Oscilloscope operating instructions. Operating instructions for oscilloscope S1 65a technical description

  • Help, please, who can. We need a diagram and description of setup for the S1-65 oscilloscope. Thanks in advance!
  • The electrical circuit diagram, plans for placing elements on the board of the S1-65 oscilloscope are posted here [B][B]S1-65 Oscilloscope
  • Mmm... The circuit seems to be from C1-65A, C1-65 has a tube input, and the circuit shows field-effect transistors.
  • Hello! My oscilloscope is damaged. There is no high voltage. There were glitches before, sometimes the beam appeared half an hour after switching on. I found a diagram from S1-65A, it turned out that it is in this part that they are different. Please help who can.
  • http://www..html?di=48937 here is the link, look at the photo
  • http://kazus.ru/forums/showthread.php?t=13847&page=17 Maybe a topic according to yours will help.
  • S1-65 has only one weak point, it is a high-voltage unit, namely the problem in the high-voltage trance, on which high voltage over time pierces the insulation... only replacement and the problem is solved. in the S1-65A, the developers eliminated this defect by lowering the voltage on the high-voltage trans... + installed a wider-screen cathode ray tube and raised the frequency to 50 MHz. It turned out very well) it was the S1-65A model that was developed for metrologists and subsequently took root and was the most beloved for reliability and high performance characteristics!
  • Cool car. I've been using it for many years. It starts even in -25 cold. The screen is frosted at first, but it works. Here's greetings from the USSR.
  • S1-65A is the best oscilloscope that I have ever gotten my hands on...
  • I agree - reliable as a Kalash...
  • Hello, dear ones! :) And yet, maybe someone has documentation specifically for s1-65, not s1-65a. In particular, Appendix 13 is of interest to the circuit of the high-voltage converter and the arrangement of elements on the boards. If you have one, send it to me by email ( [email protected]) or publish here. Thank you.
  • Technical description and operating instructions C1-65 (User Manual) At the very end of the document is a diagram, above is the location of the elements.
  • Thanks for the file. I have a similar instruction (album 1) (I found it earlier on the Internet), but I couldn’t find album 2 anywhere... Is there even a specification of elements for this device (because on schematic diagram neither the type of transistors, nor diodes, tuning capacitors, etc.) and their location on the boards are indicated?
  • In general, I asked myself - I answer myself, after a long search on the Internet I found a list of elements - here

The S1-65 oscilloscope is one of the popular and advanced Soviet-made devices, designed to study the shape of electrical signals and measure their time and amplitude parameters. Wide bandwidth of the vertical deflection path (up to 35 MHz), sustainable system synchronization allows you to successfully use the device for repairing and diagnosing household radio-electronic equipment - audio-video television equipment, radiotelephones and radio stations.


The composition of the main components of the S1-65 oscilloscope is shown in the block diagram (Fig. 2). shown in Fig. 3. part 1 and fig. 4 part 2. Each board and housing of the measuring device has its own numbering of elements. The diagram shows the following controls located on the front panel and rear wall of the oscilloscope.

Adjustment and control elements of the S1-65 oscilloscope

On the circuit diagram (number in a circle).

  • 1 - balancing amplifier Y ("BALANCE");
  • 2 - adjusting the vertical position of the image;
  • 3 - smooth adjustment of amplifier Y ("SMOOTH");
  • 4 - vertical gain calibration;
  • 5 - selection of trigger voltage level (“LEVEL”);
  • 6 - image brightness adjustment;
  • 7 - astigmatism adjustment;
  • 8 - focus adjustment;
  • 9 - scale illumination adjustment;
  • 10 - adjusting the stability of the image of high-frequency signals ("HF");
  • 11 - smooth adjustment of the sweep speed ("SMOOTH");
  • 12 - sweep speed calibration;
  • 13 - coarse adjustment of the horizontal displacement ("RUB");
  • 14 - smooth adjustment of the horizontal shift ("SMOOTH").

Switches and sockets of the S1-65 oscilloscope:

  • B1 - selection of input signal supply method;
  • B2 - selection of sensitivity of amplifier Y ("VOLT/DIV.");
  • VZ - selection of the source of the synchronizing signal ("INTERNAL, NETWORK, EXTERNAL.");
  • B4 - selection of the synchronization circuit launch mode: variable or constant;
  • B5 - selection of trigger pulse polarity (+, -);
  • Wb - selection of scan type (xl; x0.1; X);
  • B7 - selection of scan start mode ("AUTO, STANDBY, SINGLE.");
  • B8 - selection of sweep speed ("TIME/DIV.");
  • B9 - selection of the calibrator operating mode;
  • B10 - selection of calibrator voltage amplitude;
  • B11 - selection of network voltage;
  • B12 - mains voltage switch ("NETWORK");
  • Kn1 - button for preparing the scan circuit for a one-time launch;
  • Gn1 - output of the sawtooth voltage generator;
  • Gn2 - input of amplifier Z;
  • GnZ - device body;
  • Gn4 - amplitude and duration calibrator signal output;
  • Gn5 - input for supplying test signals;
  • Gn6 - input for supplying an external clock signal.



Composition of the main components and operating principle of the S1-65 oscilloscope

1. The power supply of the oscilloscope S1-65 provides supply voltage to the oscilloscope circuit from the network alternating current 220 V, 50 Hz or 115 V, 400 Hz. He contains power transformer, diode rectifiers and parametric voltage stabilizers +10 V, -10 V, +80 V. The rectifier, made on diodes D2, DZ, produces an unstabilized voltage of +27 V for the high-voltage converter. The output winding 15-16 of transformer Tr1 serves as a source of the network clock signal for the synchronization circuit.

2. The high-voltage converter is used to obtain voltages - 1.9 kV, -1.98 kV, +1.98 kV, +8 kV, necessary for the operation of the CRT. The basis of the circuit is formed by transistor T1, which together with transformer Tr1 produces a sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 28 kHz. Due to negative feedback, stabilization of the output voltages is ensured when the supply voltage changes +27 V. Resistor R1 (U9-1) serves to regulate all voltages, and resistor R1 (U9) - voltages -1.98 kV and +1.98 kV.

3. The vertical deflection amplifier (amplifier Y) is designed to amplify the signals under study and feed them to the vertical deflection plates.

3.1. The input circuit either connects the signal under study to the input of the amplifier directly, through an isolation capacitor, or closes the amplifier input to the housing, depending on the position of the switch for selecting the method of supplying the input signal B1.

3.2. The input attenuator consists of two frequency-compensated voltage dividers with division factors of 1:10 and 1:100, connected in the positions “0.005”, “0.01”, “0.02”, “0.05”, “0.1” " and "0.2" of the "VOLT/DIV" switch.

3.3. The vertical deflection preamplifier is designed to adjust the gain of the Y amplifier, center and vertically move the image on the CRT screen, and generate a signal for internal triggering of the scanning circuit. The input cathode follower (L2, T1) provides high input impedance and low input capacitance to the preamplifier. Resistor R4 “BALANCE” regulates the voltage at the base of transistor T1, setting zero at its emitter in the absence of a signal.

The cathode attenuator (RC circuits connected by switch B2-4) reduces the signal by 5 times in the “0.1”, “1” and “10” positions of the “VOLTS/DIV.” switch.

The feedback amplifier (T2-T4) changes the overall gain of the preamplifier in the “0.005”, “0.01”, “0.02”, “0.05” positions of the “VOLT/DIV” switch. In other positions, the input signal is attenuated by an input attenuator or a cathode attenuator. Variable resistor R15 is used to vertically move the scan line by changing the base current of the T3 transistor and, accordingly, changing the constant voltage at the output of the amplifier. The output voltage is supplied to the bass reflex through resistor R20, which is used to smoothly adjust the gain of the circuit.

The bass reflex (T10-T13) converts the input signal into a push-pull output signal, which is fed through a delay line to the output amplifier. Resistor R23 regulates the overall gain of amplifier Y and serves to calibrate the amplifier.

3.4. The delay line provides the vertical signal delay necessary to start the sweep generator before the signal reaches the vertical deflection plates. This makes it possible to examine the leading edge of the signal during internal triggering.

3.5. The output amplifier provides the final signal amplification and feeds it to the vertical deflection plates.

4. The sync preamplifier is designed to amplify the internal sync signals to the level necessary for the operation of the sync circuit, and also to match the output level of the Y amplifier to the zero level of the sync input. From the emitter follower T5, the signal passes through stages T6-T9 to the switch for selecting the type of synchronization VZ.

5. The synchronization circuit is used to obtain a still image on the CRT screen. The circuit generates control pulses for the sweep generator. The choice of synchronization source (internal; external; from the network; from the network, reduced by 10 times) is carried out by the VZ switch. Toggle switch B4 sets the type of connection with the synchronization source: open or closed.

5.1. The cathode follower provides high input impedance and matches the clock source to the polarity comparator circuit or amplifier X input.

5.2. The polarity comparator provides selection of the polarity of the clock signal that is used for synchronization. The synchronization polarity is set by switch B5-2. Resistor R27 sets the trigger voltage level. A negative polarity signal is generated at the output of the comparator, which controls the multivibrator on the tunnel diode D11.

5.3. The multivibrator produces a pulse of negative polarity with a very steep edge, which is amplified by the T3 transistor. From the collector of transistor TZ, the clock signal is supplied through transformer Tr1 to the scan generator, and from the emitter to the auto-synchronization circuit.

5.4. The auto-sync circuit generates a negative trigger pulse to automatically start the sweep generator. It consists of a differentiating amplifier (T4) and an automatic multivibrator (T5-T7). If the input signal is periodic (above 20 Hz), then the output of the multivibrator maintains a constant output voltage of +10 V.

6. The sweep generator produces a sawtooth voltage to time sweep the CRT beam. It can operate in standby mode, auto-start mode and one-time start mode.

The input signals for the generator are pulses coming from the synchronization circuit. The output signals are: a negative sawtooth pulse applied to amplifier X during internal sweep; negative backlight pulse supplied to amplifier Z; negative sawtooth voltage supplied to the output socket Gn1.

6.1. The sync amplifier amplifies the input negative pulse and supplies it to the input of amplifier Z to illuminate the CRT during the forward sweep. The pulse from the collector of transistor T15 closes diode D35 and the forward sweep begins.

6.2. The Miller sweep generator produces a negative ramp voltage. When the diode D35 closes, the timing capacitor C22-SZZ begins to charge through the timing resistors R36-R44, selected by switch B8 "TIME/DIV." The increasing voltage is amplified by lamp L2 and transistor T20.

6.3. The emitter recovery follower supplies a negative ramp voltage to the recovery multivibrator and the start-scan amplifier.

6.4. The sweep start amplifier is used to maintain the desired sweep start point. At the end of the reverse sweep, transistor T16 opens and the constant component from its collector is supplied to the cathode of the cut-off diode D35, maintaining constant pressure.

6.5. The sweep recovery multivibrator serves to stop the forward sweep and establish a blocking period during which all circuits are reset to their original state before the start of a new sweep cycle. The blocking time is determined by the charging time of the blocking capacitor C17-C21, depending on the position of the "TIME/DIV." switch.

In autostart mode, when the start pulses disappear, DC voltage stops flowing from the synchronization circuit through diode D18. After the end of the blocking period, the current flowing through circuit R59 D12 triggers the tunnel diode D21 and the sweep signal generation cycle is repeated again.

6.6. The single trigger preparation circuit prepares the time base generator for a single trigger. In this mode, the sweep recovery multivibrator works as a flip-flop. When you press the "READY" button, the circuit opens the IZ transistor. Transistor T14 closes and the circuit is restored to start once.

7. The horizontal deflection amplifier is designed to amplify the input signals and feed them to the horizontal deflection plates. Depending on the position of switch B6, the input signals can be either a ramp voltage from the sweep generator or an external signal from input X.

7.1 The input amplifier amplifies the incoming signals and provides horizontal movement of the beam using the “RUB” and “SOFT” knobs.

7.2. The bass reflex converts an unbalanced input signal into a balanced one. In the positions of switch B6 “x0.1” and “X”, the bass reflex gain increases 10 times, as a result of which the sweep is stretched.

7.3. The output amplifier, which has two arms, amplifies the input signals to a level sufficient to deflect the beam horizontally across the CRT screen.

8. Amplifier Z is used to control brightness using resistor R51, illuminate the forward beam using a signal from the scan generator, and also to obtain brightness time stamps when an external signal is applied to socket Z. Input signals are supplied to the emitter of transistor AND and are amplified by transistors T2 -T4 and are fed to the control grid of the CRT.

9. The calibrator is used to check the sensitivity of the vertical deflection channel and check the calibration of the sweep duration. It consists of a generator (T1, T2), an amplifier (T3), an emitter follower (T4) and an output resistive divider.

When faced with an oscilloscope, an ignorant person has many questions about why there are so many switches and control knobs on it. Everything is quite simple and logical. Now we will describe, using the example of the electron beam measuring device S1-49, which is widespread in amateur radio circles, how to use an oscilloscope.

Briefly about management

Model c1-49 looks like in the photo:

The toggle switch for turning on the device is located on the right side with the inscription “ Net", after moving the toggle switch to the on position, the red light indicator located above it should light up.

Handle " Focus"changes the thickness of the beam - since the device is not equipped with a temperature compensation unit, and as the oscilloscope heats up, the diameter changes.

The regulator with the inscription " Brightness» adjusts the brightness of a point on the screen, you can individually adjust it to your work environment.

« Scale lighting“, again, an individual approach to illuminating the measuring grid; in bright daylight, you will have to make it brighter in order to see the grid.

A pen with the inscription " Y Gain", is essentially a coarse adjustment of the gain of the vertical beam span. When measuring high level signals, you will have to reduce the sensitivity level to fit on the oscilloscope screen. When searching for weak signals, you need to increase the sensitivity of the amplifier.

Below is a toggle switch that is used to connect the measuring capacitance to the input. This is made for clipping direct current from measurement. Only the variable component of the signal reaches the amplifier.

Below it is a measuring input bayonet connector for a special adapter. The device is equipped with special probes for measurements, shielded wires, and a voltage divider. The measurement probe does not distort the signal under test, and the impact on the device under test is minimized. Typically, several types of probes are supplied with an oscilloscope, including different types measurements.Active probe - with its own amplifier. Passive without any additional elements, except for the matching chain, to reduce the influence of cable length on the input signal. And probes with a divider, in which a separate toggle switch allows you to reduce the voltage amplitude by 1:10; 1:100; 1:1000.

Below the bayonet mount is the output from the built-in rectangular pulse generator. With its help, you can check the device of interest, as well as perform initial calibration of the meter.

Under the oscilloscope screen there are regulators with a scale:

  • Switch " Gain» selects the voltage range - volts/division. You choose how many volts will fit into the division of the measuring grid of the screen, and you can visually determine the voltage value, knowing the range on the switch.
  • The second switch with a scale measures the pulse duration. Simply put, the measurement frequency. The duration of the signal per division of the measuring grid.
  • Regulator " Scan» shifts the start of the pulse horizontally. It must be used to shift the signal under study along the scale in the case when the beginning of the pulse is obtained outside the scale.
  • Entrance " X» allows the use of external generators to control horizontal scanning. In the case when the built-in is not enough, or is not stable, that is, the frequency floats. In this position, you can observe Lissajous figures. Complex geometric patterns.

Below are the timing control knobs:

  • Toggle switch " Internal External» there is a choice from which source the scan will be synchronized. Simultaneously with the signal being studied or from the internal one.
  • Regulator " Level» changes the sensitivity, it determines which edge of the signal triggers the sweep, the rising or falling edge of the external signal.
  • The “-/~” toggle switch switches the single or self-oscillating scan start mode. This mode is convenient for studying digital logic devices, where the signals do not follow periodically, as in generators.
  • Adjustment knob " Stability"same as synchronization. Using this resistor, the synchronization of the signal with the sweep is adjusted. The sine wave of the beam stops running across the screen and freezes into a static picture, which can now be studied in more detail.

User manual

The oscilloscope needs to be calibrated before starting work. After connecting to the network, it is necessary for the device to warm up and stabilize. Typically this takes 5 minutes. Regulators " amplifier Y" And " Scan"The beam is installed in the center of the screen. After this, brightness and focus are adjusted.

If we touch the output of the generator with a measuring probe, we will observe on the screen square pulses frequency 1 kHz and 500 mV. When the regulator position is " Duration» in the 1ms (millisecond) position. If everything is in order, then our device is ready for use.

When measuring a signal, the switches " Gain" And " Duration» set to the extreme left positions. The gain increases the measurement range to clear, maximally distinguishable signals on the screen, and the " Duration» it is found out what the frequency of the input signal is.

For reference, 1 kHz (1000 Hz) is 1 ms, 1 Hz is 1000 ms.

When the signal is recorded on the screen, the signal voltage and period (frequency) are measured using a measuring grid. Modern digital meters this information are displayed directly on the device display, and the operator knows everything about the signal: voltage, duration, duty cycle, period. This concludes our brief explanation. We hope you now know how to use an oscilloscope and what this measuring device is for. Finally, we recommend watching the video instructions below, which show how to work with the most popular oscilloscope models.

Instructions for use of the device

How to use s1-67

Digital model ASK-2203