Innovative technologies in public catering. Sous vide technology

TOGAOU SPO "Industrial and Technological College", Michurinsk

Innovative technologies V catering

Recently, the role of innovation in the economy has increased significantly in Russia. Without their use, it is almost impossible to produce competitive products that would have a high degree of novelty. In conditions of market competition, producers of goods or services constantly have to look for ways and means of reducing production costs and reaching a new level of their sales. Based on this, public catering enterprises that were the first to apply effective innovations in their activities receive a huge advantage over their competitors.

The problem of providing food to a large number of people within one enterprise has existed for a long time. This task faces military units, educational and medical institutions, and large catering chains. It is not enough to prepare a large amount of food - it is necessary that it be of high quality and reach the consumer, preserving its nutritional and taste properties as much as possible.

Currently, cooking using Capkold technology has become widespread in Europe, which is one of the most effective and “advanced” technologies that allows solving this problem with minimal raw materials, energy costs and labor costs.

CapKold technology is officially approved in the EU as one of the safest food technologies and is accredited by the HACCP system, which is aimed at preventing possible violations at every stage of food production

The CapKold mini-factory control system involves automated control of food preparation, packaging and cooling processes

Thus, at present, public catering is one of the platforms for the introduction of innovative technologies, including Capkold technology. This technology is one of the most effective technologies, allowing to solve the problem of providing high-quality food to a large number of people within one enterprise with minimal raw material costs, energy costs and labor costs

I believe that studying innovative technologies helps improve a student’s professional competence, allows them to quickly adapt to modern production conditions and increases the graduate’s chances of being in demand on the labor market


1. David Daniels: Lecture “Modern technologies for the production of ready-made culinary dishes from grade 2.3 products for further sale in retail chains,” electronic resource http://www. /magnatcop/cap-kold

2. DC Norris&Company [electronic resource] - http://www. /cooking/dcn-cooktank/

3. Innovative technologies and equipment in public catering, http://www. scienceforum. ru/2014/pdf/4358.pdf

4. The concept of reorganizing the food supply system for labor collectives of large industrial enterprises, http://www. /pitportal/ss

5. Latest industrial power technologies: CapKold http://www. pitportal. ru/technologies/6592.html

6. Power supply system for factories - factory-kitchen for industrial enterprises http://www. /pitportal/ss

7. CapKold Technologyhttp://www. eq-vip. ru/oborudovanie/technologya_capkold/

"Innovation is not just a buzzword. It
associated with something modern,
avant-garde and cutting-edge. Innovation on
kitchen is modern technologies
avant-garde movements and advanced devices. "

Sous-vide (sous vide) - which means under vacuum, in a vacuum.

The unique sous-vide technique was invented in France by chef Georges Pralus, who first cooked foie gras in a vacuum bag after discovering that the liver had a more delicate flavor and better texture after sous-vide processing.

Description of technology

As is known, vacuuming and cooking food, for example in a combi oven, can reduce weight loss of a product (for example, meat) from 20-35% to 5-7%. This technology has long been used in the food preparation process in restaurants. As the pressure decreases, the water boils (forming steam) at a temperature of just under 100ºC. Food contains some useful but heat-destructive components (i.e., heat-sensitive), such as vitamins and some proteins. Vacuum sealing of products in polymer bags significantly contributes to the preservation of all beneficial properties product. When vacuuming, contaminated oxygen is removed from the package, which can lead to oxidation reactions (changes in the structure of molecules) or denaturation (loss of the biological value of proteins) of many components of the food product.

Consequently, cooking in a vacuum makes it possible to maintain many microelements of the product in an unchanged state, both in a nutritional sense (vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and in an organoleptic sense (taste and aroma). In addition, this practice implies greater uniformity of cooking and greater hygienic safety during the storage process of the product.

Control and accuracy of the temperature kinetic mode of cooking become the main factors in the selection of equipment, which is the basis for the success of any catering enterprise.

The minimum temperature when cooking in a vacuum bag is +65 ºС while the maximum temperature is + 93/95 ºС.

Advantages of souse-vide cooking:

Preservation of product aromas and juices;
- reduction in weight loss by 15-35%;
- energy savings of 20-28%;
- preventing drying and dehydration of the product;
- preventing the oxidation of lipins in the product and, as a result, preventing rancidity;
- longer storage of the product after cooking in a vacuum;
- savings in the volume of spices by 3-40%, since the concentration of spices and fats are preserved due to the presence of the shell;
- increasing the cooking speed while maintaining heat input;

Whatever cooking method is used, cooking temperatures vary from 65 ºC to 95 ºC (at least in latitudes above sea level). The only exceptions are vacuum cooking methods and autoclaving in retort packaging.
An important parameter that, if possible, must be kept under control is the temperature delta, that is, the accuracy and targeting of heat transfer. Temperature fluctuations during cooking should not exceed 2 ºС.

Sous-vide has the following biokinetic temperature treatment zones:
Guaranteed conditional pasteurization zone: > 63 °C +
Start of pasteurization zone: 60 °C – 63 °C
Possible cooking zone: 55°C – 60°C
Danger zone: 50 °C – 55 °C
Particularly hazardous area: 20 °C – 50 °C

Since temperature and its precise gradient fluctuation are of the utmost importance when preparing food using this technology, Chefs of all Michelin three-star restaurants, without exception, use thermal boilers.

Characteristics of the standard thermal souse-vide boiler:

Immersion heating thermostats Pearl and Diamond Julabo are suitable for temperature control of various culinary containers with a volume of up to 50 liters. The devices are equipped with a clamp for mounting on containers with wall thicknesses up to 26 mm. It is also possible to simply and quickly attach it to existing containers, e.g. gastronomic containers made of of stainless steel. Parts in contact with liquid are made of high quality steel or plastic. Immersion depth is 16.5 cm. Circulation pump ensures continuous fluid movement and, accordingly, optimal temperature distribution.

Lecture 1 Essence, conditions and factors determining the need for innovative technologies in public catering

At modern development food technologies, there is an urgent need for an innovative approach in the services of public catering enterprises. This is due to the following factors:

· firstly, the process of unification of the economies of many countries brings the emergence of new products that are not traditional for the regions of our country;

· secondly, the emergence of new equipment on the market for the production of public catering products affects the production process;

· thirdly, new opportunities have emerged for long-term preservation of raw materials and finished products;

· fourthly, the level of democracy and education of society is increasing and more modern service standards are needed;

· fifthly, modern technologies make it possible to obtain a product with specified commercial properties.

The appearance on the market of new products, which for one reason or another were not previously available, creates the problem of creating new technology processing products on an industrial scale. To adapt new raw materials to the requirements of Russian standards, it is necessary not only to change the technology, but also to design new equipment.

The emergence of new types of equipment provides more opportunities for technology development. But to achieve the best result (for example, to increase the speed and quality of visitor service), it is necessary to modernize traditional technology. Finding a balance between technology and new equipment is a process of constant development of innovations in the catering services market.

The constantly increasing demand for food service products exacerbates the problem of long-term preservation of the properties of raw materials. And although humanity has been familiar with this problem for a long time, at the present stage of development, new opportunities for preserving food have emerged. In addition, technologies have emerged for preserving highly prepared semi-finished products using the process of vacuuming and quick freezing.

Rapid development computer equipment and the Internet creates new opportunities to improve the level of services provided by public catering. For example, new programs for accounting for the flow of goods at public catering establishments, visitor service programs, accounting programs, etc. are being developed.

Environmental pollution leads to various types pathologies in the population. Nutrition plays a huge role in disease prevention. For example, modern technologies make it possible to produce products with specified therapeutic and prophylactic properties that help smooth out damage from external factors. Products or components of dishes of a given shape and technological properties are also industrially produced, which also increases the level of services provided.

Innovation in public catering is an area that is constantly changing, so many professionals can realize their potential in it.

Innovative technologies driven by the emergence of new food products on the market

Powder technologies. The point of these technologies is to simplify the process of preparing dishes and increase the speed of the technological process. The following are already produced from powders: classic sauces (Holland, red main, etc.); broths; a mixture of spices and flavors. Powders often contain food additives (for example, modified starch, monosodium glutamate, sodium citrate preservative)

Fortified products- as a rule, specially designed products (juices, drinks, mineral water, dairy and dairy products, for example, "Actimele", "Immunele", "Activia", "Acti Life"), they contain vitamins, micro and macroelements (for example iodine).

Dietary supplements (BAA). There are 2 types of dietary supplements: firstly, dietary supplements that have medicinal and therapeutic-and-prophylactic properties; secondly, dietary supplements that, in addition to other properties, also have technological properties (alginates - jelly).

The need for innovative technologies in connection with the emergence of new products on the market technological equipment

New methods of heat treatment:

Microwave high frequency current. At first, when this processing method appeared on the market, there was euphoria, but after taking a closer look at the equipment, one can express skepticism. IN given time Microwave equipment is used as defrosters; sometimes portioned dishes are heated in small ovens.

Infrared (IR) heating. IR heating is radiation from a highly heated thermal element (metal heating element. Ceramics, etc.) This heating has its drawbacks

1) Heating practically does not regulate the temperature, it is always high, hence the burning of the product during baking;

2) IR heating is a very energy-intensive type;

3) it is very difficult to cook the product inside (for example meat).

The advantage of IR is the speed of obtaining a characteristic crust and the speed of heating. This is used as optional equipment in the kitchen.

Properties of induction. IN modern conditions Relatively new equipment based on the properties of induction began to arrive to equip food enterprises. Induction cookers heat cookware that has magnetic properties. Utensils with a thick bottom are usually used. Advantages:

1) heating rate;

2) hygiene of equipment and premises;

3) higher safety (quickly heats up and cools down quickly);

4) high efficiency (about 90% like gas);


1) heats only certain metal dishes, i.e. the enterprise must be equipped with special utensils.

2) the dishes must cover at least half of the burner, otherwise they will not heat up;

3) new dishes are expensive to produce, which will affect the cost of dishes and culinary products;

Induction cookers can save energy due to the fact that energy is spent only in the area of ​​​​contact between the cookware and the burner. But if you load the stove with dishes of the appropriate diameter and size (capacity), then this factor disappears.

Traditional types of technological operations.

Baking. Modern equipment is more complex and convection (ventilation of the frying volume), steam treatment (steam generator), all modes are added to the baking process modern devices are adjusted automatically through devices (electronics). For example, a combi oven, new types of confectionery ovens.

Roasting. Also added to conventional frying pans are built-in water supply, more complex controls (sometimes via electronics), and the ability to cook under pressure. Example VarioCooking Center.

Pressure deep frying. The reasons for this are the excess pressure (about 1 Pa atmo) at which cooking occurs. This allows you to use a lower frying temperature than in an open fryer because... the water contained in the product will boil at temperatures above the normal 100°C. The main effect of this is the rapid formation of a fried crust on the surface of the product, preventing the loss of moisture inside.

Some directions innovation activity

Food industry

The modern food industry is integrated into the global economic, scientific, political, cultural, spiritual and other space. Therefore, development directions are strongly influenced by external factors that occur in global processes, in particular:

1) The development of innovation moves into the field of computer technology. Modern equipment cannot be imagined without an element of computer control of processes or operations (combi oven with electronic cookbook, VarioCooking Center frying pan, etc.).

2) Service is standardized using computer technology. The use of computer technology has made it possible to increase the speed of service (settlements with consumers can be combined with the process of writing off products from the balance sheet of the enterprise warehouse and withdrawn in a short period of time financial report for a business manager). Computer technology should come to the aid of nutritionists in calculating food rations. With the help of computer technology, it is possible to develop a mathematical model of the enterprise that most accurately describes the food enterprise (room area, power and amount of equipment, as well as plan the interior, service tables, dishes)

3) Products have appeared in the food industry functional nutrition. These are products with specified medicinal and therapeutic-prophylactic properties, specified structure and chemical properties.

4) Technical equipment mechanizes all processes and there is a separation from production by technological processes, that is, process management at enterprises can independently manage the technological production of CP (dishes) through automated control systems.

Other terminologies:

Cook&Chill technology (Cook&Freez) translated from English as “cook and cool” (freeze).

CapCold technology is based on the technology of preparing a puree-like mass, which is contactlessly dosed into durable packaging (usually bags) and these bags are cooled and stored for a long time (up to 6 months. In the Russian Federation this is not possible because the requirements of SanPin and Rostpotrebnadzor are an obstacle to this technology. Accordingly Specifications cannot be created. In addition, prerequisites are created for the widespread use of preservatives, antioxidants and antioxidants for the production of such products, which can have a negative effect on the human body.

Sous-vide technology slow cooking of meat (6-8 hours). The idea is that with slow denaturation, the protein is deformed less (compared to classical technology). This means that more juice extractive substances remain in the meat and more nutrients (vitamins, macro- and microelements).

Vacuum technology in the food industry (accelerated cooking). The first option is a technological device that pumps air directly from the bag. The second technological method, the device pumps out air from the working chamber where the packaged product is located. The third version of the technology is that the product is placed in an environment such as vacum&MAP inert gas, which prevents the product from being oxidized by atmospheric oxygen.

Current frequency generators in power technology. High-frequency generators for heating metals and alloys with magnetic properties. In other words, these are induction ovens operating in the mode (range 0.022 MHz). Ultra-high frequency ovens (microwave) 2450 MHz.

Nitro technology(technology using nitrogen). Liquid Azio -208°C is, firstly, and secondly, nitrogen displaces oxygen during defrosting - this means the oxidation process of the product slows down - shelf life increases, nitrogen is used when packaging in soft containers.

Cook-in technologies. Processing of the product in packaging. Advantages: hygiene. Speed. Less loss of nutrients. Possibility to shape the product. Possibility of increasing productivity. Reducing the number of utensils and equipment involved in production. The disadvantage is the complexity of quality control (it is impossible to correct the error made when calculating the technology and their processes at other stages of work), changes in classical technology and a possible decrease in demand for products, more complex equipment that requires a higher level of personnel education (it is necessary to observe the chain of succession from the lowest link to the highest).

Example No. 1: Development of innovative food processing technologies using induction cookers.

Technological processes and the production of culinary products (CP) are basically a set of individual technologies that obey uniform laws and patterns (dough and mass transfer processes - cooking, frying, baking), which form a single whole. Therefore, the advantage of technological equipment based on the method induction heating, is innovative today and has found wide application in catering enterprises of the restaurant business.

Features and Benefits thermal equipment induction heating are:

a) the basis of induction heating is the magnetic field formed between the cookware and the surface of the stove due to a magnetic coil located under the surface of the stove. In this case, heat is transferred to the surface of the stove, and the heating that occurs is only the bottom of the cookware and its contents (food);

b) there is no smoke or burning when heating, which creates comfortable working conditions for restaurant, cafe, and bar kitchen staff;

c) a rapid change in the temperature of heat treatment of food products is guaranteed, because the electromagnetic field instantly responds to changes in switch positions;

d) the stove automatically turns off (after one minute) if dishes are removed from its surface. Therefore, the surface of the stove is made of magnetically and electrically inactive material, and food products (food) are heated from heated kitchen utensils, i.e. its bottom;

e) energy consumption is significantly reduced (by 15-28%), heat loss in environment(by 8-14%);

f) the time for thermal processing of food products is reduced (by 7-9%);

g) cookware for working with induction cookers must be magnetically attractive; those. glass, ceramic or porcelain dishes are not suitable.

The purpose of this study is to identify technological features using induction heating stoves to evaluate the effectiveness of new innovative heating equipment used in the catering industry.

Technological processes.

Study phases

Induction cooker works

Example No. 2: “Sous Vide” is a new solution in cooking technology.

The term "Sous Vide" (translated from French as "in a vacuum") refers to the technology of cooking food in a vacuum, in which vacuum-packed food is placed in water bath and are cooked at a very precise, constant temperature. This technology consists of obtaining high quality products, reducing losses during heat treatment and increasing shelf life.

The cooking process may take longer than other cooking methods, but the cooking temperature will be much lower, allowing food to be cooked without destroying its structure and maintaining the food's natural flavor.

The technology of cooking food in vacuum packaging has been successfully used for many years, although it continues to remain relatively new. Experts consider the vacuum process as one of the most important innovations in cooking technology over the past twenty years. In a vacuum, products retain their taste, aroma and beneficial microelements much longer. The flavor of some foods, such as vegetables, can actually be improved while the meat remains juicy.

Cooking losses occur with all traditional cooking methods. For the most part, these consequences are so commonplace that we accept them as normal, which is why losing up to 30% of weight in traditional meat cooking is considered quite acceptable, while using Sous Vide technology can significantly reduce them (up to 10-15%) .

High cooking losses occur at temperatures above 100º C. Due to these temperatures, the connective tissues of the meat contract and the proteins coagulate too quickly and the muscle tissues become elastic. The meat becomes tough and dries out, and at the same time extractive substances are lost. Cooking using Sous Vide technology makes it possible to obtain a product that is juicier, more tasty and has more mass. This, in turn, provides important culinary and economic benefits.

The use of Sous-vide technology today is very widespread and implies:

A special method of preparing dishes in boiler combi steamers;

Heat treatment in boiling water, steam or hot air of products packaged in vacuum bags;

New method of preservation and cold storage ready meals;

Ready-made meals in vacuum packaging intended for regeneration during continuous production (for example, in factory kitchens).

But for a professional kitchen, a thoughtful, integrated approach to new technologies, careful selection of equipment and proper organization of the production process are important. Otherwise, the result can be very ineffective - from excessively large (economic, material) costs to complete rejection of innovative technologies and their discrimination in modern enterprises catering for the restaurant business.

Reduce losses

Meat is one of the most expensive ingredients in the kitchen, yet traditional way cooking, 25% to 30% is lost due to shrinkage. When cooking meat for a longer time at relatively low temperatures pasteurization in vacuum packs, weight loss and shrinkage are significantly reduced, thereby increasing the number of servings and reducing costs. Better preservation of vitamins and nutrients, dishes are prepared without preservatives, stabilizers, thickeners;

Dietary nutrition is provided by reducing the amount of salt, saturated fat, etc.


Recently, the role of innovation in the economy has increased significantly in Russia. Without their use, it is almost impossible to produce competitive products that would have a high degree of novelty. In conditions of market competition, producers of goods or services constantly have to look for ways and means of reducing the costs of producing public catering products and reaching a new level of their sales. Based on this, public catering enterprises that were the first to apply effective innovations in their activities receive a huge advantage over their competitors.

Foreign and domestic experts offer various systems of innovation classifiers. The works of such foreign authors in the field of economics as I. Ansoff, J. Schumpeter and P. Drucker are widely known. In the domestic literature, one can consider innovative classifications proposed by V.V. Gorshkov and E.A. Kretova, A.N. Tsvetkov, A.I. Prigozhin, P.N. Zavlin and A.V. Vasilyev, E.A. Utkin , G.I. Morozova and N.I. Morozova and others.

The most promising area for the development of innovative activities is public catering. This is facilitated by high growth dynamics and qualitative changes in the development of markets for the production of public catering products. The concept of “innovation” means a new method of operation of an enterprise, a new approach to doing business, the formation of a new style of thinking, which is a condition for the high competitiveness of enterprises in the catering industry.

Innovative processes in the development of public catering in our country are associated with innovations in the product distribution system, restructuring of the wholesale chain, innovations in retail trade and marketing of relationships with customers. The main directions for the development of innovations in public catering in the Nizhny Novgorod region are:

1) increasing the growth of public catering enterprises to 15% per year;

2) an increase in the number of customers visiting public catering establishments;

3) product innovation is the production and sale of new types of products produced by enterprises, changes in their biochemical composition (synthetic products, genetic engineering, substitutes, etc.);

4) innovations in product production technology - the use of automated equipment, new methods of processing products, which make it possible to reduce the production time of public catering products and increase production efficiency;

5) innovation in the field marketing research. They are widely used to identify customer demand, tastes and needs and are one of the main factors in the development of the catering industry;

6) the emergence on the market or exit of monopoly firms from the public catering industry. Large companies lead to competition between existing businesses in the industry. Many small manufacturers go bankrupt under their pressure, dumping prices and brand;

7) cost changes in manufactured products. With an increase in the cost of raw materials, the price of ready-made meals increases, which leads to a decrease in the share of customers of public catering enterprises. The increase in prices is directly related to unfavorable weather factors in the region, abnormal drought, abnormal increase in ambient temperature, which resulted in a decrease in the percentage of harvest in the region;

8) introduction of new, improved products into sales. This innovation has a positive impact on food service in general. In recent years, the greatest demand has been for more refined and high-quality food products, more expensive varieties of a certain category of products, in particular bread (for example, standard loaves of bread are inferior in demand to new, more expensive products);

9) changes in legislation. This factor forces weaker participants out of the market, leaving strong, large trade and public catering enterprises, which leads to a decrease in competition;

10) changes in the social situation and quality of life of the region’s population. This indicator has positive influence for public catering. For example, among young people and in the middle-aged category it is becoming more and more prestigious to meet and spend time in coffee shops, cafes, clubs, which has a beneficial effect on the work and productivity of public catering establishments;

11) reducing uncertainty and risk in business. The foodservice industry currently faces a moderate level of uncertainty and risk. The constant and primary human need for nutrition, as well as compliance with the requirements of fashion and society, reduces the level of risk of illiquidity of manufactured products. The level of risk of rejection increases when business is conducted by non-professionals and amateurs, both in management and in production. Modern management strategies, catering economics, and the emergence of various new services contribute to the stable and high-quality operation of public catering enterprises. The level of risk is proportional to the general economic condition of the country.

The industry's driving forces have negative and positive implications. Negative values:

Changes in the pricing policy of manufactured products;

Changes in the industry under the influence of laws and regulations;

Displacement of small catering establishments by larger monopolies.

The following have a positive effect:

Increasing the growth rate of the catering industry;

Increasing the quantitative composition of buyers;

Implementation of innovations in technological processes production of products;

Production of improved new products;

Reducing risk in business.

Regardless of the results of assessing the attractiveness of the public catering industry, enterprises often have the opportunity to reduce the impact of the negative factor of increasing the cost of the product by changing the range of products, ingredients in dishes and drinks. When large manufacturers enter the market, they determine their own individual policies, find their “client”, as well as a market for their products.

Based on the results of this analysis, positive factors are identified that the enterprise can strengthen in its favor. In the case described above, these are: technological innovation and the overall growth rate of the industry (recovery due to increased demand), which can generally be considered an indicator of the development of the catering industry.

When choosing a direction for your own business, pay attention to business ideas for catering. Many service sectors lose relevance during a crisis, but delicious food, drinks, and homemade products always remain in demand.

Catering business ideas 2018

You can open a business and start earning money quickly if you draw up a clear business plan for a catering establishment. Here are some popular business ideas:

  • Production of dumplings, dumplings;
  • Pizzeria or fast food production;
  • Brewing, making kvass, lemonade;
  • Mobile points for the sale of hot drinks in the off-season;
  • Baking pancakes, pancakes, donuts;
  • Hot baked goods.

The catering market is full of supply. Perhaps to create a new unusual enterprise you will need to buy expensive equipment and hire good chefs to prepare original dishes. Originally presented delicious food, quality service and affordable prices will help you quickly get comfortable and strengthen your position in the industry.

Social surveys confirm that small, cozy fast food establishments with unusual interior and original cuisine.

Which idea should you choose?

Sufficient start-up capital is an important condition for making a profit. Investments may be small when it comes to delivering food to offices or homes. Large investments will be required if the business develops in several stages. For example, opening a large restaurant, and then a summer area nearby.

Choosing a direction is impossible without marketing research. The number of offers related to the delivery of pizza, sushi, and fast food is simply incredible. However, hot soups, homemade pastries, dumplings or dumplings are no less in demand, and there are not many outlets offering these products, even in large cities.

The costs of organizing a catering establishment include the cost of paying rent, bringing the premises into compliance with sanitary standards, purchasing equipment and hiring staff.

The catering business plan must be drawn up for a specific category and type of enterprise, in accordance with GOST R 50762-2007 “Public catering services”. This allows you to quickly determine the amount of investment required to create the material and technical base of the cafe and collect documents confirming the safety and quality of the products offered.