Interesting ideas for flower beds for a summer residence. Do-it-yourself flowerbed at the dacha (57 photos): plants for decorating the composition

How we want every corner of the dacha to please our eyes. And if stationary flower beds require preliminary preparation and careful planning, then we can make small flower beds with our own hands from scrap materials, which can quickly add an additional bright element to any corner of our garden.

With minimal effort you can turn any unnecessary container into a flower container.

Bright red salvia is a favorite choice for a bonfire bed.

Old ones have accumulated in the house flower pots? Let's make cheerful flower beds with our own hands that will make everyone smile.

Have you always wanted to try making a flower garden from a single log?

If you don’t have a suitable log, you can make such a flower garden yourself from the remains of a slab.

Tired of it plastic bottles in the country? There is a chance to make a vertical flower bed out of them for a gazebo or terrace.

You can easily make a flower garden from building blocks. Depending on how the blocks are painted, you can create a completely different mood: from strictly black to a fun colored mosaic.

No old containers, boards, bottles and other unnecessary things? Believe it or not, an ordinary thick rag and a cement solution can become the basis for an unusual flower garden.

An option for those who still have old unnecessary containers at their dacha. Your dacha - your rules, perhaps such a flower garden will not become a permanent guest in your garden, but it will lift your spirits for the season.

A flower garden option for fans of crafts made from tires.

Indeed, you can make flower beds with your own hands from any available materials. For example, this flower garden is made from an old motorcycle tank.

Any old box in skillful hands has a chance to turn into an unusual flower garden.

If you are a fan landscape design using containers for flowers, you know about their high cost. You can make such flower containers yourself from cement, decorating them to your liking.

It's always a pity to part with unnecessary things that we have become accustomed to. We can say goodbye to them beautifully, making an unusual flower garden out of them with our own hands, and then calmly throw them away.

Even if these things are of small capacity, they can still serve us as a cute flower garden.

Near the house itself we usually have a blind area near the foundation and shade - this is not the best better place for a large flower bed. But a small stump from an old tree and one bush of ampelous petunia can create a small miracle.

Any unpretentious annuals can be planted both in a flowerbed and in containers. These containers can beautify your garden lawn, porch or gazebo. In order to give these flower beds a rustic style, we wrap them in burlap.

Any old tub or even just an unnecessary barrel, plus a small bush of creeping flowers - and you already have a beautiful flower stream right under the windows of the house.

Plastic containers with flowers look better if they are brought a little closer to their natural appearance, for example, placed in a wicker basket.

Unusual DIY flower beds made from wood cuts require more frequent watering - unlike a regular flower bed, the flowers in them dry out faster.

Not only flowers, but also ornamental grasses look beautiful in the garden. Look how interestingly this sheep flower garden is organized.

Taking an original flower container is one of the simplest and most effective ideas. Cheerful flower caterpillars will illuminate your entire garden with their bright smile.

The unusual swan flower garden skillfully uses the bright contrast between white and blue bushes of small flowers.

If old car no one needs it anymore, and there is no hope of getting rid of it, you can make an unusual flower garden out of it with your own hands. The solution, of course, is not for everyone.
The owner of an old clothing mannequin has the chance to create a small garden masterpiece with his own hands, like this goldilocks flower garden.

If you decide to decorate your garden with flowers, then an old dried tree is not a hindrance for you, but a new challenge for design ideas. An unusual flower bowl with petunias will be the subject of admiration for your family and friends.

There are both simple and complex ideas for flower beds, but any of them will decorate your garden. Even if you are not a wonderful and skilled gardener, it is enough to buy a couple of flower seedlings in the spring and experiment with them.

Even if in the first year, your flower beds, made with your own hands from scrap materials, do not turn out as beautiful as in these photos, you will be able to draw conclusions and increase your skills every year, and sooner or later your garden will become your pride.

Making beautiful flower beds with your own hands is very simple; for this you will need a little skill, a little patience and available materials. And our article will help you choose the appropriate flower bed option and get ideas for a flower bed with your own hands, where we will tell and show how you can build an original and beautiful flower bed with your own hands from simple materials.

Surely you have lost a couple of old tires, plastic or glass bottles at home or at your dacha; if you recently built something, then there should also have been building materials such as bricks, stones and wood.

Perhaps there is old furniture stored in the shed that has not been used for a long time, but it would be a pity to throw it away. From all these available materials you can build beautiful and original flower beds with your own hands and decorate your area in front of your house with a beautiful flower garden that will delight your eyes and the eyes of your guests.

An original DIY flowerbed will take a central aesthetic place in your garden or backyard. Beautiful flower beds are a great way to decorate your area and make it a cozy corner.

Ideas for an original do-it-yourself flowerbed from scrap materials

It's time to take a closer look at the options for a flowerbed with your own hands and choose for yourself an original version of a flowerbed near the house or in the garden. We have conditionally divided our selection of flowerbed photos according to the materials that are used to construct and decorate the flowerbed with your own hands.

Original do-it-yourself flower beds made from tires

First on our list are flower beds made from old car tires. The easiest way to make a flower bed from tires with your own hands is to simply clean your car tires thoroughly, paint them the desired color and plant plants in them.

You can lay tires in the shape of a circle or make a multi-tiered flower bed from tires. And if you are looking for a more original version of a flowerbed made from tires, you can make a flowerbed in the form of cups of tires or make a flowerbed cut out and turned out of a tire in the form of a flower. A flower bed made of tires in the shape of a frog will also look original in the garden.

A more complex version of a flower bed made of tires would be an unusual composition made from bicycle tires in the shape of swans.

Beautiful flower beds made of wood with your own hands

You can also make many options for a flowerbed with your own hands from a tree. You can make a small wooden fence to enclose a flower bed. Can construct complex flower beds made of wood, for example hanging ones.

A flower bed carved from a large tree log looks unusual and creative. A flower bed made of wooden stumps looks no less original.

DIY bottle flower bed options

If you have old glass bottles lying around, do not rush to hand them over as glass containers; they can make a very beautiful flower bed with your own hands.

Plastic bottles can also be useful for building a flowerbed with your own hands. For example, plastic bottles can make an excellent fence for a flower garden.

Beautiful flower beds made of stones with your own hands

A beautiful decorative stone is the most suitable for decorating beautiful flower beds, however, it is not cheap. But you can get ordinary stones for free, and they look no worse than artificial stone.

The well-known “alpine slide”, which can be made of stone beams, will fit perfectly into your landscape design of the house. And flat, even stones can be used as a fence for a flowerbed with your own hands.

This also includes DIY brick garden flower beds. Since brick is a building material, it can be used to build interesting and beautiful flower beds around the house. They can be of various sizes, low, high and multi-tiered flower beds with your own hands.

Brick fragments and halves can be used to fence a flowerbed with your own hands.

Unusual flower beds from old furniture with your own hands

Who would have thought that old unnecessary interior items can make very original and beautiful flower beds that you can make with your own hands.

Old dishes and teapots can serve as flower pots. An old toilet, washbasin and even a bathtub will become an original and creative flower bed.

A beautiful do-it-yourself flowerbed made from an old chest of drawers, in the drawers of which you just need to plant plants.

Do you have an old car that has long been beyond repair? Excellent - such a car can easily be turned into an asset to your garden by turning it into a flowerbed with your own hands.

Paint your car a bright color and plant it with flowers. This will be a very good option for a DIY flowerbed.

See more interesting options for an original do-it-yourself flowerbed in our selection of photo ideas for flowerbeds flower garden in the country, near the house or in the garden.

Beautiful flower beds with your own hands - photo gallery

flower bed with petunia and marigold. Landscape design

Which owner of a summer cottage would not like to decorate it with a beautiful, graceful and constantly blooming flower bed? Almost everyone. After all, you really want the site to be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. However, setting up a flower bed is actually not so quick and easy: here you need to take into account various nuances (choice of plants, characteristics of their flowering, color combinations, design schemes and much more).

First of all, when organizing a simple flower bed, you should pay attention to the fact that everything ornamental plants have various life forms. There are annual flowers that need to be re-sown every year. There are biennials that bloom only in the second year of life. There are also perennial plants, blooming brighter and more magnificently every year.

If you plant plants from seeds to create a simple and beautiful flower bed, then only annual plants will be able to bloom this year. Some of them begin to bloom only after 13 – 15 weeks. These species include late asters, tall marigolds, verbena, salvia, petunia, and lobelia.

These flowers can only be grown through seedlings, while other annuals can be safely planted directly into the ground.

For example:

  • dahlias;
  • marigold;
  • matthiol;
  • calendula;
  • nastrutia;
  • Drummond's phlox
  • Eschscholzia;
  • cornflower.

The above plants can be sown in early or mid-May, and you can see their beautiful flowering already in July-August. Decorativeness annual plants appears only in the second half of summer.

It is worth noting that growing flowers through seedlings significantly speeds up their flowering time. And planting ready-made sprouts in a flowerbed is somewhat more pleasant than waiting for shoots to emerge.

Creating a flower garden

To create a harmonious and beautiful flower garden, plants should be planted in groups: tall ones are left for the background, low ones for the foreground.

There are two most simple ways flowerbed design:

  1. White and pink colors. For such a scheme, you can use pink, white lavatera, pink cosmos, placing them in groups in the background. Place white and pink zinnias closer to the center. In the foreground, the phlox of Drummond and Godetius will look good. The edges of the flower bed can be edged with allisum for a more neat design. Cornflower will also be a good highlight of such a flower garden.
  2. Annual flowers in red-orange shades. Here, scarlet amaranth with groups of decorative sunflowers will fit into the background. You can also add groups of yellow and red zinnias and annual dahlias. While the zinnias are growing, esholtia will look good between them. You can also add red and yellow asters, some calendula, and low-growing marigolds will make a wonderful border for the edge of the flower bed.

Flowerbed layout

Before organizing a simple flower bed, you should carefully plan what and how to plant, in what order and color scheme. And for this a couple of tips will come in handy.

  • Absolutely all flowers move their heads following the sun. And therefore, if the view of the flowerbed opens from the north side, then most day the flowers will be turned away from you. It is recommended to plant flowers in such a flower bed that do not so clearly follow the sun. These include: marigolds, zinnias, irises, lupine, Rocket buzulnik, delphinium.
  • If the area for the flowerbed is located along a fence through which people passing can admire your flowers, then make a choice in advance: the flowerbed should please you or passers-by.
  • When sowing seeds, sufficient distance should be left between different groups of plants. It’s better that at the end of June the flowerbed will look a little empty, but in July you won’t have to separate some plants from others, which are more aggressive and spreading.
  • When planning a flower bed, you should always pay careful attention to the height of the selected plants, which is usually indicated on the seed packaging. You also need to follow the recommendations for the distance between them. If the seedlings turn out to be too frequent, they can be carefully dug up and replanted. However, some plants tolerate this procedure very poorly.
  • If you decide to collect seeds from flowers that have a certain shade, then do not be lazy and mark the selected plant in advance, immediately after the start of flowering. Since already next weekend the flowers may fade and get lost among the “comrades”, painted in a different color. color scheme.
  • For long-term flowering of annuals and perennial flowers, it is necessary from time to time to remove already faded inflorescences, as well as fruits and ovaries. This way you can maintain the decorativeness of your flowerbed.
  • Do not sow seeds of one type over too large an area. When its flowering time has passed, you can end up with a very unsightly, empty area, which can very well disrupt the integrity of a simple flower bed.
  • It is impossible not to note the curious property of some flowers, for example, Eschscholzia, the buds of which close in cloudy weather. And the tricolor bindweed closes with the onset of the second half of the day. But matthiola, on the contrary, opens up and begins to smell fragrant only in the evening and at night.

A simple flowerbed at the dacha with your own hands (video)

How to organize continuous flowering

Most decorative look can be obtained by achieving a harmonious combination of annual and perennial plants. This combination will allow your flowerbed to bloom almost continuously from the beginning of May until the onset of frost.

The use of perennial flowers has a number of undoubted advantages. They need to be grown and planted only once every few years. Such plants do not require excessively careful care, but every year they are more and more pleasing. lush flowering. Perennials are easily grown from seeds, which you can collect yourself or purchase at your local store.

If you plan to organize a flowerbed of continuous flowering, then be sure to use bearded irises and lupine. Already in the month of June, your flower garden will be shrouded in colorful lupine flowers and very beautiful iris flowers, sparkling among the green foliage. Shade-tolerant and picky Turkish cloves, as well as red and bright lychnis will pick up the baton of flowering. Long-blooming and powerful foxgloves and light, delicate Eschscholzia butterflies will bloom almost simultaneously.

Flowerbed in the shade: which plants to choose (video)

Poppy, nastrutia, salvia, cosmos, cornflower, calendula, marigolds, dahlias, gladioli and lilies bloom in the yule. At the end of August, the magnificent asters will happily take over the flowering dance.

Flowerbed design schemes

By selecting different plants and combining them, you can create an almost endless number of variations of a simple but very effective flower bed. But if you are new to this business, it will be easier to use already ready-made options And simple circuits creating flower beds.

  1. Central flower bed - this scheme is the simplest for organizing a flower garden. It consists of circles. The center is filled with cannas with dark leaves, which are the soloists of the entire composition, then green-leaved cannas are planted around the border in a circle, the third row is filled with decorative leafy gnafalium and this parade is completed by snapdragons.
  2. Viennese flower. To create this option, you will need to arrange a six-leaf flower in the flowerbed, the center of which will be white gillflowers, the border of which will be alpine forget-me-nots. It is good to organize the outer edge with islands of viola, zinnia, and primrose.
  3. A whimsical pattern is a round flower bed that is decorated big amount wavy elements decorated with variegated, sun-loving perennials. In the center of such a flowerbed you can place a squat chamerops with a beautiful crown of fan leaves. Its shadow will be a good background for the dahlia zinnia, and the coleus will act as a contrast. Fancy curls can be created using begonias and pelargoniums, which will look very impressive against the background of lawn grass.

The proposed schemes are just a few of many options. Or maybe you already have your own creative ideas for decorating a beautiful flower bed - an amazing decoration for your site?

Do-it-yourself flower beds from improvised meansgood way improve the site, making them an expressive and amazing element of landscape design. Such flower bed will become not just a picturesque and attractive corner of the dacha, but can also become a connecting link that unites the house and garden, buildings and plantings into a harmonious and unified picture. Beautiful flower beds, decorated with your own hands from unusual materials, will help you achieve an incredible effect.

Making your own flower beds: breaking standards

No matter how charming and luxurious the flowers are, a flowerbed without a fence will have a somewhat unfinished look. Flowerbed with fencing changes significantly, it becomes neater and more presentable. In addition to marking the border, the side (fence) also performs other functions: for example, it prevents plants, especially ground cover, from actively spreading (creeping) across the site. The edge also performs a protective function, protecting fragile plant shoots from the encroachments of walking pets.

Of course, you can buy ready-made plastic, stone, wooden, metal (forged) fences or shapes (various vases and bowls with and without legs, barrels, etc.) for flower beds, but after construction (repair) there remain on the site many different objects, scraps of wood, metal or pipes, pieces of brick, from which you can make lovely flower beds with your own manually and at no extra cost. You can simply use scraps of metal tiles or slate as fencing, or leftover linoleum will also work.

Pet container For responsible residents in a dacha environment, it can become a real problem - there are very few places for separate rental, and it is quite inconvenient to transport it specifically to the city. The solution may be to create a flowerbed with your own hands from plastic bottles, which will become a good fence for the flowerbed. This option is recommended for areas with an abundance of moles - plastic will be a sufficient barrier for them. To give your flowerbeds a colorful look, it’s good to alternate bottles of different colors.

The best decoration for a dacha or garden are flower beds that bloom all summer and are fragrant. Properly placed and beautifully decorated flower arrangements will decorate and ennoble your dacha.

We will tell you how to make a flowerbed with your own hands later in this article.

Preparation for work and rules for designing a flower bed

First, choose a place suitable for decorating a flower bed. Decide what flowers you would like to see and what shape to give to the flower garden.

In order for the flowerbed to fit organically into the landscape of your site, take into account such factors as: the size and shape of the land, the location of buildings, and the illumination of the future flowerbed. The shape of the flower bed can be different, it all depends on your preferences.

It is better to make flower beds along paths and fences long.

Place single-tier flower beds of continuous flowering near the garden house.

Multi-tiered flower beds with climbing plants Ideal to place along fences, walls and around summerhouse, the loaches will create shade and coolness, ideal for relaxation.

If there is a pond on your site, be sure to decorate it flower arrangements. Open free areas can be decorated with closed, fantasy flower beds with flowers of the same variety.

When creating flower beds and flower beds with your own hands, make plans for future plantings. By transferring your ideas to paper and carefully thinking through color and stylistic solutions, it will be easier for you to bring your ideas to life.

In multi-tiered flower beds, plants are combined in height and planted as follows: ground-growing (purslane, saxifrage), low-growing (nasturtium, petunia), medium-growing (geranium, chamomile), tall (ferns, ornamental trees).

Consider the flowering time - the best option is a constantly blooming flower bed.

Original flowerbed design

When decorating flower beds at your dacha with your own hands, think about fencing for flower plantings. Fences will add additional decor and complement the flower arrangement.

The fencing can be various items, such as stones, tiles, bricks and other available materials.

Stone fencing

If there are bricks left on your site after building a house, use them to decorate your flower garden. When making a flowerbed from bricks or stone, you will need cement mortar and bricklaying skills.

It will be enough to lay two rows of fencing and a beautiful flower bed is ready. The design with wild stone will be very original, such as slate, granite, cobblestones of various shapes.

Compositions from tires and bottles

Creating flower beds from unusual things such as old tires and plastic bottles has become extremely popular. Using a creative approach, you can make luxurious compositions from these items.

In the photo of the flower bed you can see the use of bottles. Fill the bottles with soil before burying them to avoid deformation.


Flower beds made from tires will serve you for many years. You can create multi-tiered compositions from old wheels of different diameters. If desired, tires can be painted with bright colors.

The wheels can also be hung as flowerpots; plants with flowing stems would be ideal for such a flowerbed.

Furniture and appliances in the design of a flower object

The use of interior items in garden decor is becoming increasingly fashionable. Chairs, sideboards, dressing tables, iron beds, baths, washbasins and even toilets are used.

For example, the outer surface of the bathtub can be painted or tiled, filled with earth and placed near a pond. Plant petunias or violets in chests of drawers with open drawers.

For more durable use, it is better to coat wooden objects with moisture-resistant products.


A flower garden can also become old bike, and even a small car. You will need paint and a little imagination to transform your dacha or garden into something extraordinary. Photos of flowerbed design will help you with this.

Choice of colors

When choosing flowers for future compositions, take into account not only the color, but also the duration of flowering, the height of the bush, the possibility of proximity, requirements for watering and sunlight.

By carefully choosing plants and putting your soul into the design of your summer cottage, you can turn your wildest ideas into reality.

DIY photo of flower beds
