Name Alina, what percentage is she? What does the name Alina mean: origin, meaning, character and destiny

There are several versions of the origin of the name Alina. For example, in Scandinavia they believe that it is a derivative of the name Adeline, which means “noble.” Moreover, the name Adeline is French. Some believe that Alina came from the Latin name Albina, which translates as “white.” The Scots translate the name Alina as “honest”, and the Greeks designate her as “sunbeam”. The Slavs associate the name Alina with the word “scarlet” and such works as Scarlet Sails or The Scarlet Flower, which symbolizes hope and expectation of a miracle.

Character of the name Alina

One of the main factors influencing the meaning of a person's name is the time of year in which he was born. If Alina was born in winter, then she will be very attractive and sociable. At the same time, it is much easier for her to establish contact with men rather than with women. Winter Alina also loves to cook and does it wonderfully. She is very hospitable, knows how to make friends and support in difficult times. Alina, born in spring, is a very creative person. She sings, dances, sews and never stops there, striving to develop. Her character is soft and vulnerable. Spring Alina is easy to offend even with one wrong word. Summer Alina is the complete opposite of winter. She is not confident in herself and therefore has difficulty finding contact with others. Summer Alina is flexible and compliant because she does not like to offend people and is afraid of it. Some people use her softness for personal gain. The name Alina is best suited for a girl born in the fall. She will be assertive, calculating and always striving for her goal. Thanks to her toughness and uncompromising nature, she easily climbs the career ladder, but finds it difficult to get along with men.

All her life Alina will be a fragile and tender woman in need of love and care. However, in certain situations, she can be assertive. She loves to stand out and always dresses brightly and unusually. At the same time, all things must be beautiful and of high quality. Alina always thinks soberly and weighs all arguments before making any decision. She is quite smart and knows how to laugh at herself. She has many friends, including among her colleagues. Alina attracts them with her resistance to stress, reliability and amazing sense of humor.

Thanks to her intelligence, Alina chooses friends and acquaintances who are in harmony with her mental organization and do not interfere with her development as a person. Alina gets offended very often and always remembers these insults. Most of all, she dislikes vile, dishonest and rude people who are capable of betrayal. Alina is very emotional, but she doesn’t like to show it because she doesn’t want to face the cruelty and slander of people. She is afraid of serious changes, so she plans her life in advance and follows this plan. Alina has excellent intuition and all her friends know this, so they don’t even try to deceive her. She often sees dreams that later come true. There is only one significant drawback in Alina's character. She is not at all confident in herself. For this reason, a girl often leaves things halfway, afraid of hearing criticism.

Name Alina for a girl

A girl named Alina is characterized by a violent character. She doesn't like to sit in one place and is constantly playing around. Instead of playing with dolls, Alina will prefer to have fun on the street with the boys. But with age, she becomes more restrained, and her character is stronger and more persistent. Since childhood, Alina has been trying to gain as much new knowledge as possible. She is an excellent student, has a sharp mind, excellent memory and analyzes the information received well. But sometimes modesty and shyness prevent her from getting good grades. Alina is very often offended, angry and always takes revenge on her offenders. She is also very vain and tries to make sure everyone sees the good deed she has done. Evaluation from others is important to her. Alina is a creative person who can draw, sing and dance, and she also has a great imagination. She tries to take a leading position among her friends, but sometimes her shyness gets in the way. Because of this, very often someone else becomes the leader.

Alina is kind and open, but she is easily offended. With each disorder, she becomes more and more withdrawn and avoids her peers. Alina spends most of her free time with her family, because it is important for her to receive support that friends do not always provide. With age, Alina retains her seriousness, independence, diplomacy and sense of tact. She is still very kind and vulnerable. Her craving for art is reflected in the arrangement of her home and its appearance. But she needs to strictly monitor her imagination in order to distinguish fantasy from reality. Alina is a real fighter, but because of her kindness and shyness, it is difficult for her to show this quality. However, thanks to perseverance and willpower, she will still achieve what she wants. Even as an adult, Alina strives for development, exploring new areas of activity and expanding her social circle. She was used to analyzing all her actions in order to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Alina

Alina is very noble and always behaves with dignity. She has certain rules of behavior, beyond which she tries not to go. However, her imagination greatly hinders her from observing morality. Alina often thinks about the novels of the Middle Ages, the heroines of which are real coquettes. However, most often Alina does not allow herself anything more serious than a playful look, as she does not want to tarnish her reputation.

Alina is very demanding of her partner, so the chosen one must be very patient. To help her make up her mind, try to praise her as often as possible. But this must be done sincerely, since she easily recognizes lies and does not forgive deception. Alina also loves signs of attention and recognition of her talent. To win her favor, compliment the arrangement of her apartment. If Alina finally fell in love, then her feelings completely absorb her. She is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of her beloved. However, if a man does not live up to expectations, then Alina will not sacrifice herself, but will continue to search for a suitable chosen one. Even the fact that Alina carefully selects a candidate for her husband does not always bring a positive result. The fate of her marriages is not always happy and she often marries several times. The reason for divorce is not everyday life, but the lack of love and mutual understanding between spouses. Due to her shyness, Alina prefers to relax with her family rather than with friends, which is why she chooses a homebody as her wife. Family leisure time will always be bright and joyful, because Alina easily comes up with interesting activities thanks to her well-developed imagination. The leader in the family is a man, since Alina does not have leadership qualities. Despite the fact that Alina is modest and shy, she will always stand up for her children and will not allow anyone to offend them. For her husband, she will become a support and support, also a devoted friend and faithful wife. Alina will have the strongest alliance with Boris, Evgeny, Mikhail, Victor, Alexander, Vladimir and Yakov.

Famous personalities

Alina Pokrovskaya is a famous actress of Soviet times. In 1973 she became honored, and in 1988, People's Artist of the USSR.

Alina Tarkinskaya is a popular model from the Red Stars agency. She started modeling in 1990.

Alina Kabaeva is a Russian gymnast, two-time world champion and one-time Olympic champion. Currently, she is actively involved in social activities and is included in the list of the 10 most beautiful women in the Russian Federation.

Alina Grosu is a popular Ukrainian singer. Since 1999, she began working professionally.

Alina Kukushkina is a famous stunt double who gained her popularity thanks to her voicing of Masha from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”. She also performed many songs from this cartoon.

Alina Zagitova is a famous Russian figure skater. In 2017, she became the champion of Russia and the world champion in figure skating among juniors. In 2018 she won gold at the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

Alina's main traits are energy and courage; they are understanding, swift and smart.

The name Alina comes from ancient German and is translated as “noble”. Some also associate this name with the Greek “solar”.

Origin of the name Alina:

There are two versions of the origin of this name.

The first says that Alina comes from the ancient Germanic language. According to the second version, the name comes from the ancient Greek language. For now, both versions have the right to exist, since it is not known for certain which of them is correct.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Alina:

During childhood, Alina often got sick, but did not lose her liveliness and restlessness. They are inquisitive, impatient, and can be impudent and disobedient with their parents. They often like “boyish” pranks and companies also choose boyish ones. Excellent memory and the ability to grasp on the fly smooth out their restlessness. Alinas like to command the parade, are proud, and often enter into conflicts, defending their point of view. They are interested in historical novels and drawing.

With age, the Alinas' childish capriciousness and intolerance smooths out, but until old age they remain energetic, impetuous and demanding of people. Aline's profession is often related to art and travel. They always love to intrigue, delight, and be the center of attention. Career growth is important for them, but Alina is lazy and tries to evade the hardships of work. They are suitable for a field of activity that does not require scrupulous analysis and monotonous actions. They prefer to implement their plans right away.

In communication, Alina is explosive, intolerant, and cunning. They seek everyday and professional benefits, try to surround themselves with unusual people, and cannot stand boredom, routine, or tasteless clothes. Capable of entertaining a company, easy-going and witty. Widely erudite, interesting and intelligent interlocutors, capable of surprising with an unexpected remark or interesting conclusion. Alina is always smart, elegant, fashionably dressed, and she enjoys being praised for her fine taste. She harbors a grudge for a long time, especially if the quarrel concerned her personal life. Outwardly bright and sociable, they often themselves suffer because of their emotional coldness. Secretly looking for long-term affection.

In love relationships with men, Alina is ambivalent. As a rule, they are physically beautiful, flirtatious, masters of graceful flirting, but in serious relationships Alinas are shy and uptight. When you get to know them closely, you are often struck by the difference between who they seem to be and who they really are. The man will have to try to spark a strong interest in Alina. She is demanding and picky about her partner’s appearance and social status. In bed, Alina is unpredictable, paying much attention to the external side of things, concentrating little on emotions and sensations. Aesthetics and external beauty are important to them; without this, it is difficult for them to get full pleasure.

Alina starts a family late, is despotic in the house, and does not tolerate other housewives. He often conflicts with his mother-in-law and his own mother regarding everyday life and raising children. Because of his impulsiveness, he provokes loud quarrels and scandals. Alina's early marriages often end in divorce, while later ones are stronger. It is important for Alina to calm down and understand what she wants in order to be happy.

Alexandra, Oleg, Petra, Mikhail, Yakov and Sergei are well suited for Alina. Alina’s union with Alexei, Nikolai, Igor and Anatoly may be unhappy.

The most intolerant and impetuous are the Alinas born in the summer. “Spring” are fashionistas, laughers and coquettes; “autumn”, in comparison, are calm in communication, but explosive in love. “Winter” Alinas always clearly know what they want.

Many girls named Alina are found among representatives of the sports and business elite.

One of the most common modern names - Alina - is distinguished by its beauty, femininity and euphony. Until the 90s of the 20th century, it was considered rare and exotic. Now, according to recent statistics, it is among the twenty most popular.

Despite the tenderness of the name, the character of a girl or woman is not distinguished by loyalty and humility. Alina is a willful person who does everything to become a leader. Already from childhood, such traits as stubbornness and insolence appear.

Name for a girl

From an early age, the girl manifests herself as an independent child, has an excellent memory and develops well. She easily remembers everything new and strives for self-development. Parents should help develop the child's natural talent. The name Alina for a girl symbolizes a certain amount of stubbornness, which should be directed in the right direction, otherwise this trait can develop into immunity to any arguments.

The girl makes friends easily, but prefers boys' company. This is due to her restlessness and activity.

She likes to be the center of attention and will defend her point of view to the bitter end. There may be health problems. The most vulnerable place is the respiratory system. In addition, the child may be underweight or vice versa. To control the situation, parents must monitor nutrition and provide the child with the proper level of stress. The girl's favorite pastimes are reading books and drawing.

The patron planet is Jupiter, and the zodiac signs are Pisces and Sagittarius.

Suitable colors are raspberry and blue.

The luckiest time of year for a girl is spring, and the day of the week is Thursday. The patroness will be the one whose name was chosen at baptism in the church.

Alina, a woman distinguished by external and internal beauty, can achieve a lot in life. Having managed to properly direct her power and energy, she will become an indispensable worker, a caring wife and the best mother.

Short and diminutive options: Alinochka, Alinka, Alyusha, Alechka, Alisha, Alinusya, Alinushka, Alinulya, Alishenka, Alinusichka, Alyunya, Alenka, Alinyonochek, Alinchik, Lina, Alinusik, Alya

Analogues of the name in other languages: n/a

Latin transliteration in a Russian passport - Alina

Origin of the name "Alina"

The name Alina, translated from the ancient German language, means “noble”, and from Latin – on the contrary, “alien, different”. All these features in the character of the bearer of the name are fully manifested.

There is no such name in the Christian calendar, and the patroness of all Alins in the Orthodox tradition is the Great Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea or Palestine, also known as Valentina. Together with the martyrs Paul and Chionia, she, a native of Egypt, suffered during the persecution of Christians during the reign of Emperor Maximilian (300 AD). Having been brought to trial in Palestinian Caesarea, all three recognized themselves as Christians without the slightest fear. In 308, the sisters Alevtina and Chionia were burned after cruel torture, and Paul was executed by beheading.

As a child Alina often get sick, are stubborn, irritable and impudent. Alina usually looks like her father and inherits his character. She learns well thanks to a good memory and abilities that allow her to grasp any new information on the fly. Alina loves to draw, reads a lot, and most of all she likes historical novels, but she has few friends. The fact is that Alina is willful, quarrels with teachers and classmates, and prefers to choose boys as friends.

Even the adult Alina is intolerant, harsh, stubborn, although, of course, her character softens with age. Alina is a person of extremes, but at the same time, although she seems cunning, she lacks the tact and ability to remain silent in order to turn the situation to her advantage.

Always surrounded by men, Alina is still in no hurry to get married. Most often, Alinas get married late, but their daughter will definitely inherit her character. The harshness and independence of her character lead to the fact that Alina, a gentle mother and a good housewife, cannot get along with her mother-in-law, and it is better for her to live apart from her own parents. Only then will peace and harmony reign in Alina’s family. It’s very pleasant to come to Alina’s house. She furnishes her home elegantly, and her vanity makes her host guests well. Alina loves to show off, so most often she is a fashionista. It costs Alina nothing to create the most original outfit out of literally nothing, and those around her will definitely pay attention to her, which is what the wayward beauty needs.

Alinas can work almost anywhere, their abilities are as versatile as they are. Alina can easily cope with the work of an architect, seller, journalist, musician, engineer, artist, doctor.

True, she shouldn’t be a teacher, although she often strives to work with children. Too harsh and unrestrained character largely spoils the impression of Alina the teacher’s work, and can even lead to unpleasant consequences.

Horoscope named after "Alina"

Alinas, noble and fierce, are patronized by Leo and Mars. Their totem plant is gorse and their totem animal is termite. Yellow color is favorable for women who bear the name Alina. Pearls can become a talisman for Alina.

Meaning of the name Alina: This name for a girl means “different”, “scarlet”, “honest”.

Origin of the name Alina: Slavic.

Diminutive form of name: Alinochka, Alinushka, Alinka, Lina, Alya.

What does the name Alina mean: There are several versions of the origin of the name: among the Slavs the name is translated as “scarlet”, among the Scots it is translated as “honest”, and it is paired with the male name Alistair. And among the Greeks, the meaning of the name Alina is “foreigner” or “ray of sunshine.” At the same time, the name is quite common in Scandinavia - there it is a form of Adeline and is translated as “magnanimous”, “noble”, “majestic”. Many believe that Alina also has German and French roots. That is why the forms Adeline, Adele, Adelaide are considered related names. In Slavic countries, the name Alina is interpreted as “scarlet”, “red” and, accordingly, it was subsequently transformed into the variant “beautiful”, “beautiful”. In Greece, the name means "ray of sunshine" and is one of the diminutive forms for Elena.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Alina celebrates name days several times a year:

  • March 23
  • April 26
  • May 29
  • June 14
  • June 16
  • July 2
  • August 4
  • September 29


  • Zodiac – Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Color - blue, crimson
  • Auspicious tree - eucalyptus
  • Treasured plant - mint
  • Patron of the name - elephant, dolphin, swallow
  • Talisman stone – sapphire, tin

Characteristics of the name Alina

Positive features: She has positive qualities. For example, this is excellent memory and intelligence - Alina is indeed capable of grasping new information quite quickly. This can also be used at work.

Negative features: A girl with this name can be very stubborn and obstinate. She does not tolerate comments addressed to her - she always has her own opinion on this or that issue.

The negative traits of her character are very noticeable in childhood. Alinka has a hard time finding contact with others, and she doesn’t have too many friends. Although over time the girl can improve - in any case, she is quite capable of changing some features of her personality if she is interested in it.

Character of the name Alina: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Alina? She miraculously knows how to control herself, but in certain situations she can become aggressive. From an early age he gives parents trouble in raising him. She is simply impossible to manage. By nature he is an extrovert. She easily adapts to different situations around her and to people. Simultaneously both objective and subjective. This duality of her character begins to manifest itself already in childhood. A child with this name constantly feels the need to give of himself - to love someone, patronize someone, take care of someone. Parents should pay attention to this and surround her with care, then the girl will be affectionate and obedient. But in this desire to help and protect, she sometimes shows an iron will, so don’t let her get on your head.

Alinka is too excitable, but this state of hers does not turn into nervousness. She manages to hide the fire of her passions under apparent coldness. If she has something in mind, then it is impossible to dissuade her, and in no case should you use force or try to suppress her aspirations. In this case, you need to use only the persuasiveness of the arguments. Sometimes it seems that she was born with a ready-made life plan. Everything around revolves at the pace set by her. This is one of those rare types for whom there are no barriers, and even insurmountable ones. But Alina needs faith in herself, otherwise she may break down and suffer defeat.

She easily understands the deeply hidden secrets of those around her. It is impossible to carry it out. She has an innate sense of tact, is diplomatic, skillfully uses her abilities, has an excellent memory and a great interest in life. Faith is the main engine of her life: if she believes and loves, she can move mountains, but if she is disappointed, she turns everything into ruins. The parents of a girl named Alina are not an authority for her. If she deserves punishment, then don't be too lenient. Love and demandingness give good results. She herself is both strict and compliant. She is too harsh with individuals, but in general she is lenient.

Alina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The name Alina goes well with patronymics: Mikhailovna, Vladimirovna, Petrovna, Fedorovna, Naumovna, Sergeevna, Yakovlevna.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Alina promise happiness in love? Sex has a special meaning for her. She is sexy, but this only manifests itself if she has complete trust in her partner. Sex for her is all or nothing. Living with her is not easy, but she can give a lot to her lover. In friendship she is faithful, but despotic; on occasion she will use and exploit you. Arguing with her is dangerous - it will grind the enemy into powder. The girl is proud. There is no need to interfere with her building her life, she knows what she is doing.

Alina must take care of her health. She should take care of her stomach. “Zimnyaya” - smart, consistent in actions, decisive.

“Autumn” is practical, enterprising, resourceful. Knows who to deal with. Can work as a translator, economist, accountant. “Summer” is eccentric, quick-tempered, but good-natured.

“Vesennyaya” is a dreamer, an incorrigible romantic. Somewhat unbalanced and despotic. Can be a fashion model, flight attendant, artist. The meaning of the name Alina matches the patronymics: Yurievna, Yaroslavovna, Gennadievna, Grigorievna, Karlovna, Glebovna, Svyatoslavovna, Leonovna. The name is also combined with the patronymic Stepanovna.

She is Alina - a real Amazon, she will not yield to anyone. The girl is very purposeful and can reach career heights in professions not related to communication. A husband must be a strong and strong-willed person, but Alya spoils her children too much.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Alinka can try herself in the profession of a journalist, doctor, actress, athlete - specialties that involve achieving certain goals and overcoming obstacles are suitable for her.

Business and career: She really likes to command, and therefore often strives to occupy a leadership position. But as a person, she is completely intolerant of other people’s shortcomings and attaches great importance to their mistakes. This may prevent her from becoming a good leader - her subordinates will not like Alinochka. Many even consider the girl cunning and unreliable.

Health and energy

Name health and talents: The meaning of the name Alina from a medical point of view. From early childhood, the child suffers from severe bronchitis, especially the one who was born in the evening, after nineteen hours. She has a weak immune system, so parents need to see a pediatrician as soon as possible. Her scratches don't heal well. The doctor should tell you what to do to strengthen your immune system. She is Alina, very restless, too excitable, unbalanced. You should pay attention to this, because she often brings herself to nervous breakdowns.

If she was born in November, she often has breakdowns, she is sick for several days and does not go to school, so her parents need to show her to a pediatric neurologist.

If a girl was born in December, then you should pay attention to her general physical condition. She is susceptible to scoliosis, an eye disease. Such a girl needs long sleep and fresh air. She is too emotional, easily irritated, and demands unquestioning fulfillment of her desires. If mom doesn’t do them, Alina may not talk to her and gets offended.

At the age of two to four years, he may suffer from a lack of appetite. Don't make a tragedy out of it and feed as the girl gets hungry. It is impossible to force feed her; her body clearly knows the norm that she needs for a normal existence.

The meaning of the name Alina depends on the time of birth. If she was born in the summer, she is outwardly calm, but she inherits her father’s character, and it is often difficult for her mother to understand her. For such a girl, the most important thing is to have a calm environment in the house, without nervousness and outburst of emotions on the part of adults. This scares her, makes her whiny and capricious.

Alina is learning her name well, but periodic illnesses hinder her. If Alina misses classes due to illness, it is difficult for her to catch up with the guys in studying the material.

"July" - is a little behind normal physical development, gets tired quickly, does not like outdoor games. She often spends her time modeling, drawing, coloring, enjoys listening to fairy tales, and loves having books read to her.

There is often a turbulent situation in the family; parents often sort things out. The girl Alina is very sensitive, she should be protected from such scenes. This greatly affects her nervous system and her upbringing. The name Alina stops taking her parents' comments seriously and becomes uncontrollable. It would be nice to have a dog or cat in the house, just not a Siamese, so that Alina has the opportunity to take care of someone and divert her attention from the problems of adults.

In adulthood, Alina has a sore throat, so when she gets sick, she swallows a lot of pills, thereby destroying the gastric flora. This is where diseases of the gastrointestinal tract come from.

Alina's fate in history

What does the name Alina mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Alina Kabaeva is a Russian athlete, rhythmic gymnast.
  2. Alina Sharigo is the wife of Pierre-Auguste Renoir, a French artist.
  3. Alina Moradei is a film actress of Italian origin.
  4. Alina Vitukhnovskaya is a famous Russian poetess.
  5. Alina Alexandra Dumitru is a judoka of Romanian origin.
  6. Alina Fernandez is the daughter of Fidel Castro.
  7. Alina Pogostkina is a violinist of Russian origin, who is known for her activities in Germany.
  8. Alina Yanovskaya is an actress of Polish origin, who is also known as a participant in the Warsaw Uprising.
  9. Alina Duval is a theater actress from France.
  10. Andrea Alina Vergara is an Argentinean ice hockey player.
  11. Alina Gut is a Polish politician.
  12. Alina Dunaevskaya is a performer, dancer, model and actress who actively participates in joint projects with other creative people.
  13. Alina Grosu (Ukrainian pop singer; the only Ukrainian singer who has been working on the professional stage since the age of 4)
  14. Alina (a character from the novel “Alina, Queen of Golconda” by J.-S. Bouflé, which served as the basis for the libretto of the opera of the same name by G. Donizetti)
  15. Alina Gut (Polish politician).

Alina in different languages ​​of the world

  • in Czech: Alina
  • in Danish: Alina
  • in English: Alina
  • in Polish: Alina
  • in Swedish: Alina