles, scratches, stains, etc. on the surface of sheets and panels. not allowed;
the fastening of sheets and panels to the base must be strong, without instability (when lightly tapped with a wooden hammer, warping of the products, destruction of their edges and displacement of the sheets should not be observed);
the seams must be uniform, strictly horizontal and vertical; fastening devices and the distance between them, as well as the material, dimensions and design must correspond to the project;
deviations from the plane, horizontal and vertical should not exceed the standards given in table. 16
Note. Anti-corrosion coatings of building structures and technological equipment must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85.



4.1. Before starting work on the installation of floors, measures must be taken in accordance with the project to stabilize, prevent heaving and artificially stabilize soils, lower groundwater, as well as adjacent to expansion joints, channels, pits, drainage chutes, drains, etc. Elements of the coating edging must be completed before its installation. 4. 2. The soil base under the floors must be compacted in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-87 “Earth structures, foundations and foundations”. Vegetable soil, silt, peat, as well as bulk soils mixed with construction waste are not allowed under the soil foundation. 4.3. Installation of floors is allowed at room air temperature, measured in the cold season near door and window openings at a height of 0.5 m from the floor level, and laid floor elements and laid materials - not lower than, °C: 15 - when installing polymer coatings materials; this temperature must be maintained for 24 hours after completion of work; 10 - when installing floor elements from xylolite and from mixtures that include liquid glass; such a temperature must be maintained until the laid material acquires a strength of at least 70% of the design strength; 5 - when installing floor elements using bitumen mastics and their mixtures, which include cement; such a temperature must be maintained until the material acquires a strength of at least 50% of the design strength; 0 - when constructing floor elements from soil, gravel, slag, crushed stone and piece materials without gluing to the underlying layer or sand. 4.4. Before installing floors, the construction of which contains products and materials based on wood or its waste, synthetic resins and fibers, xylolite coatings, plastering and other work must be carried out in the room, with the possibility of moistening the coatings. When installing these floors and in the subsequent period until the facility is put into operation, the relative air humidity in the room should not exceed 60%. Drafts in the room are not allowed. 4.5. Floors resistant to aggressive environments must be made in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85. 4.6. Work on the installation of asphalt concrete, slag and crushed stone floors should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85 (Section 7). 4.7. Requirements for materials and mixtures for special types of floors (heat-resistant, radiation-resistant, spark-free, etc.) must be specified in the project. 4.8. Underlying layers, screeds, connecting layers (for ceramic, concrete, mosaic, etc. tiles) and monolithic coatings on a cement binder must be under a layer of constantly moist water-retaining material for 7-10 days after installation. 4.9. Standard use of xylolite floors, cement or acid-resistant concrete or mortar, as well as piece materials laid on layers of cement-sand or acid-resistant (liquid glass) mortar is allowed after the concrete or mortar has acquired the design compressive strength. Pedestrian traffic on these floors can be allowed not before the concrete of the monolithic coverings has acquired a compressive strength of 5 MPa, and the solution of the layer under the piece materials has acquired a compressive strength of 2.5 MPa.


4.10. Dust removal of the surface must be performed before applying primer compositions, adhesive layers under roll and tile polymer coatings and mastic compositions for solid (seamless) floors. 4.11. The surface layer must be primed over the entire surface without gaps before applying construction mixtures, mastics, adhesives, etc. (based on bitumen, tar, synthetic resins and aqueous polymer dispersions) to the underlying element with a composition appropriate material, see mastic or glue. 4.12. Moistening the surface layer of floor elements made of concrete and cement-sand mortar should be done before laying construction mixtures of cement and gypsum binders on them. Humidification is carried out until the final absorption of water.


4.13. Preparation, transportation and laying of concrete mixtures must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures” (Section 2). 4.14. When making concrete underlying layers using the vacuum method, the requirements of Table. 16.

Table 16

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The sand content per 1 m 3 of concrete mixture is 150-200 kg more than in conventional mixtures Measuring, for every 500 m 2 surface, work log
Mobility of the concrete mixture - 8-12 cm
Vacuum pump vacuum - 0.07-0.08 MPa

Not less than 0.06 MPa

Measuring, at least four times per shift, work log
Duration of vacuuming - 1-1.5 minutes per 1 cm of underlying layer The same, at each evacuation section, work log


4.15. Monolithic screeds made of concrete, asphalt concrete, cement-sand mortar and prefabricated screeds made of wood fiber boards must be made in compliance with the rules for constructing coatings of the same name. 4.16. Gypsum self-leveling and porous cement screeds must be laid immediately to the calculated thickness specified in the project. 4.17. When installing screeds, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 17.

Table 17

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Screeds laid over soundproofing pads or backfills, in places adjacent to walls and partitions and other structures, must be laid with a gap of 20 - 25 mm wide across the entire thickness of the screed and filled with similar soundproofing material: monolithic screeds must be insulated from walls and partitions with strips of waterproofing materials Technical, all junctions, work log
The end surfaces of the laid section of monolithic screeds, after removing the beacon or limiting slats, before laying the mixture in the adjacent section of the screed, must be primed (see clause 4.11) or moistened (see clause 4.12), and the working seam should be smoothed so that it is invisible
Smoothing the surface of monolithic screeds should be carried out under coatings on mastics and adhesive layers and under continuous (seamless) polymer coatings before the mixtures set The same, the entire surface of the screeds, work log
Sealing the joints of prefabricated screeds made of fibreboards should be done along the entire length of the joints with strips of thick paper or adhesive tape 40 - 60 cm wide Technical, all joints, work log
Laying of additional elements between prefabricated screeds on cement and gypsum binders should be done with a gap of 10-15 mm wide, filled with a mixture similar to the screed material. If the width of the gaps between the prefabricated screed slabs and walls or partitions is less than 0.4 m, the mixture must be laid over a continuous soundproofing layer Technical, all clearances, work log


4.18. Bulk soundproofing material (sand, coal slag, etc.) must be free of organic impurities. The use of backfills made from dusty materials is prohibited. 4.19. Gaskets must be laid without gluing to the floor slabs, and slabs and mats must be laid dry or glued with bitumen mastics. Soundproofing pads under the joists must be laid along the entire length of the joists without breaks. Tape spacers for prefabricated screeds of the size “per room” should be located in continuous strips along the perimeter of the premises close to the walls and partitions, under the joints of adjacent slabs, as well as inside the perimeter - parallel to the larger side of the slab. 4.20. When installing sound insulation, the requirements of Table. 18.

Table 18

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The size of the bulk soundproofing material is 0.15-10 mm Measuring, at least three measurements for every 50-70 m2 of backfill, work log
Humidity of bulk material backfill between joists

No more than 10%

Width of soundproofing pads, mm: Measuring, at least three measurements for every 50 - 70 m2 of floor surface, work log
under logs 100-120;
for prefabricated screeds of the size “per room” along the perimeter - 200-220, inside the perimeter - 100-120
The distance between the axes of the strips of soundproofing pads inside the perimeter of prefabricated screeds sized “per room” is 0.4 m The same, at least three measurements on each prefabricated screed slab, work log


4.21. Bonded waterproofing using bitumen, tar and mastics based on them should be carried out in accordance with Section. 2, and polymer waterproofing - in accordance with SNiP 3.04.03-85. 4.22. Waterproofing from crushed stone impregnated with bitumen should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85. 4.23. Before laying coatings, layers or screeds containing cement or liquid glass on it, the surface of bitumen waterproofing should be covered with hot bitumen mastic with dry coarse sand embedded in it in compliance with the parameters of the table. 19.

Table 19

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Temperature of bitumen mastic during application - 160 °C Measuring, each batch prepared for applying mastic, work log
Sand temperature - 50 °C The same, for each portion of sand before applying it, work log
Thickness of the bitumen mastic layer - 1.0 The same, at least three measurements for every 50-70 m2 of waterproofing surface, inspection report for hidden work


4.24. The strength of materials that harden after laying must be no less than the design strength. Permissible deviations when installing intermediate floor elements are given in table. 20.

Table 20

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The clearances between the two-meter control strip and the tested surface of the floor element should not exceed, mm, for: Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface or in one room of a smaller area in places identified by visual inspection, work log
soil bases - 20
sand, gravel, slag, crushed stone and adobe underlying layers - 15
concrete underlying layers for adhesive waterproofing and coatings on a layer of hot mastic - 5
concrete underlying layers for other types of coatings - 10
Screeds for polyvinyl acetate coverings, linoleum, rolls based on synthetic fibers, parquet and polyvinyl chloride boards - 2
screeds for coverings made of other types of slabs, end blocks and bricks laid over a layer of hot mastic, polyvinyl acetate cement-concrete coverings and for waterproofing - 4
screeds for other types of coverings - 6
Deviations of the element plane from the horizontal or a given slope - 0.2 of the corresponding room size

No more than 50

Measuring, at least five measurements evenly for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface in one smaller room, work log


4.25. Monolithic mosaic coatings and coatings with a strengthened surface layer, arranged over concrete underlying layers, should be carried out simultaneously with the latter by embedding decorative, reinforcing and other bulk materials into a freshly laid evacuated concrete mixture. 4.26. When installing monolithic coatings, the requirements of Table. 21.

Table 21

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The maximum size of crushed stone and gravel for concrete coatings and marble chips for mosaic, polyvinyl acetate-cement concrete, latex-cement concrete coatings should not exceed 15 mm 0.6 coating thickness Measuring - during the preparation of mixtures, at least three measurements per batch of filler, work log
Marble chips: The same, at least three measurements per batch of filler, work log
for mosaic coverings must have a compressive strength of at least 60 MPa
polyvinyl acetate-cement concrete and latex-cement concrete not less than 80 MPa
Concrete and mosaic mixtures, which do not contain plasticizers, should be used with a cone slump of 2-4 cm, and cement-sand mixtures with a cone immersion depth of 4-5 cm. The mobility of mixtures should be increased only by introducing plasticizers The same, one measurement for every 50-70 m2 of coverage, work log
Cutting monolithic coatings into individual cards is not allowed, with the exception of multi-color coatings, where separating cores must be installed between individual cards of different colors. Processing of joints between adjacent sections of a single-color coating must be carried out in accordance with clause 4.11 or 4.12
Rigid mixtures must be compacted. Compaction and smoothing of concrete and mortar in places of working seams should be carried out until the seam becomes invisible Visual, entire surface of the monolithic coating, work log
Grinding of coatings should be carried out once the coating has reached a strength that prevents chipping of the aggregate. The thickness of the removed layer should ensure complete exposure of the texture of the decorative filler. When grinding, the surface to be treated must be covered with a thin layer of water or an aqueous solution of surfactants Measuring, at least nine measurements evenly for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface, work log
Surface impregnation of coatings with fluates and sealing compounds, as well as finishing of concrete and cement-sand coatings with polyurethane varnishes and epoxy enamels should be carried out no earlier than 10 days after laying the mixtures at an air temperature in the room not lower than 10 ° C. Before impregnation, the coating must be dried and thoroughly cleaned. Technical, entire surface coating, work log


4.27. Slabs (tiles) of cement-concrete, cement-sand, mosaic concrete, asphalt concrete, ceramic, cast stone, cast iron, steel, natural stone and standardized blocks should be laid immediately after installing a connecting layer of mortar, concrete and hot mastics. The embedding of slabs and blocks into the interlayer should be carried out using vibration; in places inaccessible for vibration heating - manually. The laying and embedding of slabs and blocks should be completed before the mortar begins to set or the mastic begins to harden. 4.28. The basic requirements that must be met when constructing coverings from slabs and blocks are given in Table. 22.

Table 22

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Before laying on a layer of cement-sand mortar, porous slabs (concrete, cement-sand, mosaic and ceramic) must be immersed in water or an aqueous solution of surfactants for 15-20 minutes Technical, at least four times per shift, work log
The width of the seams between tiles and blocks should not exceed 6 mm when tiles and blocks are embedded into the interlayer manually and 3 mm when tiles are vibrated, unless the project specifies a different width of the seams Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room in places identified by visual inspection, work log
Mortar or concrete protruding from the seams must be removed from the coating flush with its surface before it hardens, hot mastic - immediately after cooling, cold mastic - immediately after protruding from the seams Visual, entire coating surface, work log
The interlayer material must be applied to the back side of slag-ceramic slabs with a bottom corrugated surface immediately before laying the slabs flush with the protruding corrugation Visual, at least four times per shift, work log


4.29. The joists under the coverings should be laid across the direction of light and windows, and in rooms with a certain direction of movement of people (for example, in corridors) - perpendicular to the movement. The logs should be joined together end to end anywhere in the room with the joints in adjacent logs offset by at least 0.5 m. A gap of 20-30 mm wide must be left between the logs and the walls (partitions). 4.30. In floors on ceilings, the surface of the joists must be leveled with a layer of sand and tamped under soundproofing pads or joists along their entire width or length. The joists must touch the soundproofing layer, floor slabs or sand leveling layer throughout bottom surface, without gaps. Putting wooden wedges or shims under the joists to level them or resting the joists on wooden chocks is prohibited. 4.31. Under the joists, located on columns in floors on the ground, wooden pads should be laid on two layers of roofing felt, the edges of which should be released from under the pads by 30-40 mm and secured to them with nails. The joist joints should be located on posts. 4.32. In the doorways of adjacent rooms, a widened joist should be installed, protruding beyond the partition by at least 50 mm on each side. 4.33. Plank flooring boards, parquet boards, connected to each other by side edges into a tongue and groove, and parquet panels - using dowels, must be tightly joined. The reduction in the width of the coating products during bonding should be no less than 0.5%. 4.34. All boards of the plank covering must be fastened to each joist with nails 2-2.5 times longer than the thickness of the covering, and parquet boards - with nails 50-60 mm long. Nails should be driven obliquely into the face of the plank boards and into the base of the lower cheek of the groove on the edges of parquet boards and parquet panels with the heads embedded. Driving nails into the front surface of parquet boards and parquet panels is prohibited. 4.35. The joints of the ends of the boards of plank coverings, the joints of the ends and side edges with the ends of adjacent parquet boards, as well as the joints of the edges of adjacent parquet panels parallel to the joists should be placed on the joists. 4.3 6. The joints of the ends of the covering boards must be covered with a board (frieze) 5-0-60 mm wide, 15 mm thick, embedded flush with the covering surface. Fris z is nailed to the joist with nails in two rows with a pitch (along the joist) of 200-250 mm. Joining the ends without covering them with a frieze is allowed only in two or three adjacent covering boards; The joints should not be opposite the doorways and should be located on the same joist. When joining parquet boards, as well as parquet panels with sawn edges, a groove must be made on some of them, and a ridge on others, corresponding to those on the other edges. 4.37. Super-hard fibreboards, stacked and piece parquet should be glued to the base with quick-hardening mastics on water-resistant binders, used in a cold or heated state. Adhesive mastic on the base under super-hard wood-fiber boards should be applied in strips 100-200 mm wide along the perimeter of the boards and in the middle zone with an interval of 300-400 mm. When laying out and cutting wood fiber boards, joining the four corners of the boards at one point is not allowed. 4.38. When installing coatings made of wood and products based on them, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 23.

Table 23

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

All logs, boards (except for the front side), wooden spacers laid on posts under the logs, as well as wood under the base of fiberboards must be antiseptic Visual, all materials, inspection report of hidden work
The moisture content of materials should not exceed: Measuring, at least three measurements for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface, work log
logs and gaskets
covering and base boards when laying inlaid and piece parquet, parquet boards and parquet panels
fiberboard covering
The length of the joined logs must be at least 2 m, the thickness of the logs resting with the entire lower surface on the floor slabs or soundproofing layer is 40 mm, the width is 80-100 mm. The thickness of the logs laid on separate supports (columns in floors on the ground, floor beams, etc.) should be 40 - 50 mm, width - 100-120 mm
Wooden spacers for joists in floors on the ground: width - 100-150 mm, length - 200-250 mm, thickness - at least 25 mm
The distance between the axes of logs laid on floor slabs and for floor beams (when laying the coating directly on beams) should be 0.4-0.5 m. When laying logs on separate supports (columns in floors on the ground, floor beams, etc. ) this distance should be:
with a log thickness of 40 mm 0.8 - 0.9 m
with a log thickness of 50 mm 1.0 - 1.1 m
For large operating loads on the floor (more than 500 kg/m2), the distance between the supports for the joists, between the joists and their thickness should be taken according to the design
The length of the covering boards joined at the ends must be at least 2 m, and the length of parquet boards - at least 1.2 m
The thickness of the adhesive layer for stacked and piece parquet and super-hard wood-fiber boards should be no more than 1 mm Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface or in one smaller room, work log
Adhesive area: Technical, with test lifting of products in at least three places per 500 m2 of floor surface, work log
parquet planks - at least 80%
fiberboards - at least 40%


4.39. Before gluing, linoleum, carpets, rolled materials made of synthetic fibers and polyvinyl chloride tiles must be allowed to sit until the waves disappear and completely adhere to the base; they must be glued to the underlying layer over the entire area, except for cases specified in the design 4.40. When joining panels of rolled materials are cut, it is necessary to make them no earlier than 3 days after the main gluing of the panels. The edges of the joined linoleum panels must be welded or glued after cutting. 4.41. In areas of intense pedestrian traffic, the installation of transverse (perpendicular to the direction of movement) seams in coverings made of linoleum, carpets and roll materials made of synthetic fibers is not allowed. 4.42. When installing coatings made of polymer materials, the requirements of Table. 24.

Table 24

Technical requirements

Maximum deviations, %

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The weight humidity of interfloor floor panels before installing coatings on them should not exceed, %: Measuring, at least five measurements evenly for every 50 - 70 m2 of coating surface, work log
screeds based on cement, polymer cement and gypsum binders
fiberboard screeds
The thickness of the adhesive layer should be no more than 0.8 mm
When constructing continuous (seamless) coatings, mastic polymer compositions should be applied in layers 1 - 1.5 mm thick. The next layer should be applied after the previously applied layer has hardened and its surface has been dust-free Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50 - 70 m2 of floor surface or in one smaller room, work log


4.43. The basic requirements for finished floor coverings are given in table. 25.

Table 25

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Deviations of the coating surface from the plane when checking with a two-meter control rod should not exceed, mm, for: Measuring, at least nine measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room, acceptance certificate
earthen, gravel, slag, crushed stone, adobe and paving stone coverings - 10
asphalt concrete coverings, with a layer of sand, end coverings, cast iron slabs and bricks - 6
cement-concrete, mosaic-concrete, cement-sand, polyvinyl acetate concrete, metal cement, xylolite coatings and coatings made of acid-resistant and heat-resistant concrete - 4
coatings on a layer of mastic, end coatings, cast iron and steel plates, bricks of all types - 4
sand, mosaic-concrete, asphalt concrete, ceramic, stone, slag and metal - 4
polyvinyl acetate, plank, parquet and linoleum coatings, rolls based on synthetic fibers, polyvinyl chloride and super-hard fibreboards - 2
The ledges between adjacent coating products made of piece materials should not exceed, for coatings, mm:
from paving stones - 3
brick, end, concrete, asphalt concrete, cast iron and steel slabs - 2
from ceramic, stone, cement-sand, mosaic-concrete, slag-and-sand slabs - 1
plank, parquet, linoleum, polyvinyl chloride and super-hard fiber boards, polyvinyl chloride plastic - not allowed
Recesses between coverings and floor edging elements - 2 mm Measuring at least nine measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one room of a smaller area, acceptance certificate
Deviations from the specified slope of coatings - 0.2% of the corresponding room size, but not more than 50 mm
Deviations in coating thickness - no more than 10% of the design The same, at least five measurements, acceptance certificate
When checking the adhesion of monolithic coatings and coatings made of rigid tile materials with underlying floor elements by tapping, there should be no change in the nature of the sound Technical, by tapping the entire floor surface in the center of the squares on a conventional grid with a cell size of at least 50 ´ 50 cm, acceptance certificate
Gaps should not exceed, mm: Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room, acceptance certificate
between the boards of the plank covering - 1
between parquet boards and parquet panels - 0.5
between adjacent strip parquet plans - 0.3
Gaps and cracks between skirting boards and floor coverings or walls (partitions), between adjacent edges of linoleum panels, carpets, rolled materials and tiles are not allowed Visual, entire floor surface and joints, acceptance certificate
The coating surfaces should not have potholes, cracks, waves, swelling, or raised edges. The color of the coating must match the design The same, the entire floor surface, acceptance certificate

1. General Provisions. 1

2. Insulating coatings and roofs. 2

General requirements. 2

Preparation of foundations and underlying insulation elements. 3

Installation of insulation and roofing from roll materials. 5

Installation of insulation and roofs made of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions. 6

Installation of insulation from cement mortars, hot mix asphalt, bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay. 7

Carrying out thermal insulation work using soft, rigid and semi-rigid fiber products and constructing thermal insulation cover shells from rigid materials. 8

Installation of thermal insulation from slabs and bulk materials. 8

Construction of roofs made of piece materials. 9

Insulation and roofing parts made of metal sheets. 10

Requirements for finished insulating (roofing) coverings and structural elements. 10

3. Finishing work and protection of building structures and technological equipment from corrosion (anti-corrosion work) 12

General provisions. 12

Surface preparation. 14

Production of plastering and stucco works. 16

Production of painting works. 17

Production of decorative finishing works. 17

Production of wallpaper works. 18

Production of glass works. 19

Production of facing works. 19

Installation of suspended ceilings, panels and slabs with front finish in building interiors. 22

Requirements for finished finishing coatings... 22

4. Installation of floors. 25

General requirements. 25

Preparation of underlying floor elements. 26

Construction of concrete underlying layers. 26

Screed device. 26

Soundproofing device. 27

Waterproofing device. 28

Requirements for intermediate floor elements. 28

Installation of monolithic coatings. 29

Installation of coverings from slabs (tiles) and standardized blocks. thirty

Installation of coatings made of wood and wood-based products. thirty

Construction of coatings made of polymer materials. 32

Requirements for the finished floor covering. 33



SNiP 3.04.01-87


Moscow 1988

DEVELOPED BY TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR (candidates of technical sciences) N.N. Zavrazhin- topic leader, V. A. Anzigitov) with the participation of the Central Research Institute of Industrial Buildings of the USSR State Construction Committee (candidate of technical sciences) I. P. Kim), TsNIIEP housing of the State Committee for Architecture (candidate of technical sciences) D. K. Baulin), NIIMosstroy of the Moscow City Executive Committee (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. E. D. Belousov, Ph.D. tech. sciences G. S. Agadzhanov), SKTB Glavtonnelmetrostroy Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR (candidates of technical sciences V. V. Krylova, V. G. Golubova), Office of the Soyuzmetrospetsstroy Ministry of Transport and Construction of the USSR ( A. P. Levina, P. F. Litvina), Research Institute of Reinforced Concrete Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. F. M. Ivanova). INTRODUCED BY TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR. PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of Standardization and Technical Standards in Construction of the USSR State Construction Committee ( D. I. Prokofiev). With the entry into force of SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”, SNiP III -20-74*, SNiP III -21-73*, SNiP III -B.14-72 are no longer valid; GOST 22753-77, GOST 22844-77, GOST 23305-78. When using a regulatory document, one should take into account the approved changes to building codes and regulations and state standards published in the journal “Bulletin of Construction Equipment”, “Collection of Amendments to Construction Codes and Rules” of the USSR State Construction Committee and the information index “USSR State Standards” of the USSR State Standard.


1.1. These building codes and regulations apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation of insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floors of buildings and structures, with the exception of work due to the special operating conditions of buildings and structures. 1.2. Insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floor structures must be carried out in accordance with the project (finishing coatings in the absence of project requirements - according to the standard). Replacement of materials, products and compositions provided for by the project is allowed only by agreement with the design organization and the customer. 1.3. Work on the production of thermal insulation works can begin only after the execution of an act (permit) signed by the customer, representatives of the installation organization and the organization performing thermal insulation work. 1.4. The installation of each insulation element (roof), floor, protective and finishing coatings should be carried out after checking the correct execution of the corresponding underlying element and drawing up an inspection report for hidden work. 1.5. With appropriate justification, in agreement with the customer and the design organization, it is allowed to prescribe methods for performing work and organizational and technological solutions, as well as establish methods, volumes and types of registration of quality control of work that differ from those provided for in these rules.



2.1. Insulation and roofing work may be carried out from 60 to minus 30 °C in an environment (work using hot mastics - at an ambient temperature not lower than minus 20 °C, using water-based compounds without antifreeze additives not lower than 5 °C). 2.2. In the foundations for roofing and insulation, in accordance with the project, it is necessary to carry out the following work: seal the seams between the prefabricated slabs; arrange temperature-shrinkable seams; install embedded elements; plaster sections of vertical surfaces of stone structures to the height of the junction of the rolled or emulsion-mastic roofing carpet and insulation. 2.3. Insulating compounds and materials must be applied in continuous and uniform layers or in one layer without gaps or sagging. Each layer must be placed on the hardened surface of the previous one, leveling the applied compounds, with the exception of paint ones. When preparing and preparing insulating compositions, the requirements of Table. 1 .

Table 1

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Bitumen and tar (pitch) must be used cleaned of impurities and dehydrated. Heating should not exceed, °C: Measuring, periodic, but not less than 4 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 180
tar (pitch) - 140
Fillers (aggregates) must be sifted through a sieve with cell sizes, mm:
for sand - 1.5
for dusty ones - 2
for fibrous - 4
Permissible moisture content of fillers (aggregates):
for sand
for compositions with sealing additives
for other compounds
Temperature of emulsions and their components, °C: The same, at least 5-6 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 110
emulsifier solution - 90
latex (when introduced into the emulsion) - 70

Minus 10 °C

Uniformity of bitumen distribution in bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay - 90%
The compaction coefficient of bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay under pressure of 0.67-0.7 MPa is not less than 1.6
Temperature when applying mastics, °C:
hot bitumen - 160
hot tar - 130
cold (in winter) - 65
Installation of insulation dispersedly reinforced with glass fiber (fiberglass fibres): Measuring, periodic at least 16 measurements per shift (every 0.5 hours of work), work log
fiber sizes - 20 mm
the ratio by weight of aluminous cement to Portland cement is 90: 10; the content in Portland cement of a grade of not less than 400, tricalcium aluminate by weight is not more than 8%. The glass rope must not have a paraffin lubricant.
Heavy concrete for constructing roofs without an insulating coating (roof) must contain: Measuring, periodic, at least 4 times per shift, work log
plasticizing and air-entraining additives, fillers made of fractionated sand and coarse crushed stone;
Portland cement - hydrophobic, containing no more than 6% calcium aluminate;
crushed stone of igneous rocks or gravel with a temporary resistance of at least 100 MPa in a water-saturated state; granulometric composition of crushed stone, mm:
sand protective layer size modulus - 2.1 - 3.15
Gravel and other frost-resistant mineral materials should be sorted and washed


2.4. Dust removal of substrates must be carried out before applying primers and insulating compounds, including adhesive adhesives and mastics. 2.5. Leveling screeds (from cement-sand, gypsum, gypsum-sand mortars and asphalt concrete mixtures) should be arranged with grips 2-3 m wide along guides with leveling and compacting the surface. 2.6. The surface priming before applying adhesive and insulating compounds must be continuous without gaps or breaks. Priming of screeds made from cement-sand mortars should be done no later than 4 hours after their installation, using primers based on slowly evaporating solvents (with the exception of screeds with a surface slope of more than 5%, when priming should be done after they have hardened). When preparing the base surface, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 2. The primer must have strong adhesion to the base; there should be no traces of binder left on the tampon attached to it.

table 2

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible deviations of the base surface for roll and non-roll emulsion and mastic insulation and roofing: Measuring, technical inspection, at least 5 measurements for every 70-100 m2 of surface or on a smaller area in places determined by visual inspection
along a slope and on a horizontal surface
across a slope and on a vertical surface
from piece materials:
along and across the slope
Deviations of the element plane from a given slope (over the entire area)
Thickness of the structural element (from design)
Number of irregularities (smooth outline with a length of no more than 150 mm) on a surface area of ​​4 m2

No more than 2

Primer thickness, mm:
for roofs made of fused materials - 0.7
when priming a hardened screed - 0.3
when priming screeds within 4 hours after applying the solution - 0.6
2.7. The moisture content of the base before applying the primer should not exceed the values ​​indicated in the table. 3. Only water-based primers or insulating compounds may be applied to wet substrates if the moisture appearing on the surface of the substrate does not violate the integrity of the coating film. 2.8. Metal surfaces of pipelines, equipment and fasteners to be insulated must be cleaned of rust, and those subject to anti-corrosion protection must be treated in accordance with the design. 2.9. Insulation of installed equipment and pipelines should be carried out after they are permanently secured in the designed position. Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines in places that are difficult to reach for insulation must be carried out completely before installation, including the installation of cover shells. Insulation of pipelines located in non-passing channels and trays must be performed before they are installed in the channels. 2.10. Equipment and pipelines filled with substances must be cleared of them before insulation work begins. 2.11. When working at negative temperatures, roll and insulating materials must be heated within 20 hours to a temperature of at least 15 °C, rewound and delivered to the installation site in an insulated container. 2.12. When insulating roofs from large-sized complex panels with a factory-applied roofing carpet, backing up the joints of the roof panels and gluing them must be done after checking the insulation of the mounted panels.


2.13. Roofing and waterproofing carpets made of rolled materials with a mastic layer pre-fused at the factory must be glued onto a barely primed base by melting or liquefying (plasticizing) the mastic layer of the material without the use of adhesive mastics. The strength of the adhesive must be at least 0.5 MPa. Liquefaction of the mastic layer must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 5 ° C with the simultaneous laying of the rolled carpet or before its laying (depending on the ambient temperature). Melting of the mastic layer should be carried out simultaneously with the laying out of the panels (temperature of the molten mastic is 140-160 °C). Each laid roof layer must be rolled with a roller before installing the next one. 2.14. Before applying the sticker, roll materials must be marked at the place of installation; The layout of the panels of rolled materials must ensure that they overlap when gluing. The mastic must be applied in an even, continuous, without gaps, or strip layer, in accordance with the design. When spot gluing panels to the base, mastic should be applied after rolling out the panels in the locations of the holes. 2.15. When installing roll insulation or roofing using adhesives, hot mastics should be applied to the primed base immediately before gluing the panels. Cold mastics (adhesives) should be applied to the base or panel in advance. Between the application of adhesive compositions and the gluing of beggar fabrics, it is necessary to observe technological breaks to ensure strong adhesion of the adhesive compositions to the base. Each layer should be laid after the mastic has hardened and achieved strong adhesion to the base of the previous layer. 2.1 6. When installing roofs, sheets of rolled materials should be glued: in the direction from low areas to high ones, with the sheets positioned along the length perpendicular to the water flow for roof slopes of up to 15%; in the direction of drainage - with roof slopes of more than 15%. Cross labeling of insulation panels and roofing is not allowed. The type of roll carpet sticker (solid, striped or dotted) must correspond to the project. 2.17. When gluing, the insulation and roofing panels should be overlapped by 100 mm (70 mm across the width of the panels of the lower layers of the roof of roofs with a slope of more than 1.5%). 2.18. When installing insulation or roofing, fiberglass fabric must be spread, laid without creating waves, immediately after applying hot mastic and covered with mastic with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Subsequent layers should be laid in the same way after the mastic of the lower layer has cooled. 2.19. Temperature-shrinkage seams in screeds and joints between coating slabs must be covered with strips of rolled material up to 150 mm wide and glued to one side of the seam (joint). 2.20. In places adjacent to protruding roof surfaces (parapets, pipelines, etc.), the roofing carpet should be raised to the top of the screed side, glued with mastic and putty on the upper horizontal seams. Gluing additional layers of roofing should be done after installing the top layer of the roof, immediately after applying the adhesive mastic in a continuous layer. 2.21. When gluing panels of roofing carpet along the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of the lower layer must overlap the opposite slope by at least 1000 mm. The mastic should be applied directly under the rolled roll in three strips 80-100 mm wide. Subsequent layers must be glued on a continuous layer of mastic. When gluing panels across the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of each layer laid on the ridge should overlap the opposite roof slope by 250 mm and be glued to a continuous layer of mastic. 2. 22. When installing a protective gravel coating on the roofing carpet, it is necessary to apply hot mastic in a continuous layer 2 - 3 mm thick and 2 m wide, immediately scattering over it a continuous layer of gravel, cleared of dust, 5-10 mm thick. The number of layers and total thickness of the protective coating must correspond to the design. 2.23. When installing roll insulation and roofing, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 3.

Table 3

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The permissible moisture content of the substrates when applying all compositions, except for water-based compositions, should not exceed: Measuring, technical inspection, at least 5 measurements evenly for every 50-70 m2 of base, registration
cement-sand, gypsum and gypsum-sand
any bases when applying water-based compounds

Before surface moisture appears

Temperature when applying hot mastics, °C: Measuring, periodic, at least 4 times per shift, work log
bitumen - 160
tar - 130
Thickness of the mastic layer when gluing a rolled carpet, mm:
hot bitumen - 2.0
intermediate layers - 1.5
cold bitumen - 0.8
Thickness of one insulation layer, mm: Measuring, technical inspection, at least 5 measurements for every 70-100 m2 in places determined by visual inspection, work log
cold asphalt mastics - 7
cement mortars - 10
emulsions - 3
polymer compositions (such as “Krovlelit” and “Venta”) - 1


2.24. When installing insulation and roofing from emulsion-mastic compositions, each layer of the insulating carpet must be applied continuously, without breaks, of uniform thickness after the primer or its lower layer has hardened. 2.25. When installing insulation and roofing from polymer compounds such as “Krovlelit” and “Venta”, they must be applied with high-pressure units that ensure density, uniform thickness of the coating and adhesion strength of the coating to the base of at least 0.5 MPa. When using cold asphalt emulsion mastics, the supply and application of the compositions should be carried out by units with screw pumps (mechanical action), ensuring the adhesion strength of the coating to the base of at least 0.4 MPa. 2.26. When installing insulation and roofing from emulsion-mastic compositions reinforced with fiberglass fibers, their application should be carried out with units that ensure the production of fibers of the same length, uniform distribution in the composition and density of the insulating coating. 2.27. When installing insulation and roofing made of polymer and emulsion-mastic compositions, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 3. Roof junctions should be arranged similarly to the installation of roll roofs.


2.28. Bitumen perlite, bitumen expanded clay, cement mortars, hot asphalt mixtures with a surface slope of up to 25% must be laid along lighthouse slats in strips 2-6 m wide in layers of uniform thickness (no more than 75 mm) with compaction and smoothing of the surface of the layer. Each layer must be laid after the previous one has hardened. 2.29. When installing cement waterproofing from mortars using waterproof expanding cements (WRC), waterproof non-shrinking cements (WBC) or Portland cement with compacting additives, the compositions should be applied to the base surface wetted with water. Each subsequent layer must be applied no later than 30 minutes (when using VRC and VBC compositions) or no more than 24 hours (when using Portland cement compositions with sealing additives) after curing of the previous layer. Cement waterproofing must be protected from mechanical influences for two days after application (1 hour when using VBC and VRC). 2.30 Moistening of cement waterproofing during hardening should be carried out with a sprayed stream of water without pressure when using the following compositions: VRTS and VBC - 1 hour after application and every 3 hours during the day; on Portland cement with sealing additives - 8-12 hours after application, and then 2-3 times a day for 14 days. 2.31. When installing insulation from bitumen perlite, bitumen expanded clay, waterproofing from cement mortars and hot asphalt mixtures, mastics and bitumens, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 4.

Table 4

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible surface deviations (when checked with a two-meter rod): Measuring, at least 5 measurements for every 50 - 100 m2 of surface or on a smaller area in places determined by visual inspection

5 ... + 10 mm

element plane from a given slope - 0.2%

No more than 150 mm

coating element thickness - -5 ... + 10%

No more than 3.0 mm

Mobility of compositions (mixtures) without plasticizers, cm: Measuring, at least 3 measurements for every 70-100 m2 of coating surface
when applied manually - 10
when applied by installations with piston or screw pumps - 5
when using plasticizers - 10
The temperature of hot asphalt mixtures, bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay during application is at least 120 °C Measuring, periodic, at least 8 times per shift, work log


2.32. When constructing cover shells from flat or corrugated asbestos-cement sheets, their installation and fastening must comply with the design. When constructing thermal insulation cover shells made of rigid and flexible (non-metallic) materials, it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the shells to the thermal insulation with reliable fastening using fasteners and thorough sealing of the joints of flexible shells with their gluing in accordance with the design. On pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm, fiberglass should be laid spirally, on pipelines with a diameter of more than 200 mm - in separate panels in accordance with the requirements of the project. 2.33. Installation of heat-insulating structures and cover shells must begin from unloading devices, flange connections, curved sections (bends) and fittings (tees, crosses) and be carried out in the direction opposite to the slope, and on vertical surfaces - from bottom to top. 2.34. When installing thermal insulation from rigid products laid dry, a gap of no more than 2 mm must be provided between the products and the insulated surface. When gluing hard products, the temperature of the mastics must meet the requirements of Table. 3. Fastening of products to the base must correspond to the design. 2.35. When installing thermal insulation of pipelines using soft and semi-hard fibrous products, it is necessary to ensure: compaction of thermal insulation materials according to the design with a compaction coefficient for soft fibrous products of no more than 1.5, for semi-rigid ones - 1.2; tight fit of products to the insulated surface and to each other; when insulating in several layers - overlap longitudinal and transverse seams; dense spiral laying of insulation with cords and bundles with minimal deviation relative to the plane perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline, and winding in multilayer structures of each subsequent layer in the direction opposite to the turns of the previous layer; installation on horizontal pipelines and fastening devices to prevent sagging of thermal insulation.


2.36. When installing thermal insulation from slabs, insulation materials must be laid on the base tightly to each other and have the same thickness in each layer. When installing thermal insulation in several layers, the seams of the slabs must be spaced apart. 2.37. Thermal insulation bulk materials must be sorted into fractions before installation. Thermal insulation must be installed along lighthouse slats in strips 3-4 m wide with loose insulation of smaller fractions laid in the lower layer. Layers should be laid with a thickness of no more than 60 mm and compacted after laying. 2.38. When installing thermal insulation from slabs and bulk materials, the requirements of Table. 5 and 6.

Table 5

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The permissible moisture content of the bases should not exceed: Measuring, at least 5 measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coverage, work log
from prefabricated
from monolithic
Thermal insulation made from piece materials
The thickness of the interlayer layer should not exceed, mm:
from adhesives and cold mastics - 0.8
from hot mastics - 1.5
width of joints between slabs, blocks, products, mm:
when sticking - no more than 5 (for hard products - 3)
when laying dry - no more than 2
Monolithic and slab thermal insulation:
insulation coating thickness (from design)

5 ... + 10% but not more than 20 mm

Deviations of the insulation plane: Measuring, for every 50-100 m2 of coating surface
from a given slope
The size of the ledges between tiles and roofing sheets should not exceed 5 mm
The amount of overlap of slabs and sheets must correspond to the design - 5%

Table 6


2.39. When installing wooden foundations (sheathing) under roofs made of piece materials, the following requirements must be observed: sheathing joints should be spaced apart; the distances between the sheathing elements must correspond to the design ones; in places where eaves overhangs, valleys and valleys are covered, as well as under roofs made of small-piece elements, the foundations must be made of boards (solid). 2.40. Piece roofing materials should be laid on the sheathing in rows from the eaves to the ridge according to preliminary markings. Each overlying row must overlap the underlying one. 2.41. Corrugated asbestos-cement sheets of ordinary profile and medium-wavy must be laid offset by one wave in relation to the sheets of the previous row or without offset. Sheets of reinforced and unified profiles must be laid in relation to the sheets of the previous row without displacement. When laying sheets without displacement on a wave at the junction of four sheets, the corners of the two middle sheets should be trimmed with a gap between the joining corners of the VO sheets of 3-4 mm and the SV, UV and VU sheets of 8-10 mm. 2.42. Asbestos-cement sheets VO and SV with should be fastened to the sheathing with slate nails with a galvanized head, sheets UV and VU - with screws with special grips, flat sheets - with two nails and an anti-wind button, outer sheets and ridge parts - in addition with two anti-wind brackets. 2.43. When installing roofs made of piece materials, the requirements of Table. 4.


2.44. Metal waterproofing must be installed by welding sheets in accordance with the project. After welding, the filling of the cavities behind the insulation should be injected with a composition under a pressure of 0.2-0.3 MPa. 2.45. When installing metal roofs, parts and junctions from metal sheets of any type of roof, the connection of pictures located along the water drain must be carried out using lying seams, except for ribs, slopes and ridges, where the pictures must be connected with standing seams. For roof slopes of less than 30°, the rebated seam should be made double and coated with red lead putty. The amount of folding of the paintings for the installation of recumbent folds should be taken as 15 mm; standing seams - 20 mm for one and 35 mm for another adjacent picture. The paintings must be secured to the base with clamps passed between the folds of the sheets and T-shaped crutches.


2.46. The requirements for finished insulating (roofing) coatings and structures are given in Table. 7.

Table 7

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Complete drainage of water over the entire surface of the roofs should be carried out through external and internal drains without stagnation of water
The adhesion strength to the base and to each other of roofing and waterproofing carpet made from rolled materials over a continuous mastic adhesive layer of emulsion compositions with the base is not less than 0.5 MPa Measuring, 5 measurements per 120-150 m 2 of the coating surface (the nature of the sound should not change when tapping); when the glued materials rupture, there should be no peeling of the mastic (the rupture should occur inside the rolled panel), acceptance certificate
The heat resistance and compositions of mastics for gluing rolled and slab materials, as well as the strength and compositions of adhesive layer solutions must correspond to the design. Deviations from the project - 5% Technical inspection, acceptance certificate
The location of panels and metal paintings (depending on the slope of the coating), their connection and protection in a regular coating, in places of abutments and interfaces in different planes must correspond to the project
Bubbles, swelling, air pockets, tears, dents, punctures, spongy structure, drips and sagging on the surface of roof coverings and insulation are not allowed
Increased humidity of bases, intermediate elements, coating and the entire structure compared to the standard

No more than 0.5%

Measuring, 5 measurements on an area of ​​50-70 m2 of the coating surface or on separate areas of a smaller area in places identified by visual inspection, acceptance certificate
When accepting finished insulation and roofing, you must check:

Deviations from the project are not allowed

Technical inspection, acceptance certificate
correspondence of the number of reinforcing (additional) layers in mates (adjacents) to the project;
for waterproofing:
the quality of filling joints and holes in structures made of prefabricated elements with sealing materials;
quality of caulking;
correct waterproofing of bolt holes, as well as holes for injection of solutions for finishing structures;
absence of leaks and discontinuities of seam lines in metal waterproofing;
for roofs made of rolled materials, emulsion, mastic compositions:
the bowls of the water inlet funnel of internal drains should not protrude above the surface of the base;
the corners of adjoining structures (screeds and concrete) must be smooth and even, without sharp corners;
for roofs made of piece materials and roof parts made of metal sheets:
absence of visible gaps in the coating when inspecting the roof from the attic;
absence of chips and cracks (in asbestos-cement and sealed flat and corrugated sheets);
strong connection of drainpipe links to each other;
the presence of smearing of double recumbent seams in the joints of metal paintings on a coating with a slope of less than 30 °;
for thermal insulation:
continuity of layers, quality of lining of passage points for pipeline fastenings, equipment, structural parts, etc. through thermal insulation;
absence of mechanical damage, sagging layers and loose fit to the base



3.1. Finishing work, with the exception of finishing facades, must be carried out at a positive ambient temperature and the surfaces to be finished are not lower than 10 ° C and air humidity is not more than 60%. This temperature in the room must be maintained around the clock, no less than 2 days before the start and 12 days after the completion of work, and for wallpaper work - before the facility is put into operation. 3.2. Work on applying protective coatings should be carried out at a temperature of the ambient air and the protected surfaces not lower than °C: 10 - for paint and varnish protective coatings made from compositions prepared on the basis of natural resins; mastic and putty coatings made of silicate compounds; adhesive protective coatings using bitumen roll materials, polyisobutylene plates, Butylkor-S plates, duplicated polyethylene; rubber coatings; facing and lining coatings using acid-resistant silicate putties and mastics such as “Bituminol”; for acid-resistant concrete and silicate polymer concrete; 15 - for paint and varnish reinforced and non-reinforced continuous coatings from compositions prepared on the basis of synthetic resins; mastic coatings and sealants made from compounds based on synthetic rubbers and nairite; coatings made of sheet polymer materials; facing and lining coatings using putties such as “Arzamit”, “Furankor”, as well as polyester, epoxy resins and resins with epoxy additives; for coatings made of polymer concrete and polymer cement coatings; 25 - for coatings made from Polan. 3.3. Finishing work must be carried out in accordance with the work project (WPP) for the construction of buildings and structures. Before finishing work begins, the following work must be carried out: the premises to be finished must be protected from precipitation; waterproofing, heat and sound insulation and leveling floor ties were installed; the seams between the blocks and panels are sealed; joints of window, door and balcony blocks are sealed and insulated; glazed light openings; embedded products were installed, heat and water supply and heating systems were tested. Plastering and cladding (according to the project) of surfaces in places where embedded products of sanitary systems are installed must be performed before the start of their installation. 3.4. Before finishing the facades, the following work must additionally be completed: external waterproofing and roofing with parts and connections; installation of all floor structures on balconies; installation and fastening of all metal paintings edging architectural details on the facade of the building; installation of all fastening devices for drainpipes (according to the project). 3.5. Anti-corrosion work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85 “Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion”. 3.6. When preparing and preparing finishing and anti-corrosion compounds, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 8.

Table 8

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Plastering solutions must pass without residue through a mesh with cell sizes, mm: Measuring, periodic, 3-4 times per shift, work log
for spray and primer - 3
for the top layer and single-layer coatings - 1.5
Solution mobility - 5 The same for each batch
Delamination - no more than 15% The same, in laboratory conditions 3-4 times per shift
Water-holding capacity - at least 90%
Adhesion strength, MPa, not less than: The same, at least 3 measurements per 50-70 m2 of coating surface
for interior work - 0.1
for outdoor work - 0.4
Size of aggregates for decorative finishing of interiors and facades of buildings, mm: The same, at least 5 measurements per batch per shift
on an adhesive layer of granite, marble, slate, ceramic, glass and plastic chips, as well as coarse sand - 2
cement-lime, lime-sand and cement compositions with sand:
quartz - 0.5
marble - 0.25
Terrasite mixtures
with fine aggregate:
sand - 1
mica - 1
with medium filler:
sand - 2
mica - 2.5
with coarse aggregate:
sand - 4
mica - 4
Glass must arrive at the site without cracks, cut to size, complete with seals, sealants and fastening devices. According to the project in accordance with standards and specifications Technical inspection
Putties: Measuring, periodic, at least 5 measurements per 50 - 70 m2 of coating surface, work log
drying time - no more than 24 hours
adhesion strength, MPa:
after 24 hours not less than 0.1
after 72 hours not less than 0.2
viability - at least 20 minutes Technical inspection, at least three test putties per batch, work log
The putty coating after drying should be smooth, without bubbles, cracks and mechanical inclusions
Painting and wallpaper materials According to the project in accordance with standards and specifications The same, at least three times per batch, work log


3.7. Finishing and protective coatings on substrates that have rust, efflorescence, grease and bitumen stains are not permitted. Wallpaper production is also not allowed on surfaces that have not been whitewashed. 3.8. Dust removal of surfaces should be carried out before applying each layer of priming, gluing, plastering, painting and protective compounds, coatings and glass putties. 3.9. The strength of the bases must be no less than the strength of the finishing coating and correspond to the design. 3.10. Protruding architectural details, places where they meet wooden stone, brick and concrete structures must be plastered over a metal mesh or woven wire attached to the surface of the base; wooden surfaces - on shingle panels. 3.11. The internal surfaces of stone and brick walls constructed using the freezing method should be plastered after thawing of the masonry from the inside to at least half the thickness of the wall. 3.12. When painting and wallpapering, the quality of the prepared substrates must meet the following requirements: surfaces when painting with oil, adhesive, water-based compositions and wallpapering must be smooth, without roughness; surface cracks are opened, primed, filled with putty to a depth of at least 2 mm and sanded; shells and irregularities are primed, puttied and smoothed; peelings, mortar drips, traces of processing by trowelling machines have been removed; the seams between sheets of dry gypsum plaster and the areas adjacent to them are primed, puttied, sanded flush with the surface or treated with rustics (in accordance with the project), and when wallpapering, they are additionally covered with strips of paper, gauze, etc.; When wallpapering the surfaces, painting of the ceilings was completed and other painting work was completed. Substrates prepared for painting, pasting with synthetic wallpaper on a paper and fabric basis, as well as with a factory-applied adhesive composition must meet the requirements of Table. 9. The surfaces of all fastening devices located under cardboard, paper or directly under wallpaper must be pre-coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

Table 9

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Plastered surfaces Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on 50-70 m 2 of the surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element), work log
deviations from the vertical (mm per 1 m), mm:
with simple plaster - 3

No more than 15 mm per room height

the same, improved - 2

The same, no more than 10 mm

The same, no more than 5 mm

uneven surfaces of a smooth outline (per 4 m2):
with simple plaster - no more than 3, depth (height) up to 5 mm
the same, improved - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 3 mm
the same, high quality - no more than 2, depth (height) up to 2 mm
Horizontal deviations (mm per 1 m) should not exceed, mm:
with simple plaster - 3
the same, improved - 2
the same, high quality - 1
Deviations of window and door slopes, pilasters, pillars, husks, etc. from the vertical (mm per 1 m) should not exceed, mm: The same, except measurements (3 by 1 mm)
with simple plaster - 4

Up to 10 mm for the entire element

the same, improved - 2

The same, up to 5 mm

the same, high quality - 1

The same, up to 3 mm

Deviations of the radius of curved surfaces, checked by a pattern, from the design value (for the entire element) should not exceed, mm: Measuring, at least 5 measurements with a control two-meter rod on 50 - 70 m 2 of the surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection (for molded products - at least 5 at 35-40 m and three per element) except for measurements ( 3 by 1 mm), work log
with simple plaster - 10
the same, improved - 7
the same high quality - 5
Deviations of the slope width from the design should not exceed, mm:
with simple plaster - 5
the same, improved - 3
Deviations of the rods from a straight line within the limits between the angles of intersection of the rods and the bracing should not exceed, mm:
with simple plaster - 6
the same, improved - 3
the same, high quality - 2
The surfaces of prefabricated slabs and panels must meet the requirements of the standards and specifications for the relevant products
Permissible humidity: Measuring, at least 3 measurements per 10 m 2 surface
brick and stone surfaces when plastered, concrete, plastered or puttied surfaces when wallpapering and when painting with painting compounds, except cement and lime

No more than 8%

the same when painting with cement and lime compounds

Until droplet moisture appears on the surface

wooden surfaces for painting

No more than 12%

When installing paint coatings, the surface of the base must be smooth, without roughness; local irregularities with a height (depth) of up to 1 mm - no more than 2 on an area of ​​4 m 2 of the coating surface
3.13. When cladding surfaces, the quality of the prepared bases must meet the following requirements: the walls must have a load of at least 65% of the design load for internal and 80% for external cladding of their surface, with the exception of walls whose cladding is carried out simultaneously with masonry; concrete surfaces and the surfaces of brick and stone walls laid with completely filled joints must have a notch; the surfaces of walls laid out in hollow areas must be prepared without notching them and filling the joints with mortar; Before covering, any surfaces must be cleaned, rinsed and moistened to a matte shine before applying an adhesive layer of solution and other aqueous compounds; Before tiling in the premises, the ceilings and the plane of the walls above the surface to be tiled should be painted. Before covering the walls with sheets and panels with a front finish, also arrange hidden wiring. 3.14. When preparing facing and other types of surfaces during finishing work, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 9.


3.15. When plastering brick walls at an ambient temperature of 23 °C and above, the surface must be moistened before applying the solution. 3.16. Improved and high-quality plaster should be performed along beacons, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the plaster coating without a covering layer. 3.17. When installing single-layer coatings, their surface should be leveled immediately after applying the solution; in the case of using trowels, after it has set. 3.18. When installing a multi-layer plaster coating, each layer must be applied after the previous one has set (the covering layer - after the mortar has set). Leveling the soil should be done before the solution begins to set. 3.19. Sheets of gypsum plaster must be glued to the surface of brick walls with compositions corresponding to the design, placed in the form of marks, measuring 80 ´ 80 mm over an area of ​​at least 10% along the ceiling, floor, corners of the vertical plane every 120-150 mm, in the spaces between them at a distance no more than 400 mm, along vertical edges - in a continuous strip. Sheets should be fastened to wooden bases with nails with wide heads. 3.20. Installation of gypsum moldings should be done after the base of plaster mortars has set and dried. Architectural details on the facade must be secured to the reinforcement embedded in the wall structure, which is previously protected from corrosion. 3.21. When performing plastering work, the requirements of Table. 10.

Table 10

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible thickness of single-layer plaster, mm:
when using all types of solutions, except gypsum - up to 20, from gypsum solutions - up to 15
Permissible thickness of each layer when installing multilayer plasters without polymer additives, mm: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 70-100 m 2 of the coating surface or in one room of a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection, work log
spray on stone, brick, concrete surfaces - up to 5
spray on wooden surfaces (including the thickness of the shingles) - up to 9
soil from cement mortars - up to 5
soil from lime, lime-gypsum solutions - up to 7
covering layer of plaster coating - up to 2
covering layer of decorative finishing - up to 7


3.22. Painting work on facades should be carried out by protecting the applied compositions (until they are completely dry) from direct exposure to sunlight. 3. 23. When performing painting work, continuous filling of the surface should be performed only with high-quality painting, and with improved paint - on metal and wood. 3.24. Putty made from low-shrinkage compounds with polymer additives must be leveled immediately after application with grinding of individual areas; When applying other types of putty compounds, the surface of the putty should be sanded after it has dried. 3.25. Surfaces must be primed before painting with painting compounds, except organosilicon ones. The primer must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or breaks. The dried primer should have strong adhesion to the base, not peel off when stretched, and no traces of binder should remain on the tampon attached to it. Painting should be done after the primer has dried. 3. 26. Painting compounds must also be applied in a continuous layer. The application of each paint composition should begin after the previous one has completely dried. Flatting or trimming of the paint composition should be done using freshly applied paint composition. 3 3. 7. When painting plank floors, each layer, with the exception of the last, must be sanded until the gloss is removed. 3.2 8. When performing painting work, the requirements of Table. eleven .

Table 11

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Permissible thickness of paint coating layers: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room, after a complete visual inspection, work log
putty - 0.5 mm
paint coating - at least 25 microns
The surface of each layer of paint coating with improved and high-quality interior painting with anhydrous compounds must be smooth, without paint drips, not have a jagged structure, etc. The same, on 70-100 m 2 of the coating surface (when illuminated by an electric lamp with a reflector having a narrow slit, a beam of light directed parallel to the painted surface should not form shadow spots)


3.29. When decorative finishing with compositions with fillers, the surface of the base must be unsmoothed; Puttying and grinding of rough surfaces is not allowed. 3.30. When finishing surfaces with decorative pastes and terrazite compositions, each layer of multilayer decorative coatings must be performed after the previous one has hardened, without grinding the front surface. 3.3 1. When installing finishing coatings from decorative pastes on plaster instead of a top layer, the work should be carried out in compliance with the rules for the installation of a top layer of plaster coatings. 3.32. Decorative finishing with terrazite compositions must be carried out in a single layer in compliance with the requirements for the installation of single-layer plaster coatings. 3.33. When finishing surfaces with decorative chips, it must be applied over a wet adhesive layer. The applied crumbs must have a strong (at least 0.8 MPa) adhesion to the base and form a continuous, gap-free coating with a tight fit of the crumbs to each other. Before applying the water-repellent composition, the surface must be cleaned with compressed air. 3.34. When installing decorative finishing coatings, the requirements of Table. 12.

Table 12

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The amount of decorative chips embedded into the adhesive layer should be 2/3 of its size Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 surface in places identified by continuous visual inspection, work log
The adhesion of decorative chips to the base must be at least 0.3 MPa The same, at least 5 measurements per 70-100 m 2, work log
Permissible thickness of decorative coating, mm: The same, at least 5 measurements for every 30-50 m2 of coating surface
using crumbs on an adhesive layer - up to 7
using pastes (for plaster) - up to 5
using terrasite compounds - up to 12


3.35. When priming the surface under wallpaper, the adhesive composition must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or drips, and left until thickening begins. An additional layer of adhesive layer should be applied along the perimeter of window and door openings, along the contour and in the corners of the surface to be finished in a strip 75-80 mm wide at the moment the base layer begins to thicken. 3.3 6. When gluing bases with paper in separate strips or sheets, the distance between them should be 10-12 mm. 3.37. Gluing panels of paper wallpaper should be done after they have swollen and been impregnated with adhesive. 3.38. Wallpaper with a surface density of up to 100 g/m2 must be glued overlapping, 100-120 g/m2 or more - back to back. 3.39. When joining panels with an overlap, pasting surfaces with wallpaper must be done in the direction from the light openings without making joints of vertical rows of panels at the intersections of planes. 3.40. When gluing surfaces with synthetic wallpaper on a paper or fabric basis, the corners of the walls must be covered with a whole panel. Glue stains on their surface must be removed immediately. When gluing, the vertical edges of adjacent textvinite panels and fabric-based films should overlap in width the previous panel with an overlap of 3-4 mm. Trimming overlapping edges should be done after the adhesive layer has completely dried, and after removing the edge, additionally apply glue in the places where the edges of adjacent panels are glued. 3.41. When gluing pile wallpaper, the panels should be smoothed in one direction when gluing. 3.42. When covering surfaces with wallpaper, the formation of air bubbles, stains and other contaminants, as well as additional adhesion and peeling, is not allowed. 3.43. When wallpapering, the premises must be protected from drafts and direct exposure to sunlight until the wallpaper is completely dry and a constant humidity regime must be established. The air temperature when drying pasted wallpaper should not exceed 23 °C.


3.44. Glass work must be carried out at positive ambient temperatures. Glazing at negative air temperatures is allowed only if it is impossible to remove the bindings, using putty heated to at least 20 °C. 3.46. When glazing metal and reinforced concrete frames, metal glazing beads must be installed after laying rubber gaskets in the rebate. 3.46. Fastening glass in wooden frames should be done using glazing beads or pins and filling the binding folds with putty. The glass should overlap the binding folds by no more than 3/4 of the width. The putty should be applied in an even, continuous layer, without breaks, until the binding fold is completely sealed. 3.47. Joining glass, as well as installing glass with defects (cracks, chips of more than 10 mm, permanent stains, foreign inclusions) when glazing residential buildings and cultural and public facilities is not allowed. 3.48. Fastening uviol, frosted, frosted-patterned, reinforced and colored glass, as well as tempered glass in window and door openings should be done in the same way as sheet glass, depending on the binding material. 3.49. Installation of glass blocks on mortar should be carried out with strictly constant horizontal and vertical joints of constant width in accordance with the project. 3.50. Installation of glass panels and assembly of their frames must be carried out in accordance with the design.


3.51. Surface cladding must be carried out in accordance with the PPR in accordance with the project. The connection of the cladding field to the base should be carried out: when using facing slabs and blocks with a size of more than 400 cm 2 and a thickness of more than 10 mm - by fastening to the base and filling the space between the cladding and the surface of the wall (sins) with mortar or without filling sinuses with mortar when removing the cladding from the wall; when using slabs and blocks with a size of 400 cm 2 or less, a thickness of no more than 10 mm, as well as when facing horizontal and inclined surfaces with slabs of any size (no more than 45%) - on mortar or mastic (in accordance with the project) without additional attachment to the base; when facing with embedded slabs and facing bricks simultaneously with the laying of walls - on masonry mortar. 3.52. Cladding of walls, columns, pilasters of interiors should be done before installing the floor covering. 3.53. Cladding elements on an adhesive layer of mortar and mastic must be installed in horizontal rows from bottom to top from the corner of the cladding field. 3.54. The mastic and adhesive layer solution should be applied in a uniform, streak-free layer before installing the tiles. Small-sized tiles on mastics or mortars with retarders should be installed after applying the latter over the entire area to be tiled in one plane when the mastics and mortars with retarders thicken. 3.55. Finishing of the site and the entire surface of the interior and facade with cladding products of different colors, textures, textures and sizes should be done with the selection of the entire pattern of the cladding field in accordance with the project. 3.5 6. When using natural and artificial stone of polished and honed texture, cladding elements must be mated dry, adjusting the edges of adjacent slabs selected according to the design with fastening according to the design. The seams of the slabs must be filled with mastic after the sinuses have been filled with mortar and it has hardened. 3.57. Slabs with a polished, dotted, bumpy and grooved structure, as well as with a “rock” type relief, must be installed on a mortar; Vertical joints should be filled with mortar to a depth of 15 - 20 mm or sealant after the adhesive layer solution has hardened. 3.58. The seams of the cladding must be smooth and of the same width. When cladding walls erected using the freezing method, filling the cladding joints from embedded ceramic slabs must be done after thawing and hardening of the masonry mortar with loads on the walls of at least 80% of the design load. 3.59. Filling the sinuses with a solution must be done after installing permanent or temporary fastening of the lining field. The solution should be poured in horizontal layers, leaving after pouring the last layer of solution a space of 5 cm to the top of the cladding. The solution poured into the sinuses should be protected from moisture loss during process breaks exceeding 18 hours. Before continuing work, the unfilled part of the sinus must be cleared of dust with compressed air. 3. 60. After facing, the surfaces of slabs and products must be cleaned of mortar and mastic deposits immediately, in this case: the surfaces of glazed, polished and polished slabs and products are washed with hot water, and polished, dotted, lumpy, grooved, etc. “rock” is treated with a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid and steam using a sandblaster. 3.61. Surfaces from the cutting of slabs of soft rocks (limestone, tuff, etc.), as well as edges of slabs with polished, ground, grooved and dotted surfaces protruding more than 1.5 mm must be accordingly ground, subpolished or hewn to obtaining a clear contour of the edges of the slabs. 3.62. When carrying out facing work, the requirements of Table. 13.

Table 13

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Thickness of the adhesive layer, mm:
from solution - 7
from mastic - 1
Lined surface The same, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 surface
deviations from the vertical (mm per 1 m length), mm:
mirrored, polished - no more than 2

No more than 4 per floor

polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - no more than 3

No more than 8 per floor

ceramic, glass-ceramic and other cladding products
external - 2

No more than 5 per floor

internal - 1.5

No more than 4 per floor

deviations in the location of seams from the vertical and horizontal (mm per 1 m length) in the cladding, mm:
mirror, polished - up to 1.5
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - up to 3
“rock” type textures - up to 3
ceramic, glass-ceramic, and other cladding products:
external - up to 2
internal - up to 1.5
Permissible profile discrepancies at the joints of architectural details and seams, mm: Measuring, at least 5 measurements on 70-100 m2 of surface or on a separate area of ​​​​a smaller area in places identified by a continuous visual inspection, work log
mirror, polished - up to 0.5
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - up to 1
“rock” type textures - up to 2
outdoor - up to 4
internal - up to 3
Unevenness of the plane (when controlled with a two-meter rod), mm:
mirrored, polished - up to 2
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved - up to 4
ceramic, glass-ceramic and other cladding products:
external - up to 3
internal - up to 2
Deviations in the width of the cladding seam:
mirrored, polished
granite and artificial stone
polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved
"rock" type textures
ceramic, glass-ceramic and other products (internal and external cladding)


3.63. The installation of suspended ceilings must be done after installing and fastening all frame elements (in accordance with the project), checking the horizontalness of its plane and compliance with the marks. 3.64. Installation of slabs, wall panels and suspended ceiling elements should be carried out after marking the surface and begin from the corner of the plane being tiled. Horizontal joints of sheets (panels) not provided for in the project are not allowed. 3.65. The surface plane, lined with panels and slabs, must be flat, without sagging at the joints, rigid, without vibration of panels and sheets and peeling from the surface (when gluing). 3.66. When installing suspended ceilings, panels and slabs with front finishing in the interiors of buildings, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 14.

Table 14

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Finished cladding: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 surface or individual areas of a smaller area, identified by continuous visual inspection, work log
maximum values ​​of ledges between slabs and panels, as well as slats (suspended ceilings) - 2 mm
Deviation of the plane of the entire finishing field diagonally, vertically and horizontally (from the design) by 1 m - 1.5 mm

7 over the entire surface

Deviation of the direction of the joint of wall cladding elements from the vertical (mm per 1 m) - 1 mm


3.67. The requirements for finished finishing coatings are given in table. 15.

Table 15

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Adhesion strength of coatings made of plaster compositions and sheets of dry gypsum plaster, MPa: Measuring, at least 5 measurements per 50-70 m 2 of the coating surface or on the area of ​​individual areas identified by a continuous visual inspection, acceptance certificate
internal plastered surfaces - not less than 0.1
external plastered surfaces - 0.4
The unevenness of the plastered surface should have deviations and irregularities not exceeding those given in the table. 9 (for plaster coatings made of dry gypsum plaster, the indicators must correspond to high-quality plaster)
Plaster coatings made from sheets of dry gypsum plaster should not be unsteady; when lightly tapped with a wooden hammer, cracks should not appear in the joints; Sagging in joints is allowed no more than 1 mm
Horizontal and vertical deviations per 1 m of part length - no more than 1 mm
The displacement of the axes of separately located large parts from the specified position should not exceed 10 mm
The sealed joints should not be noticeable, and parts of the closed relief should be in the same plane; the design (profile) of relief products must be clear; on the surface of the parts there should be no cavities, kinks, cracks, or sagging mortar
Acceptance of finishing coatings must be done after water-based paints have dried and a strong film has formed on surfaces painted with anhydrous compositions. After drying of aqueous compositions, surfaces must be uniform in color, without stripes, stains, smudges, splashes, or abrasion (chalking) of surfaces. Local corrections that stand out against the general background (except for simple painting) should not be noticeable at a distance of 3 m from the surface

Technical inspection, acceptance certificate

Surfaces painted with waterless painting compounds must have a uniform glossy or matte surface. It is not allowed to show through the underlying layers of paint, peeling, stains, wrinkles, drips, visible grains of paint, clumps of film on the surface, brush and roller marks, unevenness, imprints of dried paint on the attached swab.
Surfaces painted with varnishes must have a glossy finish, without cracks, visible thickening, or traces of varnish (after drying) on ​​the attached swab
In places where surfaces painted in different colors meet, the curvature of lines, high-quality painting (for other types) in certain areas should not exceed, mm:
for simple painting - 5
for improved coloring - 2
curvature of panel lines and painting of surfaces when using different colors - 1 (per 1 m of surface)
When wallpapering surfaces, the following must be done:
with the edges of the overlapping panels facing the light openings, without shadows from them (when gluing with an overlap);
from panels of the same color and shades;
with precise fit of the pattern at the joints. Edge deviations should be no more than 0.5 mm (not noticeable from a distance of 3 m);
air bubbles, stains, omissions, additional gluing and peeling, and in places where openings adjoin the slopes, distortions, wrinkles, wallpapering of baseboards, trim, sockets, switches, etc. not allowed
When producing glass works:
the putty, after forming a hard film on the surface, should not have cracks and lag behind the surface of the glass and rebate;
the cut of putty at the point of contact with the glass must be smooth and parallel to the edge of the rebate, without protruding fasteners;
the outer chamfers of the glazing beads must fit tightly to the outer edge of the folds, without protruding beyond their limits and without forming depressions;
glazing beads installed on glass putty must be firmly connected to each other and to the binding fold; on rubber gaskets - the gaskets must be tightly clamped by the glass and fit tightly to the surface of the fold, glass and glazing beads, not protrude above the edge of the glazing bead, and have no cracks or tears;
when using any fastening devices, rubber profiles must be tightly pressed against the glass and the rebate groove, the fastening devices must correspond to the design and are tightly stored in the rebate grooves
Glass blocks installed on mortar must have smooth, strictly vertical and horizontal seams of the same width, filled flush with the surfaces of the glass units; the entire structure after installing the double-glazed window must be vertical, with tolerances not exceeding 2 mm per 1 m of surface

10 over the entire height

The surface of glass and glass structures must be free of cracks, gouges, holes, without traces of putty, mortar, paint, grease stains, etc.
Surfaces lined with blocks, slabs and tiles made of natural and natural stone must meet the following requirements:
surfaces must correspond to specified geometric shapes;
deviations should not exceed those given in table. 13;
the mating material and sealing of the seams, the dimensions and patterns of the cladding must correspond to the design;
surfaces lined with monochromatic artificial materials must have a uniform tone, with natural stone - a uniform color or a smooth transition of shades;
the space between the wall and the cladding must be completely filled with mortar;
horizontal and vertical seams of the cladding must be of the same type, single row and uniform in width;
the surface of the entire cladding must be hard;
chips in the seams are allowed no more than 0.5 mm;
cracks, stains, mortar drips, efflorescence are not allowed;
large-block elements made of natural stone must be installed on concrete;
fastening devices (fasteners) for cladding exposed to aggressive environments must be coated with anti-corrosion compounds or made of non-ferrous metal in accordance with the project
Finishing (cladding) of walls with factory-finished sheets must meet the following requirements:
There are cracks, air bubbles, scratches, stains, etc. on the surface of sheets and panels. not allowed;
the fastening of sheets and panels to the base must be strong, without instability (when lightly tapped with a wooden hammer, warping of the products, destruction of their edges and displacement of the sheets should not be observed);
the seams must be uniform, strictly horizontal and vertical; fastening devices and the distance between them, as well as the material, dimensions and design must correspond to the project;
deviations from the plane, horizontal and vertical should not exceed the standards given in table. 16
Note. Anti-corrosion coatings of building structures and technological equipment must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85.



4.1. Before starting work on the installation of floors, measures must be taken in accordance with the project to stabilize, prevent heaving and artificially stabilize soils, lower groundwater, as well as adjacent to expansion joints, channels, pits, drainage chutes, drains, etc. Elements of the coating edging must be completed before its installation. 4. 2. The soil base under the floors must be compacted in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-87 “Earth structures, foundations and foundations”. Vegetable soil, silt, peat, as well as bulk soils mixed with construction waste are not allowed under the soil foundation. 4.3. Installation of floors is allowed at room air temperature, measured in the cold season near door and window openings at a height of 0.5 m from the floor level, and laid floor elements and laid materials - not lower than, °C: 15 - when installing polymer coatings materials; this temperature must be maintained for 24 hours after completion of work; 10 - when installing floor elements from xylolite and from mixtures that include liquid glass; such a temperature must be maintained until the laid material acquires a strength of at least 70% of the design strength; 5 - when installing floor elements using bitumen mastics and their mixtures, which include cement; such a temperature must be maintained until the material acquires a strength of at least 50% of the design strength; 0 - when constructing floor elements from soil, gravel, slag, crushed stone and piece materials without gluing to the underlying layer or sand. 4.4. Before installing floors, the construction of which contains products and materials based on wood or its waste, synthetic resins and fibers, xylolite coatings, plastering and other work must be carried out in the room, with the possibility of moistening the coatings. When installing these floors and in the subsequent period until the facility is put into operation, the relative air humidity in the room should not exceed 60%. Drafts in the room are not allowed. 4.5. Floors resistant to aggressive environments must be made in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85. 4.6. Work on the installation of asphalt concrete, slag and crushed stone floors should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85 (Section 7). 4.7. Requirements for materials and mixtures for special types of floors (heat-resistant, radiation-resistant, spark-free, etc.) must be specified in the project. 4.8. Underlying layers, screeds, connecting layers (for ceramic, concrete, mosaic, etc. tiles) and monolithic coatings on a cement binder must be under a layer of constantly moist water-retaining material for 7-10 days after installation. 4.9. Standard use of xylolite floors, cement or acid-resistant concrete or mortar, as well as piece materials laid on layers of cement-sand or acid-resistant (liquid glass) mortar is allowed after the concrete or mortar has acquired the design compressive strength. Pedestrian traffic on these floors can be allowed not before the concrete of the monolithic coverings has acquired a compressive strength of 5 MPa, and the solution of the layer under the piece materials has acquired a compressive strength of 2.5 MPa.


4.10. Dust removal of the surface must be performed before applying primer compositions, adhesive layers under roll and tile polymer coatings and mastic compositions for solid (seamless) floors. 4.11. The surface layer must be primed over the entire surface without gaps before applying construction mixtures, mastics, adhesives, etc. (based on bitumen, tar, synthetic resins and aqueous polymer dispersions) to the underlying element with a composition appropriate material, see mastic or glue. 4.12. Moistening the surface layer of floor elements made of concrete and cement-sand mortar should be done before laying construction mixtures of cement and gypsum binders on them. Humidification is carried out until the final absorption of water.


4.13. Preparation, transportation and laying of concrete mixtures must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures” (Section 2). 4.14. When making concrete underlying layers using the vacuum method, the requirements of Table. 16.

Table 16

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The sand content per 1 m 3 of concrete mixture is 150-200 kg more than in conventional mixtures Measuring, for every 500 m 2 surface, work log
Mobility of the concrete mixture - 8-12 cm
Vacuum pump vacuum - 0.07-0.08 MPa

Not less than 0.06 MPa

Measuring, at least four times per shift, work log
Duration of vacuuming - 1-1.5 minutes per 1 cm of underlying layer The same, at each evacuation section, work log


4.15. Monolithic screeds made of concrete, asphalt concrete, cement-sand mortar and prefabricated screeds made of wood fiber boards must be made in compliance with the rules for constructing coatings of the same name. 4.16. Gypsum self-leveling and porous cement screeds must be laid immediately to the calculated thickness specified in the project. 4.17. When installing screeds, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 17.

Table 17

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Screeds laid over soundproofing pads or backfills, in places adjacent to walls and partitions and other structures, must be laid with a gap of 20 - 25 mm wide across the entire thickness of the screed and filled with similar soundproofing material: monolithic screeds must be insulated from walls and partitions with strips of waterproofing materials Technical, all junctions, work log
The end surfaces of the laid section of monolithic screeds, after removing the beacon or limiting slats, before laying the mixture in the adjacent section of the screed, must be primed (see clause 4.11) or moistened (see clause 4.12), and the working seam should be smoothed so that it is invisible
Smoothing the surface of monolithic screeds should be carried out under coatings on mastics and adhesive layers and under continuous (seamless) polymer coatings before the mixtures set The same, the entire surface of the screeds, work log
Sealing the joints of prefabricated screeds made of fibreboards should be done along the entire length of the joints with strips of thick paper or adhesive tape 40 - 60 cm wide Technical, all joints, work log
Laying of additional elements between prefabricated screeds on cement and gypsum binders should be done with a gap of 10-15 mm wide, filled with a mixture similar to the screed material. If the width of the gaps between the prefabricated screed slabs and walls or partitions is less than 0.4 m, the mixture must be laid over a continuous soundproofing layer Technical, all clearances, work log


4.18. Bulk soundproofing material (sand, coal slag, etc.) must be free of organic impurities. The use of backfills made from dusty materials is prohibited. 4.19. Gaskets must be laid without gluing to the floor slabs, and slabs and mats must be laid dry or glued with bitumen mastics. Soundproofing pads under the joists must be laid along the entire length of the joists without breaks. Tape spacers for prefabricated screeds of the size “per room” should be located in continuous strips along the perimeter of the premises close to the walls and partitions, under the joints of adjacent slabs, as well as inside the perimeter - parallel to the larger side of the slab. 4.20. When installing sound insulation, the requirements of Table. 18.

Table 18

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The size of the bulk soundproofing material is 0.15-10 mm Measuring, at least three measurements for every 50-70 m2 of backfill, work log
Humidity of bulk material backfill between joists

No more than 10%

Width of soundproofing pads, mm: Measuring, at least three measurements for every 50 - 70 m2 of floor surface, work log
under logs 100-120;
for prefabricated screeds of the size “per room” along the perimeter - 200-220, inside the perimeter - 100-120
The distance between the axes of the strips of soundproofing pads inside the perimeter of prefabricated screeds sized “per room” is 0.4 m The same, at least three measurements on each prefabricated screed slab, work log


4.21. Bonded waterproofing using bitumen, tar and mastics based on them should be carried out in accordance with Section. 2, and polymer waterproofing - in accordance with SNiP 3.04.03-85. 4.22. Waterproofing from crushed stone impregnated with bitumen should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85. 4.23. Before laying coatings, layers or screeds containing cement or liquid glass on it, the surface of bitumen waterproofing should be covered with hot bitumen mastic with dry coarse sand embedded in it in compliance with the parameters of the table. 19.

Table 19

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Temperature of bitumen mastic during application - 160 °C Measuring, each batch prepared for applying mastic, work log
Sand temperature - 50 °C The same, for each portion of sand before applying it, work log
Thickness of the bitumen mastic layer - 1.0 The same, at least three measurements for every 50-70 m2 of waterproofing surface, inspection report for hidden work


4.24. The strength of materials that harden after laying must be no less than the design strength. Permissible deviations when installing intermediate floor elements are given in table. 20.

Table 20

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The clearances between the two-meter control strip and the tested surface of the floor element should not exceed, mm, for: Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface or in one room of a smaller area in places identified by visual inspection, work log
soil bases - 20
sand, gravel, slag, crushed stone and adobe underlying layers - 15
concrete underlying layers for adhesive waterproofing and coatings on a layer of hot mastic - 5
concrete underlying layers for other types of coatings - 10
Screeds for polyvinyl acetate coverings, linoleum, rolls based on synthetic fibers, parquet and polyvinyl chloride boards - 2
screeds for coverings made of other types of slabs, end blocks and bricks laid over a layer of hot mastic, polyvinyl acetate cement-concrete coverings and for waterproofing - 4
screeds for other types of coverings - 6
Deviations of the element plane from the horizontal or a given slope - 0.2 of the corresponding room size

No more than 50

Measuring, at least five measurements evenly for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface in one smaller room, work log


4.25. Monolithic mosaic coatings and coatings with a strengthened surface layer, arranged over concrete underlying layers, should be carried out simultaneously with the latter by embedding decorative, reinforcing and other bulk materials into a freshly laid evacuated concrete mixture. 4.26. When installing monolithic coatings, the requirements of Table. 21.

Table 21

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The maximum size of crushed stone and gravel for concrete coatings and marble chips for mosaic, polyvinyl acetate-cement concrete, latex-cement concrete coatings should not exceed 15 mm 0.6 coating thickness Measuring - during the preparation of mixtures, at least three measurements per batch of filler, work log
Marble chips: The same, at least three measurements per batch of filler, work log
for mosaic coverings must have a compressive strength of at least 60 MPa
polyvinyl acetate-cement concrete and latex-cement concrete not less than 80 MPa
Concrete and mosaic mixtures, which do not contain plasticizers, should be used with a cone slump of 2-4 cm, and cement-sand mixtures with a cone immersion depth of 4-5 cm. The mobility of mixtures should be increased only by introducing plasticizers The same, one measurement for every 50-70 m2 of coverage, work log
Cutting monolithic coatings into individual cards is not allowed, with the exception of multi-color coatings, where separating cores must be installed between individual cards of different colors. Processing of joints between adjacent sections of a single-color coating must be carried out in accordance with clause 4.11 or 4.12
Rigid mixtures must be compacted. Compaction and smoothing of concrete and mortar in places of working seams should be carried out until the seam becomes invisible Visual, entire surface of the monolithic coating, work log
Grinding of coatings should be carried out once the coating has reached a strength that prevents chipping of the aggregate. The thickness of the removed layer should ensure complete exposure of the texture of the decorative filler. When grinding, the surface to be treated must be covered with a thin layer of water or an aqueous solution of surfactants Measuring, at least nine measurements evenly for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface, work log
Surface impregnation of coatings with fluates and sealing compounds, as well as finishing of concrete and cement-sand coatings with polyurethane varnishes and epoxy enamels should be carried out no earlier than 10 days after laying the mixtures at an air temperature in the room not lower than 10 ° C. Before impregnation, the coating must be dried and thoroughly cleaned. Technical, entire surface coating, work log


4.27. Slabs (tiles) of cement-concrete, cement-sand, mosaic concrete, asphalt concrete, ceramic, cast stone, cast iron, steel, natural stone and standardized blocks should be laid immediately after installing a connecting layer of mortar, concrete and hot mastics. The embedding of slabs and blocks into the interlayer should be carried out using vibration; in places inaccessible for vibration heating - manually. The laying and embedding of slabs and blocks should be completed before the mortar begins to set or the mastic begins to harden. 4.28. The basic requirements that must be met when constructing coverings from slabs and blocks are given in Table. 22.

Table 22

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Before laying on a layer of cement-sand mortar, porous slabs (concrete, cement-sand, mosaic and ceramic) must be immersed in water or an aqueous solution of surfactants for 15-20 minutes Technical, at least four times per shift, work log
The width of the seams between tiles and blocks should not exceed 6 mm when tiles and blocks are embedded into the interlayer manually and 3 mm when tiles are vibrated, unless the project specifies a different width of the seams Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room in places identified by visual inspection, work log
Mortar or concrete protruding from the seams must be removed from the coating flush with its surface before it hardens, hot mastic - immediately after cooling, cold mastic - immediately after protruding from the seams Visual, entire coating surface, work log
The interlayer material must be applied to the back side of slag-ceramic slabs with a bottom corrugated surface immediately before laying the slabs flush with the protruding corrugation Visual, at least four times per shift, work log


4.29. The joists under the coverings should be laid across the direction of light and windows, and in rooms with a certain direction of movement of people (for example, in corridors) - perpendicular to the movement. The logs should be joined together end to end anywhere in the room with the joints in adjacent logs offset by at least 0.5 m. A gap of 20-30 mm wide must be left between the logs and the walls (partitions). 4.30. In floors on ceilings, the surface of the joists must be leveled with a layer of sand and tamped under soundproofing pads or joists along their entire width or length. The joists must touch the soundproofing layer, floor slabs or sand leveling layer throughout bottom surface, without gaps. Putting wooden wedges or shims under the joists to level them or resting the joists on wooden chocks is prohibited. 4.31. Under the joists, located on columns in floors on the ground, wooden pads should be laid on two layers of roofing felt, the edges of which should be released from under the pads by 30-40 mm and secured to them with nails. The joist joints should be located on posts. 4.32. In the doorways of adjacent rooms, a widened joist should be installed, protruding beyond the partition by at least 50 mm on each side. 4.33. Plank flooring boards, parquet boards, connected to each other by side edges into a tongue and groove, and parquet panels - using dowels, must be tightly joined. The reduction in the width of the coating products during bonding should be no less than 0.5%. 4.34. All boards of the plank covering must be fastened to each joist with nails 2-2.5 times longer than the thickness of the covering, and parquet boards - with nails 50-60 mm long. Nails should be driven obliquely into the face of the plank boards and into the base of the lower cheek of the groove on the edges of parquet boards and parquet panels with the heads embedded. Driving nails into the front surface of parquet boards and parquet panels is prohibited. 4.35. The joints of the ends of the boards of plank coverings, the joints of the ends and side edges with the ends of adjacent parquet boards, as well as the joints of the edges of adjacent parquet panels parallel to the joists should be placed on the joists. 4.3 6. The joints of the ends of the covering boards must be covered with a board (frieze) 5-0-60 mm wide, 15 mm thick, embedded flush with the covering surface. Fris z is nailed to the joist with nails in two rows with a pitch (along the joist) of 200-250 mm. Joining the ends without covering them with a frieze is allowed only in two or three adjacent covering boards; The joints should not be opposite the doorways and should be located on the same joist. When joining parquet boards, as well as parquet panels with sawn edges, a groove must be made on some of them, and a ridge on others, corresponding to those on the other edges. 4.37. Super-hard fibreboards, stacked and piece parquet should be glued to the base with quick-hardening mastics on water-resistant binders, used in a cold or heated state. Adhesive mastic on the base under super-hard wood-fiber boards should be applied in strips 100-200 mm wide along the perimeter of the boards and in the middle zone with an interval of 300-400 mm. When laying out and cutting wood fiber boards, joining the four corners of the boards at one point is not allowed. 4.38. When installing coatings made of wood and products based on them, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 23.

Table 23

Technical requirements

Limit deviations

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

All logs, boards (except for the front side), wooden spacers laid on posts under the logs, as well as wood under the base of fiberboards must be antiseptic Visual, all materials, inspection report of hidden work
The moisture content of materials should not exceed: Measuring, at least three measurements for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface, work log
logs and gaskets
covering and base boards when laying inlaid and piece parquet, parquet boards and parquet panels
fiberboard covering
The length of the joined logs must be at least 2 m, the thickness of the logs resting with the entire lower surface on the floor slabs or soundproofing layer is 40 mm, the width is 80-100 mm. The thickness of the logs laid on separate supports (columns in floors on the ground, floor beams, etc.) should be 40 - 50 mm, width - 100-120 mm
Wooden spacers for joists in floors on the ground: width - 100-150 mm, length - 200-250 mm, thickness - at least 25 mm
The distance between the axes of logs laid on floor slabs and for floor beams (when laying the coating directly on beams) should be 0.4-0.5 m. When laying logs on separate supports (columns in floors on the ground, floor beams, etc. ) this distance should be:
with a log thickness of 40 mm 0.8 - 0.9 m
with a log thickness of 50 mm 1.0 - 1.1 m
For large operating loads on the floor (more than 500 kg/m2), the distance between the supports for the joists, between the joists and their thickness should be taken according to the design
The length of the covering boards joined at the ends must be at least 2 m, and the length of parquet boards - at least 1.2 m
The thickness of the adhesive layer for stacked and piece parquet and super-hard wood-fiber boards should be no more than 1 mm Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of floor surface or in one smaller room, work log
Adhesive area: Technical, with test lifting of products in at least three places per 500 m2 of floor surface, work log
parquet planks - at least 80%
fiberboards - at least 40%


4.39. Before gluing, linoleum, carpets, rolled materials made of synthetic fibers and polyvinyl chloride tiles must be allowed to sit until the waves disappear and completely adhere to the base; they must be glued to the underlying layer over the entire area, except for cases specified in the design 4.40. When joining panels of rolled materials are cut, it is necessary to make them no earlier than 3 days after the main gluing of the panels. The edges of the joined linoleum panels must be welded or glued after cutting. 4.41. In areas of intense pedestrian traffic, the installation of transverse (perpendicular to the direction of movement) seams in coverings made of linoleum, carpets and roll materials made of synthetic fibers is not allowed. 4.42. When installing coatings made of polymer materials, the requirements of Table. 24.

Table 24

Technical requirements

Maximum deviations, %

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

The weight humidity of interfloor floor panels before installing coatings on them should not exceed, %: Measuring, at least five measurements evenly for every 50 - 70 m2 of coating surface, work log
screeds based on cement, polymer cement and gypsum binders
fiberboard screeds
The thickness of the adhesive layer should be no more than 0.8 mm
When constructing continuous (seamless) coatings, mastic polymer compositions should be applied in layers 1 - 1.5 mm thick. The next layer should be applied after the previously applied layer has hardened and its surface has been dust-free Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50 - 70 m2 of floor surface or in one smaller room, work log


4.43. The basic requirements for finished floor coverings are given in table. 25.

Table 25

Technical requirements

Control (method, volume, type of registration)

Deviations of the coating surface from the plane when checking with a two-meter control rod should not exceed, mm, for: Measuring, at least nine measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room, acceptance certificate
earthen, gravel, slag, crushed stone, adobe and paving stone coverings - 10
asphalt concrete coverings, with a layer of sand, end coverings, cast iron slabs and bricks - 6
cement-concrete, mosaic-concrete, cement-sand, polyvinyl acetate concrete, metal cement, xylolite coatings and coatings made of acid-resistant and heat-resistant concrete - 4
coatings on a layer of mastic, end coatings, cast iron and steel plates, bricks of all types - 4
sand, mosaic-concrete, asphalt concrete, ceramic, stone, slag and metal - 4
polyvinyl acetate, plank, parquet and linoleum coatings, rolls based on synthetic fibers, polyvinyl chloride and super-hard fibreboards - 2
The ledges between adjacent coating products made of piece materials should not exceed, for coatings, mm:
from paving stones - 3
brick, end, concrete, asphalt concrete, cast iron and steel slabs - 2
from ceramic, stone, cement-sand, mosaic-concrete, slag-and-sand slabs - 1
plank, parquet, linoleum, polyvinyl chloride and super-hard fiber boards, polyvinyl chloride plastic - not allowed
Recesses between coverings and floor edging elements - 2 mm Measuring at least nine measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one room of a smaller area, acceptance certificate
Deviations from the specified slope of coatings - 0.2% of the corresponding room size, but not more than 50 mm
Deviations in coating thickness - no more than 10% of the design The same, at least five measurements, acceptance certificate
When checking the adhesion of monolithic coatings and coatings made of rigid tile materials with underlying floor elements by tapping, there should be no change in the nature of the sound Technical, by tapping the entire floor surface in the center of the squares on a conventional grid with a cell size of at least 50 ´ 50 cm, acceptance certificate
Gaps should not exceed, mm: Measuring, at least five measurements for every 50-70 m2 of coating surface or in one smaller room, acceptance certificate
between the boards of the plank covering - 1
between parquet boards and parquet panels - 0.5
between adjacent strip parquet plans - 0.3
Gaps and cracks between skirting boards and floor coverings or walls (partitions), between adjacent edges of linoleum panels, carpets, rolled materials and tiles are not allowed Visual, entire floor surface and joints, acceptance certificate
The coating surfaces should not have potholes, cracks, waves, swelling, or raised edges. The color of the coating must match the design The same, the entire floor surface, acceptance certificate

1. General Provisions. 1

2. Insulating coatings and roofs. 2

General requirements. 2

Preparation of foundations and underlying insulation elements. 3

Installation of insulation and roofing from roll materials. 5

Installation of insulation and roofs made of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions. 6

Installation of insulation from cement mortars, hot mix asphalt, bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay. 7

Carrying out thermal insulation work using soft, rigid and semi-rigid fiber products and constructing thermal insulation cover shells from rigid materials. 8

Installation of thermal insulation from slabs and bulk materials. 8

Construction of roofs made of piece materials. 9

Insulation and roofing parts made of metal sheets. 10

Requirements for finished insulating (roofing) coverings and structural elements. 10

3. Finishing work and protection of building structures and technological equipment from corrosion (anti-corrosion work) 12

General provisions. 12

Surface preparation. 14

Production of plastering and stucco works. 16

Production of painting works. 17

Production of decorative finishing works. 17

Production of wallpaper works. 18

Production of glass works. 19

Production of facing works. 19

Installation of suspended ceilings, panels and slabs with front finish in building interiors. 22

Requirements for finished finishing coatings... 22

4. Installation of floors. 25

General requirements. 25

Preparation of underlying floor elements. 26

Construction of concrete underlying layers. 26

Screed device. 26

Soundproofing device. 27

Waterproofing device. 28

Requirements for intermediate floor elements. 28

Installation of monolithic coatings. 29

Installation of coverings from slabs (tiles) and standardized blocks. thirty

Installation of coatings made of wood and wood-based products. thirty

Construction of coatings made of polymer materials. 32

Requirements for the finished floor covering. 33

Construction norms and rules SNiP 3.04.01-87
"Insulating and finishing coatings"
(approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 4, 1987 N 280)

Instead of sections SNiP III-20-74*; SNiP III-21-73*; SNiP III-V.14-72;

GOST 22753-77; GOST 22844-77; GOST 23305-78

1. General Provisions

1.1. These building codes and regulations apply to the production and acceptance of work on the installation of insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floors of buildings and structures, with the exception of work due to the special operating conditions of buildings and structures.

1.2. Insulating, finishing, protective coatings and floor structures must be carried out in accordance with the project (finishing coatings in the absence of project requirements - according to the standard). Replacement of materials, products and compositions provided for by the project is allowed only by agreement with the design organization and the customer.

1.3. Work on the production of thermal insulation works can begin only after the execution of an act (permit) signed by the customer, representatives of the installation organization and the organization performing thermal insulation work.

1.4. The installation of each insulation element (roof), floor, protective and finishing coatings should be carried out after checking the correct execution of the corresponding underlying element and drawing up an inspection report for hidden work.

1.5. With appropriate justification, in agreement with the customer and the design organization, it is allowed to prescribe methods for performing work and organizational and technological solutions, as well as establish methods, volumes and types of registration of quality control of work that differ from those provided for in these rules.

2. Insulating coatings and roofs

General requirements

2.1. Insulation and roofing work may be carried out from 60 to minus 30°С ambient temperature (work using hot mastics - at an ambient temperature not lower than minus 20°С, using water-based compounds without anti-frost additives not lower than 5°С).

2.2. In the foundations for roofing and insulation, in accordance with the project, the following work must be performed:

seal the seams between prefabricated slabs;

arrange temperature-shrinkable seams;

install embedded elements;

plaster sections of vertical surfaces of stone structures to the height of the junction of the rolled or emulsion-mastic roofing carpet and insulation.

2.3. Insulating compounds and materials must be applied in continuous and uniform layers or in one layer without gaps or sagging. Each layer must be laid on the hardened surface of the previous one, leveling the applied compounds, with the exception of paint ones. When preparing and preparing insulating compositions, the requirements of Table. 1.

Table 1

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Bitumen and tar (pitch) are necessary
apply free of impurities
and dehydrated. Heating should not
exceed, °С:
bitumen - 180
tar (pitch) - 140
Fillers (aggregates) must
be sifted through a sieve with
cell size, mm:
for sand - 1.5
" dust-like - 2
" fibrous - 4

Permissible moisture content of fillers
for sand
"compositions with sealing do-
" other compositions

Temperature of emulsions and their composition -
pouring, °C:
bitumen - 110
emulsifier solution - 90
latex (when introduced into the emulsion
siyu) - 70
Uniformity of bit distribution
MA in bitumen perlite and bitumen ceramics
zite - 90%
Compaction coefficient bitumen per-
cast and bitumen expanded clay under pressure
0.67-0.7 MPa - not less than 1.6
Temperature when applying mastics,
hot bitumen - 160
"tar - 130
cold (in winter) - 65
Installation of insulation coatings,
dispersed reinforced glass
fiber (fiberglass fibers):
fiber sizes - 20 mm
mass ratio of alumina-
misty cement to Portland-
mentu - 90:10
content in Portland cement
grade not lower than 400, aluminate
tricalcium by weight - not
more than 8%. The glass rope should not
have a paraffin lubricant
Heavy concrete for installation
roofs without insulating coating
(roofs) must contain:
plasticizing and air-
involving additives, fill-
whether from fractionated sand
and coarse crushed stone
Portland cement - hydrophobic,
containing no more than 6% calcium
carbon aluminate;
crushed igneous rocks or
gravel with temporary resistance
of at least 100 MPa in water
saturated state; granulomet-
ric composition of crushed stone, mm:
sand module protective layer
size - 2.1-3.15
Gravel and other frost-resistant
mineral materials must be
sorted and washed

+ 7°C
Minus 10°С


20 mm
Up to 80:20


Measuring, periodic
chesical, at least 4 times per
shift, work log

Measuring, periodic
chesical, at least 4 times per
shift, work log

The same, at least 5-6 times per
shift, work log

Measuring, periodic
not less than 16 mea-
per shift (every other
last 0.5 hours of work), log

Measuring, periodic
chesical, at least 4 times per
shift, work log

Preparation of foundations and underlying insulation elements

2.4. Dust removal of substrates must be carried out before applying primers and insulating compounds, including adhesive adhesives and mastics.

2.5. Leveling screeds (from cement-sand, gypsum, gypsum-sand mortars and asphalt concrete mixtures) should be arranged with grips 2-3 m wide along guides with leveling and compacting the surface.

2.6. The surface priming before applying adhesive and insulating compounds must be continuous without gaps or breaks. Priming of screeds made from cement-sand mortars should be done no later than 4 hours after their installation, using primers based on slowly evaporating solvents (with the exception of screeds with a surface slope of more than 5%, when priming should be done after they have hardened). When preparing the base surface, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 2.

The primer must have strong adhesion to the base, and there should be no traces of binder left on the tampon attached to it.

table 2

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)

these bases with roll and without-
roll emulsion and mastic
insulation and roofing:
along the slope and horizontally
across the slope and vertically
from piece materials:
along and across the slope

given slope (over the entire area
Thickness of the structural element (from
The number of irregularities (smooth outline)
tanya with a length of no more than 150
mm) on a surface area of ​​4 m2
Primer thickness, mm:
for roofs made of fused
materials - 0.7
when priming hardened
screeds - 0.3
when priming screeds within
4 hours after applying the solution -

10 mm

No more than 2

Measuring, technical
cue inspection, at least 5
measurements for every 70 -
100 m2 surface or per
smaller area in
places determined by vi-
visual examination

2.7. The humidity of the base before applying the primer should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in the table. 3. Only water-based primers or insulating compounds may be applied to wet substrates if the moisture appearing on the surface of the substrate does not violate the integrity of the coating film.

2.8. Metal surfaces of pipelines, equipment and fasteners to be insulated must be cleaned of rust, and those subject to anti-corrosion protection must be treated in accordance with the design.

2.9. Insulation of installed equipment and pipelines should be carried out after they are permanently secured in the designed position. Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines in places that are difficult to reach for insulation must be carried out completely before installation, including the installation of cover shells.

Insulation of pipelines located in non-passing channels and trays must be performed before they are installed in the channels.

2.10. Equipment and pipelines filled with substances must be cleared of them before insulation work begins.

2.11. When working in sub-zero temperatures, rolled insulating materials must be heated to a temperature of at least 15°C within 20 hours, rewound and delivered to the installation site in an insulated container.

2.12. When insulating roofs from large-sized complex panels with a factory-applied roofing carpet, sealing the joints of the roof panels and gluing them must be done after checking the insulation of the mounted panels.

Installation of insulation and roofing from roll materials

2.13. Roofing and waterproofing carpets made of rolled materials with a mastic layer pre-fused at the factory must be glued onto a pre-primed base by melting or liquefying (plasticizing) the mastic layer of the material without the use of adhesive mastics. The adhesive strength must be at least 0.5 MPa.

Liquefaction of the mastic layer must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 5°C with the simultaneous laying of the rolled carpet or before its laying (depending on the ambient temperature).

Melting of the mastic layer should be carried out simultaneously with the laying out of the panels (temperature of the molten mastic is 140 - 160°C). Each laid roof layer must be rolled with a roller before installing the next one.

2.14. Before sticking, roll materials must be marked at the place of installation; The layout of the panels of rolled materials must ensure that their overlap values ​​are observed when gluing.

In accordance with the design, the mastic must be applied in a uniform continuous layer, without gaps or in a stripe layer. When spot gluing panels to the base, mastic should be applied after rolling out the panels at the locations of the holes.

2.15. When installing roll insulation or roofing using adhesives, hot mastics should be applied to the primed base immediately before gluing the panels. Cold mastics (glues) should be applied to the base or panel in advance. Between applying the adhesive compositions and gluing the panels, it is necessary to observe technological breaks to ensure strong adhesion of the adhesive compositions to the base.

Each layer should be laid after the mastics have hardened and achieved strong adhesion to the base of the previous layer.

2.16. When installing roofs, sheets of rolled materials should be glued:

in the direction from low to high areas with the panels located along the length perpendicular to the water flow with roof slopes of up to 15%;

in the direction of drainage - with roof slopes of more than 15%.

Cross-sticking of insulation panels and roofing is not allowed. The type of roll carpet sticker (solid, striped or dotted) must correspond to the project.

2.17. When gluing, the insulation and roofing panels must be overlapped by 100 mm (70 mm across the width of the panels of the lower layers of the roof of roofs with a slope of more than 1.5%).

2.18. When installing insulation or roofing, fiberglass fabric must be spread, laid without creating waves, immediately after applying hot mastic and covered with mastic with a thickness of at least 2 mm.

Subsequent layers should be laid similarly after the mastic of the lower layer has cooled.

2.19. Temperature-shrinkage seams in screeds and joints between coating slabs must be covered with strips of rolled material up to 150 mm wide and glued to one side of the seam (joint).

2.20. In places adjacent to protruding roof surfaces (parapets, pipelines, etc.), the roofing carpet must be raised to the top of the screed side, glued with mastic and putty on the upper horizontal seams. Gluing additional layers of roofing should be done after installing the top layer of the roof, immediately after applying the adhesive mastic in a continuous layer.

2.21. When gluing panels of roofing carpet along the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of the lower layer must overlap the opposite slope by at least 1000 mm. The mastic should be applied directly under the rolled roll in three strips 80-100 mm wide. Subsequent layers must be glued on a continuous layer of mastic.

When gluing panels across the roof slope, the upper part of the panel of each layer laid on the ridge should overlap the opposite roof slope by 250 mm and be glued to a continuous layer of mastic.

2.22. When installing a protective gravel coating on the roofing carpet, it is necessary to apply hot mastic in a continuous layer 2-3 mm thick and 2 m wide, immediately scattering over it a continuous layer of gravel, cleared of dust, 5-10 mm thick. The number of layers and total thickness of the protective coating must correspond to the design.

2.23. When installing roll insulation and roofing, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 3.

Table 3

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)

when applying all compositions, cro-
other than water-based formulations, not
must exceed:
cement-sand, gypsum and
gypsum sand
any reason when applying
water-based compounds

Temperature when applying hot
mastic, °C:
bitumen - 160
tar - 130

Thickness of the mastic layer when gluing
rolled carpet, mm:
hot bitumen - 2.0
intermediate layers - 1.5
cold bitumen - 0.8

Thickness of one insulation layer, mm:
cold asphalt mastics -
cement mortars - 10
emulsions - 3
polymer compositions (such as
"Krovlelit" and "Venta") - 1

Before the appearance
singing room



Measuring, technical
cue inspection, at least 5
measurements evenly on
every 50-70 m2 base-
niya, registration

Measuring, periodic
chesical, at least 4 times per
shift, work log

Measuring, technical
cue inspection, at least 5
measurements for every 70-
100 m2 in places determined
lyable by visual inspection
rum, work journal
Measuring, technical
cue inspection, at least 5
measurements for every 70-
100 m2 in places determined
visually inspected
rum, work journal

Installation of insulation and roofing made of polymer and emulsion-bitumen compositions

2.24. When installing insulation and roofs made from emulsion-mastic compositions, each layer of the insulating carpet must be applied continuously, without breaks, of uniform thickness after the primer or bottom layer has hardened.

2.25. When installing insulation and roofing from polymer compositions such as "Krovlelit" and "Venta", they must be applied with high-pressure units that ensure density, uniform thickness of the coating and adhesion strength of the coating to the base of at least 0.5 MPa. When using cold asphalt emulsion mastics, the supply and application of the compositions must be carried out by units with screw pumps (mechanical action), ensuring the adhesion strength of the coating to the base of at least 0.4 MPa.

2.26. When installing insulation and roofing from emulsion-mastic compositions reinforced with fiberglass fibers, their application should be carried out by units that ensure the production of fibers of the same length, uniform distribution in the composition and density of the insulating coating.

2.27. When installing insulation and roofing made of polymer and emulsion-mastic compositions, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 3. Roof junctions should be arranged similarly to roll roofing.

Installation of insulation from cement mortars, hot mix asphalt, bitumen perlite and bitumen expanded clay

2.28. Bitumen perlite, bitumen expanded clay, cement mortars, hot asphalt mixtures with a surface slope of up to 25% must be laid along lighthouse slats in strips 2-6 m wide in layers of uniform thickness (no more than 75 mm) with compaction and smoothing of the layer surface.

Each layer must be laid after the previous one has hardened.

2.29. When installing cement waterproofing from mortars using waterproof expanding cements (WRC), waterproof non-shrinking cements (WBC) or Portland cement with compacting additives, the compositions should be applied to the base surface wetted with water.

Each subsequent layer must be applied no later than 30 minutes (when using VRC and VBC compositions) or no more than 24 hours (when using Portland cement compositions with sealing additives) after hardening of the previous layer.

Cement waterproofing must be protected from mechanical influences for two days after application (1 hour when using VBC and VRC).

2.30. Moistening of cement waterproofing during hardening should be carried out with a sprayed stream of water without pressure when using the following compositions:

VRC and VBC - 1 hour after application and every 3 hours during the day;

on Portland cement with sealing additives - 8-12 hours after application, and then 2-3 times a day for 14 days.

2.31. When installing insulation from bitumen perlite, bitumen expanded clay, waterproofing from cement mortars and hot asphalt mixtures, mastics and bitumens, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 4.

Table 4

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Permissible surface deviations
tee (when checking two-meter

plane of the element from the given one
slope - 0.2%
coating element thickness -

Mobility of compositions (mixtures) without
plasticizers, see:
when applied manually - 10
when applied using installations
piston or screw pumps
themselves - 5
when using plasticizers
- 10
Temperature of hot asphalt
mixtures, bitumen perlite and bitumen-
ramzit when applied - no less

5 mm
-5...+10 mm

No more
150 mm
No more
3.0 mm

2 cm
+4 cm

Measuring, at least 5
measurements for every 50 -
100 m2 surface or
on a smaller area
di in places determined
visual inspection

Measuring, at least 3
measurements for every
70-100 m2 surface

Measuring, periodic
chesical, at least 8 times per
shift, work log

Production of thermal insulation works using soft, rigid and semi-rigid fiber products and installation of thermal insulation cover shells from rigid materials

2.32. When constructing cover shells from flat or corrugated asbestos-cement sheets, their installation and fastening must comply with the design.

When constructing thermal insulation cover shells made of rigid and flexible (non-metallic) materials, it is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the shells to the thermal insulation with reliable fastening using fasteners and thorough sealing of the joints of flexible shells with their gluing in accordance with the design.

On pipelines with a diameter of up to 200 mm, fiberglass should be laid spirally, on pipelines with a diameter of more than 200 mm - in separate panels in accordance with the requirements of the project.

2.33. Installation of thermal insulation structures and cover shells must begin from unloading devices, flange connections, curved sections (bends) and fittings (tees, crosses) and be carried out in the direction opposite to the slope, and on vertical surfaces - from bottom to top.

2.34. When installing thermal insulation from rigid products laid dry, a gap of no more than 2 mm must be provided between the products and the insulated surface.

When gluing hard products, the temperature of the mastics must meet the requirements of Table. 3.

Fastening of products to the base must correspond to the project.

2.35. When installing thermal insulation of pipelines using soft and semi-rigid fibrous products, it is necessary to ensure:

compaction of thermal insulation materials according to the project with a compaction coefficient for soft fibrous products of no more than 1.5, for semi-rigid ones - 1.2;

tight fit of products to the insulated surface and to each other; when insulating in several layers - overlap longitudinal and transverse seams;

dense spiral laying of insulation with cords and bundles with minimal deviation relative to the plane perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline, and winding in multilayer structures of each subsequent layer in the direction opposite to the turns of the previous layer;

installation of fasteners on horizontal pipelines and devices to prevent sagging of thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation device from slabs and bulk materials

2.36. When installing thermal insulation from slabs, insulation materials must be laid on the base tightly to each other and have the same thickness in each layer.

When installing thermal insulation in several layers, the seams of the slabs must be spaced apart.

2.37. Thermal insulation bulk materials must be sorted into fractions before installation. Thermal insulation must be installed along lighthouse slats in strips 3-4 m wide with loose insulation of smaller fractions laid in the lower layer.

Layers should be laid with a thickness of no more than 60 mm and compacted after laying.

2.38. When installing thermal insulation from slabs and bulk materials, the requirements of Table. 5 and .

Table 5

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Permissible moisture content of bases
should not exceed:
from prefabricated
" monolithic

Thermal insulation made of piece materials
the thickness of the interlayer layer should not be
to exceed, mm:
from adhesives and cold mastics -
from hot mastics - 1.5
width of joints between slabs, block
kami, products, mm:
when sticking - no more than 5
(for rigid products - 3)
when laying dry - no
more than 2

Monolithic and slab thermal insulation
insulation coating thickness (from

Deviations of the insulation plane:
from a given slope
" verticals

The size of the ledges between the tiles and
roofing sheets should not exceed
5 mm
The amount of overlap between slabs and sheets
must comply with the design
- 5%

but not more
20 mm

0,2 %
+-5 mm
+-10 mm

Measuring, at least 5
measurements for every 50-70
m2 of coating surface,
work log

Measuring, for each
50-100 m2 surface

Table 6

Installation of roofs made of piece materials

2.39. When installing wooden foundations (lathing) under roofs made of piece materials, the following requirements must be observed:

the joints of the sheathing should be spaced apart;

the distances between the sheathing elements must correspond to the design ones;

in places where eaves overhangs, valleys and valleys are covered, as well as under roofs made of small-piece elements, the foundations must be made of boards (solid).

2.40. Piece roofing materials should be laid on the sheathing in rows from the eaves to the ridge according to preliminary markings. Each overlying row must overlap the underlying one.

2.41. Corrugated asbestos-cement sheets of ordinary profile and medium-wavy must be laid offset by one wave in relation to the sheets of the previous row or without offset. Sheets of reinforced and unified profiles must be laid in relation to the sheets of the previous row without displacement.

When laying sheets without displacement on a wave at the junction of four sheets, the corners of the two middle sheets should be trimmed with a gap between the joining corners of the VO sheets of 3-4 mm and the SV, UV and VU sheets - 8-10 mm.

2.42. Asbestos-cement sheets VO and SV should be fastened to the sheathing with slate nails with a galvanized head, sheets UV and VU - with screws with special grips, flat sheets - with two nails and an anti-wind button, outer sheets and ridge parts - in addition with two anti-wind brackets.

Metal Sheet Roof Insulation and Details

2.44. Metal waterproofing must be installed by welding sheets in accordance with the project. After welding, the filling of the cavities behind the insulation should be injected with a composition under a pressure of 0.2-0.3 MPa.

2.45. When installing metal roofs, parts and junctions from metal sheets of any type of roof, the connection of paintings located along the water drainage must be carried out using lying seams, except for ribs, slopes and ridges, where the paintings must be connected with standing seams. For roof slopes of less than 30°, the rebated seam should be made double and coated with red lead putty. The amount of folding of the paintings for the installation of recumbent folds should be taken as 15 mm; standing seams - 20 mm for one and 35 mm for another adjacent picture.

The paintings must be secured to the base with clamps passed between the folds of the sheets and T-shaped crutches.

Requirements for finished insulating (roofing) coverings and structural elements

2.46. The requirements for finished insulating (roofing) coverings and structures are given in Table. 7.

Table 7

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Complete drainage of water over the entire surface
roofs must be
fall on external and internal
drains without stagnant water

Strength of adhesion to the base
and between themselves roofing and guide-
insulating carpet made from rolls
materials for continuous mastic
adhesive layer of emulsion
compositions with a base - no less
0.5 MPa

Heat resistance and mastic compositions
for gluing rolls and slabs
materials, as well as strength and
compositions of adhesive solutions
washers must comply with the
ektnym. Deviations from the project -

The location of the panels and metal
ical paintings (depending on
slope of the coating), their connection and
protection in ordinary coating, per month
takh of adjacencies and mates in
different planes must correspond
contribute to the project

Bubbles, swelling, air sacs,
ruptures, dents, punctures, spongy
the same structure, drips and sagging on
roof covering surfaces and
isolations are not allowed
Increasing the moisture content of the bases,
intermediate elements, coatings
and the entire structure compared
with standard

When accepting finished insulation and
roofs need to be checked:
matching the number of amplifiers
(additional) layers in conjunction
developments (adjacents) to the project;
for waterproofing:
quality of filling joints and
holes in structures made of
prefabricated elements are compacted
common materials;
quality of caulking;
correct waterproofing
bolt holes and
injection holes
mortar for finishing the construction
absence of leaks and
discontinuity of seam lines in
metal waterproofing;
for roofs made of rolled materials
rials, emulsion, mastic
ny compositions:
water inlet bowls
no internal drains
should protrude above the surface
the strength of the base;
corners of junction structures
(screeds and concrete) must
be smooth and even,
have no sharp corners;
for roofs made of piece materials
als and roofing parts made of metal
metal sheets:
no visible gaps
in the coating when examining blood
whether from the attic;
no chips or cracks
(in asbestos-cement and sealed
typical flat and wavy
strong connection of links
drainpipes between
by yourself;
presence of double lubrication
lying folds in the connection
yah metal paintings on
surface with a slope of less than
for thermal insulation:
continuity of layers, quality
in lining checkpoints
pipeline fastenings,
equipment, design parts
ructions, etc. through heat
absence of mechanical surfaces
cuts, sagging layers and
leaks in contact with


from the project
not allowed-
there are

No more

from the project
not allowed-
there are

Technical inspection, certificate

Measuring, 5 measuring
120-150 m2 surface
coating strength (with simplicity)
tapping should not change
change the nature of the sound);
when the glued ones break
materials should not be installed
there are delaminations along
mastic (the gap should
occur inside the roll-
of the cloth), the act of

Technical inspection, certificate

Measuring, 5 measuring
on an area of ​​50-70 m2
coating surface or
in certain areas
smaller area in places,
identified by visual
by motor, acceptance certificate

Technical inspection, certificate

3. Finishing work and protection of building structures and technological equipment from corrosion (anti-corrosion work)

General provisions

3.1. Finishing work, with the exception of finishing facades, must be carried out at a positive ambient temperature and the surfaces being finished are not lower than 10 ° C and air humidity is not more than 60%. This temperature in the room must be maintained around the clock, no less than 2 days before the start and 12 days after the completion of work, and for wallpaper work - before the facility is put into operation.

3.2. Work on applying protective coatings should be carried out at a temperature of the ambient air and protected surfaces not lower than, °C:

10 - for paint and varnish protective coatings made from compositions prepared on the basis of natural resins; mastic and putty coatings made of silicate compounds; adhesive protective coatings using bitumen roll materials, polyisobutylene plates, Butylkor-S plates, duplicated polyethylene; rubber coatings; facing and lining coatings using acid-resistant silicate putties and mastics such as "Bituminol"; for acid-resistant concrete and silicate polymer concrete;

15 - for paint and varnish reinforced and non-reinforced continuous coatings from compositions prepared on the basis of synthetic resins; mastic coatings and sealants made from compounds based on synthetic rubbers and nairite; coatings made of sheet polymer materials; facing and lining coatings using putties such as "Arzamit", "Furankor", as well as polyester, epoxy resins and resins with epoxy additives; for coatings made of polymer concrete and polymer cement coatings;

25 - for coatings made from Polan.

3.3. Finishing work must be carried out in accordance with the work project (WPP) for the construction of buildings and structures. Before finishing work begins, the following work must be completed:

the premises being finished are protected from precipitation;

waterproofing, heat and sound insulation and leveling floor screeds were installed;

the seams between the blocks and panels are sealed;

the joints of window, door and balcony blocks are sealed and insulated;

glazed light openings;

embedded products were installed, heat and water supply and heating systems were tested.

Plastering and cladding (according to the project) of surfaces in places where embedded products of sanitary systems are installed must be performed before the start of their installation.

3.4. Before finishing the facades, the following work must additionally be completed:

external waterproofing and roofing with details and connections;

installation of all floor structures on balconies;

installation and fastening of all metal paintings edging architectural details on the facade of the building;

installation of all fastening devices for drainpipes (according to the project).

3.5. Anti-corrosion work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85 “Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion”.

3.6. When preparing and preparing finishing and anti-corrosion compounds, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 8.

Table 8

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Plastering solutions must be
walk without reserve through the grid with
cell sizes, mm:
for spray and primer - 3
"covering layer and single-layer
coatings - 1.5

Solution mobility - 5

Delamination - more than 15%

Water holding capacity - no
less than 90%

Adhesion strength, MPa, not
for interior work - 0.1
"external" - 0.4

Size of fillers for deco-
rational interior decoration and
building facades, mm:
on an adhesive layer of granite
noah, marble, slate, ke-
frame, glass and plastic
mass crumbs, as well as coarse
grainy sand - 2
cement-lime, lime-
in sand and cement compositions
Vov with sand:
quartz - 0.5
marble - 0.25

Terrasite mixtures
with fine aggregate:
sand - 1
mica - 1
with medium filler:
sand - 2
mica - 2.5
with coarse aggregate:
sand - 4
mica - 4

Glass must arrive at the site
without cracks, cut to size
frames complete with seals,
sealants and fastening devices -

drying time - no more than 24 hours

adhesion strength, MPa:
after 24 hours not less than 0.1
"72 hours" 0.2
viability - no less
20 minutes

Putty coating after drying
Haniya should be smooth, without
bubbles, cracks and mechanical

Painting and wallpaper materials

1.5 mm
+0.25 mm

1 mm
+1 mm

2 mm
+0.5 mm

2 mm
+1 mm

According to the project
in accordance with
twee with
and technical
some conditions

According to
project in
vii co
and technical
some conditions

Measuring, periodic
chelic, 3-4 times per shift,
work log

The same for each batch

The same, in laboratory settings
catch 3-4 times per shift

The same, at least 3 dimensions
50-70 m2 surface
coating strength

The same, at least 5 dimensions
per batch per shift

Technical inspection

Measuring, periodic
checheskiy, not less than 5 mea-
rhenium on 50-70 m2 surface -
coverage, magazine
Technical inspection, no
less than three trial tests
putty for the party, zhur-
cash of works

The same thing, at least three times
per batch, work log

Surface preparation

3.7. Finishing and protective coatings on substrates that have rust, efflorescence, grease and bitumen stains are not permitted. Wallpaper production is also not allowed on surfaces that have not been whitewashed.

3.8. Dust removal of surfaces should be carried out before applying each layer of priming, gluing, plastering, painting and protective compounds, coatings and glass putties.

3.9. The strength of the bases must be no less than the strength of the finishing coating and correspond to the design.

3.10. Protruding architectural details, places where they meet wooden stone, brick and concrete structures must be plastered over a metal mesh or woven wire attached to the surface of the base; wooden surfaces - on shingle panels.

3.11. The internal surfaces of stone and brick walls constructed using the freezing method should be plastered after thawing of the masonry from the inside to at least half the thickness of the wall.

3.12. When painting and wallpapering, the quality of the prepared substrates must meet the following requirements:

surfaces when painted with oil, adhesive, water-based compositions and wallpapering should be smooth, without roughness;

surface cracks are opened, primed, filled with putty to a depth of at least 2 mm and sanded;

shells and irregularities are primed, puttied and smoothed;

peelings, mortar drips, traces of processing by trowelling machines have been removed;

the seams between sheets of dry gypsum plaster and the areas adjacent to them are primed, puttied, sanded flush with the surface or treated with rustication (in accordance with the project), and when wallpapering, they are additionally covered with strips of paper, gauze, etc.;

When the surfaces were covered with wallpaper, the ceilings were painted and other painting work was completed.

Substrates prepared for painting, pasting with synthetic wallpaper on paper and fabric basis, as well as with a factory-applied adhesive composition must meet the requirements of Table. 9. The surfaces of all fastening devices located under cardboard, paper or directly under wallpaper must be pre-coated with an anti-corrosion compound.

3.13. When covering surfaces, the quality of the prepared bases must meet the following requirements:

walls must have a load of at least 65% of the design load for internal and 80% for external cladding of their surface, with the exception of walls whose cladding is carried out simultaneously with masonry;

concrete surfaces and surfaces of brick and stone walls laid with completely filled joints must have a notch;

the surfaces of walls laid out in hollow areas must be prepared without notching them and filling the joints with mortar;

Before covering, any surfaces must be cleaned, rinsed and moistened to a matte shine before applying an adhesive layer of solution and other aqueous compounds;

Before tiling in the premises, the ceilings and the plane of the walls above the surface to be tiled should be painted. Before covering the walls with sheets and panels with a front finish, also arrange hidden wiring.

3.14. When preparing facing and other types of surfaces during finishing work, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 9.

Table 9

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Plastered surfaces

1 m), mm:
with simple plaster - 3

the same, improved - 2

the same, high quality - 1

uneven surfaces smoothly
th outline (per 4 m2):
with simple plastering - not
more than 3, depth (height)
up to 5 mm
the same, improved - no more
2, depth (height) up to 3 mm
the same, high quality -
no more than 2, depth (high
that) up to 2 mm
horizontal deviation (mm
per 1 m) should not exceed,
with simple plaster - 3
the same, improved - 2
the same, high quality - 1

Deviations of window and door
braids, pilasters, pillars, husks and
etc. from vertical and horizontal
(mm per 1 m) should not exceed,
with simple plaster - 4

the same, improved - 2

the same, high quality - 1

Deviations of the radius of curved
surfaces, the tested medicine -
scrap, from the design value (by
entire element) must not exceed
shat, mm:
with simple plaster - 10
the same, improved - 7
the same, high quality - 5
Deviations of slope width from pro-
ectnoy should not exceed, mm:
with simple plaster - 5
the same, improved - 3
the same, high quality - 2

Deviations of rods from a straight line in
limits between the angles of intersection
traction and bracing should not be
embroider, mm:
with simple plaster - 6
the same, improved - 3
the same, high quality - 2

Surfaces of prefabricated slabs and panels
lei must meet the requirements
standards and technical
catch the corresponding products
Permissible humidity:
brick and stone surfaces
when plastering, concrete
ny, plastered or pasted
plastered surfaces with
wallpapering and painting
painting compounds, except for ce-
ment and lime
the same when painting with cement and
lime compounds

wooden surfaces under ok-

When installing paint coatings
the surface of the base must be
smooth, without roughness; month-
unevenness height (depth)
noy) up to 1 mm - no more than 2 per flat
Spare 4 m2 of coating surface

No more than 15
mm all the way
height along
Also not
more than 10 mm

Also not
more than 5 mm

Up to 10 mm per
all the electrical
The same, up to 5
Same, up to 3

No more than 8%

Before the appearance
moisture on
No more

Measuring, at least 5
control measurements
two-meter rod on
50-70 m2 surface area or
on a separate site
smaller area in places,
identified by continuous visualization
visual inspection (for
polished products - not
less than 5 at 35-40 m and three
per element), work log

The same, except for measurements (3
by 1 mm)

Measuring, at least 5
control measurements
two-meter rod on
50-70 m2 surface area or
on a separate site
smaller area in places,
identified by continuous visualization
visual inspection (for
polished products - not
less than 5 at 35-40 m and three
per element) except for measured
niy (3 by 1 mm), magazine

Measuring, at least 3
measurements per 10 m2 surface

Production of plastering and stucco works

3.15. When plastering brick walls at an ambient temperature of 23°C and above, the surface must be moistened before applying the solution.

3.16. Improved and high-quality plaster should be performed along beacons, the thickness of which should be equal to the thickness of the plaster coating without a covering layer.

3.17. When installing single-layer coatings, their surface should be leveled immediately after applying the solution; in the case of using trowels, after it has set.

3.18. When installing a multi-layer plaster coating, each layer must be applied after the previous one has set (the covering layer - after the mortar has set). Leveling the soil should be done before the mortar begins to set.

3.19. Sheets of gypsum plaster must be glued to the surface of brick walls with compositions corresponding to the design, placed in the form of marks, measuring 80x80 mm on an area of ​​at least 10% along the ceiling, floor, corners of the vertical plane every 120-150 mm, in the spaces between them at a distance of no more 400 mm, along the vertical edges - in a continuous strip. Sheets should be fastened to wooden bases with nails with wide heads.

3.20. Installation of gypsum moldings should be done after the base of plaster mortars has set and dried. Architectural details on the facade must be secured to the reinforcement embedded in the wall structure, which is previously protected from corrosion.

3.21. When performing plastering work, the requirements of Table. 10.

Table 10

Technical requirements
(method, volume,
type of registration)
Permissible thickness of single-layer plaster, mm:
when using all types of solutions, except gypsum
vogo - up to 20, from gypsum solutions - up to 15

Permissible thickness of each layer when installed
multilayer plasters without polymer additives,
spraying on stone, brick, concrete surfaces
news - up to 5
spray on wooden surfaces (including thick
skin drani) - up to 9
soil from cement mortars - up to 5
soil from limestone, lime-gypsum solutions
thieves - up to 7
covering layer of plaster coating - up to 2
covering layer of decorative finishing - up to 7

Measuring, not
less than 5 measurements
on 70-100 m2 surface
coating or
in one room
smaller area in
locations identified
completely visual
inspection, magazine

Measuring, not
less than 5 measurements
on 70-100 m2 surface
coating or
in one room
smaller area in
locations identified
completely visual
inspection, magazine

Production of painting works

3.22. Painting work on facades should be carried out by protecting the applied compositions (until they are completely dry) from direct exposure to sunlight.

3.23. When performing painting work, continuous filling of the surface should be performed only with high-quality painting, and with improved paint - on metal and wood.

3.24. Putty made from low-shrinkage compounds with polymer additives must be leveled immediately after application with grinding of individual areas; When applying other types of putty compounds, the surface of the putty should be sanded after it has dried.

3.25. Surfaces must be primed before painting with painting compounds, except organosilicon. The primer must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or breaks. The dried primer should have strong adhesion to the base, not peel off when stretched, and no traces of binder should remain on the tampon attached to it. Painting should be done after the primer has dried.

3.26. Painting compounds must also be applied in a continuous layer. The application of each paint composition should begin after the previous one has completely dried. Flatting or trimming of the paint composition should be done using freshly applied paint composition.

3.27. When painting plank floors, each layer, with the exception of the last, must be sanded until the gloss is removed.

3.28. When performing painting work, the requirements of Table. eleven.

Table 11

Technical requirements
niya, mm
Control (method,
volume, type of registration)
Permissible thickness of paint layers
Nogo covering:
putty - 0.5 mm
paint coating - no less
25 µm

The surface of each layer of paint
high coverage with improved and
high quality internal
painting with anhydrous compounds
should be smooth, without drips
paint, do not have a jagged line
leniya, etc.

Measuring, at least 5 of -
measurements on 50-70 m2 surface-
coating or in one
smaller room
ra, after continuous visualization
inspection, work log
The same, on 70-100 m2 surface
coverage (in illumination
with an electric lamp
reflector having a connection
a slit, a ray of light, a direction
parallel painted-
no surface, should not
form shadow spots)

Production of decorative finishing works

3.29. When decorative finishing with compositions with fillers, the surface of the base must be unsmoothed; Puttying and grinding of rough surfaces is not allowed.

3.30. When finishing surfaces with decorative pastes and terrazite compositions, each layer of multilayer decorative coatings must be performed after the previous one has hardened, without grinding the front surface.

3.31. When installing finishing coatings from decorative pastes on plaster instead of a covering layer, the work should be carried out in compliance with the rules for installing a covering layer of plaster coatings.

3.32. Decorative finishing with terrazite compositions must be carried out in a single layer in compliance with the requirements for the installation of single-layer plaster coatings.

3.33. When finishing surfaces with decorative chips, it must be applied over a wet adhesive layer. The applied crumbs must have a strong (at least 0.8 MPa) adhesion to the base and form a continuous, gap-free coating with a tight fit of the crumbs to each other.

Before applying the water-repellent composition, the surface must be cleaned with compressed air.

3.34. When installing decorative finishing coatings, the requirements of Table. 12.

Table 12

Technical requirements
nia, %
Control (method,
volume, type of registration)
The amount of penetration into the adhesive
layer of decorative crumbs
should be 2/3 of its size

Adhesion of decorative crumbs to
the basis must be no less
0.3 MPa

Permissible thickness of decorative
coatings, mm:
using glue crumbs
eva layer - up to 7
using pastes (one piece)
Turk) - up to 5
using terrasite
trains - up to 12

10 Measuring, at least 5 of -
measurements on 80-70 m2 surface-
the thickness of the coating in places where the
revealed by a continuous visual
inspection, work log

The same, at least 5 dimensions
for 70-100 m2, work log

The same, at least 5 dimensions
for every 30-50 m2 surface
tee coatings

Wallpaper production

3.35. When priming the surface under wallpaper, the adhesive composition must be applied in a continuous, uniform layer, without gaps or drips, and left until thickening begins. An additional layer of adhesive layer should be applied along the perimeter of window and door openings, along the contour and in the corners of the surface to be finished in a strip 75-80 mm wide at the moment the base layer begins to thicken.

3.36. When covering bases with paper in separate strips or sheets, the distance between them should be 10-12 mm.

3.37. Gluing panels of paper wallpaper should be done after they have swollen and been impregnated with adhesive.

3.38. Wallpaper with a surface density of up to 100 must be glued overlapping, 100-120 or more - end-to-end.

3.39. When joining panels with an overlap, pasting surfaces with wallpaper must be done in the direction from the light openings without making joints of vertical rows of panels at the intersections of planes.

3.40. When gluing surfaces with synthetic wallpaper on a paper or fabric basis, the corners of the walls must be covered with a whole panel. Glue stains on their surface must be removed immediately.

When gluing, the vertical edges of adjacent textvinite panels and fabric-based films should overlap in width the previous panel with an overlap of 3-4 mm. Trimming overlapping edges should be done after the adhesive layer has completely dried, and after removing the edge, additionally apply glue in the places where the edges of adjacent panels are glued.

3.41. When gluing pile wallpaper, the panels should be smoothed in one direction when gluing.

3.42. When covering surfaces with wallpaper, the formation of air bubbles, stains and other contaminants, as well as additional adhesion and peeling, is not allowed.

3.43. When wallpapering, the premises must be protected from drafts and direct exposure to sunlight until the wallpaper is completely dry and a constant humidity regime must be established. The air temperature when drying pasted wallpaper should not exceed 23°C.

Production of glass works

3.44. Glass work must be carried out at positive ambient temperatures. Glazing at negative air temperatures is allowed only if it is impossible to remove the covers, using putty heated to at least 20°C.

3.45. When glazing metal and reinforced concrete frames, metal glazing beads must be installed after laying rubber gaskets in the rebate.

3.46. Fastening glass in wooden frames should be done using glazing beads or pins and filling the binding folds with putty. The glass should overlap the binding folds by no more than 3/4 of the width. The putty should be applied in an even, continuous layer, without breaks, until the binding fold is completely sealed.

3.47. Joining glass, as well as installing glass with defects (cracks, chips of more than 10 mm, permanent stains, foreign inclusions) when glazing residential buildings and cultural and community facilities is not allowed.

3.48. Fastening of uviol, frosted, frosted-patterned, reinforced and colored glass, as well as tempered glass in window and door openings should be done in the same way as sheet glass, depending on the binding material.

3.49. Installation of glass blocks on mortar should be carried out with strictly constant horizontal and vertical joints of constant width in accordance with the project.

3.50. Installation of glass panels and assembly of their trims must be carried out in accordance with the project.

Production of facing works

3.51. Surface cladding must be carried out in accordance with the PPR in accordance with the project. The connection of the cladding field to the base should be carried out:

when using facing slabs and blocks with a size of more than 400 and a thickness of more than 10 mm - by fastening to the base and filling the space between the cladding and the surface of the wall (sinuses) with a solution, or without filling the sinuses with mortar when the cladding is removed from the wall;

when using slabs and blocks with a size of 400 or less, a thickness of no more than 10 mm, as well as when facing horizontal and inclined (no more than 45%) surfaces with slabs of any size - on mortar or mastic (in accordance with the project) without additional fastening to the base;

when facing with embedded slabs and facing bricks simultaneously with the laying of walls - on masonry mortar.

3.52. Cladding of walls, columns, pilasters of interiors should be done before installing the floor covering.

3.53. Cladding elements on an adhesive layer of mortar and mastic must be installed in horizontal rows from bottom to top from the corner of the cladding field.

3.54. The mastic and adhesive layer solution should be applied in a uniform, streak-free layer before installing the tiles. Small-sized tiles on mastics or mortars with retarders should be installed after applying the latter over the entire area to be tiled in one plane when the mastics and mortars with retarders thicken.

3.55. Finishing of the site and the entire surface of the interior and facade with cladding products of different colors, textures, textures and sizes should be done with the selection of the entire pattern of the cladding field in accordance with the project.

3.56. When using natural and artificial stone of polished and polished texture, cladding elements must be mated dry, adjusting the edges of adjacent slabs selected according to the design with fastening according to the design. The seams of the slabs must be filled with mastic after the sinuses have been filled with mortar and it has hardened.

3.57. Slabs with a polished, dotted, bumpy and grooved structure, as well as with a “rock” type relief, must be installed on mortar; vertical joints should be filled with mortar to a depth of 15-20 mm or sealant after the adhesive layer solution has hardened.

3.58. The seams of the cladding must be smooth and of the same width. When cladding walls built using the freezing method, filling the cladding joints from embedded ceramic slabs must be done after thawing and hardening of the masonry mortar with loads on the walls of at least 80% of the design load.

3.59. Filling the sinuses with solution must be done after installing permanent or temporary fastening of the lining field. The solution should be poured in horizontal layers, leaving after pouring the last layer of solution a space of 5 cm to the top of the cladding.

The solution poured into the sinuses should be protected from moisture loss during process breaks exceeding 18 hours. Before continuing work, the unfilled part of the sinus must be cleared of dust with compressed air.

3.60. After facing, the surfaces of slabs and products must be cleaned of mortar and mastic deposits immediately, while: the surfaces of glazed, polished and polished slabs and products are washed with hot water, and polished, dotted, bumpy, grooved and “rock” type surfaces are treated with 10% - with a solution of hydrochloric acid and steam using a sandblaster.

3.61. Surfaces from the cutting of soft rock slabs (limestone, tuff, etc.), as well as the edges of slabs with polished, ground, grooved and dotted surfaces protruding by more than 1.5 mm must be accordingly ground, sub-polished or hewn until clear contour of the edges of the slabs.

3.62. When performing facing work, the requirements of Table 13 must be met.

Table 13

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Thickness of the adhesive layer, mm:
from solution - 7
"mastics - 1

Lined surface
deviations from the vertical (mm per
1 m length), mm:
mirrored, polished - no more

that grooved - no more than 3
ceramic, glass-ceramic
chemical and other products in
external - 2

internal - 1.5

deviations in the location of the seams from
vertical and horizontal (mm per 1
m length) in cladding, mm:
mirror, polished - up to 1.5
polished, dotted, bumpy
that, grooved - up to 3
textures like "rock" - up to 3
ceramic, glass-ceramic
kimi, other products in the form
external - up to 2
internal - up to 1.5

Allowed profile discrepancies
at the junctions of architectural details and
seams, mm:
mirror, polished - up to 0.5
polished, dotted, bumpy
that grooved - up to 1
textures like "rock" - up to 2
ceramic, glass-ceramic
chemical and other products in
outdoor - up to 4
internal - up to 3

Unevenness of the plane (with control
le two-meter strip), mm:
mirror, polished - up to 2
polished, dotted, bumpy
that, grooved - up to 4
ceramic, glass-ceramic
chemical and other products in
external - up to 3
internal - up to 2

Deviations in the width of the cladding seam:
mirrored, polished
granite and artificial stone
polished, dotted, bumpy
the one furrowed
"rock" type textures
ceramic, glass-ceramic
chemical and other products
(internal and external


No more than 4
per floor
No more than 8
per floor

No more than 5
per floor
No more than 4
per floor



Measuring, at least 5
measurements on 70-100 m2
surface or on
a smaller plot of land
areas in places that revealed
filled with continuous visual
inspection, journal

The same, at least 5 changes
rhenium per 50-70 m2

Measuring, at least 5
measurements on 70-100 m2
surface or on
a smaller plot of land
areas in places that revealed
filled with continuous visual
inspection, journal

Installation of suspended ceilings, panels and slabs with front finishing in building interiors

3.63. The installation of suspended ceilings must be done after installing and fastening all frame elements (in accordance with the project), checking the horizontalness of its plane and compliance with the marks.

3.64. Installation of slabs, wall panels and suspended ceiling elements should be done after marking the surface and start from the corner of the plane being tiled. Horizontal joints of sheets (panels) not provided for in the project are not allowed.

3.65. The plane of the surface, lined with panels and slabs, must be smooth, without sagging at the joints, rigid, without vibration of panels and sheets and peeling from the surface (when gluing).

3.66. When installing suspended ceilings, panels and slabs with front finishing in the interiors of buildings, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 14.

Table 14

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Finished cladding:
maximum bench values
between slabs and panels, and
also slats (suspended ceilings)
kov) - 2 mm

Deviation of the plane of the entire field
finishing diagonally, vertically and
horizontal (from the design) by 1 m
- 1.5 mm

Deviation of the direction of the junction of the elements
cops wall cladding from vertical-
li (mm per 1 m) - 1 mm


7 for the whole

Measuring, at least 5
measurements on 50-70 m2
surface or individual
plots of smaller area
di identified in continuous
visual inspection,
work log

Requirements for finished finishing coatings

3.67. The requirements for finished finishing coatings are given in Table 15.

Table 15

Technical requirements
nia, %
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
The adhesion strength of the coating made of pieces is
tour compositions and sheets of dry gypsum
plaster, MPa:
internal plastered surfaces
tey - not less than 0.1
external plastered surfaces
- 0,4

Irregularities in the plastered surface
must have deviations and irregularities,
not exceeding those given in Table 9
(for plaster coatings made of dry gypsum
owl plaster indicators should be consistent
meet high quality piece-

Plaster coatings from dry sheets
gypsum plaster should not be shaky
kimi, with light tapping of the wooden
hammer in the joints should not appear
cracks appear; sags are allowed in
joints no more than 1 mm


Horizontal and vertical deviations
per 1 m of part length - no more than 1 mm

Offset of separately located axes
large parts from a given position
should not exceed 10 mm

Sealed joints should not be noticeable
us, and parts of the closed relief should
be in the same plane; drawing
(profile) of relief products must be
clear; on the surface of the parts should not
but there may be shells, kinks, cracks, etc.
lyvo solution

Acceptance of finishing coatings is necessary
produce after the water kra-
juice and the formation of a durable film on
surfaces painted with anhydrous
compositions. Surfaces after drying
water compositions must be monotonous
mi, without streaks, stains, smudges, splashes,
abrasion (chalking) of surfaces.
Local fixes that stand out for
general background (except for simple coloring), not
must be visible at a distance of 3 m
from the surface

Surfaces painted with paint-free
aqueous compositions, must have one-
tonal glossy or matte surface
ness. Show-through is not allowed
underlying layers of paint, peeling,
spots, wrinkles, streaks, visible grains
ki paint, clumps of film on the surface
ty, brush and roller marks, unevenness,
imprints of dried paint on the attached
nom tampon

Surfaces painted with varnishes must
have a glossy finish, no cracks,
visible thickenings, traces of varnish (after
drying) on ​​the attached swab

In places where surfaces meet, paint
sewn in various colors, curvatures
lines, painting high-quality ok-
paints (for other types) on separate
areas should not exceed, mm:
for simple painting - 5
"improved" - 2
curvature of panel lines and painting
surfaces when using different
colors - 1 (per 1 m of surface)

When wallpapering, surfaces should
be executed:
with edges of overlapping panels, shaped
aligned with light openings, without shadows
from them (when gluing with an overlap);
from panels of the same color and from
with precise fit of the pattern at the joints.
Edge deviations should not be
more than 0.5 mm (imperceptible from a distance
3 m);
air bubbles, stains, omissions,
additional adhesion and peeling, and in places where
moving towards the slopes of openings, distortions,
wrinkles, wallpapering baseboards,
trims, sockets, switches and
etc. not allowed

When producing glass works:
putty after formation on the surface
should not have any solid film properties
cracks, lag behind the surface
glass and rebate;
cut of putty at the point of contact
with glass should be even and par-
parallel to the edge of the rebate, without protrusion
soldering fasteners;
the outer chamfers of the glazing beads should be tightly
adjacent to the outer edge of the folds, not
protruding beyond their limits and not forming
glazing beads installed on glass
putty, must be firmly connected
between each other and with the binding fold;
on rubber gaskets - gaskets
must be tightly clamped by glass
and fit tightly to the surface
rebates, glass and glazing beads, will not protrude
to fall above the edge of the glazing bead, not to have
cracks and breaks;
rubber profiles when using any
fastening devices must be
tightly pressed against the glass and the groove of the false
tsa, fastening devices correspond
designed and tightly stored in the grooves

Glass blocks mounted on mortar
must have smooth, strictly vertical
ny and horizontal seams are the same
widths filled flush with the surface
properties of double-glazed windows;
their entire structure after installation
the glass unit must be vertical,
with tolerances not exceeding 2 mm on
1 m surface
Surface of glass and glass structures
must be free of cracks, punctures,
in, without traces of putty, mortar, red-
ki, grease stains, etc.

Surfaces lined with blocks, ply-
tami and tiles from natural and natural
vein stone must satisfy
the following requirements:
surfaces must match
given geometric shapes;
deviations should not exceed
listed in Table 13;
mating and sealing material
seams, sizes and cladding patterns
must comply with the design;
surfaces lined with a single color
new artificial materials,
must have uniform color, natural
solid stone - solid color or floating
the ability to transition shades;
the space between the wall and the cladding
which must be completely filled
horizontal and vertical seams
facings must be of the same type,
single-row and uniform in width;
the surface of the entire cladding should
be tough;
chips in seams are allowed no more
0.5 mm;
cracks, stains, mortar drips,
efflorescence is not allowed;
large block elements from natural
stones should be installed on
fastening devices (fasteners) for ob-
persons exposed to
aggressive environments, must be covered
you anti-corrosion compounds or
made of non-ferrous metal in co-
responsibility with the project

Finishing (cladding) of walls with sheets with sealed
water finishing must satisfy
the following requirements:
on the surface of sheets and panels
dents, air bubbles, scratches,
stains, etc. not allowed;
fastening sheets and panels to the base
it should be strong, without instability
(when lightly tapped with a wooden
hammer should not be observed box-
deterioration of products, destruction of their edges and
offset sheets);
seams must be uniform, strictly
horizontal and vertical;
fastening devices and distance between
them, as well as material, dimensions and
the drawing must correspond to the design
deviations from the plane, horizontal
and verticals should not exceed the norms,
given in table 16



Measuring, not
less than 5 measurements per
50-70 m2 surface
covering or area
di separate areas,
identified continuously
visual inspection,
acceptance certificate

Measuring, not
less than 5 measurements per
50-70 m2 surface
covering or area
di separate areas,
identified continuously
visual inspection,
acceptance certificate

Technical inspection,
acceptance certificate

inspection certificate, acceptance certificate

Technical inspection,
acceptance certificate

Technical inspection,
acceptance certificate

Technical inspection,
acceptance certificate


Anti-corrosion coatings of building structures and technological equipment must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.04.03-85.

4. Floor installation

General requirements

4.1. Before starting work on the construction of floors, measures must be carried out in accordance with the project to stabilize, prevent heaving and artificially stabilize soils, lower groundwater, as well as adjacent to expansion joints, channels, pits, drainage chutes, ladders, etc. The edging elements of the coating must be completed before its installation.

4.2. The soil base under the floors must be compacted in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earth structures, foundations and foundations". Vegetable soil, silt, peat, as well as bulk soils mixed with construction waste are not allowed under the soil foundation.

4.3. Installation of floors is allowed at the air temperature in the room, measured in the cold season near door and window openings at a height of 0.5 m from the floor level, and the laid floor elements and laid materials - not lower than, °C:

15 - when installing coatings made of polymer materials; this temperature must be maintained for 24 hours after completion of work;

10 - when installing xylolite floor elements from mixtures that include liquid glass; such a temperature must be maintained until the laid material acquires a strength of at least 70% of the design strength;

5 - when installing floor elements using bitumen mastics and their mixtures, which include cement; such a temperature must be maintained until the material acquires a strength of at least 50% of the design strength;

0 - when constructing floor elements from soil, gravel, slag, crushed stone and piece materials without gluing to the underlying layer or sand.

4.4. Before installing floors, the construction of which contains products and materials based on wood or its waste, synthetic resins and fibers, xylolite coatings, plastering and other work related to the possibility of moistening the coatings must be carried out in the room. When installing these floors and in the subsequent period until the facility is put into operation, the relative air humidity in the room should not exceed 60%. Drafts in the room are not allowed.

4.6. Work on the installation of asphalt concrete, slag and crushed stone floors should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85 (Section 7).

4.7. Requirements for materials and mixtures for special types of floors (heat-resistant, radiation-resistant, spark-free, etc.) must be specified in the project.

4.8. Underlying layers, screeds, connecting layers (for ceramic, concrete, mosaic and other tiles) and monolithic coatings on a cement binder must be under a layer of constantly moist water-retaining material for 7-10 days after installation.

4.9. Standard use of xylolite floors, cement or acid-resistant concrete or mortar, as well as piece materials laid on layers of cement-sand or acid-resistant (liquid glass) mortar is allowed after the concrete or mortar has acquired the design compressive strength. Pedestrian traffic on these floors can be allowed no earlier than the concrete monolithic coverings have acquired a compressive strength of 5 MPa, and the solution of the layer under the piece materials has acquired a compressive strength of 2.5 MPa.

Preparation of underlying floor elements

4.10. Dust removal of the surface must be performed before applying primers, adhesive layers for roll and tile polymer coatings and mastic compositions for solid (seamless) floors.

4.11. The surface layer must be primed over the entire surface without gaps before applying construction mixtures, mastics, adhesives, etc. (based on bitumen, tar, synthetic resins and aqueous polymer dispersions) to the underlying element with a composition corresponding to the material of the mixture, mastic or glue.

4.12. Moistening the surface layer of floor elements made of concrete and cement-sand mortar should be done before laying construction mixtures of cement and gypsum binders on them. Humidification is carried out until the final absorption of water.

Installation of concrete underlying layers

4.13. Preparation, transportation and laying of concrete mixtures must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures" (Section 2).

4.14. When making concrete underlying layers using the vacuum method, the requirements of Table. 16.

Table 16

Screed device

4.15. Monolithic screeds made of concrete, asphalt concrete, cement-sand mortar and prefabricated screeds made of wood fiber boards must be made in compliance with the rules for constructing coatings of the same name.

4.16. Gypsum self-leveling and porous cement screeds must be laid immediately to the calculated thickness specified in the project.

4.17. When installing screeds, the requirements of Table 1 must be met. 17.

Table 17

Technical requirements
(method, volume,
type of registration)
Screeds laid on soundproofing pads
rocks or fills, in places adjacent to walls and
partitions and other structures, it is necessary to
live with a gap of 20-25 mm wide throughout the entire thickness
screeds and fill with similar soundproofing
monolithic screeds must be insulated from the walls
and partitions with strips of waterproofing materials

End surfaces of the laid section of monolithic
ties after removing the beacon or restrictive
ek before laying the mixture in the adjacent area of ​​the screed
must be primed (see clause 4.11) or moistened
(see paragraph 4.12), and the working seam is pressed so that
was invisible

Smoothing the surface of monolithic screeds should be
perform under coatings on mastics and adhesive pastes
washers and under continuous (seamless) polymer coverings
until the mixtures set

Sealing the joints of prefabricated wood fiber screeds
flat slabs must be made along the entire length
joints with strips of thick paper or adhesive tape
40-60 mm wide

Laying additional elements between prefabricated screeds
on cement and gypsum binders should be
with a gap 10-15 mm wide, filled with mixture,
similar to the screed material. With gap width
between prefabricated screed slabs and walls or partitions
with rods less than 0.4 m, the mixture should be laid along
continuous soundproofing layer

Technical, everyone
junction places,
work log

Visual, at least
four times per shift
well, work log

The same, all over
ties of screeds, jour-
cash of works

Technical, everyone
joints, log ra-

Technical, everyone
gaps, magazine

Soundproofing device

4.18. Bulk soundproofing material (sand, coal slag, etc.) must be free of organic impurities. The use of backfills made from dusty materials is prohibited.

4.19. Gaskets should be laid without gluing to the floor slabs, and slabs and mats should be laid dry or glued with bitumen mastics. Soundproofing pads under the joists must be laid along the entire length of the joists without breaks. Tape gaskets for prefabricated screeds of the size “per room” should be located in continuous strips along the perimeter of the premises close to the walls and partitions, under the joints of adjacent slabs, as well as inside the perimeter - parallel to the larger side of the slab.

4.20. When installing sound insulation, the requirements of Table. 18.

Table 18

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Size of bulk sound insulation
material - 0.15-10 mm

The humidity of the bulk material is
scree between joists

Width of soundproofing pads
doc, mm:
under logs - 100-120;
for prefabricated screeds size "on
room" around the perimeter -
200-220, inside the perimeter -
The distance between the axes of the sound bands
co-insulating gaskets inside
perimeter of prefabricated screeds measuring
"per room" - 0.4 m


No more

0.1 m

Measuring, no less
three measurements for every
50-70 m2 of backfill, log

Measuring, no less
three measurements for every
50-70 m2 surface
floor, work log

The same, at least three of
measurements on each plate
prefabricated screed, magazine

Waterproofing device

4.21. Pasted waterproofing using bitumen, tar and mastics based on them should be carried out in accordance with Section. 2, and polymer waterproofing - in accordance with SNiP 3.04.03-85.

4.23. Before laying coatings, layers or screeds containing cement or liquid glass on it, the surface of bitumen waterproofing should be covered with hot bitumen mastic with dry coarse sand embedded in it in compliance with the parameters of the table. 19.

Table 19

Requirements for intermediate floor elements

4.24. The strength of materials that harden after laying must be no less than the design strength. Permissible deviations when installing intermediate floor elements are given in table. 20.

Table 20

Technical requirements Limit
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Gaps between control two
meter rod and verified by
the surface of the floor element should not
we exceed, mm, for:
soil bases - 20
sand, gravel, slag,
crushed stone and adobe subs-
tiling layers - 15

adhesive waterproofing and under
coatings on a layer of hot-
whose mastic is 5
concrete underlying layers under
coatings of other types - 10
screeds under polyvinyl coverings -
cetate, linoleum, roll-
based on synthetic
fibers, parquet and
polyvinyl chloride plates - 2
screeds under slab coverings
other types, end block and
bricks laid on the space-
hot mastic spoon, poly-
vinyl acetate-cement-concrete
coatings and waterproofing -
screeds under coatings of other types
pov - 6
Deviations of the element plane from
horizontal or a given slope
by - 0.2 of the corresponding size

No more

Measuring, no less
five measurements for every
50-70 m2 floor surface
or in the same room
smaller area in places,
identified by visual
control, work log

Measuring, no less
five dimensions evenly
for every 50-70 m2 surface
gender or in one
smaller room
di, work log

Installation of monolithic coatings

4.25. Monolithic mosaic coatings and coatings with a strengthened surface layer, arranged over concrete underlying layers, should be carried out simultaneously with the latter by embedding decorative, reinforcing and other bulk materials into a freshly laid evacuated concrete mixture.

4.26. When installing monolithic coatings, the requirements of Table. 21.

Table 21

Technical requirements
(method, volume,
type of registration)
Maximum size of crushed stone and gravel for concrete
coatings and marble chips for mosaic, polyvinyl
nylacetate-cement-concrete, latex-cement-concrete
ton coatings should not exceed 15 mm and 0.6
coating thickness

Marble chips:
for mosaic coverings must have a strength of
compression not less than 60 MPa
polyvinyl acetate-cement concrete and latex-cement
mental concrete not less than 80 MPa

Concrete and mosaic mixtures, which do not contain
plasticizers have been introduced, should be used with precipitation
coy cone 2-4 cm, and cement-sand mixtures - with
depth of immersion of the cone is 4-5 cm. Mobility of the shift-
this should be increased only by introducing plastifi-

Cutting monolithic coatings into separate cards does not
allowed, with the exception of multi-color coatings,
where between individual cards of different color
Separating veins must be installed.
Treatment of joints between adjacent sections of the same
the coating must be made in accordance with
vii from paragraph 4.11 or 4.12

Rigid mixtures must be compacted. Seal
and smoothing of concrete and mortar in working areas
seams should be made until the seam is
no invisible

Sanding of coatings must be carried out according to
achieving the strength of the coating, at which
There is chipping of the aggregate. Thickness
layer should ensure complete disclosure of the texture
decorative filler. When grinding the workpiece
The surface to be washed must be covered with a thin
layer of water or an aqueous solution of surface-acid
active substances

Surface impregnation of coatings with fluates and sealants
thickening compounds, as well as polyurethane finishing
new varnishes and epoxy enamels for concrete and
cement-sand coatings should be made
no earlier than 10 days after laying the mixtures at
room air temperature not lower than 10°C.
Before impregnation, the coating must be dried and
clean thoroughly

Measuring - in
cooking process
mixtures are not
less than three dimensions
niya for one batch
placeholder, magazine

The same, no less
three dimensions on
one batch filled
nitelya, journal ra-

The same, one dimension
tion for every 50-70
m2 of coverage, magazine

Visual, all
surfaces mono-
cast coating,
work log

Visual, all
surfaces mono-
cast coating,
work log

Measuring, not
less than nine changes
rhenium evenly on
every 50-70 m2
surface of the coating,
work log

Technical, all
surfaces covered
tiya, work journal

Installation of coverings from slabs (tiles) and standardized blocks

4.27. Slabs (tiles) of cement-concrete, cement-sand, mosaic concrete, asphalt concrete, ceramic, cast stone, cast iron, steel, natural stone and standardized blocks should be laid immediately after installing a connecting layer of mortar, concrete and hot mastics. The embedding of slabs and blocks into the interlayer should be carried out using vibration; in places inaccessible for vibration heating - manually. The laying and embedding of slabs and blocks should be completed before the mortar begins to set or the mastic begins to harden.

4.28. The basic requirements that must be met when constructing coverings from slabs and blocks are given in Table. 22.

Table 22

Technical requirements
(method, volume,
type of registration)
Porous slabs (concrete, cement-sand, mo-
studded and ceramic) before laying on the interlayer
ku from cement-sand mortar should be
loaded into water or an aqueous solution surface-
active substances for 15-20 minutes

The width of the joints between tiles and blocks should not be
exceed 6 mm when embedding tiles and blocks into
layer manually and 3 mm - with vibration heating
tiles, unless the project specifies a different width
on the seams

Mortar or concrete protruding from joints must
be removed from the coating flush with its surface -
until it hardens, the mastic is hot - s-
zu after cooling, cold mastic - immediately after
protrusions from seams

The interlayer material must be applied to the back
side of slag-sitall slabs with bottom corrugated
surface immediately before laying the slabs
flush with protruding corrugation

Technical, not re-
four times a day
shift, work log

Measuring, not
less than five dimensions
ny for every 50-
70 m2 surface
coatings or in one
smaller area
in places identified
ny visual
control, magazine

Visual, all
coverings, journal of ra-

Visual, not re-
four times a day
shift, work log

Installation of coatings made of wood and wood-based products

4.29. The joists under the coverings should be laid across the direction of light from the windows, and in rooms with a certain direction of movement of people (for example, in corridors) - perpendicular to the movement. The logs should be butted together end to end anywhere in the room with the joints in adjacent logs offset by at least 0.5 m. A gap of 20-30 mm wide must be left between the logs and the walls (partitions).

4.30. In floors on ceilings, the surface of the joists must be leveled with a layer of sand and tamped under soundproofing pads or joists along their entire width or length. The joists must touch the soundproofing layer, floor slabs or sand leveling layer with the entire bottom surface, without gaps. Putting wooden wedges or supports under the joists to level them or resting the joists on wooden supports is prohibited.

4.31. Under the logs placed on posts in floors on the ground, wooden pads should be laid on two layers of roofing felt, the edges of which should be released from under the pads by 30-40 mm and secured to them with nails. The joist joints should be located on posts.

4.32. In doorways of adjacent rooms, a widened joist should be installed, protruding beyond the partition by at least 50 mm on each side.

4.33. Plank flooring boards, parquet boards connected to each other by side edges into a tongue and groove, and parquet panels using dowels must be tightly joined together. The reduction in the width of coating products during bonding must be at least 0.5%.

4.34. All boards of the plank covering must be attached to each joist with nails 2-2.5 times longer than the thickness of the covering, and parquet panels - with nails 50-60 mm long. Nails should be driven obliquely into the face of the boards and into the base of the bottom cheek of the groove on the edges of parquet boards and parquet panels with the heads embedded. Hammering nails into the front surface of parquet boards and parquet panels is prohibited.

4.35. The joints of the ends of the boards of plank coverings, the joints of the ends and side edges with the ends of adjacent parquet boards, as well as the joints of the edges of adjacent parquet panels parallel to the joists should be placed on the joists.

4.36. The joints of the ends of the covering boards must be covered with a board (frieze) 50-60 mm wide, 15 mm thick, embedded flush with the covering surface. The frieze is nailed to the joist with nails in two rows with a pitch (along the joist) of 200-250 mm. Joining the ends without covering them with a frieze is allowed only in two or three wall covering boards; the joints should not be opposite the doorways and should be located on the same joist. When mating parquet boards, as well as parquet panels with sawn edges, a groove must be made on some of them, and a ridge on others, corresponding to those on the other edges.

4.37. Super-hard fibreboards, stacked and piece parquet should be glued to the base with quick-hardening mastics on water-resistant binders, used in a cold or heated state. Adhesive mastic on the base under super-hard fibreboards should be applied in strips 100-200 mm wide along the perimeter of the boards and in the middle zone with an interval of 300-400 mm. When laying out and cutting wood fiber boards, joining the four corners of the boards at one point is not allowed.

4.38. When installing coatings made of wood and products based on them, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of Table. 23.

Table 23

Technical requirements
nia, %
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
All joists, boards (except for the front side)
us), wooden spacers, laying
placed along the columns under the logs, as well as
wood for wood base
fiber boards must be antiseptic

The humidity of materials should not exceed
logs and gaskets
covering and base boards
when laying them typesetting and piecework
parquet, parquet boards and parquet-
ny shields
fiberboard covering

The length of the joined logs should not be
less than 2 m, thickness of supporting beams
the entire bottom surface onto the slabs
ceilings or soundproofing
layer - 40 mm, width - 80-100 mm.
The thickness of the logs laid on separate

those, floor beams, etc.), should
be 40 - 50 mm, width -
100-120 mm
Wooden spacers for floor joists
on the ground:
width - 100-150 mm, length -
200-250 mm, thickness - at least 25

The distance between the axes of the logs, laying
for floor slabs and beams
ceilings (when laying the coating, do not
mediocre on the beams) should be
0.4-0.5 m. When laying the logs on a separate
supports (columns in floors on the ground)
those, floor beams, etc.) this is
the melting should be:
with a log thickness of 40 mm 0.8 - 0.9 m
with a log thickness of 50 mm 1.0 - 1.1 m.
At high operating loads -
on the floor (more than 500 kg/m2) distance
gap between the joist supports, between
joists and their thickness should be taken
according to the project

The length of the covering boards joined at the ends is
The length must be at least 2 m, and the parti-
ket boards - at least 1.2 m

The thickness of the adhesive layer for the set is
natural and piece parquet and super-hard
fibreboards should be
no more than 1 mm

Adhesive area:
parquet planks - at least 80%

wood fiber boards - no less



Visual, all materials
fishing, certificate of inspection
hidden work

Measuring, no less
three measurements for every
50-70 m2 surface
floor, work log

Measuring, no less
three measurements for every
50-70 m2 surface area
la, work log

Measuring, no less
five measurements for every
50-70 m2 surface area
la or in the same room
smaller area, magazine

Technical, with trial
lifting products does not
in more than three places on
500 m2 floor surface,
work log

Construction of coatings made of polymer materials

4.39. Before gluing, linoleum, carpets, roll materials made of synthetic fibers and polyvinyl chloride tiles must be allowed to sit until the waves disappear and are completely adjacent to the base; they must be glued to the underlying layer over the entire area, except for cases specified in the project.

4.40. Cutting of joined panels of rolled materials must be done no earlier than 3 days after the main gluing of the panels. The edges of the joined linoleum panels must be welded or glued after cutting.

4.41. In areas of heavy pedestrian traffic, the installation of transverse (perpendicular to the direction of movement) seams in coverings made of linoleum, carpets and roll materials made of synthetic fibers is not allowed.

4.42. When installing coatings made of polymer materials, the requirements of Table. 24.

Table 24

Technical requirements
nia, %
Control (method, volume,
type of registration)
Weight humidity of panels between floors -
ny floors in front of the device according to
coatings made of polymer materials
should not exceed, %:

screeds based on cement, poly-
cement and gypsum binder
fiberboard screeds

The thickness of the adhesive layer should be
be no more than 0.8 mm

When constructing continuous (seamless)
coatings mastic polymer compositions
should be applied in thick layers
1-1.5 mm. The next layer follows
apply after hardening earlier
applied and dedusting it

4 Measuring, no less
five dimensions equal
approximately every 50-70 m2
coating surfaces,
work log

Measuring, no less
five measurements for every
50-70 m2 surface
floor or in one room -
nii smaller area,
work log

Requirements for the finished floor covering

4.43. The basic requirements for finished floor coverings are given in table. 25.

Table 25

Technical requirements
(method, volume,
type of registration)
Deviations of the coating surface from the plane when
should not be checked with a two-meter control rod
exceed, mm, for:
earthen, gravel, slag, crushed stone, clay
bit and paving stone coverings - 10
asphalt concrete coverings, over a layer of sand,
end, from cast iron slabs and bricks - 6
cement-concrete, mosaic-concrete,
polyvinyl acetate-cement-concrete, metal-cement-
coatings, xylolite coatings and coatings made of acid-
thick-resistant and heat-resistant concrete - 4
coatings on a layer of mastic, end,
cast iron and steel plates, bricks of all types - 4
coverings made of cement-concrete, cement-sand slabs
steel, mosaic concrete, asphalt concrete, ceramic
mic, stone, slag-sitall - 4
polyvinyl acetate, plank, parquet coverings and
coverings made of linoleum, rolls based on synthetic
fibres, from polyvinyl chloride and
super-hard fiberboards - 2
Bends between adjacent piece coating products
materials should not exceed for coatings, mm:
from paving stones - 3
brick, end, concrete, asphalt-concrete,
cast iron and steel plates - 2
from ceramic, stone, cement-sand,
mosaic-concrete, slag-sitall slabs - 1
planks, parquet, linoleum, polyvinyl chloride
rigid and super-hard fibreboards,
polyvinyl chloride plastic - not allowed

Recesses between coverings and edging elements
floor - 2 mm

Deviations from the specified coating slope - 0.2%
appropriate size room, but no more
50 mm

Deviations in coating thickness - no more than 10%
from design

When checking the adhesion of monolithic coatings and coatings,
tiles made of rigid tile materials with underlying
elements of the floor should not be changed by tapping
understanding of the sound character

Gaps should not exceed, mm:
between the boards of the plank covering - 1
between parquet boards and parquet panels -
between adjacent strip parquet plans - 0.3

Gaps and crevices between baseboards and floor coverings or
walls (partitions), between adjacent edges
linoleum panels, carpets, rolled materials and
no tiles allowed

The surface of the coating should not have potholes,
wrinkles, waves, bulges, raised edges. Coating color
tiya must correspond to the design

Measuring, not
less than nine changes
rhenium for every
50-70 m2 surface area
ty coverings or in
one room
smaller area,
acceptance certificate

Measuring, not
less than nine changes
rhenium for every
50-70 m2 surface area
ty coverings or in
one room
smaller area,
acceptance certificate

The same, no less than five
ty measurements, act

Technical, pro-
tapping the whole
floor surface in
center of the squares
conditional grid with
cell size not
less than 50x50 cm,
acceptance certificate

Measuring, not
less than five dimensions
ny for every 50-70
m2 surface area
digging or in one
smaller room
area, acceptance certificate

Visual, all
floor surface
and adjacent places -
niy, acceptance certificate

The same, all over
gender, act