Interesting stories about love from life. Love through the years - a story from life

The true revolution is contained in the chronal and metric substances responsible for time and space. Through these substances, theory and experiment led to the knowledge of the spirits of good and evil, and it turned out that all anomalous phenomena (AP) are the creation of the spirits of evil. I must admit that all my most important fundamental results of the OT (general theory) were obtained with the help of the Bible, then There are religions, especially when it comes to non-traditional understandings of time and space. True religion deals with the invisible spiritual world and faith. The main essence of true faith is extremely clearly expressed in the Orthodox Creed, which is from the highest, therefore, absolutely true, faithful and unchangeable, given forever. True science deals with the visible corporeal world and knowledge. The main essence of knowledge is expressed by a set of corresponding physical concepts, rules and laws, that is, a paradigm that is established by people, and therefore is not absolutely true and changes over time. “No one has ever seen God” (1 John 4:12). But numerous signs and indirect evidence of His existence are known. A very convincing example is the annual descent of the Heavenly Holy Fire onto the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem on Holy Saturday on the eve of Orthodox Easter, which, by the way, proves God’s special favor towards Orthodoxy, which contains the greatest fullness of truth, teaching and grace. ...the world has become extremely old physically and spiritually, is approaching its end and therefore breakthrough discoveries are contraindicated for it. The physical picture of old age is well depicted by the chronal phenomenon. At the beginning, on the Earth created and strongly chronally charged by the Creator, the intensity of all processes (chronal) was extremely high, then millions of our years corresponded to one today’s day, which is why the days of creation in the Bible must be taken literally. Gradually, the chronal decreases according to an exponential (logarithmic) law, like the temperature of a switched-off iron. Consequently, our Earth is not developing, as is sometimes thought, but is fading away; civilization itself makes a significant contribution to this, having almost completely exhausted fossil wealth and completely poisoning the earth, water and air, and at the same time the animal and plant world is becoming smaller. The same thing happens with each individual person, for example, a newborn absorbs oxygen several times more than an adult; and with each individual family, in particular, the power of childbearing in it also decreases with age, and the quality of children - with their quantity.... a restructuring takes place in the bodies of the husband and wife, and in the children - an adjustment that makes the entire family united, specific and unique. It has long been noted that a woman who had children from her first husband, children from her second are sometimes similar to her first, so in China there was once even a law prohibiting women who had given birth from remarrying. Moreover, scientists have also discovered the phenomenon of telegony, according to which the genes of a male individual are remembered in the female body even without pregnancy, and this is inherited. From here it should be clear why the people (Christianity) have always attached such great importance to virginity before marriage, and a woman’s body has a special characteristic “vital energy” chi in Japanese - ki, in Indian - prana, in our opinion - chronons... In 1943, the Americans used a pulsating electromagnetic field of monstrously high power to transform the destroyer Eldridge into an invisible ship. Powerful chronometric radiation carried away by this field was accompanied by significant changes in the passage of time, levitation (floating in the air of people and objects), and even a case of teleportation was noted - the instantaneous movement of a destroyer from Philadelphia to Norfolk and back. However, the Philadelphia experiment ended extremely disastrously: some people disappeared without a trace, others died, others went crazy, and the ghost of a UFO loomed over all this - a symbol of the ultra-subtle world of evil. ????????? check The wrong life idea (wrong way of life) leads to heart disease, which is the focus of our spiritual affairs, a perverted attitude to work - to brain diseases, frequent love (frequent love stress) - to lung disease (in strong-willed natures) or thyroid gland (in natures of an "artistic" type), envy - the esophagus, excessive ambition - the adrenal glands, greed, jealousy - the kidneys, fear - the liver, fear of action ("bear disease") - the intestines, cunning - the stomach, sexual self-doubt (then results in diabetes, applies to both men and women) - pancreas, energy discrepancy between husband and wife - gonads (prostate or appendages), perverted maternal instinct - mammary glands, suppressed blood activity resulting from perversions of family ties (volitional relatives, voluntary slavery, etc.) - spleen, fixation on the past - spine. Those who are bilious have problems with bile, those who are hypochondriac have problems with lymph. Underexpenditure of mental energy leads to sciatica, unrealized lust for power leads to asthma, nationalism leads to leukemia, a blow to pride leads to a runny nose and flu, lack of desire to live for business reasons (in children - lack of desire to go to school or one of the parents does not want live) - to a sore throat. interesting Strictly speaking, time is duration(Newton). The shorter the duration of any process, the greater the intensity, speed, speed, pace it proceeds, and vice versa. Let us agree to denote the intensity of processes by the word “chronal” (from the Greek chronos - time). Consequently, chronal and time are inverse quantities in relation to each other: chronal is equal to one divided by duration, therefore, as the chronal increases, time decreases, and vice versa. The decrease in chronal is accompanied by a decrease in the rates of all processes - radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions, etc. in any bodies: small (atoms and molecules) and large (planets, suns and galaxies), inanimate and living, including plants, insects, animals and humans. For example, in humans, the chronal value is greatest in a newborn; with age it decreases many times. In particular, in an infant, all metabolic processes occur much more intensively than in an adult: per kilogram of weight, the need for nutrients is 2-2.5 times higher, oxygen consumption is 2 times higher. With old age, all processes slow down, this is noticeable even in the subjective perception of time: weeks begin to flash by as quickly as the days of the calendar in youth. The natural slowness of old age sometimes irritates young people, but everyone lives in their own individual time, and there is no escape from this. The chronal also decreases in the family, a decrease in its chronal causes a weakening of reproductive functions and lowers the quality of subsequent children, which is why first-borns have always been valued: “Tell her: “Why are those born to you now not similar to those who were born before, but smaller in stature?” And she will tell you: “Some were born by me in the strength of youthful strength, and others were born in old age, when the lie began to lose its strength” (3 Ezra 5:52-53). Over time, the clan, society and civilization as a whole also decay. father had three sons: the eldest was a smart kid, the middle son was this way and that, the youngest was completely a fool. Here we will pay attention only to the process of natural aging of the Earth. It does not develop at all, as is sometimes thought, but decays. To this day, its chronology, determining the intensity of all processes on it, decreased very much.In ancient times, with a high chronal, life on Earth was “boiling”, dinosaurs were the size of a three-story house, grass was like modern trees, the process of radioactive decay of the atom was extremely intense. ... the reform of Pope Gregory XIII, who in 1582 approved the Gregorian calendar (new style), which is based on the idea of ​​the rotation of the Sun around the Earth, instead of the more reasonable Julian calendar (old style), based on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, this calendar was adopted in 46 BC. It is interesting that the Holy Fire descends from heaven in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem on Holy Holy Saturday on the eve of Easter precisely according to the Julian calendar. ?????????? I want to start with a statement, unexpected for many, that all human culture is a cult - either of God or of Satan - and nothing else. This is evidenced by the word “culture” itself, which comes from the root “cult”. These two cults practically cover all types and forms of human activity. Moreover, the cult of the true God is limited by narrow and rigid boundaries (“strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few find it” - Matthew 7:14), originally taught by Christ Himself and preserved to this day only in Orthodoxy, which is called that way abroad - Orthodox Church. Everything else is more or less subordinate to Satan, including those types and forms of the cult of God that go beyond the specified narrow framework, including all modernized Christian faiths (“... wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many they walk with them" - Matthew 7:13). A characteristic detail: the farther a type of activity and religion is from this framework, the stronger the intolerance, malice, and hatred of Orthodoxy inherent in Satan are manifested in it. it seems... Catholicism is degrading (pedophilia, homosexuality), Islam is becoming irreconcilably harsher (absolutism, terrorism)... Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov listed “disposition among the sciences and arts of this dying age” as the seventh main human vice (there are only eight) - the sin of vanity , the quest to succeed in them in order to acquire temporary, earthly glory." Sciences (including technology) and arts are intended mainly to seduce gifted individuals with high chronal energy... Intellectuals are most easily caught in yoga, reincarnation, etc. devilry. Demons convince them that their current life is meaningless and that the next one will be easier. However, there are no next lives. It should, however, be emphasized that of all known religions, true faith is contained only in Christianity; this was encoded by the Lord in the “construction” of the entire universe in the Bible and deciphered (openly) by Ivan Panin. Of all Christian faiths, only Orthodoxy is true and pleasing to God. This is proven by two irrefutable facts: first, by the descent of the Holy Fire onto the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem only on Holy Saturday on the eve of Orthodox Easter and only to Orthodox clergy, and second, only Orthodoxy has preserved apostolic traditions to this day and continues to give birth to saints of God. By his nature, a person is immortal, because the main thing in him is not his body (“biosuit”), which after his death turns to dust, but his own personal spirit (and soul), living outside of time and space, that is, forever. Consequently, the goal of earthly life should be to fulfill the commandments in such a way as not to deserve eternal death in hell after judgment. Veynik A.I. WHY DO I BELIEVE IN GOD Interview with the Belarusian newspaper "Tsarkounae Slova", 1996, No. 12. On November 24, on the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Victor, a famous scientist and zealous Orthodox Christian, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Professor Victor-Albert Iosefovich Veinik, tragically died. This day was Viktor Iozefovich’s name day. At six o'clock in the morning he hurried to the early Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the city of Minsk to be a communicant of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ. However, the Lord judged differently. His bloodied and broken body remained lying on the ground, and his soul was already standing before the Throne of the Lord. This sad news deeply struck thousands of Minsk residents who were like-minded people and spiritual admirers of Viktor Iozefovich. This man's whole life was amazing and unusual. Viktor Iozefovich was born on October 3, 1919 in the city of Tashkent into a non-Orthodox family. He was baptized by his parents according to the Catholic rite. After school he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. For a long time he worked at various Moscow research institutes, where he defended his candidate’s and then his doctor’s theses. Scientifically studying a special phenomenon - UFOs and other similar supernatural phenomena, Viktor Iosefovich is convinced that these phenomena are purely spiritual and from the realm of “spirits of wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:12). It was then that Victor Iosefovich accepted Holy Orthodoxy. He always testified that in the world there is no deeper truth and gracious all-conquering power of Christ against every kind of evil, as in Christ’s Orthodox Church. His interesting observations in this area were presented in the book “Thermodynamics of Real Processes,” which became a bestseller among the scientific and creative intelligentsia of the then USSR. This book has brought many to God. And all subsequent scientific and spiritual-educational activities of Professor V.I. Veinika was aimed at returning the intelligentsia to the one pure source of truth and reason - God. May the Lord honor His chosen one with the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us pray, brothers and sisters, for the newly deceased servant of God Victor. Editorial office of the newspaper "Tsarkounae Slova".

My story is very interesting. I've been in love with Timur since kindergarten. He's cute and kind. I even went to school early for him. We studied, and my love grew and strengthened, but Tima had no reciprocal feelings for me. Girls were constantly hovering around him, he took advantage of this, flirted with them, but did not pay attention to me. I was constantly jealous and cried, but could not admit my feelings. Our school consists of 9 classes. I lived in a small village, and then moved to the city with my parents. I entered medical college and lived a quiet, peaceful life. When I finished my first year, then in May I was sent to practice in the area where I lived before. But I wasn’t sent there alone... When I got to my native village by minibus, I sat next to Timur. He became more mature and handsome. These thoughts made me blush. I still loved him! He noticed me and smiled. Then he sat down and started asking me about life. I told him and asked about his life. It turned out that he lives in the city where I live and studies at the medical college where I study. He is the second student sent to our regional hospital. During the conversation, I admitted that I love him very much. And he told me that he loved me... Then a kiss, long and sweet. We didn’t pay attention to the people in the minibus, but drowned in a sea of ​​tenderness.
We are still studying together and we are going to become great doctors.

All these touching and sweet stories from real life, after reading which you begin to believe that this world is not so bad...

This is the power of love! So different, but so real!

I teach English at a social center for the disabled and pensioners. So before the lesson starts, my elderly students bustle around, open their notebooks, put on glasses and hearing aids. And so the 81-year-old student, adjusting his hearing aid, said to his wife:

Tell me something.

“I love you,” she answered in a whisper.

What? - he adjusted his device.

They both became embarrassed and he kissed her tenderly on the cheek. I have to teach English, but I'm crying. Love exists!

I’m 32. They didn’t sell me a martini in the store (I didn’t take my passport). The husband shouted across the hall: “Yes, sell it to my daughter, everything is fine.”

My grandfather loved borscht very much. And so the grandmother cooked it all month, with the exception of one day, when she cooked some soup. And it was on this day, after eating a bowl of soup, the grandfather said: “The soup is good, of course, but, Petrovna, could you cook some borscht tomorrow? I missed him madly.”

For 3 years of relationship they gave me socks, SOCKS! The most common cheap socks! When I opened the “gift” with a suspicious face, something fell out of one and jumped under the sofa. Containing righteous anger, she climbed after him, and there, covered in dust, lay a beautiful wedding ring! I get out, look, and this miracle is on its knees with a blissful smile and says: “Dobby wants to have an owner!”

My aunt has three children. It so happened that the middle child has been ill for 4 years and part of his brain has been removed. Constant intensive care, expensive medications. In general, you wouldn’t wish it on your enemy. The eldest, 6 years old, dreams of having hair down to her toes. I never cut my hair, I didn’t even allow the ends - I immediately got hysterical. Her class teacher calls and says she didn’t come to her last lesson. It turned out that instead of a lesson, she asked some high school student to cut her hair in order to sell her hair and buy medicine for the younger one.

From the moment my newborn daughter began to utter her first sounds, I secretly taught her to say the word “mom” from my wife, so that this would be her first word spoken. And then the other day I came home earlier than usual, and no one heard me. I go into a room with my wife and child, and my wife secretly teaches my daughter to pronounce the word “dad”...

Today I asked my husband why he no longer says that he loves me. He answered that after I crashed his car, the very fact that I was still healthy and living in his house was proof of his ardent love.

How interesting how fortune works: on the bus I came across a lucky ticket, I ate it, and ten hours later I ended up in the hospital with poisoning, where I met the life of my life.

When I went to school, my mother always woke me up in the morning. Now I’m studying in another city several thousand kilometers away, I have to go to school by 8:30, and my mother has to go to work by 10, but every morning she calls me at 7 in the morning and wishes me good morning. Take care of your mothers: they are the most valuable thing you have.

Lately, I often hear from others: “gone”, “he’s not who he was before”, “she’s changed”... My great-grandmother said: imagine your soul mate sick and helpless. Illness takes away the beauty from a person, and helplessness shows real feelings. You can look after him day and night, feed him with a spoon and clean up after him, receiving in return only a feeling of gratitude - this is love, and everything else is children's whims.

At a friend's dacha, the door to their house slams shut. At night I wanted to smoke, so I quietly went outside when everyone was already asleep. I return - the door is closed. And exactly a minute later my girlfriend came out into the street, who felt that something was wrong, woke up and went to look for me. This is the power of love!

I worked in a store with chocolate products (figurines, etc.). A boy about 10-11 years old came in. Pencil case in hand. And then he says: “Is there anything no more than 300 rubles? This is for mom." I gave him the set and he dumped a bunch of coins on the table. And kopecks and rubles... We sat and counted them for about 15 minutes, so nice! Mom is very lucky with such a son: he probably spends his last money on chocolate for his mother.

I once saw how an old man met an old woman at a bus stop. At first he looked at her for a long, long time, and then he picked several branches of lilac, went up to this grandmother and said: “This lilac is as beautiful as you. My name is Ivan". It was so sweet. There is a lot to learn from him.

A story told by my girlfriend.

Today she went to the store with her younger brother (he is 2 years old). He saw a girl, about 3 years old. He grabbed her hand and dragged her along. The girl was in tears, but her father was not taken aback and said: “Get used to it, daughter, boys always show love in strange ways.”

When I told my mom about the girl I liked, she always asked two questions: “What color are her eyes?” and “What kind of ice cream does she like?” I'm 40 now and my mom died a long time ago, but I still remember that she had green eyes and loved chocolate chip cups, just like my wife.

Beautiful stories about romantic relationships. Here you will also find sad stories about unrequited, unhappy love, and you can also give advice on how to forget your ex-boyfriend or ex-wife.

If you also have something to tell about this topic, you can absolutely free right now, and also support other authors who find themselves in similar difficult life situations with your advice.

I am 33 years old. Married for 13 years. The family is prosperous financially and morally. My husband loves me very much. He does everything for the family. I also love and appreciate him very much. We have two beautiful daughters.

About a year ago or a little more, I was on social media. the network was written by my first love and first man. He had written to me sometimes before, but somehow I didn’t really react to it, and over the last year we began a very active correspondence. We dated for 4 years - from 15 to 19. Then he went into the army for 2 years and remained there under contract for another year, I left our small town to study in a big city, new friends, girlfriends. Met my future husband. So I broke up with my first love. She got married and moved to another city 1500 km away. He managed to get married, give birth to a daughter, and get divorced. Now alone.

I am 14 years old. I want to tell my story. It all started when, at the age of 13, I fell unrequitedly in love with a boy who was 2 years older, but that’s not what the story is about. I celebrated my 14th birthday. And one boy wrote to me. Let's say his name is Maxim. Maxim was 19 years old. I knew him for a long time, as he is my friend’s brother. He played football, and I often went to cheer for our team.

About a year ago I broke up with mine. At first I was confident that my decision was correct. And now, the more time passes, the more I miss him.

It so happened that we fell in love with each other. More precisely, I fell in love with the picture, he is tall and very handsome, this is what attracted me to him. And his words about love drove me crazy. And I decided that only with him I would be happy, but I was wrong.

I’ve been reading different stories here for a long time and I wanted to write my own to hear people’s opinions.

My husband and I have been living together for 14 years; I got married early and have two children. At first we were friends, he dated my sister, then a friend, but they didn’t have anything serious. Moreover, my sister broke up with him herself. We could walk with him, talk for a long time, in general, we understood each other very well. The relationship was bright and pure. We trusted each other, there was love until I read his correspondence with another! Then the consequences of this were, of course, severe, I endure it with particular pain. There was hysteria, tears, screams, I threw out his things, then we lived with me, I was killed for a long time, did not leave the house until he came and said that he had decided to join the army of his own free will (he was 20 years old at the time). When I left, I didn’t promise to wait for him (it was more likely out of anger rather than sincerely), I came to see him periodically.

I am 28 years old. In life, everything is going quite well in terms of work, I dance, and I take care of myself. Not the first beauty, but there have always been suitors and not bad ones.

But a year and a half ago, almost simultaneously, two guys started courting me. Yes, not just to look after, but seriously, everyone believed that I would be his. It was a difficult period for me, I was confused and tossed around. I couldn't understand myself. By the will of fate, the choice was made. This is how the circumstances developed. You can't sit on two chairs. And I was left with one guy. The second guy suffered very much, as his feelings were very strong.

I've been feeling really bad lately. I'll start my story with my college days. I studied to be a director, all my dreams were about a successful career, I didn’t even think about my personal life, and I didn’t have much time. Everything suited me.

But in my fourth year, I met a guy who worked in the theater. We started dating, I tried to have time to do everything, I came home from school late and immediately went to meet him. These days were the brightest in my life. But then problems began. As many people know, anything can happen in my profession. We were taught to change clothes in front of each other, we could hug both girls and boys in a friendly manner in a group (this is not only in our thesis in theatrical performance, but also just like that). So he didn’t like it, it came to separation, it didn’t suit him.

I have been looking for a man for many years. I got really fed up with everything, I even started a relationship online for a year, but to no avail, because I’m just not my kind of person. I also tried to meet people there, but I can’t stand it when they write illiterately, and I just don’t like stupid men, I’m still a bore in this regard.

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 10 months. I'm six years older than him. I’m 30, he’s 24. A month after we met, I became pregnant; when I found out, I immediately said that he didn’t have to be with me because of the child. He stayed. I am his first, and he is my seventh. I love him very much, so when he asked about the past, I told him everything. And then it started, constant reproaches and quarrels.

At first we lived with my parents, then six months later we began to live separately. I didn’t go anywhere, if he needed him, he went for a walk, I didn’t say anything, I met him from work in the evening, washed, cleaned, in general, did everything to make him comfortable, but despite this he still continued to reproach me for my past . We separated several times, but then we still got back together, and now, in the ninth month of pregnancy, he tells me that he is leaving me. In addition, I found out that he had another girlfriend for her sake, he even had a status on social media. changed networks.

What interested me was not the fact that a man appeared in her life - it was an everyday matter. What was amazing was the way they treated each other. It seemed like a young couple in love on their honeymoon. Their eyes shone with such tenderness and happiness that even I, a young woman, envied the attitude of this far from young couple towards each other. He looked after her so carefully and carefully, she accepted them so sweetly and shyly. I was intrigued and asked my mother to tell me about them. The love story that Nadezhda carried through the years is told in this story by my mother...

Another equally romantic story: “New Year’s Matchmaking” - read and dream!

This story began usually, like thousands of stories before it.

A guy and a girl met, got to know each other, fell in love. Nadya was a graduate of the cultural education school, Vladimir was a cadet at a military school. There was spring, there was love, and it seemed that only happiness lay ahead. They walked through the streets and parks of the city, kissed and made plans for the future. It was the mid-eighties and the concepts of friendship and love were pure, bright and... categorical.

Nadya believed that love and loyalty are inseparable concepts. But life sometimes brings surprises, and not always pleasant ones. One day, when she was rushing to school, she saw Vladimir at the tram stop. But not alone, but with a girl. He smiled, hugged her and said something joyfully. He didn’t see Nadya; she was walking along the other side of the street.

However, she no longer walked, but stood rooted to the spot, not believing her eyes. She probably should have approached her and explained herself, but she was a proud girl and stooping to some kind of questioning seemed humiliating to her. Then, in the mid-seventies, girlish pride was not an empty phrase. Nadya could not even guess who this girl was. Exactly, not a sister, Volodya had no sisters, she knew that.

Nadya cried into her pillow all night and by morning she decided that she would not ask or find out anything. Why, if she saw everything with her own eyes. Ask in order to hear the false “you didn’t understand everything correctly.”

Youth is principled and uncompromising, but it lacks wisdom. She broke up with Volodya without explaining anything to him; when they met, she simply said that everything was over between them. Without answering his perplexed and confused questions, she simply left. She could not look into his, as it seemed to her, deceitful face. Here, by the way, graduation from her school and placement came up. She was sent to work in the library of a small Ural town.

Nadya went to her place of work and tried to get Volodya out of her head. A new life was beginning, and there was no place for old mistakes and disappointments.

The arrival of the young librarian in the town did not go unnoticed; she was a beautiful girl. Almost from the first days of Nadya’s work in the library, a young lieutenant who worked in the police began to look after her. He cared naively and touchingly: he gave flowers, stood for a long time at the library counter, was silent and sighed. This went on for quite some time, many days passed before he dared to walk her home. They started dating, and after some time Sergei (that was the lieutenant’s name) declared his love for Nadya and offered to become his wife.

She didn’t give an answer right away, she said, I’ll think about it. How can you not think if there is no love. Of course, there was nothing repulsive in either his appearance or behavior. He was a tall young man with good manners and good appearance. But the memory of lost love still lived in my heart. Although Nadya knew that there was no return to the past, and if so, she had to think about the future and somehow arrange her life. In those early years, it was customary for girls to get married on time; the fate of an old maid did not attract anyone.

Sergei was a good guy, from a decent family, with a prestigious profession (police service was honorable and, in principle, equal to military service). And my girlfriends advised that you would miss such a guy, and where would you find a better one? In a small town there was not a particularly rich choice of suitors. And she made up her mind. I thought, if you endure it, you will fall in love, however, this famous expression does not always reflect reality.

After some time they got married, and at first Nadya liked the new life into which she plunged headlong. It was nice to feel like a married lady, to build a family nest, to restore order and comfort in the apartment, to wait for my husband from work. It was like a new exciting game, with unknown rules and pleasant surprises. But when all the novelty passed into the category of the ordinary, she clearly understood that the postulate “endure it, fall in love” does not work.

Nadya was never able to love her husband, although he surrounded her with attention and care, loved and was proud of her. But the choice had been made, and if it was the wrong one, she had no one to blame but herself. They shouldn’t separate two or three months after the wedding, especially since she became pregnant by that time.

At the right time, Nadya gave birth to a daughter, and the pleasant chores of motherhood temporarily pushed aside all the problems of a not very happy family life. And then the ordinary life of an average Soviet family began, with its everyday routine and small joys. The daughter grew up, the husband grew in rank and position. She no longer worked in the library, an enterprising, bright girl was noticed, and now she was raising culture in the area, being an employee of the youth palace.

Life had settled down and returned to some familiar shores, but Nadya was getting more and more bored. She realized long ago that simply being loved is not happiness and not even half of happiness; she wanted to love herself. And family life began to seem more and more like a prison with a life sentence. This could not but affect family relationships, and discord began between Nadya and Sergei. As it turned out, one love for two is not enough.

She began to remember Volodya more and more often; the memory of her lost love lived in her heart. Nadya thought and reflected for a long time and came to the conclusion that this cannot continue, we need to get a divorce, why torture each other. It was scary to be alone with the child, I felt sorry for my daughter (she loved her father), and the opinions of others also worried me. After all, there seemed to be no visible reasons for divorce, a seemingly strong family, a loving husband - what else did she need, people could say. But she couldn’t live like this any longer.

The divorce took place, Nadya and her daughter left for their homeland, closer to their parents, to one of the regional centers of the region. Soon she entered the institute as a correspondence student, in the specialty in which she worked. Work and study, a busy life schedule helped to forget the past. There was simply no time to think about a failed family life or indulge in despondency. Nadezhda graduated from the institute with honors, and gradually began to successfully move up the career ladder.

She was full of energy, intelligence and efficiency, and her hard work and self-demandingness amazed her colleagues. Perhaps in this way she was trying to fill the emptiness that was in her heart. There is no happiness in your personal life, let there be professional success. But, unfortunately, one does not replace the other. To be happy, a person needs not only success in his profession, but also love. And especially for a young, blooming woman. Of course, there were men in her life, life takes its toll, and she did not take a monastic vow.

But somehow everything didn’t work out, a serious relationship didn’t work out. She didn’t want to connect her life with someone again, without love, and she couldn’t fall in love. But, despite such mental unsettlement, Nadezhda built her career successfully. Over time, she took an enviable position in the regional government. My daughter grew up, got married very young, and now lived separately.

Life happened, but there was no happiness.

More and more often, her thoughts returned to her youth, which was so carefree and happy, Volodya recalled. However, she never forgot him, how can you forget your first love? Over time, the bitterness from his betrayal somehow smoothed out and became less acute. She really wanted to know something about him. What’s wrong with him, where is he now, how did he live his life without her? And whether he’s alive or not, although there’s no war, anything can happen in military service.

She looked for him on the Odnoklassniki website and found it very quickly. For a long time I didn’t dare to write to him, perhaps he wouldn’t remember her.

This was a love for her that she did not forget about all her life. And for him - who knows, so many years have passed...

I threw away all my thoughts and, as if in a whirlwind, I wrote. He responded unexpectedly quickly and offered to meet. It turns out that he had also lived in the regional center for quite a long time, like her.

Nadezhda went to the meeting and thought that it was like a meeting with a bygone youth and, of course, did not make any plans. Let’s sit and talk, she thought, he will talk about himself, I will too, let’s remember our youth. But everything didn’t happen at all as she expected.

When they met, it was as if time had turned back.

It seemed to them that there weren’t these long years lived separately, they just broke up yesterday and met today. Again Nadezhda felt like a young girl, and in front of her she saw a young cadet. Of course, Volodya has changed, so many years have passed, but love has its own special look. And the first words that he said: “You have become even more beautiful” - made her understand that he had not forgotten anything.

His eyes, as before, shone with love, and from excitement he spoke incoherently. As in their youth, they went for a walk along the streets of the city and talked and talked and could not stop talking. He explained to Nadya what kind of girl she saw him with.

It was his classmate; at the school where he had previously studied, a graduation party was planned, and she invited Volodya to this evening. And they hugged because they hadn’t seen each other since graduation and it was just a friendly hug. From his further story, Nadezhda learned how his future life turned out after their separation.

Just before graduating from college, he married almost the first beautiful girl he came across. After separation from Nadya, he didn’t care who he married, he felt that he could no longer love anyone like that. And it was better for newly-made lieutenants to go to their duty stations already married. Where, in a distant garrison, which is located in the forest or even on an island, will you find yourself a wife?

And then there was only service: distant garrisons, nearby ones, service abroad, Afghanistan. I had to see a lot, go through a lot. But family life never became happy, he could not love his wife, they lived bound by habit and two daughters. My wife was happy with this kind of life, but he didn’t care.

He could not forget Nadya, but believed that they would never see each other again.
Looking into each other's eyes, they understood that life was giving them a second chance to be happy. And even though their youth has passed and their temples are silvered with gray hair, their love remains as young as it was many years ago.

They decided that from now on they would be together and no obstacles scared them. However, there was one obstacle: Volodya was married. With the directness and decisiveness characteristic of a military man, he explained himself to his wife and that same day, having collected his clothes, he left. Then there was a divorce, his wife’s furious attacks on Nadya, resentment and misunderstanding of his daughters.

They went through everything together.

Over time, everything calmed down a little: the daughters understood and forgave their father, recognizing his right to happiness, they were already adults and lived separately; the wife, of course, did not forgive, but she resigned herself and did not create scandals. And Nadezhda and Vladimir got married and even got married in church.

They have been together for five years now. Over the years they have traveled a lot, both in Russia and abroad. As they say, we want to go everywhere we couldn’t go together when we were young, to see everything, talk about everything, and Vladimir adds:
“I want to go with Nadenka to the places where she was without me, to experience together everything that she experienced when I was not around.”

Their honeymoon continues, and who knows, maybe it will last for the rest of their lives. They are so happy, such a light of love pours from their eyes that others are sometimes simply envious to look at such a far from young, but such an amazing couple.

To paraphrase the statement of the heroine of the film “Moscow does not believe in tears, Nadezhda can say: “Now I know, life at fifty is just beginning.”

Love can be different, maintaining love in family relationships is sometimes so difficult, but it is possible - read about this in another story from a participant in the women's victories club.