How to spell the name Regina in Arabic. What does the name Regina mean for a child: full description

Full name:

Similar names: Regina, Regine, Ren, Reyna

Church name: -

Meaning: queen

The meaning of the name Regina - interpretation

The name has Latin roots. Regina is translated as “princess”, “queen”, “queen”. In ancient times, daughters in royal families were given this name. Among the diminutives we can identify the following: Rena, Rina, Gina. Interestingly, they can be completely independent names. The name Regina is widespread among Tatars and Armenians.

Name Regina in other languages

Astrology named after Regina

Years later

Regina is a proud girl, with complex character. She always strives to be the center of attention and loves praise. Parents should be strict in their upbringing from early childhood, otherwise the owner of this name risks growing up capricious and spoiled.

IN primary school Regina will not shine with any special successes. She has perseverance and is capable of achieving good results, but only in disciplines that interest her. The girl tends to periodically conflict with her classmates.

The baby has been hardworking since childhood, and will demand identical performance from her peers. The fact is that Regina is always and everywhere a leader; she achieves this position already in early childhood and has tried not to leave this symbolic “post” since then.

IN adolescence Regina's conflict is progressing. It seems that quarrels and showdowns with peers give her pleasure. She loves not just to prove, but to directly impose her point of view.

Growing up, Regina begins to show interest in sports. Physical activity will be able to overcome her complex temperament. She will become calmer, more reasonable, and friends will appear. She chooses the latter very carefully, preferring to make friends only with useful peers.

Optimism and a sense of humor are what help the owner of the name cope with any difficult situation. Regina is alien to melancholy and blues; she cannot be alone for long. She cannot be called an open book, but she needs live communication every day.

Adult Regina is a determined and purposeful woman. She has excellent leadership qualities and does not miss the opportunity to demonstrate them. Outwardly, she looks very feminine and meek. But this skillfully hides the desire and ability to weave intrigue.

Regina is ready to go to great lengths to achieve her goal. Moral principles will definitely not become an obstacle to her. The owner of the name has a strong character. She is very purposeful. To achieve what you want, you will work long and hard.

She is a competent leader and often displays despotic habits. Her subordinates and those around her respect her for her efficiency and ability to maintain composure in any situation. He loves humor, but will not allow himself to be laughed at.

Regina's character

Regina is distinguished by self-confidence and determination. This means that if you have already set a goal, you will not give up and will not stop halfway under any circumstances. She is a devout woman.

This lady is very sociable and has excellent leadership qualities. She needs to conquer new heights every day, because the incessant thirst for self-improvement does not leave Regina throughout her life.

Among the obvious disadvantages inherent in Regina are imperiousness and despotism. She really strives to reach the top of Olympus in order to subjugate as many people as possible to her will, which indicates great pride.

This lady is overly ambitious, which at times can make it difficult to achieve her goal as quickly as possible. Having achieved her goal, she inevitably becomes even more arrogant. Regina does not forgive people's mistakes and can forever exclude them from her social circle.

Regina's fate

The name leaves a very favorable imprint on Regina’s entire subsequent fate. The presence of “royal” qualities will give her the opportunity to realize herself in the professional field. In numerology, the name corresponds to nine.

She may be unlucky in love. Regina is not inclined to open her soul to others. In love relationships, it remains an unsolvable mystery for the chosen ones. Many men will be turned off by this. She gives Regina an inflated ego. If you don't work with this, there are chances adult life turn into an arrogant egocentric.

The totem bird is the swan. He gives Regina external pride and inaccessibility, but deep down she harbors self-doubt. The totem plant is strawberry. Regina completely matches him. She is a woman with pretensions, loves to be capricious and impose her own rules.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Regina climbs the career ladder for a long time, successfully avoiding constant obstacles. She manages to prove herself in the fields of public relations, theater, tourism and television. It will be easy for her to work as an administrator; she knows how to organize uninterrupted operation numerous personnel.

Regina rarely tries her hand at business. To start a project, she needs a reliable partner, but not everyone will be ready to tolerate her shameless leadership habits.

Regina loves money. But not them directly, but the fact that only they can provide her with a luxurious life. Spending a decent amount in a couple of hours is not a problem for her. She loves shopping and resorts to it as a way to deal with stress and hysterics. The family budget is spent sparingly; she always has money saved for vacations and unplanned large purchases.

Marriage and family

She chooses a strong, already accomplished man as her husband. Usually the chosen one is older than her, but this does not prevent Regina from occupying family relationships position of unconditional leader. If a man is not ready for this, the marriage will fall apart within the first two to three years.

Regina will never become a housewife. She performs her duties as a housewife simply well, without obvious fanaticism. Her house is reasonably clean, she loves and knows how to cook, but does not want to devote all her time to it. She is hospitable and often receives groups of friends.

The owner of this name is a loving mother. In raising children, she pays a lot of attention to the development of their intellectual abilities. She can be strict and overly demanding.

Sex and love

Regina is a very amorous woman. One glance at a man is enough for her to want a romantic relationship with him. It may well take the first step towards a potential chosen one. She is not afraid of refusal and does the right thing: men like her. Never starts affairs in the service. Mixing love and work is unacceptable for Regina.

Intimate compatibility with her partner is very important to her. If there are problems in this area, then the relationship will not continue. He loses his virginity at a fairly young age, but never regrets it later. Values ​​loyalty in men.


Since childhood, she has suffered from ENT diseases. The most common illness is severe tonsillitis. As you age, health problems become fewer.

Emerging difficulties are associated with unstable nervous system. Regina lets any unpleasant situation pass through her, which provokes insomnia and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Interests and hobbies

Since early childhood, Regina has been interested in dancing and being an artistic gymnast. In these areas she can achieve noticeable success. As she grows up, a passion for finding the unknown and traveling comes into her life.

With a camera at the ready, Regina can travel around the world. Before she got married, she devoted all her free time to traveling and hiking. After becoming a wife, she enjoys cooking.

What is the meaning of the name Regina? Strong, majestic, beautiful - it is rare these days. What does a name mean, what influence does it have on the fate and character of its owner? Answers to these questions are offered in the article.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Regina

First, it’s worth understanding where it came from. What is the meaning and origin of the name Regina? Linguists attribute Latin roots to it. Queen, queen, ruler - this is the meaning of the name. Scandinavia is considered its homeland, and it itself is borrowed from mythology. Legend associates the name with the bloodthirsty Valkyrie Regin-Leif.

Girls in our country are rarely called Regina. This allows the owner of the name to believe in her uniqueness and originality. Reginka, Reginochka, Regushka, Reginushka are diminutive options. It must be taken into account that the name is not included in the calendar. At baptism, Regina will be called differently. It is also not widely used abroad. In France you can find the Regine variation, in China - Liedjina, and in the United States - Regina.


Patron planet - Jupiter.

Totem animal - eagle.

Zodiac sign - Leo.

The color of the name is purple.

Talisman stones - amethyst, ruby.

The plant is basil.

Queen, queen, ruler - the meaning of the name Regina. For a girl whose name is that, there is nothing more important than her own desires. From the first years of her life, she does everything possible to become the center of attention of others. If the mother and father do not pay due attention to raising the child, Regina may grow up spoiled and capricious. Parents must teach their daughter to direct her inherent energy in the right direction and periodically “ground” her. Fortunately, she responds well to education.

Regina's mother and father should not hope that the girl will bring only A's from school. It is not the lack of talent that prevents the owner of the name from studying. Regina has a lively and agile mind, she is assiduous. Conflicts with teachers negatively affect a child's academic performance. The girl’s relationships with her peers also do not work out; she constantly starts quarrels.

What else do parents who are interested in the meaning of the name Regina for a girl and the fate of its owner need to know? The efficiency and energy she possesses help her achieve noticeable success in sports. The owner of the name will be happy to attend training. Regina has every chance to become seriously interested in rhythmic gymnastics and dancing.


Queen, queen, ruler - this is the meaning of the name Regina. The character of its owner is appropriate. Independent, strong, energetic and self-confident - this is how the adult Regina can be briefly described.

Determination and ambition are the qualities that lead her through life. Regina loves to set global goals and turn her plans into reality. The owner of the name is not afraid of difficulties; they only strengthen her character. The more difficult the work, the more enthusiastically she will take on it. This girl is endowed with the makings of a leader, she knows how to rally people around her and turn them into a single team.

Accuracy and punctuality are qualities that Regina also possesses. This girl cannot be called overly economical, but she has a reasonable attitude towards money.

Friendship, communication

Queen, ruler, queen - this is the meaning of the name Regina. Is it any wonder that in the company of friends she always strives to take on the role of leader. As an adult, the owner of the name gets along better with others than in childhood. Friends love her for her positive attitude, excellent sense of humor, and ability to have fun. Regina does not tolerate loneliness well; she has a wide circle of friends.

This is not to say that it is always easy to communicate with the owner of the name. Regina can be too demanding of those around her. It is enough for a person to let her down once for her to erase him from her life forever. This girl prefers to be friends with like-minded people. People who hold fundamentally different views on life are not on the same path with her.

Profession, business

Queen, queen, ruler - this is how the name Regina is translated. The meaning of the name and the fate of its owner are interconnected. It also has a certain influence on the choice of profession. Regina is suitable for positions that involve frequent travel and business trips, as she loves to travel. She may give preference to areas of activity related to sales and advertising.

Regina is also suitable for professions that will allow her to help people. The owner of the name can become a doctor, a rescuer, or a social worker. A lively and agile mind will allow this girl to succeed as a developer latest technologies, design engineer, research scientist. Regina may also give preference to a creative profession, for example, becoming a journalist, photographer, or choreographer.

The owner of the name has every chance to succeed in business. Her ability to unite people into one team, as well as a reasonable attitude towards money, will help her in this. However, high income will never become the main goal that Regina sets for herself. It is important for this girl to enjoy her work. Recognition is also important to her, which motivates her to climb the career ladder.

Love, sex

The “queen” is rarely left without admirers. Men are attracted to Regina by her virtues, such as sophistication, charm, and sense of humor. It's not easy to win this girl, and it's even harder to keep her. Regina is demanding in relation to representatives of the stronger sex who claim her attention. She easily breaks up with a man who disappoints her. The owner of the name leaves once and for all; you should not hope for her return.

Regina is a passionate woman, sex plays an important role in her life. If a partner is not suitable for her in bed, he should not hope to continue the relationship. She also has fleeting affairs from time to time. Regina can spend a single night with a man in order to forget about this episode forever in the morning.

Marriage, family

The meaning of the name Regina is queen. Such a girl wants to see a man next to her who is worthy of her. The owner of the name is attracted to strong, courageous, successful guys. Early marriage is an atypical situation for Regina. She is ready to look for her soul mate for a long time. In addition, it is important for her to live with her chosen one for some time without a stamp in her passport in order to check her and his feelings.

In marriage, Regina strives for leadership. Considering that she can only marry a strong and powerful man, this is not always good. Conflicts are inevitable in a family, the purpose of which is a struggle for power. If Regina does not agree to cede the “post” of head of the family to her husband and does not learn to compromise, she should be wary of divorce. This woman does not forgive betrayal. If a man betrays her, she will not hesitate to cut him out of her heart and life.

Regina is a wonderful housewife, in whose house comfort and cleanliness reign. She is able to spend several hours creating the next culinary masterpiece and enjoys receiving guests. The owner of the name prefers to raise her children in strictness. Her children are taught discipline from an early age. Regina does everything possible to raise her heirs to be independent and responsible people and pays a lot of attention to their intellectual development.


What does a woman named Regina, the meaning of the name, character and fate of which are discussed in the article, hide from others? Perhaps her main secret is her vanity. For the sake of recognition from others, the owner of the name sometimes commits unpleasant acts. Apologizing is not easy for Regina, even if she is ready to admit she was wrong.

Developed intuition is another secret of this woman. She knows how to predict the future and predict the actions of other people. This ability can help her succeed in life if she uses it for good and not for harm. It is also impossible not to mention Regina’s rich imagination.


In general, the health of the owner of the name does not cause concern. Since childhood, Regina has gotten used to monitoring her well-being and listens to the slightest changes in her body. She will not ignore alarming symptoms; she will certainly consult a doctor and follow all recommendations.

So loud and unusual female name is associated with majesty, disobedience, even a bit of arrogance, and for good reason, because the meaning of the name Regina, translated from Latin, is queen, royalty.

Already from childhood, this rebellious little girl shows her character: despite her outward friendliness, she is often cocky, harsh, a kind of robber among her friends. Such, it would seem, not very good qualities for a girl, on the contrary, crowds of kids gather around her, which gives her words great importance, and is ready to run to her at the first call.

From a very young age, she is a born leader; you can often hear from her remarks that are not at all childish, and discussions about life with a look into the distant future. The girl will make friends only with those whom she considers worthy - this is what she attaches special importance to, and her criteria for choosing friends often come down to prestige and popularity - that’s why she is a “queen”.

The teenage period will be very difficult for a child named so, because all her impulsiveness, the desire to stand out, to insert her word everywhere, develops into an outright conflict of generations, and it is especially difficult for her parents at this time, although she always treats them with unquestionable tenderness and love.

While growing up, especially at school, this girl will show persistence, determination, and a desire to please teachers and classmates. But meanwhile, she will not waste her time on trifles, wait for someone’s favor, it is easier for her to go ahead with all her aggressiveness, argue, give her own interpretation and meaning to the rules, and immediately break them.


Having moved a little away from teenage maximalism, Regina will still not look for her chosen one at a young age. For her, career growth will be very important, and not tender feelings. Of course, she is capable of showing such weakness, but it usually doesn’t come to the point of attachment. This means that she simply prefers to forget a person who essentially means nothing to her.

The name Regina came to us from Latin language. According to linguists, the meaning of the name Regina is "queen" or "queen", whoever likes it more. The name Regina is written in Latin as Regina. The name is quite strong in sound, so parents should be careful when choosing such a powerful name.

The meaning of the name Regina for a girl

A girl named Regina grows up as a proud child. She constantly tries to attract attention and be its center. If you do not work with this negative trait of her character, then Regina will grow up capricious and spoiled. For this, parents and teachers will need to make a lot of effort. If their efforts are not in vain, then the girl will be relatively kind, sympathetic and at the same time energetic and purposeful.

Regina's studies are quite mediocre. At the same time, the girl is diligent and has good performance. Regina tends to conflict with classmates and teachers. Conflict becomes especially noticeable in adolescence. A girl can achieve success in sports and will be happy to go to training. Regina especially likes dancing and rhythmic gymnastics.

Regina's health is poor. Regina especially often suffers from sore throat and other ENT diseases. The girl's nervous constitution is also weak. This imposes certain restrictions on her future fate. Regina should not overwork her nervous system again.

Short name Regina

Rena, Renya, Rina, Gina, Gina.

Diminutive pet names

Reginka, Regushka, Reginochka, Reginushka.

Name Regina in English

IN English language Regina's name is spelled Regina.

Regina name for international passport- REGINA.

Translation of the name Regina into other languages

in Bulgarian - Regina
in Hungarian - Regina
in Danish - Regine
in Spanish - Regina (Rekhina)
in Chinese - 列吉娜
Latin spelling - Regina
in German - Regine
in Norwegian - Regine (Regine)
in Polish - Regina
in Portuguese - Regina
in Romanian - Regina (Regina)
in Ukrainian - Regina
in French - Regine (Rezhin, Regina)
in Czech - Regina (Regina)
in Swedish - Regina (Regina)

Church name Regina(in the Orthodox faith) not definitely. This name is not in the calendar, which means Regina will be given a different name at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Regina

Regina is a woman of a special character. She is determined, purposeful and at the same time feminine. Her characteristics include good leadership qualities and courage. She also has a cheerful disposition and an excellent sense of humor. Regina is cunning like a woman and knows how to weave intrigues, although she rarely resorts to it. She knows how to direct her energy in a useful direction, as well as the energy of the people around her.

Regina's work is mostly related to her leadership abilities. Whatever industry Regina starts in, over time she will occupy a leadership position. She is a good leader, although sometimes she shows her dictatorial habits. Success awaits Regina in the service sector, tourism and social activities.

Regina builds family relationships from a leadership position. She confidently takes the place of leader in the family, which causes certain problems. Despite the voice of reason, Regina chooses strong-willed men. This leads to a conflict of interest. Regina is a wonderful housewife, and she achieves particular success in the field of cooking. She loves her children, but is sometimes too strict with them.

The secret of the name Regina

Regina's secret can be called her vanity. She periodically commits unpleasant acts for the sake of success. It is not for nothing that this alarms others, because cleanliness in business has been valued in all centuries. At the same time, Regina should think about the fact that vanity is one of the biggest sins in Christianity, Islam and other religions. Don't forget about this either.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

Totem animal- Eagle.

Name color- Purple.

Tree- Pine.

Plant- Mac.

Stone- Ruby.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Queen" (lat.)

Energy of the name and character: The name Regina has very strong energy, and its beauty, sonority and rarity play a significant role in this. It presupposes in its owner such qualities as pride, self-confidence, independence, mobility and determination - in a word, this is truly a “royal” name, and it precisely represents that rare case when the energy of the name coincides with the specific meaning of the word.

It should be noted that this set of qualities is quite favorable for life, especially since Regina’s “royalty” does not at all imply coldness and detachment. On the contrary, she is very active and energetic, does not like to sit in one place, she is a leader, and her self-confidence greatly helps her in this. In fact, confidence frees a person from the desire for self-affirmation and, therefore, gives Regina the necessary calm. On top of that, the energy of the name also suggests a sense of humor.

However, until now we have only talked about prerequisites, and this, as we know, is not enough for all these traits to be realized in Regina’s character. Moreover, in her life a lot depends on her upbringing and the conditions in which she will spend her childhood. As they say, if even from wild dogs a person managed to raise such a miracle of nature as a pug or, say, a poodle, then you never know what a talented teacher can do with Regina? In addition, a strong character usually meets with its own life path the same strong resistance and opposition, and therefore, there is a danger that when faced with real difficulties, Regina’s self-confidence may be replaced by the exact opposite side. In this case, instead of strength, it will be characterized by uncertainty and weakness.

Regina's fate is most favorable if strengths her energies will be combined with a developed sense of humor and respect for people. This will save her from many misunderstandings in relationships with others and will allow her to direct her strength of character in some useful direction. At the same time, her cheerful mobility can find its manifestation both in work and simply in her love of travel. It’s just that self-confidence often turns into its other side - it seems that there is no need for it to assert itself, and therefore Regina lacks some ambition to succeed in her career.

Secrets of communication: Regina usually knows how to behave in society, she has an agile mind, good imagination, and combined with her balanced humor, this gives her a certain charm. Just beware that she will gradually charm you, because Regina knows how to use her charm to influence people and persuade them to make any decision. In general, calmness and humor will be useful in communicating with her.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of Regin-Leive

Regin-Leiv - this is exactly what the name of one of the bloodthirsty Valkyries, warlike maidens sounds like Scandinavian mythology. According to numerous legends telling about these strange creatures, there are quite a lot of Valkyries themselves, and the Romans even managed to decipher some of their names: Stunning, Misty, Noise of Battle and others, but Regin-Leive could not be deciphered, and Roman treatises often mention her just like about Regina.

Popular rumor ascribes to the Valkyries a lot of all sorts of concerns, for example, they are the ones who participate in the distribution of victories and deaths in battles, thus performing the functions of Fate itself, and also carry brave warriors killed in battle to a magical land, where they serve them, give them water and food. According to one of the ancient legends, one day one of the main gods was angry with the Valkyrie because she mistakenly gave victory in a battle to the wrong person, for which he subjected her to terrible punishment: he forbade her to fight in the future and ordered her to get married. In one of the Icelandic sagas, the so-called “Song of the Valkyries” has been preserved, painting a peaceful picture of the life of these cute creatures on duty. official duties. During the battle between the Irish and the Scandinavians, the saga tells, twelve Valkyries wove fabric from human entrails and sang this war song.

According to Mendelev

A name with a single, and even barely perceptible, attribute - “bright”. A distant star, just above the horizon - this is how this not very common and not very familiar name is perceived.

In Regina's life there are the most ordinary, often charming women, open, cheerful, alien to gloom and melancholy. Regina is rarely alone, she has many friends and acquaintances, they need her, and she herself often needs their company.

As a child, he is a joyful and very funny person. These qualities remain with her throughout her life, but in later life they hide under the mask of restraint (indecent!) and do not come out so often.

Regina's professions can be very diverse, and quite often they are related to technology. You can imagine her, for example, as an electrician or a designer, or medical worker. She loves and knows her job.

Naturally, she does not avoid men, but for some reason in relationships with them everything happens a little differently than with others. It seems that Regina evaluates them and chooses a mate, following a rule or criterion unknown not only to her friends, but also to herself.

Regina rarely has more than one child in her family. Mostly she gives birth to daughters.

Regina goes through life easily and openly, but no one knows what thoughts visit her, what depths inner world she conceals it within herself. It remains an unsolved mystery.

The colors of the name are gold, green and blue.

According to Higir

Translated from Latin: queen.

These women are distinguished by kindness and determination. They are stubborn and persistent, with well-developed intuition, which they fully rely on, and a rich imagination. Any work is in full swing in their hands. They are very clean, although they do not like to wash dishes. Well prepared and tasty. They have a passion for travel and long trips. In the morning they like to sleep longer. They spend money wisely, but they can’t be called tight-fisted; they don’t like to save. In marriages, Reginas are most often unlucky. Decisive. If family life doesn’t work out, they break the marriage ties immediately, mercilessly. They are raising their daughter, who is similar to her father, but has the same character as her mother. Courageous, but poorly organized. Once in their life they endure great stress, after which they are disciplined. As a rule, Reginas are charming women with great charm.