Research work “How to learn to save using energy-saving lamps. Research work "calculate, save" Calculations for heating water with a gas stove

Portnyagin Nikolai

Project Manager:

Kolodeznikova Aitalina Gavrilievna


MBOU "Myndaba secondary school"

In the presented research project in mathematics on the topic "We calculate, save", the student examines and studies the types of electricity meters, single-tariff and multi-tariff meters, determines the electricity consumption of various household appliances, analyzes household electrical appliances in his home and their electricity consumption.

At this time, my research project in mathematics is relevant, as it allows you to understand the calculations and save energy costs, calculate the electricity consumption in a private house at two rates, and solve the practical problems necessary for the house to calculate the savings in electricity consumed by appliances.

What is electricity? Why save on electricity?
Relevance. Goal and tasks
I. Main body
1.1. Counters. Single-tariff and multi-tariff counters.
1.2. How to calculate electricity consumption
1.3. Electricity consumption of various household appliances.
II. Practical part
2.1. Poll results
2.2. Household electrical appliances of my house
2.3. Calculation of electricity consumption in a private house at two rates.
2.4. Practical tasks
List of used literature


What is electricity?

Why save on electricity?
The word "energy" comes from the Greek word meaning action, activity. Energy is a general quantitative measure of the movement and interaction of all types of matter. Energy is a necessary assistant in our life.

In our country, today the main sources of electricity are nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants and thermal power plants. More than half of the electricity produced by thermal power plants. Most often, such power plants are located in places where fuel is extracted.

In cities, combined heat and power plants can also be used, which provide the city not only with electricity, but also with hot water and heat. The cheapest electricity is produced by hydroelectric power plants. From the power plant through high-voltage power lines (TL), electricity reaches cities and villages. This happens at a huge voltage of 110-1150 kilovolts. Such a high voltage is necessary so that the electric current can travel long distances. But in apartments, such high voltage is extremely dangerous, so before the electric current gets into our house, the voltage must be lowered. Voltage conversion occurs in electrical substations using transformers.

From the electrical substation, the current is transmitted through an underground cable or wires stretched high above the ground to distribution points, which are located in specially designated rooms (panel boards). Distribution devices are installed in the switchboards, which ensure the transmission of electricity to houses and apartments. Distribution from switchboard to floor boards is carried out using special cables. And, finally, from floor boards, electricity is supplied to meters in houses or apartments. Electricity travels this long path so quickly that its movement is completely imperceptible to us.

What does the phrase "energy saving" mean? For lighting in the house, we use electric incandescent lamps. If we take a thermal power plant, on the way from the primary source of energy (coal, oil, gas) to the light bulb in our house, most of it turns into heat. A thermal power plant converts no more than 40% of the fuel energy into electrical energy, which means that 60% of the energy is lost (i.e. converted into heat). From 5 to 10% of electricity is lost in wires and transformer substations.

Finally, electrical energy entered the light bulb. But an ordinary incandescent lamp converts only 5-10% of the electricity consumed into light energy. The rest goes back to heat. As a result, it turns out that only 2-4% of the primary supply of chemical energy in the fuel is used with benefit (ie, in the form of light energy). The rest goes into the environment as heat.

Efficient use of energy in industry and everyday life, saving it is the key to raising living standards.

Relevance. Goal and tasks

As you know, electricity consumption is growing every year. Due to the constant increase in electricity prices, more and more people are thinking about how to save their money and reduce the costs associated with this vital resource. In this paper, one of the ways to save on electricity is considered - metering devices. Modern electricity meters: multi-tariff meters should save on electricity costs. Will such a counter really save money?

- the study of modern metering devices as a way to reduce electricity costs.
- drawing up and solving problems related to energy savings.

1. Find out what electricity is, why do you need to save?
2. Understand the principle of operation of counters. What is the difference between a single-tariff meter and a multi-tariff meter.
3. Compare the electricity consumption of different household appliances
4. Conduct a survey
5. Practically calculate the power consumption.
6. Compose and solve practical problems.

I. Main body

Counters. Single-tariff and multi-tariff meters

An electrical energy meter or electric meter is a device for measuring the consumption of AC electricity, measured in kWh. Must be installed in every apartment, house, garage, etc. The place of connection of electrical wires and cables is always sealed on the cover to prevent changes in the connection scheme in order to steal electricity.

Since ancient times, induction-type meters have been used to account for the consumption of electricity. Currently, electronic electricity meters are used - these are modern electricity metering devices. There are single-tariff and multi-tariff.

The only difference between multi-tariff meters and standard single-tariff electricity meters is that they account for electricity in a differentiated way.
When using multi-tariff electricity meters, electricity consumption is taken into account not by one figure, but by several.

Depending on which program is embedded in such a counter, accounting can be carried out at two or three rates. Two-tariff electricity meters divide the consumed electricity into two time intervals: day and night. Three-tariff ones distinguish the night period, as well as the peak and semi-peak zones.

The specifics of the operation of various multi-tariff electric meters
The daily tariff for all types of multi-tariff meters is valid from 7 am to 11 pm. The cost of electricity during this period is almost identical to the usual one-part tariff. For three-tariff meters, this period of time is also divided into peak and half-peak zones.

Peak zone - two time intervals when electricity consumption reaches its maximum. These times are from 07:00 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00. Electricity during this period is the most expensive and costs the owners of three-rate meters even more than users of standard one-rate meters.

The time intervals from 10:00 to 17:00 and from 21:00 to 23:00 are called the half-peak zone. The use of electricity during these periods allows the owners of three-tariff meters to save about 15% of the funds spent on paying for electricity.

The use of electricity at night is the most profitable, since the tariffs for it at this time are reduced by almost 4 times compared to daytime.

The main money savings begin with the consumption of electricity during the night. It lasts from 23:00 to 07:00, but the cost of one kilowatt of electricity is reduced by almost 4 times compared to the daily or standard one-rate tariff.

Naturally, not everyone will be able to immediately adapt to the mode of operation of multi-tariff meters, however, the redistribution of part of the electricity used at night will significantly save money.

How to calculate electricity consumption?

Electricity consumption in residential buildings is subject to significant daily variations. Naturally, consumption is minimal at night - everyone is sleeping. In the morning, consumption increases, people are going to work. In the evening, consumption increases even more, people come home from work, and it gets dark outside. Such fluctuations in the consumption of electrical energy cause significant inconvenience to power engineers, forcing them to have a power reserve to withstand peak consumption.

Therefore, the introduction of multi-tariff accounting seems quite reasonable. If you change your daily routine in such a way as not to load the electrical network during peak hours, then you could save money during minimum hours.

And everything was very simple, if the tariff for electricity at night was simply lower than during the day. In this case, the installation of a multi-tariff meter would certainly be beneficial. The payback period in this case would depend on the difference in tariffs, the profile of electricity consumption, the cost of the meter and the work to install it.

But the daily zone tariff in the case of multi-tariff accounting is higher than a simple single-rate tariff. Will a multi-tariff meter help save money?

We will understand the operation of a two-tariff meter. Such counters divide the day into two zones - "day" and "night". The day zone usually lasts from 7:00 to 23:00, and the night zone from 23:00 to 7:00. How to calculate the savings from installing such a meter?

Let's say that the single-rate tariff is 3 rubles per kWh, the daily tariff is 3 rubles 30 kopecks per kWh, the nightly tariff is 1 ruble 80 kopecks per kWh.

It turns out that with two-tariff accounting for one daily kWh, you overpay 30 kopecks compared to a single-rate tariff. But for one night kWh you save 1 ruble 20 kopecks. For equal profitability (more precisely, equal consumption), it is necessary that no more than 4 daily ones fall on one nightly kilowatt. With a smaller ratio there will be savings, with a larger one - overspending.

Thus, the night consumption should be 1 / (1 + 4) = 0.2, i.e. not less than 20% of the total consumption. If you plug your numbers into the calculation, this formula will help you figure out your overnight consumption threshold.

For example, in Moscow there is now a one-part tariff of 4.50 rubles/kWh, a day zone of 4.53 rubles/kWh, and a night zone of 1.16 rubles/kWh. The threshold for night consumption is obtained:

1 / (1 + (4.50 - 1.16) / (4.53 - 4.50)) = 0.009 or 0.9%.

The two-part tariff for residents of Moscow is certainly beneficial. Such a small overnight consumption can easily be provided by a refrigerator.

For the Rostov region, where the one-part tariff is 3.23 rubles/kWh, the day zone tariff is 3.43 rubles/kWh, and the night zone is 2.68 rubles/kWh, the equal consumption threshold is already:

1 / (1 + (3.23 - 2.68) / (3.43 - 3.23)) = 0.27 or 27%.

Such an estimated threshold of night consumption of 26-31% is typical for almost all regions of Russia. Why? Because according to the statistics of power supply companies, it is 25-30% of all electricity that is consumed at night.

If we take Yakutia, Ust-Aldansky ulus, the one-part tariff is 3.57 rubles / kW, the night tariff is 2.32 rubles / kW, the daily tariff is 3.59 rubles / kW. The threshold of equal consumption will be:

1 / (1 + (3.57 - 2.32) / (3.59 - 3.57)) = 0.016 or 1.6%.

If you believe this formula, then the transition to a two-part tariff should be beneficial for the residents of the Ust-Aldansky ulus.

The most accurate way to find out if it makes sense to switch to multi-tariff accounting is to take meter readings at 7:00 and at 23:00. For a three-tariff one, this must be done at 7:00, 10:00, 17:00, 21:00 and 23:00. And so for a month. After that, it will be possible to calculate consumption for all zones and find out the profitability of replacement.

Electricity consumption of various household appliances

Between 30 and 50% of electricity is consumed by electrical appliances, so when buying consumer electronics, you should pay attention to the energy consumed, compare different models and manufacturers, and choose the least energy-intensive model.

The use of modern energy-saving electrical household appliances allows you to achieve such energy savings that it is hard to believe at first. Let's take the example of Denmark. There, experts calculated how much energy can be saved by simply using the best models of appliances and devices available on the market.

Specifically, by type of household appliances, energy savings are estimated by the following values: refrigerators and freezers - up to 80%; washing machines - from 4 to 10 times; TVs - 30 to 50%.

Electric stoves. This is the most energy-intensive household appliance. The board must be correct. Untimely replacement of faulty burners leads to an overrun of electricity by 3-5%.

Most electric stoves are equipped with 4-stage power regulators. As a result, when cooking, electricity is wasted. The use of 7-stage switches will reduce energy costs by 5-12%.

Washing machine. Load the washing machine completely. Electricity consumption practically does not depend on how loaded the machine is. Washing with a full load of the machine saves 15-20 kW / h of energy per month.

Iron. Ironing requires relatively little electricity. To save energy, sort things according to the material. You need to start with low temperatures, for small things use the residual heat (with the iron turned off).

Fridge- energy-intensive device. Since refrigerators are constantly connected to the network, they consume the same or even more energy than electric stoves: 500-1400 kW / h per year.

The refrigerator should be placed in the coolest place in the kitchen, preferably near the outer wall, but not close to it. By regularly defrosting and drying the refrigerator, you can make it work much more economically.

Vacuum cleaner. A good cleaning of the dust container is essential for the efficient operation of the vacuum cleaner. Filters clogged with dust impede the operation of the vacuum cleaner, reduce air draft. Any equipment should be selected based on needs.

Many electronic devices - televisions, computers, etc. have a so-called standby mode. In this mode, for a month of continuous operation, a rather tangible amount of electricity is consumed - about 10 kW / h.

II. Practical part

Poll results

In order to find out how much the inhabitants of our village know about saving electricity, a survey was conducted among the inhabitants of the village of Myndaba.

Household electrical appliances of my house

I use the following household electrical appliances at home: a household electric stove, a refrigerator, an iron, a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner.

Also, electrical appliances are used: microwave, TV, computer, laptop and hair dryer.

Calculation of electricity consumption in a private house at two rates

In order to find out whether it is worth switching to a multi-tariff electricity meter, it is enough to take meter readings for a month 2 times a day (at 7.00 and 23.00). In this way, you can calculate the consumption for the day and night rates.

Tariffs of Ust-Aldansky ulus:
Single-tariff meter: 3.57 rubles / kW
Two-tariff meter: day - 3.59 rubles / kW night - 2.32 rubles / kW

the date Meter reading day night Total 3.57 rubles per 1 kWh Day 3.59 RUB/kW Night 2.32 RUB/kW
07.00 23.00
26.02.2016 11050,1 11052,8 2,7 0,7 3,4 12,138 9,693 1,624
27.02.2016 11053,5 11055,6 2,1 0,8 2,9 10,353 7,539 1,856
28.02.2016 11056,4 11061,4 5 0,8 5,8 20,706 17,95 1,856
29.02.2016 11062,2 11063,9 1,7 1,4 3,1 11,067 6,103 3,248
01.03.2016 11065,3 11067,1 1,8 1,8 3,6 12,852 6,462 4,176
02.03.2016 11068,9 11070,0 1,1 1,1 2,2 7,854 3,949 2,552
03.03.2016 11071,1 11074,8 3,7 2,4 6,1 21,777 13,283 5,568
04.03.2016 11077,2 11079,5 2,3 2,3 4,6 16,422 8,257 5,336
05.03.2016 11081,8 11084,6 2,8 1,9 4,7 16,779 10,052 4,408
06.03.2016 11086,5 11089,3 2,8 2,1 4,9 17,493 10,052 4,872
07.03.2016 11091,4 11093,7 2,3 0,8 3,1 11,067 8,257 1,856
08.03.2016 11094,5 11097,4 2,9 2,4 5,3 18,921 10,411 5,568
09.03.2016 11099,8 11105,7 5,9 3,6 9,5 33,915 21,181 8,352
10.03.2016 11109,3 11114,6 5,3 2,5 7,8 27,846 19,027 5,8
11..03.2016 11117,1 11119,4 2,3 3,7 6 21,42 8,257 8,584
12.03.2016 11123,1 11126,3 3,2 3,8 7 24,99 11,488 8,816
13.03.2016 11130,1 11133,9 3,8 2,2 6 21,42 13,642 5,104
14.03.2016 11136,1 11140,2 4,1 2,6 6,7 23,919 14,719 6,032
15.03.2016 11142,8 11145,8 3 1,5 4,5 16,065 10,77 3,48
16.03.2016 11147,3 11148 0,7 1,1 1,8 6,426 2,513 2,552
17.03.2016 11149,1 11151,9 2,8 1,3 4,1 14,637 10,052 3,016
18.03.2016 11153,2 11155,3 2,1 1,8 3,9 13,923 7,539 4,176
19.03.2016 11157,1 11159,7 2,6 1,2 3,8 13,566 9,334 2,784
20.03.2016 11160,9 11164,1 3,2 2,3 5,5 19,635 11,488 5,336
21.03.2016 11166,4 11168 1,6 2,9 4,5 16,065 5,744 6,728
22.03.2016 11170,9 11172,1 1,2 2,5 3,7 13,209 4,308 5,8
23.03.2016 11174,6 11176,5 1,9 2 3,9 13,923 6,821 4,64
24.03.2016 11178,5 11182,1 3,6 1,7 5,3 18,921 12,924 3,944
25.03.2016 11183,8 11187,6 3,8 2,1 5,9 21,063 13,642 4,872
26.03.2016 11189,7 11193,4 3,7 2 5,7 20,349 13,283 4,64
Total 518,721 308,74 137,576

So, we took meter readings for one month. If you calculate the consumption per month using a single-tariff meter, it will be 518.72 rubles. If you calculate according to the tariff "day", "night", then the expense will be 446.32 rubles. Savings per month will be 72.41 rubles. For the year we will save 868.92 rubles.

A simple two-tariff meter costs about 1,500 rubles. The payback period of the counter is about two and a half years.

Practical challenges related to energy costs

1. From July 1, 2014, the payment for electricity increased from 2.3 rubles to 2.7 rubles. By what percent did the electricity bill increase? Round the result to integers.

2.7-2.3 \u003d 0.4 rubles
2,3 – 100%
0.4 - x%
(0,4 100):2,3 = 17,39
x = 17
Answer: by 17%

2. An ordinary incandescent lamp consumes 100Wh of electricity, while an energy-saving lamp consumes 20Wh. How many times more economical is an energy-saving lamp than a conventional incandescent lamp? How many rubles per month will be saved if the lamp works 7 hours a day? (The cost of 1 kW is 3.57 rubles) Round the result to the nearest hundredth.

100 7 \u003d 700 W for 7 hours / day consumes a conventional lamp;
20 7 \u003d 140 W for 7 hours / day consumes an energy-saving lamp;
700 30 = 21000W = 21kW;
140 30 = 4200W = 4.2kW;
21 3,57 - 4,2 3,57 = 59,978
Answer: RUB 59.98

3. Payment for cold water is 81.84 rubles, for hot water - 272.9 rubles per person per month. How many rubles will a family of 4 pay for water?

81.84 + 272.9 \u003d 354.74 rubles per month fee for one person;
354.74 4 = 1418.96 rubles per month fee for a family of 4 people.
Answer: RUB 1418.96

4. How many rubles will we pay for a TV turned off with the remote control per year? If the power consumption is 0.006 kW, does it work 5 hours a day? (The cost of 1 kW is 3.57 rubles). Round the result to the nearest whole number.

24-5=19 hours the TV is turned off with the remote control;
19 0.006 = 0.114 kW per day;
0.114 365 = 41.61 kW per year;
41.61 3.57 = 148.547 kW.
Answer: 149 rubles

5. How many times more powerful is an electric kettle (power 2.1 kWh) than a refrigerator (power 0.04 kWh)?

2,1: 0,04 = 52,5
Answer: 52.5 times.

6. How much the family will pay per month for electricity, if the meter calculated 145.3 kW per month. (The cost of 1 kW is 3.57 rubles). Round the result to tenths.

145,3 3,57 = 518,721
Answer: 518.7 rubles.


As a result of working on this topic, we learned where electricity comes from and why it is necessary to save it. Many residents of our village do not know about the existence of modern metering devices like a multi-tariff meter.

We learned that modern household appliances consume a huge amount of electricity. Therefore, when buying, when using it at home, we must follow some rules of use that will help save energy significantly.

Considered the problems associated with utility costs. Our calculations have shown that, indeed, replacing a conventional single-rate meter will help save electricity and therefore save our money. But there are several factors to take into account.

Changing a single-tariff meter to a multi-tariff meter is beneficial only if the house has powerful appliances that work around the clock or better at night (electric heater and air conditioning, night lighting, machines, pumps). If you work from 8:00 to 17:00, and the apartment does not have a large number of “smart” household appliances that can work according to a given schedule, then you definitely do not need a multi-tariff meter. On the contrary, when you install it, you can even get an increase in electricity bills.

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1 RESEARCH WORK Section: physics Topic: “How to save electricity at home” Completed by): Daniil Olegovich Salmin, 5th grade student of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary General Education School 13 Head: Shitsko Olga Nikolaevna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, city 1

2 Saving electricity at home Salmin Daniil Olegovich Scientific adviser Shitsko Olga Nikolaevna GBOU secondary school 13, Samara region, Chapaevsk The problem of energy saving has become one of the most pressing problems in the world today. Today, the state, commercial organizations, and individuals are engaged in saving electricity, because. energy sources are cut off, and new sources of electricity are not yet used to the full extent of their forces. I wanted to figure out which devices consume how much electricity, and how it can be saved. The purpose of the work on specific examples is to evaluate the electricity consumption of household appliances and develop a plan for saving electricity at home. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: Find out how much electricity costs and how much we pay for it per month. Measure how much electricity electrical appliances consume in different operating modes. Analyze the level of electricity consumption of various lighting lamps. Develop a plan to save energy at home. As a result of research, I came to the following conclusions: 1. Unplug appliances from the outlet when not in use. 2. Do not leave powerful appliances turned on for a long time. 3. Wash with not too hot water. 4. Use electric stoves correctly. 5. Don't overwork your refrigerator. 6. Replace light bulbs with energy efficient ones. 2

3 The main achievement was that over the past month we really managed to save money! We did not infringe on ourselves in the use of electricity. We just followed our own advice, and spent electricity wisely! 3

4 Table of contents Introduction Theoretical part We measure appliances at home Kitchen and electric stove Light bulbs ... 8 Conclusion ... 10 References

5 Introduction I often hear from parents that electricity should be saved. We pay money when electricity is spent when a light is on, when a TV, computer or other electrical appliances are on. And I wanted to figure out which devices consume how much electricity, and how it can be saved. Purpose of work: Evaluation of electricity consumption of household appliances and development of a plan for saving electricity at home. Objectives: Find out how much electricity costs and how much we pay for it per month. Measure how much electricity electrical appliances consume in different operating modes. Analyze the level of electricity consumption of various lighting lamps. Develop a plan to save energy at home. Hypotheses: It is not necessary to unplug appliances that are not in use. Energy-saving light bulbs, according to advertising, spend less electricity. Subject of study: electric current. Object of study: the amount of electricity consumed by household appliances in the house. 5

6 Theoretical part We all have a lot of different electrical appliances at home. These are light bulbs in a chandelier, a refrigerator, a TV, a vacuum cleaner, a computer, a washing machine, a heater. Many also have an electric stove in the kitchen, various gadgets that are charged from a power outlet, etc. All devices consume electrical energy for their work. This energy is measured in Watts. And we pay for the consumed kilowatt-hours (abbreviated as “kWh”). 1 kWh (1000 watts per hour) now costs 3 rubles 17 kopecks in Chapaevsk. For a month in a separate family, it can go from several hundred to several thousand rubles. Our task is to find out how much you can save electricity at home in order to reduce payments. Example. On an ordinary light bulb (which is called an incandescent lamp), you can see the inscription: "100W" (or "100W"). And this is equal to 0.1 kW. If the light bulb burns 8 hours a day, then it consumes: 0.1 kW * 8 h = 0.8 kW * h. For 1 month it turns out: 0.8 kW * 30 days = 24 kW * h. At a price of 3.17 rubles per 1 kW * h, it turns out: 24 kW * h * 3.17 rubles. = 76.08 rubles. That is, if a light bulb with a power of 100 W burns 8 hours a day, then we will pay 76 rubles for the electricity it consumes every month. We purchased a special wattmeter device. With it, we will be able to see how many watts any electrical appliance consumes in real time. Many devices already indicate how many watts they consume. Let's compare them at the same time. 6

7 Measuring appliances at home We measure the power of electrical appliances in the house to find out which of them consume more and which less. Accordingly, we will know which devices are better not to use for too long. Let's start with TV. This is a 107 cm LCD TV. A set-top box and speakers work with it. We measure. While watching TV, all this together consumes 220 watts. If we watch TV in the evening for an average of 3 hours, then it turns out: 0.22 kW * 3 hours * 30 days = 19.8 kW * h * 3.17 rubles. = 62.77 rubles. per month And now we turn off the TV and the set-top box with the remote control. But here's the trick! It turns out that neither the TV nor the set-top box turns off completely. They are now in "standby mode". Small LED lights are lit on the devices, which indicate that the device is connected to the network. And our TV, together with a set-top box and speakers, consumes 26 watts in this mode. Since this is all constantly plugged into the outlet, we consider: 0.026 kW * 24 hours * 30 days = 18.72 kW * h * 3.17 rubles. \u003d 59.34 rubles. per month Hence the conclusion: many appliances continue to consume a lot of electricity if they remain plugged into the outlet. So, the first hypothesis put forward by me was not confirmed! Conclusion: To save energy, turn off unused appliances from the network. I heard the same thing about phone chargers. They also do not need to be left in sockets after the phone has been charged. We check all the “chargers” for phones found at home. It turned out that half of the chargers after 7

8 disconnections of the charging device continue to consume about 1 watt. This is not much at all, but nevertheless: 0.001 kW * 24 hours * 30 days = 0.72 kW * h * 3.17 rubles. = 2.28 rubles. per month Let's see how other devices behave. My computer consumes about 120 watts during operation. It starts to consume more during games: about 200 watts. By the way, many people think that the computer consumes more, because. the power supply usually says "400W" or more. In fact, this is the maximum power of the power supply, but the computer consumes less. If you move away from the computer, after a few minutes the screen goes blank and the computer goes into power-saving mode. In this mode, 70 watts are consumed. This is a lot, so do not leave the computer turned on for a long time. Dad's computer takes about the same, but there are still speakers, a router and a hub, which are always on, and consume 17 watts. That is, even when the computer is turned off, it continues to consume: 0.017 kW * 24 hours * 30 days = 12.24 kW * h * 3.17 rubles. = 38.8 rubles. per month Next, we measure all devices in a list. The same list includes devices that we measured at my grandparents' house: Synthesizer: 6 watts Music center: from 10 to 30 watts, depending on the volume Laptop: 50 watts 61cm tube TV: 70 watts Wall heater: 1800 watts Oil heater (7 sections): 1363 Watts Oil heater (11 sections): 2040 Watts Iron: 1501 Watts 81cm LED TV: 50 Watts 59cm LED TV: 50 Watts 8

9 Vacuum cleaner: 1220 watts (although it was labeled 1600 watts) Hairdryer: 1721 watts (it labeled 2200 watts) In the last two examples, we encountered a rather large discrepancy between the actual power and the one declared by the manufacturer. As we can see from the list we have compiled, those appliances that use electricity to heat the elements (hair dryer, heater, iron) consume an order of magnitude more electricity. Therefore, they must be used with caution, not only in terms of fire safety, but also in terms of economy. Let's calculate how much money we will spend on heating a room with one heater if it works at least 3 hours a day: 2.04 kW * 3 hours * 30 days = 183.6 kW * h * 3.17 rubles. = 582 rubles. per month So keep in mind that heating in this way is expensive. And do not forget to turn off the heaters in time. Now let's deal with the washing machine. We ran the wash several times in different modes. And we found out that the cost of washing is most affected by the temperature of the water, which we pre-set. But on the cleanliness of linen, by the way, this does not always affect. All the clothes we washed ended up being clean. As they say, “And if there is no difference, why pay more?” Water temperature Cost of one wash 0 0 С (half load mode) RUB 89 kopecks 0 0 С RUB 74 kopecks 0 0 С RUB 81 kopecks 0 0 С RUB 87 kopecks 9

10 0 0 C rub 78 kopecks 0 0 C rub 73 kopecks If there are small children at home, the washing machine works almost every day. So calculate for yourself how much you spend on laundry per month. Do not set the water temperature too high when washing, and turn on the half load economy mode if you need to wash a small amount of laundry. ten

11 Kitchen and electric stove Some houses do not have gas stoves in the kitchen. Instead, there are electric stoves. They are very voracious. Each switched on burner consumes up to 2000 watts. They are on for several hours every day. We have gas at home. Advice to those who have an electric stove in the kitchen: we put only large dishes on large burners. If there is a cookware with a small bottom on a large burner, then electricity is also wasted. In addition, glass-ceramic induction cookers save up to 50% of electricity. If you need to reheat something, it is better to use the microwave. It consumes a lot, but much faster than if you heat it up on an electric stove. If you have a gas stove at home, then it is extremely uneconomical to use an electric kettle. We checked 2 electric kettles. They consume an average of 1700 watts, and it takes about 50 kopecks to boil water in a kettle. If you boil the kettle at least 2 times a day, then for a month it turns out: 0.5 rubles. * 2 times * 30 days = 30 rubles. per month Make sure that there is no scale in the kettle. As a result, power consumption can increase significantly. And now about the refrigerator. It is on all the time, but works unevenly. Sometimes it turns on, makes a little noise and cools the food, sometimes it just stays silent. We connect it through the Wattmeter exactly for a day. After 24 hours, we look at how much the refrigerator has spent electricity. It turned out 1010 watts per day. 1.01 kW * 30 days = 32.99 kW * h * 3.17 rubles = 104.6 rubles. per month 11

12 There are also some simple truths about him that will help you save money. Firstly, the refrigerator should not be close to heat sources, such as a radiator. Otherwise, he will have to produce more cold. Secondly, do not put a hot pot in the refrigerator. It must first cool on the stove. Thirdly, if ice forms in your freezer, then you need to get rid of it more often. Light bulbs One of the main consumers of electrical energy at home are lighting fixtures. There are light bulbs in every room. In a chandelier, in lamps, in table lamps, in lighting. And light bulbs are different. The first bulb is an incandescent bulb. It is already morally obsolete, as it consumes too much electricity. The second energy-saving fluorescent light bulb. It is about 4 times more economical. Third LED light. Such bulbs began to appear not so long ago. They consume even less energy, but are still quite expensive. There are also other types of light bulbs, for example, halogen ones, but we will focus on these most common ones, which we have at home. I counted all the light bulbs that we have at home, and this is the result: 12

13 Type of lamp Quantity Power, Watts Total Watts Incandescent lamps alogen Energy-saving LED Total, if you turn on all the lights in all rooms, then 661 watts will be spent. There are only 4 incandescent bulbs left. They have almost been replaced by energy-saving lamps. The rest should be replaced as well. And LED bulbs are best used to illuminate specific areas. They still shine dimmer, but to illuminate the desktop, or the ceiling, it will turn out beautifully and economically. We check on the wattmeter whether the sweets really spend as much as stated: the deviations are insignificant. So, the following hypothesis was also confirmed. Conclusions suggest themselves: It is high time to replace old incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps. Turn off the lights in the rooms if they are not needed there now. This is the simplest and most effective saving. If the room has light wallpaper, and the windows are not curtained, then, perhaps, the light will not have to be turned on again. thirteen

14 14

15 Conclusion So, I have tested all the hypotheses put forward. I learned a lot about saving electricity at home, moreover, by experience, and for a while I felt like a real scientist. The main achievement was that over the past month we really managed to save money! We did not infringe on ourselves in the use of electricity. We just followed our own advice, and spent electricity wisely! As a result, we managed to save about 100 rubles per month, compared to the last two months, which amounted to 20%. I want to bring to your attention a memo compiled by me. 7. Unplug appliances when not in use. 8. Do not leave powerful appliances turned on for a long time. 9. Wash with not too hot water. 10. Use electric stoves correctly. 11. Don't overwork your refrigerator. 12. Replace light bulbs with energy efficient ones 15

16 References

Energy saving Energy plays an important role in the development of society. The growth of the world's population will be accompanied by an annual increase in energy demand by 1.7%. The need for energy in the world is constantly increasing.

1 / 9 Do not neglect natural light. light-colored curtains, light-colored wall and ceiling finishes, clean windows, and moderate planting on window sills will increase the illumination of your home and reduce the cost of

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Tsnin secondary school 2" Energy saving new "source" of energy

Energy saving is everyone's business You will need 1 kWh of energy in order to: listen for 50 hours Heat a full bath of water (150 l) by 6 degrees on the radio For 17 hours leave a lamp with a power of 60

ENERGY SAVING: practical tips WHY SAVE ENERGY? According to experts, 3 times more energy resources are spent on the production of a unit of production in Russia than in European countries.

Bad Advice: Energy Efficiency May 2018 What is Energy Efficiency? Something is more energy efficient if it provides more services for the same amount of energy, or

Research work Physics SAVING ELECTRICITY IN HOUSEHOLD Smirnova Alena Andreevna, a student of grade 8, secondary school POS. TCHAIKOVSKY Moscow region, city of klin SAVING ENERGY IN THE HOME Smirnova

Regional scientific-practical conference of educational, research and design work of students in grades 6-11 "Applied and fundamental questions of mathematics" Applied questions of mathematics Energy saving

RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM OF ENERGY AND RESOURCE SAVING Arctic ice 1970 2008 Greenhouse gas emissions for 2008 To prevent an environmental catastrophe, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fuel and energy

UDC 628.9:338.001.36 Features of energy saving and energy efficiency in the residential sector at the level of apartments Rusinina A.O., Sergeychik A.V. (supervisor Khmel E.V.) Belarusian National Technical

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 2, Navashino" Project topic: "Application of energy-saving technologies in everyday life" G. Navashino 2018 Introduction Living your life, try

Scientific research work Energy saving and environmental protection Completed by: Pashin Pavel Andreevich, student class 8b, secondary school 10, Kyshtym Head: Pazina Tatyana Vladimirovna teacher of physics

Lesson topic: “Electricity. Save electricity." MBOU secondary school 52 Volskaya E.I. Each of us is a consumer of electricity. Can electricity consumption be reduced without sacrificing comfort levels?

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution Lyceum 13 Khimki (Aerospace Lyceum) Report on the class hour on the topic: "Energy Saving" date: 09/15/2017 Goals and objectives

"Energy saving" Ecological culture is knowledge concerning the basic patterns and relationships in nature and society, a practical attitude towards nature, society, reality (this is an ecological

Which household appliance has the average monthly electricity consumption more than others? In the average family, the refrigerator consumes the most energy. This home appliance works

Dear residents of the municipality "City of Mozhga"! At present, the creation of conditions for increasing the efficiency of the use of energy and other types of resources is becoming one of the priorities.

REPORT ON THE ENERGY SAVING WEEK IN THE RIABINUSHKA GROUP Every year, within the framework of the International Day of Energy Saving, campaigns are held to save electricity, heat and water. Pupils of the secondary

Class hour "The Tale of Saved Energy" Compiled by Gerashchenko I. A. Useful and necessary information Memo for everyone We love water, water, water, We turn the crane - and we destroy it by liters. Know, saving water-sister,

Energy saving at my home Class hour Energy saving Energy saving (energy saving) implementation of legal, organizational, scientific, industrial, technical and economic measures aimed at

1. Energy consumption and its consequences 6. Reflection. Summing up the lesson 2. Work in laboratories: A. quiz B. analytics 3. Conclusions. Summing up the work 4. Work in creative workshops 5. Conclusions.

Presentation for the lesson on energy saving within the framework of the All-Russian festival of energy saving "TOGETHER BRIGHTER" 2018 Lecturer of GAPOU SO "Samara State College" Orlov A.V. 1. History of energy saving

How much can you save using energy-saving (hereinafter economical) lamps and is the game worth the candle? The table below shows a comparative cost calculation for conventional and economical lamps. Plain

practical energy saving at home DEAR CLIENTS! In the context of growing demand for energy resources and rising tariffs for them, as well as environmental degradation, reduction in oil, coal and gas reserves, special

COLORING BOOK AND OTHER ENTERTAINMENT Page 1 Dear friends! We live with you on a wonderful planet that must be protected! Our houses have water, heat and electricity. Waking up you open

Useful tips on the block "Electricity" Energy costs for lighting make up about 17% of all electricity used in everyday life. To make better use of natural light, you can

How to install an apartment multi-tariff electric meter in Moscow Payment for multi-tariff electric meters will allow you to save your family budget. What is it for? A multi-tariff meter makes it possible

We work for the benefit of the region! Simple energy saving rules for every day Pay less for electricity! Make your home smarter! Make the environment more comfortable! Reduce environmental pollution! energy saving

Synopsis of the lesson in physics “Savings start with a light bulb ...” Grade 9 The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with promising areas of artificial lighting technology, compare energy-saving ability

REPORT ON THE RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH: STUDY OF HABITS CONSUMPTION OF PUBLIC SERVICES BY THE POPULATION OF UKRAINE 29.08.2016 CONTENTS 1. Conclusions 8-9, 42, 65, 85 2. Methodology and demographic description of the sample 3,

PRELIMINARY CALCULATION OF POWER FOR PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL HOUSES 1 2 Sum up the power of all electrical appliances and electrical equipment planned for use, which is indicated in the passports of electrical appliances

MKOU Krasnogoryevskaya secondary school 10 Energy and we Purpose: to attract children's attention to the problems of using electricity, saving energy and energy resources. Tasks: creating motivation for saving resources

Electricity in our apartment. Refrigerator in the network's best abstracts catalog, with over 300,000 works in total. 796503731195080 That's right, but what is called electricity (a type of energy using. will not work





"Learning to live economically"

Work done by a student

Kharitonova Railya

Head: Saifullin I.R.

Physics teacher


1. Problematic justification for the choice of research work.

2. Relevance of the chosen topic.

3. Hypothesis.

4. Purpose, objectives of the study.

5. Object, subject of research.

6. Research methods.

7. Practical orientation of the work.

8. Stages of work.

9. Terms of work.

II.Main part

1. Learning to be economical (theory)

1.1 Energy-saving home appliances

1.2 Energy saving light bulbs

1.3 Indicators

1.4 Plain

1.5Tips for frugal

2. Practical part

2.1 Calculations for heating water with an electric kettle

2.2 Calculations for heating water with a boiler

2.3 Calculations for heating water with a gas stove

2.4 Summary table

III. Work Conclusions


V. Literature

I. Introduction

1. Problematic justification for the choice of research work.

The problem of energy saving has become one of the most pressing problems in the world today. Many states have begun to bring measures to save electricity. In the Russian Federation, a decision was also made to switch to energy-saving technologies.

On November 23, 2009, the President of Russia signed the Federal Law "On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".

Today, the state, commercial organizations, and individuals are engaged in saving electricity. Gradually, this work becomes an integral part of human life, because energy sources run out, and new sources of electricity are not yet used to the full extent of their forces.

In our opinion, it is necessary to think about saving electricity at school. Most recently, in a physics lesson, we learned about light sources, ways to generate electricity. We decided to study this topic in more depth and determine the purpose of our study - to find ways to save electricity in the city, school, at home.

2. Relevance: research on this topic is related to the lack of a clear understanding among people about the price of a unit of electricity and gas energy. We pay for utilities and do not think about what kind of energy is more economical to use at home: electricity or gas, how you can save money on electricity bills. This problem is especially acute for us during the global financial crisis.

3. Hypothesis: the modern household electrical equipment we use is not always economically beneficial for the consumer.

4. The purpose of the study:

    Analyze ways to save energy.

    Based on the heating of water, find out: which type of energy is cheaper today: electricity or natural gas?

1. Studying from various sources of information the history of the use of electricity to improve human living conditions

    Analysis of the state of affairs with energy savings in the country, city, school and home.

    Preparation of proposals for saving electricity through the introduction of resource-saving technologies.

    Promoting energy savings through the media in our school.

    We consider our work relevant, because with the help of the study we want to help city residents, school students, and their families save electricity.

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Compare the energy consumption when heating water with an electric kettle, boiler and gas stove.

3. Conduct a survey of students.

4. Formulate the basic principles of energy saving.

6. Object, subject of research: energy calculations for an electric kettle, boiler, gas stove.

7. Research methods:


2. Questioning;

3. Analysis and diagnostics of the obtained results;

4. Energy calculations.

8. Practical orientation of the work: calculate energy costs, identify energy-efficient devices.

9. Stages of work.

Stage 1 - collecting information on the chosen topic;

Stage 2 - questioning students;

Stage 3 - data processing;

Stage 4 - calculation of energy costs according to the data received;

Stage 5 - analysis of the results;

Stage 6 - practical application of the study.

10. Terms of work.

September - study of literature on the chosen topic;

October - student survey, data processing;

November - calculation of energy costs based on the data obtained, analysis of the results.

December - analysis of the obtained results, practical application of the study.

I.Main part

1.1 Learning to be frugal

How can you save electricity in your apartment? Moreover, electricity prices are rising year by year. The electric stove is the most wasteful of household electrical appliances. If a TV consumes about 300 kW / h per year, a refrigerator about 450 kW / h, then an electric stove - more than 1000 kW / h.
Average energy consumption

 Washing dishes - 3%

 Small heating appliances - 3%

 TV/Audio - 6%

 Washing and drying - 8%

 Lighting - 10%

 Cooking - 10%

 Hot water: kitchen and bath - 14%

 Air cooling, refrigerator - 21%

 The rest - 25%

1) We start saving when buying electrical appliances.

Often, when buying any household appliance, from a hair dryer to a washing machine, attention is paid to any technical parameters and appearance, but not to how much electricity this appliance consumes. This has happened again since Soviet times, when the price of electricity was a penny. And that's exactly what you need to pay attention to. In Europe, for the convenience of buyers, manufacturers are required to show in a special table the level of electricity consumption from Latin A to G (with arrows from dark green on A to dark brown on G). Naturally, A is the most economical option in terms of electricity, and G is the most “gluttonous in terms of electricity.
This plate is often affixed to the side or back of large household appliances. It should also be in the passport for household appliances. Therefore, before buying, ask the seller for a passport and pay attention to this table, you can write down for yourself the electricity consumption of a particular model in different operating modes. For example, in energy-saving models of washing machines, the weight of the loaded clothes is automatically determined and the flow of water is adjusted accordingly. Due to this, less water is consumed and, accordingly, energy savings of up to 40% for heating. When fully loaded, such a machine saves 0.4 kW per hour. Depending on the volume of washing, you can save from 500 to 750 rubles a year. When the washing machine tank is only half loaded, 50% of its power is wasted. Excessive use of the dry mode can also be a factor in energy inefficiency. And by the way, washing at a temperature of 30°C instead of the usual 40°C saves 40% of energy. At the same time, the quality of washing remains the same, since modern washing powders are designed to wash clothes more efficiently at low temperatures. Some electrical appliances will allow you to save up to 60-80% of electricity. For example fluorescent light bulbs.

1.2Energy saving light bulbs

All of you probably know what fluorescent lamps are or (as they are also called), fluorescent lamps. They consume significantly less electricity than traditional incandescent lamps. They appeared in the years of the USSR, in the early 80s. Such long frosted glass tubes 50-80 cm long. However, with their advantages, such lamps also had disadvantages. They were quite bulky and required special panels for fastening. The quality of Soviet lamps also left much to be desired, and constantly flashing lamps probably got on the nerves of more than one generation of Soviet schoolchildren and teachers. In addition, some did not like the white light of such lamps and annoyed them.

But now, just a couple of years ago, fluorescent lamps appeared on the market that can be screwed into a regular ceiling lamp. You can easily recognize them by their spiral or fork shape (see photos). They have different shades of light, from cold to warm. Warm, it seems to me, is no different from the light of an ordinary incandescent bulb. The service life of such lamps is from 6000 to 16000 hours. Such bulbs consume on average 3-4 TIMES less energy than conventional incandescent bulbs, but give off the same amount of light. That is, for example, a 27-watt lamp gives off about the same amount of light as a regular 100-watt light bulb. Savings - 73 watts. But that's not all. The life of a conventional light bulb is 1000 hours. A fluorescent light bulb can work up to 16,000 hours. An ordinary light bulb costs about 10-15 rubles, and a fluorescent one costs about 60-120 rubles. Already in terms of service life you will save about 100-120 rubles. But if we calculate the saved electricity for the year, for example, 5 hours a day, 365 days a year, at an electricity cost of 1.97 per kW, this will amount to about 3595 rubles per year. Little things? Probably. But 5 light bulbs is already 15,000 rubles a year. And if you replace light bulbs in all Russian apartments and houses (I do not yet count the lighting in schools, offices, factories), on average 5 light bulbs per family of three, the savings per year could be about 30 billion rubles (600 million dollars)! It is much better that this money would be spent on children, on health improvement, good nutrition. And everything is very simple!

Are there any disadvantages of such light bulbs - you ask? Is everything so cloudless? The first minus is that it is difficult to screw such a light bulb into some narrow chandeliers. Therefore, first make sure that such a light bulb can be screwed into your ceiling. Minus the second - after a long (hour or more) inactivity, such a light bulb starts to shine a little less than its real power and it takes an average of 1-2 minutes to reach maximum power.

Where to install these light bulbs? If you approach this issue wisely, then it is not at all necessary to immediately change all the light bulbs in the apartment, especially if you are limited in funds. It is best to replace light bulbs where they are used the most. Kitchen, living rooms. In the corridor, bath or toilet, the benefit in electricity will be completely invisible.

2.3 Burning indicators.

Most electrical appliances work on average 1-2 hours a day (except TVs and computers). However, they are constantly connected to the network and consume some, in principle, a small amount of electricity (the so-called stand-by mode, waiting for switching on), for light indication and the readiness of the device for operation. And since it works all the time, even 23 hours of waiting in stand-by mode with 7-12 devices constantly connected to the network will give you a rather big power consumption. How to deal with it? Of course, you can connect everything through a tee with an off button and turn it off when you leave for work, in the evening when you go to bed. This is correct not only from the point of view of saving electricity, but from the point of view of protecting electrical appliances from a voltage drop, which happens not so rarely. However, most likely very soon you will get tired of constantly turning the tee on and off. There is another solution. A special device that can be set to turn on and off by remote control. Those. for example, you have a TV, DVD-player, music center connected. Each of them has a control panel. All of them are connected through the device and do not consume electricity in stand-by mode (waiting to turn on).
Even in standby mode, household appliances absorb energy.

A watch on a DVD player will cost 96 rubles, and on a music center - 204 rubles. A small “harmless” cell phone charger left in the socket after the phone is charged eats up 144 rubles a year. Add to this a computer and a microwave - you get another 720 rubles. Thus, the life of your electrical appliances in stand-by mode will cost you at least 1390 rubles a year.

Let's imagine an "average" apartment, in which there are three TVs, two computers, 2 chargers constantly plugged into the outlet, one DVD player and a microwave, and count again. It turned out - extra 2350 rubles a year.

2.4 Regular economy

Nothing supernatural. Turn off light bulbs where they are not needed. We use electricity wisely. For example, if we want to drink a cup of tea, it is not at all necessary to boil 1 liter of water in an electric kettle, 0.3 liters is enough.

Washing machine:

1) Try to wash with a full load. At partial load, the machine consumes almost the same amount of electricity as at full load.

2) Try to wash with a lower temperature. At a washing temperature of +90 C, energy consumption is 30-40% higher than at a washing temperature of +60 C. Sometimes a temperature of +30/+40 C is sufficient for washing.

3) Use energy saving programs. If the washing time is extended, the water temperature can be lowered. And since the main electricity consumption goes to water heating, but the energy savings will reach 45%!

4) By hand-washing particularly dirty stains and soaking dirty laundry, you can avoid the need for washing at high water temperatures and high power consumption.

TSW oven

1) It is beneficial to use a microwave oven when heating a small amount of food (250-500 grams, no more). In other cases, it is cheaper to heat food on an electric stove or gas burner.


The refrigerator is one of the main consumers of electricity in our homes. He "likes" cool rooms. If you want to save on electricity, do not place it near a radiator or stove. The refrigerator will consume less energy if it is placed near an outside wall, but not close to it. The larger the air gap between the back wall of the refrigerator and the wall, the lower the temperature of the heat exchanger and the more efficient its operation.

1) Always check the refrigerator seal. A slight depressurization leads to increased power consumption by the refrigerator.

2) It is not necessary to lower the temperature in the refrigerator to the lowest point. + 7 C is enough for storing ordinary products, -18 C is enough for a freezer.

3) If possible, it is best to install the refrigerator away from radiators, even in an unheated room.

2.5 Tips for frugal

Cooking food

1. Cook food over low heat

For most cooking operations, high heat is not needed. Usually, the liquid only needs to be brought to a boil, and then the food is cooked over low heat. Use the residual heat of the burners: turn off the stove a little before the food is ready.

2. Use cookware with a bottom that is equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the electric stove burner

The electric stove is the most wasteful of household electrical appliances. If a TV consumes about 300 kW / h per year, a refrigerator about 450 kW / h, then an electric stove - more than 1000 kW / h.

Therefore, proper handling of the electric stove is one of the main ways to save energy.

Cover the cookware on the stove with a lid. This way you save money when cooking.

Cookware with an uneven bottom can lead to energy waste up to 40-60%.

3. Descale the kettle

For a reasonable use of energy when boiling the kettle, you should pour exactly as much water as you need right now.

Scale in a kettle conducts heat almost thirty times worse than metal, so it significantly increases the amount of energy needed to boil water.

Washing dishes.

It is not necessary to wash dishes under running water. In Europe, it is customary to clean the plates of leftover food and collect them in the sink. Then plug the drain, fill the sink with water, add detergent and wash the plates, as well as cups, spoons, forks, knives. Then rinse it all in a separate bowl with clean water. Saving water - 3-5 times.

Shower instead of bath.

One of the ancient philosophers said - "we eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat." The same applies to various washing procedures. In order to wash, it is not necessary to take a bath for this. Enough to take a shower. When taking a shower, an average of 5-7 times less water is consumed than when taking a bath. In order to reduce water consumption in general to a minimum, you can remember simple rules for taking a shower. Stand in the shower for 20-30 seconds, turn off the water, lather, then turn on the water and rinse off the soap for 30-40 seconds.

If you follow these simple tips, you can save more than 20% of electricity per month, but not many people know about it. In the course of the work, a survey was conducted among students in grade 11, which showed that 75% of those who took part in the survey did not know the basics of saving electricity. However, every self-respecting person should be able to be economical.

1. Practical part

Our family of five lives in a private village house with no amenities. My observations showed that we use most of the energy in everyday life to heat water, so I decided to conduct a series of measurements to determine the efficiency of various heating devices and the price of the energy expended. For the experiment, I took clean drinking water in a volume of 1 liter and heated this amount of water using various heating devices that are available on our farm: a gas stove, an electric kettle and a boiler to a boil. The theoretical and practical material of the 8th grade physics course makes it possible to determine with great accuracy all the parameters of a given thermal process. In each process, I used water from a tank that is located in the room. The mass of 1 liter of water at room temperature is 1 kg.

The amount of heat required to heat 1 liter of water to the boiling point

Initial water temperature: t 1 \u003d 18 ° С,

Boiling point of water: t 2 \u003d 100 ° C,

Mass of water: m in \u003d 1 kg

Specific heat capacity of water: c = 4200 J/kg°C

Quantity of heat

Q \u003d c m (t 2 - t 1)

Q \u003d 4200 1 (100-18) \u003d 344400 J

Calculations for heating water with an electric kettle

Finding the real power of an electric kettle

Electric kettle factory power: P = 2000 W,

Current in the circuit: I = 9 A

Voltage: U=220V

Real power:

P = 220 V 9 A = 1980 W

The amount of heat released by the coil of the kettle

Heating time t = 255 s.

Electric kettle power P = 1980 W

Quantity of heat:

Q \u003d 1980 W 225 s \u003d 445500 J

Finding the efficiency of an electric kettle

Q s \u003d 445500 J

Useful amount of energy:

Q p \u003d 344400 J

We find the efficiency of the electric kettle:

η = (344400/445500) 100% = 77.3%

Finding the price of consumed electricity (for a kettle)

1 kWh = 3,600,000 J

1 kWh \u003d 2.09 rubles.

A \u003d 445500 J \u003d 0.12375 kWh

Price = Tariff Work current

Price = 2.09 rubles. 0.12375 kWh = 0.2586 rubles.

2.2 Calculations for heating water with a boiler

The amount of heat released by the coil of the boiler

Heating time t = 435s

Boiler power P = 1000W

Quantity of heat:

Q = 1000 W 435 s = 435000 J

Finding the efficiency of the boiler

The spent amount of heat:

Qz \u003d 435000 J

Useful amount of energy:

Qp = 344400J

We find the efficiency of the boiler:

η = (344400/435000) 100% = 79.1%

Finding the price of consumed electricity (for a boiler)

1 kWh = 3,600,000 J

1 kWh - 2.09 rubles.

A \u003d 435000 J \u003d 0.1208 kWh

Price = Tariff Work current

Price = 2.09 rubles. 0.1208 kWh = 0.2525 rubles

Characteristics of natural gas

Burnt gas volume:

V gas \u003d 0.019 m 3

Specific heating value of natural gas

q = 4.4 10 7 J/kg

Gas Density:

ρ = 0.85 kg/m3

2.3 Calculations for heating water with a gas stove

Finding the amount of heat released by the combustion of gas

Find the mass of the burned gas:

m \u003d 0.019 m 3 0.85 kg / m 3 \u003d 0.01615 kg

Specific calorific value of gas

q = 4.4 10 7 J/kg

The amount of heat released by the gas:

Q \u003d 0.01615 kg 4.4 10 7 J / kg \u003d 710600 J

Finding the efficiency of a gas stove

The spent amount of heat:

Q s \u003d 710600 J

Useful amount of energy:

Q p \u003d 386400 J

We find the efficiency of the electric kettle:

η = (386400/710600) 100% = 54.4%

Finding the price of burned gas

Price = Tariff Volume of gas

Price \u003d 5.16 rubles 0.019 m 3

Price = 0.09614 rubles

2.4 Summary table of values


Heater name

Efficiency (%)

Heating price

1 liter of water (cop)

Electric kettle

77,3 %

25.86 kopecks


25.25 kopecks

Gas stove

9.61 kopecks


From my calculations, it follows that gas energy is about 2.6 times more profitable than electricity.

Benefit = Electricity price / Fuel (gas) energy price = 25.25 / 9.61 = 2.6 times.

This is despite the fact that many people believe that electricity is the more economical solution for their lives. It seems to me that every self-respecting person should know this information. It is inexpedient to overpay for electricity two and a half times in our difficult times. Therefore, in order to save your finances, you must:

Get rid of the electric kettle

Use gas water heaters

Use a gas stove oven instead of a microwave

Use household appliances of an economical class.


to research

"Learning to live economically"



    textbook "Physics 8" edited by Peryshkin

    website of the administration of the Kemerovo region (questionnaire)

    Kabardin Sparochnik in physics

    Rymkevich Collection of problems in physics (tables)


and start
Lo Research Kone c research


research process


We measure appliances at home 0.220 kW * 3 hours * 30 days * 2.81 rubles. = 56 rubles. per month 0.026 to Tue * 24 hours * 30 days * 2.81 rubles. = 53 rubles. per month On: Off: To save energy, unplug unused appliances from the mains! Games: 200 watts Internet: 120 watts Power saving mode: 70 watts Off: 17 watts = 34 rubles. per month Off:

Washing machine Water temperature Cost of one wash 40 0 ​​С (half load mode)0 rub 89 kop 40 0 ​​С1 rub 74 kop 50 0 С2 rub 81 kop 60 0 С2 rub 87 kop 70 0 С3 rub 78 kop 90 0 С5 rub 73 kop Not turn up the water temperature when washing, and turn on the half load economy mode if you need to wash a little laundry. And if there is no difference, why pay more?

Kitchen and electric stove Flat bottom 7:50 Old saucepan 10:15 * Use dishes with a flat bottom. * We put only large dishes on large burners. * Induction cookers allow you to save up to 50% of electricity. * Reheat faster in the microwave. * Make sure that there is no scale in the kettle. 400 ml water Save 24% Induction cooker

1.01 to Tue * day * 30 days * 2.81 rubles = 93 rubles. per month The refrigerator should not be close to heat sources, such as a radiator. Do not put a hot pot in the refrigerator. It must first cool on the stove. If ice builds up in your freezer, you need to get rid of it more often. Electric oven: 2900 watts. It became the most powerful home appliance 2.9 kW * 1 h * 2.81 rubles = 8 rubles. per hour Refrigerator: one of the most expensive appliances

Light bulbs Incandescent lamp (typically watts) Energy saving (fluorescent) lamp (typically 9-30 watts) LED lamp (typically 1-7 watts)

It is high time to replace old incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps. Turn off the lights in the rooms if they are not needed there now. This is the simplest and most effective saving. If the room has light wallpaper, and the windows are not curtained, then, perhaps, the light will not have to be turned on again.

Month, years Payment, rub. HERE ARE OUR PAYMENTS FOR ELECTRICITY FOR THE LAST 8 MONTHS: I achieved my goal! Now I know how to save electricity in the house!

Municipal educational institution lyceum No. 4 of Dankov

Section name: Physics

Job title:

Ways to save electricity

Papst Lilia Alexandrovna

11 g class

Head: Mokrysheva Svetlana Yurievna

Position: physics teacher

Dankov 2011

Mastering specific knowledge of energy-saving technologies,

necessary to solve the problem of electricity shortage;

Increasing the level of energy consumption culture.

2. Tasks:

Consider traditional and non-traditional methods of electricity generation;

Develop and offer their own options for solving the problem of energy saving;

Communicate the results of your research to the people around you.

3. Hypothesis:

ways to save electrical energy are very diverse: from the most

simple, carried out at the household level, to more complex, at the level

industrial production. Bringing our household appliances up to date

level in terms of energy consumption, the use of improvised means

help us save energy.


It is impossible to talk about ways to solve the problem of energy saving without contacting

to history. Briefly, the history of energy consumption can be summarized as follows: mankind began

from the careful use of renewable energy sources, but gradually moved to

reckless use of non-renewable sources.

The entire history of energy consumption proves that as the standard of living increases,

the amount of energy a person needs.

Any activity, regardless of its nature, involves the use of energy.

But the consumption of all types of energy resources is growing rapidly. What will happen

Nowadays. They cannot fail to interest any sane person and

require universal close attention, study and solution.

When assessing their reserves, it is important to distinguish between two large groups of resources - non-renewable

and renewable. The former are practically not replenished, and their number is steadily increasing.

decreases with use. This includes mineral and land resources.

Renewable resources are either capable of self-reproduction or continuously

come to the Earth from outside, or, being in a continuous circulation, can

be reused. Of course, renewable resources, like non-renewable ones, are not

infinite, but their renewable part can be constantly used.

Main Energy Sources

1. Thermal power plants

About 75% of all electricity in Russia is produced at thermal power plants

The efficiency of TPP reaches 40%. Most of the energy is wasted

together with hot treated steam

2. hydroelectric power plants

They should be built on full-flowing rivers, an example of this type of stations on

the high-water river is served by the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station on the Angara River

The most important feature of hydropower resources in comparison with fuel

energy resources - their continuous renewal

3. Nuclear power plants

are the most modern type of power plants, have a number of significant

advantages: under normal operating conditions, they do not contaminate

environment, do not require binding to the source of raw materials

There are practically no significant deficiencies under normal operating conditions.

Unconventional Energy Sources

1. Wind energy

2. Geothermal energy

3. Thermal energy of the ocean

4. Ebb and flow energy

5. Energy of sea currents

6. Solar energy

7. Hydrogen energy

To make our lives better, we must learn to save. Saving

resources is not a rejection of comfort, but, on the contrary, the goals of energy conservation (including

state) is the provision of necessary living conditions for the entire population.

Nowadays, we spend a lot of electricity and do not even think about

this. I calculated the amount of electricity I spent in a month, for this I did not

used the meters installed in each apartment, but simply wrote out the capacities

appliances in it, and calculated approximately how long they

work. Of course, it turned out that my calculations were not entirely correct. And

the error was quite large. Then I thought, can a person really

estimate how much electricity he uses per month?

We never think about how much electricity a TV, computer,

washing machine, vacuum cleaner, and even light bulbs. When I did the calculations, I

really surprised. It turned out that all the electricity consumed can be

divided into 4 approximately equal parts. About 25% - consumes a computer,

the other 25% - the refrigerator, oddly enough 25% - consume all the light bulbs, and the remaining

25% - accounts for all other devices. Well, how is it, my mother always spoke to me with

childhood: "Turn off the TV, and so we pay a lot for electricity." I think more than once you

also heard that. But even an ordinary light bulb consumes more

electricity than our favorite TV.

Then I decided to conduct an experiment. I use a straightener very often, and of course

he's not the only one for me. It turned out that my rectifiers have different power,

and the power of one is almost 2 times greater than the other. I decided to time them

work. It turned out that with a lower power straightener, I was able to straighten my hair

for 1.5 hours, and for others, for 1 hour. Half an hour is certainly not a short time. But what about money? On the

how much is the difference? To my surprise, I didn't find it.

What for one, what for another rectifier, I will have to pay an equal amount of money. But of course, if you save your time, then buy electrical appliances with more


How about light bulbs. They consume such a large amount of electricity.

Or maybe replace them with energy-saving light bulbs, well, it’s not for nothing that they were called that

"energy saving".

But they also have pros and cons. The advantage is that they last much longer

than simple light bulbs, but the downside is that they are so expensive. So is it worth it to pay

such amount of money and when will our costs pay off? This is what I will try to calculate.

An energy-saving light bulb costs about 150 rubles on average and has a power of about

20 W. Let's take an ordinary light bulb with a power of 100W, let it burn for about 2

hours a day throughout the month.

A \u003d 0.1 * 2 * 30 \u003d 6 kW * h 1 kW * h \u003d 2.32 rubles.

Cost \u003d 6 * 2.32 \u003d 13.92 rubles.

energy saving light bulb

A \u003d 0.02 * 2 * 30 \u003d 1.2 rubles.

The cost of an energy-saving light bulb will pay off in just 1 year, although its term

services, much more.

It turns out that buying energy-saving light bulbs is really profitable.

Having studied the special literature, I found out that at present almost all

European equipment has a special euro sticker with a class designation

energy saving from A to G . Class A includes the most, and class G the least.

economical appliances. The annual electricity consumption in kW/h is also indicated there.

Each energy saving class corresponds to a certain level

energy consumption.

For example, washing machines:

when loading 1 kg of laundry

With class "A" 0.19 kWh of energy is consumed;

At "B" - from 0.19 to 0.23 kWh

At "C" - from 0.23 to 0.27 kWh

when loading 5 kg of laundry

For class "A" - up to 0.95 kWh

For "B" - from 0.95 to 1.15 kWh

For "C" - from 1.15 to 1.35 kWh


Energy class "B" - consumption 1.26 kWh

Energy class "C" - consumption 1.45 kWh

In school classrooms, the lights will be on for at least an hour less. School average 24

Office (excluding utility rooms, gym, dining room, corridors), in

about 9 bulbs each, so let's see how much we can save.

n = 9

P = 0.2 kW

t = 1 h

tariff \u003d 2.32 r / (kW * h)

electricity cost?

st-t \u003d A * tariff


A \u003d 9 * 0.2 \u003d 1.8 kWh

st-t \u003d 1.8 * 2.32 \u003d 4.176 r - savings in one office

Let's calculate how much we will save if we turn off the lights in all offices for 1 hour

st = 4.176 * 24 = 100r,

what if in a year

st-t \u003d 26 * 8 * 100 \u003d 20800r

And this is by no means a small amount. This is the amount we will save if we turn off the light in the lyceum office 1 hour earlier.

Calculation of the cost of electricity in the apartment per month:

Given: Solution

P TV \u003d 0.068 kW A \u003d P * t

t TV \u003d 4 * 30 h A TV \u003d 0.068 * 4 * 30 * 2 \u003d 16.32 kW * h

n TV \u003d 2 A speakers \u003d 0.005 * 6 * 30 \u003d 1 kW * h

P columns \u003d 0.005 kW A monitor \u003d 0.06 * 6 * 30 \u003d 13.68 kWh

t columns \u003d 6 * 30 h A light bulb 1 \u003d 0.075 * 3 * 30 \u003d 6.75 kW * h

P monitor \u003d 0.06 kW A bulb 2 \u003d 0.1 * 3 * 30 \u003d 9 kWh

t monitor \u003d 6 * 30 h A system unit \u003d 0.1 * 6 * 30 \u003d 18 kW * h

P light bulb 1 \u003d 0.075kW A light bulb 3 \u003d 0.075 * 1 * 30 \u003d 2.25 kWh

t light bulb 1 \u003d 3 * 30 h A light bulb 4 \u003d 0.1 * 0.5 * 30 \u003d 1.5 kWh

P bulb 2 = 0.1 kW A bulb 5 = 0.1 * 1.5 * 30 = 4.5 kWh

t light bulb 2 \u003d 3 * 30 h A curling iron \u003d 0.05 * 0.25 * 30 \u003d 0.4 kW * h

P system unit \u003d 0.1 kW A rectifier \u003d 0.055 * 0.15 * 30 \u003d 0.9 kWh

t system unit \u003d 6 * 30 h A refrigerator \u003d 0.2 * 4 * 30 \u003d 24 kW * h

P light bulb 3 \u003d 0.075 kW A light bulb 6 \u003d 0.075 * 0.075 \u003d 9 kWh

t light bulb 3 \u003d 1 * 30 h A light bulb 7 \u003d 0.075 * 3 * 30 \u003d 6.75 kWh

P light bulb 4 \u003d 0.1 kW A light bulb 8 \u003d 0.075 * 3 * 30 \u003d 6.75 kWh

t light bulb 4 \u003d 0.5 * 30 h A light bulb 9 \u003d 0.075 * 3 * 30 \u003d 6.75 kWh

P light bulb 5 \u003d 0.1 kW A light bulb 10 \u003d 0.075 * 3 * 30 \u003d 6.75 kWh

t light bulb 5 \u003d 1.5 * 30 h A vacuum cleaner \u003d 1.6 * 0.25 * 30 \u003d 12 kW * h

P machine = 0.32 kW

t cars \u003d 1 * 4 h A total \u003d A1 + A2 + A3 + ... + An

P curling iron \u003d 0.05 kW A total \u003d 16.32 + 1 + 13.68 + 6.75 + 9 + 18 + 2.25 +

1.5+4.5+0.4+0.9+24+9+6.75+6.75+6.75+6.75+12=147 kWh

t curling iron = 0.25*30 h

P rectifier = 0.055 kW

t rectifier \u003d 0.15 * 30 h Electricity cost \u003d 147.98 * 2.32 \u003d 343.3136 r

P refrigerator = 0.2 kW

t fridge = 4*30 h

P bulb 5 = 0.075 kW

t light bulb 5 = 4*30 h

P bulb 6 = 0.075 kW

t bulb 6 = 0.075 h

P bulb 7 = 0.075 kW

t light bulb 7 = 3*30 h

P bulb 8 = 0.075kW

t light bulb 8 = 3*30 h

P bulb 9 = 0.075 W

t light bulb 9 = 3*30 h

P bulb 10 = 0.075 kW

t light bulb 10 = 3*30 h

P vacuum cleaner = 1.6 kW

t vacuum cleaner = 0.25 * 30h

And the general one?

The cost of electricity-?

Helpful Hints

Before warming windows for the winter, wash the glass thoroughly. Generally it should

do it more often, as this helps to save electricity for lighting.

For the winter, window frames can be sealed with paper. This should be done from the inside

side and in calm weather. Paper glued with milk holds well.

However, it is better to use special sealing materials. Many appeared in

sale, and some are able to work for several years. They are also successfully used

for warming such fashionable now metal doors.

Leaks from heating or plumbing pipes can be eliminated by applying an eraser to the pipe and

press it with a stick tied to the pipe.

Use pans with a bottom diameter equal to the diameter of the electric stove burners. This is

saves energy when cooking. If the bottom of the pot

smaller than the size of the burner, a large amount of electricity is lost during cooking,

going for heating.

Using pressure cookers saves not only cooking time

food, but also electricity.

Make the most of natural light. This is one way to reduce

electricity consumption for artificial lighting.

Always leave and maintain a gap of 5-10 cm between the back of the refrigerator

and the wall of the room.

Suggestions for the rational use of energy in the lyceum

1. more rational arrangement of illuminators

2. replacement of existing lamps with energy-saving ones

3. use illuminators smarter

4. use switches with a power regulator in the circuit, and therefore,

lighting intensity

5. use a photo relay.


The problems of energy saving and the introduction of new non-energy-intensive technologies are

relevant for our country. Significant cost savings

electricity gives the stabilization of the frequency of the electric current. Great losses

electrical energy and due to low-quality or obsolete equipment.

But, in general, we just need to start with some savings, and we can not only

save your money but also electricity.


Physics grade 8, Peryshkin. Gutnik.

Internet resources.


diagram of electricity consumption in the apartment