Interesting inventions of the world. Really useful inventions of recent years Incredible inventions of mankind

Throughout its history, humanity has never stood still and has always strived for development. XX century became key in this sense, and people made quite a big leap both in the socio-economic and in the scientific and technical fields. It was during this period of time that there was a boom in inventions, which, according to their authors, were supposed to make people's lives easier and better. But sometimes engineers achieved the opposite effect...

So, 27 most unusual inventions of the past!

1. Shower cap, 1970
This cap was created for women who took a shower with makeup on their face.

2. Rocket Belt, 1961

People have always dreamed of flying.

3. Yodelmeter, 1925

Yodeling is such an unusual way of singing without words. But why measure the level of all this remains a mystery.

4. Illuminated wheels, 1961

There were ordinary light bulbs inside the wheel, which made the life of this invention very short.

5. External Turkey Oven, 1966

Housewives rejoice!

6. Motorized surfboard, 1948

Now you don't even need waves.

7. Robot Cat, 1963

For those who did not really like the cat family, this robot was created. He meowed and blinked his eyes, and also scared away mice and rats.

8. Chest with heartbeat, 1963

It's not what you thought)) This chest with a heartbeat was created for small children who could not sleep.

9. Portable sauna, 1962

Mobile and economical!

10. Mouthpiece for two, 1955

"Let's smoke for brotherhood!".

11. Glasses-TV, 1963

The great-grandfather of modern 3D glasses.

12. Dogcatcher, 1940

No comments...

13. Mouthpiece for a pack of cigarettes, 1955

Apparently, in the 50s the attitude towards smoking was not as negative as it is now.

14. Cage for children, 1937

Fresh air is good for a growing body. What if parents don’t have time to walk with their child?!

15. Bird costume, 1955

The suit's creator died after jumping out of an airplane while wearing it.

16. Robot answering machine, 1964

Yes, yes, that’s exactly how he was presented then.

17. Anti-theft case, 1963

It's simple: when robbers attack the owner of the case, he presses a secret button, the bottom of the case opens - the contents fall to the ground. The robber is left with an empty case in his hands.

18. Flying platform, 1956

Military technology in action.

19. Mini TV, 1966

The minimization trends did not begin today.

20. Laryngophone, 1929

21. Holder for children, 1937

A device for joint family walks. I wonder if there was a configuration for twins?

22. Cigarette holder for those who like to smoke in the rain, 1954

Most likely, this invention was invented by smoking Englishmen.

23. Meduxus, 1959

A mixture of honey and vinegar. They say it was widely used in folk medicine. It probably helped someone.

24. Hubbard Electrometer, 1968

"Tomatoes scream when you cut them", - the founder of Scientology Lafayette Ronald Hubbard made his decision, measuring the sensitivity of tomatoes with an electrometer. The device is still used in their religious rituals. By the way, an excellent argument against vegetarianism))

25. Shoes for walking on water, 1962

But some people managed without such invention!

26. Glasses with blinds, 1950

So this is where this shame and shame come from. Doesn't remind you of anything?!

27. Hair curling device, 1938

For big and small fashionistas.

Well, time does not stand still and, perhaps, our great-grandchildren will also ironically describe the inventions of our XXI century.

Modern technologies are rapidly moving forward, making science fiction film footage a thing of the near future. They enter our lives so imperceptibly and organically that there are already a number of inventions that make us wonder. We present to your attention the list - Top 10 the most interesting inventions of mankind of the 21st century. Perhaps some of them will not be in demand at all, but they have the potential to significantly change our lives. Presented here are both inventions for solving specific problems and technologies that can find application in many areas.

1. Mind reading devices

Transferring complex thoughts directly from the brain to various devices is not something we can dream of in the near future. But back in 1998, a gadget went on sale that allowed paralyzed people to turn the light on and off with the power of thought. And in 2008, Japanese scientists led by Junichi Ushiba allowed a paralyzed person to give simple commands to a character in a computer social game. Several large companies today sell telepathic devices that allow you to control applications or toys. They actively cooperate with game manufacturers, which, if events develop well, will give significant results in the future. The use of such devices for medical purposes is also promising. For this reason, a mind reading device could, in the future, become one of the most useful inventions of mankind.


A study of overweight people who were not helped by diet found that most of She secretly consumed food from them, which reduced all efforts to nothing. It is impossible to organize such observation for every patient in everyday life. The invention of scientists from Taiwan University is designed to solve this problem, allowing you to monitor the number and frequency of food intake. In the future it is planned to make it more informative and wireless. In addition to nutritionists and psychologists, it may also be useful to doctors of other professions. Of course, if its creators do not abandon work on it and they manage to do everything planned.


Such robots are very useful in performing operations that require special precision and undoubtedly, they can be considered as the most important inventions of mankind made in the 21st century. It may seem that the era of such devices has not yet arrived. But they are already being mass-produced and have become quite widespread. The best known is the daVinci surgical robot, which is a manipulator controlled by a surgeon. Hundreds of thousands of operations are performed on such systems around the world every year. And the American robot “Star” is known for performing intestinal surgery on its own, so it is possible that in the future there will even be competition in this area.


A 3D printer is one of the useful and most unusual inventions of mankind. This device is primarily associated with simple plastic figurines produced at home. But the number of areas in which they are already used or could be useful is enormous. They assist engineers in design, reducing time and costs. You can print useful and small items on them at home. In some industries, especially small-scale ones, producing parts on 3D printers will cost less than on classic lines.

Even in making food, growing organs and creating medicines, this technology could be useful. The US and UK authorities have already had to declare any weapon made on 3D printers illegal. Well, fans of stories about robots taking over the world will be interested to know that there are models that can print more than half of the parts for themselves.


Some people believe that this technology has no future because very few people are using it at the moment. But these devices give large companies a chance to earn huge profits, so their development will not be long in coming. The gaming industry is the most promising for them. In addition, work is underway to organize live broadcasts from sporting events and significant events using virtual reality devices. With their help, movies and TV series will be able to place a person inside the stories being told; they are already being actively used to train American soldiers. And that's not all: healthcare, education, real estate sales - all these are potential areas of application of virtual reality.

6. Sixth Sense

If the previous technology immerses a person in virtual reality, then this device, on the contrary, helps it penetrate our world. This invention can be included in the list that contains the most interesting inventions of mankind. Sixth Sense allows you to use almost any surface as a display and interact with it using your hands with special marks on your fingers. The prototype, made by MIT students, is assembled from publicly available parts and costs only $350. The system allows you to find information on the Internet about objects simply by looking at them, displaying it on any surface. Or dial a phone number by projecting the numbers onto your hand. At the moment it is at the development stage and is far from mass release.


They are widely used by the military, and even a civilian can buy a model in a store that allows them to take photographs and videos from a great height. Their main difference is that the UAV requires constant exchange of information with the control panel. And drones can perform tasks autonomously. They are planned to be used for distributing the Internet, delivering medicines, food and other goods. They are also capable of measuring indicators in places that are dangerous to humans. They are already used for advertising purposes and even as waiters.

8. Holograms

Many people remember scenes from science fiction films where a conversation is conducted with a hologram of a person, creating the full effect of his presence in the room. At the moment there are no such technologies. But it is already possible to reproduce a fairly high-quality image on stage. One of the most famous examples of this is the Tupac hologram. And the Japanese Hatsune Miku is generally a completely artificial star who gave real concerts. The first prototypes have been presented, producing three-dimensional images of not very high quality. You can even interact with them using your hands.


Caring for seriously ill patients is difficult and exhausting work. It is not surprising that the inventors different countries offer their technical solutions to ease it. In the future, such robots may prove to be one of the most important inventions of mankind. The Japanese have created a robot capable of transferring a person from a bed to a chair and back, moving over long distances. And students at the University of Massachusetts presented an android capable of serving various items and learn as you go. Today, robots are not able to provide normal human care; they can only perform a few actions. The future will tell whether they will be able to replace caregivers in full.

10. Organ cultivation

Growing organs is unusual, incredibly useful and the most interesting invention of mankind, made in the 21st century and opening up prospects for practically eternal life. The shortage of organs suitable for transplantation leads to the fact that many people simply do not wait their turn or cannot afford such an operation. There is also a thriving black market for illegally obtained body parts. But cells have an amazing ability to self-organize into complex tissues, which already allows scientists to conduct successful experiments to obtain new organs.

Using patient cells minimizes the risk of rejection. Growing skin for extensive burns is already being actively used, and a technique for producing artificial tracheas has been developed. Teeth, cartilage, blood vessels, muscles, blood, kidneys, bladder - this is far from full list what scientists managed to obtain in artificial conditions and transplanted into animals. Naturally, these technologies have not been proven and science will have to solve a lot of problems for their widespread implementation.

In the world of high technology, more and more attention is being paid to robots and their ability to significantly improve human life. In addition to robot assistants, transport plays an important role in our lives. This fall, automotive giants presented concepts that could once and for all solve the issue of urban road congestion and reduce the risk of accidents. We have selected five high-tech new products worthy of your attention.

/ Inventions

Today the market offers a huge selection of tools and cosmetics for professionals in the beauty business. We chose one of the large stores that monitors quality new products, and selected those that seemed most interesting to us.

/ Inventions

In September, there was an increased interest in new vehicles, including the original flying taxi and even youth roller skates. In addition to them, our “Top 5” also includes stylish glasses and headphones and an amazing cylindrical smartphone. Well, we’ll start our review with a unique masterpiece from VOLVO.

/ Inventions

We will tell you how crabs help solve ecological problems, how a mythical robot centaur saves lives, and African animals inspire scientists to create an unusually sensitive telescope. In our article you will find 5 phenomenal inventions of the world of high technology.

/ Inventions

Russia seriously intends to make a name for itself in the field of space exploration, New Zealand scientists have created a revolutionary tool for saving lives, and blind robots navigate space better than their sighted counterparts - read about this and more in our new review for July 2018.

/ Inventions

We offer all beauty industry professionals the latest review of creative new products from the market leader in the distribution of professional tools for hairdressers, cosmetologists, solariums, as well as furniture and equipment for beauty salons. With Hitek products you will be one step ahead of your competitors.

/ Inventions

Progress does not stand still and every day the world is replenished with countless useful devices that help brighten up our lives and overcome everyday difficulties. This spring, scientists gave us the opportunity to feel like real superheroes, taught us to find mutual language with babies and helped the blind to experience the beauty of the world around them.

/ Inventions

Although it seems that scientists around the world are focused solely on creating the latest mobile phones, technology development in other areas is also in full swing. Our top 5 again includes the innovation of Elon Musk, whose name appears every now and then in the news about the achievements of researchers. In addition to his plans to build an advanced metro, we will also tell you about other amazing inventions. And we will start with the most important thing - with a device that can save lives.

/ Inventions

Although February was not marked by such a variety of events in the world of innovation as January, scientists have prepared many interesting innovations for us this month. We will tell you about 5 original inventions: from a space rocket to translator headphones!

/ Inventions

The progressive future has already arrived, corporations are releasing the most powerful computers and smartphones, Elon Musk is once again surprising everyone around him, and new technologies can literally save the lives of millions of people. Read more in our selection of hot technology news for October 2017.

The modern world and creative minds are constantly coming up with more and more new ideas and inventions. We present to your attention unusual revolutionary inventions that are also very useful.

A simple device will save your ears from getting burned when styling your hair with hot curling irons

A board on which the paper is held by force static electricity– no buttons or pins

Door that transforms into a ping pong table

Thanks to this ingenious idea, ping pong lovers can get a table for this game, regardless of their modest living space.

Tourist tent with solar panels

During the day you enjoy the sun, and in the evening you can read in your tent.

Stainless steel knives folding into one panel

Wifi pen

Everything you write on paper with such a pen will immediately appear on the screen of your electronic device.

Door to grow

Flower pots

Such a pot has a very significant advantage - it will definitely not fall on the head of a passerby.

“Dough” Sugru

This substance takes any form - like plasticine. It then dries, hardens and adheres, if desired, to any surface. Using this test you can make a handle for a saucepan or patch a torn sneaker.

Hot knife for cold butter

A heated knife easily passes through the oil from the refrigerator and preparing a sandwich in the morning will take much less time.

Container for snack lovers at odd times

This invention will help you wean yourself from the bad habit of snacking or doing inappropriate activities - it will not open until the time set on the timer is reached.

Dream Control Mask

LEDs are built into the inside of the mask. They light up in a certain order and create certain light patterns before a person’s eyes. You don't dive intodeep sleep and gain the ability to control your dreams.

Odor-absorbing underwear

These panties have a very fine activated carbon filter, so you won't be in danger of ruining the air at the most inopportune moment.

Magnetic switch cover

A simple yet innovative idea, the magnet is strong enough to hold a bunch of keys, a metal-cased pen, and even a hammer.

3D pen

A special plastic is squeezed out of the handle, which hardens and forms any three-dimensional lines and shapes.

An original idea for charging your phone

The Siva Cycle Atom gadget is a miniature electric generator that stores energy while pedaling.

When you see a girl peeing while standing, do not rush to mistake her for a “MAN” who has changed her gender. It's just that this girl uses P-MATE. The use of this invention is justified, for example, when it is necessary to use public toilet or it's just inconvenient to do "it" the usual way.

At the Singapore airport you can see a stand that resembles a storage locker but only with small cells - this is nothing more than a point for recharging mobile phones. Each cell is locked with a key and is designed to recharge a specific model of mobile phone or communicator. It is worth noting the most important thing - you can use this service at the airport absolutely free of charge!

Tool for making picks

Cricut Cake is a professional pastry printer that looks not much different from a regular office printer. What makes it special is that it cuts out instead of printing, and uses edible sheets of frosting, fondant, cookie dough, cheese, chocolate, etc. instead of paper. The memory of this unusual printer contains a number of templates for shapes of various shapes, by selecting one of which and clicking on the “cut” button, this particular shape will be cut out of the edible sheet. The printer also provides the ability to expand the base number of templates. To do this, you need to purchase additional cartridges with electronic version templates Thus, in just a couple of clicks, you get professionally made confectionery decorations.

This invention aims to reduce wasted water. The concept from designer Yeongwoo Kim combines a urinal and a handwash sink. It is assumed that the water used for washing hands, when drained, will wash away “traces of a person’s presence in the toilet.”

"Napbook" is the name of this unusual laptop bag. In addition to its attractive design, this bag is also interesting because it can be used as a soft pillow! So if suddenly on a long trip or at a lecture at the institute you decide to take a little nap, then it will be more comfortable to do this with a soft bag for your laptop.

Scissors with laser sight

It is useful to have such a number of colored cutting boards in the kitchen to avoid mixing the tastes of some products with others, especially if you do not intend to combine them in the future in one dish. Cutting boards are installed in a special rack and have “bookmarks” with the products depicted on them for which this or that board is intended. For example, the blue one shows fish, the green one shows fruits, etc.

This bar of "soap" is made from of stainless steel. I don’t know why this “soap” works, but it effectively removes the odors of onions, garlic, fish and other products from your hands. Just wash your hands with steel “soap” as usual under running water. You don’t need to use regular soap after this.

The world's first electric guitar capable of automatically tuning its strings.