Research work "Chips: benefit or harm? Research work" Harmful products - chips " creative work of students on healthy lifestyle (Grade 4) on the topic Chips harm or research benefit.

Afanasyeva Polina

Project Manager:

Stepanova Valentina Viktorovna


MBOU "Gymnasium No. 26", Miass

In the process research work "Chips - harm" a 3rd grade elementary school student set a goal to conduct a study of chips and show their harmful properties. The history of chips, types of chips and methods of their production, the impact of this product on children's health are being studied, and an interesting survey is being conducted about the dangers and benefits of chips.

In the research work "Chips - Harm", the author describes the history of the origin of chips, their composition, the properties of the components included in the composition, considers the impact of eating chips on the human body. The paper describes the methods of production of chips and types of chips.

AT research project in primary school"Chips - harm" the author proposed conclusions drawn from the analysis of the properties and qualities of chips, indicating that the use of chips is extremely harmful to human health and should be excluded, although this product is a favorite delicacy of children and adults.

1. History of chips.
2. The impact of chips on human health.
3. Poll about the benefits and harms of chips.
4. Research chips.


The relevance of the work . Since human health is so much in the focus of our time, I want to prove to myself and others that chips are harmful to human health.

Crisps are a favorite treat for children and adults. Today, bags with potatoes fried using a special technology have become frequent companions of fun parties, friendly gatherings, light snacks and just cozy evenings in front of the TV. Despite the fact that many have heard about the dangers of chips, it is quite difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of crunching a delicious slice.

Chips are on sale on every corner and attract people with bright labels. Perhaps, commercials about chips are among the most popular and funny and inspire the consumer that eating chips is “ cool and funny". Today, chips are one of the most popular dishes " fast food". However, such a pleasant-looking delicacy is far from being as harmless as it seems.

Hypothesis : I assumed that many people who like chips are not sufficiently aware of their dangers.

Purpose of the study : conduct a study of chips and show their harmful properties.

Object of study : chips of various brands.

Subject of study: chips composition.

Tasks :

  1. Learn the history of chips.
  2. Learn how to make chips, find out what harm can harm the body.
  3. Conduct a survey in your class.
  4. Conduct research on the most popular brands of chips.
  5. To conclude.

Research methods:

  • The study of Internet - resources on this issue.
  • Practical research.
  • Summarizing and processing the information received.

What are chips?

Crisps(English) chips, from chip - a thin piece) - a snack, which is thin slices of potatoes, less often - other root crops or various fruits, usually fried in oil (deep-fried). Sold as a ready-to-eat food product. Also, chips are sometimes served with dip - a thick sauce in which chips are dipped.

When prepared from a dried thin layer of mashed potatoes, they may be called potato waffles.

The history of chips

It's believed that Chips were invented by George Crum while working as the head chef at the upmarket restaurant at Moon's Lake Lodge. According to legend, one of the restaurant's signature recipes was " French fries". At dinner one day, railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt returned the fried potatoes to the kitchen, complaining that he " too fat».

The chef, Krum, deciding to play a trick on the tycoon, cut the potatoes literally paper-thin and fried. But the magnate and his friends liked the dish. The recipe is called Chips Saratoga". After a while, the chips became the signature dish of the restaurant.

In 1860, Crum opened his own restaurant, each of the most popular tables of which had a basket of chips. The restaurant quickly became a fashionable place among wealthy Americans visiting the resort. Krum did not sell takeaway chips, but the simplicity of the recipe soon made the chips available in most restaurants.

Methods for the production of chips

1) Classic. Selected potatoes are washed and peeled. Then the potatoes are cut into slices, the released starch is removed and fried in vegetable oil 5-7 minutes. The resulting product in Russian cuisine is called " crisp».

2) molded. Currently, products resembling chips are common. In fact, it is made from mashed potatoes, which use both potatoes and grains. From dry mixes and water, the dough is kneaded, which then exits through the matrix. It is possible to obtain both flat chips and new, original forms. They are usually called not chips, but snacks. It turns out that in order to make 1 kg of chips, you need to process 4-5 kg ​​of potatoes.

Flavorings (natural or synthetic) and flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate, sodium inosinate) are often added to chips.

Types of chips

1. Crisp- thinly sliced ​​​​slices, fried in oil with a little salt. They practically do not contain preservatives and are considered the closest to an environmentally friendly product. True, their shelf life is very short, and the appearance is not very attractive: unfortified natural potatoes quickly break down.

2. Potato chips- are made from potatoes of the so-called " chips» Varieties with high starch content. Before frying, they are given the appearance of rectangular or rounded plates, and some manufacturers subject them to corrugation. Often contain various flavorings, flavor enhancers and sealants to increase the strength of each chip.

3. Molded chips. These products are thin slices of mashed potatoes with the addition of corn or potato starch, flavor enhancers and flour. Chips in the strict sense of the word, they are not considered - more often they are called unsweetened cookies or potato waffles.

4. air chips- are considered the safest, because they are fried in oil for no more than 10 seconds. However, in reality this technology often violated, and the use of cheap oils significantly reduces the effectiveness of attempts to make chips less harmful.

Why did I choose chips? I wanted to find out and tell you exactly what chips are harmful to human health.

MBOU Pokrovskaya secondary school No. 3

Rostov region

Collective research work

7th grade students

Subject: biology

Topic: "The whole truth about chips"

Head of research work: Palenaya Elena Viktorovna




Relevance of the work:

the work is relevant, since the problem of proper nutrition is one of the most important, so it is necessary to form a culture healthy eating as a factor that improves the quality of life.

With his research work

we want to convince the guys that eating chips has a negative effect on a young growing organism.

Purpose of the study :

determination of the potential danger of chips to human health

Object of study :

food additives in chips and their impact on human health

Subject of study :

chips as food

Research hypothesis:

we assume that frequent consumption of chips can cause serious diseases .

Working methods:

  • search and research
  • sociological

Research objectives:

  • study the literature on the problem;
  • conduct a survey among students of the school;
  • reveal the significance of some food additives used for food production;
  • find out the influence of various components of chips on the functions of human organs;
  • offer advice on healthy eating.

History reference

Crisps - This is a light snack made from potatoes.

The history of their appearance is connected with 1853, when millionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt returned the fried potatoes to the cook, complaining that they were “too fat” and several times asked to cut the potatoes thinner than usual. In the end, the cook got angry, took a sharp razor and made the slices a little thicker than a paper sheet. After frying them in boiling oil, he served this original dish to the guests. Everyone was delighted.

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Soon, crispy potatoes, as a new invention, were patented, and its inventor, chef George Crum (an Indian by origin), founded a potato chip company. Their production is widely developed in the West. There their name appeared, derived from the English word "chips", which means "slice, piece."

George Crum

At first, chips were sold only in expensive restaurants.

Later, crispy potatoes began to appear in

ordinary canteens.

Especially crispy potatoes came

to the taste of the kids

And today, nutritionists have added chips to the banned list.

for kids food

Sociological survey

Using the survey method, we decided to find out how often schoolchildren eat chips.

To begin with, we identified the target audience, these are children from 7 to 16 years old, then made up questions.

The form consisted of 6 questions with suggested answers.

The survey involved students in grades 1-11, the total number of participants was 134 people.

Here are the results we got:

1. How often do you eat chips?

2. Do you like chips?

a) often - 14

b) rarely - 6

a) yes - 14

3. If you like it, then why?

b) no - 5

a) delicious - 11

4. Do you think chips are bad?

c) don't eat - 4

b) beautiful packaging - 4

a) yes - 10

5. Do you pay attention to the composition of chips?

b) no - 14

a) yes - 9

6. Do your parents let you eat chips?

c) alluring smell - 7

b) no - 12

a) yes - 8

b) no - 11

c) they don't know about it - 5

Chip makers are doing everything they can to make sure we can't stop eating crunchy snacks. Chips are loved by both adults and children.

But, in fact, their packs should have health warnings, like cigarettes and alcohol.

We carefully read the composition of the chips on the package and found that

what they include:

  • potato
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • lactose
  • E 621 (sodium glutamate)
  • E 330 (citric acid)
  • natural and naturally identical flavors
  • sodium phosphate
  • acrylamide

Harmful food additives

The composition of the chips includes various food additives:

flavors, dyes.

Food supplements serve to staining, giving taste.

In the chips we are considering, we found such harmful additives as:

Monosodium Glutamate - MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) food additive - E621

Turn the most tasteless food into one

which you want, eat again and again.

Negatively affects the brain.

Causes addiction and addiction, allergies, asthma, kidney failure, disrupts the structure of the retina, digestive problems.


calcium phosphate - food additive E 341.

Causes stomach upset in children.

sodium phosphate

threatens the development of osteoporosis and slowing of bone growth in children.

Malic (malonic) acid strictly prohibited

in baby food.

Sodium inosiate - food additive E631.

When eating an additive taste and smell enhancer, you need to be especially careful and careful for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, since sodium inosiate can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

All chips contain salt

But a specific amount of salt

not specified.

Excess salt slows down the growth of children's bones, and children run the risk of remaining the last and lowest in the ranks in physical education.

Salt retains water in the body, which increases blood pressure.

They weakened, began to make mistakes in the passage of familiar labyrinths and began to get tired much faster.

As a result, ten days was enough for the animals to become less attentive, unable to quickly concentrate, and poorly coped with ordinary tasks.

In the process of frying, absolutely everything useful that is in the potato is destroyed, it acquires other properties - carcinogenic.

The breakdown product of fats acrolein , has mutagenic and carcinogenic properties.

To avoid the formation of a large amount of acrolein, frying oil should be changed regularly.

Acrylamide- an even more dangerous carcinogen, also formed even at home, if you choose the wrong oil and heat the pan too hot. What can we say about the conditions of in-line production, when many batches of chips are cooked for a long time in the same overcooked fats, which are often unprofitable to change?

And besides these already found substances, how many other toxins formed during the preparation of chips have simply not been studied?

The study nutritional value chips

In order to find out what the chips are in terms of nutritional value, we studied the indicators from the packaging of an average pack of chips weighing 100 g and compared them with daily rate for kids.

Here's what happened:

In 100 grams of product

In a bag of chips



Daily rate

for children 7 - 15 l




2350 kcal

550 kcal

We found out that chips contain a lot of fat. This is a very high calorie product. Salt in a pack contains half of the daily requirement.

That's a lot!




Knead the chips inside

clean wipes

A large greasy spot was seen at the place of pressure, which confirmed that Chips are high in fat.


Dropped on chips

iodine solution

After a few seconds, a dark blue spot appeared.

This indicates the presence of starch, the remains of which in the mouth are converted into glucose within two hours - an ideal nutrient medium for caries bacteria.

When accumulated in the liver, glucose leads to obesity.

Chips are bad for your teeth and liver!


When lighting a slice of chips, we noted the appearance of a pungent smell of plastic, which indicates the presence dangerous carcinogen - acrylamide , which is considered a poison for our body, causes diseases of the nervous system, liver and kidneys.

In plastic, its smell is pronounced, but in chips it is not felt, because they contain artificial aromatic substances.

Acrylamide is a cancer-causing substance that affects the nervous system. In some types of chips, the level of this deadly substance is exceeded in ... 1280 times!


There is not an ounce of benefit in the product - no vitamins, no minerals, no nutrients that could strengthen the growing body.

After processing, the potato loses all its beneficial features and becomes harmful.

Vitamins and minerals

no chips!

Ministry of Health care banned sell chips and other similar products in school canteens and cafes.

Doctors explain their decision by the fact that the number of children with digestive diseases has increased by one and a half times in recent years.

And it's all because of unhealthy food.

Children's diseases associated

with malnutrition

Gastritis a common disease of the digestive system today. In scientific language, gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, leading to dysfunction of the whole body, especially the functions of the nervous system.

General signs of gastritis: heaviness and pain in the epigastric region, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, coated tongue and poor condition.

  • deterioration of the pancreas, kidneys, liver;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease;
  • obesity
  • contributes to the development of cancer

Our findings

Through research, we found that:

1. Crisps - This is a fatty fried food that contains harmful food additives.

2. All chips are very salty, and excess sodium chloride interferes with normal bone growth, disrupts metabolism and causes heart problems.

Our findings

3. This product is rich in dyes and flavors - they help to make potatoes with the taste of red caviar, salmon, shrimp or sour cream with dill.

4. Used additives can cause allergies in a child, and their accumulation in the body can lead to more serious consequences (they were invented recently, so their effect has not been fully investigated).

Our findings

5. The abuse of such food adversely affects the work of many human organs.

So, the chips do more harm than good.

Working on this topic, we came to the conclusion that

that chips are a harmful product and cause various diseases. So they do more harm than good.

The topic of the work is revealed, the problems are solved, and the hypothesis is proved.

The work done not only enriched us with new knowledge and skills, but was also very interesting, requiring independence and a creative approach.

In general, we sincerely wish you to remember how many truly tasty, healthy and healthy meals is in our native Russian cuisine, and then you and your children simply will not know what chips are.

To be always healthy

Vigorous, slender and cheerful,

We are ready to advise you

How to live without doctors.

Gotta eat tomatoes

Fruits, vegetables, lemons.

Porridge - in the morning, soup - in the afternoon,

And for dinner - vinaigrette!

If you don't eat chips

And you will forget about them

That, of course, there is no doubt

Live for many years!

Tatyana Kuzmina
Research work“My favorite chips: harmful or useful?”

Introduction ....3

1. Main part…. four

1.1. What crisps?. 4

1.2. Where did they come from crisps?. 4

1.3. How do they do chips today?. 4

1.4. My experiments.... 5

1.5. cook healthy chips at home…6


Bibliography…. eight



Most children love crisps. They are eaten while watching cartoons, in nature, and even just out of boredom. Chips are tasty and crispy. And adults say chips are bad for health especially for children's body. They are inexpensive and sold in every store. After all, some mothers calmly feed chips their kids and think it's just a fried potato. The teacher Tatyana Mikhailovna said that crisps included in the list of products that should not be sold in schools. I am completely confused: delicious chips good or bad? Not everything is delicious good for your health! It's hard to explain. I became interested in how crisps for a growing body? I learned a lot of information from the Internet and decided to check it out. So I decided to figure it out herself: chips - is it tasty or unhealthy?

Relevance research:

Recently, many parents began to think about the benefits and harm of this or that product for their children. Manufacturers add to many products harmful additives, dyes and preservatives that have a bad effect on the growing body of children.

Problem: often parents refuse to buy us chips.

my goal work: answer the question "My favorite chips: harmful or beneficial


Study information about chips;

Get to know the history and production chips;

Conduct experiments to help determine the impact chips on the child's body;

An object research: potato crisps.

Hypothesis: guess that crisps useful product .

Method research:


Collection of information from various sources (encyclopedia, dictionaries, internet)


Analysis of received works

1. The main part.

1.1. What crisps?

For the manufacture of chips take potatoes, cut into thin slices and fried in oil, preservatives and flavorings are added. To chips are not spoiled, add preservatives. Flavorings, preservatives are substances that are added to foods to give them taste and aroma. They are very harmful. Potatoes, butter, salt - everyone knows healthy foods.

1.2. Where did they come from crisps?

Crisps appeared in 1853 in America. It's believed that crisps accidentally invented by George Crum, an Indian by origin. He worked as a cook in a restaurant. According to legend, one of the signature recipes of the restaurant was "French fries". At dinner one day, railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt turned fried potatoes into the kitchen and complained that the potatoes were too fat. The chef decided to play a trick on the tycoon, cut the potatoes thinly and fried them. The capricious rich man liked the dish very much. Coming Soon Black Chef Krum's Recipe everyone loved. He became very popular. It began to cook in all restaurants. This is how they appeared everyone's favorite chips.

In our country crisps appeared in 1963 and were called «Crispy potato in slices Moscow». They were sold only in Moscow.

cooking recipes a lot of chips. The easiest is to make chips from pieces of raw potatoes, as Chef Krum first did. Quality is very important here. potatoes: far from any tubers you can cook delicious crispy potatoes. They should be dense, with a low sugar content, without damage inside, with a smooth surface. It turns out that from 5-6 kg of high-quality potatoes, 1 kg is obtained. chips. The frying oil should not impart chips have a strange smell. Therefore, in most cases, olive, soybean or palm oil is used.

1.3. How do they do chips today?

There is no factory in our village to make chips so I looked it up on the internet. That's what I am found:

1. First, the potatoes are washed, even tubers are selected and peeled. All this is done by machines, but under the control of people.

3. The cut slices enter the frying bath with oil, where they are fried for three minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

5. Basic crisps undergo quality control.

6. Now in chips add salt, aromatic and flavor additives.

7. Finished crisps go to packaging. They are distributed and weighed. The packaging machine packs equal portions chips

8. Finished crisps they are put into boxes and taken to the warehouse, from where they go to the store shelves.

1.4. My experiments.

Especially harmful chips made not from whole potatoes, but from potato flour. And although the potato itself useful product, in the process of powerful processing to which the vegetable is exposed during production chips he loses all his beneficial features, and instead acquires harmful. Only in those chips, which stay in boiling oil for no more than 10 seconds during the cooking process, no hazardous substances are formed.

What is the actual composition? chips? To find out, I did some experiments with ordinary chips from the store that my mother buys for me.

Experience 1. Put a piece chips on a dry, clean cloth. Let's cover it up and take it. Now let's open it. What are we observing? It left a greasy stain on it.

Conclusion: AT chips contains a large amount of fat.

Experience 2. Drop on a piece chips with 3% iodine solution. The drop spread and turned blue.

Conclusion: AT chips contain starch. And these are carbohydrates. The starch left in the mouth is converted into glucose within two hours. And this is an ideal breeding ground for caries bacteria.

Experience 3. Crushed chips and fill them with water. A few minutes later they tried the water, it was salty.

Conclusion: This means that the chips contains a lot of salt. Lots of salt in chips are unhealthy.

Experience 4. Take a slice chips and carefully set fire to it, observing all fire safety measures. When igniting a slice chips There is a strong smell of plastic. This indicates the presence of a dangerous substance - acrylamide.

Conclusion: AT chips contains a dangerous substance called acrylamide.

All experiments did not support the benefit hypothesis. chips for health.

For clarification, I turned to the nurse Raisa Mikhailovna. She explained that the benefits of using it is useless to look for chips - no vitamins They do not contain any minerals or quality nutrients. After a powerful processing potatoes lose all their positive properties and acquire exclusively harmful. Their excess threatens with problems with digestion, obesity and inhibition of mental activity. For long term storage crisps make it very salty. Salt interferes with the normal growth of children, disrupts metabolism and causes heart problems. Crisps rich in dyes and flavors - they help to make potatoes with the taste of mushrooms, cheese or sour cream with dill. The accumulation of such additives in the body can cause an allergy in a child, which can lead to more serious consequences.

Based on the experiments carried out, the following conclusions:

Due to the high content of starch and fat chips are high in calories. That's why crisps contribute to obesity.

The fats contained in chips, are extremely hazardous to health, as they have a carcinogenic effect, that is, the ability to cause cancer. The fats contained in chips, very harmful. An example of such a fat is margarine. After all chips are not fried in healthy vegetable oil, but on technical fat. Such fats contribute to an increase in blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of serious illness.

AT chips contains a dangerous substance - acrylamide, which is considered a poison for our body, which mainly affects the nervous system, liver and kidneys.

I concluded for myself - eating chips is bad!

It was interesting to know how chips my friends? There are 20 children in our group. Of these, 18 children love crisps, but 2 is not. I thought: What to do? Do not eat crisps? Now I know what is chips are bad. But the kids love them. Therefore, I believe that the results of my research help them get rid of this harmful product like chips.

1.5. cook healthy chips at home.

For those, who loves chips, but does not want to get sick, there is a simple way out - to cook crisps from raw potatoes. Such chips are useful: none harmful substances are low in calories and cook quickly.

homemade recipe chips: This will require thinly sliced ​​potatoes soaked in cold water for 15 minutes. This is done so that all the starch goes into the water, and crisps were crispier. Next, we take the potatoes out of the water and put them on a napkin so that the napkin takes away excess moisture and crisps prepared very quickly. Then put them in the microwave for 4 minutes. Chips are ready. At home crisps can be made with cheese, fruits and vegetables.


me this very good research work. After this research work, it can be argued that the proposed hypothesis about the benefits chips not confirmed. Chips are bad for health. AT chips no vitamins at all. As a result of the experiments, analysis of the studied literature and Internet materials, it was found that chips are an extremely unhealthy food:

Chips are very salty, and excess salt interferes with normal bone growth, disrupts metabolism, and can cause swelling and heart problems.

Dyes and flavors that give chips flavor ham, sour cream with dill or bacon, can cause allergies.

Vitamins and minerals in no chips at all. And yet, as scientists have found, crisps can be addictive! That is why, once having tasted thin slices of fried potatoes, the kids crave to crunch them again and again.

After my research I think that parents and children will think about their health. I will never eat again crisps. it unhealthy!

To be always healthy

Vigorous, slender and cheerful,

I'm ready to tell you

How to live without doctors.

Gotta eat tomatoes

Fruits, vegetables, lemons.

Porridge - in the morning, soup - in the afternoon,

And for dinner - vinaigrette!

Chips only homemade,

Healthy and crunchy.

And in the end, no problem

Live for many years!


1. What? What for? Why? Big Book of Questions and Answers / trans. from Spanish K. Mishina, A. Zykova. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 512 pages.

2. Bratennikova A. N., Yudo O. P. Crisps: harm or benefit?- 2005.- No. 10, p.

3. Internet resources

Chips: "Benefit or harm?"
(research project)

Completed: 3rd grade students
Bobravskoy secondary school

primary school teacher
Elnikova Natalya Vasilievna

Project Information Card………………………….3
Organizational-preparatory stage………………..4
Historical background……………………………………...4
The composition of "store" chips……………………………..56
Research part.. ………………………………...68
Conclusions and recommendations………………………………….89

Project relevance:
Our friends are very fond of various chips, and there has been no research on the benefits of chips. We
have not heard or read about it anywhere. But in the lesson "Talk about health and proper nutrition"
the teacher often tells us that chips are harmful to the growing organism. Moms don't want either.
us to buy chips, saying that they only bring harm to the body. So we decided on our own
explore popular brands of chips.
Rationale for choice: Hello, today we would like to talk about one of the most
demanded products not only for children, but also for adults. Scientists and doctors do not recommend
eat chips, as they are harmful to the human body, especially children. So is it or
no really. We will find out today.
Purpose: to investigate what chips are made of as a finished food product in order to
find out how useful or harmful the chips are.
Learn what chips are and how they are made.
To find out what benefits and what harm is for the human body such a finished product as
Conduct a survey among classmates.
Object of study: chips available for sale from. Bobrava.
Subject of research: the composition of chips, their impact on human health.
 Assume that chips are healthy, nutritious and tasty snack.
 But perhaps the chips are bad for people's health.
Estimated result
Assess the degree of usefulness and danger of eating chips.
Offer an alternative to chips.
Main methods:

Organizational preparatory stage

On the Internet, we found the necessary articles and pictures, analyzed the information.
We came up with questions and conducted a survey among schoolchildren.
We learned how to process the received data.
Found an alternative to chips.
Definition of "chips"
H psyii
(eng. - shavings) - a snack that is thin slices of potatoes, less often -
other root crops, usually fried in oil (deep-fried). Sold as ready to use
food product.
In the case of preparation from a dried thin layer of mashed potatoes, may be called
potato waffles.
History reference
This appetizer was first prepared by American chef George. Kram. Once
a customer in a restaurant complained that his “french fries” had been cut into thick pieces. Then chef J.
Krum decided to play a joke on the client and cut the potatoes into thin, even slightly transparent pieces,
fried them and served them to the table. The client was satisfied, because The dish turned out to be very tasty.
Subsequently, chips have gained immense popularity around the world.
In the Soviet Union, the production of chips began in 1963. The product was produced on
enterprise Mospishchekombinat No. 1, and it was called "Moscow Crispy Potatoes in Slices".
They were made in Moscow, so these chips were not widely distributed outside the capital.
Actually, the product could not be found anywhere except Moscow. He prepared for classic recipe:
potatoes fried in oil. In the Union republics they prepared their own chips: square or
rectangular thin slices of mashed potatoes. There could be no additives other than salt, and
that is why Soviet chips were very tasty, and they were stored for only 30 days, unlike
modern. And then "American" chips came to Russia, quickly gaining popularity.
The composition of "store" chips
Production and composition of chips. How chips are made
Many people sincerely believe that chips are made from potatoes. Just cut it thin
sliced ​​and fried in a special way, that's all. What's wrong with fried potatoes? After all, at home
We cook it often and it's very tasty. Of course, some substances are added to the chips so that they
were tastier and kept longer, but isn't that allowed?

Let's try to understand at least a little. Are all chips made from potatoes? Actually
the vast majority of manufacturers use flour - wheat or corn, as well as a mixture
starches. Very often it is soy starch, mostly from genetically modified soybeans. AT
the human body turns starch into glucose, and if you eat chips often, then excess glucose
accumulates in the liver - and this is already a sure way to obesity. From dough obtained by mixing
similar ingredients, form chips, and then fry them in cheap fats boiling at 250 ° C -
after all, the use of expensive, refined oils is unprofitable. Chips should not be fried for more than 30
seconds, but this rule is rarely observed.
Harmful flavors for chips
The taste of such chips is far from potato chips - seasonings and flavorings again come to the rescue.
additives, mainly monosodium glutamate. Much has been written about this "wonderful" supplement, and we will not be here
repeat information that is easy to find. We only recall that monosodium glutamate can
turn the most tasteless food into one that you want to eat again and again, without thinking about it
real value.
Chips contain sodium phosphate. This is a substance that, under a certain
amount in the body slows down the growth and formation bone tissue in adolescents and children. That's why
It is children and adolescents who should not consume this tasty and crunchy food.
If you studied the packaging, you should have noticed that the shelf life of this snack is quite
great. With what longer term storage - the more any product is saturated with harmful preservatives, the
or acrylamide.
With the systematic use of chips and industrial crackers, immunity decreases - and
begin to develop cardiovascular disease. And, if at first it is not noticeable, all the more
in a young organism, then over time, over the years, everything will come to the surface. Despite this, many
mothers regularly feed their babies with delicious treats, without thinking about the possible consequences.
air chips
There is another type of chips - air, and today they can be put in last place in terms of
content of toxic substances. These chips are fried for only 10 seconds, but carcinogens accumulate in
of them, besides, potatoes, as a rule, are used genetically modified - the usual has already been forgotten.
In general, to obtain 1 kg of chips, you need up to 5 kg of potatoes, so it is more convenient for manufacturers
use different mixes.
What they don’t write on packs of chips: with cheese, with bacon, with crabs and red caviar, etc.
True, in recent years, manufacturers have become more honest, and they write - "with taste" of a particular product,
but after all, consumers still buy - they are already accustomed to crunching chips for any reason and without
occasions: for the company with friends, in front of the TV, to kill an appetite that has arisen at the wrong time or
just to kill time.

3. Chips are useful: yes or no?
The results were as follows: on average, students (21 people) consume 2 packs of
chips per week, which is per year - 104 packs, or 10 kg 40 grams with an average weight of 1 pack
100 grams. Which is a lot. Eating a 100-gram bag of chips while watching TV,
we will get as many calories as if we ate 633 grams of boiled potatoes or 80 grams
butter. (see annex 2)
Cooking chips
The classic way of making chips is easy to repeat in an ordinary kitchen. Potato is being cut
thin slices and fried in oil. For taste, the slices are salted and seasoning is added.
Definitely very tasty and nutritious.
The main disadvantage: if you overcook the chips in hot oil, then they will appear carcinogenic
(toxic, poisonous) substance acrylamide. It is a strong preservative that strikes
nervous system, liver, kidneys, causes cell mutation, leads to cancer.
To prevent the formation of acrylamide, the following modern method is often used
cooking: chips are formed from a potato mixture (mashed potatoes), which are then also fried in
Experiments with chips
For experiments, we took three types of chips: "Lays", "Russian Potato" and "Moscow Potato"
(see appendix 3)
experience "Detection of oil-containing substances"
For studies on fat content, a sheet of paper folded in half was used. Crisps

placed inside and thoroughly crushed. The rest of the chips were removed. On each paper sample
oil stains are visible.
Conclusion: chips contain a lot of fat. This experience disproved the hypothesis about the benefits of the product. Chips very
fatty product. In 100 g, it contains fats in such quantities that for a child it is half
daily food allowance. And this contributes to obesity. (see annex 4)
Experience "Qualitative determination of starch"
We take a slice of chips and drip a little iodine, the color of iodine has changed from brown to dark blue.
(see annex 5)
Conclusion: Chips contain a lot of starch.
This experience also refuted the hypothesis about the benefits of chips. According to a US study,
the starch left in the mouth is converted into glucose within two hours. And it's the perfect nutrient.
environment for caries bacteria.

Experience "Determination of salt"

determination of salt in chips took three empty glasses, put 1 medium-sized chips there,
added 10 ml of water, mashed the chips and tasted the resulting water for salt content.
The daily intake of table salt for children is 2 g, for adults 56 g, and in chips 0.7 g
Conclusions and recommendations
Now it becomes clear that chips are a very harmful and even dangerous product. Keep yourself from
their purchases, exclude from your diet. And if you still want it, use it not as an independent
dish or snack, but as a side dish to vegetable dishes. In this version, the chips will do less harm.
stomach and will be easier to digest.
There is no need to give chips to small children, and even more so to teach them to do this: after all, without adults, they
Chips just don't recognize. As for older children and adults, it is worth trying
unlearn "crunchy fun".
Do not substitute chips for food.
But, do not be so upset, as there is a positive moment. Nobody forbids you
make crispy potatoes at home. You know exactly what it's all prepared from and what's there
is added. If everything is done correctly, you will not expose your body to a large amount of
those additives with which all crispy products in packages are impregnated. In general, I sincerely wish you
remember how many truly delicious, healthy and healthy dishes there are in our native Russian
kitchen, and then you and your children simply will not know what chips are. Is this food?
Thus, studies have proved the correctness of the hypothesis: "Chips are harmful to the young
growing organism”, as this study confirms that the chips are
a high-calorie fatty product, the frequent use of which can adversely affect
We already
human health, especially on children's health.
Decided: no chips!
Think and Decide
We thank you for your attention! Be healthy!