Getting rid of nettles in a summer cottage. How to get rid of nettles in the countryside forever: a list of the best methods Herbicides for nettles and burdock

But it often settles among cultivated plants, in the garden, under fences. Getting rid of it is quite difficult and the process is lengthy.

Should I delete it?

Delete manually

The manual method of fighting takes a lot of effort and time, but is the safest and most effective. Nettle grows where the land is not planted with cultivated plants. In the fall, you need to dig up such areas with a spade, remove all the roots and burn them.

In the spring, as soon as young shoots appear, weed the thickets as deeply as possible, removing all parts of the plant. And so every time with the appearance of young animals. You need to weed out before the seeds appear.

We use potassium salt

A 30% solution is more often used in areas where weeding is impossible and chemicals will harm the plants. This method gets rid of nettles for a short time, but is harmless and is quite applicable as a temporary measure.

Mulch the soil

After weeding and removing all parts of the plant, cover it with any opaque material - it can be slate or black film, old boards, pieces of plywood.

Hay or mown grass are suitable as mulch, laid in a layer of at least 10 cm. Young shoots will not be able to pass through such a shelter.

In ancient times, before important trips, races, or sales, horses were given eight nettle shoots with seeds every day for about eight weeks. The horses changed before our eyes: their manes began to shine, their fur became thicker, and their strength increased.

I have been friends with nettles for as many years as our plot is old. The secret of this herb was passed on to me by my mother; remember your favorite childhood fairy tale about wild swans. Nettle is a refuge for beneficial insects. This is an indicator of soil fertility. Nettle is a good stinging medicine; it is used for rheumatism, lashing sore joints. A green dye was obtained from nettle leaves and brewed as tea. There are countless ways to use nettle. Recently, iron was discovered in it, which is why it is prescribed for blood diseases.

Nettle is a wonderful natural fertilizer. Gardeners make green fertilizer by fermenting it. The nettles are placed in a barrel and filled with water at the rate of 10 liters per 1 kg of raw materials. Em-technologists add 100 ml of the drug “Baikal EM 1” to a 100 liter barrel. This way, fermentation proceeds faster and no smell is formed. Everything is pressed down from above with a weight and covered with a lid, film or any available material. There should be water in the container to the top. Leaving an air gap is not advisable. From it, a number of microorganisms will not develop in the infusion. After 3-5 days, the water can be used for irrigation. And bring the nettles into the ground, under the apple tree, bushes, and cover them with earth to prevent flies.

If the nettle is seeded, then keep it in water for 10-15 days. After such fermentation, the seeds will lose their viability. Only a characteristic smell may appear. It can be avoided by doubling the dose of the Baikal EM1 drug.

Nettle is very valuable for compost; it adds essential minerals to it. Nettle can be used to ripen fruits and tomatoes. Not quite ripe apples, pears or tomatoes are laid out on a bed of nettles. You can put it in a paper bag with nettle leaves. Check and pick up the ripe fruits more often.

How to remove nettles from the site? You should not pull out nettles with your bare hands; you will get burned. Mittens or rubber gloves are suitable. If you still get burned, use folk remedies: rub the burned area with a sorrel leaf, a boiled onion or a crushed clove of garlic.

For medicinal purposes, nettle leaves, according to legend, must be collected before May 1, later “the devil took them for shirts.” Apparently the point is that flowering occurs and the chemical composition of the plant changes.

I wish all the Argonauts gentle sunshine, health and harvests. And to you, Tatyana Nikolaevna, creative success. You are doing a very important and useful thing for people, soil and the Planet.

Sincerely, Tatyana Nikolaevna Morozova, Anzhero-Sudzhensk

The material was received by the regional representative of Gaas T.N. after the

her webinar on June 15, 2013, for which NPO ARGO EM1 expresses her gratitude to Tatyana Nikolaevna


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In order to permanently get rid of annoying nettles in your garden plot, you should very deeply and carefully treat the bud with a hoe, while cutting off all the nettle roots found. It is best to remove the plant from its roots, then carefully place it in heaps and set it on fire or throw it into compost pits. The process is very labor-intensive, since the roots of the nettle are connected by a very strong and reliable connection, which will be quite difficult to break.

To get rid of nettles in greenhouses, a thirty to forty degree solution of potassium salt is often used, which is directly sprayed on the plant. The method does not give one hundred percent results, but it is considered very effective and time-tested.

In those areas of land where the soil is not deeply cultivated, it is advisable to mow the entire layer of nettles from time to time. Soil infested with nettles lends itself perfectly to mulching using a special covering or bulk material. If there is such a thick layer, the nettle will not have the opportunity to germinate in any way. A regularly mowed lawn will not help nettles grow and prosper.

The following remedies will certainly help you get rid of nettles reliably, quickly and efficiently. Firstly, these are Roundup and Tornado. These products will help you get rid of not only annoying nettles, but also many other types of weeds directly in your garden. Their effectiveness and efficiency have long been tested by the experience of many summer residents.

There are two workable ways in which you can exterminate nettles in your garden. This is a chemical and mechanical method of destroying a plant. Recently, owners of gardens or summer cottages often prefer to fight nettles with the help of chemical compounds - it’s more reliable and faster, and requires less effort.

For a long time, the fight against nettles was carried out using mechanical means; for this purpose, they dug up the soil well in those areas where nettles grew densely. In this case, it is necessary to dig up the ground to a depth of more than 30 cm; we must not forget that nettle is an unusually tenacious plant. For this reason, roots that are dug up and simply thrown nearby may take root again after a while. They must be taken out of the area, or you can dry them well and then burn them. Nettle greens can be placed in a compost pit and the result is very good fertilizer.

Extermination of roots

The root system of this plant is designed in such a way that strong roots can stretch horizontally under the soil for several meters. For this reason, they are difficult to destroy in just one dig. It is imperative to wait some time for new shoots of the plant to sprout and repeat the procedure until the roots are completely depleted. The dug up soil can be temporarily covered with old slate or plastic wrap to prevent new shoots from breaking through. During hot weather, you can pour ordinary water under the film, thanks to which the roots will rot.

Removing shoots

Near fences, be sure to constantly cut off any weeds with a trimmer. You can lay it under the fence and next to it at 30-50 cm you can also lay film, paving slabs, roofing felt or slate. This will prevent the plants from germinating through the obstacle and will relieve the owners of the weed invasion almost effortlessly. It’s good to sprinkle cut lawn grass here, and in the autumn to collect fallen leaves. You need to lay it in a layer of 10 cm, this will reliably protect the area for many years.

Near the fence it is necessary to constantly mow down nettles and other weeds with a trimmer. Slate, roofing felt, and film can be laid under the fence and on both sides of it at a distance of 30-50 centimeters. This will prevent the plants from breaking through the obstacle and will save the owners from frequent mowing of the weeds. It is useful to pour mowed lawn grass, sawdust, and fallen leaves here in the fall. The layer height should be about 10 centimeters. This is reliable protection for several years.

Each of us has been familiar with such a stinging and unpleasant weed as nettle since childhood. It mainly grows in empty plots, but often settles in the garden, vegetable garden, among cultivated plants or under fences. How to get rid of nettles in the countryside forever? This is very difficult to do, and the process is quite lengthy.

Should it be deleted?

People don’t like nettle because it is very pungent, and sometimes they forget that this plant can be very useful. It has healing properties.

  • Nettle is rich in vitamins A, C, K, it contains a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • This is an excellent pet food.
  • Fertilizers are made from nettles for garden beds.
  • Its extract can often be found in cosmetics and medicines.
  • Nettle is used to make a very effective mask against hair loss.

When wondering how to get rid of nettles on your property, you should first familiarize yourself with its beneficial properties and methods of use.

Use in food

In times of famine, when it was difficult to find even the familiar potatoes, people ate various wild plants, including nettles.

And what’s most interesting is that the generation of the 30s and 40s was much healthier than their descendants.

Before adding nettle to various dishes, it must be properly prepared.

Old shoots are not suitable for food because they are too tough and have a bitter taste. Plucked young leaves must first be scalded with boiling water or, wearing gloves, washed well under running water to remove stinging hairs.

Nettle contains more carotene than carrots and four times more vitamin C than citrus fruits.

From the leaves prepared in this way, you can cook cabbage soup and soups, add them to salads, porridges, omelettes, prepare fillings for pancakes and pies, and also brew delicious and healthy tea.

In salads, nettle leaves go well with green onions, boiled eggs, carrots, and nuts. Such salads are seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream.

How to get rid of nettles in the countryside forever?

There are 2 ways to get rid of stinging weed: mechanical and chemical.

The mechanical method is more suitable for small garden plots. How to get rid of nettles in the countryside forever using this method? A number of activities will be required:

  • the soil is carefully dug up;
  • the above-ground parts of the weeds are removed (they can be placed in a compost pit - suitable as fertilizer);
  • roots are destroyed.

How to get rid of nettles in the garden by weeding? Let's look at some recommendations:

  • It is better to weed the weeds while they are still young;
  • It is advisable to harvest nettles before they are ripe and produce young offspring;
  • it is easier to weed after rain, as it is easier to remove the roots from the soil;
  • pick weeds from the soil.

Some time after digging, young shoots will appear again. This is a signal that this procedure needs to be repeated. It is not recommended to dig up the soil with a shovel, as some of the plants may remain and sprout again. After weeding, the soil can be covered with slate or black plastic film to prevent new shoots from breaking through.

You can also use sawdust, mowed grass or autumn leaves as a barrier to the growth of weeds. They are poured under a house wall or fence with a layer of 10 cm. The use of chemical methods will help to get rid of nettles forever over large areas.

Use of chemicals

If you don’t know how to get rid of nettle thickets, then the easiest way is to use chemicals - herbicides. They are used to exterminate weeds over large areas and are available in soil and subsurface types.

  • soil herbicides act through the above-ground parts of the plant (stem, leaves);
  • soil products act through the roots.

Depending on the effect on plants, herbicides are divided into three types:

  • Drugs that have a contact effect. These products affect weeds only in the place where the chemical got in, causing burns and then death of the plants. The disadvantage of such drugs is that if the product does not reach some part of the plant, the weed may grow back.
  • Systemic agents that completely affect the entire plant.
  • Herbicides that affect the root system and seeds.

Herbicides come in non-selective and selective spectrum of action. Non-selective products destroy all weeds. Selective or, in other words, selective drugs affect certain types of plants, but are safe for others.

Herbicides to control nettles

We looked at how to get rid of nettles in the countryside forever using chemical means. Let us now consider the most common means.

One of the herbicides tested by many gardeners is Roundup, which poses virtually no danger to humans, does not accumulate in the soil and very effectively removes weeds, including nettles. Analogs of this chemical are systemic weed control drugs: “Zero”, “Fosulen”, “Utal”, “Gosorg”, “Tornado”, “Hurricane”. Spraying is most effective in warm weather, when there is no wind or rain, and air humidity does not exceed 50%.

Traditional methods of fighting nettles

Let's look at how to get rid of nettles in the country using traditional methods.

  • Alcoholic method. This method was first used in the 30s. The soil is treated with a 6% solution of ethyl alcohol a month before sowing. You can also use 150 ml of vodka per 10 liters of water. Under the influence of ethanol, the germination of weeds accelerates, which are then carefully weeded. The method is valid throughout the season.
  • Fire method. After sowing cultivated plants, before they sprout, the soil is calcined using a sliding flame of a blowtorch. This procedure should be carried out very quickly so as not to damage the sown seeds, but to destroy only the weeds. Then the ground is watered to cool.
  • Substitution method. If there is no vegetation on the site, then it will very soon begin to be overgrown with weeds. Therefore, it is advisable to plant cultivated plants in empty beds, or resort to mulching the soil.
  • Treatment with 30% potassium salt solution. This method is most often used in greenhouses among cultivated plants, where weeding is impossible, and chemicals will harm other crops. This method will get rid of nettles, but not for long. The method is harmless and quite applicable as a temporary measure.
  • Using boiling water. It is considered not the most effective method, especially for large plots of land. Boiling water is poured onto the soil where nettles and other weeds grow. It is advisable to mulch the soil after this procedure. The effect of this method is short-lived.

Mistakes gardeners make when getting rid of weeds

One of the biggest mistakes is improperly treating nettles with herbicides. When sprayed, the chemical also gets on the cultivated plant, after which it dies. Nettles or other weeds should not be watered with a watering can, as this is too large a dosage. Spraying should be done from a spray bottle, but with a large spray hole.

One of the most common mistakes is poor protection of plants from anti-weed chemicals. When treating with herbicides, plantings should be covered with plastic film or a screen.

Preventive measures

Prevention is the best way to get rid of stinging weed. The favorite habitats of this weed are places near fences. To destroy them, film, boards or roofing felt are placed at a distance of 0.3-0.5 m from the fence.

Also, emerging weeds must be mowed regularly using a trimmer. In winter, the area is sprinkled with sawdust or covered with fallen leaves.

So, we looked at how to get rid of nettles in the garden forever. Before you start fighting weeds, it is advisable to study all the methods given in this article. These methods have been tested and are considered the most optimal and in demand when removing weeds from a site.

Depending on the degree of neglect of the land, choose one or another method, or even better, combine several.

Top 5 tips on how to get rid of nettles in your country house

Nettle is a plant that grows in temperate climates, which appears at the very beginning of spring and spreads very quickly. Since time immemorial, the healing properties of nettle have been used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. However, it is a weed whose leaves are covered with stinging hairs. It brings a lot of problems to summer residents; if nettle appears on the site, then gradually it will take over more and more new territories, and it is not so easy to get rid of it.

Fighting nettles on a site is a long and complex process and will require a lot of time and effort. One of the most effective, but quite labor-intensive ways to clear an area of ​​weeds is to weed the garden using a regular hoe. It is necessary to weed very carefully, tearing out the plant by the roots. The weed must then either be burned or placed in a compost bin and used as fertilizer. Nettle is a tenacious and very insidious plant; if you do not immediately remove the weed from the garden, its roots can take root and germinate.

The root system of the plant is very strong and can reach several meters in length, so after one-time weeding it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of nettles forever. The weeded area must be dug to a depth of at least 30 cm. But even after this, there is no guarantee that nettles will not appear in this place again. Cover the dug area with a sheet of old slate, roofing felt, polyethylene or cardboard so that the nettle roots remaining in the ground are deprived of light and young shoots cannot appear.

You can try to fight nettle with chemical methods, for example using potassium salt. To do this, you need to prepare a 30-40% aqueous solution and spray it on the stems and leaves of nettles. This method is not a 100% guarantee of weed destruction, but it is worth a try, especially since after such treatment the soil receives additional mineral nutrition.

The best treatments for nettle are herbicides such as Roundup, Glyphos and Tornado. They affect both the roots and above-ground parts of the plant. A few days after spraying, the nettle will simply dry out and will no longer grow in this place. Treatment should be carried out during the period of active weed growth in cool and calm weather, so that the chemicals do not get on other crops. Please note that if it rains after spraying, the effectiveness of the chemicals will decrease and the treatment will have to be repeated.

As a rule, nettle grass grows along fences. It needs to be mowed periodically to prevent weeds from spreading in the area. As a preventative measure, you can simply cover these places with boards, slate or roofing felt to deprive the plant of light and prevent new shoots from breaking through. Sawdust and mowed leaves, which need to be laid in places where the weed grows, protect the area well from nettles.

An activity that takes a lot of time and effort is weeding. Everyone would like to reduce the time spent fighting weeds. In this article we will tell you how to deal with nettles, in what ways you can destroy this plant in your garden or summer cottage.

Analysis of methods to combat nettles in the country

There are two ways to get rid of nettles: chemical and mechanical. If the plot of land is not large, then the mechanical method will come in handy. The mechanical method includes:

  • thorough digging of the soil;
  • removal of the above-ground parts of plants (can be placed in a compost pit - suitable for fertilizing);
  • destruction of roots.

Weeding rules:

  • It is better to weed while the weeds are young;
  • It is worth harvesting nettles until they ripen and produce new offspring;
  • after rain it is easier to weed, since the roots are easier to remove from the soil;
  • sampling weeds from the soil.

After digging, after a while young shoots will appear again. This is a signal that the procedure needs to be repeated. It is not recommended to dig up the soil with a shovel, because some of the plants may survive and sprout again. It is advisable to apply several times until the underground part of the plant is completely depleted. Then cover the soil with black plastic film or slate; new shoots will not be able to break through. Sprouted nettle shoots are removed with a trimmer. Tiles, roofing felt, slate or polyethylene are laid under the fence - these are obstacles to the germination of nettles.

Areas along fences, fences and house walls require special attention because this is the favorite area of ​​most weeds.

Another option for preventing weed growth is mowed grass, sawdust or autumn leaves. They are poured under a fence or wall of a house 10 cm thick. To combat nettles that have grown over large areas, it is more profitable to use chemical methods.

Brief information about the nettle plant

Everyone has been familiar with the stinging properties of nettles since childhood. The name of nettle (Urtica) comes from the Latin word “uro” - burn. The genus contains about 50 species. The most famous two species are stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and stinging nettle (Urtica urens).

Nettle is common in temperate climate zones; it can be found less frequently in the southern regions. This herbaceous plant is covered with stinging hairs. Nettle burns are considered harmless. But there are exceptions. A dangerous tropical plant is the nettle tree; touching it can be fatal. The stem is tetrahedral, does not branch. Nettle blooms starting in June. The fruit is a nut, ripening occurs by the end of August.

Nettle reaches a height of 1.5 meters.

If there is a lot of empty land in the garden plot, then the appearance of weeds is inevitable. Nettle loves neutral and slightly acidic fertile soils. If it grows in a garden plot together with plants such as meadow clover and field bindweed, then this is a clear indicator for the soil.

The composition of weeds can also determine the mineral composition of the soil. In addition to nettles, plants such as groundsel, hops, quinoa, and marigold grow in nitrogen-rich soil. Nettle easily takes root in new territories, and getting rid of it is quite difficult.

Folk methods of fighting nettles

  1. Alcohol method. This method was first used in the 30s of the 20th century. A month before the start of sowing, the land is treated with a 6% solution of ethyl alcohol. At home, use 150 ml of vodka per 10 liters of water. Under the influence of ethanol, weed germination accelerates. Then they are carefully weeded. This method lasts for a season.
  2. Fiery way. After the cultivated plants have been sown, until they sprout, the soil is calcined with a sliding flame of a blowtorch. This manipulation must be carried out quickly so as not to burn the desired seeds and only remove the weeds. Then the soil is cooled by watering it.
  3. Substitution method. If the soil is not occupied by any vegetation, it will soon become overgrown with weeds. Therefore, it is more profitable to plant cultivated plants in vacant beds or resort to mulching the soil. In some cases, compacted plantings are carried out.

    Compacted plantings will not get rid of weeds, but there will be fewer of them, with a predominance of annual weeds.

  4. Use of potassium salt. If the nettle grew in a greenhouse among cultivated plants, then there is also an interesting and effective way for this case. Nettles are treated with a 30% solution of potassium salt - this will not harm the plantings in the greenhouse, but will also remove the weed.
  5. Using boiling water. Not the most effective method, especially for large garden plots. Boiling water is poured onto the ground where weeds, including nettles, grow directly. After this, it is advisable to mulch the soil. The effect of this method is short-lived.

Chemical methods of getting rid of nettles

Herbicides are chemicals used to kill weeds. According to the method of penetration into plants, herbicides are:

  • soil (substances penetrate through the above-ground parts of plants);
  • ground (herbicides that penetrate through the roots and have a destructive effect on seed sprouts and plant roots).

Based on their effect on plants, there are three types of herbicides:

  • contact action;
  • systemic action;
  • herbicides affecting seeds and root systems.

Contact herbicides affect the plant only in those places where the solution gets in contact. The drugs cause burns and death of the weed. The disadvantage of such herbicides is that if the drug does not reach some part of the plant, new stems and leaves of the weed may grow. Herbicides of this type are often used as defoliants.

Systemic herbicides affect the entire plant. There are selective and non-selective herbicides. Selective or, in other words, selective herbicides act on certain types of plants, but are safe for others. Non-selective preparations destroy all weeds. For cultivated plants, varieties resistant to herbicides are bred, which makes it possible to widely use these products.

Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide, the main active ingredient in Tornado, Glyfor, Roundup, and Hurricane products, which are used to control perennial weeds. Glyphosate penetrates plant cells and prevents the formation of vital compounds, and the weed dies. At the same time, animals are not sensitive to this herbicide, since their bodies do not produce such substances as plants do.

Glyphosate is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Research conducted in March 2015 found that glyphosate is a possible human carcinogen. There is also evidence that this chemical can damage genes.

One herbicide tested by gardeners is Roundup. This chemical has a number of analogues, systemic drugs against weeds: “Utal”, “Zero”, “Tornado”, “Gosorg”, “Hurricane”, “Fosulen”. The useful parameters of the Roundup herbicide are shown in Table 1. This drug is most effective in warm weather, with air humidity not exceeding 50%.

Table 1. Consumption of Roundup herbicide

Name of cultivated plants Weeds Directions for use and preparation of solution Solution consumption Season
Fruit, citrus, vineyards annual grasses, dicotyledons 80 ml/10 l of water, spraying the vegetative parts of the weed 5l/100 m2 Spring Summer
Potato perennial cereal crops 40-60 ml/10 l of water (before emergence of cultivated plants) 5l/100 m2 Spring Summer
Potatoes, vegetables, melons, oilseeds, industrial crops and flower seed plants in the post-harvest period Annual cereals and dicotyledons 120 ml/10 l of water, treatment of vegetative weeds 5l/100 m2 Autumn

Useful properties and uses of nettle

Nettle has healing properties. Both above-ground and underground parts of the plant are used as pharmaceutical raw materials. Nettles are also used as food. It is used to make soups, salads, and brew tea. Nettle occupies an indispensable place in cosmetology. It is used to make a mask against hair loss.

Nettle soup is quite healthy; it contains vitamins K, C and B2, as well as a number of microelements useful for the body.

Fabrics are made from nettles. Previously, nettles were used to make sails, bags, and even part of armor. Now they are creating collections of environmentally friendly clothing. Nettle is considered a natural material competitive with flax and cotton.

Experienced gardeners make fertilizer from nettles. To do this, the nettles are placed in a barrel and filled with water (10 liters of water per 1 kg of cut nettles). Then add 100 ml of the microbiological preparation “Baikal EM1”. The barrel is closed with a lid. Fermentation processes occur within 5 days. After a week, the fertilizer is ready for use.

As part of compost, nettle is of great value, as this plant is rich in minerals. Nettle infusion is used to combat aphids and powdery mildew in gardening.