IFS insulating flange connection. Insulating flange connection (IFS) Gas workers club purpose of insulating flanges on gas pipelines

Insulating connections (ICs) are installed on the risers, inputs and outputs of gas distribution centers and gas distribution centers to protect against stray currents and currents of protective installations. The IS must also be installed in front of the GRU - at the entrance to the building being gasified.

Now outdated, but the most common IC design is the insulating flange connection (IFJ). In IFS (Fig. 1.25), except for two main flanges 2 And 7 , welded to the ends of the gas pipeline, there is a third special flange 1 16-20 mm thick (depending on the diameter of the gas pipeline). To electrically isolate the flanges from each other, gaskets are installed between them 4 made of PMB paronite 4 mm thick, which are coated with electrically insulating bakelite varnish to prevent moisture saturation. Electrical insulating gaskets can also be made of vinyl plastic or fluoroplastic.

Rice. 1.25. Insulating flange connection: 1, 2, 7 - flanges; 3, 4 — gaskets; 5 - bushing; 6 — washer; 8 - screw; 9 — hairpin; 10 - nut

Tension pins 9 enclosed in split sleeves 5 from fluoroplastic. Between the puck 6 and flanges 2 , 7 insulating gaskets are also provided 3 made of paronite coated with bakelite varnish. Along the perimeter of the intermediate flange 1 there are threaded sockets into which screws are screwed 8 , used to check the electrical resistance between each main flange and the intermediate one. IFS is manufactured to DN from 20 mm.

Installation of IFS with steel valve shown in Fig. 1.26

Rice. 1.26. Installation of IFS with a valve

The assembled IFS is subject to testing for strength and tightness, as well as for the presence of ruptures in electrical network before and after its installation on the gas pipeline. IFS, as a rule, is mounted on overhead vertical sections inputs and outputs of GRP, GRPSh. To monitor the serviceability and repair of the IFS, they must be installed after shut-off valves along the gas flow at a height of no more than 2.2 m. Under the influence environment IFS gradually lose their dielectric properties, so during installation they are covered with aprons, boxes, etc.

Today, industry produces a large number of permanent insulating connections various designs, some of which are presented in this guide. Since permanent insulating connections do not need to be maintained, and their service life is significant (usually more than 20 years), in these indicators they are significantly superior to insulating ones flange connections. Insulating connections of small diameters, including those combined with a shut-off device, are increasingly used for sectioning intra-house gas pipelines. Their use, in addition to preventing through corrosion of gas pipelines when passing through interfloor ceilings, serves as reliable protection against household electric shock.

Insulating flange connections (IFS) are two flanges connected to each other and welded to the two ends of the pipeline. To achieve electrical insulation between them, a two-millimeter paronite gasket coated with bakelite varnish is installed.

Thus, it simultaneously does not absorb moisture and avoids the passage electric current via pipeline. Sometimes gaskets are also made from fluoroplastic or vinyl plastic. The IFS also contains tie rods, polyamide bushings, washers and nuts. Thanks to these hardware, the flanges are pulled together and secured in this position. Order only from us.

In general, insulating flange connections are a strong connection between two pipeline elements. An important role in it is played by an electrically insulating gasket, which helps prevent electric current from entering the pipeline. The average resistance of one insulating flange connection is at least 1000 ohms.

Insulating flange connections

IFS is composite design, produced in an enterprise environment, with the necessary tightness and insulation. Its main function is to provide cathodic protection for underground and above-ground pipes and thus extend their service life.

Installation process

  • Installation of IFS is carried out at the place where pipes exit from the ground and at the entrance to it. The need to install it is due to the likelihood of the pipe coming into contact with electrical contacts with grounding and other communications. Including at the outlets of the GDS, GRU, and GRU pipelines.
  • The installation of the IFS is immediately included in the project when it is drawn up and is carried out by special installation teams.

The site company specializes in creating IFS from various grades of steel using electrically insulating gaskets from:

  • fluoroplastic,
  • paronitis,
  • vinyl plastic.

Our company is ready to produce these structures of any diameter specified by the customer. Production is carried out on the basis of GOST. For example, we offer products made from high-carbon grade 09g2s with 40x steel hardware and fluoroplastic bushings.

We adhere to all guests

Manufacturing is regulated by GOST 12816. More detailed information You can find out about our capabilities and standard products that we design on the company’s website “site”. You can also leave a request there or contact us by phone or email. We accept orders for production throughout Russia and also organize delivery of IFS to the customer’s address.

Insulating connections

Insulating flange connections are provided to customers in assembled form. All of them undergo special tests in independent laboratories collaborating with the company. The insulating and sealing characteristics of the product are studied. After the client receives the product in hand, it is highly not recommended to disassemble the IFS since there is a high probability of losing its insulating qualities after self-assembly. Installation of IFS on the pipeline is carried out using welding equipment.

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IFS are designed to block the entry of stray electric current into the pipeline. For this purpose, the flange connection assembled at the enterprise is equipped with insulating gaskets made of dielectrics (textolite, paronite, clinergite, etc.). Insulating materials are placed not only between the flanges, but also hardware is made from special materials:

  • washers,
  • bushings,
  • hairpins,
  • nuts, etc.

In other words, IFS are used to create electrical sectioning of parts that are located underground and above it. The safety of the gas pipeline depends on the form in which the flanges are contained.

During production insulating flange connections and installation in hazardous locations (with compressor stations, tanks, etc.), where the current in pipelines can be high, regular checks and preventive maintenance of the operating condition of the IFS are necessary. To do this, the insulating flanges must be located in specially created working wells.

Such structures must be equipped with control conductors going outside. This is necessary so that service workers can carry out the necessary electrical measurements without going into the well.

IFS are not only used as protective structures on pipelines from the corrosive effects of electric current, they are also installed when gas and oil products approach pumping stations and other structures.

Insulating flanged compound IFS-50 is an element for protecting the pipeline system of oil and gas transportation systems from the destructive effects of electrochemical corrosion. The use of IFS-50 is relevant for medium and large pipe diameters - especially when ground laying. This solution allows us to solve the problem of pipe metal destruction and eliminate colossal losses of the transported medium with minimal investment.

Design of insulating flange connection IFS-50

Structurally, this element is a tight, hermetically sealed connection of collar flanges with a flow section diameter of 50 mm, between which there is a dielectric bushing. As a rule, it is made of fluoroplastic, vinyl plastic or PON-B paronite. To ensure that the dielectric bushing does not lose its original properties and prevents the flow of current discharges (stray currents, currents caused by electrochemical corrosion of the pipeline material and other reasons) through the pipeline, it is coated with a layer of BT-99 bakelite varnish. It also has dielectric properties and does not allow the structure of the sleeve to change under the influence of moisture.

The connection of two or three pipeline flanges is made using special pins made of fluoroplastic or polyethylene. Also in design IFS Du50 There are threaded sockets for screws for fastening electrical equipment, which allows you to measure the current resistance between each of the flanges.

Each unit of insulating flange connection supplied to our customers with DN 50 subjected to hydraulic and electrical testing. Thus, its compliance with the declared characteristics and requirements of the “Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Process Pipelines” is fully confirmed.

If you are interested in reliable protection of communications and pipelines:

  • In close proximity to objects that are sources of stray currents;
  • When connecting pipe sections made of different alloys;
  • Pipe sections located near explosive underground objects;
  • On the border between territories with different owners;
  • In vertical sections of input and output of gas distribution stations and hydraulic fracturing units with ground execution,

The company "PKF "Spetskomplektpribor" recommends ordering insulating connection IFS-50 from our company. We carry out wholesale and retail supplies of gas and other equipment from the catalog throughout the Russian Federation at the most favorable conditions. Leave a request in any way convenient for you (standard form with a shopping cart, call managers, email), and we will cover your needs for this or that equipment in the shortest possible time.