The inventor made a homemade semi-automatic crossbow. Shooting will miraculously turn a hyperactive child into a calm yogi, so it is useful for fidgets

We all know that when the BP comes, the one who is better armed will have a better chance of surviving. But what will you do if all the ammunition runs out?

Here are 13 types improvised weapons, which you can literally build from garbage and various unnecessary things.

1. Circular saw disc thrower

The thing that launches the blades for circular saws... What you need for a zombie apocalypse! And here's how you can build it.

And this is how it works:

2. Machete (no power tools)

If the power grid has completely collapsed, or you've been left without access to electricity, the right tools, or both, here's how to build a machete using nothing but hand tools.

3. Quick and Dirty War Hammer

Every beat of it improvised weapons as dangerous as it is loud. It's easier to watch than to explain.

4. Blowpipe

To make it you will need a hollow pipe and some sharp things. Even a completely mediocre gunsmith can design this improvised weapon. Here, for example, is how to make such a pipe from materials that cost only 10 bucks.

And if you want to increase your chances even further, simply add a laser sight and a quiver.

5. Shepherd's sling

This hunting tool (and improvised weapon) is an extremely ancient thing. The idea is to throw round objects (stones, grenades, anything round) using a leather bag at high speed

Here's how to make a shepherd's sling cheaply and quickly.

Quick tip: Use the smoothest, roundest objects you can find. Pebbles and river-rolled stones are an ideal option, which can always be found close to running water.

6. Improvised booby traps

The video below demonstrates such a “mine” filled with balls for airsoft weapons, but you can put whatever your sinful soul wants in there. Including piercing and cutting objects.

7. Primitive crossbow

If you do not take into account firearms, then a crossbow, even the most primitive one, is the most accurate survival weapon. And here's how you can build it from scrap materials, using only a knife and rope.

Instead of wood, you can also use PVC pipes if you have to survive in the city.

8. Slingshot crossbow

If you are interested in the idea of ​​a personal crossbow, then this is how you can make everything even cooler.

9. Black Powder Shotgun (or Loud Cricket)

First of all, let us clarify that this improvised weapon extremely dangerous both to make and to use. If you are unsure about something, don’t even think about it. But if a horde of zombies advances... Well...

10-13. Pepper spray, bolas, crossbow and slingshot

Literally from the contents of a trash can, this Bavarian creates improvised weapons, including a pepper spray (made from old chili powder), a bolas (from cat food cans and batteries), a crossbow (from a broom handle), and a simple slingshot.

Editor's note. Yes, we understand perfectly well that going against a well-armed enemy with such weapons is pure idiocy. But for the purposes of hunting, as well as confronting a weakly armed aggressor - why not? Not everything, of course, but some things can be really effective. Especially the discus thrower. Damn, such a cool thing...

Attention was drawn to a bush pressed to the ground - obviously not by a hoof, and the crumpled grass indicated an animal's resting place.

When extreme hunting situations arise, most often you should blame yourself. But sometimes the culprits of such incidents are circumstances that we did not suspect...

November turned out to be warm. The seaside autumn painted everything in gold and purple colors. Our team went to shoot red deer in the Chuguevsky district. Rumbling heavily, the Ural stopped at the pass at the source of the Gerasimov Spring. This is where the logging began.

The autumn day is short - it was decided to stop for the night. Eight hours on the road pretty exhausted the driver and hunters. Prokhor, the eldest of the group, often hunted in these places. Therefore, the stop was planned in advance. Everyone got down to business: collecting firewood, lighting a fire, preparing the table for dinner.

Prokhor headed to the lumberjacks' hut in the hope of seeing old friends. At the hut, dressed inappropriately for the weather, wearing only a vest, Victor met him.

- Hello to good people. Why did you come to our region? - But having recognized Prokhor, he perked up and was childishly happy: - Good people Always welcome, please come into the house.

The hut was smoky and warm. The red-hot stove crackled. Seeing Prokhor, everyone put down their playing cards at once. Prokhor, addressing everyone by name and hugging them, wished them good health. Prokhor had known them for a long time; they were all former hunters. Overnight, industrial enterprises collapsed in the country, no one needed furs, but the “gates” to the export of wood to Japan, China, and South Korea opened wide. Families need to be fed, and former hunters have retrained as lumberjacks. Life is life, and hunters cut down the taiga where they had previously hunted.

The owners asked about friends, about news from the “mainland”. Prokhor hastily told what he knew and, apologizing, said:

- Guys, I’ll run to the salt licks, see who’s “salty” there, tomorrow morning I’ll run again before leaving. But this is a gift for you to break your fast and please your soul. - And he put a soldier’s flask with alcohol on the table. It was clear from their faces that everyone was happy about the unexpected gift.

Prokhor left the hut, followed quickly by Victor. Prokhor thought that he was preoccupied with something and wanted to tell him something. But then, as if he had changed his mind, he stopped, took out a cigarette and lit it.

It was getting dark, the hunters were already having dinner. Nail, the cook, saw Prokhor and hurried to the cauldron to pour him some stew. Prokhor asked not to worry, took the rifle and backpack and, leaving, said: “I’ll go over this ridge, I’ll be there in three hours.”

For several years he added salt to the local salt lick, which was left to him as an “inheritance” from the deceased game warden, grandfather Sergei. This year, in the spring, he carried a backpack full of salt for twelve kilometers here. And, as his grandfather Sergei taught him, along the slope just above the pressure, he filled holes with a sharp stake and covered them with salt. More than once he asked the game warden how old the salt lick was, but he responded by shrugging his shoulders and saying that he himself had inherited it. The solonetz was located on a steep slope of a ravine, where there was a small swamp due to the pressure of water from under the stones. Over the years, wild goats, wapiti, and wild boars have eaten a half-meter hole here. Apparently no one was bothering them today. This was evident from the many footprints and the path made along the ravine along the stream. Prokhor did not follow the animal path, fearing to leave a trail, and he did not want to “collect” ticks. I crossed the stream and went down the slope straight to the salt lick. Everything here was the same. The blind, made by the hands of the game warden, was visible between two standing cedars. Two wide cedar plates and sticks nailed at a height of six meters are ladders leading up. Ten meters away was the salt lick itself - an oval mud bath, all trampled and dug up by the hooves of animals. Everything here was thought out and arranged by the pioneer. The storage shed was located high up, and the wind currents did not carry the shooter’s smell onto the salt lick. The salting was higher than the pressure and covered with large stones so that the animal would not knock out the salt with its hooves, and the delicacy was washed out slowly.

In order not to leave a trace, Prokhor decided to approach the salt lick from the slope and examine the freshness of the traces. Prokhor was no stranger to the taiga; he was well oriented and observant. Attention was drawn to a bush pressed to the ground—obviously not by a hoof, and the crumpled grass indicated an animal’s resting place.

With his peripheral vision, Prokhor noticed a small white spot, and for some reason this made him stop abruptly. Some invisible barrier prevented him from taking another step. An inexplicable feeling of danger suggested: “keep standing, look around.”

The feeling of anxiety gradually receded, replaced by a desire to establish the cause of anxiety. Prokhor looked around and looked at the clothes... What is this? A thin, stretched steel thread caught on the zipper lock of the flight jacket. And only now Prokhor realized the danger - it was a crossbow. Without taking his eyes off the steel thread, he released the lock from the hook and slowly took a step back. The steel thread weakened and sagged. He tried to relax, but muscle tremors shook his body, sweat appeared on his forehead, and Prokhor was forced to squat down.

Now the seemingly harmless thin steel wire went into the inconspicuous bushes of the undergrowth. Prokhor turned his head a little further and saw the barrel of a gun. Who put a crossbow here and on whom? I remembered everyone who was alive and who was no longer there, everyone who knew this salt lick, and... Victor, who was anxiously seeing Prokhor off at the hut.

Prokhor, having calmed down, again carefully looked at everything around him. I remembered that I did not attach much importance to the crushed bush and crumpled grass. Now it became clear that the crossbow was aimed at the tiger; he came here to hunt wapiti or wild boar.

The design of the crossbow was extremely simple, but well thought out. The life-saving “white spot” turned out to be an empty thread spool nailed to a tree. She played the role of a block and, judging by her appearance, had recently “freed herself” from the threads. Prokhor looked at his savior: if not for her, something irreparable could have happened. The wire passed through the block at two levels: for hooking with the foot at knee level 50 centimeters from the ground - at the level of the tiger’s chest. A 20-caliber gun was tied crosswise with a cord to two birch trees that seemed to have grown specially here. The trunk was hung at a height of one to twenty meters, this is the level of the chest and spine of a large red deer.
When the fear passed, Prokhor began to dismantle the deadly structure. The first thing he did was put the gun on the safety and only then carefully removed the loop from trigger. The thin steel wire that beekeepers use for hive frames hung on the second return block on the birch tree. Prokhor cut off the fastening cord and, breaking the gun, took out the cartridge. The brass sleeve with a greenish patina showed its repeated use. Under the layer of poured wax, large 9-mm buckshot was visible.

Now Prokhor could examine the salt lick. From the side of the crossbow, tiger tracks were visible on the edge. They were completely fresh. The tiger was guarding the wapiti and was here just before his arrival. The beast lay down three meters in front of the deadly string. By instinct, Prokhor seemed to sense the presence of a tiger; it is possible that he was somewhere very close. Prokhor thought that the tiger was clearly embittered that he was disturbed and his hunt was interrupted, but if the animal realized how lucky he was...

What happened next - in the taiga they judge themselves and do not extradite their own people, even poachers. A few months later, Prokhor stopped by the local police officer in Breevka to find out about the owner of the gun given to him. There he heard the “correct” answer: “Why do you need to know this? Live and be glad you’re alive!” The district policeman is probably right, the main thing is that the tiger, and Prokhor, and... the lumberjacks are alive, raising their children.

Thanks to the great power of cinema, even a person who has never held a firearm in his life has a clear understanding of what it is to shoot a pistol, machine gun, machine gun and grenade launcher, how all these weapons work and what can be done with it.

But in reality everything turns out completely differently. It’s a pity that this simple truth is revealed only to those who have forced themselves to go to the shooting range at least once to check whether they can shoot as smartly as the battle heroes Vikov.

Shooting sport is one of the oldest. It all started with a bow and crossbow, and in 1896 competitions in rifle and pistol shooting were included in the program of the first Olympic Games. However, ideas about bullet shooting are full of illusions. Let's try to debunk at least some of them.

1. Only lazy people engage in shooting

This is what some mothers think, who unsuccessfully tried to instill in their child a love of hockey, volleyball, and football, but for some reason he became better at shooting. Actually, to each his own. And laziness has nothing to do with it.

Classic shooting creates a very heavy static load on the musculoskeletal system, so it is better for the frail and weak to first strengthen their muscles, and only then sign up for James Bond. By the way, this is why it is not recommended to engage in this sport until the age of 12–13.

2. Shooting will miraculously turn a hyperactive child into a calm yogi, so it is useful for fidgets

It is interesting that coaches and experts advise calm and balanced children to engage in this sport, while shooting statics that are too active will seem like a difficult challenge.

Shooting teaches you to control emotions, helps you become more attentive, balanced, and develops self-control. Some athletes, they say, can, like yogis, lower their heart rate so that it does not interfere with shooting. Really?

3. This is one of the easiest sports in which physical effort is kept to a minimum.

Some people imagine it this way: know, pull the trigger - only accuracy is needed. In reality, everything looks different: for 5-6 hours in a row, the shooter repeatedly lifts a rifle that weighs about 8 kg. An athlete loses 2–3 kg in one outing! Who there wanted to lose weight?

4. Is this a sport?

Shooting classes also include general physical training. The guys run, do pull-ups, and do push-ups. Shooting will not harm only a strong body. Remember the shooter's stance? The arch of the back is quite strong. Imagine the load on the spine if the position does not change for an hour and a half. Exercises from other sports, swimming, and yoga will help you stay healthy. So the activities are not limited to the shooting range, and the athlete develops harmoniously.

5. No need to think: bang-bang - and you’re done.

But abroad, shooting is classified as a psychological sport. Much depends on the athlete’s internal state, on self-control. A shooter with a weapon is the finest system. Just like in chess, thinking ahead is very important. This programs attention directed both to one’s internal state (muscle tone, stability of the stance, state of readiness) and to an external goal (position of the front sight relative to the aiming point).

The theoretical foundations are easy to understand; it is difficult to work on yourself. It’s also easy to aim accurately, but it’s incredibly difficult to sort out your thoughts. The point is not to hit the bull's eye, but to repeat this result forty times in a row, and for this you need to control the smallest movement of the body and everything that happens in the head.

6. Anyone can do it if they want to.

However, like any other sport, bullet shooting has contraindications. These are diseases of the nervous, muscular and endocrine systems, mental illnesses, epilepsy, deformation of bones and joints, heart defects and hypertension, blood diseases and some vision defects.

7. Bullet shooting is the most dangerous sport

Although the weapon itself is very dangerous, accidents are practically impossible due to continuous operation safety trainer. For example, here are some rules: always treat the weapon as if it were loaded and do not point it where you are not going to shoot, do not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Compliance with them allows you to compare shooting with chess in terms of safety.

8. There will always be enough cartridges

Almost all famous action films are guilty of this - endless cartridges. Sometimes the main character can fire a pistol without reloading for 2-3 minutes. For information, the most “voluminous” pistol magazine can hold up to 33 rounds of cartridges, at an average rate of fire this will be enough for 30 seconds.

In addition, “sniper” shooting, when one shot - one corpse, is nothing more than an unattainable ideal. The cartridges will fly away much faster than you would like. And if you remember that in some countries, by law, a pistol cannot be loaded with more than 10 rounds, then it becomes not at all interesting. Until you acquire the useful habit of carrying a couple of spare magazines with you and technically changing them. But you will have to learn this too. And keep in mind that you will have to act in very extreme conditions.

By the way, it’s better not to carry more than three stores with you - it’s useless. If you haven’t laid down an aggressor during all this time, then you have problems with your hands. And if there are too many of them, then the problems are already from a different category of complexity, in which a gun can only prolong the agony.

9. Shooting a pistol at limbs

As movies teach us, a bullet in the knee will reliably calm the enemy. You just need to hit this knee. Shooting a pistol in a stressful situation is difficult in itself. Multiply it by the difficulty of shooting at a moving target, and then increase it by another 10 times, since you need to hit a fairly small point. This is really difficult, although it is possible. But even specialists study this for quite a long time, but it’s still not a fact that they can then apply it in real combat conditions. So, alas, shooting at the limbs is not a solution to all problems.

10. Pistols with a polymer body are not scanned by security scanners

What can I say, “polymer weapons” are really worse visible on X-rays than weapons with a metal body. But you can still see them! The outline of the pistol (characteristic, to put it mildly) is still visible.

In addition, even polymer pistols have metal parts: drum, bolt, trigger mechanism. So how can you not detect them? So what if they have lightweight polymer bodies. The contours and metal parts are here to stay.

Talks about the features of shooting as a sportDARIA ZAKHAROVA (analytical chemist, 23 years old):

“I came to this sport quite recently: I’ve only been doing it for two months. I got there by accident. We were walking with a friend, she suggested that we “go shoot” at a competition. I performed and got good results. The coach advised me to go to the section. I was excited - it was very interesting to try. And here I am.

The theoretical foundations are easy to understand; it is difficult to work on yourself. It’s also easy to aim accurately, but it’s incredibly difficult to sort out your thoughts. The point is not to hit the bull's eye, but to repeat this result forty times in a row, and for this you need to control the smallest movement of the body and everything that happens in the head. Can you imagine how you can achieve such a sustainable, predictable result?

Only with total self-control. So I took aim and inhaled at the wrong time - and that’s it, the result was not the same. Or she didn’t pull the trigger straight, but slightly to the right. Or she moved her jaw a little - but the rifle was pressed to her cheek. And before the shot itself it starts to twitch. The shooter needs to keep all these moments under control and work with his nervous system.

Muscles must be developed to be obedient. And a static pose, when you do not have the right to even the slightest movement... Not everyone can stand this. It is no coincidence that the Olympic shooting champions swam, ran, and did pull-ups - their physical fitness was the strongest.

After training, the shooter must analyze what went wrong and why the result was lower than expected. Without this, you will not be able to improve your performance. An amazing sport."

On forums Experienced shooters share their insights the advantages of this particular sport.

  • There is no age limit. A seventy-year-old shooter won the gold medal at a competition a hundred years ago. A lot here is determined by endurance and patience, and teenagers often lack these qualities. When learning to shoot, it doesn't matter whether a person learns quickly, it all depends on the ability to concentrate.
  • This olympic sport, you can conquer Olympus - there is something to strive for.
  • Shooting teaches you to control emotions, helps you become more attentive, balanced, and develops self-control. Some athletes, they say, can, like yogis, lower their heart rate so that it does not interfere with shooting. Really?
  • Like any other sport, shooting develops character, strengthens willpower, endurance, disciplines. Teaches responsibility: lack of composure can cost the life of another person.
  • Working with weapons develops the eye, A makes your hand hard.
  • Shooting lessons give experience that may be in demand, if not in an emergency (we hope this doesn’t happen), then for fun, for example while hunting.
  • This interesting hobby with an aura of detective romance. It’s especially cool if a girl does the shooting.

It seems like the fun in shooting happens on the inside, not on the outside. This mental training creates the most accurate mechanism out of the athlete, producing the most accurate shot at any time, anywhere, in any condition. You can't say more precisely.

In order to make a homemade pistol for a construction cartridge, you do not need specific materials. Everything can be found in the household, and if necessary, you should go to the store and buy what you are missing.

Main components construction pistol: 1 – box with handle, 2 – barrel, 3 – coupling, 4 – piston, 5 – shock absorber, 6 – guide, 7 – clamp, 8 – tip assembly.

How to do it and what is needed for the work?

In order to create such a device, you will need the following elements:

  • excavator oil pipe;
  • mainspring, which works with the car's cable;
  • shutter (it can be made from an ordinary shutter);
  • trigger, which can be a nail;
  • lever;
  • frame.

A homemade pistol is convenient because it is easy to make with your own hands. In addition, such a device does not require specialized equipment. During operation, this pistol model has the ability to automatically get rid of the used cartridge case, as the powder gases are released, and this, in turn, facilitates the reloading itself. The recoil softening process occurs due to the tensioning mainspring, which absorbs it.

The sequence of loading a construction gun: a – putting on the tip, b – opening the gun, c – pushing out the wad, d – inserting the dowel into the barrel bore, e – inserting the cartridge, c – closing the gun.

So, the process of creating a homemade pistol is as follows:

  1. To make the handle, you will need a little carpentry skill. A birch block is suitable for it. The handle is made individually to suit your needs and desired dimensions.
  2. After the handle is ready, it is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. On the back of the nail, a corner is made, for which it is bent.
  3. Next, you need a pipe with a diameter exceeding the barrel by 1-1.5 cm. The bolt frame will be made from it. At a short distance from the end, a transverse cut of 3-4 cm is made. This place will be intended for throwing out the empty cartridge case and charging the mounting cartridge itself. The handle on the shutter should point to the side, otherwise it will interfere with looking through the sight.
  4. Near the firing pin, when the bolt is cocked, it is necessary to make a hole on the bottom side for the trigger. In order for the mainspring to hold, you need to drill a couple of holes at the end of the tube. And at the beginning of this element it is necessary to make a cut that will fix the trunk.
  5. Next comes the insertion of the barrel, after which it is securely clamped with two rings and bolts. By the way, one of the rings will serve as a sight.

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A few things you might encounter

In this gun, the role of an arc is performed by a bent nail. It accounts for most of recoil when fired. The firing process is accompanied by a release of energy from the powder gases, as a result of which the bolt moves to the rearmost position, and the cartridge case flies out of the pistol at this moment. This process puts tension on the mainspring, which provides shock absorption.

The position of the construction pistol and the operator’s hands when firing a shot: a – pressing the button, b – placing the pistols along the markings and pressing the trigger, c – the dowel is hammered in and the gun is removed from the plane of the wall.

During this action, the handle itself hits this improvised arc, and this method stops the bolt, and after the gun gets rid of the cartridge case, the bolt returns to its original position. So, to prevent the arc from deforming and cracking on the surface, it is best to use 200 nails for this purpose. It is recommended to pre-harden the iron.

To ensure more convenient erection of the bolt, it is necessary to install a ring near the arc, on the bolt frame itself. It will help support returns. It must be installed similarly to the shutter handle, that is, obliquely, otherwise interference will occur when aiming. At a short distance, 7 mm holes (2 pcs.) are made on both sides of the frame. They will serve as a patron to make it possible to more conveniently and quickly reload the pistol.

Along the entire body of the main frame, it is necessary to cut a semicircular hole, which is intended for the bolt frame.

To make the trigger, the nail is bent in an “h” shape, but only in such a way that the upper right leg is missing. After this, you need to make a hole in the frame for the pin, as close to the trigger as possible, and grind off the excess. A similar aperture is made for a spring, the location of which is in the middle of the trigger.

After the trigger is attached to the frame, they begin to fix the bolt frame with the barrel. For this, metal plates and screws are used. The first ones must be in the shape of the pistol frame, for which they are deformed accordingly. They are fastened on both sides, as well as in the center of the bolt and main frame.

Loading in such a pistol is as follows: first of all, the bolt is cocked all the way, and it is loaded with a cartridge, after which a shot follows. After each procedure, the steps must be repeated. To ensure that the cartridge case leaves the bolt freely, it is recommended to lightly coat each cartridge with machine oil.

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The need for a mounting gun

This tool is a great alternative handmade. With its help, the process of processing hard surfaces is greatly simplified.

This pistol is preferred because:

  1. In the process of driving in dowels/nails, there is no need to drill holes for them. This saves not only effort, but also time during construction work.
  2. This gun does not require power supply. Therefore, they can be used not only indoors, but also outside.

The only thing that requires constant monitoring is the availability of a sufficient number of mounting cartridges.

There are three main types of mounting gun:

  • gas;
  • pneumatic;
  • powder

But here it is immediately worth mentioning that the mounting cartridge is used only in the latest model. If we look at its design in more detail, we can find many similarities with ordinary firearms. Therefore, their operating principle is similar.

The type of charge of the mounting cartridge can also be different:

  • manual feed, they are called single-shot;
  • cassette-disc feed, these are semi-automatic models;
  • Cassette feeding – fully automatic.

For serious work, the latest type of gun is used, since their performance has the highest high rate– 700 connections per hour.

But depending on the type of construction process, a special design may be needed. It is used in such cases:

  1. In carrying out roofing work.
  2. When installing corrugated sheets or waterproofing tunnel pipes.
  3. When working with concrete surfaces.
  4. During interaction with low carbon steels.
  5. Used for fastening various metal gratings.

This pistol comes with a blank mounting cartridge. But this does not mean that you should forget about the safe operation of this device.

To do this, after every 500 holes, the equipment should be disassembled, inspected for damage, and all internal parts should be cleaned and lubricated.

Perhaps every boy as a child dreamed of shooting something when he was a child. Many children make bows and arrows with their own hands. The most reckless and “brave” even try to make homemade gunpowder and self-propelled guns. And, of course, many of these young gunsmith enthusiasts would probably like to shoot a crossbow.

The well-known German inventor Patrick Priebe once again proved that many things can be created at home, with due diligence, desire and the availability of materials necessary for production. Let us remember that Priebe is a fairly well-known enthusiast who, with his own hands, tries to create real analogues of weapons from science fiction films and video games. For example, he previously created the glove of the notorious “Iron Man”, as well as the azure rifle from the video game Fallout 4. Priebe’s weapon is not fake and fully functional, but it still lacks the firepower of a “real weapon”.

The latest development of the German master was a semi-automatic crossbow, which the engineer assembled almost entirely from scrap materials at home. A significant part of the structure consists of three materials: plastic, wood and aluminum. At the core trigger mechanism there is an empty syringe. We can safely say that the crossbow is pneumatic. Due to this circumstance, it does not shoot with crossbow bolts at all, but with balls from a bearing.

The highlight of Priebe's invention is certainly the laser target designator, which indicates approximately where the ball will fly. Separately, we note that some parts of the crossbow were nevertheless cut out using special equipment, however, according to the master, absolutely any specialist with the right machine. It took the enthusiast 3 days to assemble the crossbow.

Continuing the theme, but very effective weapons from different times.